THE DARPY BRITISH WHIG, TuEsbA AY, NovERBER ER 7, 1908. The Battle for Health Every Day Question, "How Are You To-Day ?" Keep Well By Toning System With Dr. A.W.Chase's Nerve Food Howlin keep well This is the problem Chase's Nerve has thousands of 'people to son of their extraordinary ing and system building qualities, The only for health is rich, red blood and a vig nervous system, doth of these result from the Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food though you know of this great ative as a cure for nervous tion, prostration and paralysis, may have overlooked it as a tonic to build up the system when it run down and you feel weak and miser- nhle. Mr. William writes : "My wife -has been ill for with nervous prostration, two of the best doctors we could | get but neither of them did her any good. She gradually became worse and worse, could not sleep and energy and interest in life almost giving up in despair friend advised trial of Dr. Nerve Food | "From the tion my wie noticed provement. and after using rhe is completely cured and as she over was eats well, sleeps | well and feels well, and feels fully! restored I caimmot too much in praise of this medicine and am satasfied wife her life to the Nerve | Food," Thi Dr. A. W. helped many solve by blood form Food rea- a orous use of Even restor- exhaus you get Graham, Atwood, Ont., some time and we had | lost | She was when a a hox of this we first used im- boxes well | an six as say wonderful that my of Dr. Owes use ('Liase's Mr. ( Atwood, certified by drugged to St, cure is McFarlane, Nerve Food 'the battle gemnne will help | keeping the Chase ht of he and wig He von wed]! lig bears of por- | trait Chase M.D I nature a hox, dmanson, Bates & {returned Good Health depends upon the QUANTITY and PURITY of the blood. If your blood is impure, secure a bottle of WILSON'S Invalids' Port (A la Quina du Pérou) It is pleasant to | the taste, and will cleanse your blood = from all impurities. © Dr. W. EJMETCALFE 1 Portage La Prairie, | Manitoba |! Says: Wilson's Invalids' Port, 1 find, is pgoving itself to be a most vluable restor- ative in nearly every case of convalescence where such restorative is required, J have pleasure in advisiugiits use." BIG BOTTLE All Druggists Everywhere. "Silver Plate that Wears®. +» The Newest Shapes in spoons, forks, knives, efc., i bearing the well-known mark | 1847 ROGERS BROS. the standard of silver excel- lence for 60 years, should grace your fable. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Coffee sets; trays, urns, ele. combining artistic charm with enduring service are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. E. STRACHAN COX. MEMBER OF THE STANDARD STOCK AND. MINING FNCHANGHE | Send for Pamphlet on COBALT DISTRICT Long Distance Telephone Main 2,446. 43 Scott St Henry Mill Pellatt. Norman McCrae. Reginald Pellatt. PELLATT & PELLATT (Members of Toronto Stock Exchange). STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN- CYAL AGENTS. COBALT other stoeks bought and sold on Correspondence invited. be wired at our expense. Toronto. Sir And comission, Orders may 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto "Phone Main 39¢ "THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pros perties. Municipal and County Deben tures. Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Clarence street. Dillon, alias Smith, the book acent who Killed Constable Shea in Montreal, and shot Chief Carpenter, is to stand trial Phe Y.W.C( hold anéther Tohn decided Satur- has on Toronto, tag day to ng da) fry Bibby 's 815 blue suits, | tariff Chase's | prepara- | | lieves WILL THRESH 1T OUT WHITE PINE MEN WANT! DUTY REDUCED. {80 That Canadian Logs Can Get States-- the Into the United Michigan Mills Articles to Cut. Detrbit, Nov. 17.=The {lambermen of Michigan the fight for the 1%2 tarifi on rough lumber. pine men will be opposed by the other lumbering interests of country, with the possible of Wisconsin and Minnesota. In the south and amowg Americans | terested in British Columbia western gtates, the reduction of the tarifil. will be fought tooth and nail. Michigan hardwood men also will oppose the reduction as there are {oceans of hardwood left in Michigan | The Michigan hemlock men also have] enough' to last them for forty and the two will not stand for open- ing the gates to Canadian white { pine. The Michigan white pine | however, practically have nothing with which to run their mills except | Canadian pine and over one million feet of this is shipped Bay City every year while quantities go to Saginaw, Rapids and interior towns. With removed it is believed that umount can be tripled or quadrupled, ind the hemlock men particularly are afraid of it. Southern pine men will the bitterest opponents, as every | foot brought from Canada supplant | southern pine shipped to northern states. The white pine men, how- ever, believe the amount shipped from while vastly benefiting Michi do no harm outside the Want white will reduction pine re-open of the all the both and years into smaller! Grand wt Canada gan will city. WILL RECOVER FRIENDS SAY. | Anson R. Flower Ill at His Hféme | in Watertown. Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 17 Flower, head of the banking firm Flower & New York, ill at home here, resting comfortably wther that he the recovery Anson n i] Co., of his is tas It <aiel is on oad te According v, Mr. Flower has Il for several months rouble inability wk a here for the metroplis. From other it that the ummoned Owing Mr. n= financial civeles in ms ecannection with thange, New York papers information regarding his Flower i brother wovernor Flower, and most prominent men his more fami I from stomach digest York physi and then | | to a member. of heen or to his New a and ood. Last came Wi inn day to ascertain imily wa hi SOUrces « members of have heen Flower's New the to prominence York, find | stock ex tor An wired illness of the late one of the this section on 3 a in Robbed The Officer. Lake City, 17 vielim of theft while pursuing one was the ex perience that befell Sergeant-Major | (3. Jones, of the Canadian Mounted slice, yesterday morning, while hel was, en route to Salt Lake. Upon | reaching his hotel here he discovered hat lus valise had (been tampered with and $175 in currency had beer tolen, together with his warrants ind identification papers He Iw it the work of iviends o unng horse thieves and eatth he now running down Salt Nov Becom ing the caged in a en-| was ! of the thieves Government Asks New York, Nov 17 States government ha uits against the Ameviea ining company recover nd customs 1,624,121, on lavemever and rooklyn during I'he government weighing these $3,600,000 Fhe United brought six ar Re 15 nS to to the m amounting sugar delivered at Elder refineries the past years alleg shipment duties £iX fraud mn 0il. result Gasolene Mixed With 'Nov. 17 dominion government s imto the death of family of wife and angd Miss Gillespie, a eacher, by the explosion of oil, at Swan Lake, it developed day that oil in that heen mixed with gasolend Winnipeg - a he sation are) fren, mnmves Edward chil conl toe section had Scotched Soon Vt., Nov 17.--T'wo ex health department of York, call of that traces removed the Can Be Brattleboro, perts from the the city New wl here account of small-pox, weegutions all were likely to be weeks Most of mild type who were the w of prevalence ith the within on said proper 0 didease ix ol a cases are Felt Quite Fresh. Word was received, night, from St MacMorine not suffered long journey last at his aght Monday that Archdea fresl effects left St expected \rkay in on Lous felt Hi ht and destination th quite ill from L Tis 1 nig to Arrive an mn mort vhout o'clock Mother Of A Boy. York, Nov. 17.--A Theodore I'. Shonts from I' here, announced that a born to daughter, Chaulnes The Duke in 1% last spring New cableg from received had been Duchess de Chaulnes died ram aris, son the de his Paris Lemieux It Knighthood For Mr. Montreal, Nov here that Hon master-general, \ Year's ion with a 1s rumored R will ow his servi nection cheaper says the Duke of Miss been report the mateh promis \ Rom= despatch the Abrusy Fikins, té d engaged, re has cabled whom he ha breaking her from wile off he to hi Standard become I'he Fifth Ky plant louisville, oil streets, The entire fire called out hundred Bafialo, tered Wf oom burning ent has Greeted car + Rochester N.} tion depart been 0 by live on the railway the I people first Lockport & over tracks of the Interna il railway fo Bibby for Penman's underwear The white | exception | in-| men, | hundred | the | i} this ! | rested T ded for | fiftieth anniversary forfeitures chool | Katherine the Lockport, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. soda PRESERVED. Against facturer of water the past thirty | years, is dead. He had just celebrated | his seventy first birthday anniversary. Lord Minto, viceroy of Indiag A called a meeting of the council of | India to eonstruct plans for the sup- pression of sedition rebellion throughout the country. r. Soli, Italian, consid, at Mont- A Protest Martello Razing { | | and | Not Have Been Allowed to Go. - ------ Kingston, Nov. 17.--( To the Editdr) : real, is interceding on behalf of Vit {In common th a good many other Nicoii, sentenced to be hanged onle citizens of Kingston, deeply interested November 27th. He asked the govérn- | in our good old city, permit me to ex- ment for commutation life sen- | press the hearty concurrence with which tence. { many of us heard the incidental protest, Fhe British House of Commons de- |in connection with the recent meeting of cided, to-day, that an | Queen's Historical Society, against the American and meml removal of any more of our old histori- Fairiax family of V cal landmarks, which give to Kingston lished his claim to a special interest in the eyes of both peers. residents and visitors. The department of labor is advised| One such historical memorial we have of the settlement the wages and | Unhappily recently lost in the old | condition dispute between the Cana-|Neather worn block house, which has so dian Northern railway and its car long withstood time and change in evi- men in Quebec, and Lake St. John | dence of the stormy and troublous times | line. through which our old town has passed, John Kafeenke, Winnipeg, is and which should have been carefully arrest eo harged with having. preserved as one of our most interesting { other men, held wp with and valued heirlooms. Why the worthy | near Plum Coulee, four effort to retain it intact for a historical prospee tive land buyers, museum, such as newer towns than of £2 600. urs posseiss--should have been allowed Yom Longboat. to go by default, hut its destruction is | reservation for a not creditable to the intelligence and train, torday, public spirit of the city. If the moderate evra a amount required for its preservation Tou" Will rete m ould not have been secured in Kings- ton, a grant in aid might have been ob- ained from the recently formed His- toric. Landmarks Association of Can- ada, which exists for the purpose of preserving such memorials, and which had as its last of such, this very block wuse. But it seems to have been des- troyed with so little forewarning, that many seem still unaware of its demo- letion--an act showing, little sense of the : Four Tram. the republican. sede, an | 15, I. s5ses of our bid city in the ain of six on the " democritie] seople ! : Faire Es fepancy being due to| Kut the proposal to demolish the fine | Po Roney ld Martello tower which gives such Willis 1 oe; oa) ' haracter and dignity to Murney Point, iam lawson, election officials, ar-| nq is the most distinctive historical before the provincial ections in | andmark of our historic city seems to June, on a charge of tampering with J ye an unthinkable proposition, not to ballots, will be preceded with in Ha- | w seriously entertained by any true | | to Fairfax, the famous had estab- among the Lord r of ginia, a seat of under with two revolvers, Americans, robbing them on the week, for relay to Tyendinaga left, on the Brockville, race to- the reser- noon wherg night. | vation. | : | UCharies Chambers, | Toronto, released {from the Central prison one week apo, after serving a term for theft, was | sent back to that institution for sis months, this morning, on conviction | of stealing a bieycle. The next United States congress will { consist of 219 republicans and 172 de- mocrats. The result is a net loss of ne | side, Dillabaugh and of an milton, before election rota of | over. of "old Kingston. Our December ith. Martello towers, along with the ram- government arts of Fort Henry, representing a onsiderable proportion of the immense manned by German officers which have | sums of money expended by our im descents in France | rerial Bails hig the old defences and has been making diploma- | Jf Kingston--constitute not only a per to Berlin on this | etual object lesspn to our youth in subject | loyalty and patriotism, but also form \ Oliver, W. K. George and Dr. ne of the most interesting attractions onto, have returned Ot f our town in the eves of visitors, where they conferred Sir | md more particularly of I 1 the | who 'because of the comparative HON commons pro f such objects on that content, that the city will | preciate more highly the quaint world fortifications of Quebec and Kingston. | have heard many of the emarks of American tourists about singston, and have invariably hat our Martella towers were ints of interest, so that if it is desired o attract such visitors to Kingston we should, we working in opposition to the desired nd. French is aflame at the increasin number of balloons been making ntily re ce tie representations ayor thr, | Lawa Wilivid from with aur with reference to the announce ars ap perty and old et the Morel eli Power ed entrance Hamilton, eley, deed Schreck, mspector and various who represented him of thé Cataract as such residences he both™ two years as an obtain in company, imtoo where st to to from pleaded guilty and ntenced the At celebrated the pope wa m penitentiary pontifical high mass was Sunday, at St. Peter's, the occasion of the of his joining the priesthood. It was the most imposing ceremony 'witnessed in Rome since the coronation of the pontifi. There were present not than 70,000 of the fnithinl, who had come to Rome from all parts of the world. A Rome hy on it Murney Point would mean for he St. Louis Gate would Quebec; what would -be wh indignation of its 'itizens, were such . measure suggested. [hey have found ont that in preserving heir historic memorials they are pro moting, not only the higher mterests of heir city, but its more material ones 1s well; and that any such ruthless de molition would be helping to kill their goose of the golden eggs! Other cities, not so old as Kingston, are waking up to Jeok carefully after the preservation of their historic re mains; Winnipeg is: taking - care te reserve its primitive Fort Garry, and loronto refuses to allow old fort » be sacrificed even for the convenience f a car-line It is much to be ine old market battery save dignity and grace and approach, should have been de molished for a railway station, which vid have found place elsewhere. But ould indeed be a blot on the intelli mean loss the Ontario Toronto on by the committee the matriculation twenty-five bacteriology meeting of opened in recommended special on) aay conrcil, Ie It action tandard r was to raise ol and include curriculum. The committee also reciprocity in registration other provinces, bat with Great Britain IM cent, to 11 the advised with the cIprocity not re- its STOCK QUOTATIONS. which to our harbor | Cobalt and Leading Canadian so Stocks Listed. The following quotations plied by the City Brokerage (J. 0 Hutton and J. R. Dobbs), 41 Clar- street. Telephone, 480 A : n are sup- snee in the vear of the magnificent Ter 'ntenary celebratioh of Quebec, Kings ton could consent to. the destruction of he only old fortification of this kind within the city limits, all from its history and associations, in order to make way for a modern hotel | The diversion from the popular use our prettiest, most attractive bit Af Stocks. November | General 7th Northern Union Pa Reading C.P.R Detroit United Dom. Coal Dom. Steel | Hlinois. . | of Wood Mackay Com N Steel I Hi acihie of 0 Com : | Com Ji | evi It Yh uss in a future letter --CITIZEN ake ------ To Discuss Barbage Question. Nov. 17.--~(To the Editor) stupidity of disease is the constant of the twentieth century. exception of four or five S Kingston, I'he ry I'ram. i Nav Railway Jan & 0 wonto City Rio R R I'win diseases, preventible or capable The immediate cause preventible diseases . . dirt. If we called typhoid fever Chambers-Ferland . . { dirt disease, we would City of Cobalt f ashamed more quickly, and clean up Crown Reserve . 2.574 | but the cleansing has to be municipal Cobalt itral No woman can protect her family from Cobalt Lake | dirt produced diseases unless the muni { ality help her. The women of Kings believe that when the in public health is keen, it | time to demand that we have po al of ge arbage and prevent an epi ic of typhoid fever or diphtheria Other cities smaller than Kingston have wakened to the desirability of and what they have done we cither ication of our re Hi |: 1 of ad Cobalt Stocks. Amalgamated Beaver most simply onlaga interest the proper Foster now Lireen Moel han Kerr 1 SO is Lake Rose. Little Nipiss ing MeRin. Dar. & Nipissing Ote Peter Rochester Nova Seotia Nilver Leaf Silver Queen | livers can son Lake problem of disposal of garbage is called | for Thursday at four o'clock iii the council chamber. 1f you are an intelli gent mother and citizen, anxious to prevent difeasés in your family, will be there to help create public opin- on Signed on behalf of committee, ALICE A. CHOWN Men should look for this Ta g on vietinis of the Temiskaming disaster Chewin g w: 5 in vial rot ability Tg Tobacco. It i widow. of Carling street, this city. He guaranteesthe high quality of | was a brother of Charles Ryan, who Black Watch was mmjured in the explosion and is now The Big Black Plug. ' 2! A Victim From Ottawa. Ottawa, Nov { brothers were travelling together and George has not been heard of since the { accident. A year ago a third brother | was killed in a street car accident in | Chicago leaving a widow. The mother jin the hospital at Mattawa. The two 2272 ) 15 1 poor circumstances. Americans, | dearth | HISTORIC. HEIRLODMS James Horton, Windsor, Ont., manu OF KINGSTON $ SHOULD BE! Tower in i Park--Old: Block House Should : |G cordon of MACLAREN-DOWSLEY. on Monday. Ottawa Journal. J . George's church, Metcalfe street, j was the sgene of an interesting event wl tonday : afteraoon, when the marrage of Miss Bessie Dowsley, the | daughter | ley son of Mr. and Mrs. of Strathearn, took place, the rector, ev. "J. M. Snowdon, officiating. The | church had been effectively decorated | {by the bride's girl friends for the oc- casion in white and green, the chancel railing and arch banked and entwined with palms, ferns, smilax and quantities | { of white chrysanthemums, and although | no invitations had been issued a great many spectators were present. The ser- vice was fully choral, the choir, under the direction of Mrs. F. M. S. Jenkins, renderir the Bridal Chorus irom Lohengrin. As the bridal procession entered from the. vestibule the bride, who is one of this stason's youngest and most charming ones, was brought in by her father, looking remarkably sweet in her bridal attire. The gown was an exquisite one of ivory duchesse satin in the latest empire mode, the front and back of the corsage draped in deep folds outlining the yoke, and col- lar of embroidered chiffon, and hav ing some heautiful duchesse lace arranged on it. The skirt fell in long graceful folds over the silk underdress, and the tulle veil was prettily arranged over her dark hair with orange buds and leaves. Her bouquet was of white roses and lilies of the valley, with satin streamers, and she wore the groom's gift, a hand- some diamond and sapphire ring. The bridesmaid, Miss Leta Carson, of , Kingston, was in pale blue chiffon voile fashioned in empire style over pale blue silk with yoke and mosquetaire sleeves of silk filet net finished with duchess lace and pale blue ribbon straps and bows, the dress having rose colored ap- pligue and sash of silk finished with fringe and tassels. Her hat was a Directoire of black net with black beading and ostrich plumes, and her bouquet. of pink roses and lilies of the valley. Charles Maclaren, brother of the groom, was best man and as § souvenir received a lovely opal scarf pin, while the bridesmaid was the re- cipient of a handsome gold bracelet. W. Dowsley and George Maclaren wted as ushers, THE LATE MRS. MACLEAN. Aged Winety Years, Has Passed to Rest. Charles Maclean, who passed on Monday at 277 King street was a daughter of Captam Colin Campbell, Kintra, Argyleshire, her r+ mother, the eldest daughter of Mur- Maclaine, of Lochbuie, Born 1819, married by Dr Candlish in Edinburgh in 1837, to Charles Maclean, son of iMrs away Ww | | | tound | { weeks. chief | in removing a strong attraction, | | four s I'he demolition of the Martello tower | the Kingston much what the destruction of [ hurnt out, tor | thing and it is § ot difficult to imagine | crops, etc. | ninetieth | tor | | thering at | remarked regretted that the | long | i | Her | Browet ence and taste of our university town, | in the city have the sympathy of a large interesting to us | ight | | mornmg ity park would be a still more serious | Miss Faster had leaped from her room . which I hope with your pe rmission | in the sixth floor of the Hotel White | With the | for advice, pecialists tell us that all our diseases | Not know of | evening 1s | become | clean | \ meeting of ladies interested in the | you | John 17.--One of the missing | al | was found walking the streets of Me- | Donald Maclean, Drimnin, and a dish ant relative of her own, she sailed for Can- ada a month later, the voyage taking six She came Dy oat to Kingston, then went by stage to Seymour, Nor- thumberland county, where Mr. Maclean had taken up land in 183s. She had a family of ten children, only urviving her. The late Dr. Don- Maclean, the Detroit surgeon, was eldest son. She had all the hard- of first settlers in country, twice the second time lost every- a new stone house, barns, stables, She came to reside in Kings- ton mn i¥ye, where Mr. Maclean died two years later She was alw a staunch member of the church of Scot- land. She was barely cighteen when she began her Canadian experiences, hips | but very shortly before her death in her | | | | | | | vear she told the writer that she would do it and bear it all over again for love that began in sympathy the affliction under which her hus- ind suffered--blindness--and no advice | or warnings could shake it. Some years ago at the Maclean ga- the world's fair in Chicago, Donald Maclean was asked to toast 'heroic women of the Clan," and he mn his speech that he knew more heroic than his own Dr the of none mother. The will be remains of the venerable lady laid to rest with kindred dust at Cataraqui on Wednesday, privately. two widowed daughters, Mrs. and Mrs. Paterson, who reside fr iends Leaps Chasm Carrying Bible. Pittsburg, Nov ~Clad only in her robes, with a bible in her hand, Miss Evaline Foster, of Concord, circle of o'clock James four Policeman at by yesterday Winn | Keesport [to a fire escape six feet away. A slip meant a fall of eighty feet. The young woman had been -dreaming and said he thought some person was trying to chloroform her. She says she prayed and was told to jump. How she got the her hand she does She 'was wrapped in blan- back to the hotel, and last little the worse for her taken was experience kets, Hair Dye Dyed Her Face. Detroit, Nov. 17.--Suit for $10,000 has been started against a drug com- pany by Mrs, Ellen Rember, who claims she was disfigured by the use of a bottle of "walnut - juice hair stain," which she purchased to improve her ap- pearance that she might win back her | husband. Mrs. Rember is forty and her husband but twenty-eight. Last June he sued for divorce. Then Mrs. Rember | bought the hair-dye she alleges that the fluid stained her face brown, caused eruptions, injured her scalp and affected { her eye-sight and hearing. Hubby re- mained cold. general manager C.P.R. to St. John on a tour Atlantic division. While in St. he will look into the situation as regards shipping facilities. Liver Pills doctor i ill er liver than Ager' a Then Sollow his advice. ' Itis impossible, simply impossible, for anyone tocnjoy the bestof health if the bowels are constipated. Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be daily removed from the body or there will be trouble, and often serious trouble, too. Ayer' s Pills aid nature, that is all. .S. MeNieoll, his way a on the ol | | Pretty "and Interesting Wedding | elder | of Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Dows- Bi , to Kenneth Maclaren, the youngest David Maclaren, | | Systematic Small Took ysiem to some, but to thousands of wiser ones they liave meant wealth, Schemes that promise sudden riches too often' only bitter disappointment, but the determined, systematic. saving and depositing of small amounts in THE STANDARD eas ws OF CANADA caunot {ail to bring ultimate success. Make a start nore by opening an account with a deposit of "the Dollar or more. We pay Interest every three wonths and return your money any time you wast ity KINGSTON i i $F Beads Ladies' and Girls' Coats and Costumes The more you uaint your. "self with this ranch of the busi. ness the better you will like it. If you want a g Pine gar: ment you @on't make a mistake in bu here. Styles are the latest, prices the. lowest. Ladies' Coats Girls' and ] Skirts, Underwear all on second floor. High Class Milinery Stock always well assorted. Prices the most reasonable. The Leading Millinery & Mantle Store Cobalt Stocks UNLISTED BANK and OTHER STOCKS « BOUGHT and SOLD FOR CASH ONLY ON COMMISSION ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES AEMILIUS JARVIS & CO,, Members of Toronto Stock Exchange, McKINNON BUILDING, TORONTO, CANADA, $ Are a first-class in- i0 BALT STOCKS vestment, especially: Chambers-Ferland, Kerr Lake, Trethewey, Silver Queen, Gifford, Badger, Rochester and other stocks for sale; also 5,000 shares Bailey Cobalt. SrEvaRy, 86 Victoria St., Toronto REPORTED RAILWAY A CROWN OF GLORY Part of Canada lantic Railway. Brockville Times It has Concurrently with the report that the | crowning Jrand' Trunk will shortly build a hne from Kingston to Ottawa to give it di | ect communication with that point, 'omes the story that on January the irst Messrs. Mackenzie & Mann will ake over {the Ottawa--Depot Harmour section of the Canada Atlantic railway an eastern link in their transcon- inental system, the Canadian Northern This is interesting and important iews, For the past season the Grand I'runk has been sendifg its western rain and much of its other freight by way of the main line. But the transfer |. »f this bit of road is good for both |, srand Trunk and Mackenzie & Mann. | The Grand Trunk will have a direct ine into Ottawa from the western part of its main line and "Mackenzie & Mann will secure a large piece of their trans- :ontinental line ready-made. It will prove a good thing for Kingston, since will make that point an important junction. The Canadian Northern has for @ year or two past been surveying routes with a view to building an eas tern Ontario link in their system but the | leal recorded herewith will relieve them | f that necessity | Canada will soon have three continental roads running from to ocean. There is plenty of work for them all. DI At-| As Well As a Mark of Beauty is Luxurious Hair, been truly glory of luxuriant head of hair. It used to be thought that this was one of the blessings which the gods bestow capriciously, and it is only re- cently that scientists have discovered that its beauty is dependént upon the absence of a minute germ which flour- ishes in the hair follicles, where it de- stroys the life of the hair To restore this life and kill the ms which causcs the mischief ig the mission of Newbro's Herpiciae. Herpicide surely kills the germs and the best hair dressing on the mar Purchase that race is the a said our 1s It contains no grease oil, neither will it stain or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich., Two si Se. and $1. G. W, Mahood, special nt 'CHAPPED HANDS Are or also 1 kept soft and smooth with trans ocean Baby Down 22-Foot Well. Guthrie, Okla, Nov. 17--James Wil- liamson, who is homesteading a claim m Hackberry Creek, dug a well twen- ty-two feet deep and eight inches square, then left it open. His eighteen- months-old baby backed into the hole and shot to the bottom feet first. The people of the community were holding religious service when, rushing into the building, Williamson halted the preach er and told of the accident. Every man in the congregation went to the Wil liamson home and with shovels spades they worked in relays for nearly and MM you are troubled with Chapped lands or Lips, fest rn your Druggist. for Sample or Large 25¢. Joox of Dr. Spark's Vegetable Ointment | And be convinced of the great healing Women Will Shame Council. Fe Cmanent Cure 101 Feros, Salt Rhone . sto! o meet | Itchiness, Barber Rashi Ringworm, Rus- i ey SK inguon are Re hing yng E ole He a, ume. ete. { the removal of garbage. The Board of | (juss Druggists. Ae no substitute. | Health some time ago urged upon the | This Vegetable Compound is green in city council the inauguration of a new | color. | garbage system and formulated a plan, { but with usual negligence, the council | has forgotten all about the matter. | Now, the women are going to act and | shame the council. It is suggested that the women at the meeting called for | Thursday afternoon at four o'clock in { the city council chamber, should also | take up the question of road paving. nine hours until a hole was dug big | enough to permit the child to be res- cued. Baby Williamson was not at all | hurt, but very hungry. Six men were instantly killed, an- other was dangerously injured, ands three others had narrow escapes from injury or death in a mine cage acci- dent, at Ellsworth mine, No. 1, locat- ed in Washington county, Pa. The mine is owned by the Ellsworth Coal company.