LAGE SIX. ' 1 pb ' Kincstong PEMBROKE p 4 bY _ RAILWAY - RR SNE! ON 3 TRAINS LEAVE XINGSTON : 12.01 p.m. Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebes, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago. Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Frunscisco. 5.00 p.m.--V.ocal for Sharbot Lake, conmecting with C.P,R. East and West 7.45 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and ir termediate points, Passengers leaving Kingston at p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 pm. ; boro, 4.38 p.m. Toronto, 6.65 Montreal, 7.05 p.m. ; Boston, 7.30 a.m. : St. John, 12.00 noon. KINGSTON---OTTAWA. leave Kingston, 12.01 p.m, Ottawa 4.50 D.m leave Ottawa, ston 8.65 p.m. Direct connections at Renfrew with C # KH. No. 1, leave Renfrew 4 24 p.m. for Pembroke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Pacific Coast points, Full particulars at K. & P, apd C. P R. Ticket Office, Ontario St.. "Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent. -- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street § p.m. daily (Sundays excepted) Sydembam, Napanee, onto, Bannock burn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, arrive 10.45 a.m., arrive King- ments via Bay further Agent, one, N Chicago, li., Nov. Heturn tickets will be issued at $24 Good going Nov, 20th to lec, 41h turning on or before Dec 12th Local Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WEST. Lve. City 5 Mail ... 12.38 a.m. 8 Express 33 a 11 Local ... 9.15 au ¢ 1 Inter., Ltd., 12.25 noon 12 . 319p.m. 3.5 7 Mail 156 Local . 7.08 p.m. 3 EAST. GOING . City No. " A 1 3 9 ©" 8 Mail 5. 2 Fast 16 Local . 6 Mail ..12.25 p.m. 12.1 4 Fast Ex. 1.02 p.m. 2¢ 12 Local ....: 7.08 p.m. 38 p.m Nos. 1,2,8,4,6.6,7 and 8 run daily All other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro Hamilton, Buffalo, l.ondon, Detroit Chicago, Bay City Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Jobo Halifax, Boston and New York. For Phllman Accommodation' Tickets and all 'other information, wpvly 10 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, No: 2.85 a.m. 8.16 a.m. "" " 7 Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts., King | ston, Ont. MOOSE Open Season. New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th Nova Scotia October 1st--Nqvember 30th Quebec September "1st----December 31st Write Genera Passenger Dept. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY MONCTON, N.B. copies of For 'Moose in the Micmac Country "Fishing and Hunting." Torontn Ticket Office, Bl King St. East. General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. STEAMxR WOLFE ISLANDER Tt EAVE WOLFE 7.80--9.15 a.m. 7.800.105 a.m. 309.15 a.m. key's Bay 6.809.830 a.m. 1.80 p.m. 7.80---9.15 a.m. 1.00-3.00 p 8.009.156 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.n Vy. 9.15 and 12.830 a.m. 3.00 p.m LEAVES KINGSTON :-- MON. 8.30-11.80 a.m. 2.00-4 30 »o, TUES, 8.30-11.30 a.m. 00--4.830 p WED. 3.30---11.80 a.m. 2.004.830 p THURS. 8.30--1.00 p.m. 00 pm. TP ey's Bay, 8 p.m. FRL 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p BAT. $.30-11.80 a.m. 2.004.830 p SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.15--3.30 p.m, Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe and Spoor's dock, at 3.00 p.m. Time Table subject to change withowm notice. Boat calls at Garden Island going t Royal and 'from Kingston. : ALLAN Mail LINE SAILINGS TC CHRISTMAS LIVERPOOL. From St. John to Halifax Nov. 28th Dec. 4th, Dec. 5th pc. 12th ISLAND 1.003.000 p 1.003.000 p 1.003.000 p. J Bi w m m Jan m m Island Tunisian, sails Victorian, sails Grampian, sails .. TO GLASGOW. Hesperian, from Halifax Ionian, from Portland .. FIRST-CLASS, SECOND-CLASS, THIRD-CLASS, § Additional sailings lication to J. P. H IRKPATRICK, Local Agents, ston. DES AND CENTS TALORING We fully quality, correct style, and perfect fit. J. B. Ouellette, 238 Princess St. Dec. 12th « Dec. 16th upwards y upwards, 26.50 upwards. and rates on ap ANLEY, or 0. S King guarantee superior artistic workmanship You will want some Home-Made Mince Meat and here is the place to get the good old fashioned kind that mother used to make. Also, our Pork' Sausage Meat is just the dressing you need. 'Phone, 570. H. JQ MYERS, Maynooth, ané | points on Central Ontario, route your ship | of inte ilway. For | ticulars, wily to R. W. DICKSON 0. 3. 28th to Dec. 10th. | Meais. . , 300 Ibs. 4 Vegetables. ...... This ts a fair ration for | a man for one year. ; | But some eat and eatand | Yet grow inner. Jitis means a | efective digestion | food. A one-dollar bottle of Scot's Emulsion in nourishing | ten pounds of meat. Your | physician can you how it | does it. * ! Send this advertisement, together with name of | paper in which it appears, your address and four | cents to cover and we will send you a | "Complete Handy Atlas of the World" 1 = 126 Wellington re Yokoo, ONT. "Times is Hard" When plentiful, a man could afford to experiment | { | ! for Tweed | money was with Underwear. Now is the time when you want VALUE for your hard cash. P17 y led 5 XV, 90, Ves gives wear and service -- and is guaranteed absolutely unshrink- able. 3 winter weights -- Red Label--light weight Blue --medium Black « --heavy all sizes. « At your dealer's. Had Heart Trouble and Shortness of Breath For Six Years. 178 Seventy-three Pounds. Now Weighs One Hundred and Thirteen. burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. K. E. Bright, Burnley, Ont. writes: "1 was en with my heart and shortness out resting four or five times in distance. weighed suventy.throo Jolie; at last to take some of Mil weigh one hundred and thirteen pounds, the most I ever weighed in my life. Nerve Pills for it all." Limited, Toronto, Oat. Was Weak and Thin--Only Weighed @When you find your heart the least bit out of rhythm, your nerves unhinged, your breath short, don't wait until you are pro- strated on a bed of sickness. Take Mil- | They'll | put you in such condition you'll never know | to supply. for the you have a heart, make your nerves strong | : Pp ! in their oFgers for the loti and your whole being thrill with new life. j ate shors Ra ota Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cured She \ ly troubled, for Sx | district are of | most of them have their tot reath. I could not walk eighty rods with- that short I got so weak and thin I only 1 decided burn's Heart and | Nerve Pills, and after taking eight boxes 1 gained in strength and weight, and now I feel | well and can work as well as ever I did, | aad can heartily thank Milburn's Heart and | Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., THE DAILY BRITISH -- BEAVER GOLLIERIES 'TO BE OPENED IN CROW'S NEST DISTRICT. They Will Rival the Famous Crow's Nest Coal Company ~ Collieries at Ferine and Michel --Description of the Property. Pincher Creek, Alta, Nov: 17.--The citizens of this town and the adjoining neighborhood have for several years been using, when they oduld obtain them, the coals from a mine about ten miles west of here, known former- ly as the Mill Creek Mine, now more generally known as the Beaver Col- | lieries. The coals from this property are peculiarly adapted for domestic purposes, and are very much sought after by our people, as they burn | with a clear flame, giving out very {little smoke, producing no soot in the | pipes and chimneys, and lasting very much longer than any of the other {coals produced in this district. So { much were the coals from what are {now known as the Beaver Collieries | preferred, that the coals from the COrow's Nest Coal mines and the Leth- bridge coal mines could not be sold in competition against them, even though they were sold at 50 cents less per ton. The property referred to has fallen into the hands of the Western Oil and Coal Consolidated, a concern that has been operating very largely {in the oil field south of here. They have acghired about 7,000 acres of these coal lands ana are now opening up the collieries to put them on a | basis of one thousand or twelve hun- | dred tons per day. The property is | situated about six miles immediately south of Cowley, and about ten miles | south-east from the Crow's Nest Pass, {In a report made last February, | Frank B. Smith, E. M. and B. Se, | Inspector of coal mines for the Dom | inion government, estimates that the Beaver collieries will produce over 72,000,000 of tons of marketable coal. | The company recently secured the ser- ! vices of Professor John Bonsall Por- | ter, C.E., and D.Sc., principal of the | mining department of McGill Univer sity, Sontreal; who is reputed to be {the best coal expert in Eastern Cana: fda. Prof. Porter has just completed his investigation and it is learned that his report is in every way satis factory and practically confirms the report made by Frank B. Smith, whe is probably the best informea coal man in the west. These experts esti | mate the minimum tonnage of coal to jbe over seventy millions of tons, and the facilities for cheap mining are exceptional. The present total output of all the Crow's Nest Collieries is a | little over ten thousand | day. Some idea may be gathered the enormous deposits of coal on the | Beaver Collieries, when it is' shown | there is sufficient coal on tons per | that these {lands to produce as much as the pre {sent total tonnage of the whol ferow's Nest district, for the next {twenty-seven years, and Prof. Porter estimates that the tonnage might ex ceed the present estimates by more than a third. The coal is of the high est grade of bituminous coals, and is most eagerly sought afier by the rail way companies for steaming purposes, but it is probable that when its quali be greatly in demand for domestic | purposes. The development very valuable property in the vicinity of Pincher Creek, adds another ele: ment to the progress of the town, as all the supplies for the new collieries will, undoubtedly, be purchased at this | point and it is expected that the com {pany will make railway connection with Pincher Creek town. There a continually increasing: demand for the coals of this district 'on the Am erican side, Idaho, and Montana, which are dependent at pre sent on Pennsylvania and Ohio, three | times as far distant, for coal and coke wad which, up to the present, none of | the colliery companies have attemptec reason that they is in Colorado, demand. All the colliery time in the running double time, al output The companies at Crow's Nest | the present and {sald for twelve months ahead. "Frapidly growing population of Mani- Saskatchewan and Alberta development of the mines and smelters of British Columbia, the re { markable railway extension and devel of the great west, and the opening up of varied manufacturing industries in the middle west and far west of Canada, and the United States, have createa and are making a demand for fuel which will tax ali the colliery companies to their ut | most limit of production for a good {number of years-to come. The wealth lof Alberta as a province is scarcely | appreciated by the people of the east { toba, { the opement These are the kind of Biscuits that Beaver Flour makes--light, flaky, tasty, inviting, appetizing. "Beaver Flour is equally good for Bread amd Biscuits -- Cake and Pies -- pecause it combines the famous pastry-making qualities of Ontario flour with the strength of Manitoba wheat flour. Ask your grocer for "Besver" 74 | This town is in the centre of one of {the finest agricultural districts of | Western Canada. It has for many {years held a prominent position asa | ranching centre, the oil industry is | attracting attention from all parts of the continent, the coal is of the very | highest grade of bituminous coal, suitable for steaming, domestic and { coking purposes, and lying adjacent | to the coal fields are some of the rich- | est deposits of iron ore to be found {anywhere in the west. Alberta, parti- | cularly the southern part, will in a | few vears be one great hive of varied | industries. | One On The Jury. When Ella Van Dross, a voung color- ed girl, was tried before Judge Rosal- sky in general sessions on the charge {that," when Joseph Kayatt, a white {man from Yopkers, asked her in the {hall of 249 Second avenue whethér the iJoneses lived on the floor above, she |stealthily removed a pocket-book con {taining $10 from his pocket, the jury {deliberated only a few minutes and then returned with their verdict The girl. much disturbed, was led to ithe bar. The foreman rose. 'We find | the defendant not guilty, said. As ' | } | he {the late prisoner was turning to leave | court, Judge Rosalsky called out : i "One moment, Ella. Be careful not ito let any suspicion fall on you,' whether vou are innocent this time or The great Uterine Tonic, a - 10 degrees stronger, oases, per Sold oy all d 5 paid on recei pamphlet. As Sen 620K Mentone C0., ToRONTD, ONT. Vormeriy / Cook's Catton Root Compound. not. "Oh, judge,' said nevah done it befoh, the an' girl -ZAh fo' de Lord only safe effectual Monthly Ah nevah will again." The jury looked amazed. demon. Solin thre ey | open old in thi { "That's one on you, gentlemen," of gth---No. L o- 3 {remarked the judge, and all the court box. ni { room laughed. | Belgium formally assumed control of se Congo Free State on Sunday. ties are more generally known it will of this 17, PRESENTATIONS ADE To Rev. W. J. and Mrs. McQuarrie | Pittsburg. i Last Tuesday evening a jolly party] pf the young people of St. John's! 'congregation. Pittsburg, gathered at] the manse to pay their respects to | kev. W. J: and Mrs. McQuarrie, who | t to ieave for the west in . short time. That Mr. and Mrs, Me- | Quarrie's labors have been highly ap- | preciated was clearly shown by the | spiriy of those present, Miss : cAdoo read an address to Mr. Mrs. | love and gregation A. and | McQuarrie, expressive of the | esteem of the whole con-} and the sincere regret which they all feel in view of the] approaching separation. The ad-| dress hided with an earnest. de- | sire that Mr. McQuarrie would with-| go they wished them both God-speed. | During the reading of the address Miss F. Weir stepped forward and | presented, Mr. and Mrs. MeQuarrie | each with a purse of gold. Mr. MeQuarrie, on behali of seli and bis wife, thanked the econ- gregation for their new tokens of what has been unfailing kindness Mrs. McQuarrie and himgeli felt that they 'were not their own but were at the disposal of an all-wise father, whose will was law to them, whether | it brought them into heavier or lighter fields of labor it mattered lit- | tle, they could go confident that "Wherever I be Still "Tis God's | hand that leadeth#me." In con-| clusion he again thanked the friends who had so liberally expressed their esteem. | Refreshments were then served after | which the event was brought to a! close by singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." It Penetrats Deeply: | Any deep-seated pain, any strain or i ruise of muscle er tendon will be cue- | quickest by the ' use of Smith's | White Liniment. It penetrates deeply | into the muscles and tissues and ban- | ishes pain or inflammation. If vou have backache, muscular rheumatism, lambago, ete, try this remedy to- lay. Large bottles, at Wade's drug store. him- 25¢., | { ! ------------ | Broken-Plate Puzzle. | The accompanying diagram shows | how the plate may be restored. The | puzzle was published on Saturday : | SOLUTION To BROKEN:PLATE PUZZLE | i £4 x 'AMONG THE ISLANDS. Improvements to Several P " The eottage on Jet ywhed by. the Wilson" fslpily, * of tertown, Bas 'been vebhillt and: made much larger. The ald cottage was onstructed by the late, Hubert Van Wagoner and party of iviends in d874 and 'was the first ong (6 be erected between Alexandria Dgy and fap Vincent The grounds about phe cottage on the island formerly awn as Pred sick's, buf now owned by. Mr. Stone, f Binghampton, have been graded to make fine lawns. The expense of transporting large quantities of earth was considerable, which added to the cost of buildings, docks, walls ridges, is estimated as bringing total outlay by thé owner to wards of %20000," Tt transiofms former rocky islet into ond gf beauty spots of the river, Rock Island lighthouse station, with its well cared . 'for "buildings trees, lawns and 'flower beds, all mder the management. of Mr. Butler, s worthy of being classed among the island. homes of the millionaires ong the Several i Made Island, Wa- anil thw up the whe river, of the cottage owhers along shore at Fisher's Landing make frequent trips by automobile during the autumn weather for afew days' stay, and some of them now are en joving a temporary outing. It is reported. that a number of cottagers at the Park have announced their in tention when the good roads project is completed from Utica to Water town, thence to Claytoh-and Alex andria Bay, to procure sites rect summer on main to which | they "may: tobe by own conveyances. ! and land then houses With the approach of Christmas comes the trouble- some question of what to give. Can you think of anything more beautiful or artistic than a piece of richly cut glass ? This $5.00 Berry Bowl is deeply and perfectly cut from brillant crystal glass in the favored mitre pattern The price! is just $5.00 Send for our Catalogue. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED 134-136-138 Yonge St. TORONTO draw his resignation but if he must; yh gy 1908. ° «We-Want- Them?" " The biscuits which please us must be brown tr evenly-baked crust. «Mother says such buns require a st tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfect -- 'PANDORA' OVEN EXACTLY." 3 "and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well-raised » foe NZ eel oven, scien. y ventilated EZ" When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is made. M¢Cla London, Toronts, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, NB. Hamilten. Calgary. FOR SALE BY LEMMON &:. SONS. ~ This Trademark Guarantees style and taste--that they wa money, in Canada. bearing it, must give complete and ldstif satisfaction or your money back. garments. Fall styles are ready. $15 up. CRAWFORD & WALSH" Sole Agents for Kingdon, that Fit'Reform Suits and Overcoats are always in perfect give excellent service--that they | are the best values, for the This trademark guarantees that cvery garment Behind this trademark is the Fit-Reforn | Company, founders in Canada of hand-tallored ll g \ Be en hh ht GOOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Grede Courses never success to our gradu- Evening Classes, te FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Kingston. Clergy street, : Phone 680. STOCKDALE, Principal: ™ N ATT LTV BVRRTRVVRDVIBVRN Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy. Special instruction for pi deficient' in Engi Rates moderate. Enter a time. "Phone, 440. H. F CALFE, Principal. # LOX HONOHOKOKONKOKO HOWOKOK | 7 Fine Tailoring i Melton and ' Beaver Overcoatings. =~ Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Buit- ings, : GRAY'S Syrup of - Colds, Asthma, drug stores. Red Spruce Gum A safe, sure and prompt cure for Coughs, Bronchial and Throat Affections. 25¢c. and soc. a bottle. At all John Twedell. 131 Princess street. Coffee Direct from Boston. Never ground till sold. - Get pulvarized or granulated. We grind 1 Ib. in 15 seconds by the most wodern mill in America. A. GLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Earl A HINT TO SHAVERS We are now selling a Safety Rasy which is fully guaran FOR 25 CENTS. Gell ona and try it Try our Strictly BAR SOLDERit has the largest sales (anada Metal Co.. Ltd + TORONTO $000000000000000 & te Th SOLDER! from 31 WILLIAM ST. ONT. a e New Shoe for Men A. STRACHAN. ppp Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. Tan Shoe. This special Shoe has three h leather lined, plain toe, which, makes a ver eavy soles, thick shank, is & y easy Walking - Special Value at $5 ERN * Sold Only At ET