Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1908, p. 5

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rvdus, weak and to give | new the action, to form mvigorate the vigor to the organs of thei blood NET es heart to nature . were ¥ page Is | } | | 10 { xperi Every certam are on He, 'at maison, Nates & Dr.A W.Chase's| author, genuine jr house where to have tak- | introduced the | resi- and estate to was iv made was near death and inca idzment say his lai n without the legality capable of exercising on Ro rious tion the indge © que a ue disallow tion touching of on of the first marriage never Around two points Wr Warnock was grouped on goening © day: First, that she legal wife of Warnock, having to him af ol the was the testimony not has] It | the never been since th been wa to keep Ogdensburg on secret was done 5 i | mary 10d wh Be Angus 12th, 1891, by Rev. William DORENWEND Cireayves Methodist minister, Sine deceased, in the presence of two wit- of Toronto Os and, second. that the marriage [to the other Mrs. Warnock took. pl 4 never not =ay we PROF. g S$ Cireaves, The worjd has SAMPIMS Randolph DAY, Nov greatest pver 'OF Hotel, 28th was son ol Parisian and New are invited to in of 'these sample creations Very latest styles You try on any Cluster-Curls, Pompadour Waves, Iransiormations, Switches Coronet -Braids, Wigs, te Dorenwend's Patent Toupee Bald is a as also r lousi us his For fdentlemen who are of his as v Ee re To Redden a the Blood i since. She could not say it was soft iy 3 izold. Warnock told witness it was Rich, red blood. | THAT QUESTION STILL RE jpracared 4 John Laalige, an Ottawa a y J A ewelley, © INSCrIpLIONn WAS engrav- That is what pale, ne MAINS UNSETTLED. ted on it before . went to Ogdens- Pecple need : y : - | hure for the ceremony. She could not | lin | Wife Nox 2 The Winner--Will Gi. femember the ith of August, 1901, 3 3 was IAKIng A dress on Monday strengthen ing Her Estate Declared Legal land Tuesday and went away on Wed- | energy and +1It Will Be Entered For Pro- i nesday to Ogdensburg with Warnock. Body esos fen'. which bate. { They went by rail to Prescott and | » eemonts Or won or TT forms rich. red blood are found in con AContinued from L) { romed | oo the hoe. Hey no are : 1 personally intimate hoiore that. densed and casily assimilated form in | Brockville, Nov Justice Fal- | They met a man av Ogdensburg Dr. A.W. Chase's Nerve Food and be- conbridge, "last night, delivered * his | whom Warnock called Jack. He was cause of its wonderful blood-building iwigment in" the Warnock case, saying | introduced as John Smith. He was a qualities this great restorative has be- [the legality of the first marriage did tall, fair man. She never had tried to come world famous. not affect the will in favor of Mrs. | get information about Kim. She knew | | here is AO UESE WOT k, Eva Warnock, and witnesses for Mrs. [that her lawyer was looking for him. menting with this treatment | Agnes Warnock had not proven that | She did not know if he were found or dose is bound te dosvou a Warnock was not of full testamentary (not and could not account for amount of.good. capacity when he drew the will. He iatatement made in the examination Wi John outilier, 163 Morris | pave judgment fae the will to be en- | for discovery. The witness could not street, Halifax, N.S., writes i= "My tered for probate; but reserved his de Ltell much about Mary Brown, but daughter was very weak and nervous | cision as to erste, { thought she 'was about thirty when and bad severe headaches as a re sult | ; -------- | the marriage took place. She thought of 'confinement al school. Dr. Chase's | Brockville, "Nov. 17.---Nominally the | Rev, Mr. Greaves was about sixty at Nerve Food has fully restored her | intensely interesting and dramatic {the time. : henlth." | case heard, to-day, before Chief Jus- Referring to the settlement between The portrait and signature of A. W. tice Falconbridge at the assizes here ete witness and Warnock, a cheque Chase. M.D, the famons Reecipt Book | was te deteemine who was lawfully en- for three thousand dollars, paid Ye every box of the titled to some 34,000 left by James | him Ao witness, was produced Each all dealers of Ed Warnock, a former well-known Ot- [had Jawyers at the time. She could ('a., Toronto tawa merchant, who died in Brockville [not remember having been told that in January last. Really the fight was | Warnock had stated that he wa aev- one between two women, each of |ef married to her. Mr: Fripp, an Ot whom wak desirous of proving that | tawa lawyer, told her in 1906, that he alone wag the legitimate wile of | Warnock had stated that-the troupie Warnock, andi as such entitled to his | yas owing to the witness being jeal ortune { ous. Mr. Warnock No. 1 claimed she was { Witness described the married: tatothe deceased and lived | the marriage is thought ith him as his, wife] seventeen en place. Mr. Smith bearing four children, whose [couple to Rev. Mr. Greaves, After the cgitimaey Wa 'not open to question, | marriage they went to a restaurant. and that the second Mrs Warnock, | Had dinner, but no intoxicants, whose baby was born after Mr. War- | Reaching Ottawa on the return they noek's death, was only a bigamist's [stopped about an hour at the i ctim. In his will Warnock left 85. dence of witness. He came back G00 epch to tie -Jdoamghters of Mrs. [stayed that night, Warnock No 1, and the balanee of his | The certificate of - the My Warnock No. 2. The which the witness said was the origin- |¢ Leluim was that Warnock, when the will [al certificate, produced | Warnock said she saw the witnesses go | to the table, but could not if they signed the document. She saw | Greaves writing. Warnock laughed at | the writing when on the trdin going | back to Ottawa. She learned | that it was a false document, never thought! it was such, She in Ogdensburg Warnock's request marriage This 1892, She heard of a license. | She could if it » a hotel | or not in which she was married. | James IF, an elderly man, | Hair "Goods Artist the testilied that he lived in Gregg, Lewis Known, is coming within 1907, after Warnock, because county, New York stdte, and that he | HAIR GOODS, will ve ut! apd drinking not capable of dis- wes the the late Rev. Thomas | Kingston, on SATUR tinguishing between right and wrong. | Jelfesson Greaves, a Methodist minis- | [In her direct examination Mrs. Wars (ter, whi died in December, 1904, aged | inock No. 1 had produced what she |eighty-eight vears. In answer to | was - her marriage certificade, [questions by Mr. Hellmuth he said he and stated that after the marriage in [recognized the handwriting in an old | Ovdensburg Warnock and she. as hus- [diary and a hymn book produced bund and wife, lived at Mrs. War- [being that of his father. He {nock 8: brother's until 1892, leertified to an old ambrotype picture | {when (hey started to Keep hoyse. She being father and mother He | had never heard that her husband de- | inspected the marriage certificate of RE bir init aantitie: Hair Construe- | nied the marriage till 1907, after they | August 12th, 1891, but would not | tion Securely ad tel. Comb and brush! had eparated® because her husband | swear to the genuineness of | them J i Jour Swi Toke olbuehitely | had begun to pay attention to Miss [father's signature on. it. dE Yer. , [Kiva McCallum, whom witness cause! A. M. Payne testified that he ws | { to be®put ut of Warnock's house, and [a clerk of twenty-three years' standing li ited! mm he afterwnrds married in the post office department, and an] Dorenwend (0. of Toronto, nit That was the situation when "George lexpert on handwriting. He thought (oh1hs YONGE 8 1. Watson. K.C., on behalf of Mrs { that one hand had written the entire | Warnock, Na, 2. began the cross-ex- [writing of the marriage certificate of | amination of Mrs Agnes Warnock. | August, 1891. As to the discrepancies | The latter, whe is still a strong-will- | in handwriting in the diary of the | od, well-presesved woman, replied to | Rev, 1 J. Greaves, he thought that | of Mr. Watson without | Jifferent members of the same family | ssment, and gave details f lhad written the different entries there with Warnock to in, because he observed certain family | justified in takin in them. He then | ages range from about [pointed out a number similarities | to in the writing in the diary and in the Je she | marriage certificate. August was spelt | "Augest," the figure the | mall were also alike in both. He | testified that after days of careful | study he was convinced the marriage certificate and the diary was written | by the same hand. I'be witnesses this afternoon Edward Cushing and Ward Devlin, SAE " p to that time. He wever drank un- |(o his drinking habits during the two til 1905 to the knowledge of witness. | gears prior to death; Mrs. | He pever had a physician previous to |heth McEwen, d : [that tlle was #tshr®Wd husiness man | Warnock, and Eliza of Mrs. Agnes . 3 3 daughter, Abia Gontpation curnaun 1 { intl hes plafed fo drink | Llizabeth an! iH only Remember one Ay the questions of that her four {characteristics cnibarrt life was Lier show hie { children of whose seven, and leaving did ixteen down Warneck: when did. In as and 2 and | Watson asked as to 8 Warnock when he deposed "that in thirty-eight andl. a healthy she parted with War- | that opening, Mi habits of Mr witness dee ape, 1906 was in September of married She ISU the odrs of In Lt sased was le sox iKendache and relieve all the troubles tne arg st to a» bilious state of the system, such ae inews, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distre.s aftes wer | man | wek in who swore his sister her Irs asia | Mitchell, whose evidence won noying camplaiut, wills they Alaa I PReziext ries of questions related f oo rroborated the facet that he porrectalldisorders of thestomach stimulate t Ay Prac okdss its after he took | PT 0 o ! . Svor and regulate the bowels, Even if theyosly - | © oe Wapno isghniits after: he took (rptried in 180); Rev. Lather git . ; 1 parish priest of St. Bridget MW AD Every night for three months 'who produced the baptismal register | hand two pinig ol cham showing Warnock's own signature Tone . | pngne and a bottle of whiskey said | (he lecitimate father of four S020 they would boalmost pricoleas to thosn wag Mi nock Ta ER OF. of suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu ir % Warnock . " Kk 9 hr. E B E hlin told of nal their goodness does notend here, and those Every night without a break Warneek in 1904 for alcoholism who oncetry them will find these littlo pills valu Yes." 1 Moles ' he 1 jo in so many ways that they will not be wik : { I loles, of who You k to do without them, But after alla.ck hes? You swear Wu this town, 8 the ACHE : Yes | the that death post-mortem, ad reached Was he able down to work | was due to paralysis of the heart and ery morning *' i the left of the In thi band oc #0 niany lives that hero is where Nearly oversexertion produc wo make our grat boast, ur pillscure it while From others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and | |. eaay to taka. One or two arnt Sloan, s church, | my drank as girls treating Dr nr otes at swore conclusion to go over-dhstention o ide heart hy ed by An | Agnes Overy cansed the fall you morning of 1905 alcohol important witness Warnock was Dr of Toronto, whose be hakén Mr. Dr. Johnson, from the results of number of post-mortem and the nurse chart drink in [plainly expressed: the belief that War | died from the effects ol alcohol He was also of the opinion that three o'clock the of death, six hours before it happen the will wa was fall he till parted { did Mrs Jukes 1906, when for ills make a dose. like this ? \ They sre strictly vegetable it do not gripe ox Worse." purge, but by their gentle action pléase all wha Three bottles eves mse them Io vialsat 25cents ; five for $1. Bw druggists everywhere, or sent by wall, GARTER MEDICINE CO., New Youle WIN fol be bold ba Reds LUahin Cy The InoiRx evidence Watson. the Johnson, could not by night ? Sometimes more What "was the test bottles "you have seen him night?" 1 He "drank mort Satur- {ism day nights." | at "Wie 11 all champagne ?" } No beer eid and four hours before well" up. Warnoek's | You had loss affected. { after September, "1907 7 | When edurt "No, | never spoke to him, though | Hellmuth for often met street)' hi had Ha habit of pay- [evi In v nttentions to other women ?"' { H. Watson, K.C., and "Yes," Ross, counsel for Eva Warnock, How many to your knowledg *" INo. 2, , instead of putting in rebutal Phree, [ asked for a judgment, con It is ary to get the {ending that the question of the first ames mart had nothing to do with War a [nock's eapacity for making the will On Oek "Seven on of afternoon whiskey, and other drinks brain mors drawn 1 pothing to do with him |g see ny ! "haw 1 \ S15 My stated the hi resumed at the defendant, been concluded with Dr. Johnson. i & case him on the he been in the nee RB « wife idence, "+ The ~" Market MST Han Mate 4 "not 1 * ruled his lordship Avnes Warnock produced old wedding ring. "1 have worn that night since the 12th of August, | 91, day and night," she said 8t. Regis Lumbago Cure For seventeen years Mrs -------------- "Vaccination shields," 5e. and 15e., at Gibson's Red Cross drug stove. every Black Watch In response to questions the witness | Chewing said she was twenty-two years of age, ! and had never been at a wedding She | Tobacco |B got a ring that was produced in the | On the inside of the ring, the words, | within,' engraved first see that Godirey Noy 3rd, 1008 Dinmond is are When did seription 7" "On the Nth of August, 1891," re Mrs. Warnock I'he night be womarried, Watson next turned to | ditions attending the marriage the identity of the witne alleged-to have signed the A new sensation, A real pleasure. The big black plug. Croghy, Ont you © in ook 1 could taking helped all right Rheumati carce plied fore 1 Mr nly knee commenced Cure and it and can walk St. Regis and the con- | and | x who are | marriage "My bank wile and Cur aml it pr your Rhucrmatism ha Medicine and 1 wmhag Yours Tr | 2270 JOHN WALKER The. ring THE DAILY BRINSH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 190 1 7 . 1 | {wore 'a diamond ring, and a garnet | d iring as weil. The wedding ring had | ® (been on her finger day and » { week, on Thursday and Saturday. At { the first the guests | played marriage, | honor. Covers | Mrs. | thur Cunningham, Mrs. William Harty, i until lGordon, | with | the 8. STOCK QUOTATIONS. 2 . Cobalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations are sup- plied by the City Brokerage (J. 0. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street. Telephone, 480 A: ~ General Stocks. November 18th. mn. Close. 1562 1564 1.833 M1} .. 178% 584 198 893 FVIII IP SSEIIFIIIVY - = Rees, Bagot street, teas last Mrs. gave Edward two pleasant littie Northern Pacific Union Pa%ific... Reading... 1C. PR... .- Detroit United Dom. Coal, Com | Com. Steel Com. ... { Hinois..; | Lake of Wood | Mackay Pid. N. S. Steel Rio Jan. Tram Toronto Railwa$ Twin City... were chiefly the Hs vounger wmatrons aml a few of the girl friends of the hostess. Mrs. Ern- est Sparks and Miss - Daisy Chown delightfully and Mev. S. H. Simpson and Miss. Hazel Massie sang very sweetly. Delicious refreshments were dispensed by Mrs. Percy Chown, Mrs, Henry Crumley, Miss Irene Rees and Miss Dennie Livingston. On Sat- urday the same number of guests, thirty-five married ladies, were gath- ered by their hostess, Mrs. J: Suther- land, Mrs. Percy . Chown, and Miss | Irene Rees assisting her. The house and the tea table were beautifully de- corated. Mrs. Rees will give a girl's tea next week. > o- - Miss Leta Carson, the bridesmaid Miss Bésgic Dowsley's wedding. | a beautiful directbire gown of striped ehiffon voile pver | blue taffvis, exquisitely trimmed with duchess lace and pink and blue ap- plique. With this was worn a black picture hat with sweeping plumes. Is. 534 108 oy 95 Cob Amalgamated... Beaver...... ... = ut Chambers ... ... City of Cobalt.. Crown *Reserve... Cobalt Central . Cobalt Lake... Coniagas ... Foster | Green Meehan... Kerr Lake... La Rose. aay Little Nipissing ... alt Stocks. xt oun at wore pale blue Among the bride's gifts were a $2,000 cheque from the groom's father, $100 in gold and a silver tea set and sil ver tray from the groom's grand mother. McKin, Dar Savage... Nipisshr.. oo oinm Otesse.. Peterson Lak Rochester : Nova Scotia Silver Leaf. Silver Queen on | Temigkami Miss Trethewey.. of | Watts...... for twelve Mrs. Ar- i - = we Last evening Miss Bessie Gordon | was hostess at a giels' dinner party at | Col. W. D. Gordon's residency King street, the bride-vlect, Marion Calvin, being the guest were laid wid the other guests were : Great Gratification. crowd at the Cataraqui tea-mecting aftor taking a really delighted The large Methodist | splendid supper, were with addresses from Revs. 'F. H. [ Sproule, B.A,, and T. E. Burke, B.D., recitations by Mrs. Sproule and Nr. Cummings and solos by Miss Marshall, Mre. W. Cooke and GG. B. Cummings, [Owen Sound. Miss E. Cooke presided atthe piano with her usual skill. It seemed as if the audience would have lingered till morning. Jr., Miss Kate Gordon, Miss Mabel itrownfield, Miss Deatrice. Tandy, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Marie Carruthers and Miss Sanderson, of Toronto. - > - Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Welling- ton street, asked a few girls to tea on Monday to meet Miss Marion Cal- The guests included Miss Bessie Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss I'eatrice and Miss Lettice Tandy, Miss | Aina d.esslie, Miss Florence Cunning- Fim and Miss Frances Sullivan. . - Hiram Calvin, King street, has out cards for a tea on Tues lay, November 24th, the day of Miss Marion Calvin's marriage. "ow we . To-day is. the wedding day of Miss Eno Hamm to Mr. Wiliam Kurtz Johnston. They weére married in. Mexi- co oeity Bessie vin. Kodak Fiends. All kodak owners will be pleased to the line of fancy calendars for 1909, with openings of standard sizes, from 10e. up, at Uglow's, Make your own personal and local calen- dars to to friends, o S00 Mrs. nt sent Oa The Basis Of Health, Carnovsky has a toe., and Black Use more irnit. ~ few baskets pears at > - 30c. H. Horsey yes - and Miss Amy erday from Ot- toger grapes at Mrs. Horsey H. returned 'For disinfecting stores or homes." Formaldehyde torches. Sold at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. R.M.S. Empress of Britain, C.I.R. line, from Liverpool, for Halilax, in- ward, at Cape Ray, Newfoundland. tawna Mrs YJeloro, is staying rick, Fron- Wright, of with Mrs, Stafiord tenac street, Miss Isabel Shaw of Quebec, who is Members of Chicago Board of Trade LAWLOR BUILDING, - - TORONTO. Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. vetno aml NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. AND ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES. CONTINUOUS ----COBALT=-- QUOTATIONS -- --RATES OF COMMISSION Shares selling under 1Qp. per share, gc. . Shares selling at 10c. and under 50c., fo. Shares selling at 50c. and under 81, le. Shares selling at §1 and under $2, 2¢ Ete, ete., ete. : Clarence Chambers, W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE " ESTABLISHED 1867 a, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5.000,000 B. BE. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates, and is paid four times a year. Accounts may be opened in' the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS ATS. . P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. ------------------------------------------------------ Are a first=class in= GOBALT STOCKS vestment, especially: Chambers-Ferland, Kerr « Lake, Trethewey, Silver Queen, Gifiord, Badger, Rochester and other stocks for sale; also 5,000 shares Bailey Cobalt. " STEWART, 8 nm ia St., Toronto S-- 6 Victor to be one of Miss Marion Calvin's bridesmaids, is staying with Mrs, George Hague, Earl street. Miss Florence Perley, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Betts, Earl street. Mr. Fred. MeGachen, of Orillia, aken a three weeks' holiday, and he ind Mrs. MeGachen, with their two children, will spend the time in King ston. Playfair, Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange | canadian Northern Ry. Bldg., Toronto, Cancds Special attention given COBALT STOCKS | We have just issued a new map of the Co- | alt Mining District, giving location, capital Ottawa, H has t - Ottawa, spent ei Mr. Alan Vowell, of ization, acreage, shipmenis and dividends. Copies mailed to any address on receipt of 25c.. or mounted ones for $1 (0 the week-énd with Col. and Mrs. W, 1. Gordod, King street. Miss Bessi Sanderson, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. D. M. Gordon, Queen's College, having come back Miss Kate Gordon Miss Nan Skinner, Maitland is home from Toronto Miss Kate Gordon Marion Calvin's bridesmaid. . - a» Mrs. Michael Sullivan, King street, s giving a girls' tea to-day, in honor f Miss Marion Calvin. Mrs. Ford, of Brooklyn, N.Y., is ex- pected in town this week and will be of Mrs. F. S. Rees, Barrie House, is to be Miss guest street Mr. and Kenneth McLaren, Ot- tawa, when they return from their honeymoon, part of which will be spent in New York, will pay a little visit Mrs. Robert Carson, Brock street Mrs o - ow C. Carter, West of the girls to bring their on Monday, ana Miss Hallie Car- the tea cups were Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Elsie and Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss May Smythe, Miss Fran ces Hora, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss | Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Mamie Gar rett, Irene Swift, and Miss Phyllis Shortt ,- I'he engagement announced Miss Grace Evelyn Beaman, eldest daughter of the late William Vaughan Beaman, of New York City, and Mrs Beaman, of Kemptyille, Ont., and granddanghter of the late Rev, A. J O'Loughlin North Gower, to Mr. Harold Ryan, son of Mr. M. Ryan, of Newbureh, Ont street, ask- Mrs a R few to od her house a chat with of Montreal, Those present work hyve man over 188 . - A Demand Mage. London, Nov A step in Rus- sia's plan for a Persian land grab is | seen, to-day, 'throughout Europe, in | the refusal of the shah, last evening, to revive the Persian constitution to summon parliament except under the impossible: guarantee from the foreign diplomats at Teheran, that they will the safety of himself and the interest 18. guard throne. Left For Toronto. leit to-day for Toronto, to attend the installation of Rev. Dr. Gandier, as principal of Knox College. The honorary degree of RD. will be conferred upon the Queen's principal. Physicians--Notice. Principal Gordon % 4 mation. Vaccination certificates for sale at ollice, the home of good print- ng Gans-Nelson. To-night, Thursday; 42 rounds econ test, at Kine Edward theatre. { vourt was worn, every day Sold by ali Druggists in Kingston since the marriage in 1881. She alo Fresh vaccine at Wade's. nn DO YOU WANT" INVESTMENT profits as weil. panies have been known to advance in value from 200; to 300% within time. Many of the shrewdest men in Canada have invested in this enterprise. with your address will brin - -- I -- " " Policies Issued by the Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company of Can- ada Pay Indemnity for Thirty Diseases, Including Smallpox and Quarantine. Ap- ply now for your Policy at the office, 18 Market St.. Kingston. J. O. Hutton, Agent An Absolutely SAFE and CLEAN Where yor money is secured for principal and interest with the strongest possible pro- bability that it will be worth at least double within six or eight months? Your money in- vested inthis enterprise is just as safe as on fir:t mortgage real estate, you gel your every half year and share in the Investments in similar com- a very short A post-card ow - you all the infor- Apply to: Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence Street Kingston

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