<AGE SIX. i Wilkie SAVAGES BEAT US NEWS TF "NEIRHBORS The rude, unFuitured savage d!d not 8it most of the day ia a padded office eéhalr, a carriage or car. His food was fot prepared by a chef. He had fo hunt for something to eat. And din- ner, when he got it, was none too rich. But the rude, uncultured savage did | not suffer from indigestion, constipa- tion. biliousness, headaches, as we civ. | the | amount oi fruit and fresh vegetables illzed beings do. Exercise and kept liver, bowels and kid- g right 2 want to go back to the days of wigwams and tomahawks but a lot of us certainly would like to have the digestion of the sava,es We can, by taking "Fruit-a-tives"™ "Frult.a-tives" act directly on the stomach, liver, kidneys and skin, and keep these organs in perfect condition. "Frult-a-tives"' bring back lost appe- tits and sound digestion to the Dys- peptic--reguiate the howels of those who suffer from Constipation -- anf build up the whole system. Trial sige 6c. Regular size 50c, or € for $2.50. THE STEEL OVEN The outside body of the SOUVENIR Range is cast iron but The oven walls are steel. Heat radiates more quickly through steel than through iron. Thus the steel oven insures a quicker and cheaper heat service for baking and roasting. % That's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GURNEY-TILDEN Co. LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONT, BRANCHES AT MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, . VANCOUVER. 102 FOR SALE BY S J. Horsey, KINGSTON. +e Everything . She Ate SEEMED A BURDEN: TO CARRY. * : HAD STOMACH TROUBLE FOUR YEARS. » your food has not been pro ly When i your body has not received the d rg gastric juice have been confined entirely to removing the unmasticated undigested por- tions of food which Shey Sulit sty digest as speedily as possible from the body, thereby only giving the blood a small Pe centage of nourishment with which to feed the tissues, Burdock Blood Bitters regu- lates the bowels, perfect digestion, makes pure bl tones the stomach, and Shum nities poedcctlienlSiicl str sgth bo the ili system. Mrs. D. A. Francisco, Rossland, 'B.C., writes: "I was suffering from . stomach trouble of the worst kind for about four years. Everything I ate seemed.a burden to oarry. 1 always arose in the*marning with a sickening and feverish taste in m mouth and was also troubled with swel- lings in my hands and feet, which my phy sican said wasdue to the iso state of my stomach. was purchasable, and alsoconsulted two or three physicians, but conld find no relief until one of my neighbors told me of a wonderful cure by Bardock Blood Bitters. | I used altogether ten bottles and am now rectly cured. I wish to recommend Es B. to anyone who may be so unfortun ate as I was. For sale by all dealers. That Dyes! ron ET the cakeof soap that makes ng at home cleanly, successful, safe. The colors are fast and brilliant, It dyes to any shade. No streaks. No mess or \ Mi: le trouble. Give yourself a y po real pleasant treat with Soap "evi "Vays soc. fow colors. 1sc. for black, Frank L. Benedict & Co, Moniveal, Amefican Oils cual 01, obieing OF, Casale We make a specialty of handling Imbri- cating Oils of all kinds; Prices om application: W.F.KELLY & CO Ontario and Clarence Big !Phone, 486; Bouth Cor; it 'should. ~The exertions of the | I tried everything that | (WHAT ¥ CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. Semin | 8 @ Eastern K Ontario~What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Glendower Notes. Glendower, Nov 17.--Richardsons' {men are loading white Fock on the {track. Quite a fall of snow has come land people. have to Teed their stock. |Sanford Leeman has been taking out {stumps and burning brush on | place. The loons have gone offi the lake. Cattle will be very scarce next year, as so many sold off their stock this year on account of lack of feed. Sanford Leeman is at Verona on busi- {ness., ! t A Family Re-union. | Allisonville, Nov. 17.--The social on | Monday night was well attended. Elias {Pines had a reunion at his home .on Sunday, the children all being pre- gent, Dr. T. M. Pine, Toronto; Sylves- ter, Belleville; Mrs. Schuyler Hum- phrey, Gardenville, Wash., and Mrs. Murphy, at home. Miss Carrie Isteed was home over Sunday. -Nelson Friz- zell visited at James Boyd's, Monday lovening. Reuben Hicks and grandson visited at R. Hicks'. Sunday. Mr. | and Mrs. IL. Drummond visited at her parents', Sunday. James Boyd and wife, and Miss Ida, visited at R. { Hicks', Sunday evening. Baby Leo Hicks is quite ill at present. Samuel Isteed is quite poorly. B. C. .Ains- worth was quietly marvied on Tues- day last to Mrs. Jane Welsh. The Deer Are Scarce. | Lavant Station, Nov 17.--John {Thomas has returned to Moira, N.Y., to complete his course in telegraphy. [Migs Clara Morean, Wilton, has gone | to visit relatives in Rochester, [Miss Mamie Boyd, who visited {parental home on Thanksgiving, turned to Kingston last week. A. | Little, Queen's, conducted {here and at Wilbur on Sunday. Mabelle Barr, Poland, visited jaunt, Mrs. T. Lee, here, I Mrs. John Cornett. has gone to friends around Lanark and I Miss Flossie Reid, Watson's Corners, lig visiting at W. Browning's. Quite a {fall of snow here on Mth. People were taking advantage of it, Monday. The hunting parties are returning from the {Woods and report the deer very scarce. her re- services Miss her visit Quilting And Rag Bees. Fish Creek, Nov. 17.--Rev. J. Crow | preached to a large congregation on Sunday last. Quiltings are the der of the day. The one at Mrs. |). Steele's on Saturday was well at- { tended, Mrs. N. Barker taking the {prize for fancy quilting while Mrs. iB. Attwood succeeded in producing a {very neat The rag bee at Mrs. N. Shillington's [was well attended. A number are | suffering Troms, severe colds. The young {people of this vicinity are practising for a Christmas tree. Miss Edna Thompson and Joseph Steele made a flyiig visit to Tichborne on Thurs- day evening. Visitors: Mrs. Wil liam Shillington, E. J. Fitzgerald, W. | Brooks, J. Steele, at E. Thompson's; {Miss I. KE. McKivor, Tichborne, A | Steele, J. Steele, E. Dermott, at { John Steele's, sr.;: Miss Maisie Burns spent Sunday at P. Turner's; G | Steele, at N. Barker's Box Social And Dance Nov 16. Mrs John been seriously ill for the but is now making Miss Florence Co a. number - of her last week in hono tof her cousin, Miss Lena Hyslop, of Mountain her guest. Mrs John Duffield and Miss Luella visited friends' in Merrickville and North Augusta during I hanksoiving holi The local 1.O.I°. members invit of their friends to Lombardy Clark has past few ta wood vell | friends one evening weeks, TECOVery entertained who is days led a' large number a box social and dance in the town {hall last Thursday evening. The af | fair was well attended and was most lenjovable Ihe proceeds amounted to about 870. The auction sale of the {effects of the late 'Edward Petty was lto have taken place last Wednesday {hut was postponed for a week on a leount of the inclement weather Miss Mima Healy spent a few lweek visiting friends in Smith's Mrs. Anthony O'Connor is th lof her daughter, Mrs. M 3 Ne whoro. Rev Father Hanley, {this parish, is taking a few weeks' va- friend Massachu days of eation visiting setts | ------ Kindness Appreciated. Nov 14.--Mr daughters, Alice Forest Mr and Mes. and Deb- Mille, are and Mrs. G Lindsay left to ' Harlowe, and on Elbern, friends here. { Connors Mrs | day for a few days' visit at the lat ter'd Bishop, Mountain | Grove. Mr. Critchley and sons, Philip { and Hugh," Myer's Cave, are at their home here to-day. B, Detlor and son Perey, Arden, registered at 'Sunny | side" to-day. Miss Lucy Thompson is visiting at Mrs, Ruttan's, North- | brooke. Many of our huntsmen failed {to get a deer this year. Mr. and Mrs. |G. Wood and son, Percy, returnea home from W. Peterson's, Arden, to- day. F. Good is erecting a fine frame th Mr are visiting friends at Long John Black, Arden, brought in word to his brothers and sisters, of the illness of their father in Croydon, N.Y. Mr. Black started for Croydon | on Friday. Migs Lorraine Clancy held | a birthday party on Saturday. A very | enjoyable, time was spent. J. Black, | Arden, is visiting friends here. Rev. { Mr. and Mrs. Sherman thank their i { Cook, by, and visiting and son's, J ouse James Lake ake many friends, here for: tiheir kindness shown to them during their hours of Relieves Instantly Stomach Gas. They are always caused by fermenta- excessive acidity of the sto- mach. The distress they cause is re | lieved like magic by slowly sipping a {few drops of "Nerviline" in sweetened | water. "Nerviline" cures the condi {tions that cause the hiccups, just as lit does all other disorders of the sto- {mach and bowels. For indigestion, jcramps, flatulence, and stomach pains, {nothing better is known. For a house- {hold remedy, for all aches, pains and minor ills, use Nerviline--20c. per bottle everywhere, {tion or : '| cessful | The Tidings From Various Points | his | N.Y. | M. | holidays last week, | Perth. | W or" pattern of a "tie-down." | and Mrs. Gibbs and little |. sorrow! at the "deatld of "their little daughter, Faith." The kindness of all the peopld was wiih' appreciated. : A Fine Cantata. : Hattington, «Nov. 16.--A-vewy suc was held in the church heve oh 'the | 9th inst., at which a choig of nearly forty voices rendered in an, artistical- ly pleasing Wanner 'the cantata "Un: der the Paling'! The programme was | opened by' a patriotic song, 'Soldiers | of the King SRev. T. i gave a short atliiress cantata was then refreshnients were served. Wilkie Col: line, Toronto, now in charge of Ver- ona circuit, was' called to the plat? form, and gave an interesting talk oun thanksgiving, which was very much enjoyed. Part TI of cantata followed, concluding with a grand finale "Marching Home." The programme | throughout was of a varied and in- teresting character, preciated by | audience. B Cornell then Part 1 of the given after which a large and attentive Bert. Campsall"s sale wal THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NuVEMBER 18, 1908. | 24 3 afi { thanksgiving entertainment | "The only thing I can do now is to take doctors of Toronto to Mr. W. C.] the well-known Priendly Society leader, of Peter Street, T¢ cut the middle finger of his left hand very badly and dactor had been treating h So said one of the leading was the final decision. Edwards from life-long arm. and 1 him for. hand, had another. and was fully ap- | | held on Thursday, 12th just. Mr. and | | Mrs. Campsall intend visiting | gara. Falls before their return to Ot- | tawa. F. Jeffrey has gone to King- | ston General Hospital, Ross Freeman Nia- | | has returned from Peterboro. A fall of | | several inches madle sleighing are enjoying the transit. possible, and Holleford Happenings. | will top Jinughing for a time. Rally | Sunday Was observed by the Sabbath | school" here on the Sth were given by Misses Alma Walker and Nellie Medeof. Rev. J. Cornell gave an address. A good selection of music was furnished by the Sunday school choir, and Miss Medcof's class | of little ones. Mrs. J. Ewing is very Lill. David Walker left for Cobalt yes- terday, to visit his brother, S. Wal ker, who resides there. Mrs. 1H. Mar- tin, professional nurse, RKingston sperit Thanksgiving with her ter, Mrs. James Walker. F. Collins lost a valuable horse last weck. Mr. Pritchard, Brantiord, is spending his .at G. Smith's. Other visi | tors : Miss Purdy and Miss Taylor at D. Freeman's: Mr. and Mrs. Rogers | bf Hartington, and R. Butterill, Syd- engam, at D. Walker's; Messrs. RF Redmond and 0. Babcock, at James Valker's S Reynolds, At A. Collin 8; C. G. McKnight, Godirey, at J. W. Redmond's; F. Martin at = FE | Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. Dowker, Har- | rowsmith, at J. Ewing's; S. Babcock at Qeorge Babsook's. Coats re-lined. My Valet. Felix Herbert his cousin Mrs. | Belleville widow. He was in court be | fore on a previous charge, but wa {allowed th go on promising to stop molesting and insulting the Tuesday he was fined $25 and costs all $27.25. You Can Escape Sick Headache! A Simple and Quick Cure Fer Headache Follows the Use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. mndc-- like ! Pills bdeause they never cause sickness nor compel you to lay up I'hey are a favorite remedy with women, they ' inst. Papers 818 Annie Roblin, >» In Busy businessmen ilton's Dr Ham all becaus: do re W certainly hove at once No "headache can resist Dr. Hamil ton's Pills. This has been proved ad over again hey drive all poisons the nod our make vou feel better instantly over out ol body, purify evat spirits, For stomach nervous, or sick headache hiliousness, trouble no medicine popular as Dr. Hamil Perfectly safe, very mild guaranteed, 25¢, per box, om five for $1, at all dealers on earth 1s so to's Pills, esults THE STOLEN HORSE. An Old Proverb With a New Ap- plication. The woods are full of "'so- medies for baldness alled. re You may call anything in creatior remedy. but to use them is like lock ing the stable after the horse stolen Baldness and dandrufi are caused bn a germ--ifl vou don't kill the germ the germ will kill the hair. Scientists have labored with ti a preventative for ness for manv years Newbro's Herpicide is the product of a modern idea and will cure dand ruff apd prevent germs cahnot exist Herpicide Herpicide is a valuable hair dressing and scalp disinfectant as well as a cure for dandruff. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co Detroit. Mich. Two sizes, Hk aud $1. 6. W. Mahood, special agent problem of bald baldness because when you apply will stop annoving woman. | of the beautiful has | many | smooth and rapid Holleford, Nov. 17.--The snowstorm | and the finger would have to 1 went away to consider when 1 would have the met' a friend who wound and put on some Zam-Buk. for many nights. Ip foul discharging as in the past. Zam-Buk. Well, to cut a long story shore, in a few days 1 sling and in a few weeks the finger was healed as sound a&s a bell and I owe it to Zam-Buk." After a few weeks treatuient he also told me that operstion wolld be necessary, h be opened so that the bone could be scraped. : advised muti He says: "The up my hand and arm and A St of i ve e place if m re at that time, was all sw to carry it in a sling. I left that doe me the morning This was a healthy sign-so 1 went on with the ge o For but no good had resulted, and this : -cent box of Zam- ion which a> ins iH. th operation : Zam-Buk. That night I bathed the I got a little sleep for the first time the wound began to Lleed jnstead of the try put away the completely. To-day that finger is THE VALUE OF COD LIVER OIL Bhvelcian would dispute the value of & D LIVER OIL in nervous and | if the nauseous «BRICKS i Ess" is pub up in (8) ounce bottles, Phée 19 oents, 8" price i g S000 00P00000000000000003000000 LE aad Use @ fot sunatursl aie ie I frritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes, Painless, snd not astrin- gent or poisonous. Sold by Druggists, or sent in plain Jerappate express, paid, fo $00. ord other $2.75. Circular sent on request. ARC FT + ¥ ¥ i 1 Regina s-- ee ---------- Watches The skilled labor essential to the production of a good timepiece «4s so expensive that some manufacturers do not use much of it. REGINA Watches are made by the most skilled me- chanics in the world. That's why the man with a REGINA is so sure of his time. Sole Agents, Kinnear & d'Esterre 100 Princess St., Kingston. WX ARR (XX) ROSLN08 XR Wo 5 RK OO OOOOCOLO00 J OE) RRA AAKKRIREK DON) RX NASAOOOS MEN AND WOMEN, z HAE HII) SISIICIIICE AURA a HASIICISICIIICIIICIAICK AIR 3 AIG HK J ames Reid, The Leading Undertaker.'Paone 14 IIIS IIIS RE CUSHION SOLE. FOR TENDER FEET The ideal sole for tender. feet is the Cushion Sole. with a soft, felt leather covered sole, which conforms to the exact shape of the foot--acts as a cushiento your every\ step--and, being: a} non-conductor, keeps your fe an even temperature. : Cushion Sole Shoes for Men 2 and Women. . If you suffer from corns, bun- ions or tender fect, Step in and see this Shoe--try it on and you, will be surprised at the absolute foot comfort it will give you. $3 for Women $5 for Men J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE MAKING. OI ISIS IRIGSISIICISIISISICICISICIBICICICIININ ~~ Anyone who ever sleeps -eN I~ RN . v * AE : 1 Our High fail to_bring sucvess to our ates. Day and and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC it is fitted BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, 'Phone 680. | | i GS Go Only to the Well Trained ~Giade Courses pever Kvening A id Kingston. T. N. STOCKDALE, Frinelpal. TELL LLLTVETLVET TESS : VOLT HLRALLBTLRBRBLVBUES . 'at Increase Your Efficiency ¥ Heal of Queen Street. Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, keeping, Te'egraphy. dividual tustructi deficient in English Rates moderate. time. 'Phone, CALFEB, ¥ for § Principal. Canada's leading Business School pupile branches. Enter at any 440. H. F. MOHOKOKOMOKOKOKOKOKONKD ; Kingston Business College, Limited, Books 7 al lo HONONKOKOKONOKOKONKOKONO lho - Melton a © Overcos Newest Shad ex Ulsterings and Fuit- ings. @ a ---- | on a "Gold Medal Felt Mat-| tress" is sure to speak aboat it to others. They have a reputation all over Canada 131 Princess street. Fine Tatloring John Twedell. as the cleanest and ost comfertable of mattresses, and these together : Hercules "Bed = Springs, Gold Medal Felt Mattresses make a combination fit for'a king. Youmay pay more for something inferior, but for all-roundscomfort and satis- Coffee Direct from Boston. sold, Get pulvarized or granulated. grind 1 Ib, modern mill in America. Never ground till We in 15 seconds by the most A. GLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Ear faction, we guarantee these makes to: be "Second to v " W None. which is fully FOR 25 CENTS. Gell ona and try its Office Railings, Coal Dealers and | Builders' Screens, Sifters, Fencing | and Wire Work of every Descrip- tion manufactured at Partridge - & Sons, Crescent Wire and Iron Works. "Phone, 380. ne kL ot? 8 Answer Friday. Answer To Changing Rinto E produces FEAI gung P shield, Substitution Puzzle. .TY as the motto on the knight's i PLUMBERS: A. STRACHAN. A HINT TO SHAVERS are now smelling a Safety Rass Try our PURE LEAD id five pound blocks. The price is interesting. ? Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., 31 William 8t,, Toronto. 27 BROCK ST. etc., for sale, The New Tan Shoe for Men ---- This special Shoe has three heavy soles, thick shank, is : leather lined, plain toe, which makes a very easy Walking Shoe. ] ' 'Special Value at $5 ; Sold Only At -: : ERNET Wm. Murray Auctioneer & New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Sale of Horses every Saturday.