i YEAR 76-NO. 273. NEW THEORY S Infection Caused by Com- mon Worms ON GARDEN PLANTS DOCTOR GIVES PROOF T9 BUFFALO ACADEMY. Remarkable Experiments Told ol Parasites Lettuce, Cab- bage, Onions--A Disclosure of Very Great Interest. Buffalo, w. 20---Dr. Hiram Walker, formerly of Newburg, 'wi has recently come to Buffalo, last night read a paper before 180 physi clans of the Buffalo "A€ademy of Me ditine on the origin of cancer. His conclusions are sure to cause dis cission among all doctors. 'cr years speciilists have 'bea workin to discover what CAUSes can cor. arious explanations have been offered, but none has been accepted De. Walker last night announced io the first time the result his seven years of experiments on this subject flere are the findings, which are quite different from all previous hazards as to the cause and origin can oars , That the cancer is a parasitic case That the common garden the course of the parasite which duees cancer, The parasites from the pores of the worm. That swall angleworms of the one uses on a fishing trip contain the parasite which causes the well-known skin cancer. That large angle ofter found in black or soggy exude the parasite whieh causes internal o glandular cancer That every other variety worm exudes: some sort of that will cause some other malignant tumor, That transmission from the worm to comes through the worm vegetables like lettuce, onions or ecelery. The parasites ooze out on the plant and infect it. These parasites may "also be taken from the ground through the roots of thes vegetables. That men and herbiverous animals aro. infected by eating. vege 6 infected. That earmivorous animals cancer from cating dead which have been infected by crawling over them, That boiling does not kill cer parasites on vhese plants That lime, salt and wood will kill worms That vegetables sandy ground ave infected by worms ground I am of ot Hi d is worm 1 pro OO sort worms, soil, of earth parasitc sort of of the the parasite human being crawling over cabbage contract animals worm the can ashe high or to be raised on raised on apt those not so as lower olf ions," suftering be eating lettuce these In 0 series he sites correct in my eonclus said Dr. Walker, "all the and death caused by cancer prevented by refraining cabbage, celery, onions which have been infected parasites." Walker elaborated of sixty mort made with these upon various animals can from an in at length on experiment so-called para Feedin or © DAILY MEMORANDA. Coat n Lined Finance ( Queen's "a.m to Exhibi Meetin n Fri address dane ap est Furs ar George Millis Theatre Fhe 'Ur Heart of © the Egyptian "Renting For To-Day tijou * ay I'he alna Seenes on ' Comedy Just Nov. 20th, In Canadian 1813--The Americans w Odelltown, 18d 1--Sir Wilirid St. Lin, Quebec 1849---The Hon. premier of born at History ere repulsed at Laurier was born Francis L. Maszsard, K Prince Edward Island i Bellevue, near Charlotte was town 1860--The Right Reverend Lynch was consecrated coadju pishop of Toronto. 1888--The Earl of General of Canada for 1844, died in India 1811 1800--Major-General bert was appointed to the Canadian militia John Lor Josepi arch Governo years July Flgin eight Born 20th Iver J. CC. . Her the command of | I from f Dacorative Dining-room Crockery The modern dining continous plate ample opportuni of odd ahd quaint Plates, etc its affords y display Tankards, @ We extens special Carry ly an chosen articie purpose. Robertson Bros, or injecting these parasitic into guidea pigs, mice, Delgian bares and dogs produced cancer cells in these animals. In many cases tenet] and real cancer developed. In most every case the infection was o tal to the animal upon which the ex- periment was made, though in of larger animals this was always true In every case, ever, infection and cancer cells produced, | Then Dr. germs nse not how- were like the over Like cells of Walker conducted experimentseafeeding animals of kind ves of cabbage { which earth worms had crawled. results were found and cancer were produced in lungs and liver the animals. As a further experiment Dr. Wal ker boiled- down the leaves of infected {cabbages and the worms themselves dor an hour in an attempt to kill the parasites. Like injections were made and feeding resorted ito with the' result that the smaller animals lied from the parasites as before and were found to have numbers of ma lignant cancer cells in intestinal parts despite the fact that the parasites had been boiled. He presented a series Li microscopic showing cancer eells produced these conditions. These cells examined by the big specialists in the country and pronounced ecan- cer cells, though the specialists were not told from what animals the can- cer cellt were taken nor how pro- duced It was pig which given water in worms had been cut up would not live more than eighteen or twenty days after the potion had been down In these cases cancer cells in numbers were found in the liver of the guinea pig SOLD HER RIGHTS. a Room in the Old Home- stead. 20, sane slides under were alto shown that a was guinea which ed large { lungs and | Willed Nov \ will case from interesting Foronto Burlington, with behind it, came The National cutor, of Mr died an up at Trust company, applied to settle Bastedo, Burlington, who in 1865. 1 nder the terms of will a daughter, Rebecca, was given pos- session room in the northeast corner old home, the balance of the home becoming the property of her brother James died in 1904 but the daughter continued to occupy the room. She has consented to accept S800 fo) rights, and consent judgment was tered. story hall as exe up the estate Osgoode f of of a of the James now her en WITH CLOTHES ABLAZE. the | | Fire. N.S, Nov. 20. Miss Kate | Campbell, daughter of Duncan: Cam bell, aged seventeen at McKay's Corner at St from | The | about the her clothing no person in house the time, the frichtendd | info the street to neigh bloeks away. She was en in flames by the time she the h the inmates f ceeded in putting before the il Svdney vears, residing died, Joseph's hospital, Glace burns sustained at her home woman working stove when fire. There vesterday, Bay, young kitchen caught the girl bors, was being at rushed three veloped reached Se, » the wa which suc out blaze not badly but burned $ Warrant Nov numerous the lift-lock the superintendent has Muskrats Musk the and J the although web-footed that they banks in For a9) Death Peterl bec have I'rent Nas H worl It I= ro oro, krats ome 80 on between ' that MeClalia exterminating close cam commenced them the feared the homes The | of | season for | It is injure will making | superintendent re- | withority Ottawa to th their hter |S COBLESS CORN SEEDS FROM A "FREAK EAR PRODUCES IT. from pre slauy K Solid Among at ranels and Are Large Even Growing Silk--Exhibited | Some | the Fair a tor H Nor 20 A véar avo Garlough, And H 0 onnn {now at Sconce 18 cobless corn and Taylor county ght quantity in Indiana. In the ship a freak ear, which, ordinary cob, was composed of husk. the grains being neat i SF Tabped upon the soft foundation, } bi peas in a pod lr. Sconce decided to plant all the kernels found on the freak ear, and to his surprise, the ears produced this fall were exact reproductions of the | single car. He believes that there js {more to it than freakishness. The ears produced this year yielded as much orn those provided with a cob, while the kernels were large The ears were well filled, 1¢ growing among the silk {he freak ears were plac ~1 upon ex hibition at a county fair at Sidell Vermillion boug | seed corn | ment of the a core, was instead or as and ker solid | € swathed her $10,000 shape | appeared | Snake Charmer.' | Odell's when | as beauty | bare-footed, ment | bong slipped down, ed last month on a charge confessed other laborers in the stealing mine owners. carried it #400 000 down." back KINGSTON, TOOK Nt - And About $1,000 in Dust Besides. A MINER CONFESSES SAID HE STOLE GOLD BY HANDFULS. One Man Took $30,000--Accused Was Set at Liberty on Pro- mising to Testiiy Against Other Thieves. Seattle, Wash., Nov. %0.--B. R Reed, formerly employed by R. I. Narnette, owner of the Dome Creek mine, near Fairbanks, Alaska, arrest of stealing yesterday, and implicated from In his confession Reed said : "I gathered the gold and sand in handfuls out of the rifles, hid it in my handkerchief, or gloves or boots, homie, and washed it out. cleanings were from 50 eents to a day, and th day I brought home the $400 nugget it seared my wife, it was large. Altogether, must have cleaned up $1,560 worth oi stolen gold. 1 have spent it ex cept the $800 dug up in front vard "What I have taken from Tarnette's mine is not a drop in the bucket com pared with the = stealings that have wen going on in the Tanama distriet all summer, and are even going now. 1 know one man who has worth gold his his gold from employ guilt, sO all my or $30, of stolen salted After against to parole testify taken to when was released Reed had agreed other gold thieves Alaska, he on THE $10,000 FIGURE. Eager For a Glimpse "Living Venus.' New York, Nov. 20.--Maude at the Odell whose physical perfections won for her a 810,000 prizé' abroad, made her Ame rican theatre to a crowded house, largely of curious women, debut at the Lincoln Square made up The perfect feminine form was there, Died of Burns Received Lighting | so far as the audience could see, but a support was as flim a3 the semi. in which the young woman when she called "The garments davk-oyed 4 or J in a sketch The sensation of the sketch is Miss first appearance on the stage disrobes and appears unadorned. She is bave-legged, her only gar a sort of a two-thirds whieh is held up by two over the moved one she ealmly almost being | length slip, | blue silk ribvons | Every time she shoulders of the rib one occa and on sion both slipped acting modest {| That tary ; | Esquimaux 'Dying. New York, Nov. 19.--Reared in the frigtd arétie Mene Wallace, a nineteen-vear-old Esquimaux could not anced the severe climatic | conditions prevailing south of Aretic and Fe Il an easy prey pneu monia, of whith he is, dvix 3 Fordham and another Esquimaux wer from Gadaland by Lieut the explorer, Mene's compan died a short time after his For time Méne seemed became the sufferi rone, withst less the to ie to at the hospitai ars to easy prey from n lato an ot asease ges now g When You See Pros furs v Peaman waderwoar, { Pending the Settlement Miss Odell while her is a delight to the pictures reveals and the her part ove mn poses on In simple she real withal NOT A WORD SAID Suggested Britain. Nov 20 Fdward Hostility to Foreign Seere Grey, a vesterday, referrin the kaiser in the appreciativ ely, been hv London, Sir m Scarboro, iebate on remarked, has not any party towards Great Britain or any country. He said he hoped the ple would be reciprocated and reflect ed when anything ut Ger many. Dealing with Edward said conference great sedative ht citing stimulant the diffieulties more anxious than ever must be made of the next because, winter, which able te action in the favorable to diploma: ¥ ROOSEVELT IS MUZZLED Claims He Won't Attack Corpora. tions Again. Mo., Nov 20 of the National Pros Association, has made public a letter whick he has sent to all the members of the association announce ing the completion of its work, The asspcintion, says the letter, prevented President Roosevelt from sending any more to that had the appearance of ¢ corporations. The Simmons says: "Results far better than pected were obtained Among most important of these was the to President Ropbsevelt, which sulted in his not sending any messages to congress or doing {thing that had the appearance of ing an attack upon railroads or « large orations reich that ¢ mem hostility oth said word ber of incurring exan was said ab near ¢ mig be Lhe ast a it If or mig d would it leave Lhe few it 1 uss bes week was unfay Balkans, or Pad | E. C. perity Louis, Simmons, messages congress letter of President had ex the visit wi re more any be ther car] THE WIFE'S ALLOWANCE. of Suit, York, Nov. 20 Bischoff, in wn ¢ at the rate of monthly, to Gould, ponding suit for aration apd Gomld. Thies is the samg ance. Mr. Gould' has been volu allowing to his wife 'pending de termpation « |129 000 aHows counsel fees New Justice vimeony payable mons i hw Supreme Conrt siom, allows » 000 Ka'therir velit from bh a vear Clem the diention How low of [WY ATHY i her suit. She asked fe Fhe decision RSS HM ay Babb § lor meu s : ae wadervear, ONTARIO, | F. FRIDAY, NOVEMB TO HAVE TRIAL TRIP. Lieut. Seliridge Will Likely Be in Charge. Halifax, Nov. 20.--Professor Alex- ander Graham Bell's immense tetrahe- dral aerodrome on the conduction of which experts have been busy all summer, is: completed and a trial flight will likely be attempted to- | morrow The new aerodrome which | was built under the supervision of W. | Baldwin, chief .of Prof. Bell's staff, ison the same lines as the "Sygnet" in which Lieut. Selfridge, of the Un- ited States Signal Corps, made sev- eral successful flights last December. but is much larger and, carries a number of iniprovemenis which the experiment with the "Sygnet'"' and other 'airships suggested to Prof. Bell. It contains 5.000 tetrahedral cells. 1f wsather permits it expected that the first test with the new aerodrome will be made to-morrow. Lieut. Rel friage who is now at the Cape Bure i ton headquarters of the Canadian Inventor, will likely be © chosen to make the initial fli 1s | ja | U.B. SENAT Rupior show OR has it STEPHEN KINS Senator 'Elkins, who characteristic pose exalted station in thut his daughter | eligible to wed Senator FElkins that in a to an the nobility ftaiy, Katherine may become he Duke of Abruzzi, however, looks wpon his rank as United States senator as ome quite axalted aly's King mig elevate is is to he as any him to THE BELL MEMURIAL. Former Home Bougat and Monn i ment Erected. Brantiovd, Ont. Nov. 20.~The sites committee of the Nell Memorial As sociation announce that the forme homestead of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the Bell Telephone, on Tutela Heights, near this city, where the telephone was invented, will he acquired as part of the me morial heme. 'In addition $25,000 monument will be erected the city and unveiled, probably the sum mer of 19}07 a im mn No Recount. La Prairie, Man., Nov. 20.- | There will be no reconnit in Dauphin A. B. Hudson, of Winnipeg, for Mr. | Burrows, app 1 before Judge Ryan | and asked for an adjournment on the ground that he had able to | serve Glen Campbell notice re juired by law, a not heen able to locate Mr. Campbell. His hon- or said there was no provision in the granting adjournment was other course open to than .to refuse the application. Portage Me been with he had not law for Ii & he an re no him | | Wate | was | | Purpose 4 on President n attack on large | | DE CANT or | | | where cheaper He {Cally He: | | stopped giving i Dr. | h bi dhiloe coY | fording THE DEAL 15 CLOSED SECURES BLANKET OPTION. rtown's Street Railway | System May Change Hands-- Dexter Line is Included, N.X company natter wen ch L. G. De Manket option of the Dexter well The an Watertown, Nov 20 mcuo Cant line all deal ha when se here | as the otg. I | s to al pean ele I, and "Ww Mr. De ate owners will map ont the plans of the new company The extension Carthage will come among the it is said Civil Engineer | arrived with his men and will start in | the work j for the Black | River "Traction company and its pro- | posed lines, to be operated under the | few managen With the Iraction company to expect much improvements area accessible to and to best ch. will be the company. Hetter service abiect ih all direction That there will be ample baseball games next summer given. 'Lhat a belt to listant nis prevail gs assured, as well the hoth of tt will p stock he from n« ant and his associ to brst, Grey, Roehester, has | irvevis the the of | transfer of Mr. De in the way There street car the residents of the new will the Cant residents ultimate great in ot 1% BOVE & poley be for is the line af- sections, practi- Tine cars assurance Wweess 8 to Car which we inter estod ay Has A Bad Cold. Nov 20. ~The po of voll, a pedmpetiiod hy a rigvertholess, he has hot andiemend Yesterday WO pilgrims, but De is if Rome & fering "rota alight fever, od 4 talk hix physician, he 'recei was unahl to owin to Petncei indisposition c ascribes his the fatigu- the cold to emonics . and weatl r Paxatives price 25e drug wmnish onions, for THC h con- two Emmnae Uasefira stipation. Regular for 2 at W 25 Six pounds Sy "Gilbert's, FE Store ax =o. at | Toronto | RK | he | Christmas purchases | bank | gramme | more lis | tendee y | tended ito hoarseness, | ER 20, 1908. AEST ES == leasant | at | Dispatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS ------ GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. J. U. Gregory, the marine depart- ments "agent at Quebec, very 'ill and not hkely to recover. The new Grand theatre at Winnipeg, $30,000 building, collapsed, on Thursday night. No one was hurt. Holland is proposing the convoea- tion of an international committee to arrange for a third peace conference. Rodolphe Forget, M.P., Montreal, the. millionaire stock broker, has started a new fire insurance company. I'here a 3100 bet between two mining brokers that Temis- will prgke 35 before Satur- is is ming day James Emers the service Violet MeQlnen was kidnapped Man , by ollicers Horton, al and was taken across United States on, border secred aged twelve years, of Dundas, caught her foot in a frog in the H. and D. railway, was run down and fatally inpured The baby Emperor of China is said to be spending his and nights crying his old nurse, from whom has been taken away. The nat of the Caroline are at war among themselves, German troops have been sent protect the Europeans. The Sovereign Bank building, Mon- treal, has been sold to the Com mercial Union Assurance company. I'he price is over $300,000, There no foundation dor the re port that D. ' Pottinger is to retire from the dbneral management of the government vailway system Hugh Aruistrong, member for tage La Prairie, was sworn in as Manitoba's - provincial treasurer, sue ceeding the late Hon. J. H. Agnew. At Cottonwood, Ala., there has been ice an eighth of an inch thick for threc mornings, and all tender vege- tation, both here and across the line in. Florida, has been killed. #dward Kneagh, a Tammany work- er, in jail charged with the death man who knocked down poll on day in New days for Islands and to s eT Por is of a near York. The Home Missions society of the lethodist church has appropriated one hundred thousand dollars toward rebuilding San Francisco churches des- troyed by the lire. Owing to the shortage in the Mexi- domestic wheat supply the Foy ernment has promised to suspend un til June 30th next the customs ties on imported wheat A Montreal out went the 31,000 went uptown departmental purse wi snatched was a election can du woman to to drew Nhe of the and her Ihere no clue. B. E. Walker, president of dian Bank of Commerce, J and Hon. Clifford Sifton, were the principal speakers at the banquet ol the New York State Chambers Commerce in New York might, An imperial edict in announces that the era of the peror, 'u Yi, is to named "the era of proclaimed succession," which is explained to mean, the unification f the nation upon the reform pro of the throne Longboat will go to Madison | Garden, New York, on No 5th, the night DPorando Pie | alian who and Jost Marathon J) American lost event, winner. If the Italian Toronto. and into one stores As the Cana- J. Hill, of on Thursday | Pek new em issued be Tom quare vember tro, the It the Olympic faves, the at the Dorando will run ~N won run who and the and and will chal- | victor | the Indian | i won Ul oreat eng in GROWING SERIOUS. na Powers to Be Indian Authorities. Nov. 20.--The daily and seditious acts in In dia has long showi that the unrest there increasing rather than abat- ing and the opinion is becoming gen- eral that the situation is growing serioms One of the latest in- dications that the trouble is growing the sudden determination of the viceroy to eat short a visit he in to make to the indian prin and to return to Calcutta Standard savs learns that apparent failure the appeal the natives in the king's recent | message eausing an lety. It adds | that in consequence of these and ath er marked indications of unrést there ix redson to helieve areater powers are about to be given to the | Indian authorities to des! with the situation. Among the measures con- templated is believed to be the es | tablishment of special courts to summarily with outrage mongers Must Eradicate It, Xov. 20 The Earl of Tudia, replying to a here, said he declined to by the sedition in a that the time was in- w for broadening the peliti- eal basis. He would not admit that {the weputdtion of the whale nation | | was affected by the fanatical outrages of a section of it, nevertheless existing dangers could not Be mini- mized They were face to face with lan anarchial conspiracy | weapons must be forged 'and gradicate the evil, Greater Given Lot of violence don, record cess The the of Lucknow, Minto, viceroy al address {be persuaded part India loy of { opportune to meet it Sn make | believed to he {Both Sides Appear to Be | | | cane GANANOQUE TIDINGS Overseer Toner Gananoque, event took place on Wedn v St. John's church when Miss 'Eliza beth McDonald. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McDonald, a few miles east of the town, was united in mar- riage to Clarence J. Kavanagh, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y. The mony was ormed by Rev. John P. Kehoe, after which the bri: dal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a repast was enjoyed by a large number of guests. Mr. and Mrs. Kavanagh left to spend their honeymoon at eastern | points, At the meeting of the town eoun- cil on Tuesday evening on motion of Councillor M. McParland, seconded by Councillor James Donevan, an ex- pression of thanks and of apprecin- tion of the efficient work of the fisheries overseer, George Toner, dur ing the 'season, was placed on the records of the municipality. Staff-Captain Bloss, of district headquarters staff, address on the Salvation Army's pions work in the Klondyke, in the lecture room of Grace church, being greeted by a good attendance. Thomas Cockrill, Robert Haig, David Brown, A. D. Brown and G. Cunningham, spending the past few weeks in the north country after big game; arrived home on Wednesday, bringing two fine deer with them. F. PT. Lent, architect, spending past month in Sterling, Mass. returned to town. Reeve CC. Britton and Deputy Reeve John MeMurchy are in Brockville week attending the sessions of counties council Little Miss Doro thy Allen, Main street, in King ston general hospital, where she wun- derwent an operation this" week. Mrs Allen is also in attendance Visiting in town : Mrs. Lipman, Kingston, with her Mr. and Mrs. Ledinder La France. North street. Mrs. Thomas Kelday, Buffalo, N.Y., with her brother, Major J B. Robinsor, South street. Mrs. Francis Hunt, Potsdam, N.Y., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Bristlow spending a short time in Kingston with relatives. Montreal gave an the has E. B this the Robert parents, URGENT BUSINESS Prevented Kaiser From Going to a Gathering. Nov, 20.--The Kaiser parently, "becan his discipline. He excused himself from his customary attendance at the an- nual meeting, yesterday, of the As sociation of Marine Architects which he has invariably attended and do- minated, pleading extremely urgent business. Tle also has cancelled an engagement to attend a royal hunt in Hanover,» and has delegated the swearing in of naval recruits, at Kiel to his brother, Prince Henry of Prus- sia. The significant _inciaent, least in 'he popular point of view is an official announcement that Prof Tschudi. whom his majesty was about to dismiss from the directorship of the National gallery, in favor of Prof Anton Von Werner, has been confirm- ed in his oflice This is regarded as a remarkable concession to public op inion, which angry 'at what unwarrantable oficial, Berlin, has, ap- most at was the moval of a capable was re Hon. J. A. Calder Nominated. Saltcoats, Sask., Nov. 20.-At a large convention, Hon. J. A. Calder, defeated in the last provincial elec tion, was nominated for the consti- tuency of Saltcoats to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Thomas MacNutt frém the provincial legisla { ture AT PRIVY COUNCIL |THE STEEL COAL CASE IS BEFORE LORDS. Conf dent of Vietory--Who Broke the Contract--The First Trial Was Before Judge Longley. Montreal, Nov. 20.--The last of the famous Steel Coal case, has occupied the attention whole Dominion and has been the of several sensational flurries' in the: stock market, commenced to-day when the sit was thken up bv the privy council in London, England Both appear eotfident of vie tory and it is impossible to form any cof ject ure to the outcome of the hearing The hearing of the suil between the Dominion Iron and Steel company and the Dominion Coal company be fore the privy council, mdkes the third one in the hig fight between thése two leading Canadian corpora tions. The original detion was in stituted by the Steel company against the Dominion Coal company stage which of the 3 sides ns certain. amount of coal steel purposes each coal company claimed that it wads the steel company that had broken the contract hy refusing to-acoept many carloads of coal ana baving elsewhere than from the Dom- infon Cdal eompany. The first trial ply it with a suitable for month. The déall of | and special | was held before Judge Longley, of Halifax, and the decision handed lown was strongly in faver of the steel company The conl company then carried the e to the supreme ofirt of Nova Scoti This court ra tifies the decision Judge Longley. I'he eoal combany then anounced that it would carry the case to the privy é¢ouncil At many times it looked as jhouch the case 'Would be | settled out of court, But some hitch always when the vari ofourred "pi ous interests were about to reach the what looked like a muiuaily satisfac, tory Basie, fleece lined under- My Nalets Try Bibby's 0c. wear. + Cleaning our specialty. cere- | Father | self-effacement | for alleged breach of contract to sup | twenty-two | Probabilities : Toroato, Nov. Vil wd * 5 : Pp Hor . Lawrence, ax fo tk i (at Vey AS: aedtn 'day, south erly + 3 va winds and far Do You Want to Save Money? | , If you do--call at this ' store and let us explain to you the wor king of the Miniature Steel Safe we are now distribut- ing. Price 50c I ,000 for Sale --A'T Sree t tte etd et ed +, IN LOVING MEMORY. Of Our Darling Harold h TTimmie), i : XN Josep Whiting, 2041 nipped in knew purent's 'love, withdrew. 1907 the iher ver and sorrow to win a Heaven bud sin came then Just And ROBERT J. + J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Printess street. All Here Valencia Raisins, Seeded Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Cleaned Currants, Cooking Prunes, Table Prunes, in glass. Table Figs, Washed Figs, 'in baskets, New Stuffed Figs, in glass, New Table Raisits. as. Redden & Co.. Importers Of Fine Groceries. TO CLEAR OUT Not me. but all my Stoves. at good reduction for the cash. TURK'S SecondsHand Store. 'Phone, New New New New New New New New I wiil sell AT 705 Image Stops Hiccough Fit. New York, Nov. W.-When sciente had failed to cure a case of hiccoughs that had endured for 124 hours and two eminent physicians sat helpless, a little image of "'Billikins'" wus thrust before the patient's eves, and he has n't hiccoughed since The person for whom the little god of luck did such wonders is Charles . K. Miller, the theatrical man, who had been operated on for a kidney trouble only a few days before and whose life Wal been despaired of, Gustav A. Wolff, Jr., Chicago, IL, died of hocgaphobia., The young man, of age, was bitten in the right hand on August 30th, in resening several small children from a rabid dog. Bibhy's the waderwens house, Limi