Sta) of $1.00 an acre, 4 , Have you a nice com iis falk? If not, there ig tem, for oir. prices place "veryone. ortable set*ol Furs to don no reasqn to go without them within, tn Lfeach.of : iE gr Throws and Muifs to match in Astrachan, Sable, 'ox, Marmot, Lynx, Rat, Mink and Coop. Caperines, in all kind of Fur, from $5 te 20.00. Laides' Fur Coats, in B ochrane. amb, Musk, Rat nd Marmot lined, fron $30 up to 75.00: Cloth hy Coats Our 'Cloth Coats for women and ¢hildten were never more up-to date. Al 1 colors, sizes and styles. Now is the time to choose and haveit' put aside until 'equired, Children's Coats, $2, «= Ladies" from $5 to 15.00.:.'" Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE ad of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter- potion (160 acres, more or. less) of «vailable Dominion land in Manitoba, jaskatchewan or Alberta. "I'he applicant must appear in' person at the Dominion Lands A ency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made it any agency, on cortata 'ather, mother, son, daughtér, brother or ister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --Six 'months' residence and cultivation of the lamd in each of Lhree years. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a {arm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied- by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, ~ brother or ster : upon In certain districts a homesteader ection along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre, Dutjes.--Must reside six months in each of six yséars from date of homestead entry (including the time roliiired to earn honiestead patent) and ivate fift- acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his omestead right and cannot obtain a re-emption may , take a: purchased omestead in certain. districts. - Price 13,00 per acre, Purchas homesteads uay be acquired op any available lands a efthér or even numbered Sectivfs outh of township 45, Fast "of 'the Cal- ary and Edmonton . Railway and: the est line of range 26, and West of the hird Meridian d the Sault Railway ne. Duties.--Must reside six months in ach of three years, cultivate filty acres ud erect » house worth $300. 'YNOPSIS OF CAN2DIAN NORTH- WEST MINING 'REGULATIONS, COAL. ~Coal mining rights may for twenty-one years at an annual Not more than conditions, by | in AJ good standing may. pre-empt. a quarter-|> be' 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.00 HAL Wy ify ged Crumley Bro ¥. 44 2,660 acres can be leased to one app! cant, Royalty, five cents per ton QUARTZ. --~A person eighteen age and over having made a may locate a: glaim 1,500 feet by 1,5( feet; Fee, $5.00. At least 100 must expended on the ¢laim ° eac vaid td the Mining Recorder. has beén expended or paid and requirements complied with the clai may be purchdsed at $1.00 an acre. PLACER . MINING: CLAIMS 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5 DREDGING .+--~Two {oh ses of five - mil each of a river may be issued to $10 a 'mile per annum. Royalty, 24 p cent after thé butput! ex s $10,000. Ww. CORY, ~Unauthorized, publication of advertisement will not be paid for. HE ANTES DeLcASs] THRE SAILORS FOILED Fours iscover Boy or hen $500 other enerally, , one appiicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, Ww. Deputy of the Minister of the Luterior, this PLOT OF THE KAISER. | Frenchman Shéws How He Tried po Humiliate England. During Russo-Japanese War, Baris, Nov. 24--Stephanne Lauzanng | replies an the Sn to the kaiser's pro- fession of trigndsiip for. Britain by charging his majesty with a deep-laia plot to nunpliate Bptain after Aamiral wojestvensky's bombardment of the British North Sea fleet. cided tpat the tragic magdent should be sabmitted ® the.arbitration of a rom- mittee of four, consisting ot a british, a Kusswn, a rrench and an American admiral, It morgoyer decided that in case the fours adipirals : tated 1a agree recourse should be had to the Austrian emperor 10 name a fifth admiral of some other 'fiavy. 'It was the choice of 'this member which gave rise to a most ex- traordmary snpogudic intrigue on we part of Germany. 'Lhe kdisér sought by every means in his power to have his brother, Prince was approached, and giveil a promise of German support. 'Lhe kaiser meant to back up the Kussian case throughout, in order, it possible, to bring about the numihation of kEagland, the removal of the possibility of any trigndly relations between that country and Russia and micidentally the breaking wp of thé An- glo- rrench' dgréement. "On the other hand, if Prince Henry of, Prussia, had had a seat on, the com- mission it 'would have meant," says the writer, "the brother of the kaiser re- siding officially fort vo months in Paris. He would have been feted and received in the: best society, and it was quite probable that it would have paved the way far a visit of the kaiser himself a few months later, who would estenta- tiously come to: return thanks, for the cordial welcome given to his brother. "The German plan 'was cleverly con- ceived, and at first, 'it worked | well, Russia, who at the moment was in"great distress, eagerly welcomed the scheme as a means of éxtricating herself from a very unpleasant ..predicament. | She urged the Quai d'Orsay td help her by supporting tlie nomination of a German admiral. sent to Admiral Kaznokoff, the Russian representative on the commission, M. Delcasse,, however, refused to play the game of the kaiser, The Russian repre- sentative suggested, the appointment of a German, but the French, American and English what it proposal and decided that the Austrian emperor was done. "Thus," concludes the writer, memarable day in, December, 1904; tled the kaiser's ambitious policy. These and that .is never why "the forgavé M. Delcasse, Ladies' Waist. 1 of be m1 oF : Vaccination Cerificate Embargo. Removed Restrictions ~whith "have been 4 > > in force at Cape Vincent requiring passengers entering that. port, to produce ' Vaccination Certificates, have been, removed. FHASISIIICISIBIICICIIIIIIIONK ASHIEIIOORIRIIIOIIION | A pretty design for a dressy waist of silk or in the above illustration. The bodice cut away under the voke and which were of embroidered Three tucks: on.each shoulder give the desired -. fullness; the tucks run the shoulders down the back to waistline, The sleeves are with tucks and buttons, The closes in the back. cuffs, waist Lines. Importers. How to Adjust Collar oa «MUTO" Coat in10 S ey ) TO RAISE. The Collar for stormy weather un- clasp the dome fasteners 'on either side, RAISE the colar 'and® press thé fasten- ers together. Fasten the small collard strap to the two domes, one on either side amd button Jape ACTOSS. IT DONE! e econds | , TO LOWER: The Cellar for BOTH domes in down, and turn back JAapals, ; * IT'S DONE ! weather, Tet us show you, how its 'done. LEE JENKINS CLOTHING, C0... 114 Pungss: i WALL PAPERS. Newest designs in English and Foreign ELLIOTT & SGN. LIMITED 79 King Street W, Toronto. Bey unclasp kd MY turn up lower collar fo. "original position] Mr Dramatic Suicide Cost. Another Life. Paris," Nov. 24.--A dramatic suicide which nearly caused the death of an- other person, took place in the boule- vard, de Clichy this morning. The wife of a stockbroker in easy circumstances , living in the boule- vard, climbed. to ithe sixth floor, opened the window, ard threw hetself out intd the .streef. People saw her turn over and over in the air and fall on the balcony of the secdnd floor, which was the balcony of her own drawing room. She was badlv injured, but she got up, and threw herself over the balcony falling on a bitcher boy who was pass- ing and Breaking one of his ribs. She died a few minutes after her ve- moval to hospifal in'an ambulance. WORKING MAN AS MAYOR. Paper Maker Elected to Highest Office. London, Nov. 24--For the first time { in its history Maidstone will, during the | ensuing twelve months, have a working- man mayor." He is John Potter, former- { lv. a paper maker. Mi ~ Potter retired from work last 1 April. heen a member of the town council fo many years, and is the present chairma of the focal Radical party. Commencing work when he was eight; years old, Mr. Potter remained at thet { Hayle Mills, at Tovil, near Maidstone, | for Sixty years. His family has been connected - with paper making for 180 yeait. ediately after the installation of Boer it will be 'moved that $1,000 in 1 On Sat surday_ 4 night, Mrs. Patrick Ph wife of the pity hall janito Belléyille, passed away, Deceased os been: a suflerer: for*a long time. A 'man is at' his best: ou Sunday--if . | there. 18 any best in him/ rie recalls that Britam and Russia de: tiengy 91 Prussia, adminated. Russia, "Instructions to this effect were also representatives,.raalizing all meant, voted agaist the should be asked to nominate an Admiral from his own navy, which "on a a body of sailors, arid not diplomats, set- facts can be found in certain archives, Wilhelmstrasse some soft material is shown was made on a liming. The lining was chiffon. over the trimmed WOMAN TWICE SEEKS DEATH: Which Nearly He is a justice of the peace, fol, « "ROBT. LIPMA} , Mgr. ENTIRE CHANGE TONIGHT Dur Vandeville willashes tie NENTS: ove Wars "fin 1rd" in Celebrated D "SiRrEis in rg Ltn : TE Hi alle" EXCEL A ALL aed First smaestion: 3¢, RATES Each ne E i great oselfys hearshim.. «oie! ou Nor some. rut. shown for SO 'a show, BUT 80 MINUTES of the best gntersaintiont oe bomen a fens Kingston i for & 40 dibeas Tia admi wi hange our show rig the 'patie thing "t ies Vaudeville, The P: WELL ! WELL! WELL, VILLE ? Who said we ad no aude ville 2 Welt," F* guess we have got Vande ville? We never: disappoint Our Patrons; but do just what we advertise to do, that is give good Vaudeville and change it twice a week; good Pictures, and: change them Rightly ; 3 good songs, and changé thera 'as often as our rudience desires. The George Washington House of_titem all--The Princess. EXT, BIG FEATURE ACT,» Nov. 26th, 27th, 28th. RRY ANS HEN- NESSBEY, The ois AN Emgrald's . Isle, in a Bright All Comedy A GREA x. Our Pictures for TO-NIGE Subject. No. FOILED," good Comedy. Subject No. 2~ ARMY DOGS Subject No. Sr 0 TRIFLIN LOVE," Tragedy Exhibition WATER won PAINTINGS Prominent Beth Artists INCLUDING F. M. EVANS and J. C. UREN, Exhibitors in the.Royal Academy. C. E. HANNAFORD, patronized by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, ete. KRAPATRGKS MF GALLERY, On view from Friday, Nov. 18th, to Saturday, Nov. 26th." ~ JUDICIAL SALE of Residential Property inthe City of Kingston, Featherstone. Morency PURSUANT TO 'AN ORDER OF THE High Court of * Justice in 'this 'action there will be offered. for sale, with ( the approbation' of the Local Master at Kingston, by William Murray, Auctioneer, AT THE PROPERTY, NUMBERS 164 and 166 BAGOT, STREET IN THE CITY OF KINGSTON, ON WEDNESDAY he SfeoNn day of DECEMBER, 191 TWE Love ® CLOCK NOON noi following' propesty; That part of the North Bast portion of Lot. number seven and of the Western portion of Lot numbes' Hagot. street' partivularly = descri two deeds from Thomas eo to Michael . Donaghue dated: respectively June 28th, 1864 and August 8th, 1867, and duly registered in' the Registry Office for the City of Kingston. On the property is located thee dwel- ling houses. ; The preperty will Subject to a reserve Shall "pay ten per cent of his purchase 'at the time of sale to the 'Vendors or their Soligjtor, and the balante in thirty lays thereafter into Court to the credit of this action, without. intérest. The Vendors will only be required to furnish a 'Registrar's Abstract of title ind to produce such deeds, copies there- of or evidence of title as are in their possession. In all other' respects the terms and conditions of sale' will be. the standing conditions of this Court. Further particulars may be had . B. CUNNINGHAM, KINGSTON; or" TT, SOLIC ITOR, KINGSTON. Dated the twenty third day, of Novem- ber, 1908 WALKEM, Hea Hole OF : wits . be offered for bid. The purchaser sale from SOLICT RIGNEY, Jib, Local' Master, AUCTION SALE OF DWELLING owners I will sell on the premises, at 1 o'clock on WEDNESDAY the 25th day of November, 1908, the property common- ty known as the bublin House, and be ing lot, letter. B., ..aceording to a. sub- division of town "lots 22 an 43, The property" has "nu 1roftage ' of thitty feet on Ontario street, with a depth of one hundred and thirty t. Upon the lot fsx oe abrir ick residende with ex which most suitable for a DORE hod be or could be sub-divided into: tr ftene- ments, Sale subject to reserve. bid, For further terlid and particulary; ap- I te. undersigned, or: to SSIS. irkpatrie logers i & gy, calarrist- ers, 194 Ontario street, {ingston. i JOHN LEACH, * _ Auetioneer: pi BANQUET. Under the Anspices ue ol Methodist Chureh,i-on TUESDAY "EVENING, DRG Supper served in. Jegture . Church, from 6, | Js ime ipa; Ye LE o'clock. Menu; See Wil 4 Programme, at "8.8 "Admission Children, 15e. +p to both; Adults, 'ade. F. G. ARMSTRONG, Artist. and. Photographer" 334 King Street; Kingston. Paris To London By Air, Paris; Nov. 24--Clement, the con structor, of the fine new airship: Bayard Clement, which daily; makes long voy- | pages, and which yesterday covered 120 s in a five hours' tripiis credited h.the intention of cogmnencing a series bf long-distance journeys. be from Paris to Lille.and. back, & dis= tance of 200 miles. This will. be: fol= lowed by journeys to other Jarge pro- vincidl centres, ° Early. next year, it is from Paris fo ] Cah have . theit.- printing" promptly' gt the British Whig office, the Sheapest, Sug best 'place. 2 a a dest. we. have 8 ue. Dave AMEN RT: TO hd FARBER t you. Reverse |" 1 NO VAuDE | ¢ 1--"THE YADY 1H LER | \ UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THI) teen od Bene mie ality' of the City o tot re here- by atid that ngs g raspegti Fheing 6 uni€ipa ty of the ha s, ed in it hy said Section, The first of these trips, # is said, Will | vaceination or. revaccination of all sons resident in this municipality, have not in vaccinated within 7 siven and being the Municipality of the City of ston are therefore wa ated, the Sear ard Clement "will aici ney Mhinieipal lay ang the aid order of dba Le v : he of done: Published. { this 24th day 'of 'November, - WANTED--MALE, OB. WORK; mee 2% api EE rego 2s twelve 'to on Wilt hot oA Apply to] AN EXP oC HOW EMAL APPLY 2 1 bi i PigNo, PLAYER, N THE 238 ard F. Paiger, v : Went +4 i MU sr AL otey Knox & perienced. Apply, 8 8 = 0. ii eT Se ASNT . stant practices. Po Tr ' Writs Moter Barber Son lege, orouto. v i : MEN W TED, AT ONCE, ON Salary 'and expenses. One good mui in eack 'locality "with ri A of handling horses to introduce our guaranteed "Royal Purple Stock a Poultry No experience n ary ; we lay out your work for a4 3 $25 a week amd Sapiensen; Perit ermanent. Write Ww. epkins Manufacturing Co., Pond, ps re GOOD GENERAL washing. Apply. to King and Gore sreets" - Ss VANT. qm, Oliver, Cor. GOOD amen L SERVANT. RE férences evening, at' © 325 King street. SOUTH AFRICAN SCRIP 'RI stating price and Sori,' at 511 "Spence street, Winnipeg, 'Manitob SPOT CASH, Warrany. where, J, street FOR VETERAN'S LAND See me ore selling else- Cairns, 86 Lower aot FIRE saian, Iowgnt on. a} Sook © anies, lowest rates, r se poretry J. R Dobbs & Co,, 109 Brock 8t; oleh one, 480° ¥ OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH TR a electri work. All kinds of work promptly done, F. J, Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington sireot! AFRICA LAND ~GRANTS bought. Highest cash. price paid for scrip. Write J. HH. McDiarmid, Sat- urday 'Night, Building. Toronto, Ont, SOUTH A Jos _ CLEANING ASHES OUT OF «or cellars, or ether. baggage Tan Prices right, Appl Lytle, General Creer, 58 Bt. GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- er overcoats made now, &lsg 'last fare' turred and made like, new. our own cloth made into up-to- date suits... Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tailor, 131 Broex" St. next to Bibby's Livery. "LOST. SABLE RUFF. ON PRINCESS ST. . Sunday evening, Finder please re- turn te Miss Daisy Hilliard, 280 Princess street, A PAIR GOLD-RIMMED GLASSES cage, on Friday afternoon, on' King, IN GOOD PLAIN COOK : REFER. ences requ pply after p.m, to Mrs, H.. BE. Alusstal, 22 rrie sireet, The telegPaph Wilk reach your man quickly. Af you are sure. just where hp is the tele- phone will:do it quicker: But if it is good help you 'wan? and do not know Just where to find it; our Wart Ads. are quicker than elther. Brock, Wellington or Princkss Sts. Reward for return to Whig office. ARCHITECTS. LADY'S BLACK POCKET BOOK, containing small sum' of money,. oh Tuesday afternoons Finder will be ré ards By returning sage to this Yhice: ARTHUR BLLIS, ARCHITECT, difice and residence, 181 University ve. > ' PERSONAL. FEY i ARCHITEC Fhe Achat uil ng, Market Square. "Phone, s i ¥ re sto hy HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, p © warts, etc. without scar: Tan removed Ep shes. Elmer J, DP uroat aad years' Sos 258 Bagot street. Skin Pek MONEY AND BUSINESS. VERPOOL, LONDON AND 'GLOBE ire; Insurance ompany;' Available aspets $61, 187 215. n addition to which -the policyholders have for POWER & 'SONS; ARCHITROTS, MER- chant's' Bank Builiting, corner Brock and Wellington hati "Phone, 212. ' NEWLANDS, Gaffes - second, floor over Mahood's corner Princess and "Entrance on Bagot ARCHITECT, NO TWELVE GAUGE _nEpraiNG rio "he 198, WHE oe. cpr Rey DAVIS 1S SEWING. MACHINE, IN Yaobp Party lesving eit this Inquire, at once, 48 vision Sol de street. ONE FAST GASOLINE BOAT, ARAND new. On pceount. of being too long in camp, it has not been used. Ap= ply to "A." Hattery Canteen: AN ALMOST NEW Square Heater. Cost $42, for $5) One "Art Sultana," as good as new, for $20, at Turk's, "Phone, 705. ONE CUTTER, IN GOOD REPAIR, ONT horse lumber waggon, one horse sleigh ; also two setts A All in good condition Apply 42% Alfred street. ; Ww 2 DO _ YOU «WANT "A NEW" POR Barrel ? We have them, also the Sal that's all Salt for dairy, tables an packing purposes, gt Andr: Maclean's,' Ontario street, Wii1A WwW, 'Os heated, Slogtris ges ~Agencyy SOLID BRICK. TWOSTORY ling house, 9 rooms, bath an \ fin rate; hot wateh | and Q Godwinte Tndiranee Maret Square. * TOLET, 3 3 . 3 , HOUSE, OVER .STORE, IN Johnson and University Ato, 5 Ay to I. Ostler, at the, stow. pt Sg - FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board. Modern convenience. Apply 214 William -strees, y T ROOM OVER WADE'S, con, KING and Broek streets, including hot water heating. Apply McCann, 51 Brock street. "ROSELAWN" ; . THAT HANDSOMP residence on Union = street, 2 normal rout for the wihter: HA J. 8. cCann, 51 Brock street, 7 ep CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICIS, front and rear: rooms, at 545 King street, over J. P, Forrest's Furnishing Store) Apply Mr. Forrest. to FROM OCT: 1. BRICK RES dippN SNC 181 Division -- street, « with rooms, including extension KILO hot water heating, bath, ete, - ; 608: quire at 179 Division st security the unlimited liability .of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at. lowest possible rates. Betore renewing ald or giving new business get rates from Strange MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISBUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. telephone, , 568; evening, residence, 38 Frontenac street. 7 o. i MISCELLANEOUS, QUARANTINE INSURANCE. ACCI- dent and Health, Policies . guarantee- ing we kly indemnity--For any weci- dent of any illness, provides, also \ for quarantine. .Get particulars, T. J. Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington $t. HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT arn The Religion Of A Smile. Happiness is the very seal anil quence of real religion. Along is not the sure sign of a saved soul. A smile on the face is more con-p clusive evidence than seripture on. the tongue, A smile is the sunshine of religion breaking through. The man whq can see nothing to make him laugh is blind in the eye of faith The exuberance of a happy life is its best: proof of being lived in acdor- dance with God's law. Happiness is i | harmony. Sorrow is unfaith. Worry is wicked. Penetrate to the verities, Jand your Jaith can rise to O Ahy, atti- tude ofa 5 i, face | Address; Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., Tor the PROCLAMATION fd THE PUBLIC AND 21a. PERSONS within - thé municip, Section Yacumation and apter of Statutes of tine is in force in. this Municipality and. het. Ake Council of CH Kis on he es ordered the per= who of" *'an act Ipooulati the Revised in the exercise of years. Alb persons resident within ni, comp nly 'Council within a of ,. from the publicat oni of this proclamation under penalty of suffering ishments prescribed or a breach to he Royal. Military College, Kingston the envelope **" Roval Military College, Kingst Council; fence, noon, November 23, for the installation of a new Water Supply, at the Miliary Coll lans and dad fail Saformation obtained Offices of the Commandant of the Royal¥y Military College, Director of En Head arters, companied by an accepted ¢ Canadian Chartered Bank for of the amount thereof, Jriter hl Minister oh Y ace, which amount will be forfeit pa orfeited if ta a contract in accordance. -- With tender. The Department does not bind itself to e | accept ths lowest or any ¥ Oars. October 21, - paid aoe oF there toward his' expenses during bis agar of office. ---------- te Wade's "white not' become rancid Su ARTHUR. BOSS; J. tthe, "Jae. and. 2c, ROMOFONK Wanted -------- oxoRomOROKOROKONO KOH for Cash % : All the Veteran's Bounty Warrants | can get | 'Some of the "A" Battery boys have tried me ¥ and are well pleased. - Ask them. Ifyou h * I can guarantee quick returns. Write me W. F. Woollard, Financial Broker, ¥ ticulars. pry up or par- % Room 9, Caledonian Block, Calgary, Alta, HO OHHH KOK OHHH THOKOKOKOKOROKGH OK 1,000 CORDS 1000 Of all kinds of Wood. 'Hitd Wood and Kindling, dey and new. Try' us for next load. SWIFT'S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, --New Water Supply. SEALED TEN RS MARKED ON # for Water Supply, on," and a. the Militia itia and received to the Secretary Department of Mil Ottawa, will be until Royal e, Kingston. poditications may be seen at the Kin, 'and the neer: Militia ttawa. be dubmitted on primed 5 Ped vo the Department. of itid and Defence, and each tender ac- ue on a 0 per cent able i the ilitia and - De- ton, rvices, nes to enter in- the tender. B.F. J ARYIS, arimeny " Militia "od d Defence. ewspapers will vertisement if thority fro tie I 1008. not be paid for thik eit. without. EE ---- "oil 1 That is 'always 1 re= 'membered, many times a a day Tor many years, rt CRADIANTSHOME ~ id Va fo Jent's: ©