»AGE SIX. : a do 'not put it : weather. Write for Catalogue, JOHN McKAY, Furrler, 149-155 BROCK ST. Oar Oi+ der Book tend to order a Seal Skin, Persian Lamb, Far fined Coat, 0 too long. Come in to-day and select our Skins and we will have t ready for you before cold off If in- or Fur of han goods. Candle Sticks; Jardimieres, Smokers' Sets decidedly rich much admired. Reasonable in price, suitable for gilts. Articles Our window displays a selection ome things in Solid Brass Fine Electric Table Lamps, Ash Trays, &c. The 'Old Brass' finish gives ol effect, JEWELLER Issuer of Licenses. and and very is ; | i il | S$ | ) | Marriage 2 | WeCanHelpYo Keep Warm And save coal by simply selling what weather strips y the cold out, and the heat in, You can | ip keep your house with ten percent unpleasant and cold at a ver; Wood «n Felt 2c. Flexible Rubber, foot. ic. less Strips, cut you mall expenditure. foot. Anyone can apply it. W. A. Mitchell's | 65 Princess £ HARDWARE, coal and to u youl avoid catching draught { length, | lure, last night, | of the Hippodrome. + v. ERIN THE-DAY RIGHT NewiBuckw Maple Syrup. heat Flour and Just i the | thing for these cold, crisp | gs. . pe ty 5% * D. Couper, 341.3 Princess St. weet Cider : | -% | | { the - settlement of Pinev late; | \ berry and Berryville, Arkansas, | molished, | printing THE FIRS. BALLO Clerical Vote is Still For Dean Evans, the Lay Vote is For Dean: Farthing--New Names May Come Up. Montreal, Nov. 24.--The, Synod of Montreal is again in session for the purpose of electing a successor to the late Bishop Carmichael, and "present indications are that it will be no easi- '6 to elect a successor this time than aunonth ago, when the synod adjourned Without having accomplish ed its purpyse. he One vote was taken this morning, but the result will nog be announced until the afternoon. session. + Preparatory steps 'were taken, last night, for the voting when clerical and lay delegates held separate con< ferences and test votes taken. Those showed a plurality of clerical votes for Dean Evans, but insufficient to elect, while the lay delegates sup- ported Dean Farthing of Kingston, 67 to 20 for Evans. This left matters pretty much where they were before. 1f a deadlock again oceurs it is pro- bable the names of Dean Williams. Quebec, Dr. Symonds, Montreal and Bishop Mills, of Ontario, will be introducea. % The _ Newfoundland's Cosfimerce. Ottawa, Nov. 24,--The department of trade and commerce has received a report as to trade of Newfoundland for the. year ending June 30th last. The aggregate trade was $23,330,000 an advance of about $800,000 on 1907. Imports showed an increase and ex- ports a decrease. Of this trade, the share of Canada amounted to over £6,000,000, $4,257,000 of Canadian goods and gelling $1,863,000 to Canada. Cana- dian imports' and exports both in- creased, the total sum heing $840,000, Trade with-Great Britaig declined all round. United States imports increas- ed and exports decreased. ad -------- Tornado In Arkansas. Russellville, Ark., Nov. 24. Between twelve and twenty persons were killed and about thirty other persons injur- ed in a tornado which swept through to-day. A tornado passed over Ofark, Mul- killing ten persons. Despatches also report towns of Wallerville and Franklin county, were and that several were killed in each place. that Jethro, in almost de persons the Held Up By Fog. Detroit, Mich:, Nov. 24--~0On ac count" of the dense with rain, which prevails at the Soo, only on locking was made during the past twenty-four hours. The steamer Northern Wave passed down at noon and she is tied up at a pier until the weather cleaps. Dispatches from Mackinaw City also report thick fog and rain at the straits. Few vessels' are moving. dog {Newspaper Plant Burnzd. Port Burwell, Ont., Nov. 24. ~The plant . = started here some three months ago, under the name of the Port Burwell News, being owned and operated by. C. A. Burns, was need "to keep | entirely consumed by fire this morn- The fire was caused by the ex- The loss ng. logion of a gasoline engine. ten degrees warmer | is about $4,000. Insurance not known: A Circus Man Dead. New York, Nov. 24.-- Frank Melville, one of the best known ciicus men in the United States, and for a number of years equestrian director of thé Hippodrome, succimbed to heart fail- in the general offices Mr. Melville was fifty-seven years of age, forty-four of which he proudly boasted, he tad spent in the saddle. Dan Renews-Attack. (Calgary, Alta., Nov. 24.--Daniel Me: Gillicuddy, in the News, returns to an attack on Bob Edwards, editor of the Eye-Opener. own Signature In a letter over his he calls Edwards--& mannet=Pf hard names; says he was | on the pay roll of 'ene of the political | parties dung the campaigh. Dame en Preaches Sedition. Vancouver, Wov. 24.--Prof. Tenja Singla, M.A., a\ Hindu, preached open | sedition against \ British rule in India in an impassioned speech before a crowd of his fellow: countrymen whom 2 ~~ rs he urged {0 resist all efforts of the Canadian wovernment- to send them to "Phone; 76. { Honduras. Prompt Delivery. PASTOR'S PECULIAR VIEWS. He 1 Praises Person Who Purse. tL vid Portage la Prairie, course" of his that; at a a few 'days ago, a stolen by one of 'preacher's comment one of these five o "ciety is a mush Nov, 24.--In the | sermon, Rev, > Smith; pastor of the Methodist church caused a sensation by t five o'clock purse had the gusts. thatesome one dared to he human 'clock teas." of confession" he tea was another of 'his declarations. hon made & decided sensation in the ldusen, city. een eee Our City Merchants. p printing British Whig oflice, Woapest and best place. er pp ------ have their at the Can promptly = 'the © H are : : The GC. --..Newhiirgh, than ever. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hund for oy case of Cata y F cured . J. CHENEY We the undersigned Chen for the last fleve him. perfect! fess trangactions an caryy out any ' firph. i ; WALDING, KIN Wholesale Hall's .Catarrh © ly, - S€tiug directly mucous surfaces of monfals sent free. bord old by all T Mall's Fawily L pation' Pr & CO., hav 15 NAN & MARVIN, ruggists, Tol ure is t upon . the blood the system. pice - 78 Drag Pills e known F. |! years, y honorable in d financiall obligations, made by his | Stole | | ! A. i. | statement | held here | been | 'The | hank God | nt "So-| was | ser- | The | will take place, quietly, in Finkle carriage works, heing restored finer rod Dollars Reward rrh that cannot be Hall's Catarrh Cyre. Toledo, O. and be- all busi- ablé to edo, O. internal: and Testi- cents par ists. for .comsti- done | "1 Oysters. PE----_ Notice. - Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ete, for - sale at Whig office, the cheapest and best place to buy print ing . g ---------------- Father Hand For Bishop. London, Nov. 24.--A rumor in Ca- tholie eircles, stated that Rev. Father Hand, Toronto, is to be chosen bishop of the diocese of London, to succeed Archbishop lr . { Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. A. Valleau, Dese ronto, announce the engagément of their daughter, Pear], to Howard Van- of Picton, QOnt.. The marriage December. 8. | a To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, ete. { cheapest and best, at Whig office. Alderman - Graham and Dr. Bogart were requested to attend the board of | health meeting this afternoon to give { information as to_some of "the wild rumors going dround. The board has | heard. that they . had some criticisms to. make. , There are at preséut five patients in the station hospital, on Queen street. | None of the cases. are of a serious 'nature. Two horses," found to be unfit for service, were shot at Tete de. Pont barracks, yesterday. Tt 1 Edwards & Jenkin. Mona Knight, Kingston staying . with Mrs. Monk, Mar street, Toronto. ' | The steambarge | tdmight, from -~Sodus; with coal ' Soward's, tr | Miss Navajo will arive for I the Island purchasing over | Hl is | kham | which he hopes will restore him. rp oo MARINE NEWS; is Found Wharves. The steamer Wahcondah passed last night on 'the way west. . The sloop Maggie L., loaded wheat' at Richardsons' elevator and cleared for Glenora. : ¢ With several of the Kingston schooners laid up; it is beginning to be very quiet, in local marine circles. The steamer Brockville arrived Swift's today with freight from the west, She went down the river after discharging part of her cargo. The steamer Dundee, with flax secd, and the steamer Stormount, 'with wheat, are expected to arrive at the M. T. Co's elevator from Fort Wil- liam, to-day. Rig Swift's 1 Steamer Waheondah, up, Monday night; steamer Aletha, from bay points; steamer Dundurn, up, to- night; schooner Cornelia, cleared for Sodus for coal. Capt. Charles - Chambers returned from his trip en the schoonéx Kitehen, "Charley" cannot see his way clear to give up sailing entirely, although he is now doing a rughing business with his dray. - Capt. Chauncey Henry -Daryeau What About the Daryeat and Capt have returned from delivering the schooner Jamieson, which: was sold, to the owner, Capt. McCullough, at Napanee. The Jamie- gon will be kept busy next season with local trade. 4 : ed HELD MOCK PARLIAMENT For "the Discussion of a Navy Bill. A proposed navy bill, for the ex- penditure of £50,000, formed the basis of an interesting mock parlia- { ment, held on Monday night, by the Young Péople's Society of Queen street Methodist church, and brought |lnbout a good discussion. The bill was introduced by I. Law, representing - the minister militia, and it was The different parts were taken as follows : Prime minister, Robert Allen: speaker, Robert Meck; minister of militia, H. E. Law; post-master- general, Miss Blake; minister of fi- nance, Miss B. Dodds; minister of agriculture, Miss Watts; minister of marine and fisheries, Miss Ennis; sé- cretary of state, Miss Ross; leader of opposition, A. Anderson; other mem- bers, F. Baker, Miss Campbell, R. Gage, Misw<Ball, Miss M. Cullen, B. Leach, clerk; sergeant-at-arms, W. Doherty. E. of House Burned At Petworth. Petworth, Nov. 21.--Robert Carr had the misfortune to sprain his ankle and will be laid up for 'some time. {very bad fire occurred at the home of {William Ashley, when his house and furniture were totally destroyed. lle was not home at the time of the fire and his daughter, Violet, escaped in {her night dress and barefooted. The house was frame and was goon con- sumed. The people had hard work to save the barn. Ashley received quite a shock. James Wallace, of this place, has been guffering with rheu- Imatism. H. Garrison has sold house to Reuben Garrison. He going to move to Moscow, Orvall Carr is on the sick list. Mrs, is Mrs. | 'He May Take Action. | The chairman of the board of health is likely to take action against an alderman who made the statement at the city council meeting Monday even- ing, that there is a big graft in re- moving, patients to the contagious hospital, He says he's 'tired of hear- ing statements of this king, and will now give some people a chayce. to hrove what they say. At the council meeting Francis King, a member of the board of health, stated in a reply to a question that ten | each patient removed was not charg- | ed, a= alleged. L | | | Guess Wide Of The Mark. | The statement was made by a prac- tical alderman in the city council meeting last evening that he believed { the macadam road on Park avenue, | from 'West to Barrie = streets, must "have cost fully seventy-five cents a square yard. office, the infomation is given that the road, including drainage, cost not | more than thirty-one vents a square t yard. . . | . Suing For Damages. | Port Huron, Nov. 24.--Miss. Jemnic KXlexsnder;, formerly a well-known nurse 'of this, city, but now a resident of St. Thomas; -Ont., has filed suit for $25,000 damages jointly against Dr. 'Albert BE. Thompsen, of St. Clair, Michigan, her former employ- er, and ex-Sherifi Thomas Moore, al- so of St. Clair, alleging that she was falsely imprisoned in an_insane | asylum at London, Ont., at their inf stance BONNY The Ever-Mobilized. Argonaut. | Rudyard Kipling recently atiracted attention' by eulogizing the medical profession in an address. He said that physicians made up a "permanently mobilized army, which always is 'in action, always is under fire against death." Would Like To Come. i Rev, I. W. Savary, Winnipeg, would {like to paccept the vicarate St. | James' thurch here. He las placed his resignation with the Archbishop i? Rupert's Land, but his grace asks | { oO! for a few days to "consider 'it. To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, ete, cheapest and best, at Whig office. eit ---- |esA. E. Faine, of Oroville, Wash., ad- | dressing the: city council recently, -ad- {vocated a weekly newspaper for ad- | vertising thé place. The plan was | approved and $2,500 subscribed on the {spot. | Mess D. K. Mackenzie | St. Thomas, { brother, Joseph | in. Kingston. ; {- Still the man who is always | ing about himself savés you of talkin {BR wood tp the lannching of the | Hammonic on Thursday. Warden Platt is off for a week's yest is dead 8.8. at} finally carried. | his | dollars for | At the city engineer's, - | THE DAY'S _EPISOD Occurrences In Thu City Anz Vieinity--Other Briel Items of Interest Easily Read And Re membered. = Oysters. Edwards & Jenkin. : Williafir Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. Phone 778 Henry Turpin, Main 'street, leit, to- day, to visit friends in New York. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's. Leave orders at Me: Auley's Book Store. . 3 A statement in the Perth Road per- sohals of last week, of parties visiting at T. Woods', is absolutely false. Just received five cages of MeCon- key's chocolates on Monday mo:ning, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store "John Inglis, O'Kill street, left, to- day, for Toronto, to take a position as stenographer for the T. Eaton company. Have you guessed the weight of the big pen at Best's yet? Il ladies interested in: the garbage question are requested to meet on Thursday afternoon at four o'clock, in the council chamber. A two-quart red rubber hot water bottle, made of pure rubber, only 50c. Wade's Drug Store. / 4 The steamer New Island Wanderer brought a large number of passengers from Cape Vincent and points beyond to-day. } Donald E. Ryan, managy of the roller rink; left, to-day, for| his home in Toronto, The rink has n closed until next spring. At a special meeting of the Ports- mouth council on Monday evening Dr, William Gibson, of this city, was appointed medical health officer. Best's Short Stop cures all coughs always and costs but 15c. In answer to numerous enquiries Dr. Anglingstates that the Country Club House is absolutely free' of infection, notwithstanaing rumors to the con- trary. Row : | Lennox 1{25¢c. each; drug store, Inspector Arniel, of the Humane So- |ciety, has been paying special atten- | tion to some complaints made about horses being used, claimed to be unfit Reta Iron Pills, regular price two for 25c., at Wade's Kingstony Teams r Failed ito Ann ex a Silver Mug. a her football season has been Dr to g close and once again the old . tone city has been left in the cold. Once again the teams repre- senting the city that has turned out more noted football, hockey and base- ball players 'than any other place 'in Canada, is left again without any of ihe silver mugs from 'the big leagues. Bit it: is better "to 'have tried and failed than. never to have tried at all, and the local teams certainly tried hard. . : It was hardest for Queen's to lose the Intercolieginte championship: Many players on their team graduate before another football season; and during their four years stay im eol- lege they have labored with aight and hain to turn out a championship fourteen. This year they all but, suc- ceeded, and next year will mean the breaking in of a new bunch. As @ player said last night : "It was hard to he defeated in the eleventh hour." Of this year's Queen's team, Macdon- nell, Turner, Buck and Murphy gradu- ate, and Gibson will not be in hav- ness again. Sports At The Y.M.C.A. 'These are exciting days around the &¥M.C.A., even if the physical depart- ment is closed. Four table croquet enthusiasts met on Monday evening, and each one proclaimed lis ability to beat .each of the others. To settle the difference, funds were handed out by the men, and the secretary produc: ed a medal; The games were entered with great earnestness and rivalry. Sides were taken by the onlookers, and great excitement prevailed. F. J. Hamilton proved an efficient referce, and arnied with the association gun, he succeeded in keeping the crowd back without bloodshed. The first ser- ies were between Eric Sharp, a player of long experience, and Ham. Kdgar, Edgar won by 2 to 1. The second game was between George McConnell and Jack 'Brewster, both past mas- ters. Brewster won on account of his nerve. The final between Edgar and Brewster drew great applause. After a keen contest, Brewster" won by 2 to 0. The medal was presented by the secre- tary, and g neat reply made by the winner. A Committee To Act. The members of the Yacht Club met for work. Vaccine shields, celluloid, en Be., at Best's. Don't ahi [thy "Princess" to-night. [tures and good vaudeville. sisters in the Buster Brown act. | The Foresters belonging to Frontehac were entertained at oysters on Thursday last by Robert AHen, 'chief. ranger, at his home, on Syden- ham street. "Gold Fish Food," fresh stock, Best's. A. number of American soldiers, (colored), from' Sackets Harbor were in the city om. Monday, for a few | hours' visit. "They, proved quite {drawing card as they walked up and down Princess street. | Ed: 10¢., lin! Wood at Bananas, wards & Jenkin, Fae likely that the roller rink { floor will be taken up before the very (cold weather 'comes and once again the ice will he made on the ground. This will make better and harder ice, than llast year. In the spring a new floor | ill be installed at tF~ rink. The story sent afloat that there was a econtagidus disease discovered a | Afidxgon's store," corner Princess and | Division street, i untrue. Chief | Baillié, Corbett and Dr. Bell had | occasion to use the telephone ~ there | Saturday night and in this way the story was sent abroad, Fumigating torches, and disinfect ants at Gibson's Red Cross drug tore. A play that has greated the biggest i sensation .ever known in the theatrical history of New York, "The Devil,' by { Franz Molnar, will be presented hy {Henry F. Savage, who has the only | authorized version of the play in this country, at the Grand Opera House; 'on Thursday, December 3rd. Grape fruit and oranges. | & sJerkin. | What do you think of a company thirty old with . 88 000,000 assets and. paying $7,000,000 a year | de benefits, oftring indemnity from [$10 to $50 a week: against any ill- ness of one or more days eluration, {and the same if you are quarantined. | Rates the lowest. Apply or write ito W.. J. Eair; opposite post office. pears and grapes. 8 S t Edwards years _Sale Of Valuable Books. in the sherifi's office on Tuesday morningi:the sale took place of the {library of L. J. Day, whose books [were valued at $3,400. Good prices were secured for the various sets, the { figures running from three to four | dollars a volume. The principal buy- jure, were W. Harty, Jr., J. B. Car- ruthers, T. J. Rigney and A. B. Cun- ningham. W. Allen was the auction- ver.» i Bargains At Best's. Five 2B5e. t big 10c, rolls toilet paper, glasses, fitted, 25c. Cold Cream, finest Rimless eye Disappearing | made, 25¢. | Shaving sticks, Violet Talcumn, Iron Tonic Pills, for for 25 2 for 9 9 | Missionary Text Book. Rev. Dr. MacTavish leit at noon, to- day, for Torénto, where he will ats 'tend' the: general assembly's commit. | tee on evangelistic work. Dr. MacTav- { ish wilt also assist in the | supervising the new missionary text | book, which, will be issued in about {three weeks by William Bigs: Se i ---- Li 7 in] aged seventy years. Her | J. McAdam, resides | talk- from committing an indiscretion in 'the way Xs Horsey will go to Colling- Quite a few Kingston sailorg have re- « | turned home for the winter r 1 Conductor-Henry Pook was killed at | Blenheim, : I ra the great programme at jarge turnout Good pie=} patter was fully considered. After comedy Court | the meeting broke up. . | The rink is far larger than last sea- of ! work of on Monday evening to consider the advisability of making the local club a Royal "Yacht Club. There was a, of members and the a lengthy discussion it was left to a committee to decide.: Some other re- gular business was transacted before Ready For The Ice. The pupils of the Collegiate Insti- tute ate the first to make any active move towards getting ready for the hockey season. They have their open gir rink on their grounds all marked {out and the bank boards in position. son and will be plenty big enough for the K.C.l; teams to practice on. MURDERS IN LONDON. i Ninety-Two . Since January 1904--Remarkable Work. London, Nov. 24. --London's un- detected murders formed the subject lof a question in parliament last week. | The home secretary, | stone, stated that there had been ninety-two murders in the metropoli- tan police district since January lst, 1904, and in ten cases the perpetrator had not been brought to justice. Four out of the ten undiscovered cases were those in whieh women had died as the result of illegal operations. As, they hardly belong to the category of mur- ders, as popularly understood, Mr. Gladstone's ~ligures are taken to re- | fleet great credit on the London {lice by comparison with other | tals, Among the undiscovered gases are some in which the police are con: vinced that they know the murderers but are unable to find legal evidence enough to justify an arrest or to secure the conviction of the suspected person, This fact is understood to {apply particularly to two cases, where women have been murdered in | circumstances which created consider- able sensation; The police theory is that oné man is responsible for both crimes, and that their inability to convict in the first, when he was put on trial and acquitted, and their absolute failuge to obtain evidence of his eommission of thie second, show him to be one able criminals in the werld. A constant watch is kept upon him and it is hoped that if his homi- cidal mania leads ®im to attempt murder again he will' be detected be- fore its accomplishment. ; 1st, po- capi- ° ACCIDENT AT YARKER. A Lad Had a Big Gash Made in His Face. Varker, Nov. 24.-- There is still need of hore rain as the rivers are low, and there is not enough water to al- low the mills to run steady. Mrs. (Pr.) Rattan' of Woodstock, and Mrs. W. Doller, of Napanee, spent a day in Yarker. : A Harold Freeman, son of James Free- man, met with an accident, while playing in the old mill. He ran with such force against' an iron that it laid his faee open and Sweip stitches were necessary to close the wound. A hockey club will be formed here, Land the people hope to some good games played here gnd the boys are determined to have a rink on the river. The regular Holiness Movement | dervices, have been resumed here, two workers having been sent to take ~ - see Herbert Glad-|] of the most remark-' % Si e price of her neglect, greatest advantage ES ROWEN . stocks are full and siz plete. a ii 3 gl THE PRICE is an object but quality is the only basis on which you can' judge "price. Come in and see. If not quite ready to buy, you may select any Coat, Skirt or Suit, and have it placed aside until quired, Syl Winter Coats fo Ladies 5 $127 , 13.50, 10.75, 9.50, 8.75, 7.50, and many others Children's Coats Stylish designs that have found faves, $3.75, 4 B0, 4.25, 4.75, 5.50 and others. FOR KNITTERS All over the town people are busy knitting. Some are using the right wool, others not. You may profit by our experience of 25 years in the wool and yarn businéss, and we recom- mend For Fine Work, Sox, Mitts, Gloves, etc., the Genuine : Bechive Yarn, Made by Baldwin, of kKngland, and a-large range of colors, or the Black, White Woolsey, Unshrin®able Saxony 'Wool, in Black and White only. For Heavier Sox and Mitts, Bedroom Slip pers, Golf Jackets, etc., we recommend Unbreakable Scotch Fingering Wool This yarn can only be had from us in King- ston. Bach skein has the maker's label. Take none other. a pid charge of this eircuit. Miss Lois Ben- jamin has been sappointed organist of St. Anthony's church, in place of Mids Violet Ewart, who resigned. €. Shultze, in the absence of Mrs. E. Vanluven, is leader of the Methodist choir choir. sta » : Mrs: Batstone will represent Yarkee Methodist Sundayv school at the Na- panee convention. Mrs. Thomson, of Ottawa, with two of her children, arg ¥arker; the wife of 0. Redden, a son. Peter Vauluven' is; still confined to his "home. . A To The Ladies: 'At Home cards, visiting 'cards, éte., at W. Benjamin's. Anothér arrival in tne cheapest and best, pt Whig sic, Dy ¥ - . js - | = Boo eo S444 S SIA IEEE P44 EPP EIVEI ERNE ¥¥& Everybody Jgnows made-to-order kind. by this time that Regal style is 'the Tt is duplicated exactly from the newest and best New York custom models. You may choose your Regals from our complete stock of new Fall models--and ; shoes whiohi*are just as-faul venue, New York, are men on Fifth J We have a splendid i a pair. Ain i « bit then be certain that you are wearing tless in style as the best dressed wearing this moment. Watertight Regal in Tan or Black, $5.00 ; Fo soo BO thei thtih ih fect + § 0 rr. 4 i Te gp RR SF OPV ORIN Ta ala Whe Joockett Shoe Stor oo pa