Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1908, p. 8

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-- ALLAN TRAINS 12,01 p.m. LEAVE KINGSTON : Express--For Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B,., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, . Chicago, Denver, frew, Sault Ste. Marie, uluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Pdrtiand and an Franscisco, 5.00 p.m.~Local - for Sharbot Lake, conhecting with C.P.R. East and West. 7.45 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and in- termedinte ) ints. Passengers | leaving Kingston at 12.01 p.m. arrive Rg Ottawa at 5 pm, 4 Peter boro, 4.88 p.m. ; Toronto, 6.5 poms; Montreal, 7.05 p.m: ; Boston, 7.80 hn. ; * St. John, 12.00 noon KINGSTON--OTTAWA. leave Kingston, 12.01 pm. Op tawa 4.60 pan. #ave Ottawa, 10.45 a.m., arrive King- stan 3.55 pas. JJlirect connections at Renfréw 'with G. PP No. A, leave Renfrew 4.24 p.m., for Pembroky, Port Arthur, Winnipeg "and Pacific (oast paints, | Full partienlars at K, & P. and CP, n "Phone, BO, arrive | Ticket OfMee, Ontario 'Ht, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pals Agent. BAY OF QUINTE: RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, t pm. daily (Sundays excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, ~ N..panee, Deseronto, Bannock: burn and all points north, despatch to ~Raockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your .ship ments via Bay of Suinte ailway. For further particulars, apply to R W. 'DicksoR, Agent, "Phone, No. 3. CESS TITRE International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, Ill, Nov, 28th to Dec, 10th, ftettirn tickets will be issued at $24.25, Good going Nov. 20th to Dec. 4th, Re- turning on or hefove Dee, 12th. Local sranch Time Table. Trains Depot, and Johnson WEST, Lve. City 2.38 a.m. 85 a.m. will leave Foot of GOING arrive. at City Street. » Arr. 1.07 p.m 8 Express 3.17 poms 11 Local Inter. 2 8 Mail . 2 Fast k 16 Loeal .. 6 Mail .... 4 Fast . 12 Local . os. 1, 4,5,6,7 and 8 other Boh daily except route - to Toronto, Buffalo, London, Bay City Saginaw," Montreal, Ottawa, . Quebec, Portland,: St. "Jobn, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullmag Accommodation' Tickets, and all other "infarmatio Ay to | J. P, HANLEY, Agent, { Jobnson and Ontario Sis., King- 2 29 p m. 778 p.m. run daily. Sunday. Peterboro, Detroit, AD Direct Hamilton, Chicago, Cor. ston, AIL RAILWAY [for Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping andi Dining Car Service between Montreal and the! Atlantic Ports, Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, or I General Passenger | Department | MONCTON, N.B. 7 ; STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE. 18Lao 7:80---9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. 7.80~9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. WED, 7.30--9.16 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m wu KS, dbreakey's x Bay 6. 80-9, 80 a.m. 1.80 p.m. * FRI. 7.809.156 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m BAT, 8.009.156 a.m. 1.00---4.00 p.m. SUN. 0.15 and 12.80 a.m. 8.00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON :-- MON, 8.80--11.80 a.m. 2.00-4 89 TUES, 8.30---11.80 a.m. WED, 8.30-11.80 a.m. THURS. 8.30--1.00 p. MON. ) TUES, ).10. 2.00~4.30 p.m. 2.00--4.30 p + 8.00 p.m. 7 p.m. . 2.00--4.30 p.m. 2.004.330 p.m. | 48 am. 1.15 53.30 p.m. Sat.--Special trip to . Simcoe and Spoor's dock, at 3.00 p.m. ime Table subject to change without notice. Boat calls at Sf den Island going te and from Kingsto Royal Mail CHRISTMAS SAILINGS LIVERPOOL. From St Tunisian, sails . Victorian, sails Grampian, sails TO GLASGOW. : Hesperian, from Halifax . « Dec. 12th. | Jonian, from Portland .'s pc. 16th FIRST-CLASS, $6200 upwards, | SECOND-CLASS, $42.50 upwards, THIRD-CLASS, $26.50 upwards, | Additional sailings and 'rates on plication to « P. HANLEY, or 0: . KIRKPA'l Ron Local Agents, King: ston. Island NEW MACHINE SHOP A call js invited for all kinds oF ii] eral manufacturing and machine repair- ing, sewing machines, guns, phouographs, scales, razors, edged. tools, dies; braz-| ing: model ,and pattern making. Best of | attention given all "work. Repairs may | be tested before 'leaving shop. Work fguaranteed, Work outside city promptly | attended to, Charges moderate. i J. W, HUNTER, - Machinist, 380 Mon:| ireal . St., (near Frincess) hingston Orders takem at Simmons Bros. and A. " Hens |. To secure quick |* City | clothes the nerves and muscles with warm fat fills the veins with rich blood. It makes children rugged and hardy and fearless of the cold. It fills the whole body witli warmthand life and energy. Thin people somfetimes gain a pound a day while taking it. Send this advertisement, together wiih name of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World" 3 | late Mrs. Thomas Topping, Rs | : 1 Like the sun, which tainty ARS 1 1 which enshrouds the buying of underwear. Pen-Ang 1 garments bl best, wear iongest, are unskrinkable, and guaranteed. Ont. | AR | 'orders, | they effected a cure. Jon fo Halts k C Wi pa. | €20x Medicine 00. Toron'. "WOMEN!" " Are You Nervous?" |: The results of modbrn civilization are evidenced in an increase of nervous dis- It could not be otherwise with the way we eat, drink, lose sleep, and keep up a conunual round of excitement. The work, the worry, the excitement, all tell upon the nerves till they cry out in revolt, nd will not be placated till a remedy such MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS come along with their nerve-strengthening and energizing properties; and restore them to their normal condition. Mrs. Wm. Levi, Markdale, Ont., writes: "1 had for several years been troubled with nervousness, and, like many others, spent lots of money on medicine that did me no good. I was so bad that the least noise ld make me jump and my heart would thump so you could Lear it plainly and I could -not lie on my left side at might. I saw a few testimonials of others and -de- cided to try Milbdn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and to my great joy and surprise they completely cured me and it only took six boxes to 'do it. I have a neighbor, Mrs. Rickett, and I inducéd her to try them ahd | use for anyone afilicted as I was." Rees, 50 cents a box, 3 boxes for $1.25, ll dealers or mailed *direc t on receipt of at rice by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, | oronte, Ont. "Silver Plate that Wears® Three Generations § have proven the honest quality standard of spoons, forks, - knives, ef;., marked "1847 ROGERS?BROS " This_name stands for exe quisite designs, correct style and brilliant finish. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS ¥ The bandsomest nut bowls, ~ fruit dishes, tea trays, ek., are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. The great Uterire Tonic, and | safe effectual Mon! oid ou three i of strengta dr gris sts, or sen! | t of price | ree pamphio dd. ess! ONT. omaris Wh { | much missed in this vicinity. | Martin has of two weeks. Scott's Emulsion ENS DF NEGHBORS]E: WHAT WHIG CO CORRESPOND [ENTS TELL US. \ , elie, The Tidipgs ¥rom Various Points in. Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing' And What They Are Saying. ' Westport W Watts, Westport, Nov. 23.--Pef Rooney is {still on the sick list. The regains of who died in Deseronto, on Tuesday last, was laced 'irs the vault here, on Friday ast. Mrs. Topping was formerly Jo- hanna Mulville, of ois place. Mrs. W. W. Kussell is the guest of Brockville [friefids. Miss Mary Donoghue is learn- ing the tailoring with H. R. Derby- shire, merchant tailor. Lyndhurst dines, : byndhurst, Nov. 23.-C. has sold his / hardware business to Mr. Johnston, Lansdowne. Mr. Mo- Rady intends going west to seek his fortune. Rev, fr. Crowley is on the sick list. W. Johnston is improving a little. We are "pleased to see Mrs. Amos Weeks able to be 'around again. Thomas Sly is selling out his livery business to Eli Churel: Mr. John- ston filled: the pulpit very ably in the Preshyterian church on the 22nd. S. McRady Nows From Plevna. Brewer's Mills, Nov, 24.--Some . of the farmers have taken advantage of the fine days and resumed their ploughing. Seabrooke Bros. are erect- ing a hen house for George Fisher. A number from here attended the con- cert 'at Atkinson on Friday evening. Miss K. Be rrigan is visiting friends in Kingston. H. Forrester is suffering from' appendicitis. W. Murphy has re- turn¢d after spending the past three months ip the west. Maberly Matters. Maberly, Nov. 23.--The snow has all gone and cattle can feed out again for a time. Miss Emma Morrison went down to visit friends in Smith's Falls for a few days. Mrs. John mer received the sad news on ursday of the degth of her father, Scott. J. W. Walroth is spend- ing a week with friends in Burridee. Rev. and Mrs. Smith, Sharbot Lake, spent Wednesday evenyng © at the nectory. Brewer's Mills Notes. Rlevna, Nov. 21.--The snow js fast disappearing and the wheels are again in demand. Wensley Bros. passed through here with cattle for Montreal market. Mr. Wilson took a large flock' of lambs to Lavant Station as the heavy fall of snow made driving difficult. The people here wer: grieved to learn of the death of M-s. Almer Mailory, an old resident of this place, John Douglas has gone to North Bay ifor the winter. Dr. Adams has gone to Denbigh to live He will be very Harvey returned after an absence Born to Mr. and Mrs. | Hill, a son., Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Dunham at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Gorr's; Mies \Hill at her mother's, Mrs. A! Vanness. Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith have rcturfe fo her mother's, Mrs. God- kin, to spend the winter. Sleigh Bells At Harlowe. Harlowe, Nov. 21.--The merry jun- gle of the sleigh bells are now heard. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have returned from Arden. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Elmsdale, who spent a: few days of last week at their daughter's, Mrs. A. Palmateer's, "Cosy Nook," re- turned home on Sunday. A few Har- loweites spent an enjoyable evening at €. Hillier's on Wednesday. P. Det- lor, Arden, is visiting at' W. Scotts. Mr. and _ Mrs. Bott have returned from & visit to Napanee and Camden East. Harlowe is still open for some one to erect a factory at the old stand. Mrs. W. Black spent Friday at "Cosy Nook." Mr. Graham, book ag- ent of Dominion' Book company, To- ronto, visited the school on Thurs- day. W. Cuddy visited "The Cedars' on Sunday evening last. G. Brad- shaw, Tweed, is at Mrs. A. Palma- teer's, > v " Wedding At Marysville. Marysville, Nov. 23.--The fafhers are. taking advantage of the fine weather, and are hustling ploughing along. A pretty wedding took place in- St. Mary's church, this morning, when Miss Annie Sexsmith, became the bride of E. Barrett, of Camden town- ship.. Hugh MeArtey fell on a log and fractured two ribs. Miss _ Jeniie Roach, of Brewer's Mills, and Miss A. O'Neill, of Deseronto, are with Miss A. Fahey. Mrs. J. Traynor and daughter Mary, spent Wednesday in Napanee. Matthew Sexsmith and - family, of Kingston, ¥isited J. Russell on Sun- day. A pbell spent 'Bdaturday in Belleville. A Annie Fahey attended the firemen's ball in Belleville on Wed- nesday night. The people are sorry te part with Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexan- I can endorse their f « der, who are moving to the second |conceseion. Miss Stella Campbell was jin Deseronto. on Tuesday last. A on has come to gladden the home of {James Brickley. i Cross 'Lake Budget. Cross Lake, Nov. 21.--The 'mill loca- {ted it' Dead Creek is now at the bridge. - John Keller is. getting logs ready for the mill and Mr." Newton proposes to start cutting before long. . Andrews and' F. Keller were thtough here on Friday. P. Detlor went through: here on a short trip north, Friday. Messrs. J. Price, A. Thompson, and TT. Hawley, Olden, went throggh There. with eight colts from the ranch .on Friday. Mrs. .Par- ker and son, Russell, went to their home near Mountain Grove on Friday. Quite a crowd spent a pleasant even- hg at Mr. Parker's on Wednesday last. Cross Lake had a few days of good sleighing,- but it is now a thing of the past. Miss Barbara Baker is on the sick" jist. Some: stray sheep passed. here to-day. [Mr Yer and Miss Shiyder-veturned home on | Monday evening. A few of the young {people were at Mountain Grove +e | cently' C. Graham, Toronto, called fat the school. F.. Gibbs,- Harlowe, land brother -in-law, Long Lake, at Parker's. Sn ---- ro Charleston Items.. Ch grleston, Nov. 23.--Miss Jennie Eyre} is engaged to teach our school ' Miss «Jenni¢ Par- | { author, for 1009. Wig 'Eva Joknson teach next 5 at, Glen Elbe and] ont visitogn,__ John. lijdson moved from i back to ; George B. Ee i to Ath- ens. . Mr, and. Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh furnis music for a select at Delta on Friday evening, in Delta they paid a visit to and Mrs. A. J. Flood. Mallorytown Matters. Mallorytown, Nov. 23. Bills have been Z di past week an- show in the 1.0.0 F. under - 24th, on ot the Ri dn company. je 44 tient at St. ul hospital, Brockville, nouneing a ha the mana Thardo Tackaherey, k incent de + has et Preys te it rian gS ivensa services werd. held "at 11 p.m., by Rev. Ww. D. 'Keith, MA n. of Prescott b, and on Monday svening | perved in the LO.OF alel ted McLeod, ville, gave " lantern lecture Xp is rseback through the Holy Wells, Mallorytows, el, Athens, changed id ggve two im- - missiotary themes and showed it. 'was the duty of 'each to help carry" 'on the 'work by compar- ing 1t » _ planted in ihe 'crea- tion of t { and periected end of the - "Leonard Hodge was in the he Ton on Sunday. The Union cheese factory has closed for the weca- son. Miss Luella Bigford is home for a few daye'from the Ogdenshurg State hospital, where she was a nutse. An- son Mallory and George Guild have returned ~ from deer hunting. Miss' Annie Hodge is visiting hr Snes, Mrs. N. Wa A Marrickville. and Mrs. Thompson Weeks, ng were blessed bya daughter on Thursday last, Sima LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at the Various Centres, = "East "Buffale, N. Y.,; Nov. 28.--Cat- tlo--Reecipts, 100 head; steady. Veals --Réeeipts, 200 head; active and 25c. lower; $6 to $8.50. Hogs--Receipts, 200 head; aetive and 5 to 10c. high er; heavy and mixed, $5.90 to $6.05 ; yorkers, $5.75 to '$6; pigs, $4 to $4. 85: rounghs,~B625 to. $5.40; dairies, $5.25 to $5.90, Sheep and lambs--Re- ceipts, 11,000 head; sheep slow and steady; lambs active andw30c¢, higher; lambs, $1 to $6 * Chicago, Nov. 23.--Cattle--Receipts, 500; - steady: heeves, $3.20 to $7.60; Texans, $3:40 to $4.40; Westerners, $3.10 to $5.70; stockers and feeders, $2.60 to $4; cows and heifers, $1.50 to $5; _onlves, $5.50 to $7.25. "Hogs -- Receipts, 20,000; strong to 5c. higher; light, $5.05 to 85.80; "mixed, $5 $6; heavy, $5.30 to $6.05; rough, $5.- 30 to $5.50: good, to choice heavy, $5.50 to $6.05: 'pigs, $3.75 to $5; bulk of sales, $5.60. . to $5.90. Sheep--Re- ceipts, 2.500; weak: native, $2.40 to $4.60; Western, $2.40 to $4.40; yearl- ings, $4 to $1.80; lambs, $3.75 to $6: Western, $3.75 to $6. Montreal," Nov. 23.~About 2,170:cat- tle, 173 calves, 1,035 sheep and_lambs, and 1,035 fat hogs were offered for sale at the Pont St. Chagles stock- yards this forenoon. The soft, muggy weathe) $ (unfavorable to trade, but prime tattle', Wee = not too plentiful, and brought : firm - rates, while the common stock, were a drug on the mgd Prise Deeves sold at 4}e. to per lbs pretty good animals, 3c. ig rl) 'and the eommen stock, 1jc. to 2c. per Ib.; with«the lean capners at less han ye. per lls. Grass-fed calves sold at 2%. to 3fc. per Ib. Sheep sold at 3}e't6 de. and the lambs at 4jc. to" Be. per 1b. Good lots of fat hogs sold at 6ic. to 6fc. per Ib. Callard and Bowser's English butter scotch, fresh, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A practical joker sees no joke in Lis own joke when it is one on him. To Strengthen the Nerves v Make Nerve Force From Rich, Red Blood, and Banish Diseases of Nerves With Dr.A, W.Chase"s 'Nerve Food a Nerve foroe,; Ain electricity, to explain. One 'thing is ¢ertain. can- only be created' from blood. Make the blood vight and you cure diseases of the nerves, such as head- ache, Andigestion, _ "sleeplessness, irrita- bility, weakness 6f the bodily organs, prostration 'and partial paraly sis, is hard Nerve force rich, red possibly * be" brought about and he- cause Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food is. a great blood * builder, jt accom- plishes wonderful results in the. cure of digéases of the nerves. Mrs. Nooran, 19 "Sullivan street, Halifax, N.S., writés : . * "My daughter 'was troubled last spring and' sufamer with tired, listless feelings. She seemed to have no en: ergy, was very pale, had no appetite, and became very mervoas and weak. We were much alarmied about her, as nothing seemed to do To any good. It was not long, however, -aiter begin: ning the wusé¢ of Pr. Chase's Nerve Food until we began to see a marked improvement in" her condition. Her color 'got better, she gained in weight and vigor, ' and hek whole system seerned to be bil up. She is quite {well now, and we join in strongly re- {commending Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.' The old saying that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' is nowhere so applicable a% in diseases of the nerves, and there was néver so {eflective a preventive jas. Dr. Chase's. {Nerve Food. This is hei proven ev- ery day in thousands of Snes. Portrait ' and Sfghatare of W. | Chase, MI), "the ns Toeipy Book on every S50c., at all or Fdmanson, "Bates & Co.,} dealers, Toronto. A. Leader and J. Flood were | much improved in} .25 to | This is the. only way actual cure can |4 will | om at the | 4 if you ire thinking of buying a 'new Range, be sure and see the "UNIVERSAL FAVORITE RANGE "It is'economical on fuel and guaranteed to cook and bake perfectly.» with either coal or wood, + =" Fi 7 fi | if Tn ! ] A -- Ad a a. A ae . * , a 5 MANUF ACTURED BY NDLAY BROS. St Limited. Carleton "For Sale By All Dealers." DEWAR'S "Special Liqueur" Satisfies the Most Fastidions! = J OUR OVERCONTS M Are ass manship turn out. putation for and Young Mon 8 stylish and pei fect in fit and work- as the best merchant tailor can We don't hesitate to put our res back of the claim that material, N fit and workmanship of our Overcoats is better, a nd the prices we sell them for are lower than your experience can recall. We've got some good Overcoats as low as $5 and $6, but we can show you three good lines of durable Coats, well made, latest st yles, at $9.50, 8.50 and 7.50 Our lines of Fine, High Grade Overcoats at $11.50, 18.50, 15.00, 19.50 and 18.00 are from three to five dollars better than you will sce elsewhere. Before y ralue ad ' ou purchase an Overcoat see ours. We leave it to, your better judgment. Roney & co's *127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. | F OALFE, | WOWOHOWOKOKONKOKOKONONKD Portact in n finish, awd Cracker Jacks to wear. Don't forget to get sour ~ Chindren' s Rubbers: Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings, eg -- John Tweddell 131 Princess' street. TATA AVVVAVVVALVRNES ale" COOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Cirade Courses never full to bring success to our gradu. ates. Day and Evening . Classes, and Moderate' Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, Kingston, 'Phone 680. .. N. BTOCKDALE, Principal. : | ¢ I ¢ | ¢ Le | ¢ e | ¢ Ed i ¢ ¢ oe ¢ $= - ATVB ABAA TVET Increase Your Efficiency : Kingston Basiness College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's leading Business Schoo) Pay 'and * Even! Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Books keeping, Telegraphy. Special foe dividual instruction for pupils deficient in glish branches. 'Rates moderate. Enter at time. 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET Prineipal. American Oils a 0, ot O, Glog | We make a specialty of bandling Lubre cating Oils of all kinds} Prices on application: W.F.KELLY &CO South Cor: Ontario and Ciarence Sim Phone, 486. TelephoneB4d for Purest and Best Ice Cream In City. Delivered dont up to 6 pm. © PRICE'S, 288 Princess St, Kingston any | i i x We have a very large assor tment of New Slippets i in'many styles : Men's Leather Slipper fine kid, black and brown, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to 2.50. Men's Velvet and Felt. Slippers, also Carpet, 75¢, $1. 00, 1.25 and 1 50. Boys' Slippers, in brown and black kid, elastia sides, $1.50. Boys' S Tate 23, icls' a 75c apd $1.25 150, and 2.00. a Chitdfeipu Slippers, fairicy yell! lippers, Slippers, Ey Sap oh any Styles of- Bboy Slippers an an Ne and 75c¢, ip black kid, and carpet, 75¢, $1.00 and 1.25. in felt, leather, fancy velvet, etc. all colors, 75¢, BL 00, : Rarpet, eto, 25¢, 3bc, 0c, ies and Moccasins, 25e,

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