Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1908, p. 5

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'THE DALY BRITISH WHIC WEDNESDAY, : " : 3 = Pa & v3 LE gn - i - Ea am = -- \.- 'MUCH PALM GREASING NEWS OF THE WOR DIOFFICER SUSPENDED FAVORSTO AGENTSSHOWN OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED! OPUIM, TOBACCO, MONEY BY ST, JOHN FIRM. ~ INBRIEFFORM. | AND WATCHES | i -- . TC -- : ------ Soa g |. [Justice Cassels' Remark on Matters That Interest Everybody | Found in One of His Rooms at | Cheque Given--Further Evi-| --Notes From All Over--Little| =the Penitentiary--The Convicts | dends 'at Phguiry. of Every Easily Read Used 'the Dope--Officer Appears ou { St. Joby N.B. Nov, 25. ~The exani- and Remembered. Ea Tunoeent' of Matter. : ! a ay arming finale oo the petty ination of Manager McDonald, of the} Sip Sandford Fleming states that An officer of instruction in the peri- Hon pe BB one Medion Mrs ron -works, avas continued yesterday | the, Pacific cable is paying, tentiary: is under suspension peding{ gy. Calvin King street, in the at the marine inquiry : The Faronto police commissioners res] 40 investigation into the finding in one afternoon. The re bridesmaids Asked if Bo had any paper .of Agent | fused to authorize a tag day for the of his rooms (a storeroom) in the ins Miss - Kate Gord od Mi hell Fred. J, 'Harding's, "witness produced poor. oh y Stitution, 3. quaniit oF opium, tobatco,] Shaw tives pe Pon abe] a cheque for. $375, dated May 19th. | © Po H SH sa bability | Money and two whe pion a v, A : nl 1908. Hg had held: this cheque since ! follow the eagle of Too Dapiiy Eaton's in Toronto. suspended Hearing their bridal fnesy and Srey. vy n g L ing their boquets. "How lovely "|}l = LON A DING EXCHANGES. Sioa that time. It: had never been paid. | vote on license reduction. glficial. 4 oli All knowledue.2® lo how "a said of ons. for they : RY . Par a N I at y Fle 2] a! Fhe hooks were examined and an en. The Bye-Opener, Calgary, Alta., was | 5'¢ Mater : oe ne rarcly beautiful, pink-mauve chrysan ia FAN 3 ¥ k £ FS y g Only E : try -of 'the receipt of the cheque was | issued on Saturday, b ras department, and it certainly looks as i : : ! , : y y ssued Sa y, but was refused ¢ absol thethums, tied with ribbon éxactly xn 1 foot ce found, ut no entry of the cheque be- admissicn to the mails. Hough te Were ely foes: of matehing; but the words referred oA =COB L Festa iles can the agony, the A ecjué from the comp ov 56 Tay rank J. Bell stepped off a C.P.R. | oc," auhiorities that opiuny and to- |More than the flowers, In the draw-1}} . : x ™ A 11 : BY an arning, ' shooting, | | or of" Mr. Harding o ipa 3 i ay tain on" the Sudbury branch, fell bacco were being used, prisoner [Ng room also were Mrs. Calvin's sis-t}[: N QUOTA *§ 3 S atabbing painswhichthisailment causes which éheque had is nail ey Me, igh o bridge and was killed, "let out" the information as_to where|ters. The tea-room was in ' : ® : ar , oe y tah Lionel H. Clarke, Toronto, had heen ial i {of Mrs, John Macki ho = N | 4 SONI and t'i2 way it wrecks the sufferer's life! Harding's cheque for the - same appointed to" the Queen Vietoria Nia- he ater] ids Sai fom. Jug s he £ =T--RATES or ? ? 331s slay il wh ' ee, Miss Katie Marsh, who made tea, whatised $0 mor fenes pity, LLoNSADs gaount, The cheque was endorsed by | gara Falls park commission. using the "dope," ahd ane of them js|and Miss Bessie Gordon and Miss 3 § . hw ote Oo om bi Whom [J La Alien, messenger in Mr. Hard- At L'Original, Ont, John Higginson now in the: prison hospital. : Jessie Sanderson, who cut jees. The selling at is Mes Boba TaYia of eon rea lings o ice, who. had evidently been died of pneumonia. io was registrar 1H 0 the stuff got inte the store room | Guests were all Mrs. Calvin's married Shares selling at Avenue, Toronto. She says: * For ™ A otk cash-the cheque, ; for the united counties of Prescott and no one can tell, but it got there ail the |/riends and all the girls, "including pe Shards - blasdis yours | suffered acutely from | |, & 5 bSThis honor if he had given | Russell: : residéney | Same." Some years ago a large quantity | those who had been at the wedding. blseding piles. During that time 1 t ER Hotjde in consideration of favors| Fred. Dane resigned the presidency | of stolen goods was found under the| Those present at the ceremony had An ner ey" on | | ¢ Law Hg s witness answered that it of Ward Four Conservative Associa- floor of the architect's room. at the|been only the bride's girl friends ic 's. prescriptions might bé so. His honor remarked to | tion, Toronto, to which he was elect- i but hie knew nothing about. the | the relations of the bride and ar Tut I'got no edce. Zam-Buk was differ Mr. McDonald that in all probability | ed on Monday. Po Some prisoners WE suspected | Rev. Principal and Mvs. Gordon ont (everything else I had tried and | | When he had given this cheque he had . Madame St. Andre, accused of try- fof hiding the tuft and there is no |Dr. and Mrs. John Mackie and Rev. it cred me. Iam rateful for the cure, Rover contemplated that its might being to kill a Montreal saloon-keeper | doubt but the present ¢asé is a piece | Douglas Laing and Miss Laing. . The yu uy have nover ad piles once since, paid, these payments were simply to [and poison his horse, will spend three of convict slight-of-hand work. . It is a [lucky catcher of the bride's vet, kuow the cure iy Permanent." a rons the hands of officials and make | months in jail. mystery how conviets in a prison get [which was thrown from the head of ; rs. 8 y 'ho ! : iss Bobd i E. G .rdiner, of Catelina, Trinit ar Continuing " the witness said there a {the Weak u he ri fold 92 things, In io anil the ah a ps io Cardo: LS tas 4 \ A $ 3 pS here | meeting o e. Western Hospital, To- | tikelv 1 ire next week to investigate, | though Miss ie € hy h. p She says my Sse Jam. Bu effec. had "heen many "other transactions routo, that_a friend had. donated Te ky will oo doubt. be fg tips on the so ad het ; 1 troubled wich Boi? Years 1 pwith Harding during the past four | $25,000 to Phe institution. : ce-instated. . the collection of beautiful is chief. and protruding piles Thad boon ais | years, He did not remember any At the request of the Owen Sound . ly silver, "was a large erystal clock, ) Vtioan kindesas oretadad og ag cheque for SLO0D. His transactions | authorities a married woman and the A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT from the Geological Survey, and a NeVer came across anything Yo 30 I [Jah Harding ju 1908 would amount man she was alleged to be eloping : work box which had belonged to a gaa | vasil Heried 2 Bok which cured | 1906 srr Raghu In iy yas arrested " s train ut Given in Firgh Cangregational fei b . i . Good pig me! That thi oh smb v th, | Parkdale. i ro in. ing: 3 1 : ) Bevin dol in edt pe ot gud in 1905 about 0,000, ie had Hot At Toronto the famous Knapp roll- ares ox Tassday Evening. had to ee ap hit ie has B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Zam Duk +s the, wish of ooked wp records for 1904. At this [er boat, buiit some years go, at A very celgh concert was given || that O 'a is vel or, for ¢ a isthe. wish of one who has Ume years ago, at. a last evening in the Sunday school hall, pd: that Ottawa is to get. her, for ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 » oom Rev itn bd 5 ound great relief," point Capt. Smith's letter of Novem. cost¥of $125,000, was sold, this morn- she will "be among many. welcome ; ber 17th 1908 '(one sek' ao : i bord Sm i a at oY Gen of the First Congregational church, wn- : ! . + ZamsBrk is a purely herbal balm a y one wee ago), was ling, fory sc rap iron, br inging 8600, S - g Y 1 | fridnds 'who. will truly p> a Ap Fhowld 'be in every home' Cures a produced. There! is every. indication that ihe der the auspices of the choir. There | » y Ipreciate her. burns, biuises, eczema, ulcers, blood: op : ; ta was a good audience, which showed its] i i ni ) nd | brn, Shoe me tr ttt sny i CPR. je completing negotiations fa | ¥35 2 good audience, and for | 4 little party, which really coula | Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England and all diseases and injuies Sth OPERATED ON HIMSELF. the erection in Fort William of the approval, by its frequent demand for [not « have been pleasanter, was given : . " All gs udgists and stores at : : or from Zan. 50c box, -------- - largest coal-handling plant in the | COTES. fat the Av re, las i T Lis uk : £ . B ae g e Phe choir yave aide : s a 16 Avonmore, last. night. The 3 Wied Co., Toronto, for price. Hamilton Townkkip Boy in Hos- | world. : a, choif aye Sviqetice of ghreful first part was given over to a book COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and 4 pital at Cobourg. at Mrs. Harmer Bennett, mother of ae he hens pe: MZ (guessing contest, each guest represent- others for the transaction of their g a ary rife 5 rall. & ' Sy . 4 ne rorite niece : Pi 3 3 a: = X 2 + Mrs. Robert Barr, wife of the wall Not," being - especially well rendered. 1"<. 8 favorite piece of Kterature, The banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. khave atithor; **fuke Sharp, died Mise S. Bawden pleased everybody first prize for this was vory artistic, . lad from Hamilton townshi who his suddenly in Raleigh township on Pri] 100 ih . pr ranma ae : the work of the clever fingers of the * a | mai ideas of his | own regardicg hid day. She had sulfered from heart x Jeti I Le hostess herself. The second prize was BANKING BY. MAIL Accounts aray be opened by 1, and which he is mot afraid to pit into trouble. | 4 : Massie and W. E. "Marnhard well Sus- also very clover, two of the Guests 13; : i Monies depusited op withdrawn' in } practical operation: in: fact, he ay Pro¥ineyl Detective' John Miller ar- tained their reputations as vocal sblo- | ©¥ing for it. The winners' names we | this way with equal facility, sg Cobourg, Nov, 25,--There is at pre- sent-in-the-Gohourg Hospital a young | parently considers himself as good a [rea Pi ry Pex = Raymond, of | ists. Both were encoréd. 'The quar- | Will not mention. Then after this tha . surgeon as any of the Toronto speci- en IFoRe, on A e gre of conceal- tette "Anchored" by Messrs. Winnett, guests took their courage nm both KINGSTON BRANCH nlists, About a month agh the boy ment of birth, arising out of , the Leach, Boswell and Villiers, was well hands and walked into a laughing A 4 9 was operated on in Toronto for ap- i Sia Tend Trae i em- { rondered;: as: was also that by Misses. camera. "Consequences" followed and CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS 8TS. 3 & « VQ of 0 . Rk ' Massie: and Messrs. Winnett sand Man. some of the remarks were very apt and ~ for 'THE VALUE OF = ! nigely "was sent home. Last week, not -- a, hard, entitled "Softly Fall the Shades [caused a great deal of fun. A deli- P, 0. STEVENSON. " 3) * STOCK QUOTATIONS. J i ; ; > 4 4 beleving that he was convalescing as i Ch CoD LIVER OIL | thought" he should, he decided to 4 4 Ett, as he was getting along: of Evening." Mrs. J. C. Villiers, whe (ious supper, a grate fire in a Pietty d 1 flow- b -- SPerate on himself. It is stated that | Cobalt and 'Leading : Canadian gramme, received an enthusiastic 'en- |crs, sent by the large reading club of 5 4 ye . rh . . hin. ait , > Aandi NE a ¥ # oN Bhrician would dispute the value the youngt specialist secured a razor | Stocks Listed. core for her piano solo and a piano duet, lihe city for the event, were not the WE OFFER A ' 0] was accompanist for 'the entire pro: room, decked with most beautifu | | OIL in mervous snd and started, but results were not what The fdllowing. quotations . are sup- { ~Masaniello" by Mrs, Villiers and Mrs. least of the evening's attractions. BA] ndiseasce, it Ing Sauseous he anticipated, and he is now in the {plied by the City Bpokerage (J. 0. | Alex. Laird, was warmly applauded, | >. oe - SMALL BLOCK ° So ma than counteracy the good done § | fidapital. [Hutton and J. R. C! Dobbs), 41 Clar- | and, of Miss Mabel: Henderson: it may | There was a little thimble tea . at : [ by, therapeutio prireiples of the J | -------- ence street. lelephone, 480 'A : be said that as one new to the concert | Annandale on Monday when the 2 Mrs. 'Elvira Bartlett. platform, she pleased everybody present | guests were Mrs. William Harty, Tn '* BRICKS TASTELESS * there § | : h everybod, t Weve: ] ; ox thi tite, 3 | Smith's Falls;: Oit., Nov. 25.11 sf with her piano solo, "The Waterfall. ir., Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Mabel and : a 3 ar te ors, He Ei: | death Yok Diave oo) Wad v o } "General Stocks The little Brown brothers sang sweetly | Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Fran- oO g er \) November . 25th. | | he ak 3 Re eh fae o iss Lilli i the nerves b Rou shiny them, and $ | Mps. Elvira Bartlett, widow of Rus. | Sellers. Buyers. Brightly Smile and Syeetly Sing" for --_ Hom, Misa Lillian Romi Hise Bh ce ns rtlett, & , anced age of | (! ik ; 3 . ) 8, Miss , Miss " fe ig 3 ly use is an insurance a inst } [sell Bartlett, at the advanced age f A LE AE 176 | which they were engfed He He. Cora Miss a Hen Mini C St : k a serious.consequences, 6 oi | eighty-seven years. The. deccased was | Dotroi United 4 5d} A ar: } 55. larace ie . b ai eighly-seven year I a as | roit nit ave we ~DAY 54 Re A: ha : A nin, ompan oC b bit isn pray ero and rah 3 [one of the earliest settlers here, hav- | Lake of Woods. ww, 973 ' Last Of A.QH. Buchres. * [and Miss Phyllis Shortt. Thimbles 8 P y ie Fevers, and theria, A k ! " ah : ah a oF our faith In thls | yor seventy years. 'She was a mem- | Toronto' Railway «., ... ... 106} | parties. for the year Was given by tlie Sati vine, a8 is usually done uo ; : he! x isles on Ry uf - hey, of the well-known Frost family, of | oars + | AO.H, in their hall lasd evening, 'wien | ? - = i t ents a a are No b BRIOK'S TA ot] this place, Her Husband died . two, Cobalt Stocks. a very pleasant time was passed. Cards A 'Dutch trent luncheon . : ; 5 : b 18 Pub u ky mishe & Junce So 8 [years ago and as their three children Amalgamated... ... .. x were piavell until eleven o'clock when ganized for Modday ne . he hr Not a prospect but a working x ne. Ore assays 6, Swanty {30, ounce bottles, retail prics } i pretleceased, their parents the Barto | Yeaver... ... wii 394 | refreshmentsSwere, served, after. which) Fy, #6 OF girls decided 16° Post. 000 ounces full width of vein mine will be the 4 y ily: is extinet in © Smith's | ; - 341 | dancing was. continite itil midmight. ue LA SINS Leige le y : ; 1 pone lamily Be hte ih > om G | Chambers rland , .... .& Soi | ENCE ss tantiviied until midnigh: pone it indefinitely as the club house FIRST SHIPPER from the Montreal River District. p | 1348, LO s of the Frost | own Reserve ii oe : Al At a wrCy wou Daman ph 4. |15 undergoing renovations. Send in your"orders at once before the issue is sold : rost, of ve, ost { Cobdlt Central: ... .... 1 521 | which was a china vase. Daniel Fitz giro ont ; / « |& Wood €o., Messrs. N. H., of the | Cobalt lake. ...... i % 19 [gibbons won the gentleman's prize, a AE S o : . GAMBLING AND DRINKING, Smith's - Falls Malleable Iron com- Lposter... ... ay rey .45 |tobaceo pounch. Miss Clarke won the | Mrs, Norman ~tuart Leslie, Bagot : F Asa Hall & Co pany, George Frost, proprictor of theQyeen Meehan 25 261 ladies' consolation, John Guirey won Streat, i enter tain at tea on Fri: Long Dist. Phone - - Ald, Hales Makes Statement at | Engineering: News, New York, and one [La Roser: ... ... the gentlemen's. Thomas Ronan as day nar of 'Mrs. Sidney Smith; Main 23865 Temple Building . TORONTO Temperance Meeting. | sister, Miss Clarissa Frost, of. this | Little Nispissing jy} Waster of ceremonies, performed' his [of St. John. . ; Hamilton, Nov.. 25.--Ald. James | place, survive her. { MoKin. Dar. Savage * | duties in a pleasing manner. Le . : Hales. Poronto last night SN 4 { " | Nipigaing ih liens ans Le ---- Mr. and Mrs. William Bermingham | ing lived in Smith's Falls continuous- | N. '8. Steel... ..«.. . 54} 51 The last of the\.series of .enchre | Yre brought and' work toyed with at issue price : Frost, and C. B, statement that is almost as serious a | : Fond In The River: Osse gh ae ih : Another Good Programme. and their family, arrived in town n------------------------ - - -- -- 1 t as . . : yesterday an re ase i "PF réfleetion on the women-in- Toronto as | Stratford, Ont., Nov. = 25.--Mrs.| Peterson Lak A 42 At the Princess theatre to-night the Mrs RY id a ey Present, Bh that made on the women in Winnipeg, | J. mes Peques: rife of the jeweler] Rochester ... ... ... ... ... 911 5 pictures will be: "The Boarding |" ot. They b gam, aris : to th fiect that t th } dames ~efuegnat, wile. o ie Joqpe N Scoti 3 5 H A intance," a comedy: |Siet. - They have taken the late . « « effec ba gre any there | . . sd in! Nowa 'Scotie . .6¢ se Ac re, comedy; . ', aes . » the effe wt a great many there i + 44. name, was found drowned in! NOva Scotia : Ouse Cua! "tLHenry Folger's house on Emily street have a mania for gambling, * which the 1iyéFT here this morning. 'She! Silver 08 we ant 2153 154 | "Smells of Smoke," comedy, full o and will move there shortly. PEANUT BRITTLE, MOLASSES 'WALNUT, they indulge in. Ald. Hales was speak- ad been ill from nervous trouble for | Silver Queen ... ..... .. 1. ; fun from start to finish. Remember ing at 8 Poon 8 church at a [a couple of years or more and while | Tt uiskaming... santa Fi 5 Tig 8 he Jase night, the Sai. lt Mrs. George Hubbell, of Montreal. is WALNUT TAK PIE, second of =the {emperance meetings nder temporary aberrption of mind| Trethewey... ..- ... .. .. 1. d e Wood sisters : perform. hey re > trues ; alt to i Ba: TW that .are being held this week, and in reed pon £/ Thing, some time Walls... 5 ol LDL LT ef great |. Do not miss seeing them. For She Bueet of Mrs. Heury Hubbell, Ba- 'ALMOND TA FFIE, BUTTERSCOTCH TAF¥ 1E, the course of his remarks he said : "I ihe mar : ; : * he next th¥ee days there have been . Ee : . "A XT ; The Course of ig remarks he mid arly Sais Jhorting, and apparantly | md the yox pT days Hones the |. Mise Leta Carson is having a very PEANUT TAFFIE, Iw 3h Torenta . ¢ | walked, into the river as the body | : y ys Rpappointed. . § comedians » best. over |i0lly visit. She has gone out to i n of , women in l'oronto w ho would not was" fund. in shallow water face | Witnipeg, Nov. . 25.--Hon. T. M. |2reat Ivish comedians, the be ayer Appleton to visit Mrs. Donald Cald- i CHOCOLATE MA RROWBON y ink of going to a summer resort downwards. Mis. ' Pequegnat ' was Daly. who res med 'the police magis- | S°°0 1B Kingston in_ singing," dancing ) 1 't ol . : well, and will return to Ottawa be- : ¢ without a flask of something strong. fty-four 'years ol age. and, besides traey 'to. contest Brighton' against and comic jokes. Come and enjoy glurn, Jo a All these and others te be had fresh at a : «Be , : ; fore coming home. I'heir excuse, he said, for faking this er husbaud, leaves five children Hon: Clifford - Sifton; hes beer reap. this show if you want a good laugh. ! i A Mrs. snry Car levi § drink with 'them, was that it was to ee MeStuyboieine {poi ited by the provincial government ~~: ea: ha ry t nr eligi, ha 4 Ki treet be used in case of Smergpuey. He said Has Gone To Pittsburg. I n Y Yio Provinhia gob Uther Rechle's Tat. is ? sh Yoo | Grout, Brook. sthopt, I er oye S, mn . n CK eh was eC mn orontc © 1 s ax Erase A . many of us are too anxious for. . i oil » . . : : i aah and that the police interfered. | Ottawa, Nov. 25.--Before the hog- | To: The Ladies : Bibby's for men's sweater coats. Col. Neilson, . Quebec, is in town Phone, 141. : an oP key' 'season ig well undér way. in rsegs . : se " ik {and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 3 ogevought they should be as diligent Pittsburg ha HI be' Dottie At Home cards, visiting cards, etc., There are a lot of people who shirk Walter Macnee in putting down the drinking evil as |! 1tSBErg Shey wi e putlmg nas cheapest and best, at Whig office. in the matter of responsibility. " . i Worn in & oy such things | thing" but Ottawa players. on the ice , Mrs. 1, G. Smith lil to-day for ; > EAL TREA Shel wks T. SLRMpING, OU} SWC hb. thing in the: Smoky 'City. = Horace Gail is St. John, N.B. . A R I Af . ray a the" lntest. "Ottawa boy to* go south, > Ry bo BE fe * ; ' Which will bring delight to Melville Hartley, a Peterboro. voung wel, gel Inst. night Ie Join Al. Sith Mr, and Mrs. Charles Livingston, out of a hundred of your friendy: mn Hquesne A. + team. wml Bacrie sireet, are on a brief visit to at your afternoon tea, is our man, shot himself in the leg while | who "is ohesvoi the partners of "My Toronto. : Chocolate. Delicious, sweet, = of Lady Caron and Miss Alice Caron fine. flavor, No wonder we sell so are leaving Ottawa next.meonth for | -- much of if. No" wonder it's al- (uebee, where they will in future re- i a i ways fresh Try a 'pound or two - x y . y : S------ handling a revolver odel,"" ingended: taking a holiday side. and you will join the rest in sing- _-- --_-- anyway, "ogd With a keen business perodfifion, decided to make it profits Captain and Mrs." Alan Palmer, who the 3 : ises Fro spent the week-end in Ottawa, with Cenuine 50¢. te nd. ; TOM [Me To As a Family able as well Colonel and Mrs. Irwin, have returned to. Kingston. " " ' or > > Accept The Defi. Medicine seep ;The. De hy ; ! . Miss Muriel Webster, who has leen f ' ) : T. Peters & Co., visiting Miss Winnifred Rowan;-in Ot- ' a er S 184 Princess St, Chattanooga, "Tenn., Nov. 25, For Dbilliousness, constipation | Clarence Little, ten vears old, was awit, has returned. "Phone, 649. © Kingston. oe - » and Kidney derangements Dr. A. |shot and killed hy Tom Wicks, aged | Miss Bonnje Mitchell and her Queen's | § itt] Li Pill ay i : friends, the Misses HaVeoek and Mr. e iver Se. BEGIN THE DAY RIGHT 2 W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills |fourteen, 'yesterday afternoon. Young Joseph Robinson, came on Saturday ; Little chafied the Wickes boy, on fe- easily stand first. . . turning from a hunt without any Lots' of suffering would be avoided | game, and said : and' much. serious disease prevented if "1 wouldn't be afraid to give you every family did as the writer of this! a shot at me." 1 Bea : ture : with the excursion to see thg football * J oF match. They left this: morning. for Must r Signa of Now Buckwheat Flour and Kingston. Whila here they were the * Maple Syrip.' Just the" guests. of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.: Mit- . . chell, 428 Lewis street.--Ottawa Free thing for these cold, crisp letter suggests. : "III take it," said Wickes, and fired *She has found out from experience | charge of buckshot into the boy's lf Press. 'mornings. 3 Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick and Mes. |: ; A - French, of Kingston, wre visiting Miss Sweet Cider with- many medicines that there is | breast. 'Ihe . coroner's. jury held Reiffenstein, in Ottawa. nothing 80 good as 'Pr. A. W. Chase's | Wickes for first degree murder f pid 0 gid | gph J pens ETL er Lr LE pi pid f pled fgd J grad J gud f uid 4 ppt Ae on rade, Servia, Nov. : teen ¢arloads of coin and the archives of the National Bank were to-day re- moved from jthis city to the fofte. at Nish: | - Fhis. step was taken because &f the government's fears that Austria will A LJ { make a raid on Belgrade, the eapital. livir complaint and biliousness and! It is rumored that the government al could find nothing to help me until I}. will be removed to Nish used Pr. Chase's Kidney-Liver * Pills. | . -- 'IT have recommended these pills 'to | A Bold And Rude 'Act many of my friends and they have all | To RR py Tr oe beat well satisfied With the results, i, London, Nov. 25. Two sufiraget tas You oan uss this. letter tor the bene- | Rt-uded their presence .at an evenitg A * I {party given by Mrs. Godirey Benson, {in 'honor of Mr. Asguith. Onee among | the guests, the female sought out the At olf Pieler alll SIM 4 Sepucs which eu 4 a 7 , ed in their beiog ely, but Irmiy 58 ales, or Fdmanson, Bates & Co, ishown to the doors Phe 'incident has Joronto. [aroused dhugll indignation. * Dr.A.W.Chase's| T Notley © Kidney= | tol ome cumome airy ini Liver Pills cheapest any best place: to buy joint variably "arise from neglect to keep the liver, kidney and bowels regular. This emphasizes the wisdom of keep- ing Br. AW. Chase's Kjdney-Liver Pills constantly on hand. 2 "For a long time I suffered from Kidney-Liver Pills as a family medi- -- de The engacement of Miss Mary Gzow- cine for biliousness awd constipation. Removes Coin To Fortress. : Such ~ diseases as Bright's disease, Soli diabetes and "appendicitis almost in- . A ski, of Clovelly, second daughter of A 341-3 Princess 'St, "Phone, 76. ng pow er Mr. Casmir Gzowski, and , grand- : Prompt D:livery. . daughter of the late Sir; Casimir Gzow- - } £ : . ski, A.D.C., - to Queen. Victoria, and 3 9 < ma om oya pe Mr. Gavin Ogilvie, of Montreal, is an- a FOR CONSTIPA LADIES AND GENTS TAILORING : ' nounced. fh , ? Sy ' , ia ; t 4 - fully guarantes superior alit, I'he engagement is announeed of . We 1 " y, Grape Cream of Miss Jessica Coates, youngest daugh- : - ye. artistic workmanship a hr » ! ter-of M>. and Mrs. John Coates, to - AO Mr. Walter Champ, of Haniilion. : | Jd B Ouellette . artar. Makes the food. [RY vei hont" ianion d. B. | . al < Este or Miss Nadine Kerr, dunghter of Me. SURE SICK HEADACHE. 208 Princess 81. : i Mrs. J. K. err, '"Rath- . : £5 more healthful "and delicious [Ny [=i wi, © £5 falc , jest son of Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Osler, Ww Me A ei i - NO ALUM.' NO PHOSPHATE OF LIME [IN| "orome ~~. I. Murray Auctioneer S he ' Don't Forget About Yours Corns. 27 BROCK ST. Alum and phosphate powders are made from caustic mineral acids, which are injurious Cure them in. one night, by Put- \ 3 i 4 Wha nam's Corn Extractor. It is sure, safe | New Carriages, 'Cutters, Harness oud and painless. guaranteed tq cure-or lete.,. for sale, 3 o vouy money back. 3 " Sale of Horses every Saturday, 4 ge J A vo 2 ' fit of women swho are suffering as Aid." --=Miss Julie Langlois, Manor, Sask. * [Ore pill a dose, 25¢. a hox. rd -

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