CUSHION SOLES "FOR TENDER FEET The ideal sole for tender feet is" the Cushion Sole. It is fitted with a soft, felt leather covered sole, which conforms to the exact shape of the foot--aets as a cushion to your every step--and, being. a hon-conductor, keeps your feet at Lan n temperature; Cushion Sole Shoes for Men ¥ and Women, If you suffer from corns, bun- Fs ions or tender feat,- step in and sea this Shoe--tiy it on and youn will be surprised at the "absolute foot comfort it will give Yn $3 for Women wi .:$5 for Men KOK . \ SEAS A Aa HRCI THE HOME OF GOOD SHOR MAKING, A AAA HARA AINA AIAN AAR ~ ¥ J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | x i am ms ¢ N ¥ H li 5 pa Canada's Greatest Success in | land-Tailored Garments Fit-Reform has won its big success under the miost direct comparison. with arments made by the dons merchant tailors, en, who wanted the best garments that could be made, tried both; and are now wearing Fit-Reform Suits and Overcoats exclusively. Any man, who wishes the greatest possible value for his money, should make | the same comparison. CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for King@ion, ,. Dainty Mode R We are exclusive agents for The Only Guaranteed Rubbers "Made or 'Men and Women, * Kost N o More ubbers Reid & Charl rg -- -------- ee -- Gt -- EVERY WOMAN LOVES RUGS When you calculate giving a Christmas preset > ---- that you wish to be a worthy one, a rich "und beautiful one, let your final choice he An Oriental Rug Wher who R Every With pay and. every h We and can woman loves needs thew de rugs of us me you buy it you 40 hwy are native riers understand how to_purchuase only good rugs, Kind, in Cafada, and in Or Jive customers advice We we have collétion of Art good the Size, color to buy Bra at pup and quality have Art and look for Chri Courian, Babayan & Co. I OPP. KING EDWARD HOTEL the largest' rug ental sSWare the largest nm America. Come in Goods hundreds 8f nice things tma SQ KING BAST, TORONTO. | Pipes so that eich could draw THE DAILY BRITISH ware, WEDNESDAY, | OUEENS WEED COMGH THE LACK OF ONE THEM CHAMPIONSHIP, . ouries--The 14th Regiment Hockey -Team--It Win Be As Strong As Last Season's Champions. Queen's Rugby Club has two good trainers, but it must get a prodession- al coach, who will devoté his © whole time to tedching the team various sys tems. This season, as compared with MeGill, 'Varsity and Ottawa, Queen's showed practically no tricks in théir work on the gridiron. Coach Hamil- ton, of McGill, said that Queen's had the best team in the ififercollegiate league, but lacked coaching. If' he had' had the Presbyterians under his tontrol, there is no doubt but what they would have put "Varsity - down and out in Toronto on Novem lth. 'In the last three matches, Wueen's showed a lamentable lack of tactics on the field. Two bucks and then a kick w. came defeating Queen's in Kingston on November! 7th hy a few simple but tricky tactics. And so, the athletic committee of Queen's had better get to work at once. and look afield for a coach. There is no reaton why "Pud" _Hamil- ton, who has trained MeGill for the past three seasons should not 'be se- cured. He is a Kingston young man, and the old star of the champion Granite rughy team of '99. . Classes At Armouries. The gymnasium classes at {he Armourics . are now. in full swing and wee largely attended. The classes are hel every Tuesday and Thursday evemmps, under Physical Instructor Palijer, formerly director: at Queen's. Mr. Palmer certainly understands = his work and iis quite ai home with a Harege class under his supervision. The men seem to enjoy the classes, taking to the work in the right spirit. © It will certainly do them a world of good to have such a place out during the winter. The gymnasium in the new gun shed i fitted up fine, everything that needed being at hand, made a capital place as it was very long and of about Te- gulation . width, every season the classes increase and the mens benefit from the work, "the gymnasium likely he improved. The gun shed for the "gym," Local Hockey Prospects. Next. Saturday will see the end foothall., Then the fans will cominence to "dope" on_hockey. It will not be long until the teams Lin to sort out their playerd. At a glance what have the this year to defend the O.H.A. cham- pionship 2 7 hey have as good a team #42 the team that won the champion: «hip Inst' season. Hiscock, Powell, Vanhorn, Crawford, Bernier, Richard- Potter and Steacy are still here, "Jimmie" Richardson will. be able to play with his old team mates. This will make a strong bunch and one can never tell what new men may turn up jal any time, or what good men may be in the city al present. The 14th Junior 0.H.A. team should also have a good seven. as plenty of good fast men are 'available in the city. Combining the twos teams of last year, a fino seven could he produced, one that should run up very near the top of the Jeague. FON, » Solution To Piping Puzzle. The accompanying diagram how the three house-holders laid. their { water | from all three wells. | 15 not contrary to conditions of One of the dwellers had to run his ! I pipe under his neighbor's house sinee 'it the method we may not question, problem : Sorurion To Drive og; i - en Sr ---- Don't Harbor Corns. Corns repay any mercy them by increasing your Any corn can easily be removed Peek's Corn Salve. In big boxes, at Wade's drug store. you hy I5¢., B. A. Hotel Arrivals. P. J. Shotlotslinger, Pittsburg; S. I Cassidy, C. Warneford, Connor Mechan, C. R. Midland, W. J. Baird, | W. B. Kineardine, H. R. Maddock, J. | M. Anderson, C. J. Armstrong, W. ¥. Fudger, Toronto; F. L. Wilson, Wa- tertown, "N.Y... George F, Nolan, "The Devil," New York; H. IL. DeWolie, p. Morrow, John G. Boethwell; "John ridge, F. Clayton, London; Ww. | Simmons, Belleville: ¥F. L. Perth; H. W. W. Gardner, . L. Gra- ham, Wm. McKay, Arnprior. George King, George ~ L. Graham, Cornwall; Arthur Callaghan, city. McConkey's Brazil brittle, bars and fruit bars, Cross drug stare, It" takes an excopfionally confidence man to vsell mining stock to | aff miner, =~ The youth who is unwilling to toe Ahe mark usually remains at the foot. For the best rolled oats always po to Gilbert's. Absence doesn't make grow fonder of a rival. Bibby's new collars, 2 for 25¢ The Lord freezes the water, but are expected to cul our own ice. The man who issJooking for trouble always finds it--and then some. Chamois vests. son's Red Cross drug store. The man who peddles news is usual. ly persistently active. " Good winter Gilbert's. In 'fishing and wishing a lot are subject to disappointment. See. Bibby's swell $1 shirts. Promises to pay are never quite at Gibson's Red the heart We of us as taood as cash down . Gymnasium Classes at the Arm. | 1 to werk is | will | of organize, and be- | soldiers | shows | whieh | show | + suffering. | skins, ete., at: Gib- apples, $3.25 a bbl, at | v TOU CAN'T AFFORD TO FEEL "popey" --to Have: headaches--an easlly-tired body--a stuffy-fecling brain--even for part of the time. There are too many keen alert men and Women, always at their best, to give much chance of suc- -.2e88 to one thus handicapped, % . These things are the direct results of 4 sluggish liver--constipated bowels dry skin -- overworked kidneys -- in short, of a body whose sewers are \elogeéa, * ho! Nothing opens up thése outlets of the waste, and clears the system of poison so gently, yet so effectively, as 'Fruit-a-tives." » "Fruit-a-tives" are 'the juices of oranges, apples, figs and prunes combined--by a process that grestly increases their medicinal value --with valuable tonics and interna} ane tiseptics, and made into tablets, Take one or two "Fruit-a-tives" every. night, eat plenty of ripe fruit, and see how quickly your brain clears nd headae leave you. = 50¢ a boxe i for $2.50.) Prial 25¢. Fruit-ge ives Lim:téd, Ottawa." 1 Sa Srey h | | yVVYVwWe Note the Shelf } It's the Oven Door. ; TTT 4 What a convenience and $ what 'a safeguard agajnst burned fingers and scorched $ facts when you're basting or 4 YVAN The steaming hot dish can be brought ont to you instead of yaur reaching in to it. ; VW VV That's the SOUVENIR RANGE. --_------ THE GURNEY, TILDEN co LIMITED, HAMILTON. ONT, ONTREAL, WINNIPEG, COUVER. 106 § FOR SALE BY - S. J. HORSEY, KINGSTON, To Suffer From ' Headaches Makes Life Miserable. has had or is sub. describe tie suffering BRANCH | It takes a person tha ject to headaches to which attests them, : The majority of cases are caused by con- | stipation and dyspepsia. The dull throb- | bings, the intense Pain, sometimes in one | part, sometimes in another, and then over the whole Lead, varying in its severity by the cause which brings it on, purely indi. | cates that there is scroething the matter {-with the stomach or bowels, To the fact that Bardock Blood Bitters reaches every part of the system is due its sucosss in re- lieving and permanently curing headache, It has Proven a specific for the malady in all its forms. > Mra. Allison E. Brown, Sum- merfield, N.B., Writes : -- ¢¢J for a long time. After trying "different | doctors to no effect, 4 friend asked me to | try Burdock Blood Bitters, Ifind I am | completely cured after taking three bottles. I can safely recommend it to all." fr -------- Sees Lumeagg Cup The Ivo Remcoy, : Best > ¢ : almond smooth ! §t. Regs Lumbago Cure Godirey, Nov, drd, 1908, The WX A" Singleton Xo. Crosby, Ont. Geytlemen : "Last summer 1 took Rheumatism in iy knee that I could scarcely walk | commenced taking St. Regis Lumbago, Cure and, it helped me, and I am wel] and can walk al right. |, "My wife also had { buck" and she took St. Cure and jt has helped her, 1 cannot [Praise your icive too highly for | Rhewmatisn &4 "Lunia. a bad pain in her Regis Lumbago Yours Truly, \ Sold by 'ai Draggistd. i ¥inguton. 6. Ibs. 'flake wheat, 2 Try Bibby'3'S15 cal ", at Gilbert's. ¢ suits, p 3 » p . p checking a roast or a fowl. $. p . 3 $ d NOVEMBER 25, 1908. i THE SPORT RENEW] & 'MARTY" WALSH TO RE. CEIVE THE SUM OF $1.200 For Playing Hockey With Ottawa | H "The Ottawa Free Press Says That 'Varsity Was Wrongtully Given a TouchdSwn. a . The Varsity management feared that the pi will not accommodate the crowd for the Canadian cham- pionship final on Saturday, Hamilton will send L000 rooters in two special trains. Dr. W. B Hendry, of Toronto, siuent of the Canadian Union, fas been appoin referee, a o- Kenzie of Montreal or Russell Brit- ton, of Gananoque, will i "Varsi 2 ¥; : the ; Hamilton Saturday i game for the Dominion intermediate champigaship the winners to meet the Grand Trunks, of the Quebec Uyion in | i with Longboat, who wants a twenty- PA { mile race | i | points | scason. They the final Varsity have scored this sea n 124 to 54 'against thenf, while Queen's have ma 100 against 61. They played seven games. Hamilton in championship games have red 175 points to 59 against them his vy played eight games: Toronto Star : Comparing the two teams is not easy under. the circuym-| 3 stances. Queen's had the stiffer line, | § but Varsity mén were the better tacklers. . Both quarters Rose good. On the back division Queen's were #irer on the catch and Williams out- punted Gall. John J. Hayes and Pietro Dorando run the Marathon distruce in Madi- son Square, New York, on Wednesday. § and Longboat will challenge the win- ner. On Saturday Longboat received a guarantee to race J. D. Marsh in Winnipeg on December 4th. He wil) accept for 'another date. : Shrubb has backed out of a match first or no meeting. Shrubb has been after Longboat for months, and boasted on many occasions that he could beat the Indian over any distance of ground. He his now wigr- gled out. Ottawa Free Press: The officials made two frightful errors in the five- yard tackling rule that virtually gave Varsity her try, and offside interfer- ence of the most glaring character, permitted Gall to run a kick away back of his own line, out to 'Varei- ty's twenty-yard line,' the officials lot- ting it go. and a certain Queen's score being frustrated. Yale's share of the receipts was £33,000, the amount js approximately $20,000. from the other games came ahout 3,000. About £10,000 was spent on repairs at Yale field, and $5,000 went for the maintenance of the training table. About £10,000 will be given to the erew for next spring and $6,000 to the track management. - The bal> | ance will be given to the general | fund. When the. Harvard undergraduates and footers left on Saturday, they took away with them at least $80 - 000 whieh had previously belonged to Yale undergradua -. So confident of victory were the Yule students that they sold thei furniture, and those who had shares' in different 'eorpora- tions put them Lup with banks to rajse money with whieh to bet. All this money went 'with the Crimson rooters on Saturday ang to-day Yale | is_bankrupt. : « Varsity will hela light practices éach afternoon this week, but no hard work will be done, Coach Griffiths not caring to take chances on having any of his champions incapacitated. for the big game Satifrday. McDon- ald's knee js rounding to shape, and he will be ready to go against the Tigers. Muir, who has been a most valuable utility man, will be taken out, and "Moon" Lee, who has been Harvard game From Princeton filling McDonald's place, will zo back to his original position on the wing. | -- "Marty Walsh Gets $1,200. Ottawa Free Press "Marty" Walsh will be one of the best paia players in the E.C.H.L. this winter. Last Saturday, "Marty" accompanied the Queen's team here and after the game closed 'with the Ottawa Hockey Club to play this winter, his contract it is said, calling for $100 a week, He has signed for twelve weeks, representing a "saldry of $1,200. Walsh played centre last winter and wants to ray | back a place this season and play rover. As Ottawa has both a centre man and rover in view, the change | may -be effected. Marty has «acquired quite a rughy reputation as well as fame on the ice, | and three years ago "proved himself one of the best qliarters ever develop- ed at Queen's. Just as he at hockey in and around point, he used to butt hig head through the line for useful gains. On the Queen's team that year were Jack and Ken Williams and Michardson, another hoy whe could play somo hockey. alsh played his first game with the Ottawas from the bench in Que- bee, dast year and probably no one | will ever remembior that' game. better than Marty. That was whey the Ot- tawas tried out Fred. Taylor at centre, Arthur Moore playing cover, 50 that there was no place for | Kingston boy. In the second half when thé ice had 'an inch of water on it, and Quebec started in to pile up the score, Marty came near jumping over the railing * to take a hand in the fray 'himself. It way the first tinge Taylor - every played centre ice, "and Fred. was somewhat at sea. Walsh knew this ana was just itching to get | out and trv hi¢ hand. The next game, | however, } arty was given a chance at centre. and made good first dash out of the box. . ---- Headaché And Neuralgia Colds. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world. wide vold and grippe remedy, Y, removes | cause. Call for full name. Look for | From |signature, E. W, Grove, 25c. ---- f The insurance companies would be | justified in putting men addicted to { deer bunting into the extra hazardous felass. . : ewn od. The world js discerning JOHN WALKER. [know when you lie by actions fat Gilbert's grocery. | enough to Fifty cases Gued's ginger ale arrived Most of us are partial enough to riaee Tr fictitions vali wy sgl i Se 3 this idea. It's as- far 'ahead present day kate ahead of the § other made--and stronger. it has an aluminum metals just mixed to they combine to make as strong as steol and five times as light. The "Automobile Skate hag also a thin blade of the toughest, strongest tempered metal on the market. he. skate 'you were wearing last ji #cason, was a very: antiquated proposi § tion; t just as strong. it might be made lighter od The * Automobile " Skate fulfil "of the -as an automobile js old-time buggy. : Lighter by many ousices thas any alloy top the « point whene a material . Mobile" Skate 1s, at the towest os fighter than any - other made. Figuring that out, we find that he has actu. ally titted 4,828 pounds less than he would werg he using any other skates, nickel steel 12 your dealer dossn't handle them write © us--we will forwara catalogue. CARADA CYGLE AND MOTOR G0, Lp, plegd away oe, S. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston, TORONTO Angrove Bros. Agents, THE "Gillette" Safety Razor a 15 used on' more than two "million #aces--shaves over-two million different beards, from the s6ft down of youth to the wiry bristles of the grandfather, and shaves them all with equal ease and comfort. The «Gillette is the only razor in the world that may be' accurately adjusted for every face and every beard --=for light and close shaves, The «<Gillette'" is the only razor in the World that | is so absolutely safe that a blind man may use it, : The "Gillette'" is the only razor in the world that has the "New Process'" Blades--a triumph in steel-making , and tempering which produces the keenest, most durable shaving edge ever ground on a razor blade, ; CHS NO STROPPING. NO HONING EV 8% Razor The "Gillette" Safety Razor, with 12 "New Process" Blades, $s. At leading Jewelry, Drug, Cutlery, Hardware, Sporting Geods and Department Stores, or from GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MownTagaL. i '4g 40 3 Bigger Profits to Policy-holders It is easy to see why a policy in" this Coinpiiiy is an excellent investment as well as a protection. : -Lagt year, the new business amounted to $7,081,402 --a gain over 1906 of $1,577,855. Yet the speaating expenses were about the same as lag year. For the last five years, the actual mortality was 47% of the amount expected. And the Intereqt i oly exceeded the motality by $198,103. ' : cor Tense 0 to Income smaller than its competitors, wi a yearly expanding Interest Income, and a favorable death rate, it is but natural that The Mutual Life of Canada is eaming more profits, which go to thapolicy- holdeérs in reduction of their premiums, : BEAD OFFICE. WATERLOO, Ont. 103 | We say that the "Aute.. figure, six ounces ff - [Tey Swiss PR Si * Bein