The best part of breakfast, t6 most people, is their cup of Chase & Sanborn's' Coffee, Perfect berries, cireful selection, expert blending, insure the rich color and delightful flavor of this best coffee. ; ; "Special Liqueur" is undoubtedly the ; Gentlemen's Whisky!" | 1 TOSSA 53 A _- DFJ. CollisBrowne's, __ oo L (nr pV" gd 3 - THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ......5 meats GHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- .. FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. 3 rig The best Remedy hoowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Y Efféctuslly cats short all attacks of SPASMS, 1s 4hs only palliative in' NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE ; Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind; creates a cal eshing sleeps allays irritation of the nervous system when ull other rginedies Jail. leaves no bad effects; and can be taken when no oth medicingoan Be riaded. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by alt Chemists. Prices in England: ig 209, 46. Sole Manufacturers: ") T+ DAVENPORT, ' vo The imfhense success of this Remedy Aas given rise to many imitations. N.B.--Eveéry bottle of Genuine Chlorodyae bears on the stamp the name of the § i" or, Dr. J. "Collis Browne. 'Wholesale Agents; Lyman: Bros, & Co. Tamited, Toronto. le Jt is stated by prominent Medical 'mén that 9 out of every 10 people yous meet on the street ate ering from Piles, Rich and poor are alike afflicted with this torturing and aggravating complaint, and being a delicate sybject they often suffer in silence. ' This applies mote especially to women. Piles are of two kinds, Blind and Bleed- ing. The pain is often so intense that the sufferer can neither walk or lie, and are otteely unable to work or think while the pain lasts, 'Why men and women should suffer is a mystery when Curol will relieve the pain infifiediately and effect a cure. » Curol is'a pure Antiseptic Salve, with wonder falcurative powersi Tts"penetrating and healing powers ute simply wonderful, y We ask 'you to test our statement. We have proved that the people are the best judges as to the merits or otherwise of a preparation, and 'to this end we are asking every MAN, WOMAN and CHILD suffering from Piles or any skin disease to Write us about it, and receive in return a sample of CUROL free of cost, All we ask: you to do is to make your need known by send- ing us Free Trial Coupon. : | J leakeD' aor a "dear MADR OF LOTONERE SCHEME IN INDIA. Was Chief Engineer-in Construct- ing Jhelum "Power Works-- jah--Amn R. M. C. Graduate. The Times, of Bombay, India, of | date September 28th, contaifs an in- | teresting account of the inauguration of the great Jhelum Power works at Baramula © (Kashmir). These ' works were condirueted on the Jhelum, un- der the. supervision of Major Lot- biniere, R.E., a graduate of the Roy- al 'Military College, Kingston, Cana- da, in 1883, - & 7 The guests to the number of ninety; were entertained at _Junch by the Maharaja, and then proceeded to' the electrical operating station, where the ceremonies took place, Higthighness, the Maharajah, in a fine speech said that Kashmic might expect a brilliant and prodperous future, with such .an electrical works. Regarding Major de Lothimiere, the Maharajah said : "Major Joly de . Lothiniere, the chief. engineer, whose child this scheme fi, "deserves the highest gratitude of the Durbar for seeing a seheme like this brought into actual existence and working ordée. Ho has wielded the heavy = responsibility of the depart- ment in a very creditable manner and has shown what ability and extra- ordinary power of seientific applica tion he possesses.' Sir Francis Younghusband made this reference to the Canadian engineer "ft ig fitting also to acknowledge the keen intelligent and business-like intefest which Sir Amar Singh has taken in the whole scheme and the very efficient and donstant support which the foreign minister, Diwan Amar Nath, has afforded. Mr. Field, the state engineer, has done what all state ongineers would not have had iho sense to do. He has left the ori- ginator: ar 'organizer of the scheme to works it out in his owf way and has loyally »and génerously supported him wherever his support would be a help. And to-this originator and or- ganizer--to Major de Lotbiniere--must be given the chief credit to-day. It is ane, to his energy, his organizing cap- acity, and knack of esdecting good men to work under him, his powers of persuasion, his driving power, his clieery confidence and his resource that thig work is completed and com- pleted up-to-date almost exactly to the date--he named to me when I ar- rived here two and one-half years ago. I hope Canada will be as proud of him as he is of Canada. "But Major de Lotbiniere would be (he first to acknowledge and has in- deed 'time and again acknowledged to me that he could never have got the wotlk: through' up- to-date 4f he had not had first-rate men to work under him. Captain Hupntér ' had already served urider lind' in: Mysore, and here, as, there, he could. be trusted for ab solutely thorough and reliable work ion thet most': important part of the whole undertaking--the flumg Jine in which "if there was a single flaw the whole flow of blectric pawer and all that was dependent on it would come to a standstill." The ' electrical" establishment gon- sists of thei following officers: - Major A.. J. de, Liowbiniere, C.LE;, R.E., the chief 'dnglhbér, whé initiated and ear ried "out 7 the whole work ; * 'Captain Hunter, in charge of the engineering (civil department), assisted by two officers, A...C. JBwett, electrical en- pinvely, And a Marge stall of assistants; T. Avery, hydraulic power engineer ; | L. A. Desy, superintendent of the dredging fleet, assisted by a staff of | Canadians. FOR" MURDER OF MUSBAND. Placed Under Arrest at Conclu sion of Inquest. Rochester, N.Y., Nov. - 26.--Mrs; Georgia Sampson, widow of the : late Harry Sampson, of Palmyra, who died on November lst, as the result of a gunshot. wound, was arrested for the murder of her husband. Sampson was a nephew of the late Admiral William Sampson. ' 3 It came out at the inquest thai Sampson on the Saturday before his death had discovered a letter written to his wife By a man outside of the family, which had been the cause of a bitter quarrel. 1 It was "lso tedtified that Sampson had a package of cheese in his hand when he fell the farm house, which was held to preclude the idea J that he was contemplating miidide at the time, or could have fired the shot from the rifle that killed him. !investing your surplus in any manu- Congratulated By the Mahara- bis Some Plain Facts For Intending Investors. ; Ii considering the sdvisshility of [A-ND" facturing stock, the following must be reckoned with: A new company may be formed to manufacture any article, side by side ith the coneern you put your money they equip their facts into. Being new factory with the most i roved = machinery' and latést inven: ions, and then your entire plat is antiquated: You must : either ards out of the race or thtow 'out your machinery at enormous loss. Inteise- ly keen ooinpotition veduces profits to' a mininram. In hard © times 'you 'can- not digpose 'of your manuidetured dnd it posts thousands of dol: ars to carry your stock over, Te'good times = strikes and Jdabor troubles put yom in 'the hole, wits you have an bo portunity "to hate chy git changes may occur at' 'afy woh that will put your goods: in ruinous competition with cheap "foreign labor from the sweatshops of Europe. Goods manufactured in enormons 'guantitiés to supply a hundred million market cokt only a fraction of the cost of manufacturing to supply a five-million market, to say nothing of the *'dump- ing process" so often resorted to by the U. 8. to relieve the congestion of their overstocked market. If _invesfing in timber, you' know that the supply 'is 0 rapid ~ diffs inishing that leading authoriiiés pre diet a complete famine in lumber in from nine to fifteen years. Unlike mushrooms, it takes hall a century to! re-forest the country. All = the avhilable timber is already docated, and the unlocated timber farther north is rendered valheless by the rivers all running te the morth. Be- fore railways can be buiit, the famine will be here'- and the enormous cost of transportation will make the price almost proribitive when the railroads are built. It is' admitted beyond dis pute that' fire: does not destroy fully matured timber if-it is 'accessible to be cut within 'a reasonable period af- ter the fite. { The .only ' thing necessary is to make sure that the timber is in easy reach of good transportation facili- ties, that it is of a marketable qual- ity, bought at a right price, in sufli- cient quantity to make it worth while handling. GH A These assured, Julich Sibmiekt and capable directorate' Will, give you an investment, whi (anno he equalled for security and' ifge it by any fadustrial or niercantiféi stock «on the market. Saves Moré millionaires haveihden wroated fn America, to-day theugh timber befove the than from all other and - there is no-.quUESTEEH DE to-day 'eoipell 'suclfilniver- GON Yee and public al attention' fro our masters (dftpalite that of our timber Sup) Colds Can"Bé Avertedi. Colds all start with congestion' of the membranes of the! air passages, Nature alone takes ten days tq gre- move the congestion. 'Naturg aided vith Wade's Laxative Cold Cure $ab- lets can do it in a day; In boxes, \2 at Wade's drug stare. Mopey back if not satisfactoRys i Old Honie Ties. 4 ir Canon Davidson. = t 49 Tenderly on a hazy October day. we st Peterboro laid the tifiknown youth to rest under the whisperifig pines. The sand of mourners; the flowers, the loving nterest shown 'in lifé'ahd in death all testified to the warmth of English hearts. A kind fetter from his 'clergythati was he only clue 6 his 'belongings in the far home-larid. How valuable that one ink! And so fhe chirreh here and the 'hurch there are joined ifi ministrations »f priceless vale. The 'question forces tself, "T'o what extent do our immi- rrant€ keep 'in' contact with their God, Keir church, their relatives?" - On 'the wall of a church in the Northwest ap- years this sug estion, commended to al young men, Kren did you write home last? Do it to-day." Heals Throat And Lungs. Mhen Catarrhozone is inhaled it spreads through the "breathing organs wrrying healing to the sore spots. An irritdble throat is cured in five minutes, bronchitis it soothes from the first breath, Nothing so certain for eatarrh and colds. Catarrho- zone brings new health to your throat, fiose and lungs. Very pleasant and harmless, "I caught a severe cold which - developed into catarrh, and finally settied on - my lings," writes Mr. A, Northrup, of Bediord. Catar- rhozone relieved quickly and cured me I recommend Catarrhozone highly." 'The complete outfit gives two months' McConkey's Brazil brittle, almond bars and fruit bars, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, | your druggist to-day. treatment and is guaranteed to cure; price one dollar; sample size, twénty- five cents. 'Get Cetarrhozone from . | And does his duty faithfully | Whate'er your modest task mey be, ~ Ringworm, Uloérs, Cuts, Burns, Poison- ed 'and ° Féstering Wounds, © Running aid Cold' Sores, Scalp Sores, Chap- ped Hands, Itch, and all Skin Yrritations aud troubles. Itds sd Jaritive cure for Bind and Bleeding The Proprietors want you to test 'this * wonderful Healitig Salve free. Send this 1° Coupon to CuroL Satyr Co., Spaditia Ave, Toronto, when a trial box will be mailed you, ny 4 bed _asléep. § Wade's dru C. A nliser dreamland he trod a land gold, . . Ande all therein was his to Imve and] ™ old ; . i He laughed, he wept for joy; He went}. | Golden the service was ; golden fhe dloth: From which flew up, i Prices Fixed By a Hamilton Board «Reduction Ordered om a hs tract--Association Sued id For the Cut Off, 3 : sion court action, here, it was sh that the Hamilton brick. } ers, some time ago, fixed their various grades of b business a known as the ply company. Crawford brothers, a member of that association, was or- dered to supply a certain quantity of. bricks to. some. people in Thundas, The Dundas people objected te the price and the association, thercupon, order. ed that Crawford brothers make a re- duction of thirty-seven cents pe sand. This the firm did and it then turned around and sued the associa- tion for $11.84, the total of the re- duction ordered by the association. Judge Monck gave judgment for Craw- ford brothers. 1t is rumored this was a tost case and that other members of the association, anxious to kick over tha trades, will now bring suit, g Stpose ou ites hacen ls eign lia oral 5 | FROM CABINET TO SENATE. Rumor has been busy with the. name of U. 8. Secretary of State Elilu Root of late. He is now prominéntly meén- tioned as a probable successor to Thomas CO. Platt as one oi the Empire = State's pair of United States senators, Mr. Root is here shown as he 'appeared 'after a hard day's work Wile an inmate of Muldoon's 'sanituritigy, where! he has made several visits. recently, in order to ut Bithselt' dn physical shitpe 'to stahd up; bedeath 'the butrden of re Olaf TRAVELLER WAS ROEBED. Thief Went Through His | Clothes While He Was Asleep. R. 8. Ferguson, 'a Hamilton travel' ler, is of 'the opinion that the " onl§ good place to keep money is in the bank. He is in Kingston, on bugifiess,' and says that while stopping at an hotel iti 'Toronto. thig' Week, he' wils relieved Ff $10, while "He 'was' In Before retiring' for th night" fie' o¥got to lock" the' dao, and during' the Hight 'some' snegk {het 'made' his way ' to his room "and wont 'throtgh" the "pockéts of his trousers," "wher 'he "Kept his money, These were two '$5 bills, and in his coat close by there was a. purse which contained $18, He made off with the two $5 bills, but did not take the purse which contained the larger sum. It is believed that he became frightened and did not wait to see what was in the pocket-book, The thief took the pocket-book out of the coat and left it in one of the pock- ets in the trousers. Mr. Ferguson reported the case to the hotel au: thorities but was unable to get trace of the money. He says he heard no one in his room during the night. Rr -------- a -- N as HUNTER FACES WOLVES; -- Shoots Two Leaders and Others Flee. Ottawa, Nov. 26.--Thomas Garvin, of Hull, recently had a hair-raising ex- perience with wolves near Baskatong, Que. Being pursued by a pack of eight wolves and finding escape by flight impossible, he turned #nd faced then. Bufore/ Shey could clos in on him he shot /tKe two leaders and 'the others became frightened and escaped into tHe budh,: Wolves are réported to bo i unusually numerous and ferocious for this season of the yéoR.':' A $¢ & Revive Your Hair, If your hair is dry, brittle, faded or lusterless, the hair glands lack vital ity. Restore health and proper growth by the use of Dr. Dawson's Rair Re- color. In g store. tural bottles, at ed Success, Detroit: Free Press. Success '18 not in gaining wealth, Ndr being famous. No, young man ! Sucdess is not a roll of bills, Ndr yet a touring moving van. Sucdess is not a house of stone, A 'castle grand where you may dwell ; Suedess, what is it then, you ask? Al, it is doing one thing well, Suédess is not in holding power To lord it o'er your fellow man; Sucdess--the modest little flower-- Achieve it, on the Maker's plan. The toiler in the fleld achieves' - Success, if he but' goes 'his 'way And gives the best he has each day. Suedess is not a synonyms For greatness in the faplic eye ; Unheard of aid unheralded The greatest of successes 3 Disdain iy not nor tty te shun. Perform, it well, The secret learn. Success is duty nobly done, ,{ The Miser"s Dream. G. Blanden, in Chicago Record to dine ; al ud laughed, '& golden moth. i The Bait was gwid, the bread, was gold, | the wine \ Was liquid gold, Screaming, he 'woke lou : Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 26.--In. a divi- wh |. thon- |. state, which 'he has dé ably dispensed, .| while a member of the Roosevelt Cabinet; A : antl vigor by toning up. these glands. stoder. Restores gray hair to its na-'f 0! more-- + {And trove 4 beggar, hungry, from his" § Ory Fair Graduate-- 3fy commencement essay is on "The To- disputable Superiority of Mind over Matter." Anly Drudge--~*"Why not make your essay about feal things: 'How Fels-Naptha Has Lightened Woman's . Work." | After you are married, and. have a house of your own, you will find that Fels-Naptha has done "sors to take the sting out of housework than'any- » thig ever invented." The three great forward steps in womdn's housework are: The 'modern fange in. place of the old fireplace dnd kettle; Toms The sewing machine in placé of laborious hand-sewing; PE Pels-Naptha soap, which makes it easy to wash clothes in cool or lukewarm" water, without boiling of hard rubbing. Of these three, Fels-Naptha saves the woman more back-breaking labor, more time, more money, and does more. to make life pleasanter than either of the others, At the very first, you can see how it saves time and labor, but perhaps you'll wondér how Fels-Naptha saves money. In two ways: First ivsaves the cost of coal or gds to heat water and boil the ¢ .... Then the clothes last longér when washed with Fels-Naptha in cool or luke- wan water. : i + Their fibre isn't weakened: by thoil- , Yoti can't realize just what a help Fels-Naptha is until you've tried it in . your own washing. PLM eae Why not begin next washday?, . Pels-Naptha easy way of washing in place of the tiresome, tedious back<break- ing method. ik oh Use it according to directions on the red and green wrapper, winter of summer. pn # "The Greatest Power in the World | A -------- ~~ ee TLE S THE SUM "PANDORA," TO ITS MISTRESS: I'm not the Sun--but I Brighten your home. Shine in your kitchen. Radiate heat for you. Require wo watching. - Never need repairs." acd SER Wa