i PAGE Sx. © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMEER 26, 1900. ESTABLISHED, 1849, a apper ear MOKAY URS . Long Fur Coats Are all the Nage this Season and we any Style GARMENT Made from perfectly matched S Doing things best has been Our Teputat are point can meet the Demand for ion for Fifty Years, and we not likely to be careless at now. Why not a FUR COAT LH any for CHRIST JOIN MOKAY FUR HOUSE 107 Princess St., « 149-155 Brock St A VALUABLE PATER » Kingston Jail. "Our Jail System," was subject of a paper by C, H. Corbett, governor of the jail, Kingston, at the Canadian Conference of Charities and Corree- tions. HB caused many frank expres- sions of opinion and was highly com- mended, and by résolution was refer- red to the government for considera- tion. Some of the matters to which the attention of the government is direct- ed are : That the jail system of Ontario is Hitle better than it was fifty years ago. Those * charged with buildsng and planning jails know rothink of the real requirements, x We should have jails for groups of counties instead of for separate coun- ties for the purpose of better classify- ing- prisoners. That municipal and provincial aw thority in jails ig ruinous to discip- line and conduct, it leads to extrava- gance and carelessness. That the pro- vinecial government should take over the control of the jails. That the present system of allow- ing insane persons and men and wo- men burdened with years to be plac ed in common jails is both discredit able and inhuman. That the --sfstem-- of jail officials should be changed so that promotion could be secured something after the principle employed in the army. That men appointed to jails should be young and chosen by merit rather than through political pull, as the latter class of civil servants are usual- .|ly above the proper age and become We CanHelp You Keep Warm And save coal by simply selling you ' what weather strips you need to keej the .cold out, and the heat in, You car keep your house ten with ten percent less coal and avoic unpleasant and cold at a very small expenditure, Wood and Felt Strips cut to length wn 2e. foot, Flexible Rubber, 4e. foot. Anyone can apply it. W. A. Mitchell's, 65 Princess £t. HARDWARE, N Articles Our window displays a selection of handsome things in Solid Brass goods. Fine Electric Table Lamps, Candle Sticks, Jardinieres, ers' Sels, . Trays, &c. The 'Old Brass' finish gives a decidedly rich effect, and is -much admired. Reasonnble in price, and very suitable for gifts: i Spangenberg. : JEWELLER =, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. : "© HELE E PEGE TEEPE EE Eee degrees warmer ~gatching draught | mere time servers. That jails should be built for the retention of females and that no wo man should be allowed in the brdin ary jails. That more physical training ' and 1 work should Ryd a place in the pres- y| ent prison proghamme. we -------- i -------- | BLANKET WAS RECOVERED. It Was Reported Missing to Police Last Winter. Last winter, J. S, Henderson, the well-known grocer, reported the loss of |a horse blanket to the police. Yester- +| day, while out on his rounds, Con {stable Bateson spied a' blanket in. a | passing rig, which appeared to him as answering the description of the one reported missing by Mr. Hendor- gon. He stopped the rig and upon further investigation it was found that sure enough it was the blanket belonging to Mr. Henderson, as the latter identified the blanket and was .|given possession of it. The driver of the rig stated that he had purchased the blanket from an- other man, who said he had found it on the street. There will be no prose- cution, FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Final Meeting (of Season 'on Thursday. The Frontenac Cheese Board held its final meeting: of the year on Thurs day 'afternoon, when there was board- ed_314 boxes of colored cheese. There was no white cheese boarded. At lle. Mr. Kerr secured the offeririgs of Glenburnie, Latimer, and Rose Hill. President William Fawcett, and Secre- tary William Pillar, were present. Glenvale, 30; Glenburnie, 44; Cold Springs, 70; Latimer, 35; Morning Star, 10: Rose Hill, 50; Sunbury, 25; McGrath's, 40; total; 314. > Died At Hotel Dieu. Isaac Chasik, a Jewish merchant, died suddenly in he Hotel Dieu on Wednesday afternoon. The deceased had been ailing for some time from heart trouble, but was never serious- ly ill. On Wednesday afternoon he was taken suddenly ill and removed to the Hotel Dieu. Everything pos- sible was done for him but he passed away during the evening. The late Mi. Chasik had lived in the city for some time: He was about thirty years of age. A wife and one young To The Ladies : At A cheapest and best, at Whig office. About eighty guests assembled the home of John: Gilbert. Weese, Home e¢ards, visiting ecards, ete. at Al- daughter fare leit to mourn. The funeral took place this afternoon to the Jewish: cemetery. Offered A Shield. 5 the YM.C.A., the five-mile Entries will See wy Nelles, of has offered a shield for THE 5 P.M. EDITION By C. H. Corbett, Governor of > interested. DEFEATS HAYES AT MADIS ON SQUARE GARDEN. Led From Start to Marathon Time By. 'Eleven Minutes. tri, of Italy, defeated John J. Hayes, of this city, in the renewal of Marathon race at Garaen last night. The distance twenty-six' miles, and 'Hayes won at London last summer. Dorando in that race fell from haustion and was helped across line, but was disqualified. He proved 0 be Hayes' master to-night, as weld the lead from start to finish, inally winning by about sixty yards. Hayes was in the lead five times dur- ng the race, but only for a few see- 244.20: 2.5, Hayes, 2.45.05 4-5. wontest, and while partizan 'an high, nothing more than good- tured raillery was the outcome. The ls ast few miles of the race were excit- ng. In the twenty-fourth mile Hayes nade another of the ront that he had been springing' at ntervals during the race, but Doran- lo, running strong, easily resumed the ead like a flash. This was repeated half a mile further on, Dorando again roving the stronger. The twenty-fifth 3.44.20 2-5, Hayes, 2.45.05 1-5, Hayes weakened in the last half about sixty yards. At the ténth mile Dorando led by hree feet, his time being 1.06 1-5. In the seventh lap of the eleventh mile, Hayes passed the foreigner, hut held is advantage for only hall a lap, Jorando again springing into the ead, Hayes tried again in the fourth ap of the thirteenth mile, but Doran- lo wae in front again before. Haves md led him five seconds. At fifteen niles there was no change in their osition. Dorando used a wet sponge m his head : frequently, while Hayes ind recourse to no treatment exeapt weasional advice from his trainer. During the next five miles Haves printed by his opponent three times, mt kept in front each time only for + few seconds for Dorando went wound him to the pole again. They mished the twentieth mile, Dorando eading by five feet, in 2.04.2 Dorando's time was nearly eleven ninutes . fasther than J. J. Hayes nade when he won the Marathon race it Shepherd's Bush last summer. layes covered the distance in 2..55,18. St ---- TO DRAFT A BILL ------ A Making it a Crime to_Give Com- . missions. ~~w_ THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE. Ottawn, Nov. 26.--The government has under consideration and will yrobably introduce at the coming ses- sion of parliament a bill modelled on the lineg of the act passed -by the British parliament in 1906, making il a criminal offence to offer or accept secret commissions with a' view of sorruptly influencing business trans- actiong in which the employer of the agent who accepts \ The bill vent the whole secret ion with private or government busi: is aimed tem of 'payment ORANDO WON RAGE Finish-- Italian Beat Hayes' Olympic Nearly New York, Nov. 27.--Dorande Pie- the Madisan Square was 385 yards; the ame as the Olympic Marathon, which am he onde each time, Dorando's time was Ten thousand persons watched the feeling jumps to the mile, and the Italian wan handily by the commission is to -pre- of commissions either in connee- Reporters On Their Rounds. resh of A rds-& i Rial eye Tas" for 2Be., at 8, 2 from Mogptreal. Birch again after a week's illness, .- William Swaine, received at MeAuley's. 'Phor : inspector of prisons, is in the city. ave your eyes tested at Best's. Gold-filled frames, guaranteed, for ten rs, $1.50. The Y.M.C.A, gymnasium will open for seniors and intermediates on Hondsy and for the juniors a week ater. Lennox tooth . paste, regular i Se. each; two for - 26c., at drug store, ~ Misses Bertha and Christine White, {of Kingston, are the guests of Mrs. Edward Beck, 4887 Sherbrooke street, Westmaunt, ? 4 I. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickerings. a orders at Me- Auley's Book Store. The Whig has, this week, had hali a dozen letters on timely topics, but they cannot be published as the names of writers did manuscripts. Five big 10¢. rolls toilet paper for 25c, at Best's; over 700 rolls have been sold during November. It is the biggest™bargain ever offered in toilet paper. . . J. Tallant was the west of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Potter, Som- erset street, Ottawa, for a few days, and also visited other relatives and friends, has returned to Kingston. Yellow Danver onions; select oys- ters. Edwards & Jenkin, "phone 775. There was a good offering at the Thursday market. These prices pre- vailed: Butter, 25e.; chickens, 45c. to G0c.; turkeys, 9¢. to 10e. per h.; geese, The. each, ducks, He. each. \| "Snap," the antiseptic hand cleaner, at Gibsgn's Red Cross drug store. The heavy wind to-day. caused the partial ruin of many a fine stiff hat. At nearly every corner people couid he seen running after their headgear and in some eases not the mildest language was used when the stray- aways were caught, Imported wafer food for gold fish, fresh, to-day, at Best's. Kingston has been mentioned as the place to play the game between Grand Trunk and Tigers Il for the intermediate championship of; the dominion. The city is about even distance from both places and better grounds could not be found in Can- ada. . < Patterson's and "FLownéy"s choco- lates, Edwards & Jenkin. The steambarge Reliance had quite on Wednesday night. The wind was blowing a gale ana the waves were very high. The stardy little craft made the trip in 'good time and stood the heavy wedthet-well. She arrived at Swift's this morning with a cargo of coal. UA Select chocolates. Edwards kin. What do you think of a company thirty years old with $8,000,000 of & Jen- in benefits, offering indemnity from ness of one or moré days' duration, Rates the lowest. 'Apply or to W. J. Fair, opposite post office, BISHOP FARTHING. to News. The election of Dean Farthing, of Kingston, te the bishopric of Mon- treal, will be generally acceptable the members of the Church of land in Canada. This is not only because what pleases the diocese is widely and his worth appreciated. - He is a a good administrator. i As of England in Canada he proved admirable presiding officer. In, one respect he starts off considerable advantage, as compare an The steamer Windsor arrived light, noque, is visiting street, A 5c. to $5, at Gib- ross store. : W. W. Gibson is able to be around _ Dr. Chamberlain, Toronto, dormer Wade's not: accompany . the a stormy trip over from Sodus Point | assets and paying $7,000,000 a year $10 to $50 a week against any ill! and the same if you are quarantined. write A Kindly Reference in the Toron-; to Eng- of Montreal will suit church people else- where, but also because Dr. Farthing known + throughout Canada gentleman of fine presence, {a forceful and evéwr eloquent preach- or, and, so far as he has been tested, prolocu- v | tor of the general synod of the Church with No Live Stock of Any Kind Allowed to Cross. Fyrom Detroit to Windsor Till Disease is Stamped Out. Windsor, Ont. Nov. 26.--Judge Me: Hugh has reserved jud tin a suid brought. by Miss Susan Bradley agai ast her brother, Henvy Bradley, el ng compensation amounting to several hundred dollars for household work done by plaintifi for her brothes for the last twelve years. The.mar- riage of the brother a short time ago! terminated an agreement by which | Miss Bradley had sageed to keep house for him during his life time, the brother agreeing in return to be re- sponsible for her maintenance. The dominion public works depart- ment has taken steps towards the construction of a goverrment dock on the water front. The dock is a long- felt need to the city. » On acdount of the prevalence of the mouth and hoof disease among cattle in Wayne county, Michigan, in which Detroit is situated and the quaran- tining of that county, orders have been received here to prevent live stock of any kind from landing on this gide from Detroit. Windsor people, | who may have horses on the De'roit side recd®ved until this morning to get the agimals back. Aiter noon, to- day, traffic, other than foot nassen- gers, will be allowed only in automo- bile' or motor truck. This condition of affairs will last until the plague is entirely stamped out, Nearly two hundred affected cattle have been found in Wayne county, "They will all * be slaughtered and their carcasses burned. p------------------ CONCERT AT ATKINSON. A Man Over Ninety Years of Age Ploughing. Atkinson, Nov. 24.--A successful con- cert was held in the school room, last Friday evening, The interior of the roort' was decorated with buniing, papei"bells, and flags, the psedomin- ant colors being red, while and ble, Despite the unfavorable condition of ithe roads the building was crowded. 1. W. Spence occupied the chair and an excellent programme, consisting of lehoruses, elocutionary dialogues, vio- lin and piano music, drills and tab- leaux, was well rendered. At the close' of the programme votes of thanks were 'extended to the teacher, those who {took part in the programme, the chairman, and to the audience for the good order maintained. Much credit is due the teacher, Miss Lalu Todd, for the way in which sho had the pu- pils trained. The weather and soil are both fa- |vorable for ploughing at present. It 'is wonderful to see the oldest man in the: neighborhood, Henry Johnston, following the plough quite frequently. He drives his team of colts as well and ploughs as straight a furrow as anyone could wish to see. Mr. John- ston is over minety years of age, is gtill, very active, and can rea with- out the use of glasses. Oliver Mait- 'land has resumed studies in Kingston Business College, after spending Sun- day at home. | PERSONAL CREDIT. Cheques For Harding Had Never \ Been Collected. = 8¢. John, N.B., Nov. 26.--When the marine department enquiry resumed this morning M. G. Reed asked to be allowed to represent F. J.Harding, the suspended agent. The request was agreed to by Judge. Cassels, sta- | ting that an accused official was en- titled to representation. ; John = A. McAvity admitted a system of per- sonal credit as regards Mr. Harding had been going on for years. Checks "during this time had been received from Mr. Harding but never collect ed. The McAvity firm at the . same time had been given checks to Mr. i Harding. "These checks were about a dozen in number and the~dargest was for about $365. Witness em- phatically denied the existence of any policy of concealment. His Eye Destroyed, Brockville, Ont., 'Nov. 26.--Melvin Milroy, Athens, the long distance run- {ner who has competed the past years { under the colors of the Drockville Har- rier Club, is a patiént at the hospital with his predecessors. Bishop Oxenden h ee with de- You will require materials times not easy to procure, 80 ( leave it too late to settle on 'you intend making. We have n ~ Hlipper Soles for men, women, children in all sizes. v a Berlin Wools, both double and of shades. Te v~ Aundalusian and Zephyr Wools. Germantown Wools in most wanted shades. Beehive and Saxony Wools. Bilk Mixed Ivorine - Wools and 'other makes of. : Wools and Yarns for all purposes. 'Fancy Ribbons for making bags, | new designs. Fancy Ribbons for Sashes, new Peri Lustra in white and colors. Art Linens for embroider: ee Coronation Braids, Novelty Braids and lnsertions, Dainty Laces, many new patterns just received.|' Several dainty makes suitable for Christmas work. colorings. 'Handkerchiefs | Fancy Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, 15¢, 25¢, 33¢, 39¢ up. : : : Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c to 75¢c. Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, 12{e, 15¢, 200, 2b¢ Gentlemen's Initialed Handkerchiefs, 124, 25c. Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handker- chrefs, 10¢, 12}¢, 15¢, 20¢, 26e. im : Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handker- chiefs, 15¢, 12}¢, 20c, 25¢, B58 ups ~ Hg % 59 Children's Hemstitched Taw Hatdferdh 3 5c each, 25¢ for half dozen. : Just received one case of 600 Housemaid's Aprons Made from good qualily English Lawn, full lengths, with deep hem, cluster of tucks, others with neat em- broidery. : : These were made for our special order, and 've have the proper sizes and shapes to show you, the sight of one eye stroyed. He took the work-of the re-T] | gular janitor of the Methodist churgh and - his duties--called upon him to Farthing entérs upon his new duties look after the lights. The edifice is in.the prime of life, and 'with a ro- | HHluminated with acetylene gas, and bust physique! This is -of importance | while. Milroy as lighting a jet out both because of the work in the aiey | side the building an explosion occur- of Montreal, and also because of the 'red, breaking the globe. The flying long journeys in the rural parts of ig of glass struck Milroy in the the diotese. ace, one piece shattering the eye, His It is gratifying, therefore, both ta [face was also cut but not seriously. churchmen and to the general public, 5. a, ? to know that Athe new "bishop BE The Badger State Sold. upon his' duties under sueh good aus- Detroit, ich., Nov. 26.--Deputy pices, and those who know him have, United Séites Marshall' Taylor yes- no doubt he will. prove worthy of the | terday old the steamer Badger State high traditions of the diocese of Mon- | at awection to W. H. Gatfield, Sand- treal and his illustrious predecessors. | wich, for $8,650. 'The Badger State was bought last spring by the Bad- jger State Transportation company, "Detroit, from Henry Loud, Oscoda, "amd - $4,000 had to be paid on ' the | purchase price, - A little more than | a year ago the Badger State received | about $18,000 of repairs at Bay City including a thorough rebuilding. She twas built in 1862 and is 2183 feet {long. She now is tied up in the Ri- | ver Rouge. . championship of the city. he open to anyone in the city. shield will be kept at the Y.M.C.A., and the name of the winner will be engraved upon it from year to Vear. Thé association has also deeided to award medals to those breakihg re- cords 'Tn the events. bury, on November 18th, the occasion being the warriage of his daughecr, Zella May, to Sanford Norman Van- dervoort, Sidney. 2 quart hot water bottles, made of pure rubber, from 35c. to $2 each, at Wade's drug store. The Allan steamer Victorian, from Liverpool for St. John, was reported rr 200 dion north east of Cape Race at "Three Swallows." Gam Sir John Power and Sons' "Disinfecting - Fluid,"* by the gal-| 'Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey. lon, for houses, offices aend factories,| Famous over a century, at Wade's drug store, Of highest standard of purity. Malaga grapes. Pdwards & Jenkin. Distillers to His Majesty the King. and Bishop Bond were old mer when called to the office. 'Bishop Carmichael was no longer young, and he, was, moreover, in delicate health. = Bishop ness. It will, ~of course, meet the vbuses shown by the recent investiga: tion at Quebee to have existed in the wminisiration of the marine .depart- ment at that port. The measure Has the hearty support of Hon. A. B. Avlesworth. minister-: of justice; and, tis wilerotood, has been: endorsed by the cabinet-in-council. The * Prices 60, 65¢, 76¢c, 45e. 2. FILIPINOS WITH FLEET. Substituted For Chinese and Jap- anese Boys. Manilla, Nov. 26.~'I'he onnecticut, of the has taken on board an entire Filipino hand, whieh will be employed at the regular ceremonies of the ship, alter- nating with the marine band. The Atlantic fleet is also making an ex- Monday, January 25th, may be the | periment in the substitution of Fili- [date of the consecration of the Very | pinos for the Chinese and Japanese | Rev. Dean Farthing as bishop of the { boys,~mow working in the various Anglican dioceze of Montreal, says the {rooms on ench ship. To this end Montreal Star. According to the { 150 Filipinos have been taken on rubricy of the Church of Enidand, the Givin latin min 1 1 g ' board by the fleet Maud distributed consecration of a bishop can only | among the sixteen battleships take place on a Sunday of holy day. | We point with pride to our choice selections § | In Canada it has invariably been the of Men's Furnishings for the Holiday Trade. § | |, i yf iui riuene gin hsb, Janoncy Soins th, tune We've exclusive and elegant Neckwear, the best [afternoon from England. and = Ger- [sary of the consecration of the late makes of Gloves, perfection in Shirts and Collars, § | many. He Spent. thie past geal study. Archbishop Bond. * J : [ y spitais Of Ondon 0 Fa the best brands of Underwear, choice Hosiery, I Mufflers, Night Robes, Pyjamas, Umbrellas, Bath { Vienna, The' ship on which he crossed | took fifteen days to make the pas- Robes, House Coats, Dressing-Gowns, all reasona- ble priced. flagship batt Jeship fleet, The Date Of Consecration. To Freeze Them Out. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 26.--The an- inual meeting. of the Grant Spring | Breveery company. directors was held, { yesterday, and there was a warm {time. No _ dividend was declared which has Been the case for the last ten years. Five of the original stock- holders refused to sefl their stock and these men now declare an endeavor is {being made to freeze Ahem out. They {talk of taking action for a mandamus to compel ithe - other direstors to de- (clare a dividend. | -In 'A Few Days. In a few days the results of the guessing contest at Best's will «+ be known. Sons people ask the weight of the smaller pen. It is threo drachms or § ounces. The contest will close Becember 1st, and the Jucky per- son will get the handsome $4.25 pen. Any person making a purchase has. a guess, and all chances are equal, al though one person may have a dozen or more guesees, sage boings detained three days by fog off Sandy. Hook ~ The doctor will [pend the next month at the family | home here. < ding haan. If you're still undecided as to just what to buy him for Christmas, we'll take pleasure in showing you a host of things he would be delighted te have. : LIVINGSTON'S. | " To Examine Pembroke Water. Dr. W. T. Connell, bacteriologist of | Queen's. University; to-day, received { samples of drinking water from Pem- | broke, which he has been asked to | examine for the purpose of finding | ot whether 'it is contaminated and | contains typhoid germs, in. view of | the typhoid epidemic in. that town. Py Black Roger Grapes. We still have 100 baskets good Can- adinn 'ghapes, and will make price 25¢- until all are sold, at Carnovsky's. Fe They Have Arrived.' Who ? Why Barry and Hennessy. 3 They are at the Princess to-night 'No- Five cases of small-pox has been thing is too good for the Irish. You discovered at Lyn. 'They were being treated for chi¢ken-pox. Home-made taffies and maple cream. | i | Kdivards & Jenkin, "phone 775. ~ ilaugh from stast to finish;