v---- 8h Furs to don IS no reason to go 'without ; § Have you a nice comfortable set of this fall ? If not, there them, for our pricas pla everyone, Throws and Muffs to match in Astrachan, Sable, Fox, Marmot, Lynx, Rat , Mink and Coon. Caperines, in all kind of Fur, from $5 to 20.00. Laides' Fur Coats, in Bochrane Lamb, Musk, Rat and Marmot lined, from $30 up to 75.00, : Our. Cloth Coats for women and children wer never more up-to date. Now is the time to choos required. e All colors, sizes and styles. e and have it put aside until Children's Coats, $2, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00; 7.00 Ladies' from $5 to 15.00. Crumley Bros ce them within 'the reach of ¥ ¥ § GOALS: OF ALBERTA tnt. lU.'s. Railways Dependent on the Alberta'Coal THE DAILY BRITISH WEIG, FRIDAY, West of Rockies i a | Amuse (in ments, R Fields--Bituminous Coal Beds : | Very Valuable. ' | public that the feoal in Western Canada is | limited to-the Crow's Nest district Southern Alberta and the Peace River | district in Northern British Columbia. { There " ar¢ 'enormous deposits of lig- { mitic coals: in Alberta, Manitoba and { Saskatchewan, but the lignitic late wnfit for railway purposes for the (reason that they produce {and, eousequently, involve the Rravetin heavy {flmages kngw, Re th the C. EC j tucky and Uhio for use during {dry seasons before the Crow's [company's mines were [{Phese bituminous coal fields are invaluable treasure house to far west of Canada, and | carefully. husba: ded 110 pe. he more | prized than even they are now. [1s only comparatively a few years { that [be bought for from $2 to. $2.50 {acre that are now worth from [000 to $2,500 per acre. | big colliery to: he opened { bituminous field of Alberta * | Western 0il & Coal | new colliery at Beaver Creek, knowr the Beaver CoMleries. Recent re {ports state that these collierids have {oven seventy million tons of coal ir | sight, This seems- enormous, In hen: one 'remembers that there P.R. 2 i", in is as now 10,000 tons of coal per day go- ing out ini the vollieries in the Crow's Nest district, and that all the Heries are working double time, have their output sold over a ahead, it does not mean «1 Twenty-five years at [day would exhaust hig colliery. | The, coal lands of | North-West are heing | bought up, and the of | securing bituminous | getting very rave, The Midnight Oil. | Lippineotit"s, New York. . Poets like to sing songs of the sun- rise, but very few of them ever care tb witness that daily miracle. Bliss Car- man doesn't .at any -rate. He hates the morming, and consequently makes a practice of sleeping through it. Indeed, just in order to avoid the morning, he has been known to sit up nearly all night, the better to "assure a doze until noon, ? One day at about eleven am., a can- did friend called on Carman and had to wake him out of a.sound slumber. "Look heré, Bliss," he remonstrated, "What are you doing in bed at this hour?" "I was up late last night," yawned the poet, painfully struggling back to con sciousness, "Well," commented the candid friend, "you're simply bound to shorten your days by the: sort of life you're leading." carman stretched most unpoetically col year £0 much even this the Canadiar oretty eagerly ortunities for coal lands . are Cash No Approbation - The "Rétail Shoe Merchants of Kingston--Having proven to the satisfaction of the most critical that The Cash System is the only modern method of doing business, desire -te announce that at a cent meeting 'of the Retail Shoe A ssociatién, it was unanimously de- cided to continue the present Cash system. It was further pointed out that Kingston Shoe Merchants, because of the Cash System, were selling shoes at much lower prices than Merchants doing busi- ness in Oredit Cities are able'to do, Kingstonians therefore deriv. ing the benefit of close Cash prices, because of the dealer being'in a position to buy his merchandise for Cash and to save hig discounts. re- It was resolved that a copy of 'the 'The tion to continue 'the Cash System *' they would not be put to the unp le send-géodsion approbation or Merchants determina- be properly advertised so that asant necessity of declining to to charge same. Aberrethy Shoe Store A EB. Herod Jas Johunstog Shoe Store H. Jennings : The Lockett Shoe Store Reid & Charles" ++ W. A Sawyer J. H. Sutherland & Bro, No, doubt," he said, "but if I'm rtening my "days I'm at least leng- ning nights." S-- 1 Wonien Of To-Day. At a "conting out" ball in a metropoli tan city a few. years ago the debutante and her grandmother both danced in tiie' cotillion. They were both slender and graceful, both beautiful dancers. To he casual observer they differed in these respects: The debutante had au burn hair; the unlined face of the "uni- deaed girl" and talked haltingly. The grandmother had white hair, lines in her face ad talked fluently. That they should both be dancing aroused no par- ticular comment. To day numerolis American women play tennis until forty «play golf and quieter games until sixty. Not long ago a New York S0- ciety woman who is" close upon sixty was told by heér physician that she must not hereafter walk over twenty miles 'in a day" Plenty * of English portswomen "follow the hounds" until past fifty years of age. Peanuts. Peanuts only thrive in a warm oli- mate. "The plant requires a limy, sandy loam dnd: yields from two bushels of pods planfed an acre as much as forty or fifty bushels of pods and two tons of w. The seed is planted about one inch. deep in 'rows from twenty- cight to thirty-six inches apart and from twel¥e to sixteen inches in the | row when danger of late spring frosts { has passed. Afters planting and durine the growing period of the croo the soil is kept close and open and free from weeds. The crop is harvested before {rost in the fall the plant being loosened hy 'ineans of a spetial plow. then taken up and put into shocks. . After drying from Bfteen to twenty days the pods are picked. y Mister And Master, Formerly the term "master" was a | markedly respectful form of address Now in the form "mister" it has become common property, while "master" itself has become ¢onfined to boys. However, the fall of "master" has _net-been so stra 8 ' - Brass and Iron Bedsteads Some dainty designs of All . Brass an "White Eanmel Redbtonda, 2 4 A Springs Our Bedsteads are fitted with lieroules Springs. Mattresses Star Felt Sanitary Mattrésses, * Sanitary Health Mattress wear a Lifetime, ' ; Ae Reid, 'The Leading U J ames 3 Phone' 147 | great as is that of the French "mon- sieur." . At ane time even a saint was spoken of as "Monsienr St. Jean." | Under the early Valois the king was "monsigur" in public documents. and i later it bechne the title of the king's | younger brokher. Nowadays "AL" is | merely a level with "Mr." Tite Bridge Of Lions. \ brillge comparatively little known was cohstructed long ago in China in the reign of the Emperor Keing Long It is situated hear to Sangang, and the Yellow sea and meastres. not less than cight. miles and a half. The Bridge of ons, as.it is called, is supported by | 300 'iramense arches, and its foundation 18 twenty-one meters under water. On . | each pile of this wonderful bridge i { marble status of a lion 'three times | larger than life size. The coup d'ceil of | these 300 enosmous lions, each one sup- porting. an arch, tupendous , w" | ¥ magnificence . Fresh Sakonnet Oysters. & Jenkin. 'Phone 775, on d| 1s Edwards Ei te of alt Gilbidet's ves, made bv the papular Oso Cal, Montreal, 7b, pails, 45c, a i 3 pm on {of in| cinders | which cause prairie and forest . fires, rail- , dt is a. well- were im- dituminous coals from Ken- g the Nest | opened up. an { the | should _ be | for _in_ the years highly it ago similar coal lands in Ohio eould per The © latest the the | Consolidated's | but 18 and 2 ' : | :1t is not generally known by the | area of itu pe /AboutN A H , MR, SINCLAIR. | 'Athenacum. | Under Direction of | Hamilton, late of Glasgow | Prices, 28c.,. 85¢., ae fac, at i Seats now on salg coals | THURSDAY, DEC. SBD. | MENRY W. SAVAGE Ofers The Ouly Authorized Version of 3 Cs "The Devil" DER TEUFEL) by FRANZ OTVAR. The a Sensation. of Ten orld, with se EDWIN STEVENS And The Famous Garden Theatre, N.Y. Company and Production. Prices, 25¢., 50¢., 75¢., '$1, $1.50. z Beats .on sale Monday Fh Wk CONDENSED ADVERTISING, WANTED-FEMALE. : RATES: . |i cobb GENERAL SExva er half 'cent a word King an A strdets. rio i three et, Te Ren, He | on COOK, AT ONE. APPLY IN $3. anes iher RARE far, ws Fooing to Mrs. Hiram Calvin, | -- (1891 Ring street. . 2 : lh ; A GENERAL SERVANT, WEEL RE 3 ; s AD ¥S 3 Commended. A in the evening to hort VIER ANE ROYS IS Ror AY Kg Sales People.' Apply. at Mon- a Hom teal © Sthek Cor". Saitacpurens SITUATION WANTED, |X SECONDHAND. EFRIG Agent, 180, Prigeess street. * i . eat - 5 on od as new, sata A Te PHY, @ : 4 ANYONE 'Wife § 15 Company | *¥ ET Won DDLIA ; ; 3 N commen b. ! invalid, or fifi ver, : a Fist insettion ce. a word, Each A » Cor, ERY ED street, 1, Ottawa Rifles, ded by + Grant: stationed at Cornwall, t.. 1866 "40 © Orra AND, 5 write ; Letnee, 44 Forest Ave., St. Thomas, mt. 820 ACRES RAW 3 elve R. dx jaw Sask., "hundred dollars t . . ere Healy, 124 Shuler St., Toront WN CWANTE ARN BARBER # She 5 § \ : an ME Graduates LEARN hot i mesmn | AN ALMOST NEW "RADIANT HOME" H } teen dollars weekly, u 5 Square Heater. Cost aed $33. iti C i 'Art Sultana," 'new, I ul instructions: or" $20; at Turk's, 'Phone "105. practice. Ca course. Uata- - - - DO YOU WANT Barrel ? logue free. W weeks compl rie Moler Barber Col- lege, Toronto, % : 5% THEATRE be PIETY MNUTES OF THE, LATEST AND | BRST: MOVING ; PICTURES a rl . OR. 4 THE SWEDISH BUTCHER BOY. y | One of the best Comedies you ever saw. Full "of life and funny situations. .| "ROMANCE OF A JEWESS." An Excellent' Drama, } SONG--*Kerry Mills Barn Dance," by MISS BLINE TILLING WONDERLAND IS THE PLAC BE. THE THIRD RIENP 16.000 ont: | ISSUE TEXT OF THE EDU. latest CATION BILL. Now Act of British Government is in Nature of Compromise and Will Be Opposed By Bxtrem- ists, k |: London, Nov, 27.--~The government has issued the text of: their @hird.at- tempt to draw up an education bill, which will draw support from all parties to get. through parliament. It is in the nature of a compromise, and will undoubtedly meet strenuous obs | jection . on. tifa part of all extremists, All schools . receiving rate. aid pass under control of the loeat education authority. No teacher employed or sedking employment, is uired 'to subscribe to any specified re igious. de- nomination or attendance; .or abstain from attending any place of religious worship or give any religious instruc: tion. These: pravisions; maintains, "will provide one type of school throughout "the country, ihe whole' apparatus of 'managers ap- pointed .to guard the interests of a particular denomjnation ; passing away. This makes a creat distinction 'from the old Bill, which involved: a sacri- fice -by the church, in compensation for whieh: sheigets "The right of en- toy." This takes the form of. a pro- vision that if any parent desires it denominational religious instruetion may be given. two:mornings a week between 9 and 9:45 o'clock. It is pro- vided that the denomination concerned shdll defray the expenses. Forty-five minutes a day eof-undenominationni religious teaching. The bill also' pro- vides for contracting. out of schools committed to: denomitationgl: h- ing, as, for instdnee,' the Ron "ila tholics. They Will gef » paglianigifdry grant provided they fulfil certain gon- ditions; but they will seceive 10 Fate aid. . A the. government HL Stretching New York Press. Stretching is good exercise. When a man cannot wake up iE miglgdle of the night or in the morning and take | @ good stretch: heoughtito deck hisgsel f into some sort. of comprehen sibility A vigorous stretch in bed or ott of it is chleplpted to excite ail the: nerves, mus- clas, veins andeasfelies of the entire system, thereby stiffiglaging the" Yeiirt action and enlivening the dormant brain. You may "Hot know that the brain sleeps. It requires a stirfing' up. All the cords and tendops in the body. iced rest. They need $vakening also. All the vitals must hegfiroused. Stretching is a first rate rouse. © Stretch; Stretch, stretch! § pte An Important Visit. «It is not often dn opportunity oc- curs at your door to see samples of thio latest Parisian and New York styles in"hair goodsiutherefove, it 'will pay everyone to. visit Prof, Doren-, wend's private parlor at the Randolph hotel on Saturday, November 28th. His patent toupes are now worn by over 90,000 people of all classes. They are securely adjusted; undetsotahle and can be. combed just as your own bair, Every lady and gentleman is invited to see 'the samples on the date above mentioged. .. Se Held Secial. Evening. The members of St. James' club held ja "social evening" last might in the Nola * the affair was. as mest. enjoyable. one. { Upwards of fifty. people were in atten- -dapce." The time passed day pleasafitly with progressive games. ' The. ladies' prize was won by Miss Elsie Dainty nd the gentlemen's prize was captured '| by Frank Partridge. Refreshments: were served during the evening. Only .One '"'Bromo Quinine." { That is Laxative Bron h {Look for the signature of |Grove. Used the world over to Care {a Cold in One Day': 25c. Lennox Iron 23c. each? drug store. / One trouble { persistdnt forgetting dren are childyei. TI big 10-cent rol 29¢., at Best's.' Don't lose sight of the fact that th Lord expects you to be the champion of Justice. * i Thee "bert's, Pills; . regular, price, two Jor 306; at. Wade's A that Is toilet paper big grape fruit, 25¢.. at il WONDERLAND | schoal roonrief Sk Jarhes' chuveh, and | Bromo Poping i in a lot of homes ig the | the chil- s and - expensess" One good man |. im each locality with rig. or capable of handling horses to. advertise d | introduce our guaran! Ro urple Stock and Poultry Specifics. "experience necessary ; 'We lay put | your Work for you. $25 a week and 3 nent. Write |" uring Co.,. STORE, . street, town, turnover between four and five hundred monthly, a snap for a quick buyer." Apply, Ham Griffiths, P.O. Box No. 968 Brockville, Ont. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER FRUIT n k results fram and Ornamental Trees, Vines ant the Classified Want Ads. than Shrubs for spring. planting, from the [from any Other kind of 'putitelty. celebrated. E. -D. ths Alcldertaigl: 'He states that the results are Nurseries.! Perey Yes Aw nt, ott' 58 OC St, 8 i jout of. roRaTHIOn Am the. Amal i € entre : ene me ad uy WANTED GENERAL, TORENT, FURNISHED FLAT four or five rooms, sujtdbie tor lignt housekeeping. No children. Address Box No. 500, Whig office, oF A prominent real eltate desler In. Torolito i says that he: gets better and: quicker | FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD companies, lowest rates, fair settle , mens. J, A C, Dobbs & Qo; 109 Brock St. Telephone, 480. OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH imates on electric work. All kinds of work pi tiv dome. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. will call, 5 ™ pi 8 (There is a moral In that for you . If you want to reach the people. FRAME DWELLING, 7 PLUM STREET 7 rooms, local improvements. Apply Ovayrighiat WE Wy WW Wicuity VETERAN 350. draft, Block, LAND SCRTP, WILL PAY Send papers on attached sight William Griffiths, Fulford Broekville, Ont, on premises. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH on without board. Modern convenience. Apply 214 William street. SOUTH AFRICAN VETERAN LAND Warrants ; immediate order for seven uaranteed ; highest cash Wile paid, en Box "x M. M.."" Whig oflice. ARCHITECTS. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, and residence, 181 University ARTHUR office ROOM OVER WADE'S, €NR. KING and Brock. streets) including hot water heating. Bgock 'street. ' A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, 'or other bag; ® carted. Prices righty. "Apply - to A Lytle, General Carter, 45 Main 8t. HENRY P. ete.. Anchor 'Phone, - 845 SMITH, AHCHY vine , rket Sq COMFORTABLY on bathroom very . central ! letter to Box 1 FURNISHED = ROOM floor, + private Jnmily, Iggntian. Apply SEs office. GREAT DANE DOGS--A YOUNG MALE and Female, 'must be perfect speci- mens, ~ solid blue color, registered or eligible. Dean 'Khickerbooker., Manus ger, Elmtree Farm, Charlotte, N.Y. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. chant's Bank Building, corner Bi and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 12. WM. NEWLANDS, office second floor over Mahood's corner Princess and Entrance on Bagot 608. ARCHITECT, ee eee ie i A 'TEACHER HOLDING A CERTIFI- cate of qualification for School' Sec- tion No. 2, Township of Oso. Btate salary. Protéstant Foferred. Duties to. commence 4th of January; 1909. Apply to 'Harry. England, ,Sharbot Lake, Ont. # QUALIFIED Saction, N ""ROSELAWN" : THAT HANDSOME residence on Union street, at a normal rental for the winter. Apply J. 8, R. McCann, 51 Brock street, Drug . store, Bagot streets. street. "Phone, MISCELLANEOUS. QUARANTINE INSURANCE. ACCI- dent and Health, Policies guarantee- ing weekly indemnity--For any acei- dent or "any illness, provides, also «dor quarantife. Get particulars, 7. J. Boon, 'Agent, 159 Wellington St. LOCATED OWVFICKS, front and rear rooms, at $4s ing Street, over J. P. Forrest's Gebt's Furnishing Store. = Apply Mr, Forrest. CENTRALLY 'BEACHER, FOR SCHOOT, 0, haladar, Township 'County of Addington, for AOL Frotestant preferred. Apply, stating Jualifications" and experioncs, #1 any, to W. Cassada, Bec. A'reas., - North brook, Ont. a; GENTLEMEN: TO GET THEIR WIT: er' overcoats made: mow, also last b turned and made like new. Your own cloth made Into up-to- date suits, Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tailor, 181 Brock WBt., next to Bibby"s Livery. LOST. A BABY'S WHITE WOOLLEN JACKET hetween Collingwood and Albert Sts. 'Thursday evening. Finder return to Whig. office. FRESH FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE ! Cambridge Sausage, T56n0 The Pork Sausage; 15c¢.-a 1b. ~ Windsor Sausage, 8 lbs. for 25c¢. GAY SWIFT'S. 100 meses em, 5c. a 5. 1 JUDIGIAL SALE = 3,000 1bs. Western Beef, extva|Of Residential Property in the quality. Be sure to get a Roast Cit of Kin s : of this Beef, Chop Suet. { y § ton, | Featherstone vs Morency AN ORDER OFTHE y 5 i t PURSUANT T0 J | High Court of Justice in: this agtion ; i there will he offered for sale, with the New Raisins. | #pprobation eof the Local Master at wingston, by William Murray, Auctioneer, 10 FROM OCT. 1.= BRIOK RESIDENOR, 151 Division surest, inghua tengion Kile Romy 4 uding x oO! n hot Water ing, Pat Toto. © Tne quire at 179 Division 8 By. § "PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc., removed permanently, without scar. Twenty years' experi ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake. Eye. Far Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LONDON AND GlLOBE IVERPOOL, bs I R Atatiable MARRIAGE LICENSES. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence 8t., telgphone, 568 ; evening, residence, 38 Frontenac street. Before renewing old or "giving new business get rates from Strange AAP Real 0) <COAL \ Ly V Of all kinds of Wood. Hard Wood : § and Kindling, dry and new. Try us : for next load. | { | Best's Short Stop h, old or Adults. will cure any of new in Children -or New Currants, New Peels. New Mince Meat. Choice Roll Creamery Butter. ; Place your order early for your Christmas wants. Everything clean and up-to-date; : Anderson Bros., June & Cor. | AT THE PROPERTY, NUMBERS and 166 BAGOT STRE Cry 164 ET IN THE OF KINGSTON, EDNESDAY the SECOND 1008 AT perfectly satisfied ' with the : results = after taking Butter, | Lot number seven Western portion of Bagot two the South Lot 'number' six on Street particularly deséribed in deeds from 'Thomas Paton to Donaghue dated respectively, 1864 and August Sth, 1867, régistered inthe Registry Office { for the City of Kingston. 1 On the property is located three dwel- : ling houses. = Princess and Division Sts.| The (Property will he Joana for X ubject to. a reserve dd. The purchaser "Phone, 458, | Shall. pay ten per cent @f his ' { #t the time' of sale to the V | their Solicitér, and the balance in thirty days thereafter into Court tothe credit | of this action," without interest. | The Vendors swill anly 'he. required: fo i furnish a Registrar's Dstract of title} and to 'produce such. , copies there #f or eyudence of. title a8 are jn sheir ; Possession. "In 'aft other respects the | terms and &ouditions of Hale wilbbe the | standing conditions of this Court. i | . Further 'particles. vay 'be had' Irbm A. .B. SONYINGHAM, SOLA GT. { KINGSTON, ' 'or RICNBY, Date | SOLICITOR, KINGSTON. : 8d Lhe twenty third day, of Novem. Cures to-day, and you will. never: be without a bottle No Land duly cents. : 4 Preglared gnd old only at } : Best's, . 124 Princess St., Kingston. a sale 7 Ww + 27 BROCK ST. Now Carriages, Cutters, Harness alt Horses avery NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TH a Court will be held by His Honor Judge of the County Court ed Counties of Lennox at 'the Council 'Chamber, City Buildings, | Kingston, FRIDAY, December 4th, at} #30 am., to to hear and 'consider the | appeals from the Court of Revision. All! persons having business at this Court ol ra , * % go are required to attend gf. the same. time . 5 pes ER Ipe bananas : W. W. SANDS, | A + es City Clerk. : : al : - : Kingston, November 26th, 1908. REMNANT SALE| First-Class Wall Paper | D. E. FRASE i "Phone 373. 78 William St. * AT the of the unit- and Addington, Satnrdaw Pine Apples, Mexican, Florida and -Navhi Oranges, Grape Fruit. ds A.J. REES, 166 Princess ™ hy bd NG { i Simply "wSudering how poor people Tve doesn't buy any -btead and meat x for them, > - Apply McCann, 51 2 \ 1,000 CORDS 1,000