ue PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY main we, um This Dish Mop | Only 20c. It saves your hands. A household necessity. AT CORBETT'S FT000000000000000000000(000000000006008008000¢ ' 400 MADE IN CANADA ROYAL YEAST Best Yeast in-the he World Sold and Used Everywhere E. W. Gillett Co., Ltd, Toronto, Ont. OVERCOATS, PEA JACKETS; SUITS, UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS WINTER CAPS, MIT TS AND GLOVES, SOCKS, * BOOTS AND RUBBERS, the SHOES ETC. cheapest prices in Kingston, Isaac Zack's 271 Princeys street. 7 ya cet At Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great, Uterine Tonic, and ponly safe effectual Monthly Don hts: o or sent on rece 00 pamphlet, At 50K MeDIoiNE G0. TORGN: - LIFE Best of Security, Many and choice plans: Current Rates of | Premium. Profits equal J", compound interest. Life and Endowment. i Ordinary | Conditions. INSURANGE Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St. | Dar' Ju . Order | That Goal | You need attention Don't' let again. is slip your Lanake the Wav... you. wil no prder, Crawiod, Phone 9, Foot of Queen % such methods satisiaetion {ot mouey bt that it to soe your wil your be nel to vou or gettin SRE WAV See Bibby's $18 Pen ulsters, |}1vnD '| which vanished i 200000000000000000000 | D$ of price i d ess: Tur NTA Uermerty Windsor | in the . "THE WHIG, 5 75th YEAR | sore of heart, because the Tiberals RAS Riel WHIG, published & at 6 (ho oats Editions at 5.80 oreo a at | lock p.m. BEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, { published in parts on Monday and Thure- | day morning at $1 a year. Y Po United | Btates, charge for | flick, galls orice ly per year. Attached is one of the best Job Prints Offices i | The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director; TORONTO OFFICE. ~ Rute 19 and' 20, Queen Qity Shaw- Church St., Toronto, Hj; | Smaligeien Rep tive, 'Daily Wibig. ECLIPSE OF T HEIR SUN. The World is candid enough to tell | the con- view with of some of the plas which i servative party had like in a vapour the last election. Who does not recall | Hanna, the dom- Whitney govern: | the boasting of Mr. the | me nt, when he telegraphed to Toron- | to papers to prepare: for his coming | and Mr. Borden's, They were conquer- | ing herges, Wherever they went there "was an uprising of the people. There ['had not been, said Mr. Hauna, such | an upheaval since 1878. There was another evidence of the | greatness of 'this man. The Globe | printed the statement, which was very | Joma, that Mr. Hanna had made a misuse of his position by appearing { as counsel in cases before the drain- The conclusion was that { inant figure in age referee. Mr. Hanna's presence had the appear- ance of a member of the government | | addressing the appointee of the gov- | and dictating to him. Mr. | Hanna interpreted the criticism as an | | ernment, | attack upon his political prestige in | his own distric t, and he threatened to bra to be! ly $3 and of | with | the are putting the great object of the | tory party out of sight--the right to hand out public patronage and . to | make wogkers and supporters by its | use. : : There is no doubt that in Ontario the most was made in the last elee- tion out of the patronage of the Whitney government, and git is very remarkable that while the Sénserva- tive press is so noisy. against the fed- eral patronage, and demands its abo- | lition, not a word as said about the local patronage lists. Is the evil the less offensive because it . is tolerated by o conservative government? EDITORIAL NOTES. The Cassels' commission is making clean sweep of the departmental scandals. The men without wonse- quence are being gradually but surely discovered. . |" Bishop-eleat Farthing * has had many kit things said of him by the Canadian press. How som¢ men grow in public favour, and how the truth of it flashes out on special occasions! The Quebec government is after those who are drugging the people, and espeeinily the children; with co- caine drops and chocolates. It is a despicable business and needs breaking up. Allerta is not to have a local elec- tion very soem. Theré is to be an- other session - and a railway depart. ment established with the premier in charge of it. = After that there will be something doing. ---- England and Hobson in United States, advocate larger armies at a cost of millions, The average military man has had 'dreams if he had his way every civilian Roberts in and show what he could do. Mr. Pardee, | the object of his distemper, was again elected, however, and the inference is | that the people are tomed to Mr. Hanna's bluff. Had the foiservatives been elected | he was to De translated to Ottawa, to have the pick of the places, in re- | cognition sacrifices: while he roll the | chariot along: Mr. Foy was to get a He could have | had a place there some time ago. It | was offered to him by a liberal min- | iister of \ Justice, of his helped Mr. Borden to old place ow the bench. and the dct was in- terpreted as the attempt of the lib- | of him. Hon. Mr. | of the British Columbia cabi- | would have 'been minister of jas- | tice in Borden's cabinet, and the coast i | would t have objected to his dis- |; | appearance from" a government in | | which he has been weak enough. | Manitoba would have been asked to | Hon. Mr. Roblin or Hon. Mr. | Rogers, and both worked as if "they | expected something erals to get rid Bowser, net, give to follow, al New Brunswick was hilarious over its suceess in the pro- as matter of course. vincial elections, and 'the party had members resign and contest the Both: defeated, | remain in private life. No one from New Brunswick merited | | a special call but Mr, { had to hold the fort. The of defeat evening November | two | federal elections. were {and they now he | { Hazen, and | that | in oarly may never The party had 'deluded it- idea that it to be the joys of of- and the delights in their swee | ! When paper tells about the loving cups the leaders were | bitterness on | be known. self into the would win, and great was fice, ness a . party around in anticipation of suc- the delivery passing ess ong can imagine that fo towed the depression | | of the peo- verdict A COMMISSIONS NOT LEGAL. The minister of justice has taken the which suggests that the fe deral | will course government follow up the civil | service inquiry by proceedings which | of the avill will render a- repetition sean- daks impossible. = There be the wrong-doers. | course proper short of this the restitution Anything which they should be forced to make will fail to remove the impgession which a skepti- cal conservative press has emphasized, | snamely, that the government has in some way or measure profited by the ana of inquity should not remain, and the way to to deal with the offen- ders as their work deserv | remove, it 'is PS. There is ne-genwine rejoicing in 'the party the expo- All are treated as revelations, which reflect: only upon the liberal party. Indeed. one sanctimonious jour- nal has uttered the heresy that a civil commission in 1892 found | with the de- partments of government. The fact is that the commission was not digging very "deeply into the government or it conservative over sures, service nothing really wrong records of the would have found evidence that has since come the out, and showing that the bartering and brokering, of public officials has been years ana upger successive governments, ? Hon. Mr. make this going on for many idea is to the future, introduce a. bill Aylesworth's impossible for and he proposes to into the commons at. the next session, dealing with the If he sue- he gone far purification of the public service, subject. ceeds will hate towards the and will havé established a condition which 'a conservative government dare tot remove, Sometimes one isineclined to' think . that the average tory is {would be having them, becoming aceus- | « | flask | Hales says it. | prevent { Hudson's | vey is going on, | ditches and canals to take south. | Toronto of punishment of the | {a of its agents. That impression | too. What's this we hear about the To- ronto women ? That many of them, hundreds," would not: think of go- a sunifer resort without of something strong." Do#s he repent ? a Ald. ing to There were those who were disposed to treat the Massels' commission as a | political makeshift. The counsel did not eatisfy because it was not uo |minated by the opposition! Will any- one say that it is not doing its work {well 7 The premier of Quebec leads in the campaign against tuberculosis. He is not banishing ;to the.municipalities the work of checking and secking to extirpate the White Plague. Ontario is no longer the province that leads in social reforms. An accident and loss of life happens because a train despatcher forgot to light the lamps at the switches. What has become : of the device that will collisions "of any kind, that This 1s railways should have. is 'unerring and infallible ? what the Not much heard lately Bay about the But the' sur- and there ave alter- Some day it will be built, and will take north -and east the trade the United States is spend- ing bwidreds of millions of dollars in railway. nate routes. S-- Occurrences In The City Ana Vi r Brief Items of Intwrest Easily Read And Re- membered. See Livingston's 0c. neckwear, Who wants to go down south with weather like this? Ald. Hoag and wife are in Torpute, Mrs. s mother is quite ill. See Bi ng $12.50 college ulster's. A fiercer winfistorm than that of last night has not been felt here in Years: ] See Bibby's $15 Prussian ulsters. During this weather it seems im: fusible to kegp the crossings clear of mud. . , See Bibby's $12.50 overcoats. Christmas, is approaching and, the merchants dre' lool ing forward to a record trade, See Bibby's $15 college ulsters. A Cape Vincent farmer paid a fine of $25 for fast driving in the streets of that village. See Bibby's $12.50 blue suits. "Shop by telephone," 230 for Drug Store wants. That's Gibson's Red Liges Drug Store. rt Big Peterboro, is takin a Course at the Royal Mifitary Col lege on catetaking of armouries. See Bibby's $13.50 black suits. The United States congress will be asked for $72,000 for harbor purposes at Cape Vincent, N.Y., next year. 'The new dome on the city buildings is progressing rapidly. Tt is larger in' width and height than the old one. "See Bibby's $12.50 college ulsters. Since- the bowling ey was added to the Frontenac club amusements the nightly attendance has more than doubled. See Bibby's $12 black overcoats. Dr. B. E. O'Connor, King street, is in New York ai the eye, ear, nose and throat infirmary. He will be absent about three weeks. : Ty Bibby's "$1 mocka gloves. A Thermos Bottle' for a Christ mas present, order now and have. it Drug Store will do it. The best made limestone macadam roads seem to turn into mud in the wet weather. Look at the coating of muck on them at present. Try Bibby"s 25¢. cashmere hose Farthing has been elected bishop of Montreal, this being the hew way of recoining a Farthing into a sovereign. So says the Toronto Star. Bibby' 8, jor swagger overcoats, $15. On Thursday afternoon, Miss M, Carswell, daughter. of Robert Cars well, Victoria - street, was removed to the Hotel Dieu. She is seriously ill with typhoid fever, Bibby's, the men's underwear store. Robert Rogers, youngest son of David Rogers, Wolle Island, was re- moved to the general hospital on Thursday. He "is ' suffering from typhoid fever. Bibby's for Fowne Tish gloves. The mammoth, flaming poster of "The Devil," a coming theatrical fea- ture, being displaved directly opposite 8t. George's cathedral, very aptly illustrates the bane 'and the anti dote. : 'Over 600. pounds' of McConkey's ice of royalty sweets received at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store this week. : Bibby's for Fowne's English gloves, Rey. George Mackenzie, of Bethel church, will accept the call to the Christian Workers'. eburch, London, Ont., 'under certain conditions,' which the congregation is now con: sidering. See Bibby's $15 cheviot suits. While pansies are -blooming in post office garden blue heather blooming in 'the post-master's office. The heather is from Edinburgh and will be distributed among the faith- ful an Monday. the 8 215 Baltimore = ovei- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS A New Line Wanted. | Comansville Observer. There must be ajnew alignment, of party. Our present division between {liberal and conservative has become | outworn and no longer expresses any | real difference. Waylaying Santa Claus. Star, A Montreal woman was robbed of | {81,000 while doing her Chrigtmas shop- | ping: Afler this we won't "be surpris- od if 'we hear that some footpad has | | herd up Santa Claus. Cassels The Head. 'dmonton Bulletin. | Ottawa is going to start a publicity | Without wishing to inteér- some one should nominate Judge Cassels as commissioner. His | salary might be made retroactive for | {two or three months to cover service {heady rendered. | campaign. {fere at all, Abusing The Illiterate. London Advertiser. La Verite of Montreal, is disgusted lwith the election. results, and 'asks | how . the majority "of the 'lasses, very often illiterate, can judge [tr# vilue of the laws and policy of | legislators and statesmen ?"' What | fing old tory doctrine ! Young Men Rising. Guelph Mercury. i The entrance of the younger men {into municipal polities in Guelph has | offen been commented on. Even in China they are following the same plan, and have chogen an emperor who is three years old. Poor little Pu Yi does not seem to appreciate the honor, however. 7 / Cost' Is Very Heavy. Montreal Herald. Mr. Birrell, the secretary for Ire- land, finds that $900,000.000 will be necessary. to carry out the scheme of transferring the land, of Ireland from the landlords 'to the peasanivy,-but {he says the thing must be done. It's one of ments. on. record. To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, etc., {cheapest and best, at Whig office. "Dyola Dyes" sold in Kingston at Gibson's Rea Cross Drug Store. See Bibhy's 215 Clarendon coats, over | bats: Store. working | the biggest real estate move- | { See Bibby's The "Fotonto Globe, in speaking of Bishop-elect - Farthing says { project for the betterment temporal and spiritual fields: of in church will find in Bishop Farthing a | zenlous worker. See Jibby's $12 black overcoats. "For lame back," fresh Belladonna plutons: at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | "Phone 230, I. A. Dfummond, Winnipeg, Kingston, is inthe Winnipeg general | hospital, suffering from appendicitis. | The trouble is stated" fo have been takenTin good time and his chances of recovery are excellent. from i RATTLING BIG FISH. | Keeper of Light Station Made Great Catch. Fishers Landing, N.Y., Nov. 27.-- Keeper 'Eugene W. Butler of the Rock | [sland Light - Station, successfully | landed = a forty- pound maskinonge, | measuring from tip to tip fifty-two inches, and around « the-body thirty inches. The fish was a beauty and is the best that has been taken from the St. Lawrence river in this vicinity for somé time. The big fish was landed with 'a light bamboo pole and line, and required the best- judgment in IN GENERAL. put away for you. Gibson's Red Cross | Kid, 30e. ibe. i & 0 i 3 ¥ oO ¥ Q Oo HOKOKOFOKOHKO HBO EA | angling to capture it, but Gene But- ler' knows a good fish when he sees it | ¥ Each and knows how to handle one, too. Very Conspicious. Quality, style and superior work: manship show up Very conspicuously | % Now in all our ladies' fur lined , coat Have you seen what we're showing | lined to the bottom with choice] muskrat 'and with natural color Alaska sable tollar and revers from | $50 up. Campbell Bros., the makers | of fine furs, i Joy Departed With Morning. Cape Vincent, N.Y. Eagle. A Wolie Island man came to' the | Cape, Saturday evening, and touched the "jug of joy" so often that money | for the time bein seemed to be no | object to him. - the morning 'Le found himself minus $52, and a bad | feature of the case was the fact "he |' could not tell where - his wealth van- ished to. To Advertisers. Cuts suitable to Christmas, appropriate horders of ° various | may be 'ordered through the Sampleg may be seen at Fhe | as' well as, sizes, Whig. office, x OQ The Glove Store the "Tis by reason of our immense trade that we lay claim to the distine- tive term Town.' Fownes' | lined, B31,50. $2.00 to $4.50. Fownes' $1.25, Fownes' Knitted Wool Gloves, for Men, Working Mitts and Gloves, 25c. Boys' See Our See Our Boys' See THE H. D. BIBBY Co. IROHROKOKOKOKOKOK ONO OF 'WILLOW RIVER TIMBER CO., LINITED : This ( GOOD TIMBER ' The Company We've Overcoute ghlore Wore' think we've: wt Overcoats in Hy ng: ane Clarendon as exer they | make them, $15.00 and . The conserviti Crome Sagal, Minas Gremy Coat, y ny he Tony Cont, elegant na luxurious, sian Collars, $12. £135. For the Young Man who Wants sows thing swagger in a Suit, we dre show . ing styles that will make them bubble over with enthusiasm. The Harvard, Caambrides aud beauties, made with euff ELA Mase ms sie. | Suits, elegantly tailored, Black Suits, ote., $12.50, The Swell © Ulsters, with Prus- and wit & N ' So Maple Syrup. n YA mornings. Ss. 'Sweet Cider $12.50, D. Ta in Cheviots, Worsteds, < $13, S18. 830. 341-3 Princess St. Prompt. Delivery. a per, "Phone, 76. JAS, C. Weill, Town vr Glove Headquarters Yor Men's | 's| Artist an Fine Underwear - Artiat ond ve | 334 King Street, "The Glove Store of the English Gloves, for Men, Silk-Lined and Furlined, Un, Se ee Our line of Elastic $1.00, Wool Underwear, for = The. good value, at $1.00. Ribbed would F. 6. ARMSTRONG, Kingston for 75e., Gloves, doe, English Mocka, etc, $1.50. Ladies, $1.00, Penman's Merino, 50¢. * Penman's Wool Fleece, "Soc. Wolsey's English Underwear, Penman"s Natural Wool, Mosiery, for Men, in Fine Cashmere, 23¢.,. 35c., 40¢., 50c., in Heavy Wool, Home Knit, 20c., 25¢., dae. \ and ' 65¢. $2.00 $1.00. 75¢., $1.00. 75e. burn, Onl; 50¢., $1. 00, P AISL Gloves, 25c¢., 85e¢.;, 30c., {ie © Special to pontr t stand rates, Capacity plant, Y & CHISHOLM, Lessee for immediate inapes New Fall Shirts, 'a Beauty, for $1.00. All Wool Sweaters, for 50c. Our Special $12.50 Blue and Bleck Suits. guarantees superior "We full rie attigtiy workmansh correct § perfect fit. s 288 Princess St; HROKONKO3 NOT A MINING PROPOSITION---- Incorporated under the Companies act of Canada DIRECTORS : Vice-Pres., W. H. MERRITT, M.D. Director Imperial Bank, Rodman Ifall, J St. Catharines, Ont. .W. J. MACDONALD, M.D. St. Catharines, Ont. x * JAMES M. ANDERSON Ex-Crown Timber Agt., Sutton ont, Sec. Freas., JOHN W.GORDON Insurance Broker, St. Catharines, Ont. Pres. J- H. SPENCE, Barrister of Masten, Starr & Spence Toronto. B. BROUGHTON Mgr. Hamilton Stamp '& Stencil Works, Hamilton, Out. ~--¥. 8. GREENWOOD, M.D. Si. Catharines, Ont. W i» ompany : Holds 22 Timber Werths , Aggregating 52 Square Miles (33,280 Acres), All Carefully Selected, Containing Over 800, 000,- 0004¢ct of the Finest Timber, Bought by this t.ompany at the Exceptionally Low Figure of 26¢ per 1000 Feet. District on solid level ground, lies close beside good water of a superior quality. IU averages 30 inches in diameter and ranges from There is some good tall Pine and Balsam.- The Grand All of this lilnber is located in the Widow River for logging, and is mostly White Spruce 90 to 160 feet high. The limbs commence half way up. Trunk Pacific and thei Canadian Northern surveys) both cross the Willow River lower down than. our limits: The limits were cruised by James M. Anderson of Sutton West, 'an Ex-Crown Timber Agént, and the pany has on fyle at its office a number of letters from some of the most prominent business men in Capada recommendation of his capability @nd integrity, -and from settlers in the Cariboo District verifying his port ber 3 the "Fhe. company has also issued in pamphlet form the report (da ted Oct. 81, 1908), of Mr. Wo, LS BELL, MIC E., member Am. Soc eK. at' present the Huperintopding Engineer on the Government Staff on the Trent Valley Canal at Campheliford, Ont.; who was employ: by the British Columbia , Governn ent in B74-5-60 10 make a survey up the Willow River Valley for the proposed route of the British Pacific Railway, and who eu the (Government Pack-trai River District in 18905. His report substantiates Mr. Anderson's in every det: Ail, add in view .of Mf. Bell's preeminence among the Civil Fingineers of America, among whom 1 here is no higher authority on the topography of the Cariboo District, his report will be universally accepted as 2 ing entirely correct. Mr. Bell was recommended to this company by Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, Consultin ine gineer to the +opiinion Government, hind Chief Engineer of the Wester Division of the National Transcontinental Tailway. com- in of 1% through the Willow a » well located, is the safest and best investment in the world to-day. Each $100 Invested To-day at Par will Bring a Return of $722.52. 7 to $9 per thousand feet on : This is not exag ggerated ; $2.00 per thousand for good timber is a ridiculously : lo w price. In Ontario Spruce is now worth from $ the stump and is 1apidly increasing in value, Has Reserved $36,000 of Treasury Stock to Provide for Future Government License Fees. Share of stock Represents : 315,600 Feet of Timber. (XA Limitetl Number of Shares is t #* * Q 3 | ¥ LQ "¥ | ~ $ CHOKE $100 Per Share on Time; Cash Per Share, $97.50. W. GORDON, S==3; Offered at its Par Talue. TERMS--Cash : § per: cent. dis- count on one-half the amount sub- scribed ; Time 25 per cent. cash, 25 per "cent. on December 10, 1908, balance by May 10, 1909. Copies of Prospectus, containing Maps of the . District and disposi- tion of the berths 'and report of GOV. ENGINEER :H. P. BELL "Supplied, on application. For further information and 'subsecrip- tion blanks, address re 17 Queen St., Catharines, Ont. Phone 49. Office Hours : 9 a.m. tok p. m., 7.30 t09 P- m. EE 1 ESI OMGROROR ONO OOHOKOKOROKOROROHO HOOF * 2 ¢ Non-Aesensable Authorized Capital, $250, 000 fo Salaried Officials hes" {LADIES 0 GENTS' TAILORING Suality, Jd. B. Ouellette, HKOEOHOKOKOKOKOMONKO KOE OROH HOMOHOHONON OR CHOFO el HOY > WS OHOMOKOMOOHOKON Po thing for these cold, crisp : 10 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS fhe Perfect Brick & itis Co., Wash: NE & OHOKOK HOKOKOK HOR EOROKORDS