Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1908, p. 7

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OPERA! GLASSES A Useful "Xmas Gift In our mew stock, you will find everything of the highest quality. Our Opera Glasses have the finest Lemaire Lenses and cannot be ex- celled, Lemaire Classes, lin Black * Frames, from $7.00 up to $10.00. In fue Pear! ap to $15.00. Ordinary - French from $3.00, Glasses, / KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE, JEWELLERS, Princess and Wellington Sts., KINGSTON. Fine Tailoring Melton Overcoatings, and Beaver Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell ¥31 Princess street. American Oils Coal Of, Lubricating 0, Gasoline. We make a specialty of handling Lubri cating Oils of all kinds. application. W.F.KELLY & CO Bouth Cor. Prices op Ontario and Clarence Str 'Phone. 486. THVT ECTLTLTVRLTCELASS 00D SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our Hig%-Grade Courses never fail to bring success Lo our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, TVVVLVVTVLVLLPRLLLLTTAGS and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, "Phone 680, T. N. SBTOCKDALE, Kingston. Principal. - ' ¢ ¢ ' * ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ / ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ; BROKOKOKOHKOKOKOKOKOKOH ) Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, 3 Head of Queen Street. Canada's leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, keeping, dividual deficient Rates Typewriting, Books Telegraphy. Special in. © instruction for pupils 3 in English branches. QO moderate. Enter at any ¥ time. 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET- | CALFE, Principal. Pp HOOK OK OMOKOKONKOKO KOK Take Notice Highest prices paid for House Furniture. Will. buy all your effects, or a part of them. If you intend moving away, see me about selling your goods. Special price: paid for Furniture: L. Lesses, 507 Princess St.,. Cor. Chatham Antique Apples Just Arrived One Car. 90% Perfect Baldwins 20d Spys. A. GLOVE, Gar. Bagot & Ean A HINT TO SHAVERS We are now selling a Safety Rax which is fully guaranteed, : FOR 25 CENTS. Ged Obie and ry 1 A. STRACHAN. M. P. KEYS "Antiseptic Barbee. Ehop - and Shaving Parlor! iin ~ Dressing g + Your pat- Three Chair. Quick Service. ronage solicited. Qe ¥ SN bos 336 King Street Next dpor to Wade's Rrug Store. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, Is a good tobarco. Whi pay exhty-five cents, Audrew ~ Mucleas Ontario street. "Pillsand in a very » ih the character as SOU, with all he charucteral ages, LL . PURITY AND - WHOLESOMENESS SANDY_WAGDONALD "SCOTCH WHISKY (10 years old) isguaranteed under the distillers' own label to be made from the finest malt and to have been matured "for over ten years before being bottled. 'This whisky is praised by connoisseurs and people of scientific standing as being a pure, wholesome and delicious whisky. INVESTIGATE--Quality will do the rest. Alexander & Macdonald, Distitlers, 16 LEITH, Scotland. | NI PTA So THE L SYSTEM OF BRIBES THIS IS WAY POLICE DE -- PARTMENT IS RUN. . - Says La Patrie. of Montreal --A Campaign is to Be Insti- © tuted Against the Pernicious System. : ! Montreal, Nov. 27.--It appears that Montreal is on the eve of a big house cleaning in the city hall and ecivie ao- partments. Following the revelations made by Ald. Robinson regarding the system of the purchasing department comes the announcement that a big | campaign is to be instituted against alleged graft in the police depart- ment. This campaign is led gr La Patrie, a French newspaper, which claims that the from the chief down, is run on a sys-° tem of bribes and graft. A demand has been made' for an investigation and sensational developments ate looked for daily. tue The discharge from the police de- partment of Betective Guerin, one of the cleverest sleuths on the force on the ground that he made charges against Chief - Campeanu and Ald. entire police force | DAILY BRITISH INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy ph Try Bibby's $1 mocka glove. New neckwear at Livi 5 Who will be mayor of Kingston next year ? 8 : : See Bibby's $15 Baltimore over "Rd « is invorabi spoken A Jouper is favorably of as mavor of Kingston Jor THO, : Kingston wate: supply is examined reguige ;, and is in good condition. = Hibby's $1 gloves. The good-roads' schemé in Frontenac will be put into oberation next spring. "Phone 330" for drug store wants. That's Gikson's Red Cross Drug Store. a » = Bibby's fine 81 noe wen The water -commiitee has not yet deat with Superintendent Hewitt's resignation. v See Bibby's $15 Prussian ulsters. road construction uestion The stands till the city council meéts again on December 7th. Try Bibby!s 25. cashmere hosiery. Samuel Taylor, the newly appoint- ed police constabie, will commence his duties on December 1st. "Tooth brushes" you can on the: quality if you buy them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Try Bibby's $1.50 silk-lined gloves. + Proulx, Shenae the police ecom- { mittee during a s i» he made in the recent election campaign, may prove the thin end of the wedge, which will pry open the door of the closet which contains the city hall skeleton. Ex- Detective Guerin has hinted that he "can disclose some facts about the way { In these hard I times, you want a dollar's worth of | wear and . comfort for every dollar you spend for Underwear. Yougetitin Stanfield's Unshrinkable Enderwear. A new garment for every one that shrinks, is the Stanfield guarantee Red {abel light weight Blue Label-- medium weight Black l.cbel--heavy weigh all sizes from to 790 inches. At your dealer's. 1 "CAN GET WELL?" It Your Trouble comes from the ! Kidneys, or from Kldney Poisons in the Blood, YES) ° And if you have been ailing a long time don't lose your courage. It takes a little ! time--takes some constitutions longer than others, But Dosn's Kidney Pills will gradually drain the poisons out of your aystem ; the pain in your back will stop; the sediment in the urine will cease; there will be no rheumatic pains; you will feel freer and brighter, and when | the last of the poisons have gone you will be well. : There is no way of getting the kidney poisons out of the system except throngh the kidneys, and no medicine so effec- tive in taking them out as Doan's Kid- ney Pills, Ir. W. Perkins, South Maitland, N.S., writes : "I feel it my duty to let you know of the great cure I have obtained by using Doan's Kidoey Pills. Tor six months I could not obtain a good night's rest, had to get up four or five times to urinate, and the urine was very thick and red. I commenced using Doan's Kidney short time I was right | dnd fib again. am very thankful to have found so speedy a cure." Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1725, at all dealers or mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. In ordering specify. " Doan's." i is the cream of the wheat | =the choicest Manitoba Spring Wheat and § Ontario Fall Wheat. [t contains the good qualities t both, ' makes wholesome, nourishing Bread and Biscuits like Manitoba flour -- and f light, tasty Cake and Pastry, like Ontario wheat flour, It also yields MORE of both to the barrel, than any other: Good cooks say that their greatest help on baking 1 day, is BRAVER FLOUR. T¥y it. | You will want some INome-Made Mince Meat and here is the place to get the good. old fashioned Kind 'that mother used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage « Meat is just the dressing yoi need. "Phone, 570 WW. J, MYMRQRS, | statement in coat style at i the results Of \the encounter are ¥ Wright, W. Walker, W. Marshall, T. H. i bury, W,. 7T, in which the department is conducted and if he does as he threatens his may. furnish the expected sensations, It is alleged that a regular system of taxation on disorderly houses and illegal" saloons is in foree hy which the police benefit, and there is a gen- eral demand from the citizens for a searching investigation. « yl A ------ > Little Girls' Coat. : | See Bibby's $15 Prussian ulsters. for wash in cut in cach side of the The closing is made the centre front and a "rollimg colar finishes the *meck. Worsted, cheviot, broadeloth coating material are suited to the de- sign. The lohg eeat is quite the thin a little girl, as it covers the dress, which is generally worn winter. The coat shown in the® has a wide tuck hack and front. FIRED ON STRIKERS. First Hostilities in Vicinity Perth Amboy. Perth. Amboy, N.J., Nov. 27.--The first hostilities between the striking operatives of the pottery works, in this vicinity, 'and the national guards- men who are here to keep them i order, occurred last night, of when a { a party of strikers advanced over the hills, from Kaesbey, in the direction of the Standard plant, where troops are encamped and on the way met an outpost of the second regi- ment. The guardsmen tried to halt ' the strikers, but the latter refused to ' obey the command men fired upon them. Twenty-five or thirty shots were exchanged, the striking Magyars and Poles using re: volvers. The night being very dark not sav the strikers fali four were and the guards- vet known, but the ignardémen they saw four of and that these away by their comrades. Situation In New Brunswick. Cuelph Mercury. In New Brunswick a curious econdi- tion exists as the result of the liberal sweep in that province. So sure were the local conservatives of winning, that two of them, Hon. 1. Morrison ang ' B. Frank Smith resigned their seats in the local, but were defeated by Mr. Loggie and Mr. Carved for the federal, and now there is a diffi- cuity about getting" back. There are a number of candidates for the provin- cial seats, and as the liberals intend to make a vigorous fight to redeem them, it is a question whether these two gentlemen have not bid farewell to public life, for a time at least. New Brunswick, which was regarded by the conservatives as solid for, their party, furnished one of the sur- prises of the campaign, and it would be less surprising in the provincial contests, to see the seats referred to return to their liberal allegiance. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. A. 'Wood, John Emo, Ottawa ; Newton, F. W. Merchant, R. G. Ww. S. 8. Billings, KE. Solomon, Toronto; D. 0. Legendre, Peterboro; R. Copeland, Bownlanville; E.°M. Grabb, St. Cath- arines; FE. 8S. Clusnall, W. A, Brad- Turnbull, J. G. Pillton, I.. A. Robitaille, Montreal; R. D. Bro- die, St. John's; W. D. Stevenson, London; A. E. White, Chicago: A. Jardine, Hespler. Our City Merchants. Can have their printing done promptly at the British Whig office, the cheapest and best place. A lot of people in their charity frac- tices want a dollar's worth of eredit for every ten cents they invest. The difference between a thief and a liar is the first steals your money and the last your reputation. A hot-héaded man gets cold feet the critical moment. See Bibbhy's $15 Clarendon coat. 2 at over. " and in | the carried The retiring al n this year are: Alds. Toye, Rigney, Carson, Hender- son, McCann, Couper and Graham. See Bibby's fine $1 underwear. A cynical correspondent, in view of vaccination excitement, suggests that vhe city council and hoard of health take in the play on Monday, "Much | Ader About Nothing. : + Try Bibby's $3.50 silk-lined gloves. 'Antiseptic - soaps," buy 'them at Gibson's Red . Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. The civic finance commiltee and the hoard of health were to confer with n committee of local doctors this af- ternoon. | See Bibby's swell i 315 ulsters. Tax Collector Bariells is going 'those who have failed to pay their taxed, He wants to present a clean sheet on December 3lst. | Sep Bibby's great $15 overcoats. Last Saturday's market was the largest in a long time. With good | weather to-morrow there should be another big gathering of farmers. | See Pibby's swell $15 overcoats, The clock in the tower of Grant f hall' was built by Prof. Dupuis and 'his students. No doubt the professor { could make a elook for the city build- ings" dome. after "Palmer's Toilet Water," sold in | Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Store. | "See Bibby's special $3.50 trousers. |= "Phere has heen more heglect of pivie business by the commiitces this fall than for many years, It's hard to get la quorum of members. to attend a committee meeting. i Try Bibby's special 75¢. underwear. C. F. Corbett and the Rev. Mother | Superior of the House of Proviaence. of this city, were appointed to the | nominating committee of the Con- vention of Charties and Coriection in Toronto. See Bibby's great $1 underwear. | A few local lovers of football, left at noom, to-day, for Toronto, to see the Varsity{l'iger_game for the do~ minion championship, Tiers are pick- ed as winners, but Varsity are of the opinion that théy will give them a hard go. ' "MecConkey's caramels.'" Frosh Gibson's "Red Cross Drug "Phone 230. Try Bibby's special 75¢. underwear. The people are anxious for Ald. Couper to announce himself for the mayorally. A "Taxpayer" writes : "I have never worked in any election but 1 will work for him with my horse and rig all day if he will come out." Seé¢ Bibby's great $10 suits. One of the special constables doing duty on Princess street, complains that he was being annoyed by a cou ple of men, Thursday -afternoon and the police were called. A charge was preferred against the men, but was afterwards withdrawn. SMALL=-POX HOUSEHOLDERS at Store. CAUTIONED, How to Avoid Contagion. Small-pox is prevalent, The use of a reliable disinfectant protects the household. . The last thing at night" pour into the traps of the closets, wash-basins, sinks, etc., 'just a little Platt's Chlorides. * Places where di cade germs may develop, nooks hind plumbing and all spots can't. be reached by the scrubbing brush should he freely sprinkled with a mixture of ome (1) part of Platt's Chlorides and ten (10) parts of wa- ter. This dilution costs less than Se. a quart. Do not néglect a liberal sprinkling of the cellar. To remove objectionable odors' where sprinkling is inadvisable, keep a cloth or sponge moistened with the. dilution mention- ed. A little extra care just now may prevent minch sickness and ex- pense. Platt's Chlorides is an odor- less, colorless. liquid disinfectant which instantly destroy foul odors and disease-breeding matter. It is sold hy druggists everywhere in full quart bottles and is prepared only by Henry B. Platt. : Book with sanitary information mailed free on writing to 42 Chiff street, New York: ind = : A ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------r NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE. Every Calamity, No Matter How Great, Has a Definite Begin- ning. There are no accidents in nature. The avalanche that without a mo- ment's warning rushes headlong down For years previous tiny atoms have been crystalizing and adding their minute weight to the mass which left its base when the accumulation reach- ed a certain point. : Neither is baldness an accident. The infinitesmally small germ which is the cause of dandruff and baldness feeds silently and 18ng before the result je seen. i The small germs wifch thrive on {he scalp and which: are the cause of baldness and dandruff eannot exist, however, when Newhro's Herpicide is applied. Ee od Up By Rounds. the mountain side is not an accident. | Send The | Two! G. W. Mahood, I Sold: by leading druggists. 10c. in stamps for sample. to Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. sizes, Ble. and $1. special agent. WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 3 possible value for his money, the same comparison. Dainty Mode Rubbers * We are exclusive agents for The Only Guarariaed > Rubbers Made Sole Agents for Kingston. For Men and Women. Kost No More Reid & Charles. The Shine that Won't Come Off "Black Knight" Is an ins to do its work and does it so well. 3 Easy to put on, and just a few rubs brings a brilliant ' You should- see for yourself how good "Black Knight'~really is. If your dealer does not handle it, send us his name and ioc. for full sized cam. THE F. F. DALLEY CO, LIMITED, PPE RRENEEE FOR THOSE WHO LIKE A Perfectly Plain Cook Stove, Here is a Beauty There is not much more plating on it than on the one used. Comeinand see it and get prices. = CAKE FA ay iy \ a \ Stove Polish piration to the housewife--so willing lish. SA BAMILTON, Out. ~ 0000" 00000CO0000000OC your great grandme ther McKelvey & Birch _ 69AND 71 BROCK STREET. EEE OREO ERE CPE PEER E IE EEPEH -------------------------------------------------------- SLIPPERS. Men's Slippers, $1.50 to $2.75 Ladies' Leather Slippers, 90c to $1.25. - Men's Felt Slippers at 50c. Ladies' Felt Slippers at 40c. Children's Felt Slippets at 35¢. : Viscolised Wet Weather Shoes, $6 to $7. A. E Herod, The Hoist of Quality, . Try our PURE LEAD in five pound blocks. The price is interesting. LR ae "Canada Metal Co.,Ltd Go MEPs PLUMBERS : Trains [ALLAN will-leave and arrive at Cit Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WEST. No. "71 Inter. Ltd 3 noon 7 Mail oor 3:19 pom. 5 LOCAL siviisein JB. GOING EAST, N : , trains daily except S and all 'other IBarTI wridy ta J. P. HANLEY ty Cor. Johnson and Alen King ston, Ont. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY For Copy of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between Montreal and the Atlantic Ports. Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 8t. James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. a be STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER "AVES WOLFE I1SLasw 7.809.115 am. 1.00~3.00 p.mi 7.80=0.15 nm. 1.00--8, Pong 7.30--~9.15 a. 0038.00 p.m m, 00 p.m. MON. gp F fi § + i P B ® B EAVES KIN MON. ) n TUES, 8.30-11.80 a. ED. 8.30-11.30 a.m. | THURS. 8.30-1.00 p.. 's Bay, Ihe rev EE wen & i oS BEER EB - ik i; BEY i t.~--~Special trip 8 and Spoor's dock, at 3.00 p.m. ' actime Table subject to change without Boat calls at Garden and from Kingston. Tsland going te Royal Mail CHRISTMAS - SAILINGS TO * LIVERPOOL. Tunisian, sails .. Victorian, sails Grampian, sails .....ue.. TO GLASGOW, Hesperian, "from Halifax ........ Ionian, from Portland ............ Dee, 16th. FIRST-CLASS L560 SEC ss, $4350 upwards, THIND-CLASS, $20.50 upwards, = Additional sallings, and rut 2 plication to J. , or O. - P, KIREPATRICK, Local Agents, King~ call dw invited for all kinds of go 3 31 William 8t,, Toronto. - a5

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