Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1908, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN. A Fifty La Box Mailed ; do 1 it a, 1 4 4 Rh s all; but, bo ia, said 6 be st, sight. years the bad debts of Vv Montreal trip: and $35 to | HITE Fe d-- -- grial in ad lanagan | Foo ; " ty to he "best man'" at, his redding, Ketohell Kagabod out Tpke nthe | demonstrable fact, WINCH yon world's middle [tO your own satis n na : i | tanutes, N you' will take a pavement 1. that. is clear, so that there will be no foam. nbw counted on [interference,' and walk briskly. in: the by Ottawa is: Lesueur, goal; Tay- | centre. you will d' that before you lor, point Shore, cover; :Stuart, rov- haye gome 50 yards you, have veered er: Walsh, centre; Phillips, left wing. much to one side. You must not Weanesday was a + day for Ia- ¢ any effort, of course, to keep in ly. Dorando deleted, Hayes, and. an | the centre, 'hut a you will think. of Ttalinn oar won an internstional. 'au-| Something and endedvor. to walk natur- tomobile race at Savannah, Georgia. ally you cannot keep a dircet line. The ~ Ottawa Citizen : "Tom" Loogboa explanation, of this lies in-the propensity is going to marry an Indian maiden of one foot to. walk. faster han the from the: Deseronto 'reserve, and will other, or one leg takeswa longer stride no longer paddle his own canoe. Itis than thie pier causing one to wall i to Yoo oped that he will allow her tia way by placing io 0 sticks about T 4 : Q wy | eight feet apart; then stand oft abou or Coates Dim sity feet, Bindi yourself, and oo "Queen's could beat Varsity on a dry |! i nd to Pky st Ie igi n field at any stage of the game, but in will ht. it Alm Pe : the heavy going our wings .cannot get up undor Williams' long punts, and this is what beat. us for the cham- pionship." : A Ottawa will allow "Tom" Phillips to make his own terms if he will sign for the coming season. A diligent search for. the player in Kenora, Win- nipeg, Vancouver and elsewhere failed to locate him, but he has now been found and will likely play again. for Ottawa, Hamilton Spectator : Campbell and McMahon will return to Kingston on January - 1st, McMahon to handle the 14th Regiment hockey team, and Campbell the university hockey team. "The Queen's bunch expects to win the intercollegiate hockey champion: ship this year. They are a great bunch of fellows down there, and cer- tainly 'know how to treat chaps right," concluded Campbell. They do not take Johnny Hayes' defeat with good grace in some places across .the line. What will it be when | Longhoat puts away Pietri on Décem- ber 15th ? Says the New York World: Men and women in tify boxes leaped far over, screaming in /hysterics. Men who were present at the stadium last July, when Hayes was declared vie tor, wept as they witnessed his de feat. Richard Croker, who started the race, appeared inconsolable. The gate was $15,000, The New York Globe. says: [The vace was as much like the London Marathon as a game of soecer foot- ba)l compares with college football. The race was a vey little test of the The greatest improvement in sound-reproducing instruments was made when Mr. Edison invented Amberol Records for the Edison Phonograph No one thing has added so much to the pleasure of tte Edison Phonograph as a Record which plays more than - four minutes; and reproduces the melody or voice so clearly and perfectly that the illusion almost defies detection. "Edison Amberol Records are the same size as the ordi- nary Edison Records, They can be played upon any Edison Phonograph 'by the addition of an attachment which any dealer can supply and any dealer can affix. : Longer selections are now available for the Edison Phonograph than have ever been available. before "for any sound-reproducing machine; and these selections are better given. No Edison Phonograph outfit is complete without the attachment to play Edison:Amberol Records. You can hear these new Records at any dealer's. Learn about the attachment and equip your Phonograph with it today. If -you haven't an Edison Phonograph, you can now buy one which plays both styles of Recordg==the two-minute and four-minute. We will i #lid to send te anyone, however, a booklet describing the new attachment, gescribing the Amberol Records, giving a list of the music now available on these Records and giving all the other information necessary to make it possible for you to get more than twice as much enjoyment out of your Edison Phonograph as you are now getting. We Desire Good, Live Dealers to sell Edison Phonographs in js every town where we are not now well represented. Dealers having = established stores should write at once to 0 Ble. National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J, U.S.A. Rok aie re : ) 'to t, but. Ain a very silly que Clerical Advice. London. Tribune. A suffragette sneered at Mrs. Hum- phry Ward's queer logic the other day. 4] know the prolix lady was against votes for women," she said. "At a lunch for suffragists in New York means of a parade she point- ed out her belief that the immediate home circle, not the distant polling booth or senate chamber, was the true feminine sphere: of usefulness. We 1 didn't applaud, I assure you. Bil sno: "She said an aged 3H 101d his min: airy = ister that he was going to make a pil- : grimage to the Holy Land. ¢ JOHN A. "'And while I'm theer, said the pil- grim, complacently, 'I'll read the Ten Commandments, aloud frag the top o Mount Sinai)' "'Saunders, said the minister, 'tak' my advice. Bide at hame and keep them." gh iy - SMITH ' Discoverer of the Great Rheumatism Remedy, "Gloria Tonia." On the theory "that seeing is believing,"' John A. Smith of Windsor, Ont., wants everyene to try his re medy for the cure of rheumatism at his expense. For that reason he propeses to distribute fifty thousand 50 cent boxes among all persons sending him their ad- dress. Mr. Smith fad suffered all the agony and torture from rheumatism, and tried all the remedies known and yet utterly failed to find reliei. At times he was so helpless that: he had: to take morphine and efter considerable dectoring he gave up in, despair. He began studying into the causes of rheumatism and after much experimenting; finally found a. combination of, drugs which complately: cured him. The result was so benefieial to his entive system that he called his new rem "Gloria Tons." Those of his friends, relatives and neighbors suffering irom rheuma- tism were next cured and My, Smith concluded to of- fer his remedy to the world. But he found the task a difficult one 'as nearly gverybody had tried a hundred or more remedies and they couldn't he made to be- : lieve that there a Shch a hing as a cure for. rheu-. a --- - a ism, But an old gentleman from Se uin, 'Texas, wrote ' "el. » him saying if Mr. Smith would on a sample he COUPON FOR A FREE 0c. BOX OF "GLORIA TONIC! would try it, but as he had suffered over thirty years [JOHN A. SMITH, 228 Laing Bldg, WINDSOR, ONT., and 'wasted a for tune with doctors and advertised re- . I.am a sufferer from rheumatism and I"want to be medies, he would n't Duy anything more, until he knew red HY i end mes 80 - Bo of wil it 'was worth something, The sample was sent, he pur- i ri 1 ; thawed nore of I the 2 Aesuls was i I Oa eat and. wil let. yoit know af tho: result, My name lonishing. He was completely cured. This: gave Mr. ' Smith a new idea. and vir ines that Hi he has been sending out. sample boxes. to all who apply. At National Military ome, Kansas, if cured' a veteran of rheumatism: in: hips and In Hannaford, N. Dak., it cured a gentleman who writes: "Since tak- ing "Gloria. Tonic" I gm as supple as a boy." In bu Stayner, Ont., it enabled a: lady to discard her crutches. In Westerly, R.I., R.R. No. 1, it cured a far- mer, 72 years old. In Mountain City, Wis, it cured an old gentleman after suffering 33 years, and after seven physicians had tried in vain. In Hull, Que, it cured a gentleman of chronic inflammatory rheumatism which wae 'so severe that he could mot walk a block without sitting down. In Tee Valley, Ont., it cured a gentle man 'of lame back and' Salt Rheum, In St. John, West N.B., it cured a case of Sciatic Rheumatism after other 'remedies -had failed. In Oconto, Ont., it cured ap old gentleman 80 years of age. . 3 Semper ae ii dp. Old Clock Begs. Many a passenger on the streets of Leigester, England, has stopped and stared at a novel sight outside the church of St. Nicholas, a huge old wooden clock-face. It does not tell the time, but it tells something else--that this church wants to pay for a new clock in the 'tower. In the middle of the 'face stands #4 contribution box, with this legend: "The old clock which has been in the tower for considerably over a century, being worn out and past repair, the vicar and churchwardgns. appeal with confi- dence to the general public to #@ssist them to replace it. Contributions may be put respective merits of Hayes and Dor: {into the box or forwarded for' acknow- ando as real Marathon racers. Who- | ledgment to Rev: E. Aitkens, the vicar- ever heard of two Marathon racers | age." y gding twenty-five miles of the twenty- rp------ six, shoulder to shoulder ? Or who- Well Informed. ever heard 'of a real Marathon race, | Philadelphia Ledger. which was undecided till within 325] Lord Avebury told a good story on yards of the finish ? The struggle was | the. opening, ofsthe Moral Education essentially a track race. There was no | Congress now sitting in London. Lord doubt at any moment that the Itali- | Avebury pleaded that education, as it is an was Hayes' master at this style." | now, is too narrow, and. quoted the words of Doctor Creighton that 2 man may get a degree without knewing the difference between a. planet and a star. "That, reminds me," said Lord Axcbury, "of how. one beautiful moonlight night I.was walking home from the House of Commons with a. friend. He. laoked up at the moon and said: 'My dear Lubbock,. I often. wonder how it is that the moon changes. its, shape so often. I wuppose it is one of those things we shall never find onti®" The sale of DEWAR'S "Special Liqueur" increases yearly ! Me. Smith will send a fifty cent box, also his illus- trated book on rheumatism, absolutely free of charge to any reader of the British Whig, who will énclose the following coupon, for he is anxious that every! should profit by his good fortune Don's doubt, fi out' coupomy below and mail to-day : / "Street No Dumb Wife Talked Too Much. New Yolk, Nov. 28.--Vice:-Chaneellor Stevens announced at Newark, N.J., yesterday, that he had advised ihata decree of divorce be granted to Janes W. Nash, of No. 186 Orange street, Newark, against Sarah Louise Nash. Although Nash and his wife are deaf and dumb, one of the reasons alleged by the husband in justification of his petition was that his wife tallied too much. He alleged that she contin- uously" scolded - him in the sign lan- guage, Ta No Stropping Why China Has Few Trees. Frank N. Meyer, . the scientific ex- 'plorer. for the government, in his recent penetration of China, saw farms' that had been under irrigation sincefbefore Columbus discovered America, To the credit of the pagan priests, be it said, all forms of plant and tree growth were im -------- In Christian England. ; For selling picture postcards inside St. Paul's cathedral, a hawker, named John Walker; was at the Mansion purteen x ds & London, genitenced 10 ior Eiig- | clierished and. encouraged around the land's first temple * of worship of a temples, The priests gave Meyer what Saviour who was all. love and pity! information they could. The extent to Hard labor for two weeks for daring to which forest. devastation has gone in sell cards is a cruel pesversion of juss China can be inferred from the fact that . tice. In his strongest indignation and the Chinese have rooted and gritbbed : R 3 % p f tree growth the a action, our Lord merely drove from the out-_every. vestige .0 ! ---------------------------------------- { | temple the money changers. He did not size of your finger. above the graves of } | oN > ? FH Ie insulated' = ina SOU. imprison them. He was corrective, but their revered ancestors. 2 1 Fo 3 BR vENIR : 16 like a {not cruel. , "A Dentibt's Guild. i -* is * x 0 ; h Bangreuil Coal And Prosperity. refrigera : Pha C Bostwick, ofeial dentist ---- : : T. . twick, official dentis NG : B 1B : . i It. has een computed that in 1840 the | tq the Sultan af Morocto, has. "been Sah rat SIE Rw = |} The oven door has double eo imntion of col in | et iens hie vacation in. Plkigheldy N Jo | are is w pussle'pisked up at the, race track which, like all problems | fiwalls, with' 13 inches - air the United States amounted to a quar-{ and. at a Fecent. dinner he said, apropos |- connected with the turf, is viot as simple 'as it" appears. Three horses--A, | Bb gna No Beat | ar of a 'ton pes head for the entice po- | of a-bad ehild : B and C--started aud finished in. a race. In how many: different 'wayseould oven - | pulation ; in 1860. thé ratio had risen 10 | . "fg is. wile to" punish children, but | they have finished ? - Answer Tussday. : Be, : . * | half a ton per head; in 1880 it was one | not corporally.® 3 . + | ton, and in+1800 five tons. As the popu- tio itself was creasing enormously I this time, the increase in, the amount of coal produced and consumed was, of course, vastly greater than these ratios piteously : : per head would indicate. The increase "Paps, would you mind. giving me T x : i with the growth hb, The marvellous Gillette Blade does : has gone batd in haiid with the gr gas first"' - -------------------------------- the work. : ie: « || Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. © ne Whe wei a = [| Daze Qintment is aiteed to Er RTI 3e guaran | olive any ease of itching; blind, bleed- © ling or 'protruding piles in 6 to 14 x0 STROPPING. NO HONING. INEZ D1 | NC more of that guilty hang- dog feeling with your hand to. your chin, knowing that you are not shaved--but should be. - Five minutes every morning with the Gillette Safety Razor becomes an easy habit--no stropping, no honing--the one safety razor that is safe---cennot cut your face. The only razor that can be adjusted for a light "1-Khow a 'dentist in Gibraltar "who Answer To Vaudsville: Puzzle. go od achirsh roq to puftish- his little } The accompanying iaigtam. show sho " Little. To Deep placed. hee "shitkp "The. boy, Yooking at the' rod, said, | in separate pens with three straight ks : - " Results--less fuel, 'even'tem-" peratures. That's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GUANEY, TILDEN €O., + LIMITED. or a close shave. More than two million Gillette users. Divided In Death. The Bishop of Worcester, in conse- crating a portion of a new cemetery at Atherstone, deplored the + Siyhsion ot ria. grounds: ween uichpeo; and dissgnters, og the line drawn be tween comsecrated and unconsecrated portions, saying he did not like ta see this division in death. : |days. or money refunded.' ---------- Rev. Charles Edward Stowe has re- | signed as pastor of the Congregational church at RR dmewater Mass; and will | seek. Anglican orders. He is a.son of ls | Harriet Beecher Stowe, was confirmed by Bishop. Eastburn, and after graduat-) ing from: Harvard College. in 1875, was a candidate for orders. That he was ; never ordained was due to the steadfast of : i F Ch raed opposition of his father, Rev. Dr. Cal- x ? ne £1 cSt LY owe. , ' "Mr. Fleming; formerly of the Church Stop at a store and buy a Gillette to-day Standard Gillette Razor with 12 blades (aq cutting edges) $5.00. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL. Ti your hair is dry, brittle, Fe Ba in Tek. sak | Patia Probably She Meant It, P! 0 oh A eareially brought up Tittle girl of five years, returned from her ngst party in great glee. "1 was a good girl, mamma," she an pounced, "and talked nice all the time" ' "Did you remember to.say something' leasant to Mrs, Townsend just. before caving?" her mother asked. "Oh yes, 1 did," was the enthusiastic reply. "I smiled and said, 'I enjoyed myself, Mrs. Townsend; 1 liad a lot's { etter dimer than | thought I'd have." "5:61 Scarland, was. confirmed in Wycliffe {College recently by Bishop Stringer. Af- tera year's preparation he will join Rev. E. Peck. in the fas. north--fusthes north than any other worker. Is such & sin- cere worker, or Rey. C. E. Stowe, to be impugned in the way a correspondent in this. - i does, when challenging | 1550s 'changes' bay § ured color. In iw of Blc., at, lity. Restore health and proper growth hr Hand vi t up Ti hase ot Dr: agen Wade's drug store. orld is inf -------- A lot of dependent individuals also 4 very todepondent, Re-| ation within two months séparation es ter Count': Boni do Castellane. The ormed on high auth The man of the political fence will soon take Tus tumble, ~FoeRart oy Sas § : * ty. nN 1

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