| -- v AR list: hi it has been abolished by the | ; A i = : THE WHIG, 75th YE. a Jot: 4 government it shouldbe abol. | Nie! Vil 1 ¥ e AILY BRITISH WHIG, pu at | 5 § 3K vl v 806-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, ished by the council and it com at $6 par your, Editions at 2.20 and 4 { mittoos: (3) all. public supplies should | , BRITISIAITI, oi; FREES | bo tendered for when possibib (8), IN NILE EXPEDITION TO BE| Torontor v. 28 ~The sharvho morning at $1 a year. To Urited | repairs and improvements shotild hy RECOGNIZED. tat pel mpan charge ior postage he +] : R here purpose - : bas to * rere ro rac he lowes¥ com -- pric $3 and of [eovered by contract, the hv | \ ee-- ' . cA y Tear. : Sr Seton J being accepted only when'y he The Survivors df the Expedition Sideting a plan fot the reorganita been ar- ; 8 haute 15 stylish, } has given the assurance that he Ban Were Interviewed at Caugh-{ratged by the hoard of directors. ; mine improved presses | qj... iho goods that are desirid: narvoga, - Que.--There Are | This reorganization was first Whig Publishing Ca, Led (5) accounts should be paid only LY ~About Thirty of Them Now od as pking of the "harcholiers o . . S t y Managing Directors | the certificate of the cif auditor =X Living. i ompany ol Jerri months ago, when he has been given all the evil Caughnawagn. Ques, Nov. 98. Th | was expressed at the fact that no TORONTO OFFICE. ~ | dence of its genuineness or correctness WO¥ement for the recsgnien Lf Lr. | dividends were ® forthmniny. | pits 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- | .. X | Sey Tudians writs were issued while the matter of | Béfs, 32 Church St., Toronto, Hi E. | Which he desires. it i 4 Who served on izati an, : Ore Sa ; ile expedition for the reliof of | T80*ganization was under ra- | Suntipaios, rapen . N AS BCONOMIS ] ordon, in 1884 of whom-tion by the board of directors m-- WOMEN AS ECONOMISTS. aon, 3+ Many of whom | oR brought 'the matter to a con | Dailo Gi 8) [07 The women who have taken up 4 1 fo » gained pmpetus this clusion. Tl os' for which thy | - . garbage question have voluntarily jis 3 jew- | Were entered ere secured' by the fa : : ; 4 hich {od the : SH ; | company, and an agreement made {ONLY: SAVAGES, NOT CRIMINALS, | pons or, compoign which wil [0 (he urs pond. stpedition on | werkt The. Ranier) : (n , >" | have a -large educational value. Itfs | are asks i Eonsiona which they Cleveland, by = which subser J ° supecinteudint of the Ohio |, + enough that they, in the exe MeNillay, for stock to the value p $150,000, | state reformatory for boys hasbeen fication of an instinct that is - ih h sub- o | state yf : nd ® | provided the' % direotors | Visiting Toronto, and he has been ex- mon with the sex, should insist : ize thei -- setibe for safe" { pressing views that are both radical itati Lo Ba. [to the The Canadian 6 sanitation, but they must, like SF this wouk ganized six s ago with a capital i» | and reasonable. This official, Dr. Leo sonable people, | just 'what fit He spent the greater tock § | nard, at the outset disapproves of the means. Soman ny § hele ih ox bis Home Jostniny : hood after is Ha Sand thre 3. : : ds i ; Only 20c. | aprisontuent, of boys because Mess is The deputation which appeared fio- number of the Vora loa wa ae ranches in Nox ie cal, Vinzipe eg, We've 0 oats galord, We're thinkin; thi Ryn us opinion, that | fore the council Iai J t [JCC In schoolhouse when Col. Me- | St- xo a ink > vei Coa i ercoats as It saves your hands. A § |i really u Jawbreaker. The joventie | 0°, war oer i a Jt oF ive, his views onthe wbject | SOUSer, Habla uid Lnigms!' The by res ny Overcoat al household necessity. joe are not criminals, but S8V- | tioners to suggest a garbage system. whos Tncions. Touis P. kaon, Hamilton qil works of Torgnto. =~ | 4 £y can [ie made. j ages," and by the expression he They could not, as a matter of fet, [and can only be pronounced br mem- XY ---- fh The @ meant that condition of mind and d A i . |bers of the tribe, presided. H. Gra FT oy CORBETT'S | hears and nature. where there has hout nd en auding t 4 ae I aman-of-the. ~Ni . Coot} Dvetcoats, in' Black, yor a ati To. Pid MeMill id that ; ancy S 664000 s0e setae Immo reaty porsixtant methods of mocing. them. Thy wo. |oloilan said that Che ha aseads y Striped Cheviots, | fiend: : men, however, have realized tht if |ier on the question of pensions and it \ will Sma of - Our: ait | Through deficient home government they are to continue as a force futhis [Was his intention . to lay the case be- i College 'Ulsters, 'or one of Our --or through the want of homes that movement th st k ON fore~the British war office. \ Swell Balter, Coats, in, Black * Our Chocolates fean be honestly given the title--the ey must knowlRore k riee' wes mll:told. Aity-four In. | E VY ots, Meltons, etc, Ora mice bois are allewed. 1 iis than they do at present abo tthe | dians on the Nile expedition and there Oxford Cloth. 3 J . - JHA ed, lo grow up 1a tcity's affairs, are about thirty living at the present' doi Are made daily ; always fresh : | wild and untutored state. They drift | 7p, diversion will do them good. |day. A number were killed in the Will buy one of Our Nobby always good; all prices, and into evil' because they cannot help They see in the sufiragette tneht Quebec bridge disaster a year ago. Prussian Collar Ulsters. A Fine # : a Black Beaver or Melton, in the flavors, themselves, because they are left |; E 1 : without proper direction, because they o Sxiand Se ioety thet male Germany's New Taxes. . Sarendon Style, or a Be ih Black lee Cream find the evil easier than the good. Dr. p ia £7 Ber]. Germany has been doing that until Baviot, Silk Paced 2 gent persistency that keeps. their [it is well-nigh taxed I : i : to death, and #onard s panacea for the badnessin | uuse alive, and then the sugfestive | NOW new 'taxes are proposed to raisc | the boy, the badness that can be information that shows the laders to | 20 additional amuual revenue of ne ns ie , 3 : 3 less than $125,000,000, while th of PRI ' driven out, is a father 8 peesence in be jstucious and progressive. S50, the |gian than 312 is casting i. ie Prue y the home, and a father's example. For Kingston women, desiring fo be as |means of covering annually a.part of . - helpful as ssibl have betaken [its defiit- of $50,000,000. The pros- ; : b " Phone 845, a8 -- | ptu as possible, ave betaken yr 3 8 Princess St. themselves to the study | of many | pects for a Wappy winter for the tax- J ; : pecia * | payer can hardly be said to be bright Bee Our New Cambridge Suits, at $15.00, Cuffs on Coat in raising the money for heavier and . eve, Flaps on Pockets, ete. + , Ba Will buy a Swell Rawedged . English" Melton, in the Westminis- . ter, or Grosvenor Styles. Constantly on. hand. pa --- some reason many homes are practi- cally without a father, in the exer- cise of his power, and "the' mother 4 has a hard time of it." | h "12 . | 8 result, there is not more ginger put {heavier expenses for army and navy 4 A I 1 rR D en th boy weeds 5 man: as bie Ling the further discussions of this and for the ever-increasing army of NEW GFRMAN AMBASSADOR. -- : P. oo | teacher, a manly man, in ideas and subject government employees. Count Johann von Bernstorfl comes to / * { i | i <3 i HR % : The new taxes proposed come di- Washington's diplomatic = circle as the / i | sentiments; in Dature and NApIrs The success of the garbage scheme rectly upon the iy There is to | iccessor to the late Baron Speck von Cc 1 } tions. When he is under a Wonfin in hinges upon the financial resources of ' Sterniburg, and, like his predecessor, he » ® : ° | | » things, and it will be surprising if, as the ay school ahd the Sunday | I be a tax te oa and sleatrieity whicly narried an American. He is wealthy day schoo « Bs Y | the council, and it is to this side of |cuggests the old tax on windows 'in | ind will play an important part in : » . .$ ' school he is ont of his element and the question that the women are ow France, which almost abolished win- | ¥ashington's" offiéial life. Kingston 8 Qne Price Clothing House. fran : 4 ah | : %. The So i Sie ie he is missing the cult that makes for directing their attention, When they Sows. Je hosed nr. kaw Doth To Advertisers. FACKACIISIIICIISISICIIIISIIING his development. Dr. Leonard has know all about the revenue and ex- [of the price 10 the consumer. There | Cuts suitable to Christmas, as we " Dry and el : : . ti < J I ean and as nothing personal against the women penditure of the city, as it is reveal |are to be new excise taxes, a new tax | as appropriate borders of vario pure as the market af- teachers, but he is an expert in_ the : ed in financial statements, they. may |O0 beer and a new tax on wine, which | sizes, may be ordered through + | | | | fords All sizes pre- correction of boy offenders, and when taxes = the greatest comfort of. the | vhig. Samples may be seen at y i : . oh), ) ' ™ | know where to suggest reforms, and a ' WE BE of \ A i 2: save' the i : ierman le. Then there is to be a | fice. ] | pared according to he says' the woman is not the ideal | the average representative of the sex wi on tian Dailies must x r'ass an : 3 Standard Rules. teacher for a boy he is talking from [is a practical economist. pay from twe to ten per cent. on an | Wade's white ¢amphorated oil | experignce, He knows. SE advertisement. according to their cir- | 1ot become rancid or sticky, fb pike z : ---- ' What a pity it is that the Cana- * EDITORIAL NOTES. culation, while weekiies and monthlies | jottles, 15c. and 25¢. Wade's z : Iron n y pay a flat rato of ten per cent. There | tore. J : i ver 4 jonists | Every newspaper: is an organ--of \ : 7 i j dian governments and educationists SY newspap el rgan--of iis likely: to be a falling off of adver- | You have a right to keep an eyfout S. ANGLIN & (H|] cannot make a start in the ethical | Public opinion--and there is no in- ¥ 9) . = 9 % be ag tisements. | 'or the man who boasts he's thofloss : 3 . / training in which the Americans are | dignity in the title. There are 10 be death duties and .a | f his wife. \ e ste S Cor. Bay and Welling- ---- A : : q : becoming so advanced. A. littfe while | ,. r | military service tax in connection with . man with a surplus of ides is || ti St ago a Denver judpe visited Ottawa The World does - fot demand thet these death = duties, and an increased | bound to harbor some that ar fool- | % on S. and Montzsal aad Toront 1 tal Mr. Borden resign, bui it demands | excise on Shakes, besides 8 radical | ish. i ; . Some dainty designs of. AX" Brass and p d To 0, and told : 4 + i itane I ' , » that ho res y salary: of hi ico, overhauling of - the law of inheritance bos mF di Gd | how he had been successful in opening Oh ! be resign the salary. of his office. by whicly the state takes the playoy of Tree mows THIS 7 n | a White Enamel Hotutenta, Em STE. | up the better life of many boys, by y : '| distant velatives. Finaliv, as these We offer One Hundred Dollars| Reward . -. : i influences : taxes will not suffice by $7,000,000; the | ior any case of Catarrh that canot 1 » putting them under good influences Prof. Shortt is opposed to. the pre- regularly sed contributions on the | cured by Hall's Catarrh Qure, | i " rings rather than in jail. lispector Hughes |.sont public school curricului. But individual states of the empire to the | yw, Fi 7; SHENEY & 00. fhledo, 0 Pp of Toronto, says he has visited the what of that ? The education depart- | imperial treasury are to be incrcased | Cheney for the last 15 years, and bt Stted With we ital' i ; . > They wi ess- | lieve him perfectly honorable hh all bus Our Bedsteads are y Many and Best of moral hospital" 'which Dr. Leonard ment must make the revision and it {to that amount. They will he asses p y ¥ OR: 4 . aess transactions and financi able Ww § Hercules Springs. directs at. Mansfield, Ohio, and he appears-to be in some respects more ed twenty cents. on every inhabitant arry out any obligations made by bs y ie 4 a. i J t rate. 4 choice plans, Secnrity » hopes to see one 'very soon extablish- faddy than ever. or twice the present rate re ALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN Mattresses. % : . - 0 ed in Ontario. He may be referring to ---- : rs. (holesale Druggists, Toleda, "Btar Felt Sani Mattresses, g For Trustees Boards. Hall's. Catarrh Cure is taken intemal Sanitary Doalth Matiress: wear o Life and Current some plans 'of the local government. § py. McBride is going to tty his | Wnder a receiit regulation the min- | '¥, acting directly upon. the blood Jieting. oe \ ere 3 + mucous surfaces of the system... Tab Endowment. Rates of But it looks us if Canadians want a {hand as'a hypnotist once more. He | ster of education Hay Toned a third A s sent Ires.' Price 75. cents oo . insni i i 3 5 i 2 lass certifi " ic! as expired, | bottle. Sold all Druggists. dertake! ¥ Premium. lo of inepifation in = geod sate be | wants the provincial' premiers ita. go Se Sety 1008; This is to ie Take Hall's Family Pills for James Reid, The Leading Un re Phone 147 fore they an make any practical | ¢o British Columbia so that he may for supplying the schools in counties | 'tion. . ' headway in it. { show them why its subsidy should not | where there is a scarcity of teachers. | . A Qe . EI x yQ JI the larger. Have {tl} forgotten his | All such' renewals will be limited to | USING THE PEOPLE'S MONEY." | ci B . er ? the county for which issued, and will | | strike in Ottawa ? v } | -- be made on the request of trustee Y . critics, and they are saying things RE io 4 | boards and the recommendation of that are very hurtful Such is the|._ amo. of the rfliges of tha provin. | the inspector. In case a section 1s 3 Ble t 3 # es tes are described by an inspector for without a teacher at. the present time irritation caused by public "opinion the government as a "disgrace." Then | they should advertise for one, offering | . y ror 8 felt At incur. oe a 1 , i alifi- | jiat May wi Hugo has felt i ge a | why does not the government step in a reasonable alary, and its en a say 8 3 { Ea q s ed one cannot be secu y p rent upon him to say something: t and effect a cure? In the treatment |® Beat 2 Yd od is to this effect : That any one can { one whose certificate has expired, anc ' tof the poor there should be no shams. ask for an extension of it until July, I homas Mills criticise, but it is not every one who | ee 1909. If a salary of $400 is paid a se. " ? [can put his finger on the weak spot,| 'My, Fidlding is = now the daily tar- | cond class teacher, $360 of this will 9 Clarence St. or, looking over thé list of expendi | get of 'the Toronto News. According | come from xatepayers of the town- i " ses i 70 from midsummer grants tures, point out where there has been | to our contemporary the finance minis- ship and 370 f g m oe : and the section will pay $30. Fora If You Want to Buy, extravagance or waste. I'he audit | ter is bankrupting the country., Ac- teacher with a third class certificate Rent or Sell hoard has its meetings Jat regular | cording to Mr. Fielding some of his | $350 can: he paid at a cost of only $30 times and Mr. Hugo suggests that | eritics are suffering from brain fag, | on a section. REAL ES ATE some of the smart people around the {and need a rest. i Died At Algona, Towa. ify © ve y | 2 |¢ ity should be equal to the task of | . 3 Alexander Fraser was found vead in | I make a specialty of same. appearing * befere it .. and stating] Just because it must say something bed by his youngest son, Duncan, Drop a ®ard or call on me. No what they know. Is that the fair | theatrical, it is announced by a don- |, Thursday morning, October20th, trouble to show property. Insur- i i iv \ i 908. He wa Di tly well the d way, of disposing of the need for a |servative contemporary that the libe- | 1908. e was apparently we he ance at lowest rates. Money to way. ol an y | $0 : ight before and ate a hearty sup- loan. scarching 'enquiry into all public ques- rals in Canada spent as much as He {or He was born in Nova' Scotia tions, to the end that there may be [republicans in the United States. n December 5th, 1825, where he ou eed t expect any. J ther . CEO. CLIFF, no doubt in the people's minds with | does not offer any evidence because it ; n no k © : x Profits equal 1 contpound | Ordinary interest. | Conditions. Watertown is haviag its municipal lived until he was twenty-one years | regard to them 7 What can any one | would spoil the yarn. told, when he moved to Wolfe Island. ' eT oa) Estate valustior, etc., at | jetant through ithe casual examina IY | There he farmed and worked ak ; bis razor in the world to do the "i : . St. John, N.B., will hav 1 s in- carpentering. moved to tion of public accounts at any audit St. John, B., will have a 4° : 3 Te , ity of | Algona, wa, with his family in : : { meeting ? These accounts have been fs of rape i Je is sully the : yr {1881. He was married to Ellen An- work 0 the ( 3 ette {duly contracted and certified. Ome] To oriy love. ak an ig {derson, "May 3lst," 1854, on Wolfe ® ple. They swap notes and chetks as { Island. She died May 23rd, 1889. : may be dissatisfied with the object. of some men swap jokes. They borrow | He leaves to mourn three sons and > them, but he will not 'de}ect anything > & v - vase : s1ye . i a wrong unless he has eat ol a : and lend and don't caré whether a | ee oJaughters, . pi Frade, a million dollars iS invested That's _one reason you can > 3 ir . 1°80 8c | debt is paid or not. That's the place i 3 es : aay Ta er of -de ing i - { Henders d_. Mrs. Mary Squires. : : ss otro + 5 ng shav | Power of d manding all the informa Jor" Joihea 1 walle | Henderson. Algo Jowmagy quires : if the equipment that produtes enjoy a clean, satisfying 5 Cc tion 'that "is 'available in respect fo -- i : 2 1 sill blad with the Gillette--five minutes | them, and perhaps not then. ° The power question takes on a new | 5 purely Vegetable Corn Cure. the marvellous Gillette blades. in the morning--no strop ing, Fhe talk" that has been heard in significance: by the latest Mackenzie | Putnam's * Corn: Extractor contains ; h ur d 4 g : \ P 2 Watertown is probably of a quality | deal. Owner of the Electric Develop- | no acids, but is entirely vegetable in Even the ste] is Jnage on a. © no honing--the one sdfety razor i hie a o , % aiid" of Po- | © ition. BD 's 7 ings . of ; . . ith Mat whe h has beet iy Js ment' lane and the plant ot To onam's Never hr special formula--it takes a temper "that is .safe--cannot cut your face. hingston and in connection with the |ronto Electrie~ Lig company, a hy : : yo 3 : ad * Sg 7 Health Deparfment's 'accounts. Theis his nett move ? The Hydro-Electric | + Painlossly, 'permanently. as hard as flint keenest shaving". The only razor that can be ad- | formality is being gone through of {Commission has now a competitor Notice. a justed for a light or a close shave. Xe EA » : 3 3 ve { | Ri y F | referring thes ount } i I : ke thing toy I) : edge ever Knows. Don't wrget 10 Order | e g Se accounts to the audi- | that will make things move. | Legal forms, customs entry blanks, : = 1 | i oS tor, but what canthe do with them ? jete., for sale at Whig office, the. : { They were contracted by certain of- | Cheapest and best place to buy print- That Coal You need. Don't let is 'slip your attention again. { x a -- ficials, on behalf of the board, and | |g ; -- . they st be pai ) i " { t i | | wary th : . By the way, you will make } oy uy be paid upon the certificate Does no 0 or Anyway, the guests will be too Po mistake in giving us the order, |}|Of two members of 'it. The pro- lite to take notice of your desperate | . Se * . . joi because ceeding may be peculiar, and' the law efforts to find where the. upper joint Our coal is clean, anti- : > i e connects with the breast-bone. clinker, and because we {approving of: the accoupts may need |§ L +--*Tooth brushes" you can depend ; 3 ling. Seliver 3 promptly. us amending, but it would not improve | {on the quality if you buy them at : y ' : » a he s i : } the situation if the peoplé who are! : Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. I IE T¢ -D \ {eritical were invited Re Din d ; the | Destroys i Only a young wife will remind her STOP AT A STORE AND BUY A GILLE . : : AY Taw. or board's ; a Gy husband that the new 'hat she desires | . . iar 2 1a ing &3 To 4 9 {board's meetings and wrangle over it. will not. cost anymore than a box. of ; : Standard Gillette Razor with 12 blades (24 cutting &ges) $5.00. Phone 9, Foot of Queen St | The proper proceeding should be | Dand ruf his best cigars: : Te y 5 : % ie) - {something like this: (1) No member | ; "} Palmer's Toilet Water," sold in GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, - IRR TRREea, any public body should be its bene- | : cid | Kingston. at Gibson's Red Cross Drug : CH ' ; : g gor trouble al. |ficiary to the value of a 'farthing: (2) AYER'S HAIR VIGOR! ® oi best before QE. less game. | No one should be on the patronage | . figuring the profit (to estimate the expenses. i