Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1908, p. 5

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THe AUSTRIAN EMPIRE Ji FEDERALISM NOT DUALISM § "TO BE FOUNDATION. - PLENTY OF FRUIT ERCR Tm. Hh Hope of the Refotmers-- Bosnia and Herzegovira An. nexed to Form a Trialism. QE THE CHILDREN | It Hope's to Keep Them Well. In a growing, active hild the cells. | i of which the body is cofhposted are bee ing worn out--and replaced -- Very rapidly, This dead tissue must be gotten rid of somehow, and the dan- gerts that the eliminating organs . Bowels, Kidneys and Skin--may oot do thelr work well enough. Theh he blood Becomes poisoned and the child does not thrive. Nothing has such an invigoratin fect 'on: these organs' as ripe | julces. Apple juice increases the acs | tion of the kidneys; other fruit juices | stimulate the liver to secrete more | bile, and bile produces easy and regus | Isr movements of the bowels; others £tir up the glands of the skin to throw 6ff. more waste matter, i he difliculty is that to get these | effects a great deal of fruit must be eaten, and 'the. excess of pulp and | * woody matter may upset the digestion. | « The better way ig to give the children | "¥ruig-a-tives", which are tablets | madi: of concentrated fruit julces with | valu ble tonics added MT raft-a-tives" have the combined | eect of the different fruit juices, | helping nll the eliminating organs to work properly, curing ( coping he. toni~g up the 8 yysiem, and keeping th valflven plums and rosy. 2fc., un trial box, Ce. for regular ee I "xes for $2.60. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Clla va. ef- | ~~ PRINCE FRANCES FERDINAND. Vienna, Nov. 3. The impression' is | gatning eromd that the Augirian em- | pirer is moving rapidly toward radical { changes, This year DOMINION BREWERY <0 LIMITED, TORONTO. Celebrated White has.seen the old order | wiving plac to the new in. many quar- | ters, Burkey, by her rovolution, has entered upon an era of cong titutional- Listy? and Clermany's evolutions in the {same direction have been sensational- {ly fastened by the impulsiveness = of | the kniser's rule. Now it is Austria's | tur It used & he a common theory tliat {the death of I'rancis Joseph would see the disruption of the dual monarchy. It is now the belicf held by many in {well-informed quarters that tha mons arch's closing years are being devoted |to preparing new ground upon which i the throue of the Hapsburgs may be solidly established. That federalism instead of dualism {must be the foundation of the future {Hapsburg rule, if the dynasty is be perpetuated, is the new creed, and its chief apostle is none other than Franeis Joseph's heir presumptive, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Francis Ferdinand personally a man of deep convietions and a strong will, {and "the hopes of the clear-headed men who realize the object to be attained are fixed on him. [It is believed that the Wwaghityde his task stands | ole arly' Bel fre him. i adi Profil Redliths lobe ofl thet: a Eh he Lminendy thank (of 'the German liberal | India Pale Ale =x KKK Porter Invalid Stout Every Cork Branded :RIGNE Y.& HICKEY | {38 & 138 Princess St. to 18 of ty on & thal dualist od '186 tadk hdd sive ta conatibitiual orm pcre a » with changed fi: The amxhtivl'® of Bostia nd Herzegovina, he spbs;: maybe. se 'Mrs, Wm. Graves, of Rat, Scotia, says: "In the spr y of 190 pitarded as a decisive step: toward: Aas- Dy Son Dt yas go, bad that Sobody thought tria's constitutional development in a » dy lr 0a The (he io he meaning std 0 developement is the Dis Lounge ead | He Oduther nay, pavples 1b put his bed under «Austtian rule ing semmon Storning. His government, leaving | ott Ser via: and hks to PSY: | Montenegro, hoy Lever. red andihe ig) 29% . i | Cobalt and | Leading Stocks Listed. . [The following quotations are' sup- Son of Mrs. | plied by te uit Brokerage (J. O. | Hutton and J. R. Dobbs), 41 Clar- Wm, Grav Chester ee [ence street. hs Jobhook, 480 A: sod wd bop »4 TATIONS: "Crud di af Cobalt Stocks. November 30th. Sellers. Buyers, | Amalgamated... ... ... .. 8 $114 | Beaver... . "Me Chambers Perl: ind ... 4 Reserve 2.87 Central ... A9 ('obalt Lake a7 {Green Meehan 20 Foster... A5 La 6.50 | Crown Cobalt Writing to the Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, four years after, (Au ust 11th, 1908), Mrs. Graves says: fam con- | Little Nipissing .~ 133 fident PSYCHINE saved my son's life, | MecKin. Dar. 1.04 for the doctors did not think he would | Nipissing... live the summer out, in fact he was a} petercon walkingskeleton, It-was your medicin€} pokhestér. : that cured him, for to-day he isasWelliN va Scotia... .. as ever.' Silver. Leaf "hy No remedy has anything like me Silver Queen . 1.05} number of wonderful permanent cures to | qi iskivming ... .. 1.68 its credit as Dr. T. A. Slocum's a Trathewey Se ae remedy PSYCHINE. There is life in| I Watts... of rhs, oly every dose. Send toupon for sample, a It issn infallible ks for disorders of | the Throat, Lunges, Chest and Stomach, | and is the Greatest of Tonics. Sold by | all druggists and stores, 50¢ and $1.00. | SAR SS SONI CHC GREATEST OF TORCS TRIAL BOTTLE FREE! Send this coupon to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited Toronto, andwreceive a trial Tose. 0628 40 25 663 5% Gig General Stocks. =P.R.: | Tet' 'United | Lake of 'Woods IN, Si Steel | Toronto Railway Twin City The Druggists Are Agreed. That the magt reliable corn wart remover, is Putnam's Painless {Corn and. Wart Extractor, -which has been used with universal satisfaction {for mre than thirty years. We, re- '| Sommend "Putnam's." ttle Free. Wood's Fh N The Great English Remed, Tones and inv igurates the who Sweet Juicy And Sound. nervous Eystown, wakes new | F Mezican oranges, two (2) dozen Blood in old Veins, Cures Nerv- | for 250. until Christmas, at. Carnov- received a Mental and Brain Worry, Deo sky's. ey Monday morning, from Albar N.Y 3, missions, Sper | Abuse or Ereesses One will please, six asking if Chester 'Davis, of that city had been injured in an autérhobile ad | ¢ident near here, and was in the hos- a or mailed in | it Be rice. eu 10 pamphlet | ot Pee e Co. pital! The mayor vould find no word of such an accident. If there 'was' onb, Toronto, Ont it must have occurred elsewhere. On Thursday, November 26th, 14 First avenue, Toronto, the death { occurred of Elizabeth Cechrane, be- | loved® wife of Thomas McGill, mother tof Mrs. F. J. Hoag, Kingston. | funeral occurred: in Galt, to-day. "Instant" * pain: relief for pain, either internally or externally. Regular price .25c. each; '2 for 2Bc., LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | at Wade's drug store. "The ge nuine Hazeline Snow,' ESTABLISHED, 1863. [lish make, is. sold in Kingston President--=Sir 'Richard Cartwright. | Gibson's Red Cross deug store Money issued on Uity and Farm Pro. Rev. R. P. Mackay, who pr perties. Municipal an County _ Deben v sermons. if Cookt's a to-daye ¢ ous un Debtity, nel Sexucl Jreakne 8 matorrhea, and Effects or Price $1 per box, <4 x! ig ~rill cure. Sold b; lain pkg. on N08 i mailed Ae Wrormeriy Wi indoor, [ GRAND UNION HOTEL THE FRONTENAC Mayor Ross Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK CITY. » ROOMS $1 u DAY and UPW. Bagga to NA RDS sta. tion free. Send 2-gent stamp for New York Oity Guidebook and Map. Eng- at ched received and interest allowed. { returnéd to Toronto, Gulf railway, between an fired wards. Fi & trian ' parliament oh ddsfie foams. dioage, dial hot make 1auch ansiitulign: grin qh AE fd rata Brel Burstally matiager, 'I ples. of well water were also found to and' The all urch THE VERS OVERELOW AND GREAT DAMAGE DONE IN OKLAHOMA. Railway Traffic Has Been Practic- ally Abandoned--The Narrow Escape of a Railway Train. - Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 30.--Five per- sons are dead as the result of five days' rain amd overfiow of Oklahoma and Northern Texas rivers and land tributaries. . Thousands are homeless | and hundreds, of residences are flooded. | Railway traffic has been practically abandoned in Central Oklahoma. A bridge on the Missouri, Oklahoma & Muskogee and Waggoner, was washed-away a few miputes after a passenger train had ossed. The total loss will exceed $20,000,000. The river at Guthrie is | feet higher than it ever was before in its history and rising twelve inches hour. Hundreds of "persons who refused to léave their homes, believing the xiver womld not rise so rapidly, shots of distress soon alter- It is believed that many are in their flooded; homes, though nothing definite ¢an be learned. The Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe round house and shops are inundated. The city water plat is partly submerged, and the street ear service is completely at a standstill. Twenty thousand . bales of cotton belonging to the Farmers' Oil Mill, are under water and $5,000 of cotton was washed away down stream. Many miles of trackage have heen washed away. Near Seward, Okhy the Santa Pe tracks are out and the bridge at Red Rock has been washed away. The Missouri Kansas and Tex- as, Fort Smith and Western and the Denver, Enid and Gulf lines, are all water-bound and all eastern Oklaho- ma trains are being held at Still- water. The Arkansas and other streams near Tulsa began to rise rapidly last night. The Arkansas rising at the rate of four inches hour. is an | IN CRITICAL CONDITION. | John Cox, Howe Island, Drank Ammonia By Mistake. John Cox, one of 'the best known farmers on Howe Island, took a dose of ammonia, in mistake for medicine, at his home, Saturday night, and is now in a critical state. Word receiv- ed from his home this afternoon, stated, that his recovery~ was very coubtful. Mr. Cox had been feeling unwell, and was given some medicine by his doctor. Before retiring on Sat- urday night, he was about to take some of the medicine, when ly mis- take he got the bottle with the am- monia. Medical Sid was summoned as 1 mistdke was dis patient, owing to being about sizty- ver his i anced age, XeGONRTY +i pnd. all ery low. Members ent for yes "ter unda i) vere dod wot a ul Jo anit gh ite "KINGSTON SKATING CLUB Hebd Its Annual Mepting on Sat- 4 urday' Evening: f The annual meeting of the' Kingston} Ih club i held Saturday. aven- Yorewing ! pffigers na I W. | oft Re I a ident, . fh ribo; hon. lady presitdént, lo Toe TOR * 1h hy vice-presidents; | rw Dieyensom Mes, Fortt, Mrs. De | MHred. Molaviant; sexe barystreasuver,. © Miss Marion -~Rédeenpoketutive: Committee Miss K. Gordon, *Miss = Brownfield, Miss F. Hora, Messrs. B. Dalton, RE. Dawson, PP. P. Campbell and P. Lyman. : Another general meeting held beforé the season opens tange other matters. the present time points to one most successful seasons that the has had. will be to ar Everything at of the club PEMBROKE WATER BAD. Dr. re taminated. Profy W. I. Connell, of Queen's University, samples of Pembroke water sent to him by the mayor of that town, which has a startling epidemic <of ty- phoid fever. 'Prof. Connell finds that the Pembwoke water supply contains sewage bacteria, and , is, therefore, contaminated. This no doubt iz the cause of the typhoid fever. Some sam- hacteriologist, has examined contain human and animal bacteria. Pembroke will have to extend its suc- tion pipe out further into the Ottawa river, St. George's Cathedral. Two notable sermons were given, yesterday, by Dean Farthing upon the call to Work and the needed saerifice and duty of spiritual life, and by Canon Cody, of Toronto, upon the Second Advent. The congregation on each occasion was over a thousand persons. This day being St: Andrew's festi- val communion was celegrated at 7:30 a.m. for St. Andrew's Brotherhood and men generally; at 10 a.m., for the the W.A., Canon Cody being the preacher. Continuous intercession for' missions was conducted by the four city congregations in. turn, closing with a united service at 5 p.m. » The meeting to select a commitice J to submit names to the bishop for a successor to Dean Farthing as rector bo Mig | W. T. Connell Finds It Con- | Elected--Lady Students Refus- ed to 'Debate on "Woman's Suffrage." 'The Alma Mater Society's meeting on Saturday evening in Convocation hali was noted for the excellent at- tendance. A good representation from all faculties - was pregent .and the gal- lery was honored with the presence of Judiet: 8 wef several reasons for thas large attendance--t oposition by the 1 Society to ane with some of the wllege functions, the Alma Mater nominations and the pro. gramme by the Ladies' Glee Cl The resignation.of DD. A. ut. MA, asa member of musical commit- tee, was accepted 'by the saeiety. The junior yéars in el medicine and science thade applicalion Sor a dato which to hold {their annual "At Home." No final ackion was taken re- garding this communication. Decom. ber 18th was finally fixed for the date for the annual conversazione. The annual meeting of the track club was then held and the following officers elected : Honorary president, Prof. M, B. Baker, B.A., B:Se.; proesi- dent, A. M. Bateman; Vice-prosident, a. F. G. Cadenhead; secretary-treasur- R. W. Brown; assistant socretary, . heLeant committee, H. C. Bert ram, E. Mackinnon, H. Mackinnon. Sok ? nomi tions for annual Alina Mater election 10 be held on Satyvr- day, December 5th, were made as fol- lows : Honorary Shortt, M.A. President--D. 8, Ellis, Engincering Society; J. H. Stead, M.A., medicine. Firgt vicepresident--J. B. Stirling, arts; C. Peeling, secionce. Second | viee-president--NM, R. B.A., medicine. Critic--d.. L. Nicol, M.A Secrotary--P, T. Pilkey, { Bateman, science, Assistant' Secretary -- R. arts; P. Ju Moran, science. Treasurer--J. E. Carmichael, medi- EC presidett, Prof. Adam 3 Bow, .» divinity. arts; A. M: Wilson, ~ spending i oom's father, membered. dozen oranges, 28c. 'Edwards & Jenkin. Phone 775. . ""'Kasagra,' *in25e. and 0c. boitles, at Gibson's Red Dros drug in \ Korea, had a membership of eight hundred. i" "For rough or chapped skin," Hazel- ine Snow. Sold in Kingston at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Phone chocolates. Edwards & Jenkin. The Bi shop of Ontario preached All Saints' church, Toronto, on nd day, an anniversary of the Brother- hood of St. Andrew. The * exhibit of the Chateau Rideau is visited daily by a large number of citizens. Everyone scems in favor of having the hotel here. It cures grippe"' in oné May, Bromo Quinine; "laxative." Sold in King- ston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Miss Patterson, Vietoria street, who was removed to the general hospital last week, suffering from typhoid fever is greatly improved today. Joennox Tooth Paste. Regular price 25c. each; two for 25c., at Wade's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Smith re- turned to Cleveland, to-day, after their honeymoon with = the J. A. B. Smith, Al- Lowney's fred street. Patterson's ~chocolates, Star." Order your corsets Dress Reform, and you will be suré of a prefect fit. The advance salé of seats for 'The Devil" opened at nine o'clock this morning. Theré was a large number of people on hand to secure seats. "The Red cine. i Committee--A. A. MacKay, science; | H. E. Connelly, medicine; W. Dobson, | J. Davison, arts; M. Matheson, B.A. education; A. Rintoul, divinity. tig Messrs. B= R. Cameron, M. A. A.B. | Turner and A. H. Gibson were ap- | pointed to represent Queen's at the | meeting of the Intercollegiate Rugby | Football Union, in Montreal, end | Prof. C.. F, MacDonald, M.A., was np- pointed Queen's representative on the Intercollegiate rughy executive for next year, i The ' Ladies* Give Club under, the | diregtion edcdiss Singleton, renc ered | a very, fine usical, progtuitie eon' sisting of two choruses andi'& plare'| solo, by, Miss; Sanderson. The glee club, it is hoped, will again, fav ig the |, Alina Mater Society with a "da mine, : : JFhe \debisitel betavden, | the years 42 will take. place before | she 8. on Eat urday evening, !eg. | 12th." i. The, Lgvana socjet "have declined to] take part in the de ate With the poli- | 'tical 'scinte 'Bnd délating lub. Thé | subject | wag ted have bee: 'Wamen'si| Suffrage,' The ladies, on thinking the, | | matte over evidently thoug ht the, | [subject was too much one -sidéd to ensure a' good debate. | | Lost" Boys Returned. Thrie lads, Arthur and William Fow- | er, Rideau street] and Robert Ben- nett, Ordnance street, went out the Gananoque road, Saturday afternoon, in search of clover for their pet rab- bits, and gave their parents quite a scare, when they did not return at night. The stray-aways returned homg safe on Sunday night. They walked about fifteen miles, and: stayed at the home of one of tha lads relatives over night, and then tramped back | again, Sunday. | Buy Your 'Xmas Chocolates At "The Red Star," Jenkin.. Phone & my Edwards 75. The flags on the 'city buildings look very much like the one "that for a thousand vears braved Ahe- battle and the breezo."" They are a disgrace to the city, and the city property com- mittee members should be ashamed of themselves for floating such flags. Rev. H. D. Whitmore preached a fine sermon on missions, in Bethel church, Sunday morning. "Carol Ointment" sold id Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Miss Aggie Alderdice, Princess street, is visiting friends in Yarmouth, N.S, | quart, | without a policy | one year (pre: Ie | le {at [TOlly one pla in Kingston' | their | and | will be played | Thursday Fresh oysters, 40c., 50¢., 60c. Edwards & Jenkin. . No prudent man can afford to be that gives weekly indemnity for illness. or accitlent. for one or more days' duration to the extent of four years for accident and for illness, W. J. Fair, a agent. '""Hazeline Snow" ston at Gibson's store. Missionary services will be held in Sydenham and Queen Street Metho- dist churches on December 13th' Rev. Prilyi White; | British Columbia, 'and se J amen, iéillen, JForento, owill be | t eachers. dil a Cherry' in cotigh priced i /i95¢.)! call IP Madea: wdiuge shore) 111 is sold in King- Red Crass drug for 25c., at who wag a candidate for mayor of 'Winnipeg has retired. owing «te the fact that' he "couldn't qualify, haying f cadly in life taken out mtufalization papers -at Bufiale, N.¥.' : This week only, 5 big 10c. Tolle: toi! [ot paper for 25¢., at Bestlsdw odd Sale 61 boys" swealte vs, Se. oan $, 056) New Yorke Prd! Re dor m. Two-quart' hot! water battles, made of ure, rabber; inom 3568 Ho "2 ctieh, ade's Prag Store." fnron you at' Buy sticky "High class candy, | Bluyler fwtand MolUonkey' s wold only" at Gibson! 8 Red. Cross 'de ug store! 'Phone } Secure 230. your income against either sickness or accident in the Fidelity & | Casualty company, ome of the largest and oldest companies in the business; pamphlet of "Important paid between : June, 1907, 1908, will be found inter- Write call on W. J agent. next game at | Claims" June esting, Fair, The or indoor "baseball the Armouries on evening, between the Ser- geants and No. 3y.company. The geants have not lost a. game yet this season, although they have been giv- en ome or two good games. Aecidents do happen, sickness is unavoidable. Those who protect themselves and their families deserve a: place on. the roll of honor. Apply to W. J. Fair for the cheapest and most attractive form, of policy issued. Some citizens carry as much as $30, 000 on single life. . Watch to-morrow's Whit for results of Best's guessing contest. of > To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards; ete., cheapest and best,' at Whisr «ice, I's a mistake to use medicine that is slow to benefit. By using Dr. Hamilton's Pills you get well at once because they active pills--made to benefit from the first dose. % 2 : When you come home at night icel- {ing worn out and weary, take one or two Dr,. Hamilton's Pills and you'll he well 'ang happy in the morning. Dri Hamilton's Pill act in a very mild way; they assist the stomach, promotessises digestion, stop annoy-- aee Bring Good Health in 2 One Night. ing headaches. Ang blood are driven ou is assured. very symptom of biliousness, sto- match Treable and censtipation is im- mediately cured by these famons pills, which are used as a family medicine in thousands of homes. Are they in yours ? i "Get a 25¢. box eof Dr. Pills from. your druggist. for $1, from N. C. Polson Co., ston, Ont', and Hartford, Conn, A. poisons in the and good health Hamilton's Five boxes King- 1.8, will be held on Thursday evening. At a social of the Boys of Toronto, H. presented with a very skin club bag. Kingston OW | ¥. Claxton -was at |- Watch Chewing Tobacco The big black plug. 2209 tu Mortgages purchased. Dopoesel {anniv ersar works' $s C. McGill, Managing Director. ! The regular water R7 Clarence street. , / Ls commitec meeting this afternogn was postgohed. fine alligator | | | | i . Here,_are some of the objects to many owt ean you 'name ? Auswe _< CONFECT IONER' S. PUZZLE. thow window. How' be seen in the er on Wednesday. Iatwest Easily Read And Re | at New York In cure. Regular }.. Forrester, formerly 4) King-1/ will first satisfy hi n regarding the absolu safety of his investmen Once establishing t THE WISE INVESTOR ori sus profits. © If you want to gamble, our investment not for you. but if you want a gooll, safe inves menti- where your money is secured by a fi mortgage on assets several times the value of t! mortgage, bearing interest at 6 per cent., payab half yearly--and then yod also participate i int further profits éarned, we have got high you wan and can supply you in blocks of $100, $500 OR $1,000 Ycur investment ranks pro rata, whetlier for $10 or $100,000. Similar i investments in Ganada hav dividends besides, and there is no reason why this should not do as Well Or éven better. A if si ; ra 1 & oh 'Thomas. Mi 79 Clarehce $20 Hand tailored garments, | ready to try on,'yet so con structed that alterations can be made quickly and ] "accurately, wereoriginatedwithFit-Refom. The system of training tailors. to bebe perfect in making an individual part of a garment, "was introduced into Canada by Fit-Reform. Styles which easily supplant the efforts of the best custom tailors are created by Fit-Reform. The protection to purchasers of guaranteeing satisfaction or money back, was original with Fit-. Ji: Room CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Ages for Kington "Mexican, Floridas, all sizes. Cor Fruit and Bananas Toye's, 302 King Street. "Phone. 141. Policies Issued by the Impesial Guarantee and Accident Insuranée Company of Can- ada Pay Indemnity for Thirty Diseases, 4 Including Smallpox and Quarantine. A y now for : your Potioy 3 at the office, Rare St. Kingston. }Q. Hutton, Ag

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