Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1908, p. 8

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AGE EIGHT. ESTABLISHED," 1849. Long Fur Coats Are all the Rage this Season and wé can meet the Demand for any Style GARMENT Made from perfectly matched Skins. Doing things best hag been Our Reputation for Fifty Years, and we are not likely to be careless at any pojnt now, al not a FUR COAT for JOIN MeKAY FUR HOUSE CHRIST- i tor at the police station on Saturday. He re ------ THES P.M. EDITION] 'GLAD TO GET SHELTER. Was Hard Up and on Tramp to o His Home. Albert Morrison, a" young man hailing from Ottawa, was given shel tramped most of the way here from the capital, and stated that he was on his way to bis home in Michi- gan. Ill health antl bad luck in se. caring employment, appears to have placed him down and out. He was given a couple of good meals on Sun- day 'and 'this morning, he started out on his journey in a very ohéerful mood, One of the constables made the re- mark that the station was a rather poor hoarding Tose, es, it may be rather , gloomy," said Morrison, "but there 'is a rool over your head, and' that is some- thing. For some time past, 1 have not always heen able to have this much." CITY CHAMPIONSHIP RACE s-- Event Will Be Pulled Off Saturday Afternoon. In order to set 4 record for the five- mile city championship, a race will be held, weather permitting, Satur- day afternoon, December 5th, at three o'clock. The race will be over "a certi- fied five-mile course, beginning and endirfg at the YYM.CA, A medal will be presented to the winner; if his time does not exceed thirty-five min- utes, The name of the winner, date and time will 'be engrayed on the Nelles Shield, which will "he held at the association building. After the 107 Princess Bla #49-155 Broek St, deal Git for Chrismas | ~The Auto Stop Safety a THE ONLY SAFTY RAZOR that, can be stropped without removing blade } from frame. The only Safty Razo® whose blade can be stropped over and over again hair edge. | to al No old blade blades to continually outfit for to throw away ; buy, $5.00 no new a lifetime. wr Also Safty Razor, all kinds. WwW. A Mitchells, 85 Princess St. HARDWARE. from adc; up, B44 HEE EPPPEEEL LEITH {in | visited street, Articles | Our wibdgw displays of ur wibay Ainge 0 goods. alselection Solid Brass Fine Electric Table Lamps, Candle Sticks, Jardinieres, Smokers' Sets, Ash Trays, &c. The decided rich effect, and is | buy a) are store, | promptly | the cheapest and best place. 'Has Strength Restored By Vinol. | feeble that T have | around in ) pre "Old Brass" finish gives a 9 would result. | cod liver record is set on Saturday afternoon, | any amateur in: tho city® ma) run on la week's notice, Fo AAAS SHISIIBIIIORN KINGSTON SCOTCHMEN. President | A. E. Ross:Sent This Canfda : "A Health To Old Scotland and The Sons of The Heather." The Scotchmen were handed out dark and dismal weather for St. Andrew's day, but ds the old time parades arc no longer in vogue, and as their bah quent has been postponed, it didn't matter. The flags were flying from various public and private buildings, the Whig's Union Jack being the first to be floated early m hy Mody Many, Bcotchmen had their usual friendly horn of Mountain Dew along with their comrades of other nationalities, and heather was' freely worn. President A. E. Ross, MD, of St. Andrew's Society, sent out the following Canada, from Vancouver to Halifax: "A health to old Scotland and the Sons of the Heather." ings received by president Ross and secretary Stewart i-- From Halifax--""May Scotia's cheer this day be thine and every joy for Auld Lang Syne." ° From Ottawa--""St. Andrew's Society of Ottawa extends kindest greetings and hest wishes, for we're a' Jock Tamson's bairns." From™ Cornwall-- "Where the Highland tartans wave Love and friendship join together' No vile tyrant, serf or slave, Treads the bonnie purple heather, Sae drink a cup tae Scotland yet Wi a' the honors three." From Winnipeg--"Oer sickers ¢' the: west are a' fu' the year. God never en's mou's but he sen's meat t' fill them. Greeting to Societies All Over worl, arou greeting 'to sister societies throughout | gift The following are some of the greet- | § + Edward & Jeskin. "Best's Sher "Stop" ir cure that {com ugh for 5c. K & bE aialinating train is Prot. Dy Dyde lectures in Belleville on "Sha on Degember 7th. at Guel; h "lime, for purposes. Swaine, ,: piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "Phone 778 'Norval Hodgson , Toronto, ¢ Sunday with friends i in the city. Sale souvi "cards, two dozen for 10¢. New York Dress Reform. Lennox Iron Pills. Regular price '125¢. each; 2 for 26¢., at = Wade's rig store. A prepa reparatory service will be held in Jooke's church, on Friday éven- in, Romemads taffies, ~ Edwards & Jenkin. Brownie cameras, $1 to $9, at Best's. One would make a fine Christmas Sale of corsets, dip-hip, with hose supporters, be. New York Dress Re- orm "Strong after dipner mints," a iresh Jot received at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, y Fresh oysters. Edward & Jenkin. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Ohickering's, Leave orders at Me- Auley's Book Store. Inspector Wright has added six more 'names to his "Indian" list, bringing | the total up to Hinety tho. "Chase's Reree Food," sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red nn drag store. P. Walsh has'just vecoived a car of | the Camadian Mining and Smelting Co.--Some Facts Concerning It. Canada 1 r containing: dance of mineral wealth and Ohtasio is looked upon as the richest prbvince in a rich dominion. Her silver, lead, nickle, iron and mica properties have made the eyes of the an world turn towards her in long- ing. Many mines have been opened ed out rich ore. A representative of the Whig visited one of the richest lead pyapertics in -Eastern Canada on Sum- day last' This is the prope of the Canadian Lead Mining Smelting company, limited, situated ug cighteen miles from the city, near Loughboro. The property embraces the mineral rights of 220 acres of land, which is so arranged that about one mile of the vein outcrops on the property. The vein in som~ places reaches a width of 22 fect, and averages 12 feet in width, carrying over 6 per cent. lead, as the lowest estimates of it, and the assays in the richest ore chutes show 15 to 20 per cent. lead. Many expeHs have examined the property and all have no hesitation in pronouncing it the richest lead property in Eastern Canada. The property is surrounded by a number of small lakes, nature thus bestowing every advantage for concentrating the ore, and. four miles from the mines the Bay Children's stockings that will wear; double knee, 20c., 25¢.; over-slockings, 200. New York Dress "Reform. BR KE ¥ LOOK FOR GALES. A ROYAL SALUTE. IE -------- To-morrow, Deceniber 1st being the birthday of Queen Alexandra, the R. C. H. A. will, at noon, fire a royal salute of twenty-one guns. ¥ * § * ; 2 | HCHAIH SHH Out With Coma. trifle No matter or how long | Peck's Corn Salve In boxe ISHII OK Don't them with corns, don't endure what kind they | you have had them will take them out. big (15e., at Wade's drug Our City Merchants. have their at the Can printing done Iritish Whig cllice, Sweet Mexican Oranges. Two dozen Phone 775. 25¢. Edwards & Jenkin. The chicken thieves are-agaip busy the city." On Satnrday niglft they some homes Frontenné carrying away some fine game on fowl. Feeble Old Lady Mrs. Pa., "For Michael Bloom, who is cighty a long of Lewistown, years of age, says: time 1 have heen had to be wheeled an invalid"s chair. I had strength and took cold at the ghtest provocation, which invariably on my lungs, and a cough | My son learned of the 80 We toast Saint | An' { Auld Scotland wants nae slinkin ware association sent, of Will spoke the | dwelling | dress: was much enjoyed. may the memories 0' the auld hame e refreshed the nicht amang ye. Guid | gree be wi' ye, an' at last ¢' the Lard's)| ain howf may ye hae bydan." From Toronto--Gif ye want friens, we're on your list." | From Albany, N.Y. -- | "To Scotsmen a', in ilka lan' | We gie this day a friendly han' AT aye wi' them we proudly 'or Scotland's Ame. Andrew an' An' oor auld hame." From St. Catharine *¥Ye powers wha mak care dish them out their bill-o-fare, truo stan' his ban' man-kind your That jaups in luggres; But if ye wid her gratefw prayer | Gie her a Haggis." | From'Trenton--'""May peace and plenty e the lot o' ilka kindly brither: Scot." GREAT SCOPE FOR WORK. T. B. Billings Speaks in the Yi. M. C. A! 'on Sunday Afternoon. TT. H. Billings, MA, tury of the Y.M.C.A, gave an excellent address udder the | auspices of the senior Bible study | club, at jhe Young. Men's Christian | on Sunday afternoon, at | 1:15. There was a large attendance, Dr. W. G. Apglin 'was chairman and gave a most cordial welcomed to the speaker 'and also to thé visitors' pre- Fhe: crowd sang: heartily many {he .familiar hymns, and entered with jegthusiasm the singing' of Alexander's new gospel song, "He! Hold Me Fast." Mr: Billings | on the great scope for work | association movement afforded, | on the necessity of entering | into the spirit of service... The ad-| The Bible | student secre- for Canada, * ¥* [oa {group of unrecognized cases, and these Toronto, - Nov. '80.--The meteorological office has warned the shipping on the great lakes to e O/87pect heavy south-west westerly gales late to- Sight and 'on Tuesday. ; | % | 2 | HASIIBIICION AASKASIISISISIIOISE ASIC | EXACT DEATH RATE: FROM SMALL POX IN ON- TARIO IN EIGHT YEARS. Was One Per Cent of'the Cases-- Prof. W. T. Connell, of Queen's Medical College, Writes About Vaccination. jand tested, and is found to run between Kingston, Nov. 30.--(To the ¥ Lditor) In your issue of 28th inst ., there is a fetter from "Citizen" stating that in the past eight years there have been only | two deaths in Ontario from the disease we now have in our midst. The offi-| cial réturns of she registrar-general of this province give 5, 368 cases from 1899 to 1906 inclusive, with §6 deaths, a mot-! tality just over one per eent, still a very small morality and shows. that tht type 'of the epidemic is mild, | | especially when we compare it with the Montreal epidemic of 1885 where over thirty' per cent. of those attackéd,. died. Jut it is this very mildness which has permitted the disease to spread, fof i many patients are only ill for a few, ays,'a number do not call in a physician i and indeed a few are actually not in- capacitated for work. | This gives us ai cases, not knowing the possible dangers to ethers (or in a few cases being sel- This is (complete. of Quinte railroad runs through to} Kingston. The natural location of -the property affords every advantage for removing and handling the ore. Mine No. 1 is situated at the base of a hill rich in lead. Much work fas already been done on the property, the mines being developed to such an extent that 124,000 tons of ore are blocked out and ready for treat- ment, and the company are ready to proceed installing their large conden- trating plant on the property, and to erect their smelter in the city. At the present time three shafts have been sunk to different depths. Shaft No. 1 at mill No. 1 goes down to a depth of 70 feet, all in rich ore, and 1,200 feet of drifting has also been done from this shaft. Over a mile from mine No. 1, a northeasterly direction, mill No. |3 is found; where a shaft has been put down seventy-five feet. From this shaft some of the richest ore yet removed has ibeen taken. The vein has been followed "these: two mines, and about middle dis- tance between them, a shaft was put dawn to a depth of go feet in rich ore, These mines. are now equipped with {complete mining plants. and: buildings and, with. other development work done has cost $05,000. 'When the corcentra~ ting mill and smelter are completed the company will begin to. market the great quantities of lead which they have ready, The Property to Be Developed By | Lead as a country | in the past few years and all have bd a Fifty thousand dollars of the capital stock will be put aside to drive a tunnell between these two mines, a distance of over one mile, taking three years to When the tunnel is completed $15,000,000 worth of ore will be blocked out on the property, The large smelter that will be erected at Kingston will not only smelt 'the ore from the companies own mines, but will he capable of handling the cohgentrates | irom any, other properties in Pater, anada and will also treat large guanti- | ties of by products. One year after the | smelter 1s: completed it will be ready to { Handle Cobalt and silver, with its other or BASKETBALL TEAMS, 'We have just received several Foinarkally ~ good lots of Fancy Handkerchiefs. These we will place eon sale To:morraw, a8 fol lows : ¥: + 60 Dozens Ladies' Fine Hormstitched Embroidered Design Running close to hemstitch centre, with cond check design. This Handkerehiel is easily worth 30¢. Yours To-Morrow, 15c Each. 60 Dozens Ladies' Lace Edge Hand- Embroidered Handkerchiefs A very dainty pattern and one that would make a most acceptable Christmas gift. This Handkerchief is also worth 30e. While They Last To-morrow, 13c Each, 40 Dozens Ladies' Fine Swiss Hem- stitched Handkerchiefs With dainty colored vender, Light Olive i i#fehic" and are worth design. These orl 20c each or $2. 7: Yours To Morrow, 10c Each. if 4A lice Blue, La- broidered Corner fish enough not to consider others), go about their duties, mingle freely with the {public and are centres from which the disease spreads. Isolation amd quaran- tine will prove inefficient to protect the {public in the presence of such cases, in | fact must fail unless all infected indi- by | viduals are isolated, all those exposed | Ito 'infection quarantined and their | clothing and dwellings @iinfected. Now, among the cases we have so far had in Kingston, not one has had al Bifis--C. Jackson (Capt.); C. Mox- recent successful vaccination; in faét | ley, S. Parkhill, George Birch, H. Car- lin all cases but three, the disease ha 1s (roll, A. Sinclair, F. Newman, George preparation called Vinol and 13 | procured a bottle jor me. It buiit up '{my strength rapidly, and after taking | join with them each week at "four! taking three bottles T am able to do | o'clock. * Everybody is welcome, fc most of my work, and I can walk a | . ol quarter of a mile easily, Every laged New Books, At Uglow's. or weak person who requires strength | The Trail of the Lonesomé' Pine, {should t¥y Vinol. 1 am delighted i A Pion Fox, jr. Puith what A has Sane for Fa? a The Last Voyage of the Donna - ~ = | 8 o yoav utider anc sirengy JEWELLER $ hil. v : : bel, by Randall Parrish. Sloan for, old pecple, delicate shit | Lewis Rand, by Mary Johnston. Issuer of Marriage dren, weak, run-down persone, and | Licenses. $1 much mired, JRearonable in price, suitable for gilts. I'study chib cordially invites all young | {men who are strangers in the city to | | The Schedule Arranged at the ¥Y. M. C. A. Teams and schedule in the Y.M.C.A Senior Basketball League opens Fri- day, Dec. 4th, for the Meadows Cup. Blufis--W. Bearance (Oapt.); Frank Birch, J. Stagg, H. Dennison, Ss. Lailey, G. Henderson, V, Green, L. Lee, R. Ward, W. Baguley, D. Eavns, W. Ludlow. and i Spangenberg Isa- pee : ) ' } : 5 I'he Man from Broduey's, by George | alter sickness, Vinol is uMexeclled. If ys, wy & de : A X Barr McCutcheon. fails to satisfaction we will re- | give PN x g1ve The Riverman, by Stewart E. | turn REEFIPHIRIP P4440 e409 | your money. Geo. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston. | White. Out of Doors in the Henry Van Dyke. A Child's Guide to Pictures, Caffin. Web of Time, R. I. Knowles. Making of Personality, Bliss { man. The Great Fight, Dr. The Magie Door, Conan Doyle. Beautiful stock, new illustrated and | presentation volumes and - leather bound editions, R. Uglow & com: Holy Land, by Car- pany. Granulated Sugar 1s the acme of Sugar Réfining. i Ask for it. satisfaction, d. A. HENDRY, Wholesale Agent for Kingston Its use guarantees All grocers keep it, House Goats and Dressing Gowns tis bib & Suitable Christmas § presents 'at pleas- : ing prices. | turday | some | maiden | years. | . » | been a guard in the penitentiary for | "4 Livingston's | | ! k | | | Whig. | as Died At Portsmouth. Mrs. Thomas Marsh, Portsmouth, passed awgy at her. residence on Sa evening after an illness of months. The deceased, whose name was | Ellen A. Reed, | daughter of Robert Reed, Glenburnie. | Ske had lived in Portsmouth for some Besides her husband, who has {some years, two children, a boy and {a girl, are left to mourn her loss. { The' funeral 'was held this afternoon: {services conducted by the Rev. Mr. | Orisp, of whose church the deceased was a member. 7 Fall Importations O! 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received all fall importations for order work n his tailoring department. His rea- | dy- -made clothing and gents' furnish- ing departments' were never better as- sorted. To Advertisers. Cuts suitable to "Christmas, as well | various | the | appropriate borders of sizes, may be ordered through Samples may be seen at the i office. Students At The Bijou. A picture drama of especial interest | to college students, Bijou Theatre, | Wednesday and Thursday. | case of John ! | | of paying Sentence has heen suspended in the Tomlinson and John Arnott, who impersonated vy Dexter poll in Thunder Bay River constituency. The English court decided 'that it' is illegal for trades unions to levy rates for. the purpose labor members of parlia- of appeals has ment, } attacked {ease has occurred in récent years. Drummond. | i epend for immunity on- the Sleranat and aia individuals who have never been successively vaccinated, and in these three the most recent vaccination {was over twenty years ago. Al | similar history can be obtained from any 'community in Ontario where the dis- There [is then every reason for urging all citi- | zens and the members of their families still unvaccinated (except , those en- [tec bled by age or disease) to protect themselves as quickly as possible, for the disease will only spread now by at- | tacking those not so protected. Any who fail to so protect themselves will general vaccination of the community and their {good fortune in not being exposed to | infection, § { Finally, let me add for the benefit-'of some few in our community that I am not reaping any financial advantages directly or indirectly by urging vaccin- atiof, but like other tax-payers will have to pay my share of the cost for public vaccination and the larger expense of Avans, G. Knowles. - Mufis--W. Henderson (Capt.); Pound, F, King, E. Vallier, dreau,. Fred. Newman, A. Graves, E. Hiscock, .C. McGillivray, ¥. Waldron, L. Marchand. Mifis.--F: Partridge (Capt.); R. kinson, G. Vanhorne, R. Partridge. Day, E! Gillespie, A. Woodrow, Dyke, R. Ward, T. Bucknell. Schedule--December 4th, Blufis Muffs; Biffis vs. Miffs; December, Biffs ve, Miffs; Bluffs vs. Muffs; December 11th, Blufis vs, Mifis; Mufis v& Biffs; December 14th, Mufis vs. Miffs; vs. Biffs. ¥ 4 Judging from the make-up of various teams, good sport before this league is over, as the teams are very- evenly match ed. . Goulding, A. L. D. Blomley: At: R. H. VS. the At The Police Court. At the police court, this morning, a contractor was summoned for a the epidemic. Yours very truly, WoT. CONNELL. Splendid Pictures At Bijou. A fine colored drama entitled "The Lover Who Played False," is on at the Bijou, to-day and to-morrow, wether with an exciting melodrama, | "Chased, by Bloodhgunds." The later tells of how the cleverness of a pair of dogs led to' the capture of two criminals. There is alSo an interesting series of pictures showing scénes' in the mountains of Switzerland and a dashing song by Will West, entitled | "The Sailor. Boy." The 'programme is one-of unusual Jength and interest. to- | breach of tha city by-law, in allowing a fire escape, which he is erocting on the Congress hotel, to encroach on the sidewalk. The eontractor said that he was backed up by the licenso in- spector, and ihe license department, but the city splicitor contended that the work must comply with the city by-laws. The fire escape will cause no inconvenience, and the contractor will likely receive the necessary permission. The city engineer will be given plans and will report. prime -- To Cure A Cold In One Day. refund money if it Ww. lets. Druggists fails to cure. E. ture is on each box. To The Ladies: At Home cards, visiting cards, ete., cheapest and best, at Whig office. 25¢, "imothy L. Woodruff, chairman of the New York republican state com- mittee, has eliminated himself from the sehatorial race in favor of secre- tary of State Elihue Root. Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- gular'price 25¢. each; 2 for: - Wade's drug store. Madame La Blanche, the performer eral Hospital, A. Gau- [i Biufis | there should be some | Something Special for Wednesday Watch our announcement To-morrow Night. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- |! Grove's signa- iL 25¢,, at |: i whe was seriotsly injured at the last | {exhibition died at the Tovonta Gen- 'Some Spocial Bargains in Boys™ Boots Just When You Need Them And at the Right Prices : Blucher Boots, sizes 1 to 5. rari ss Ssuiwinns sevsensstong $1.60. Hoary. Boots, pegged. soles; wer Bargain 1 Lot of Casco Cali NOW ....... .- A Special Lot of Bo "cap solid leather. NO A Bargain Lot of extra apd Boots, finer and ot ¢ good : and strong. NOW . 1.00, Bo He Brain. Boots, and solid. a - - avg. sen saasnive enn $1.40, Some Finer ¢ Shoes, for Ghristmas trade, Hand-Made and : stylish, at . : $2.50 and $3.00. The Tooker Shi oe Store. peged whndene sesingreainis swassnes ons sediiay

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