GLASSES A Useful 'Xmas Gift In our new stock, yeu will find everything of the highest quality, Our Opera Glasses have the finest Lemaire Lepses and cannot be ex- welled, Lemaire (lasses, in Black Frames, from $7.00 up to $10.00. In fine Pearl up to $15.00. Ordinary French Glasses, from 00, repens senate KINNEAR & PESTERRE, JEWELLERS, Princess and Wellington Sts., KINGSTON. the ly, it is only natur have tried to imitate it. "- T 1 } n Melton and Beaver Overcoating8. Newest .Shades in Ulsterings and Suit. ings. John Tweddell 22 fin tei smooth. figure effect 131 Princess street. (DEE) i a > ---- - CEPPEREERERYEE ALOE RYRERER ERE EH Burnishine a Metal Polish will do its work:as easy itfeold as in : warm weather. Nothing better that we know of for Cleaning. and Polishing Brags, Copper, Zing; Tin, Nickel, Stove Edges, and all Kinds of Metals. In tins, all sizes, half pint to 'one gallon, oy oh McKelvey & Birch 69 AND 71 BROCK, STREET, a No Approbati | The Retail Shoe Merchants of Kingston--Having proven to the satisfaction of the most critical that The Cash System is the only modern method of doing business, desire to announce that at a re- cent meeting of the Retail Shoe Association, it was unanimously de- cided to continue the present Cash system. It was further pointed out that Kingston Shoe" Merchants, because of the Cash System, were selling shoes at much lower prices than Merchants doing busi- ness in Credit Cities are able to do, Kingstonians therefore deriv- ing the benefit of close Cash prices, because of the dealer being in a position to buy his merchandise for Cash and to save his discounts. It was resolved that a copy of the '"The Merchants determina- tion to continue the Cash System " be properly advertised so that they would not be put to the unpleasant neeessity, of declining . to send goods on approbation or to charge same. Abernethy Shoe Store A, E, Herod - Jas, Johnston Shoe Store H. Jennings The Lockett Shoe Store Reid & Charles W. A. Sawyer J. H. Sutherland & Bro, - ' FO-00000000000000000000.00000000:000000 00000000 "STOVES." We carry in stock one of the largest as- sortments of Cooking Staves, Ranges and Heaters in the city, and invite you to ex- examine before purchasing. See the "Art Garland" and "Art Treasure" Heaters. | The "HAPPY HOME" Range has a large ' ventilated oven, handsomein design, econ-, . | again "here. Joweather is much appreciated. D the west on Saturday. sa position at North Cobalt 'and Tro 'that town. . ; 4 Tao "\ THE DAILY "ENTS TELLUS. THe Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What 4 Brewer's Mills Notes. Brewer's Mills, Nov. 30.--Roads are ih an excellent condition. A large number attended the 'party in _jhe Masonic hall, Seeley's Bay, on Thurs: day night. H. Forrester as conval- escent. The teacher, Miss E. igan, has 'resigned. P, J. Mc Kanna, M. Smith and P. Murray are Notes From Bicknell's Corners. Biékneli's Corners, Nov, 30.--M. MacDonnell's beg was well attended. John Simmons and son, Wesley, made a business trip to Napanee. Miss Wil- fon has commenced - practising the school children for a concert. Mr. and Mrs. John Emberly, Yarker, visited their son, Alva Emberly, on Wednes- day last. Several from around here attended the sale at Mr. Hartman's, Mr. Steadman of Camden East, load- ed a car of potatoes on Thursday, ---- Sharpton News Budget. wharpton, Nov, - 28.--~The fine open . Karn received word of the death of his un- vole; John Karn, a pioneer resident of the Tamworth district. Miss Loretta McCormick, who has been ill, is bet- ter. There 'was a surprise party at Mr. Vanorder's last night. Dancing was indulged in. Mr. Revelle has leased the Smith farm which Messrs, Walker and Babcock vacate, the for- mer' moving to Desert Lake, the lat- ter to Verona. Mrs. Lemmon, a for- mer resident is renewing old acquain~ tances. It is.said that. all the cheese factories will be closed in November, Israel Walker has moved in with his J sam Frederick, Maberly Matters. Maberly, 'Nov. 30.--The much need- od phin is goming at last and the water in the swamps has commenced to rise. The invitations age out for the marriage of Miss Sarah. Buchan- ak and Mr, Hopkins, Harber, vety. popular young people. H. Buchanan has been engaged as teach- er, for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks spent Sunday at Wil- lim" Buchanpn's. The box social for Christmas night is now in full swing anf' a good time is expected. Dr. Lillie; Westport, has been here for three days and was kept very busy. Dr. Consitt, Perth, wag in the village last . week, Thomas Barrie, Perth, has bee here buying lambs dor a John Bughanap, haw had few , days. a fie stone wall built under his John' Mess returned from kitcheh! on Killed A Black Bear. den East. Messrs. Campbell and Er- win have ghipped three cars of lambs fe Montreal. 'Joseph McCoy shot and illed 'a black bear. James Crain shot a lynx. John Barr has secured gone Clarenden---8 tation, Nov. 80, --Mizs| of Meat ive Here Te aps a Rp REE Sng at Cam- Osip_ Susselitch. a Cossack Born Dec. 16th, 1773. Moscow. Russia, 'Dee. 1.~Osip Sus- selitch, a Cossack, was the oldest man in the world until he died recently the truly venerable age of one and thirty-five years." $2 : Such 11 the news: from Tiflis, where Susselitch, who had lived more than one-fourteenth 'part of the Christian era, lived. so Jong may 'seem incredible isn these days.. But excellent authorities, including the Kavkaz, | 0 newspaper in Tiflis, insist there can be no doubt that Osi ; was born Dec. 16, 1773. That is the very day A.|and date on which, on the other side of the world, the "rebels" threw the British tea img k Harbor, ; This patriarch of nearly'a century and a half was a man in his prime when Napoleon the Great | invasion of Russia, t Susselitch did not fight with "General Frost" in' de- fense of his country. Forty years later, however, when he was four score years of age he fought agaiust the English, French and Sardinian allies in the Crimea and helped to defend Sebastopol. He used to tell of feng sear Count Tolstoy, then'a young officer of the ar- tillery, Susselitch served in the Russian army in sevéral Asiatic campaigns, and for ten years lived in captivity among the Turcomans of Central Asi Susselitch 'never married; flippant bachelors may ascribe 'hig'long term of years to his single blessdness. may be that he regretted his lonely life; certainly he had a strange mental amuse- ment for a bachelor." He was fond of estimating how many of his descendants he would have seen had he married early and had his children and their children heen ordinary prolific. He set the nui- ber at 973. . Reception Gown. 1 This design would 'make up charm: ingly if developed in olive green cioth trimied with Oriental embroidery, or amethyst chiffon * with' Syrian embroidery, The gowa in the illustra- ' The Sabbath children and their choir ng hard for t§6I school are practis; Christmas entgfé n s an t a {iHeimoc ort i coln- try. Mrs. t has returned Sharhot Lake. William 'Cook Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cook . are from Haileybury renewing old quaintances. The Messrs, have been fortunate in the Cobalt Silver camp and secured a nice pile of money. John Boles, ir., is. also home from Cobalt; he struck a rich vein also. Gilbert Rancier,' of Pe. terboro, has returméd to his home after visiting his parents, Lo- cal option" will likely carry a large majority in this townshiy 1 from and here ac- Cook by J). Willetsiiolu.e Personals. Willetsholme, Nov. 28.--The Ep- worth League meetings; held in the church every Wednesday 'evening, are well attended. Rev. F. W. Dansby was unable to attend services on Sunday last, owing to siekness. Rev. Mr. Me- Connell filled the pulpit. Miss Enia Wilson is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. Spence' Springfield. Many from here attended the concert held in Atkinson's schoolhonse on Friday last. The many friends of T. McNee- ly are glad to hear that he is able to be around again. 'Miss Lillie Toland is spending a few days with hep par- ents in Kingston. Miss May BFll in- tends leaving on Monday for Belle- ville, where she will remain during the winter months, The young people of the vicinity "are practising for a Christmas entertainment, ¥. Elliott, ill for a» few days, is convalescing. Miss Ella Wilson' spent Wednesday, with Mrs. George Miilions. Victor Fisher, Seeley's Bay, at H. Orr's: G. Cowan at John Wilson's; J. Roberts at "John Bennett's; Herbert McNeely spent Sunday at T. Weir's, Pittsfer- ry; Mrs, Whitney, visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hutton; is very ill with low fever, BOARD OF HEALTH PRAISED By Dr, Bibbins, New York State Medical Expert. There have been statements freely nade that the disease which attacked # number of people here was not what the local doctors and the Ontario Pro: vincial -Board of Health expert pros nounced it, and that Dr. Charles N. Bbi- bins, medical expert of the New York State Board of Health, who was recently here, had said it was only chickenpox. The Whig wrote Dr. Bibbins about the matter, and has just received his reply which states that he carefully examined all the cases at the fort and found that every one of them had the real disease claimed. Dr. Bibbins further says: "I found the Kingston Board of Health energetic, and their method of isolation and quarantine weye most ex- cellent, Upon investigatidn, I found that vaccination was becoming quite general. I doubt whether thé vaccina- tion. restriction at 'Cape Vincent would' have been raised had 1 found a less omical in fuel and a perfect baker. 77 PRINGESS | {ELLIOTT BROS. "=z | : 0000000 000000000000000 SACO0C0AD-00VVOROONIIG . | energetic Board of Health." se-------- | "Nefs. Ointment," the kind sold on tion had a flounced gkirt' of white jchiffon, with'a lace doat belted at the waised waistline by a girdle of white Eatin. The plastron was of lace, with & bow of gold tissue.. The sleeves of tucked chiffon capped with > ere & ace The yoke and collar were also of chifion, the collar being finished with a frill oi lace. Shr Economy may be made the road tor] foolishness if you crowd it too hard. Her Skin Was Blotchy Scaley like pimples covered her face and ruined her complexion A Speedy Cure. "When my skin had always been so clear and ruddy I found it very morti fying to see pasty ahd pimply Patches coming over my acs; writes Mrs. S. T. Ungerer; a weldmawn resident of Wheeling. "Great. "red blotches came on my chin, grew dry and scaled off. I think my stomach was at fault. Cer- tainly my. blood was poor because my, lips were white and I had unpleasant fullness and ringing in the ears. "Noticing in the papers such strong recommendations for Ferrozone 'as a blood and. stvengthéning medicine, decided to use it.. From, the first tah- let T took there was an improvement. I felt better and had such -a good appetite, improved 'in color and the old rosy flush slowly returned to my cheeks." Fipally the blotches began to leave and the" skin grew soft and smooth. I have gained some in weight look the picture of health and feel as if 1 had never been ill." There is no nourishing 'tonic so sure to build up and strengthen as Ferro- zone. It contains concenirated vege- table extracts that 'supply every weakened system with the element it lacks. Health, vigor, happiness-- these are the direct results of using Ferrozone Gegularly. Sold by all dealers, 50c. per box or six boxes for 82.50. Get Ferrozone to- day. THE ANT, Facts About One of Natures Most Industrious Creatures. When 'spring comes with all its wealth of opening buds and new flow- ers, the ant is preparing for a season of profitable er. It comes out of its winter quarters and locates a new home where it can store Away, during the summer months the "sustenance for the long winter daye. + . Just as industrious as the ant--but in a different way, are the countless-- infinitisemal germs which burrow into the scalp and eat away at the roots of the hair. : As they burrow away dandruff forms and if the germs are not all killed, baldness results. Newbro's HMerpicide is the only i known remedy which kills- the germs, Sold by leading' druggists. "Send the market on Sdturday is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Herpicide Co.,- Detroit, Mich. Two was breathed his Jast. - That he should have | Kavkaz, Russia's official | ide the disastrous | 10¢. in stamps for sample to The of "A A te hea ad 3% 10 at one baking." You take no risk, as Range is fully guar- om \ "For Salé By All Dealers." BUY A UNIVERSAL FAVORITE AND YoU BUY THE BesT ff 16 loaves of bread in pans. SYNOPSIS OF N.CANADIA DEWAR'S ~ "Special Liqueur is the Finest Whisky in the World "" ! " ly. five miles onc! ssted to . 'one applicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10 a mile per annum. Ro ality per | cent after the output ex: $10,000. W: W. CORY, y of the Minister of the Interior. Depu NB Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Look! Would Any of These Suit You? T or Yaabi ot m Young aang 23 vi le 3 od AY X A dug i os py oil Yast wale mie A ami ad vostrziniogh s 1" a of Opp ar fre Xk all i il A a ode 4 2 - ok ow 4 gree > Taal . Ree ud ; £7 po . a ¥ ". Wl n fica work- it" tailor ean t our re. material, ats is p 4H ' 3 lower than your experience can recall. - ' : re 'We've got some good Overcoats as low as $5 and §6, but we can show you three good lines of durable 'Coats, well made, latest styles, at $9.50, 8.50 and 7.50 Our lines of Fine, High Grade Overcoats at $11.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50 and 18.00 are from three to five dollars better value than you will see elsewhere. Before you purchase an Overcoat see ours. We leave it to your better judgment. cy, 127 Princess Street, Kingston. ° The Store That Sets the Pace. 00000060600006060000000 Slipper Soles for men, 35¢, 40c to 60c. Slipper Soles for women, 25¢, 30 to 50c. Slipper Soles for girls, 25¢ and 35¢c. Slipper Soles for children, 20¢c, 25¢and and 35c, ' : Slipper Soles for babies, 15¢ and 20c. 2 If you are making Slippers for 'Xmas now is the best time to buy the ¢ soles. » Ladies' Black Overgaiters; sh ortlength, 35¢, 50c and 65c. aa isiges, ile, and $1. G.. W. Mahood, special agent. : OUR OVERGOATS ~~ 4 n 4 Het . Es Ral, ' Men 2 aR . ad por . ¥ £23 " Roney & Co's " - 1e=New Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, .B. & CO. and furnace, also ors stabié and drive-house, large lot, $2, Borel. 2-First-class Nearly. New: Frame; ole ling, 4 bedrooms, Be C. $1,850. 8--New Frame Dwelling, B. & C., large lot, $1,500. client. Good Stone Dwelling in excellen a able garden and, orchard of the choicest , varieties of fruit, $1650. S---Stone' Dwélling, » le ] of good garden land, TL a50, 4 bedrooms 159 Wellington Street. tba, MONUMENTS or . > EF Bag y 4 wf INSCRIPTION WORK | © +. SOLICITED.: : : The Kingston Granite .. and Marble Works WELCE'S OLD STAND. Cor Princess: and Clegy Sta. ' Our Chocolates Are made daily ; always- fresh ; always good; all prices, and flavors. le Cream > PRICE'S, Phone 845. 288 Princess 86.7 Apples Just Arrived Qne Car. 90% Perfect Baldwins and = Spys. A. GLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Earl M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop uick Hair Dressing andy Shaving Parlor: ervice, ronage solicited. Three Chair, our pat. 336 King Street Next door to Wade's Drug Store: SLIPPER SOLES & OVERGAITERS See our window display of Slipper Soles and Overgaiters. New goods just arrivod--for the beginning of Christmas trade. Ladies' Black Overgaiters, high top, 75¢, $F and 1.25. Ladies' Black Overgaiters, knee length, $1, 1,25 and 1.50, ah Fadies' Brown Overkaiters, short | length, 76c and $1. Ladies' Brown Over $1 and 1.25. . Ladies' Brown Overgaiters length, $1.50 and 1.75. Also Green, Blue, Grey and Purple, in short lengths, 75¢ and $1. : : 2 # ABERNETHY . gaiters, high top, , knee Ss.