Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1908, p. 10

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a Colossal Event! : Lasting 10 Days Only > ) 4 EVER. such an opportunity again} EE NR N wi offered to Buy high-grade, 1 80 P o : 2 ; Seasonable Merchandise at such low = FTINCESS Lk, ingst nN, prices, as will be offered at this Great : n [ee o 3 i i» to ' £ Manufacturers' Outlet Sale. A chance to a Ta outfit the entire family in fine Holiday Raiment at just half price. Come and see, ou eannot be disappointed. The date, hursday, December 3rd, at 8.30 a.m." BOWRIGNTEO W. W. 8. 8, ALL PROFITS ARE SWEPT AWAY er eft A EN there Bovs® Clothin Men's Scotch Wool U mn Reg- Ladies "Pandora" Corsets, good med- 150 Coors d Table Covers--Red nd y 8 ular price 73c. garment. Sale Price 88¢. els, in White and Grey. Regular 75¢c. Green and Red and White, reversible 2 Boys! High Grade twaegines a Men's Ribbed Elastic Knit Wool Un- pr: Sale Price ... wresesnrea BOC, Patterns. Colors absolutely fast, Size e u al eas Regul lar 1 fice $3.75 to $4.50. Sale derwear. Regular Price $1.25. Sale Regular $1 pr, 5 ale ¥ Tice wey BC, P or. 2 Rela vies Ha, 98c. lz ) € 3.70 < 4.00. we TIC, 4 Tasers . " . Price . ov 2 iveivse sus cain SOS pr. Price .. . .... alice Flannalotio 1 ; ' a "es Cama are akan, . > < : 200 Men's Nats al Wool Shirts, oly. Ladic Flannelette Nightgowns, U n Ss Boys' Three-piece Sufts, English Si 34° 36 1: Regular value $1.00 derskirts and Drawers. All to sell at 100 Fine Satin: Damask Table Covers 4 ¥ ¢ u 14 8 Tweeds and Wors teds in dark Winter : A y Se A ular va sel 25 per cent. to 35 per cent. off Regular 214 yards long, 72 inches wide, very " Shades. Single Dottble-breasted and $1.25. Sale Price .. civvnsss Oc. Prices. vich patterns, bordered. Regular price makes. Siz 27 to 30. Regular price Men's Sweater Coats, Soft Wool, very $2.50. Sale Price i. .vvvivesens 3148 $35 000 Stock of Dry Goods, $5 and $6. Sale Price S348 warm, grey with red, blue and green All lines of Ladies' Whitewear, in- ' : . : Bovs' "Cadet" Overcoats--made of borders. Regular Price $1.75 to $2.00. chuling Nightgowns, Underskirts, Cor= Pure White Irish Damask Table Linen Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furs ' rong E hh All-woel Tweeds, tasty Sale Price + . . PRETEEN. Th set Covers and Drawers at Greatly re- --70 inches wide, Handsome Patterns. strong English : sgriale cou . 1 Regular price $4.50 to $5. Men's Pancy Colored Shirts--Soft and duced prices. Regular price 90c. to $1.00 yard: Sale . patterns, Price . wv. disaensainesns BDC &for The People At Sale Price . . $298 | hard bosom. All sizes. Worth Ha 31 Ladies' Japanese Mink: Stoles=80 and . * Joys' All-Wool Tweed, Knickers. to $1.2: Sale i Price sa Oc, 82 inches long, lined with Brown Satin. Table Napkins to match above, Table- - . » Sizes from 23 to 27. Regular price 30c. Me: « Four-in-Hand Ties. Regu- Regular price $10. Sale Price .. $6.98 covers. Regular $3.00 dozen. Sale i: acy ] ! ; g au er r'ices eo. 8 to 5c. pr. Sale Price......«:38C. PI. lar 23c. . Sale Price...2 for 28¢. : Price v's cs rrnssnircasanss S145 doz. ; . Regular 35¢. line. Sale Price... 19¢ Lddies' Plain and Ribbed Cashmere Eitalish. Cotton' H 1 Sh . tar Ea Ri ri i ? Stockings--full fashioned. Sizes 8% to "English Cotton Hemmed Sheets, 8-1 Out of the hundred of MANUFACTURERS wha! felt the Hats and Caps Regular 50c. Jine. Sale Price... 35c. ih Ruler price Ne Io Sale Price size, Bleathed, excellent wearing and stringency of the money market, and who asked us te po fo Our entire line of Men's and Boys' Men's Sitkene Handkerchiefs, Fancy SC. pr. » ashing qualities. Regular price $1.00. their|factiories and buy up lots at our own prices, We picked Flats and Caps to be closed out entirely $olors LoL ( Or ers. for Be. Ladies Russian Lamb Takers. alld Sale Price . .', we the best we knew. These concerns had thousands of dollars' Fegatdiess i Sf valug. bs JRE your W Rte : Hetmatit Ted bie nd kerchiets, kinds es Stoles with Muffs to fateh Pillow Cases, 40x42 inches wide; selection and » will 'do the rest i STC i Se . ' y 1 ide amt itehed he " : worth of goods made up and in process of manufacture. Their ion we Large Size. Regular 13¢. each. Sale Iso Children's Fur Sets will be sold wid hemstitched hems; Regular price word to us was "NAME YOUR OWN PRICE." We did, and le Noti Price ooo .4 for. @Bc. | during this Sale regardless of cost. 40c. pr. Sale Price 25¢, rr. i» x > ' SA Fee sass sssant Eran we were as startled at the acceptance of OUR OFFER as the Remarkab e Notion Children's White and Colored Hem- Bovs' Heavy Wool Ribbed Hese. Dress Suitings, = fashionable = winter people WILL BE at the bargains we'll be able to distribute to Savings med fa lkerchiefs. Regular 2 each. Sizes 8 to 10. . Regular price 35¢c. pr. Shia jos in F rench Venetians and Vicuna 1 A at » bargains p ; s a to Po m 3 : . : i a , ber a roe Rubber Combs, worth 20c., for Dale PriCe + + v.vvrsnsssenneess MC, €a. Sale Price 23c¢. pr. C oth, So: t Satin Finish, inches wide. the public during this great Ten Days' Sale Thirty-five ($35;- Wii Rubber € hs, vorth =tc r Men's "Presiden" Suspenders. Regu. oe £28 pe ! ia Regular Price $1 yd. Sale hone @9c. vd 000) dollars' worth of stock is here to-day--and TRAIN LOADS Co i £3 for 5 lar Price 50c. each. Sale Price ...39¢ REMEMBER THIS SALE LASTS T Plaid D Good k a ng ni we iva me ombs, worth 10c¢., tor 5¢ - 5 S . . ONLY TEN DAYS. STARTING artan alc ress 100US~--maKes MORE ON the way, We mean to set Kingston and ithe entire Mohair. Shoo-Laces,: worth 20¢. doz. Men's Spring Um brellas Regular THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, AT neat School Dresses, Blouses, etc, 40 section ablaze with the news, of it, andi we miss' our guess if ; Price $1.50 to $1.75. Sale Price. ...89c. 8.30 AM. inches wide. Regular price 35c. yd, Kingston or any other shopping centre ever had~or ever will Sirois Tooth Brushes, worth: 20c.. for he Sale Price ......7s . c. experience the enthusiasm that we're going to put into this ¢ ies' W 3 2,500 yards Mill Ends of Fato 2,500 yi ] % f Fatory Cot- COLOSSAL event. In interest to the people it will be kept at ¢ Collar Button Sets--4 on card; rth Ladies' ! earing Apparel Dry Goods ton--15 to 20 yards in each plece. 38 to a WHITE HEAT, and notfonly will its benefits go to those 20c., for be Ladies : Bigch Beaves Ont, Sawest : Vublead Tid : 10 inches wide. Regular price: 10¢. yd. living ,ifl the city limitssh: it for MILES AND MILES EASY, Pearl Bead N laces, worth 23c., for Regul: r pric e $10.00 to Sidon. £ Sale }o00 Fs w ide a en Sale Price.» + WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH ; we're expecting the people from ( x ; oe : , we em ..86 98 Rute' Price es SE fad 24¢ vd. Ladies' Lawn Hemstitched Handker every direction. The sale will be one of the 1908 sensations, Another 5 : a a 5' ilking Skirts--ma de of Fine o wo chiefs. Regular 10c. cach. Sale Price oy ; : Np n 2 PE ' . Side Combs, worth 25 r., for 15c Ver s and Vicuna Cloths, and $ " 2,508 yards Printed Wrapperette--all Bc and an opportunity of a LIFETIME. DROP EVERYTHING : Ne or shaded; 'meat patterns. Regular price ! : ; { , Newest | : 1; » gular ¢ I, : . Make your arrangements to be here opening day, THURSDAY, ne nt Needles. 'worth 5c. pke., : £'Silk and Satin Bi tegtulat 1%. yd. Sale Price :.........8¢, vd. Dainty Swiss Embroidered Handker DECEMBER 3RD, at 8.36 -a.m. / 3 pkas. f : $6, $7 and $3. Sal 83 $000 yards Stripdd Planneletfoasmian hiefs, 25¢. line. Sale Price IN > . 3,000 yards Stripee innelette--many tegular 3 3 Sale top AAA AAA AAA AAA A AA a \ parning ( black and colored, - ol Fan ! ,- made of different sha les and patterns. Regular Regular adc. line. Sale Price. ..25c¢. ' . rs me : 4 x £5 Jor a5 Ne . IRUIS] TICHL price 10c, yd. Sale Pricea......7T€. yd. Ladies' Fine Silk Embroidered Hand Men's Suits Men's Black English Beaver, Meltor inen Thread, 4 spools in box, wort} 'lanuels,. lig ( Ark str tcl 2,500 yp 'nglish Shaker Flannel-- kerchiefs, beautiful patterns. Regular 200 Men's Suit mad ¢ ' Verco: Uressy . Lhesterhich agc., for Sc X. d a1 i : f $i & tem oq Siiiped and Plain, paste rns. Regularly value 50c. and 656¢c. cach, Sale Price " re wal 3,tHALE ad] t with | fi egular rice ao ace " Eh iil yrices range from $150 to $2.50. sold for 15¢. yd. Sale Price... ic. yd. 35¢ Domestic Tweeds 1 selection. LR re 2 Cla Petia $ Sa ad H St ters, worth 98. ) ) . 6d. 5 $16 to 3 3 ICN, on ia . € i AE ic. Regular $7.50 a 50 i not . wha 35¢c., for autital Ex 2.000 yards Fancy Prints--Dark Pat Also many other Plain and Fancy Sale Price . . .. Men's 2 k n Fouts -n f Sark - ' obS i » Ging w ai t= Net, All Ars, cusefal for Quilting, ete. Regt. Handkerchiefs. All to go at very low 150 Men's Fine' Business Suits, w HB ote <Q n' 1 + rh price 8e¢. and 10¢, yd. Sale Price.Sc. yd prices. le Reet Jatt uils, price $10. Sale I Lenn BE = Lawns, Newest styles and trimmings. ' «3 »oC, Yd made neat patterns, . steds. All shades Mei' Top - Shirts, Heavy All to go during sale at reduced 2,400 yards Checked Glass Towelling. ® re ¥~g T price Irom Grey a own Engh : 1 it Regular Price 6oc. prices Regular Price 8c. yd. Sale Price $10 to $12, Go on Sale . ies ' re i . 5 ! guia ce 8c. yd. ale ice i 05 Men's . storm collars. Regular pri m $ $ rice ave 38c. | 1.500 Ladies' Ribbed Merino Vestsand { = s.vvsenssensinns ox: ieee. yd. Blankets i \ 10 $3. odie THC .. . 0s s Th ng: Shirts sgular | Drawer Regular price 35¢c. and 40 ¥ , - 500 prs. Finest uality Flannelette Enelish Twe « ds, o it . : M Ck Ave SEHILS, guar 1 w -8 J» Ag ar fosvy 3 welli - 5 : season's styles q / ined Overcoats, with 50c. and 6 Sale Price ........88¢. garment. Sale 2c. ey Linen I i, Galore BE - Jlankets, choice of White or Grey with price $12 to $15 Wa e erman Otter Collars, fine Black Bes av cr 1,000 pr. Men's avy Ribb 'ool Iso, Ladies' Natural Wor Hastid gers. rRuAr dg hen 8 IS Pink or Bluc Borders. 10x4 size, ' Re- 193 Men's Suits. Extra Handsome , X $30.to $35. Socks. Regular price 35¢. pr, Sade | Knit, fleece-lined and other garments all %2 C. ¥&. | gular price'$1.25 pr. Sale Price y 3 38 , Xt SRN rice . LN... ; Bis bs 1 Prices. « PE to go at ale Price. 200 prs. Huckaback Towels. Size 18 English IF'weeds : : Simgle and Double Br by 86, Colored Borders and Fringe. Re- 11x4 size.» Regular price 5 A pr. br. ed , sat ' RRA ssn, IE i ie J 3 a ot : es as customs tailor made. - Regular. price Men's Trousers : gular Price 25¢c. pri Sale Price 3c. pr. Sale Price... 3000s $15, $16.50 and $18 n: Sale te 00 pr. Men AlL-Wool Lined Waorl It being impossible in this limited space to quote prices on 5 ot he . Ln 2x4 size Regular price 81 of Lot ro Rg at g Pants, heavy winter weight. Regu the enti 5 aid i $s showi how : this ini" Handsome: Rpestry { ANS S372 Sale Price... 1. 5 . ayes : § 3 ne entire stock, we quote a few items showing how this im 1 ry ible reid toDCAE i i ar price "Sale Price O8¢. pr. ¥ a : yde: Jong, reversible fringed top and bot White Unshrinkable All- Wool 5 : SL. L men se purchiisée will 'hé &>1d. Remember, our original stock is tomy, extra width. Regular price $1.50 100 pr Mets Prousers--made of th 4 He : onl ee | ets--made of selected wool, with Pink Men's Overcoats best English Worsteds, al poptlie pat included and will be sacrificed at the same prices placed on to 35 pr. Sale Price $2.98 or Blue Borders. Size 60x80. Regular Men's Grey Oxfe rd Overee , well terns,: well made and: finished. Regul: S M Tapestt y Table Cover 1G by 3 size. $1 pr. Sale Price $2.98 pr. made and lined, Re gular Pr priccs range from $3 to $4.50. All to g } x THE ONTREAL STOCK Co. : Several ifferent pdtterns wlar Size . Sale $8.50. Sale Price ... ceasaa 83 O98 during this Sale at One Price. 81 98 or AA A A A A AA LN At : : price $4. Sale Price ie Price Lc 48 pr. We've "Loosened" the Money Market--The Public Benefits Im WANTED Extra BY 8 to Serve Promptly Wait *;,. Big Opening, Thursday, Dec. 3rd No Goods Sold Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. Ist, and 2nd, Arranging This Gigantic Stock for the Big Sale, which Opens TRURSDAY, DEC. 3rd. A a i 10 Days' Sale] If You Value Your Money Buy Your Wants During This 10 Days' Sale | 110 Days' Sale STARTING STARTING ; Thursday, Dec. 3rd \C k ~{ Thursday, Dec. 3rd { Our Great Purchase "y : If You Value Money, isto Be Y Gain. ; Stock to Go Quickly, 180 Princess St , Kingston, Ont., Between Redden' s and Crawford's Groceries 180 Conds -- thise, Dry Benelis A for the Green Front. CE. MARONEY, [Representing Manufacturer! You Gant rd Wie hi cc. doz

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