Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1908, p. 2

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THE Day smrTisE WHIG, - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1908. we - SCOTT'S | CLEVER P DUGTION nmsenen ox womens WILL DIE 1 ¥ "PRISONER » ol The Mbral and Focal Reform, | 0 I § | iP Ny 9) N OF SHAKESPEARE'S "MUCH A resting of th Moral and Social NO HOPE FOR OR PARDON OF » form ague, pr & m gz > a ADO ABOUT NOTHING. of the executive cosmos, was SHORTIS ¥ " . lat St. George's hall, last night, D. J By Queen's University Dramatic Laidlaw, the prebident, boing in the The Valleyfield I Mordirer--Death of Club Before a Large Audience chair. The secretary, Rev." rles the Yo Iris) n's Mother | { Villiers, said that the meeting bad 8 . a. 2 oh an Covered pean called on request to "consider the | Lewved, iv . Ropelegs--His| Children' ¥ Flannelette Dresses, ages 2, 1 6 years, at Ste. mse ves ory. question of the reduction of licenses in ather oesn' ant. Him Queen's University Dramatic Club, he, pity. The qoeting ae unagligious- Pasdoned. 3 - Children's Flannelette Dresses, ages 2, 4 and 6 Years, 'ab $1.25. resented Sh ly in favor of such reduction on- i i pres i S Biespearc's comedy Much tion was called to tse fact that all Pid been mprted tat Valentine Children's Flannelette Dresses, ages 4, 6, at $1.35 house at th "| over the coniinent therc wads an in- » i ing. Nearly 5 "seat Hon TT creasing i BA 1 prance senti- Pa HE li Hue. Children's Plaid Dresses, ages 2 and 4 years, at a3) 50. "| ment, and that large and populous > Yalceny being ossupied. mostly by pe ah ry coming as prohibition. in the minds of the people, is to be! : woe : Children's Navy Serge Sailor Dresses, ages 2 to 10 years, at $1.50. The play chosen proved one of the| Dean Farthing, who expressed re- pardoned. Enquiry in cial circles, | vy S, Ag y » $ t the best that the club has yet presented, |gret, that he would be unable, owing however rovnl' he fact that that Children's Coats at-§+:25, 1.50, 1.75. To be really appreciated" should = be and it was certainly the best portrayal to the Tash that he would sous be Shortis will FE bis. in prison Gil his o 5 useful 'ahd durable as well as pleasing of the great author's work seen here in | leaving the city, to re an there | remainy are carried to the grave. It Girls' Tweed Coats at $1. 75, 2.00, 2 50, 2.75, 30, 3.50 and 395. ge a long time. The presentation certainly | part in the campaign, said that there i) hs reat efforts to the aye, binesAhese 1 | surprised a large number present. Not|Were sections of the city that, ob- wi due 10 8 mother's g al PHIRI Come uturen, once during the performance was their | viously, hat a needless number of | th8 yo from the gallows. From the time she a]. . . Can . . the slightest hesitation by an f the hotels, for presumably, he remarked, . amateurs, over 'their ines. Fie club, | every licensed house conformed to the (arrived in Canada, after the awful ew uc Ings 3 ecelv Ss ee yr ow x 1 must have spent a.great deal of time on requirements i the law, though it deed had been committed, she mover p the life of This pretty Towel hang-|the play and deserve great credit for required a stretch, of imagination, heaven and earth to save the ol -- er, Oak finish, only 15¢c. tudes i her son. In this she finally succeeded. -- ' its success. judging from the outside, to think it a i : A better one with three | Miss Ada F. Chown, as. "Beatrice," Bs that some in the city could Several Fars go Shortie a el i y a 8; only 2% won premier honors. This is not the | conform to ithe laws. From his own avi ; om Dd. 3 first time tat local theatregoers have | observation, he said, a reduction of | Peniten iary to Po / : W had the pleasure of seeing one of their licenses would be in the interest of I Hy Shoitis' other sow Yes fs pein > own city upon the stage. In "Beatrice," morality. Elmer' Davis, G. M. Mac- | F18 Some h y long rest, after being | * - AT THE GRAND. Miss Chown had a part that suited her | donnell, Revs. W. H. Sparling, T: E.|passed to her long 3) Lies aa faithful to. her, erring son, and : _- ried admirably, and she handled it in fine Burke, D. MacTavich, and, others of | 80 1a : " i122 Will Be Thursday's = ' . '| style, She possesses a clear veice, that both the clergy and laity spoke --to-| crossing the ocean "regularly to-visit | "The Devil TECay S : bi Ay |styie, oh < ; him in prison. Her sad earthly pil- Feature. Rooke s carries to all parts of the house, with- | tho same effect. rrimage is over, and when she passed A play that has created the big- out the -apparent effor ften mse g 5 A play g $195. Ein | in ety thus Fae a , 3 ; away, Shortis' last : hopes of again gest sensation ever known in the arms, 1 ee breathing" the sweet air of Ireland, {theatrical history of New York, "Th ] : -- ) , __ y. w Yo e "\Over 40 varities. > » Po I ef iown jTheared Ley and treading the places where the | Devil," by Francis Moluar, will be} " on B work -in-a-way that li = ac- & || shamrock grows, vanished as fog be-l, oqented by Henry W. Savage, who Ee Le . "| tress of ability fore thie sun His father oes net 4 the only. authorized verSion . of A. E. O'Néit as " ick™ av want him released even if it were ly}, play in this 'country, at the : A 2 Nan, as Benedick, a Joule | FE possible, as. a sanitarium would be Grad co | Thursday, Dec. rd. Edwin! Whdt do you lack in the way of Bracelets lord of Pu ua, Nouall t e glory I; the | the only place suitable for him. Stevens will be seen in the leading | furnishings ? Look through "your could be desired, and he was well suited ull 5 | Shortie Susu vill or Th Some Joe in potisd by the original - or- | yardfobe and then come here for Now is the time to pre- to his part. "Benedict" and "Beatrice" of ; y The young Irish murderer, though an Bek your needs. Save money and at are for "Christmas. Brats handled jhe main Somedy roles in a ' if y ! an inmate of the insane ward, léads a ('Messenger Boy No. 42." the same time get the best quali- as are - asl ana eS Re res. R - ol, 1 "Dy . Ped 0" Prince | | | quiet life and eauses no, trouble. Of- "Messenger Boy No. 42" a new |ties. You will always find here ave a x le sor Fancy Parlor C. S. ussell, as ",lon Pecro, rince | : H ficers of the venitentiary say he is lay Ch eH Flemin it ' 3 3 ment, a styles, in Tabl of Arragon, and George 5. Otto, as ) i the most Peatiananly prisoner, in the | P'aY bY Ale . 8: 15 10 1the latest novelties .in : Amethyst, Pearl and Thus as brass) Don, John," his brother, handled their : penitentiary. , Hews born a gentld be presented at the Grand on Friday, Diamond settings, to trimmed, "only|Parts well. The difficult part of Clau- a Bera ond willie ook. Dec. 4th. The company carifes a Neckwear, Shirts, : choose from. _ $2.25, 85 variet- dia" a young lord of Florence, was ! gas load of ssenery and a fine per- Gl Coll les, .75c. up tolsafely looked after by H. I. Coutu. : : i i ormance is promised. oves; olla Ho. Mis W. Girdler, had a dificult part > Historie Murney Point | A feature of the production is the . 3 rs, ' in that of "Hero, daughter of Leonato," 9% An old aesidens, hoy shominatos introduction %f a number of high- Hosiery, Umbrellas, . hut she handled it well, sharing honors 4 / ] "gush," wishes to rec pn i) Protest | rq de vaudevilld\ specialties. \ with Miss Chown. One of the hits of 4 : against the false claims. of interest in A : Mur Point, as an historic spot. oF ABLE LECTURE etc- Issuers of Marriage . . a ox ak the evening was the fine portrayal of : 4 urncy 8 « A PROFT ECTUR Eh to Sah SUITES $20. $25. 330 P| "Dogberry," a constable, by P. T. Pil- : y ba 1} To his mind its history is one that it , a art : [ | ! he King St. "Phone, 666. suite, your taste. key. He handled the role in a way that : : will be no Ditrage to interr up id or Given By Prof. Knight at First P. }. H N . & ' ne PRION SEIT S--Large pize, $12.50, proved him a, born actor. Al the 1 ; Bead hotel. a i er HOWE Baptist Church. . iy up. Some .splendid values, at| minor parts were in safe hands. ] reasured s 8 § ho : os . : x3 > $0 and $35, 1 The par was supplied by the Queen's ie : | location for the Messrs. Kiliott, | Prof. Knight, of Queen's, gave a Agent For 'J." Brand Austrian RUGS--Squares, Matts, all sizes, etc. University Students' Orchestra, under i 4 butchers, then as a camp for fever pa- | very interesting and profitable illustra- Collar. den and, ONLCLOTH.: sil the esp of W. H. Walker. This ; tients, then as a cow pasture, in"which | ted lecture on "Animal Adaptation, w 8. ] 1 Mrs 18 " S y « OR AFITS A riba Wilt B is the first me that the orchestra has f - [choice service it remained without the |in the First Baptist church, Monday 204400400000 400 sels, ete. e Pon. ve been heard in public in some time and slightest 'thought, interest or care of evening. I'he lecture was given under | § CURTPAINS--Lace, Silk, Velour, Tapes-|its playing was certainly a treat. Dur- the citizens for over thirty years, Then |the" auspices of the Young People's T try, etc. 1 ¢ urtis seized 1 y rity | Socie was very much enjoyed Hevad 1. Upholsteri Q ing the evening 'the boys up above" | when Dr. Curtis seized 1t for a city ociety, and 103 ? ree epair anc Jpholstering promptly bi a 3 , of. It was |by all present. Dr. Lako manipulated g, a fe lls and college songs. park he was made sport of done; h 90 Y Boe So © candidates =z the ing i | nobody's darling, because there was the lante rn, and the views were excel- A None ( ous, Alma Mater elections, Ellis, Bateman, 4 | nobody 'to knock or bo jealous of. ° |lent. Considering the weather oondi- d T.. F. Harrison Co. Moran, McKay, Peeling, occupied a box, ) tions, there vas a goud audience, and | ra e frit ® {which was decorated with science ban- 7 i Pure Rich Blood. all" felt. well repaid oF ming x At ners, bearing election mottoes. - , The whole machinery of health ust the close, on motion of Mr Log ett, ; ER be kept in order or diseases of the Dr. Knight Jas Rend tod, 8 cain Sai ty = WANTED TO LEARN TRADE EVPTLA EDNA AS EVA; stomach, liver and kidneys will follow. vote % Asi 8 . or & 8 She en a Kose CEEOEOeEE® ODOOC] In| Downie's! "Uncle Woni's | Cabin,' ut' Phedd organs are so related that when |ture.. Relreshments weg then servic i So Asked to Be Sent to ' the' The Grand, on Saturday, December 5th, | ne a all weaken. To |kecp and a pleasant social hour aijoyed. ® v Mati 1 Night ' ve sci ihe 4:44 Penitentiary. atindezand 1g them vigorous they must be mipplied FISH WERE SEIZED | An Ottawa prisoner, Henry Lefebre, MARINE NEWS. bw he pao, hs es . ednesday wanted to come to the Kingston Peniten . rag i onic Pill" (laxative.) They ato Inspector Taudvin Paid Visit te] gdavis fat ay -- tiary, but instead, was sentenced to the | at is Found About the |a great nérve strengthener and blood: Folger's Wharf, 500 yards-Striped Flannel. Central Prison for nine months. : ; Wharves. maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug'l Game Inspector Taudvin paid a vis te. i rettv "Colors. Lizht Be i apked by Je RS The steamer 13 ummer, on her way |store. Money bac kif not satisfactory. | it. to Folger's wharf, and. seized S00 g ette, ib Pp y OTB &" ; . ! . > Léfébre stated that he vas very anxious bwest, laid up in port here over night ' -- pounds of white fish, Which were being | Qi or Dark, perfectly . fast, 27, ta learn a trade. H "of ne 1 account of the rough weather. B. A. Hotgl Arrivals shipped during, the close season The : ' life he was living, ay it ready to) ihe barges Diamond, Aberdeen and J P. Parchenblimer, Switzerland ; fish was: on the way to Booth & Co., inches wide. turn over a new lifed Lefebré sto amb D., were laid up for the winter at ly Ww. Merchant, L. D. McKellar, Hor: Cape: Vincent, having been shipped by Wed nl 6 bicycle and a rug, and sold them fo a! Portsmouth, to-day, They have been |e Gi. Shaver, 8. Cleaves McGowan, S. Benson, of Deseronto. | nesday, 0 y 0 second hand dealer. He told the police |usod in carrying grain from the cereal T. C. Hunt, G. Warden, Toronto; I. The inspector was at Loborough | that this was the first' tune he ever works' elevator. ('. Fairbairn, Brockville; W. H.. Ket- Lake, yesterday, on a business trip. was ih trouble, but investigation proved | 'The man who built the new steamer | hison, J. D. Lowery, H. G. Walker, --r--, this statement to be. untrue. : | Hammonic at- Collingwood is a Gai- | R. C. Chadwick, Montreal; J. W. Al The Late Patrick Conley. © Good quality Huck Towels, McLeod's Dru At the Central Prison thece is nothing | den' Island boy, boin and brought up |fison, Picton; T. A. Webdster,Lans Patrick Conley 'passed away at the | Homi Pals. Ret Border, 81 We have the 'scarce but hard work, and wearly every prison- | there, served ms time in the machine downe; Samuel Myers, Ottawa; G. G.| family residence, "The Cold Springs," | $i , ' g 1 . er' prefers a sentence in the common | shop and got the training" that now |'M, 'Gordon, Welland; WF. Kelly, Oil | Wolfe Island, on Monday, Nov, 3oth. | {' Size 17x36, worth $1.25. to Belylt now jail or the penitentiary. Many prisoners fits him to be the manager of the! City; J. P. Purvis, Bradford, Pa.; J. |Mr Conley was hots ai Colinty Cavad yi de P. Pur | y Cavan Store. toned Yi the police court in Kingston | Collingwood Shipbuilding company. M. Mouck, New York. Ireland, eighty-four years ago, and |<4 $1.40 a dozen. have expressed a great unwillingness to| The new steamer Hammonic i to came to this country with his parents > [serve a tem in the Central | have installed a Nichglson ship log, |' Noti when a boy of thirteen. He is survived 1 5 - Wednesda, onl 156 d ir Blue, All Wool % |" * : ne otice. He is sur Navy ) J W { Ee Be he a a ok Legal forms, customs - entry blanks, by six children, Mrs. Charles Green : Crimson, All Wool A Catholic Appreciation. { Kin py od etc, for sale at Whig office, - the wood, and Mrs. Henry Muckian, of | _-- ir------ : ~ . : { which was the means of the Toronto 1 hiv ry Brownville, N.Y.; John, of Oswego . White and Grey, All Canadian Freeman. i making her regular time all through cheapest and best place to buy prin N.Y.; Miss Mary, Jam . and' Th NaS | 3 sh T ling. full The election of Dean Farthing, of | the very smoky weather the st sea. {INE $ Xs $ a mes and lhomas | & Linen! Crash Towelling, fu " 2 : s | the very smoky weather the past sea ; of the island. His funeral will take | Kingston, as Anglican Bishop of Mon- | gop, -- - w i iolace - Wednead: : at . 17 ihehes wide." with Hed treal, was received with much favor by -- ee -- Beef, Iron and Wine, "our Co pare . e Tes ay Wome a s Sine / 3 ' ) Ithe people of this city, regardless of | make, pint bottles, 50c., at Wade's |O cloc 0 the church of the Sacred Border. | ¢ ) | Hoot, Mon} TO Jeart, where a solemn high mass will oO s | > 3 ' store. . , g a race or ree, who ioked "upon bit | evi snsllgoger he Tne ¢ ce as d d | {be sung for repose of his soul This being St. Andrew's day, Pipe: -- Wolnesta Spe, 0 d Je @ [(0 our citizenship. This historic city | yreTntosh sent the following wiraless . (® has supplied a long list of notables to' po cage to the Duke of Argyle: ; Change For Better. {the dominion, both in the clerical and' ~ pjjoville. Nov. 30.-- 'Hoot. mon !" John Cox, the Howe Island farmer C aul, 3 parliamentary standards. In the past] 2 : 3 who took 3 a dosé of ammonia, in And the answer came back prompt- 1 < X ' of . few years the Anglicans of Kingston Yo : d Po mistake for medicine, took a change ' Specs] Prices Fe sive EE Teas) ed is ES © ; : : y iter , : Carpet Warehimse, @ |have given two bishops in the persons| "umiochty, Nov. 30.--"Hoot, Bb for Vie better last sight, snd Yoda ; ® [of Dr. Worrell and Dean Farthing--two © yi» : 4h a 4 hopes _ were snteriained for his recov- on Coats i : PERRO LECERCEREEE Canadians--which' goes to show thaf| Who says Gaelic is not a universal : ory. Ir. Cox is well known through- , -- == Canadian clergy, whether Catholic or lbgeags 1 | Bw FATS 5 out this part of the country, and SHOOTING COAL Protestant, are well-fitted for high posi i GEORGE MILLS &CO everyone was shocked to hear of the mp Sa ni { ini Sesion . : : a ia bs - = { Into your cellar is about the best tions in their respective churches. 'The | Best On The Market. sad mishap, and hope for his speedy | thing to have done at this time Freeman offers its hearty congratula- | recovery. . ; F » : P. WALSH, Barrack 8t. tions to Bishop Farthing with the sm &« rr | A : {cere hope that he may be spared many ithe one that cures quickest and best. ingston's mous y a, Get Back Your Hair. : YOS €r1l many years of health and happiness to | Smith' 3 o hte Lasiment Penetraies If your hair is - thin and growing ( *'W1 ! 1Al | § [preside over his new charge in the An- A I, gibi re For over thir- Ale, thinner, start healthy. vigorous Face cake ie ammatic e heals » surely, EA ) bo the sc of Dr. Dawson's | glican diocese of Montreal. thoroughly and quickly than any other | [ty years we have growth by the use of I Dawson When you need a liniment youn want Lies. along the 'avenues where ----" -- I Ds k Don't fail t 3 . . Hair Restorer It cures scalp hu- | | With The Morning Albertan. injme a hi he ih 1g %5 EE Wade © | {been Kingston 8 § mors, and revitalizes the hair bulbs. | aw s . ge » bottle to 29¢., 28 . : hg ' i its . 3 lives those who own their homes. | Andrew A. Moore, formerly of the ig dare. oy first furriers, and . Restores gray baie to te Hutural | ; + > w Kingston News, is now business manager -------------- d +: that 4 * color. In bottles, 50c. at. Wade's drug The Al s Busy Stor If you are a renter see us, we can Morning Albertan, of Calgary, Flags. Blown To Pieces. log r oe : store. { . y ore. having recently retired from a similar ~ . a: , fw ad i fursish you With a Best comfort. O78 Fo A ir Daily Nevs,| (The sity buildings. flags. were tat- [3 Se ep Cousts Of Revision. Serer rst rs tiers srs es . hy tered rags when hauled tO ie mast- aith with all our 3 tl . able home cheap. There is a [i= Jape ths a Je Some ster He scilp heads on Monday, morning.' In. the af- ki), To-morrow, w court of revision "ternoon, the terrific gale ended their | JC U 8 tomers WW will meet to hear appeals: against dog | GLP L000000000000000408) : {Eye Opener. Mr. Moore has prospered ': too "blowing " ea A taxes, ete. . Neat Single | ince gone west On Nov. aio the | stance, slowing , them to pieces. throughout the 7 J On Friday, Judge Madden will hold | | Portions of them were picked from uy add pk {employees of the Albertan held a ban-' : ' = xX 5 . . Dominion. k court in the city council chamber to ) i ; "71 the market square and tenderly cared ' ; Is i . {quet, and had as guests W. M. David- |; We have gain- . ; hear appeals against some wurt © 2 esl ence son, editor, and Mr. Moore, business | Ce - | y revision decisions. \ $ s Br . The latt expressed © hil : {led an enviable air An ounce of preveniion is worth I Our Stock of Men's Coon Coats manager. e latty exj Piles Cured In 6 To\14 Days. | : : a pound of cure. Don't rum any } . of | gratification at the bright outlook for > : : | + Cancelled Their Trip. ! risks 'of Uontagion for the sake of going down. WHY ? We have them Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to/jreputation a og dininh I = {the Albertan : , . FP : Owing to the rough weather last using disinfectants. which is going to leave Kingston I cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- : = oS | } : a - ~ > fro $32.50 G3 teed ( Oy , ing or protruding. piles in 6 to 14 for reliable Furs, and to-day night, the steamer Aletha was unable | m sy. up. . Guarantees pr Two in the spring ; he wants to sell | } is de SICanhy aiid has leased days or money refunded. 50c. Kingston 5 Famous Fur Store to make her regulary trip, but will | Formaldehyde and Make. 8 » as gone 8 . clear to-night if the weather is favor- | now to make a payment on a ness at Stoco. T is known all over Canada. Our | able. The Aletha went' over" to the | | Ww F GOU Bl F s | " Notice. reputation 18 the customer' Cereal works' elevator, for shelter, | Permanganate of . . i a farm, but will pay rent for the DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Legal forms, customs entry blanks, P : during the night. . ete., for sale 'at Whig office, the uarartee. Qur annual cata- |; iii dep P : A . by local applications, as thew cannot g g . n -- 0 as Exclusive F urrie house for: the winter, if urchaser a 8 " *the chea pest and best place 1 * » | 3 F ee i Mais rarer and bet ples to buy' grist [Clogu 'of Fur Fusbioawith] |: --Fosee Swaliows." boc ton Yi a. does mot want to occupy same be-|and that is by constitutional remedies. J vol | | pitce list, is the [inest 1ssutd b Sir John Power and Sons' i Has poem found the Dest ho aSsstssststresBesTILISEY : Deafness is caused by an inflamed eondi-| | tl Rambod Zl ay 3 Th ~ y Fhree Swallows" Irish Whiskey. n 'the way of disinfectants. : fore. [tion of the mucous lining of the! n 10 ambodde digtrict in 1877 > | ; ' | he ny Furriers between Toronto]! Famous over a century, { We have these in amounts re- | | Eustachian Tube. When this tube is! the first successful attempt was made ! b { Mihir . de . » | Of highest quired for au sized rooms. It contains 6 rooms, good cellar feflamed You_ have a Fimbling Sigund orto produce tea in Ceylon. In 1892 nd Quebec. This book will be tf Digh ies led of purl. King. } Vaccine Shields, y . necessary pro- p ed a w i is en- > To BE 4 . " : D £ i i 5 : Ch ; [tirely closed, Deafness is the. result, and |Ccyion Tea was first introduced into felivered free to any part of Ml tection, '5¢. and 15e. The kind you are oni for is modern improvements. Prive; $1.- unless the inflammation can be taken Canada by" the "Salada Tea Co. | -- the kind we sell 3 : [i and this tube restored to its norm-| The excellence of this brand is respon- } Caoada on re quest. Write to~ . Bought New Flags. 500, jal coddition, hearing will be destroyed' i , commercial success - The City property committee must | : : re : } g sible for the commercial success of ¥ i st | C 4 Bron ar and seein surly J oe oT ire] Cotlon Tow. i This Py: day for it have held an ancrgent meeting, tor | 3 CIOWNS op an . | an inflamed condition of the mucous | Ro Father Joseph McDonald, ne- = : thi< morning two bright red flags ap- D 5 St : ¥ . | surfaces. > coal we rug Store, ics aol fn font cont and we, . * SF w. 185 Princess St. PT yl 4 Phone 343, | is Bn the west end, the owmer | We will give One Hundted Pollars for phew of Archbishop * Gauthier, who | ¥ \/ peared on the city buildings, in honor e EM ollars o { i i ; : 3 {any case of Deafness (caused hy caturrn; | Das been very ill in Ottawa, is im- | of th the birthday of the British queen. | ann [that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh! proving and expects to return to the | - i | 4 { Cure, Send for circulars, (ree. city shortly. Miss Gauthier i '__ { Our City Merchants. | ! yi shy I. CHENEY & CO. Toledg, O. down to Ottawa last week to see him. Makers of Fine Furs, Can have their printing done | ~ 51 Brock St. Take Holts Family 78e. tor constipa-l Jacob Rosen, the missing. Kingston ! 126-128 Princess St. promptly at the British Whig office, | *Phione, 326 ox 621, i tion. merchant, still Feepe in the dark. - ---- - the cheapeét and best place, { | \ a

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