Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1908, p. 4

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i THE WHIG, 75th YEAR EDITORIAL -- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Bome "people desire a closer abs, published at pr : ] 10 King street, n, | juaintance with br Fhe Devil. Why 7 t $6 per year. Editions % 4 ! hy ¥' BRITISH WHIG, 26 ges, | Lord Northoliffc exp expects Uncle Sam published. in parts d Thurs: to come a-courting of Miss Canada, his. be and he expects her to turn.up her § ngdo department. ck 0 a0 Tl os and roe via en up ' " rome as 0 his sincerity | At is 'one of the best Job Print- a 2 en. 1t comes to a question of going The reciprocity movement is doad. after the rogues higher up. ' |The folks at congress knew how dele- RY -- gates from both the conservative and liberal; gaverrmants dwers received. TORON OFFICE. : "The ex-speaker of th of the Ontario logis- Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham-|lature is in favour of woman's sui-. HE eiip ae, ik ot Toronto, : H. ; E. |frage. 'Bul bis master, th: premier, is not, and Sir James shows no. sign 'of Daily Wibig, = It costs the British members from | SORRY' FOR MISTAKE. $5,000 to $10,000 to represent a con- - Jt js, bard to follow and understand |stituency. What is the money wanted sone changes in public opinion. The |for? The member does not get an ot $1 a a year. ve Linited Foo announcement that Henri Bourassa | indemnity. i 8 hes : ) yr ie ni ; Ov will shortly become the editor of S---- + ye Cut a ; ' G) en PY 8 ip Mouton! lth Brockville has a very successfully . ks did what a erconts ; e | Jere that this is not the occupation his | > 20aged octets light; att a | : 3 by 3 ow | n @ friends were marking 'out for him ion HE se EE i \ re There isn' t anything better, Fmarter, nore per- svitié time ago, changing apnually, s oan hover master| ot be ---- ro the service £ ta. fect] ly tailored, more S Sosrectly fashio It saves: your hands. A When. Mr. Bourassa left the Com. |'h® business, of that service, and the election. laws) adv hy bl, household A iecassity- mons, in which his righteous indigna- "How much have you lost in Cobalt further mended "to make sows he tu 4 -- ex) Y : S ell S it pot 3 Sy ell 0 Cer @ [tion\had blazed out again and again, {stocks ? 'There are (warnings galore | interests of purity: - ST he ie by affeung 3% {pressive wi | : We coats ' R | and to the alarm of both sides of the | to keep your hand on your purse .or Taree as this glist Zam TE Tus antal- See Our Cambridge Salts, Cuffs See Our 'Baltimore, (Overcoat, of CORBETT S Josey it booked as if , he were going | your "fndney Hi the' bank," but "they Toroht Money In "The Bank. ty country to which it has been in- on Coat Sleeve, Flaps 'on Pockets, (Pine English. Beaver, $16. . CA to hecome the leader 'of an aggres- [have not been heeded, oronto Star troduced it has become' the leading | ete., Long Lapels, Shapely Should sive oki He cast hipizelf into two iid ; sist hon ty, a Bubdged ahd family balm a embrocation. his ers, etc. Fabrics, Wew Browns, See Our. Clarendon Ovrcoats, of bye-elections, against" ministers, and| The little episoda that took place at. | panko of 'her g surely is proof of exceptional merit ! New Greens, Mew Gtayn. Prices, Fine Melton, $15. nts. The old red $12.50, $15, $18. suffered defeat,~but he advertised him- |® Meeting of thef6ard of health 'a | sock is a good bank, even if it' does Purely herbal in natore it supplies seli.as a dpbaker of great force and ® few daye ago 'may interlere with{the BY Jus fluted Corinthian columns tive sseuile vis handy aud wd 1 See = ime vig of personality 'of speeial -impressiveness, Plans, of one man in- the bade of, 21d. a sculptured Pediment. juries to which she or the children or Bot Sur New Harvara Suits, of $12.50. ° oh at He won two seats in the general elec- 1909. the husband are liable. any Blue, § ¥ : "No Signs" or Collapse. ' I our fo A tions, 'and had the distinction of be What is the tne of talking abodt a Mentrag Herald at al 8 i aro wid See Our Black, Cheviot Suits, at] See Our College: ters, at $10, F. ing successful in one with the premier I. Fielding, Mr Lomien* and Moc- sores, chapped hands, Rn due 15, v $1250 sndigls, | Suooes municipal manager or boss in Can kenzie King, these ree, h Iread i as his opponent, 9 : ave a ready ihlood-poisoning, piles, © urn \ This. led him 16 enter. the federal ada? The law does not permit of the | been named within the Yast week as bruises. and' all 'skin injurfes and, dist! See Our Swell, Oxford Suits, of See Our . Special $10 Black election of such an individual and it's | Sir Wilfrid 'Lawrier's 'Successor. = As IL drugei 1 st 1 Hinglish Worsteds, at $1 u a vercoats.' lectio i , there eases, All druggists and stores sell at B, Sand oO ; Sections, not as a candidate, but as just as well. yet. however, there is no indication 50¢. a box, or post free fom Zam:Buk | $20. | Dry and clean and as the supporter of several, apd in all m---- 3) of pe palsy in the hand that holds the Co., Toronto, for price. Bewsa of 4 See Our Special $18.50 English pure as the market af- he lost. The full significance is not| The Picton town council 'must show pte ch a and harmful imitations some: Suits, $7.50 to $20. . Melton Overcoats. : g eap if 7 ; for 8. If ize re- understoof, ahy more than the signi-| cause why it will not submit local : times offered as "just as good. 4 8 8, Pp : Wy £ TOWN OF GANANOQUE. miei : { pared according to cance of the difeat of members of the |9Ption to the people in January. A rh ---- t Bay S ( loth 3 4 Standard Rules. Ontario government - who espoused | mandamus is an awkward thing--wheh | What is Transpiring in the River DOING WELL. ; mg Mr. Borden's cause ana suffered a sad [it is shied at the councillors' heads. Town. +. i Cokate Produstion Keeps on tha Boys' Norfolk hits, 54 to| Boys! Three-Piece Suits, $3.50 to Sn rebuke. There is evidently a local feel- The issue in. the noxt English hob (Gananoque, en, i }.---Another: of Increase. $6.50. $10. ing at work in certain directions, and - © | {rananoque's "Indians" came : ) . ' rok g. ANGLIN igus v ork find jd fons Wh tion will 'be the question, "Who will before: Police Magistrate Carel ap The production of the-Gohialt : Jie Boys' Reéfers; ' to $7. 1 Boys' Overcoats, $3.50 to 210, & 60., ' : 45 1€Y | rule--the bréwers or the people." Bal- Buturday, charged = with being under | trict for 1908 has reached a total o : have a power and popularity which f La the inflience of liquor: The evidence. |8PpProximately 23,000 tons'as compar- Cor." Bay and Welling-« ty enduring when they are not. The dos Shs - nivaists sre Shempite: however, being of a conflicting nat Sire, ed with 24,815 5 tons, Yo yotal produe- Children' S Clothing + & 4 ro its incep- } ton Sts. ourassa party and the Whitney par- the case as adjourned for a week for jion in 1904 es or To 31st, 1907 Children's Shits, 2% years' to' 7. Children's Overcoats, 2} years ty have both had their lessons from . Open; competition: is said to exist in op vis nue. Strong efforts are being put forth The value of the ore produeed from | years, $2.50 to '$5. to 7 years, » 50 to $5. the federal elections. They made these |connection with the supplies for the by a #omber 'of young men of the the initial shipment in 1904 to the : . ; wo LO Rag 0 their own. and they, are, now. probd- | public institutions governed by the town to organize a gun club. A meot- frst of fig * yeas a wis $11,490,595. XN 3 bly sorry for it. local government. Yes? Aro the [iP€ was held during the past few |Covelul es p 2 days, those t being ! mine reports and government. returns rits bein « ys, S€ presen ing enthusiastic . : Tan ---- Wg! g asked to tender for coods for. organization; indicate" a total for the: yee#-af: over Kingston ? The bli t 20,000,000 ounces - of silver with a NGLAND. in o public accounts | Tho Ladies' Aid -Societ of Grace : ili on ro "pri. | Will show later 'how Hamna's idepart- church held a well- attended session at rose 'value exceeding ten nilfion ok ment is" being hdministered. | oo the home of 'Mrs. B. 0. Britton, King | ars Iu 1907 "over one- hat off; the A 11 (| pifHivaflafl | basod[Streot,l Ist evening. 'The session was urd rom sel Hiitoon | wh py lle vetily | taken: i up: with' 'a considerston of tant i a iden gc 4 Hividead ing Wings distributed oper npkisi 120 thas! ithe sgation 10d 0et obi: 2684 "on Plans. for their: winter's: wor ninety: " fying cent. of the: 'output. ee (HS HH a tui i% fin Bhogs sevine. mando oy fas dou ETA a oiedly i, dh fn hét fitgide o,f the members. oli the the: latter part of das week! bn nc. bon ud » | and energy. 0 had' pray fy ZONAL ot {Borden id of t illness of "their: toad, op Re behind it the opinion of the masses, | "fought almost | singleshanded Miss- Lloyd, resumed their work, agin Jpmi Pdi on non, politically. That assumption is|batle."' Deserted in tha field Aban- [yesterday mosmivg. M ' warranted by' the knowledge that the |jonod by hi party, oh ? Monday' was Task day when, ihe, i protrud; x mu tart tax, (hill 8 loop to testimonials, the press" and i ask f commons would not have so ready : Nebbmlisl tion 3 an Ad ipa : nal paid. a Ah. te a p Lk ney back tne odsatie od. 0c. at atall | given its sen fy ti 0 mort' Headed he, Hes a orn 4 ue of business: Bot oh bodl y Ri ih NY ) y 3 i } ifig doe, but that the usial number | ¥ nh odlogeh PR. CHASE'S OI MENT, { weld its] jog fi) * PX vy orspd Ha fai > Tha, neil i sii i OL naenie he canbitier: the | bil. ve, Bakger' nd | by so lu Toh herio Ro oe 3 i {mot lard enough at its: daca: Hy ale ing Fis sh To / HN rogrckey s hei 7 skin. om in frag 5 5 prepared. do: settle Jaer: ona! 7g nt a How ~ = dich gy en LIFE ten | it, i deal print] EE SPREE bah | peda k o bir Ho | vaneed ate. in thks ot Shivburs by The Picoul Place { ge ity A Ee being up to A qual wud jon, Mark McFarlane has moved into his the first of the year. The Badger, 3 n! ari Ses, nf wou he, vor song. ful Tho rs nnd mbes. ei cl | WIE i rt, of he Togo to Buy : : ,| tide of evading the provisions of tha of 0 ing 4 o south, is sinking shafts ? : d Many and Best of | have" "approved of a measure = whose fruit 'marks act, and pointed out that . "Pine witedis, vw w A. Peligock he Sout; Jo gin or Sha ks ' U d wo. have the it: : eo | success depends upon public opinion. | the result was injurious to the , Cana- [81d son, Orel Pennock, have left to loss 'carry 'high values: when the areas ens naerwear Bs most attractive line of Mens x choice plans. Security ' | Tt will take time to recover from |dian fruit trade. "I don't think," he |Join Mr. Pennock in New Ontario, | less carry hig \ ¢ "« J. | of enrichment are reached. The Sham- vs Gloves in Kingston. | the te mpotary teverse from the lords, | Said, that a _worm-holed apple Ohifod a in yn A rock is cross-mutting to reach the vein There's but one result. if you ing Life and irrent [but the government and its support- should be Placed ina Paes thik resident jof the town, and Miss Ger- in which high values were located by [neglect the demand for good Un.| Mocka Gloves, Wool-Lined, 81, Endowment. | Rates of ers will not abdicate though the | lates the fruit marks act. but Ls dig trude Lewis, of Niagara Falls, were [the Diamond drill. About midway be- | derwear at this 'Season, "¥ou | $1.25, $1.50. 1 i i i tween the Temiskaming and Kerr ] Premium. | unionists have agreed to make the honest as well This kind of thing is He, ter of Mige rol Lake afca Crown Reserve and Lawson, | Suffer. For It." Mocks Gloves, Silk-Lined, $1.50, Profits equal | lioemse bill 'an election issue. Mean Pi . of the ey Sgaius Saunders, of Kingston, is visiting [the Badger, the most recent of: Co Mocka Gloves, Fur-Lined, $2, A 1 1 | orai |'while the press is advocating, as an tention oon dominion. inspectors with friends in' town. W. G. Rogers, |balt flotations, is iustallitg an ela- Men'y Merino shirts and I Draw- | $2.50 to $4.50, : 3ecompounc rdinary | alternative that of high license, and | should be called to it King strect, «pent- a short time dur- |borate plant and rushing deve opment, ers, 50. "Gloves, n, 4 as, 1.50 interest. Conditions. |on the ground that if a thing must ? ing the past few days with Kingston [Work on the eighty acres which com 4 Kid % - the holdings of the company. ; ' $2, [i licensed it should contribute a They Have Debt Enough. friends. prise g! pati ine imporiant Vins have already Penman's Natural Wool, 75c. | NS U RAN CE larger . amount to the public revenue. ala ant war ? Her debt "CORPSES IN CHURCH. been located, some of which Carry | and $1. , Ladies' Gloves' i lit is not possible that so ® * 3 * 3 ¢ i 3. s: : * 3. i -1 ® 3 po + A committee' of Englishmen has been | s growing $100,000,000 a Her ? -- values which compare favorably with Howne's = Gloves, for Ladies', {making 'an enquiry .in the United |bonds sell below those of Tealy, Prus: | Many: of Them, Rev, J. E. Hunter | With the Kerr Lake and Temiskaming Penman's Elastic Ribbed 'All|Llined Mocka or Kid, 75c., $1 [States and finds that in over one |5ia alone owes twice as much as the Thinks, arvas. United States. G tat ai iomsinbiies Wool, $1 ; $1.25, $1.50. { ih iui 4 Jeri : a serman statesmen are list $1 hundred cities in the United States, diiven 10 taxation SATs tL Rev. J. E. Hunter is. an evange is Real Rubber Goods. ' e = i < hi leulated t s s : . I homas Mills, | with a population of 36,000 and fensive to the people. And the people ah top. Speaking yi Ho L We are as careful about our line of | penman's Fleece-Lined ' Shirts Boys Gloves . (upwards, the licenses ran from £50 |have got the! kaiser scared. War | guarools rubber goods as we are about drugs, dD 50 a as 25c., 50c., T5e., $1. | » g . i gelistic service in Simpson Ave- , s prices alsd. Two. | and Drawers, 50c. 'an o. \ 5 79 Clarence St. to £300, whereas in. England and ORS honey. And the 1, neds tt; nue Methodist church, Toronto, he Sarclul, 'about she prites alt of pare We are agents in Kingston lop Wales they run from £4 10s. to Britain Poy ib ey von] make Great said, Jhenking on the baby question : . (red), 506. up, at Wade's drug Wolsey's Celebrated Unshrink- | Fowne's English Gloves. If You Want to Buy* | £25, and that a house rated for -- ' oF 15 hore an or ot pant store. able All Wool Underwear, $2 a! Gloves for Driving, for Dress, Rent or Sell | munici ipal purposes at £200 may pay * Solid Skin Comfort. g around the farm scratching for one| ro . py _ | garment. \ for Street. {more in"Jicense duty "than a hotel | Tor the many injuries that befall the | chick. I like little babies, but not 200. | The British appeal court has hand ed down a decision to the effect that Ex | rated at £22,000. In London there Shin jand for the discase that attacks | pounders. There are big babies who a trades union cannot levy compui- tr fare 484 public houses which run jp |! there can be nothing better than |play with bits of pasteboard with corily on Its Tethers 0 Molter ta as value "from £700 to £20,000, and Wade's Vintaent, It is a wonderful spots on. You hig babies get a feed- for} Adin ning in partiqment See Our New Sweater Coats, for Ladies', for Men, for Boys', I make a specialty of same. | =~» 8nd healer and a prompt destroyer of the [ing bottle and be done with it.' ] See Our New Ghris s Neckwear, Drop'a card ér call on me. No they all pay the same license fee, | germs that cause blood poisoning and Then he told the story of the minis- : POE Sstmas 3 Neckacarts. ; a trouble to show property. Insur- £60. What is more the number » of skin diseases. Cures eczema, salt | ter who preached a memorial sermon, won - P ay 8 ' y ance at lowest rates. Money to Louses (30,269) that in Great Britain | The nm, scald head, gold sores, chapped [in the céurse of which he said: "This . See Our New 'Xmas Umbrella, for Men. loan. "pay license fees of $815,775 yield i hands, erysipelas, piles, ete. In big corpse joined this church thirteen f In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. ears ago." "There are a good many % . GEO CLIFF the _ United States a revenue of L7,- 3 open ge every church," Haid the |. a ® {875,779. There is another notable Suppress Them: AM 'evangelist, "I wish to God I could #4 = x] 1e ik Real Estate valuatior, etc., at contrast, namely, that the annual |Montreal Herald. 3 bury them or resurrect them so that ot AS : é 85 Clarence street. ' proceeds of the license duties of Lon- Judging 'by Boni de_Castellane's they'd be some good." tte ------------------ story about his successor, de Sagan, ; adnan | iif -- \ : KINGSTON'S ONT hte ULOTH NG HOUSE, don are £205,000, while New York, | France ought to make a law to pro- |/ The Late Dr. H. N. Bushnell. . with half the population, raises £1,- | hibit members of the" atistocracy from | Watertown N. Y., Standard. i - k TRY | 491.000, telling what they know about one an-| Dr. Handley N. Bushnell, for many awl HAHA | . LIVE STOCK MARKETS. 10¢. higher: light, $4.90 to £6.80; mix- There is. tiorelon ther. Since they' discard their old -|years a leading citizen and prominent ¥ 3 | 5 Soni ; ed, 85.50 to $6; heavy $5.35 to $6.05: Ui Ore, an, opportunity, | otto of "noblesso oblige they | physician of Cape Vincent, died on) fl | y The Prices Paid at the Various rough 85.35. to 85.55; good to choice, | for change on the question of re- ought to be silenced: for hige,' / S| a i sake of Friday night at the home of his / / 3 i Centres heavy, $5.55 to $6.05, pigs, $3.60 to { venue. High license. is not consider- {the public. morals. Private morality | daughter, Mrs. E. N. Jackson, at East | | Kits . . $4.90, bulk of sales $5.15 to $5.85, led a eure for 'drunkenness. It makes | they seem not to know about. Orange, . Nd: pr Bushnell had spent ¥ Ks EN polontreal. Nov, 30 Shout he if Sheep--Receipty S5tiinnied at on | po a Crmas e past few winters with the family 3 - bers! 1 1000, 0 lower; native, | dissipation 'more expensive, and the Our City Merchants. of 'his daughter and ' had spent? her t Z = ; 569 sheep and Tambs and '852 fat hogs to $4.70, western $2.40 {o $4.50; year- Povil of the #rafic now is that it c hive: . thee intin done | summers at' Capo Vincent. Dr. Bush. ! "Tk 7 ih Were offered for sale at the Point St, lings, $1 'to $4.70; dambs, -. 5 to : 3 dink of man rot Promotly po the British Whig office, nell was the son of {Dri Handley Bush- | fl FA 7 Y g 2h { Charles stockyards . this forenoon. £6.40; Weslern, $3.55 to 86.30. the drink of the man costs thé cheapest and best place. nell and was over eighty years of age, jr = Good {Sitter b. pletitiful, and 2s. per week when under low license jt ea despite which fact he enjoyed excellent | VA oo dre «lt dull' of "sale," and costs only 1 The true Christign ought to beable | health almost up to the time of his ji ¥ pon low figures," 'Joseph "Richard | ITCHING PILES. his. or -- er ih is evident {0 welcome criticism, not shun it. death. He lived practically all his life | hovht five sicked steers, at Sc. per ; us. poverty will be increased, and the i at Cape Vincent and there was wide v . z ! ' * ~ tempetance cause hipdered in place of khown tnd Mighiy esteemed. He was || Ib.; other sales of prime beeves were New Ointment Said to Cure Every, . 3 / d t 4 to over dfe. 1b, helped. The license bill was 'not a X for some" yeare a practising physician Pretty a 1 1s Joo wy Po to Case in a Few Hours. revenue raiser. That is not its| lf Black i ard De. ee -- business i over 4c. and the common stock 1c. | "Tt wasn't relief, Dut lasting cure I Don't Forget to Order That Goal You need: Don't let is slip your attention again. By the way, you will make no mistake in giving us the = order, " because-- Our coal js clean, anti- clinker, and because we deliver it prongptly, as promised. Crawford, Phone 9, ] ues rtd | plan or its purpose, and the advo- it kd : . : Be. to |wanted," writes y Botger of Laura Kelsey who died about seven |} . e Grass-fed calves sold at from . cates of high license are not likely to London. "For aD months I Seri |e i i : et ne a ot aps gpout. Bio-| Landon. "Woe ait win favour by offering it as a sub- : : y two daughters, Hrs. an oly ic ields: i Good lots of ja hogs sold at: ehous lieved till - ps | stitute for Tiognse reduction reduction. Non © Ange, vi te wi i | Gic. per-ib. Oin An Howard Grey, of Detroit, Mich. The real | i Sintment. 1 an a remains' will be interred at Cape Vin- oii Now nC aa a Dr. iy . 0, 2 ont , lieid § rctirement, But they all appear "Bi nd B "" Sent: entimated, end recommend [in conservative papers. We thought ages a " beev rs Pg Rp Ce wane a There are etl tumours fumours of Sir Wil . To\The Ladies : | 8 RYRIE E E Bros. je premier was commissioned by the Plug [| At Home cards, visiting eards, pele. cheapest 'and best, at Whig office. 138-436-188 I orgs o Charles Parmelee, ex-MP., hae been TORONTO 'appointed 'King's printer at Ottawa. LY | peopl to\finish his work. He ac jpted the trust, and' he will carry it Chewing Tobacco

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