Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1908, p. 5

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PILES i) | Jnly those who suffer from Piles cas «ell the terrible 'agony which is cause¢ . Jroin this ailment. Dr Spark's Vegetable Ointment Has ;proven itself a great herio, and perpianent cure, amoug those who sufl¢ ting + from either Itching, or 'rotruding Piles. ' Walter Overand, Claremont, Ont., wri 18: "1 have been a victim of Bleed: ing Piles. for the last three years und am glad to say that, Dr. Spark's Vege tab ¢ Ointment has completely cured me; ant my wishes are that this may be the mei as of helping some one siffering fro a Piles. I have found it a berman- ent cure.'"' It is also highly reconapend- ed lor all diseases commonly known to "the skin as it's a Purely Vegetable Compound. For sale by G. W. MAUGOD and all First-Class, Druggists. 1 urge Box, 256c. Accept no substitute. This Vegetable Compound is green in color. @ are Bleeding When In Doitbt About Your PLUMBING WORK Phone 335 This is our number, of course. We will come and talk it over with you, give you an esti- mate as to probable cost, and then If vou entrust us with the job vou ll. have rea- 80n to shake hands with Gh oursell. " py by 1 Lam] anf FHT XB rea VELY Guarantecd Chemically Pure SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS Same Price as the poor Adulterated Kinds E. W. GILLETT CO., LTD. Toronto, Ont. "E. STRACHAN GOX. MEMBER OF THE STANDARD STuuk AND MINING EXCHANGE, Send for Pamphlet on COBALT DISTRICT Long Distance Telephone Main 2,446. 43 Scott St Toronto. Bir Henry Mill Pellatt. Norman McCrae Reginald Pellatt. PELLATT & PELLATT (Members of Toronto Stock Exchange). STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN CIAL AGENTS: COBALT And other stocks bought and sold on commission. Lorrespondence invited. Orders may he wired at our expense. 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto 'Phone Main-3963. ~ WANTED Agents, to sell the unsubseribed | stock of an established Canadian | Life Insurance Co. Apply R. L. D. Taylor, 218 Continental Life | Bldg. , Toronto. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartw: ighu: | Money issued on City and Farm Dro perties. Municipal and County Deben | tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits | received and interest allowed. A 8S. C. McGill, Managing Director. | R7 C larence Street. | > Notice. customs at Whig best place erfbry blanks, office, the to buy print | Legal. forms ete. for sale cheapest and ing. A great" blizzard is raging over the | whole of Sas skate hewan, and Manitoba. | church' of Let home district, * ads | Jacksem, "avoided; : postmaster-general /e sal unfitness to be vaccinated. 8 wolild "continue as the Fig stated some days ago that Chief Jus- igi SHE HAD T 0 STE BLOOMFIELD DGIRL SAYSSHE COULD NOT HELP IT. ackson Arrested at Rochester on /a Charge of Larceny-+Confessed to a Series of Thefts. Rochester, Dec. 1.--Helen Mildred aged seventeen; of Bloom- was arrested yesterday for She is ese of stealing a of mongy from her employer, Mrs. Margaret Hartley, of Brighton, a suburb of Rochester. The girl has been employed in the Hartley family for three years, and during that time all mauntr of thefts have oecurred. Twp Avecks ago several silk dresses disappeared. It was found that Helen had shipped them to Bloomfield. The Canadian authorities recovered the gopdsy add returned them. Last Au- fquét. whan. fhe girl was accused of stealing money she went to her room and swallowed half a glass of water tontdining Paris green. She recovered at a hospital and was forgiven. Yes- terday, as she left the RO®hester Sav- ings' Bank she was arrested by two detectives.' The girl struggled and at- trdeted a crowd of sympathizers. She later confessed to a seri f thefts, and said she. could not resisf stealing when she saw money and jewklstabout her. field, Ont., larceny. sum yt DIRECTOR OF POSTS Will Probably Be Appointed United States Government. Washington, Dec, 1.--The four of fioes of assistant postmaster-general will 'be abolished, a director of posts with seven assistants provided ° for, and the entire postal service of the United States divided into fifteen se- parate districts, if the bill providing for the revision of the postal laws, which is being prepared by the joint postal investigation committee of congress appointed two years ago, is passed by congress. It is claimed that a director of posts, appointed to hold office until removed for cause, and 'who shall receive a ligh salary, will tend to improve the servieé, and hat by providing for seven assist- antg, who: are also to hold office dur- ing good behaviour, the disadvan- tages due to frequent changes can be The By of the ' department. ' GOT $5,000. Nice Wifidfall to Dundas Lady in Edmonton. Dundas, Ont., Dec. 1.--The manv friends % Kate Chegwin, daughter of | Jamedct wan, formerly of Dundas, | will be Pleastd to know that she has! jot of a 'wind- win wa¥' for! they publi¢ schbol INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. A current report that "Van Mills had small-pox"is untrue. * Sale of boys' sweaters, 50c.; toques, 25¢. New York Dress Reform. Rev. J. McQuarrie and wife, left, to- day, for Yellow Grass, Sask. Col. Young went to Tamworth, to- day, to conduct an inspection. "Kasagra," in 26c. and 50c. bottles, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Samuel Taylor, the newly appoint- ed police constable, will commence hig duties to-mght. : Johw Carr, of Denbigh, is in" the dity, on a business trip, renewing old acquaintances at the same time. haver, Vietdria avenue, Brockville, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Moxam; No. 12 Redan. street, for a 'woek. Work on the erection of fire escapes on the Cangress~ Hotel was resumed to«day, the necessary permission hav: ing been secured for the work. "Hazeline Snow' is sold in King-| ston at Gibson's Red Cross drug' store. Some sneak thief oJ. | secured entrance which is now unoccupied, and - made off with a couple of chairs and some curtain poles. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Con- stipation. Regular price 25c. each; 2 for 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. Alexander Marks, the well-known and popular theatrical man, is in the city, making all the arrangements for the appearance here at the Grand all next-week; of the--R.-W. Marks --com- pany, presenting May A. Bell Marks. Lawrenee Cox, of Hammond, Ind. and Benson Cox, of Pittsburg, Pa., arrived in the city to-day, having béen called bv the illness of their father, John Cox, of Howe Island. Lawrence Cox is chief of police at] Hammond. Albert Morrison, the young man who walked most of the way from Ottawa, on his way to his home in Grand Rapids, Mich., is still in the city. He has given up the idea of tramping the rest of the journey, and has written home for money. "For rough or chapped skin," Hazel ine Snow. Sold in Kingston at Gib- son's Red Crass drug store. - "Phone 230. The Board of Education has not been served with an injunction as yet, to compel admission of children holding medical certificates of physi- It was tice Boyd had issued the injunction, but it has not been served yet. Secure your income against either sickness or accident in the Fidelity & Casualty company, one of the largest and oldest companies in the business; their pamphlet of "Important Claims" , paid between June, 1907, {and June 1908, will be found inter- esting, Write or call on JW. J. Fair, agent. =~) LAKE YACHT MEETING. fol EE gst some 'years © followed Hé sister i Emma, Sodio} | LD} Y ple 9 we partner! in Tite, Miss Chegwin he trie td nt] ' 'HER OWN HAIR. Li amount named. ¥ New 'Orleans Child Also Fond of i Mud Pies. Now Oréans, Dec. 1.--Pearl Fleming, eight years old, who developed * an | abnormal appetite through the habit | of eating mud pies, died in the char! ity - hospital here as the result (of swallowing nearly all the hair from her own head. The se puzzlid the surgeons, who were unable to diag- nose the. malady. It was observed that her no trace of it could be found until an autopsy was performed, when the sto- much was, found to resemble a cush ion, the cavity being lined with human hair FIRED AT 2 WOMAN. Daring Attempt at a Hold-Up in Montreal. Dee. made on De last evening. Mrs. Ar thur 'Thibaudeau, the victim, 'wag nearing her home when a man econ- fronted her with a revolvér in 'each hand and" ordered her to give up her money. She turned and fled. with the man in pursuit. He fired one shot at the fleeing woman, and then made good his escape. The woman was uninjured. Montreal, hold-up was St. Henri, Lisle street, To Play' In Montreal. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 1.--Tt hall been settled, that the dominion champion- ship fdotball game between Tigers in- termadiates and the Grand Trunk} of Momgreal, shay bo played in Cu treal, 'on Saturday next, weather per- Limiting. It" the weather is unfavor- WN Tigers in time | Zu Kalmabach un der Rosenburg. been' appointed ambassador to" Japan. { Which began able the Montreal people will notify for the game to - be | changed to' Hamilton. This notifica- [ tion, if received, will not como until | Friday. Fined The Pilot. Montreal, Dec. 1.--Commander Spain, | to-day, gave judgment in the case of the collision between 'he steamships Malin Head and Corinthian, at Grosse [Isle, in September. The Corinthian was found at fawlt and the capianin: {was censured, while' the pilot was {fined $100. Vienna, Dec. 1.--Baron Vou Call Zu Kalmgbach un der Rosenburg, the first consulor of the foreign office, has Dead At Forest, Ont. Ont., Dec. 1. --George Walter, of this place, died, this morn- from 'an attack of appendicitis, on Saturday 'afternoon. Forest, L.D.S., ing, Wednesday at Cherry Valley. TW. Tinks tied the nuptial ee that 'united - Miss Minnie Hud- ging and Mr. Merton Moore, both of Point Petre. Miss Hudgins i8 the On Rev, v ; £5 Er it Guy. | hair was disappearing, but | A=An atte mp tee) A Few Sight Changes ini Meith " y nent Rulé): et ihe. Lake Yacht Rating" Asst beiation 3 which Lake, ih nto ai Hiturdav, lected these. of fiers Prone, C. C. AAT esi dent!' : j feretabi ont cowie! By ue 61 5; Charles" Wii A. "Fe sprnsitld) V3 Py of aon: Wilson! Watertown, trengwer, I, Webb Ao Jud, i Yhange,, Ringaton.; voorhis Rodos ir Fig 3 Ww John i Moti. ® wo Sodus Bay Y.C. Some slight changes were madé in the rules of measurement. Also an amendment was made to the rules governing Class R for boats, -such as the Kathleen of Kingston, and Cres- | cent, of Watertown, providing for a crew of four instead of a crew of three as in the past and requiring eabins on boats of 'all classes built in the near future. The committee appointed to arrange for the cruising races above men- tioned, consists of Judge Reeves, A. Dalton, of Kingston, Mr. Webb, of Toronto. ------ HEAVY GALE ON LAKE. | | Steamer Wanderer Tied Up By | the Storm. I A hedvy gale, old mariners to be one experienced in years, on the lake all day, e vessels were ere is a. very south-west. The steamer Wanderer, on its trip over from Cape Vincent, this morn ing, had one of its roughest trips of the season. It was so rough that the trip to the cape this afternoon had to be cancelled. The Wanderer will leave at seven o'clock in the morning ; and will also leave on its regular trip at two o'clock in the at ternoon. The steamer Wolfe .Islander had rough time of it but managed to make her usual trips'. Nothing but an ite jam or a cyclone will stop the Wolfe Islander. considered by of the worst has been raging and nearly all compelled to tie up, heavy wind from the very a Is Seriously Ill. A message was received to- day, by John Smith, printer, Wellington street, intimating that his son, Nor- val, was very ill, at the Bridgeport, Conn., hospital, from meningitis. He Is a graduate of Queen's. Later--About 3 p.m. another des- patch announced the death of Dr. Smith: He was about thirty-two yeats of age and was the gldest son. The remains will be brought Kere for burial. Mrs. Latimer, of New York, his sister, was with him until . the end. Gave Fine Address. Dean' Lavell, of Queen's University, gave a most interesting and instruc- tive address in the school room of Sydenham Street: Methodist church, Monday evening, on "The Liberation of Italy" The lecture was given un- 'der, the auspices .of the Epworth League, and .was much enjoyed. There was a large attendance. The pastor, Rev. C. A. Sykes, presided. The local = option: by-law of Stoufi- ville wae quashed. July One "BROMO QUININE." that is 1 _axative i ares a Cold in One Day, 12 Days popular organist of the Methodist 4 sebox. 3S BH mT to.the home of the late John Gaskin, } sie) avn Murphy, the eogitie Ho ib tonhyatekha the balance of | her we touche atsviors That Tabesamt Everybody. '--Notes From All Little of Everything Easily and Rémember od. Daniel, Mowbray, ir Ridgetown com: | mitted suivide by. shooting. : Mayor Oliver, Toronto, will: get second term 'by acclamation. Marine. insurance on all vessels on' the great la lakes: sipires on Saturday next. John Kirton; = Torduto driver, from i rie: sustained the falling of a A sample of "rocal oil" at Neepawa, Man: wag found to to be made of naptha and Pr Washington, one, H. Lindsay, the Washington correspondent Kansas City Star, is dead. Over twelve million cubic yards of material was Scavated on the imi Pana canal hua! dutthy: t st year. io public school ge of Toronte who are resigning will Tuva SuperaIation at. the rate of $250. Welt "Toront purely wiembérs, 'at a Layman's "Mis Movement ban- quet, pledged ro ves to raise $8,- ono for missions next year. Robert ; section foreman of the ak " Pacific, was found frozen to death on 'the. railroad six | miles west of Esterhazy, Sask. Fifteen thousand dollars will be spent by the T. & N. 0. railway com- mission, in cleaning and grading the streets in the new town of Cochrane. Mayor W. R. Hare, Aylmer, has re- signed. for 'business reasons, and the council has appointed Councillor J H. Strachan to fill the office for the unexpired term. The © Crown Reserve Mining com- pany, to-day, 'announced -a dividend for the half year of 12 per cent., with a' bonus of 4 per €nt., payable on January 15th, to holders of record Décember 2nd. Miiister Jackson, Teheran, Persia, cables the United States department that preddutions should be taken against imports from the port of Ta- briz, on account of the presence of cholera there. At Ottawa, Domenico Benacci, Italian, was sentenced to two years for: perjury. He swore that he did not have a knife in his hand when he stabbed another Italian named Luel- lo, for which offence he got a month. While working in the Stormont cot- ton mill, Corawall, Mat Cheney, a Polack, had" his hand dy a a WwW an waste picker, the machinery it in and the arm was so badly (Rmag- ed that it had to 'be amputated at the elbow. William J. Biggy, uhief: of police, San Franciseo,vowas.. lost dverboard drom, thie polidd iboats Patvdl, ! | Belviderengndy Saw Franoised, | hor ti h (after 'midmghtio The on lyf othe fupant. obdhe police las was | Wi it 1 sanalli 08° 30 Fred orstiody, WW jn shio# fii d aa: MA 7 4 Ig OR EDR ME DER iifod' ug At to 28 Qronhyatekha. Toronte, : Dic. 3k --Chancellor Boyd, yesterday; "divocted 4 vil Ainon ghrust; joompany i ton play be | Natalie ft agreed to be pais to: ¢ of they hen of Ti; Therese Ordhyadekhin, in 'consideration of her abandonment of all claims against the estate of the late Dr. Acland Oronhytakha. Both ladies weré wives of the deceased. He had' lived apart from Mrs. Natalie for some years, when he secured a divorce from her in. South : Dakota, without her knowing,- Shortly after he married Mrs. Therese, and before an action by the first wifg to set the divorce aside could be tried, he died, leaving every- thing to his second wife. The payment of the money to Mrs. Natalie was opposed by J. M. Dono- van, Sionx Falls, who claimed to have a solicitor"s lien for $2,218.50, and secured and order from the Unit- edi States courts ordering the Union Trust company to pay him. Messrs, L: and J. Jogeph, New York, Solie- tors, also claimed half the $5. Chancellor Boyd ruled that 300. ign counsel had no liens and that the Un- ion Trust company might ignore the order of the United States courts. cla TIRED ELUDING POLIC JE. "Come Over and Make the Pinch" Telephone Detectives. Chicago, Dee. 1.--'We know it is only a matter of time, when you will get us anyway, so we may as well the - telephone submit gracefully." 3. Drabeburg of This message ove yesterday reached Pe the United States secret service, from one of two men. who had flooded Mil- waukee avemuéd businéss houses with spurious five:doHar bills 'to. the ag: gregate of $3,000. * "Come on over and make the pinch," "added the voice, which named a meeting place. Shortly afterward peared at the federal building with his two prisoners, Gustav Bayer and Henry Michaels. They said they had orown tired of trying to elude the detectives. Drabeburg ap- He Has Resigned. Ottawa, # Pec. .1.--Hon. William J'emplenian has faced his resignation as-minister of ihland revenue in the bands of Sir Wil rid, Laurier, and the prime minister has the matter under consideration. It is not improbable that How. Mr. Templeman may retire temporarily from politics, antl that the way to preferment. may be opened to William Sloan. of Toon Ai Mr. Sloan was elected by awlamation, and would * again probably be unop- posed in the event of his being taken into the cabinet. A Girl 'Electrocuted. Syracuse, N.¥Y., Dec. londy, twenty years of age, a do- mestic," was g¢lectrocuted yesterday while dusting an electric fixture. Her employer, at 'the 'risk of her life, pull- ol the girl 'from the Fiver to which she 'was clinging. The coroner be- lieves that Miss Maloney"s shoes were wet and shat. standing on a register | a complete" was made in a fae vee fund gat thet! KBSHY 1096y o 1, ors O% thi I promi $ il Hho ibs erin : for het ows ttionry| Hil iC toy NER. ahnadithe government. the same time giving to the-city the. city the site of the old armoury which Se Now. it..is found that ik a owned DUBiwE, pL Es and d pro : s reported as ha been ol suffering 3 Javing § SENECA ELIGIBLE. Canada's Cup Holders Reply to R.C.Y.C. Challenge. Rochestor, N.Y., Dec. PE He vor inted "by the . Rochester : Yacht Club, to Jonsiser the question of another race for the Canada's cup, reached a final decision at its meetin last. night and forwarded the condi- tions of the coming race to Toronto for the signature of the Royal Cana- dian Yacht Club, together with a letter explanatory of the modifications and altcrations aad in the new conditions. The local club has set Saturday, September 4th, 1909, as the date of the first race. This, with' the excep- tion of a clause, which has for its in- tent the eligibility of the » Sacht Se- neca to race, is about the only change worthy of note embodied in the new corrections. ACCUSED 'OF VAGRANCY. A Young Man Well'Known in Toronto. Toronto, Dec. 1.--Phillips Martin, an eighteen-year old boy, who is 'well connected in Toronto, appeated § in the police court, to- -day, © arged with vagrancy, and was remanded for a week. According to the police, the boy is a confirmed 'morphine victim; and having exhausted all ordinary meth- ods of obtaining the drug, he has re- sorted to forging the names of doc- tors to prescriptions for what he wants. A pgeuliarity of the case is that the crown cannot prosecute him, as the forgeries have not heen to the detriment of anybody. It is said that the boy has been taking twelve to thirteen grains a day. "He former! worked as a bell boy in a big hotel, and was afterwards in Buffalo, ON CITY LAND. Part of Belleville Armory brat forint Bd Bellevite;~6mt;, Dec. y ii 1.1 nando mrmaary io latdly dai es fin gh £03 ite) not. upon gi A the site | The government at the by. t bi LIL fe CR Wty, yt Plano: wrt a hid js Jo A Wve Heist in fle. thie rékp bos iaup bs Tun A Commercial Panic. Vienna, Dec. 1.--A widespread com- mercial panic is threatefled in Austria, to-day, as the result of the Turkish boycott. The seriousness of Turkey's prohibition against all Austrian goods is just beginning to be felt and scores of business failures are being record- ed. From all over the country de- mands 'are pouring in for the govern- ment to make concessions to Turkey necessary to restore business rela- tions. Big Profit On Notes. London, Dec. 1.--As a result of the inquiry in the House of Commons it appears that the Bank of England fs able to write off annually a consid- erable sum representing the value of notes issued but not presented for payment. On November Ist the bank wrote off £14,055 in this way, and during the last six years the aver- age amount has been close to £12, 000. ? s Had Leg Broken. John Cushion, wine clerk at the Iroquois hotel, was the victim of an unfortunate accident. While walking along King street he went across the road to meet' a friend and in step- ping on the sidewalk he twisted his foot and fell heavily on the sidewalk, with the result that his right leg was fractured. He has just = recovered from a six weeks' illness. Reserved Decision. Toronto, Dec. 1.--For two hours, this morning, Sir James Whitney as acting attorney-general, 'heard argu- ments on behalf of applications for fiats to make the Hydro-Eleetric pow- er commission a party to suits to restrain the city of London and the city of Toronto, from entering into contracts with the commission. Sir James reserved his decision. Two vessels are veported as having collided in the dense fog in the vicinity of West Bay, Eng., with the loss of all on board. Life boats are now scarching the scene, but owing to the fog have not been able to find any signs of the wrecks, Daniel J. Keefe, Deiroit, president of the Longshoremen's 'Union, has accepted | the position of U. 8. com- missioner- general of immigration. "It cures grippe'"n-gne day, Bromo Quinine, "laxative." Sold in King- ston at Gibson's Red Cross drug Prof. Angus, of Victoria College, Toronto, is ill with # id. Don't lose sight of the fact that your prejudices may discredit you. A patch may denéte poverty, buf store. 1.--Mary Ma- | it also may tell of self de Duty may-be in the. shape of ul Senator burden, but don't shrink from it. A lot of people sedth mighty afraid when | of wounding the devil's feelings. d hed the fixgure with de- fective insulation, ~ Love always gets its severest afd truest test after marriage, Sul war. The 34th Austrian Infantry ambushed els each for trespass. Correspondents of FINLEY MEMBERS OF 4 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAD CHANGES, AND Alt. THE LEADING CONTINUOUS ==COBALT==" QUOTATIONS ----~RATES OF COMMISSION------ Shares selling under 10c. per share, te. Shares selling at 10c, and under B0c., Hv. Shares selling at 50c. and under $1, Jo Shares selling at $1 and under $2, 2 . Ete., ete, ete. nT Kir 1g S ton, Ont. h Clarence Chambers, W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, 10is obi ie A Sigh Avting and toques Coats, in Green, Navy, Brown and Black Beaver, Kersey: and Fancy, Tweeds, $5.00 to $25.00 To ama - Pretty Coats for Children, in Fancy Tweeds Kersey and White Beaver Skin Effects, $1.50 ¢ A PrAIAM Tr > iH fir. i" Bios" Costu FFF Brows, Navy and rn $25.00. / The . Loading Mantle ani Millinery Stor lic . I ¥ o styles," Black, ily , $10, $13.50 | joi David M. Spence; AMBASSADOR IN PERIL. Increased Tension Between the Two Countries. Dee. 1.--The carly departure of the Austrian ambassa- dor, from Turkey, yesterday, is ro- garded as the result of increased tem- sion between. him and Kictal Pasha, the grand vizier, afising out of the Turkish boycott against Austria. The government, has ° indicated to the am- bassador that his peril is such that it wotld feel easier were ho to quit his post. at once. ~ STO CK QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations are sup- slied by the City Brokerage (J. O. Hutton and J. RoC. Dobbs), 41 Claw" ence gtreet. Telephone, 480 A : Constantinople, General Stocks. December 1st. Sellers. Buyers. Ames iit 1 554 96 754 54 83 GP. R. Detroit United.. Lake of Woods . 56 76 Last New' York Excursion. For the season, December 10th. Tic- kets good in all regular trains date of sale to Utica or Syracuse, accord: ing 16 route" thence in all regular West Shore trains to New York, with a final return limit of December 19th. Apply to New York Central agente for detailed information. Fall Importations Of 1008. Prevost, Brock street, has received all fall i-aportations for order work n his tailoring department. His rea- dy-made clothing and gents' furnish- ing departments were never better as- sor ' . Cobalt Stocks, Amalgamated... .. ds Beaver... . Chambers Ferland .. Crown Reserve... oe Cobalt Central...... ... ... Cobalt Lake.. Foster...... ... Green Meeban La Rose... .... - Little Nipissing... ... ... McKin. Dar. Savage. Bipissing... ... ... ... Otisse...as (oe. Peterson Lake 12 33 mie mm-- "To "Advertisers. Cuts 'suitable 'to Christmas, as well as apprapridte borders of various sizes, may be ordered. through the Whig. Samplds may be seen at the office, ' J Neva Scotia...... ... ... i. Silver Leaf... Silver Queen Temiskaming Trethewey Matis, on. 50 An Honorable Record. St. John, N.B., Dec. 1.--Polite Ser- geant John Hipwell, who has on fifty-seven years inthe St. John: po- lice force, forty-seven years as ser- gernt, was last night voted by the city safety board a 'year's leave of absence at full pay. He has no black mark against him in his long career, His length of service, itis believed, is unbeaten fn Canada. ! * A patient "named John Marston es- choi from the Brockville asylum and iE 10 Lyn, Ont. five miles away, found: a horse and rig in the sheds of A hotel, which he .appropri- ated. He! was located at Delta , and arrested. ? No prudent man can afford to be without a poligy. th that gives weekly | indemnity for or accident for onz or more days' duration to the extent pl four years dor accident 'and, one year, for Mlness. "W. J. Fair, agent. The corundum plant at Craigmont, which emplaye 250 hands and which has been down for about a year, is br 'commence opera- tions again. "Instant" in, Sithes fon price' 25¢. each; a" for 2Be., lin Gall oy "#tofe. ellie Gallagher, aville, injured ber ankle Soot pF ge weeks ed 8, recently "foreed. 1. school | foching at ig Cilibogie Te "to Prison For Girls ; Fines For Men. London, Ont., Dec. 1.--Laura But- ler, aged twenty-one, wassentenced to two years in the Mercer. She was arrested a week ago in a deserted hall in' West London with two young men and another younger girl. The male members of the party were fingd $3 The other =~ girl t to goes fo Mimico. Tessier, Otlawa, withdrew application to compel the Ottawa Llectric company to furnish him .with free transportation as a meniher the senate. No explanation was fur- nishod. ¥

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