Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1908, p. 6

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+ if. you come to the right store. , We sell only the best Kurs of "every sort, such as speak for themselves. as long as you wear them, Furs For Christmas are always acceptable. Plenty to Choose From Here © HE v John McKay Fur House 107 Princess St. 119- 153 Brock St. "Tl GL or Crm Towrrz hi The Auto Strop Safety Razor, e.™.. foe mi petty thieving of hoen going on at the THROONLY SAFTY | company s office hore. Last ean bo. stropped without removing blade about midnight, Chief Gorman arrest from frame. ted Karl Licht, aged cichteen years, land a former employee of tho com- ipany, in the act of taking the thox, eontaining about | safe. Yomig Licht no new | hoth office and safe buys [ posse gsion On 1} nineteen keys and sevaral other articles wore him. Licht 'appeared ah | before Magistrate Blake, this morning, and pleaded guilty. a Was I 5 en nde Wil ne Mone £0 i 4 allow gn investigation 1 obi id other amall Huts Rott 3 ¥ : ALDRON'S Great Sacrifice Sale M Goats and Si At One-Half Price. Caught in Act of Box. For the past six cash has he RAZOR that Razor whose blade can and over again to The only Salty be strapped over hair edge a to his scarched gained access No old blade by keys in blgdes to outfit for to throw away ; continually buy, $5.00 ix being a lifetime. found on Iso Barfly A 3 Police kinds, We A. Mitchell's, Razor, from 15¢. wp, +4 to their $10.00 Coats for $5.00 15.00 Coats for 7.50: 18.00 Coats for 9.00 20.00 Suits for 10.00 20.00 Coats for 10.00 25.00 Coats for 12.50 30.00 Coats tor 15.00 25.00 Suits for 12.50 30.00 "Suits for 15.00 All Ready-to-Wear Skirts At One-Third OF. = This sale means' an sictual loss of many thousands of dollars to us, but we must re- duce our stocks, 'no matter how heavy the sacrifice. A pleasure to have you our examine our stocks. ; /|sAID TO" "HAVE SHOT ore To Get Style With Furs "who constituté the entire police Taking Cash' Pell Telephone | night, | cash | $20 from the | CHIEF LOCKED up POLICEMAN WILKINS. A Tragedy & the Park at Simcoe Early This Morning--Clothing Set on Fire By "Shots--Con- _ stable May Die. Simcoe, Ont., Dee. 1.-~About one o'clock, this morning, Policeman 'Wil- kins was shot while in the park. It is said that five shots entered his. body from a revolver, 'and that his assailant was. so close that the shots #et fire to his clothing. When he rve- gained consciousness, Wilkins found his way to the office of Dr. Bowlby and was taken care ofrand was afterward removed to the sani- tariom. - His recovery is considered very doubtful. Acting on statements, made by Policeman Wilkins, the arrest of Chief of, Police Malone was, effected, charg- od with being the assailant; the chief {18 now locked up in the county jail. From Wilkine' statement it 'would seem that the two ' men met in. the park, by arrangement, though for. | what purpose it is not known, and | that Malone immediately opened fire fon Wilkins." The first ball struck Wil: {king in the eye, and as he turned to | cscape three bullets were fired in quick | sucoession into his back, The wounded man is in a dangerous {condition. He says Malone was crazed | with lignor when he did the shooting. | Malone is said to have kad two 're-| | volvers and a flask of whiskey on him | { when 'searched. There is said to have | heen trouble between 'tha two men force | | of the town, Chief of Phlice Malone, who is an Englishman and a South African | veteran, has been on the forte since | February last. His home is in Strathroy. "Wilkine, who alsh is an Englishman, came on in April. TO TRY ANOTHER CASE And the One Will Determine the Other. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 1.-Jt is quite probable the case in which 5000 cas- | es of Walkerville Club whiskey seized some time age, by the United States government, this port, for: viola- tion of the food and arug act, in being improperly labelled, wall nev- | er come to trial in this city. The sovetnment has another case almost | identical which will be tried in Balti | more, within a few oases, "and it is | ptobable the 'action taken "here will determine hoth cases. time the 5,000 eases sre in | The charges for their keep | pir | month for stoenge, and | povernment loses it- will have { tle, Tf the distillery | pense will he added to production. at pure In the mean- | 'storage. | are R100 | if the to set wins, this ex- | the cost of | 'The Riverman."' This "work, 'the mbst important | pidee oF fiction that Mr. White has up dartaken sina the publication of ie | oveiitedt sudesss "The Blazed Teail,' the floating 'down the rivers of thio | the lofrical ' suteesor to that work. | | After the cutting and the sledding of | the lumber in the great forests, comes | the floating down the rivers of the logs and their delivery at the mills owners. Like the woodsman, | the riverman is a distinet type, rough | and pfude but simple, loyal, and hon eat! with 'a splendid physique, trained to quickness and alertness no to brute foree, by the peculiar | requirements of his dangerous craft The story which the author had con tructed out of material and placed against background -of na tural beauty grandeur to which he responds like a poet, is most sim pl most effective. "The Riv ormian," issued beautiful illus sited P $1.25. Now an] ( 11 loss than t such the and 1 I and vet" 1 in only & edition at 'R. U trabt, or elon o' Prin Service. Ba midst gathering friends, the last Miss Elizabeth Cunning performed by Rev. H. D | Whitmore The decensed wa only | twenty years of and these had been mn great suffering. from incurable diseas: The patient of her eldest sster, did mueh the last {#ad vear of ther under the | essing God enabled her to live as long as she dig. Her many friend | awd. neighbors were untiring in their { sympathy and Christian ministries {or t the 'umelioration of her spd condition was deeply affected by their kind 4 8, and was deeply grateful for |, {'them. Truly he" many friends are grateful for the end that has now closed so pathetic and suffering life Funeral of ( ot At Mrpe | rites ham, were the home lie, over age seven ol spent an self-sacrifice to relieve life, and n ol i fe Students At The Bijou. { picture drama of special interest students 'and to medical students pin particular, is offered at The Bijou, bon Wedhosday and Thursday. It is a 3 powerful 'drama and tells the story of | heroic voung student who saerific his to "ensurc- th suceess surgical I ahd the sam | time to bring financial aid to his im-.} | poverishetl family. Picture vaudevilk also forins part the programms he film a hand-colored one, few 'actual vaudeville it Another fine melodrama Take: Your Girl to the complete the programme daid to be coro: to ** to the Ball Game." The Pen Contest Results. My. Kavanagh, King street, ge Watdrman fountain pen, offered I. Best for the person who | the wxact weight or nearest [weight of big Waterman pen in window. His guess was 2 oz, 20 'gre, The exact weight being | Fro 18 grea. Nir. Peeling" Queen's, was | | nooomd, 2 = , odes, 80 ors. cand Mr. ©. H. Pawell, third, 'with 2 oz., '1 dr. | The PHL vm was clése and contest | full "af Interest, over 300 puesses bein: egjsterd. : A je an ol 'a at y i ot is and | equal | and a Jall The I'nke acts can feong, {vame,"' Flatter ts { Me Out thie by | guessed to exact show | Y eedwiyi] 9 : 23 = S0E.r} Money I Your If 'the Mexice two dozen weet, faiey "On the Corner. 13 | s 80 '| ter considerable Ssiehing, th | articles weve also identified by [ which has just about closed, | ment flour thaek {wept | 1 hat | bhak, {ing pry {| Ontarie farmers have settled in | district | PHrposes, Ontario. | the to be January feature roarin' King will "he when placed upon those matter {authoritie | tion TR3.06; je armouries ivited to Iwas 'fired honor Landy KING NG oF r KINGSTON | Must Explain How Eom He Came By | Certain Ji Woodstock Sentinel-Re' Monday morning rd C. Dawson re- odived word that's man was trying to sell a gold watch chain in the jewelry stores of the ity. a was | suspected thet eve not all right, so about nine o'lock, af- con- . stable 'placed the Ja Joeating him in a Mader a He ve his ime a F. 5. . King, of {ingston, and sai represented the firm of P. iH. avis, Ek: He produced a telegrams addressed to himselty purporting to be from Mr. Davis. The man was brought before magistrate and remanded for week, the nominal charge being va- srancy., In his pockets was found 05 in money, two rasors, a lady's gold watch and a gentleman's silver watch, two gold 'watch chains, a locket, a cigar case, a silver butter knife in a case and a book of G. N.W. telegraph: blanks, with some of the sheets torn out. King had béen boarding at the Royal Hotel. Some valuable jewelry belonging to Miss Clare Farrell was taken Sunday night from her room. This consisted of a diamond brooch, a gold watch and three gold watch chains, . Monday alan the gold watch found on ¥ King as well as the two chains, hy Miss Farrell as her property. The diamond pin and - the third chain were located at a local jewelry store where Kjng- had, it is alleged, -sold the chain for $3 and had received $3 las a loan on the brooch, These two Miss the Farrell as hers. When King comes up at the end of the week's remand the charge will {be changed to theft. TOTAL GRAIN RECEIPTS For the Season Amounted to 14, 766,054 Bushels. During the season .of wmvigation,! the grain shipments from the west to Ringston hy vessel amounted, up to Dec. Ist, | to '14,766,054 bushels. This is pro- hably between 400000 and 560.000 bushels less than last year, which established a record in grain ship- to Kingston. The present year was looked upon as dull in the ship- ment line, hut the grain total shows that 1908 . has not heen far behind the prosperous year 1907. Of the total amount that came here 366 went to Montreal by river ws down the St. Tawrenee. The balance, 903,688 bushels, was shipped irom here by rail. The coal' receipts here for the Yon amounted to 37.993 tons receipts 80 tons, and THE BEST AGRICULY TRISTS [are Taking Tp 1 Land in New Ontario. Col. G. H. Hunter, from New Ontario, whither to locate vetsrans' Wanels, the of agniculturists LT newlv-develaped is best, Many Lieut.- is he saVS oon coun western the who class that the very with their sp londietiy. brings the land There farm This colonel the sons and are Thy 'sale wf timber a good\sum yearly, and find for agricultural are many exeollerit hands settled. in Now class of Englishman, SVS, much different Londoners who are seen ng atone then is Finglish is from | Canadian cities. For Big Bonspiel. entrids continue secretary, for held at "the and the of the best Egstern of © the of The the to pour in the curling wink, vent "promises of its kind Ontario. The bonspicl will the the ladies' clubs promises to flouri<h winter. Past =eazons but coming up mn 1h te over gpecinl the The o we one wld in nresence game gton tha been good have the One a, hummer The Harbor Was Rough The harbor sigrht and wers which teamer presenfed a magnificent The waves rolled lashed to 'fury. by the swept the .distriet Wolfe Islander cross in the teeth the people watched the W tossed about. to-day rake The the ant over od mile, Httle harbor many 1s it ol as A Mistake Made seems the It that a mistake vaccination embargo was entering Cape Vin Kingston. As soon a placed before the proper at 'Albany, and the. condi explained, the vaccination julrement was removed. ent, from was Inland Revenue Collectiofs ollections at the stliee November .: malt, 8760.56; 81,800.04; bonded factory * (vin- $67.44; mothy. spirits, ~ %65.- 512.50: other receipts Total collections, $8455.84 inland Spies, tobaceo for »,; and irars gar), license, 26.50 Junior Hockey Meeting. A mee of all the avers in the eity day, evening at All attend ting jmnior hockey is called 'fory Wed os funior players are the meeting, tin, In The Queen's Honor, royal salute of Iwhkaty-one at noon, Tuesday, by Rowal Canadian Horse Artillery, of 'the birthday cof 'Queen Alex A nde To Go To Paris, E. Lavell, M.A7; pastor Lane Methodigt churéh, an- invitation to "take next, to Paris, Ont, Rev. A accep tod effect in June Our City Merchants. Can have . their printing promptly at the British Whig office, the cheapest and best plage. « Customs Import Duties, loeal customs import November amounted to tdhities To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting oheapest aud best, at Wg ai, were positively identified | i | Bea mn | big bonspiel | mn | high | vessel | was made | the | Ye iC ravenue | eight o'¢lock in the Iis. | po guns | the | in | has | $16,310. Vicinity--~Other Briaf Items of | Interest Easily Read And Re- Fresh vaccine at Wade's. There 'was no session of the Police Sout this morning. Bale of souvenir cards, two a for 10c. New York Dress Reform. lam Swaine, piano tuner. received at MeAuley's. "Phone 778 "Curol Ointment" sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Four men, out of work and home- less, were given shelter at the police station last night. Lennox Iron Pills. 25¢. each; 2 for 25e¢., drug store. The Tuesday market was very slim- ly attended. Market gardeners alone 'pit in an appearance. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's.. Leave orders at Me- Auley's Book Store. There is still a full month in which to decide what you can "swear off" with the least inconvenience. Sale of corsets, dip-hip, with hose | supporters, Sle. New York Dress Re- orm. The waterworks commitiee will ave after- ion of Regular price at Wade's a special, meeting Wednesday noon, to deal with the ign Superintendent Hewitt. "Strong after dinner mints," jresh lot received at Gibson's Cross drug store. The young people of Barriefield, are arranging - 10 hold another dance in the town ball there, in the pear fu- | ture. | Wade's white camphorated oil will] not become rancid or sticky. Ian} bottles; 15c. and 20c. Wade's drug | dove. The barrel is generally about amipty } {before a man can make up hig mind | whether the cider is too hard to used as a beverage with propriety. { Children's stockings that will wear; "double knee, 20c., 20c.; over-stockings, | 25¢c. New Fork Dress Reform. | a Red be | Then there is the man so opiniona- ted that be would rather miss a train than acknowledge the possibility of his watch being ten seconds slow. T'wo- quart hot water hottles, made of pure rubber, from 35c. to $2 each, at Wade's Drug Store. At a congregational Wednesday night take up the guestion of raising for the Laymen's Missionary ment "The genuine Hazeline Snow," lish make, sold in Kingston Gibson's Red "Cross drug store | Rodgie Stewart, the .thirteep-year- | old son of Postmaster James Stew-! art, was removed to the General Hos- ! pital," last evening, suffering' from. ty- phoid fever. ! Liopnox Kidney and Liver Pille. Re-| gular price each; 2 dor 2c, at Wade's drug store. The management commitiee of the ' Board of Edueation has decided that | the pupils. ef the, Collegiate Institute | cannot hold an "At Home" thiy tnonth, as desired. "Uhase"s Nerve Food," gold in Kingston at Gibsem's Red Cross drug! shore. . That tired, languid feeling headache 1s very didagreeabls Take ! two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be- | retiring, 'and: you will find relief, They never fail to do good. "Wild Cherry" cough cure. {price - 25c, each; 2 for at | Wade's drug store. - Rev. G. A. Mackenzie, of Bethel } church, says he has not yet decided whether not he will accept the call} extended him from the Christian | Workers church at London. | "Only one plaw: Kingston" you | | an buy strictly th class eandy, Huyvler cold only Ciibzon's drug store. "Phone 230 The gale of for-many ftwo ter utidenly tinie rapid Accident unavoidable themselves a place to W most on will funds Mos a meeting Cooke's church Eng- at 1 is | | Bbc. is dull | and Regular | 20c,, or in hig and MoConkes at Red Cross fiercest afte Monday was In dhe downpour; ran starhit. Ht changes. gicknes the a dad evenmge, ¢ rific of wa weather happen, Those who their families roll of for the cheapest form policy carry as much as life of do is f proteet | deserve} Apply | and | issued. | aq $90, and the Fair attractive on , honor J ot Som 000 on citizens single Case Was Dismissed. Justice of the has dismissed voung nan was in connection. with récent Short hotel, Portsmouth | ral witne : who! Were summoned five evidence cannot -be Jatated has been adjournod several jand to-day was Hunter whicl charged with arson the fire at Seve- Peace George the case i ase | | | to The 1imes finally disposed of oF ase bods | 95¢ Paste. two for 2Bc,, nnox Tooth Regnilar price | each; at Wade's | And Iatder- to make room and at the same time clear the stock after a busy fall's Dress Goods sell- ing we avill bold a Remnant TO-MORROW, ALL DAY, 9 TO 6. All Dress Goods Lengths, from 1 yard, 11,2 21, 3,4, 5,0, 7 yards, Berges, Cashmeres, Cheviots, Tweed Suitings Poplins, Chevron Stripes and many new ali materials, Many of these lengths are suitable for Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Waists, and a large number just th> thing for 'children' 5 Wear, All 'will be offered To-morrow at Half Price This means a heavy loss to us, but it has been our custom to clear stock every few months, and each season starts out with brand new goods, of ¢ ; We Will Place on Sale at Same Time 2, 000 Yards Good Quality Percaline Linings Full 34 inches wide and a quality usually sold at 15¢ yard. Ome shade of grey only. Yours To-morrow, Sc Yard. NOTE --This lining will only ba sold te those purchasing Dress Goods Remnants. ' ¢ 900 Yards White English Flannelettes 25 inches wide, good weight, from 8c to 10c yard. Yours To-morrow, 6¢c Yard. and usually sold 5 Pairs Children's Plain Black Cashmere . Stockings A manufacturer's lot of samples, sizes 5 inch, 5, 6, 6! inch. Worth 20e, 25¢, 30c. 33¢, 35¢. ranging in g A Your Choice To-morrow One- Third Off. 5 bf drug étore, Articles Our window displays a etlection ; of handsome things in Sqlid Brass | goods Fine Electric Table Lamps, Candle Sticks, Jardinieres, Smokers" Sets, Ash Trays, &c. The *'Old Brass" decidediy rich much admired. finish - gives a | efiect," and is Reasonable in price, and very | suitable for gifts. | dome | JEWELLER : Issuer of Marriage: SESF ELSIF il buyin $ FEEESPEITI OE oR Co 8g ce £n Just When You Need Them 'And at the Right Prices A Bagam Boots, siges 1 to B, NOW . A A Special Lot of Boys' Heavy Boots, cap solid leather. NOW .. 2 A Bargain Lot of extra good Boots, and strong. NOW Rast haa Those 'Boys' . HOW ' + Some Finer Shoes, for Ohristmas trade, Hand.ade .and Ee $2.50 and #300, : "Lot of Casco Cal? Blucher ~ toe $1.00. finer dnd yet Fw . soles, poset Heavy Grain Boots, pegged and solid.

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