Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1908, p. 8

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black, 35¢ to {il. | Overgaiters Ladies' Overgaiters, 'in Ladies' Overgaiters, in other shades, 75c to $1. Misses' Corduroy and Cloth Leggings, 75c 'and 85c. - Men's Spats In black and other shades, 85¢, $1 and 1.25. 4 JENVINGS, King St Best's Short Stop ® will cure any cough, old or % new in Children or Adults. PB It is fully guaranteed and the price will be cheerfully refunded shiould you not be perfectly satisfied with the results after taking one bottle. Get this greatest of Cough § Cures to-day, and you will never be without a bottle the house. No cough lives where "Short Stop' is § used," and'it costs but 15 cents. Prepared and sold only at Best's, 124 Princess St., Kingston. HHOICIICIICIANCK i% a American Oils Coal 00, Lubricating Oil, Gasoline. We make a specialty of handling Lubri- cating Oils of all kinds, Prices oa application. W.F.KELLY &CO South Cor. Ontario and Olarence Ste Phone, 486. A v VDD { cooD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses never fail to brihg succeds to our adus ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Olergy streét, Kingston. 'Phone 680. BTOCKDAL Principal. T. N. TVVVVVVVVVVLTT RVR BOMOKOKOKOKOKONKOKOKOKD Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Strect. Oanada's Ispading Business Schoof Day and Evening Classes Shorthaed, Typewriting, Booke keeping, 'Telegraphy. Special in. dividual {nstruction for pupils deficient in English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at amy time. 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET- OALFE, Principal. APPLES Tal- Bellflowers, man Sweets. Spies, Snows, ~ Also 'a full line of nice clean fresh Groceries. Fresh Oysters D. Couper, 341 3 Princess St.' : Phone, 76. Prompt Delivery. REMNANT SALE|L First-Class Wall Paper D. E. FRASER, "Phone 373. 78 William St.. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing, at cents a pound, is a good tobacco, Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario street. Win. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New. Carriages, Cutters, Harness | 'UNION forty-five | ., for sale eile ot ot Harses every Saturday. y Lino ETOR Tells How to Cure Stomach and : Liver Troubles. distinguished 1 London physician ig the course of a recent lecture stomach and liver troubles, gives the following advice :-- "Be moderate in the use of heavy, rich foods. Do not eat hurriedly, and thoroughly masticate the food. If your habits are sedentary, take a moderate amount of exercise before retiring and immediately upon aris- ing. Do not uge strong cathartic pills, many of which are advertised as sure cures, but in reality do injury by weakening the system. If you find it necessary to use any laxative, stick to the old-fashioned vegetable mixture, viz. :-- Fluid Extract Cascara.. Syrup Rhubarb Carriana Compound Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla . Take one teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. _ This acts in a gentle, satutel way, and is free from the weakening effects of strong purgatives, The ingredients van be bought separately, and anyone can mix them at home. This information will be of benefit to our readers and is wor'h keeping. Health and Beauty. WILSON'S Invalids' Port (21a Quina du Pérou) is the best of all blood-makers.. If not only purifies and enriches the -blood, but strengthens every organ of the body, giving both HEALTH and BEAUTY. Dr. JULES LAFLEUR St. Johns, Que. Says "I have found Wilson's Invalids' Port a valuable stimulant for debilitated persons. I prescribe it specially to young women, feeling sure to have in the majority of cases most satisfactory results." BIG BO TTLE | All Druggists Everywhere. ESTABLISHED AND ADMITTED att in 2450 eat sconce 25 "c ie Elastic Cushion Strops; $1.00, * Free booklet 'Hints to Shavers, * ig ® Firm of A. Li: SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, N.Y. For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 89- 71 Brook St., Kingston, Ont. "Silver Plate that Wears" Ice Cream Forks Fancy serving pieces, knives, forks, spoons, efc., always in good taste, are marked "1B4T ROGERS BROS" A great variety of exquisite patterns noted for quality. SOLD BY LEA DEALERS Silver urns, pl bufter dishes, sugar bowls, fo be right, should be made by MERIDEN BRIT: CO. Sold in three . of strength--No. 1, $1; 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3 for al cases, $5 per box Sold all druggists, or een! Jrepa on receipt of price pamphlet. Co 'ess § a 20K MeDioue 0a. TORGNTS, ONT. (formerly Windsor ~ Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK CITY. - 1a DAY and UPWARDS Bagga, to and from sta- tion Send 2-cent stam Yor New Jars City Guidebook and Map. MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes, Painless, and not astrin. . = at went in plain SR pa ol 00. Yor 3 3 bottles 7. Circular sent ney and Bladder Troubles, In jumping at conclusions you and are quite likely to Jump into trou ble. "Disinfecting Fluid;"> by the gal lon, : for houses, offices aend factories, ¢ [hat he will be asked to remain 5 the HE WAS | ORE PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DID NOT CONSULT HIM. Affecting Naval Policy and the Conduct' of His, Department-- Secretary Metcalf Has Thus Stepped Out. - Washington, Dee. 1.--Another change in the Roosevelt cabinet took place to-day when Victor H. Metcalf, of California, formally relinquished the portfolio of secretury of 'the nav; and was succeeded by Truman Newberry, of Michigan; who - had been assistant secretary in name, but secretary in Secretary Metcalf has been u stick- ler for his - prestgatives, but kas found himself - oi repeated occasions VICTOR A. METCALF. ¥ practically ignored by the president in' important matters affecting nava policy and the"wonduct of his depart- ment. Lack of health and the sense of iso- lation and estrangement between him- self and President Roosevelt prompt- ed Mr. Metcalfe's resignation. He has been ill fur a year and during the last wo months he has scarcely heen able to sit at his desk. Just before the election he had to cancel an engage- ment to speak in West - Virgima. Since that time he has been able to be at the department parts of only two days. Mr. Metcalf left Washington in the middle of last April, going to his home' in California ' with a hope that he could regain his health. He re- ma'ined 'there until "September. He believed himself improved when he came back to Washington. Since the beginning of his chief's ill, health Mr. Newberry has been head of they department in all but name. President Roosevelt has looked to him for advice in 'the few matters. of adgrinistration he did Wh foe yald! e by hy heen Hie Ti Tr N84 or MIRE ~~ a o Fruman H. Newberry sulted] and, besides, his views and those of the president have not been of the same kind. His has been a policy of reticence with yegard to the defects mentioned by critics of the ships of the navy, while that of President . Roosevelt and Assistant Secretary Newberry has been one of openness and discussion. Mr. 'Newberry is an enthusiast naval matters, and is a close friend of the president. It .is generally agreed he is a better business man and administrator than his predeces- sor, and is in close touch with _ the personnel of the navy. He has long been ambitious to be placed at the head of the navy department, and the knowledge' of this fact possessed by Mr. Metcalf did not tend to foster cordial relations "between them. The friends of the new secretary are hope- ful he will make such a good record by after March 4th "on President-elect, Taft next. NEW DAIRY SCHOOL Opened at St.' Hyacinthq Que.--A Government School. St. Hyavcinthe, Que., Dec. provincial dairy séhool for of the Dairymen's Association open- ed here to-day. The course covers practically every phase of the dairy- ing.industry from the testing of milk to the inspection of boilers and en- gines. Courses - are _given in both French and English. Certificates are to be given to those who attend the whole course and qualify in the dif- ferent branches. The teaching staff 'ia- cludes Prof. J. D. Leclaire, superin- tendent and general inspector of creameries and other officials of the department of agriculture, The school under the control of the govern- mient, 1.--The members is The Loan Refused. De¢. 1.--With no money in treasury to pay the November salaries of the Portuguese offigials, the government has made an unsuceesstul attempt to borrow $5,000,000 from the Bank of Portugal. The loan' was refused owing to the unsatisfactory condition of the government's collate- ral. Lisbon, your * minister. He's human, at Wade's drug stere, know. fact, since November, | 'people Interesting Saws From the Var- New England "and ania towns su a Players tes el LA: A. A. hockey team the amateur defini- its own football and withdrew from the ol Amateur. Hockey gue. At the Hamilton. Varsity rugby match in Jorma, there were in at- tendance, 7 ilton, 1,600. ian Union, $150; , $150; other expens- . Lig of the Jeffries Ath- letic C b, Los, Angeles, Cal., sent a am to "Battling" Nelson at' Hegewisch, 1HI., offering him a fight with Freddie * Welsh, for forty-five rounds in Janu ary. Long states that Welsh. declared he "would bet Nelson 85,000 on the side, Joe Gans fie. sent to New York from Baltimore a certified cheque for $1,000 to bind a match with "Pac: key" McFarland, © Gans 0 nly chal- lenged Mckarland when the Chicago boxer fought ommy"' Murphy at Philadelphia last week, but no at- tention 'was paid te him. "Tom Longhoat has not since the "event in Fall River, owing to "indisposition. He has two on for next Saturday, afternoon and night, at Philadelplii; he then rests and trains til December 15th, when he goes against Dorando Pietri, at Ma- dison Square, the Marathon distance. Manager Flanagan reported?that the contract between the Indian and the Italian 'was signed on. Saturday. Toronto Worid i+ Ih every game raced || there is always some play: that stands out more - prominently than the oth- ers. Four years Ago Lit was Casey Baldwin's 3 khok thitt resulted iv'a try ana netted the blue and' white the championship. 'Satufday it was Cor- yell mistaking Referee- Hontry for one oi his own players, when Vagsity was in possession just outside of their own line. The result was a loose ball behind the line, which Marriott secur- ed for a try, and, as Moore convert- ed, the fatal mistake cost six points and the shampigne hip. Ottawa Fi Press : On behalf of the Ottawa Heckey Club two former Ottawa geritlemen sre to-day using their good . offices in an effort to make arrangepepts with Herbie Clarke of Toronto to play here this winter. Fhe Pepdrt emanating from a Toronto source thére was no chance of Clarke coming 16 Ottawa, that he did not know 'He was wanted here, ete. is all a conggetion or a steer hy larke to throw the. newspapermen off the scent. Clarke Kas been communi: eating with ha Otiawa. Club indireot: ly for six weeks and has actually ex- "|@ressed himself as 'being anxious to play here. It is belisved, however, he wishes to continue as an amateur, WILL BE ADMITTED, Restrictions Removed at ! Windsor. » Windsor, Qnut., Nov. meats, dried sking, or horns and' hoofs, wool and bristles that do not originate in" any of the fivdé American states now, under quarantine, will now be admitted fo Canada through indsor, in. accordance with instruc- tions that Customs Colleetor Smith has re ceed. Horses, including the one that pulled the mail waggon be- tween Windsor and Detroit post of- fice, are still batred and also all live stock. This order is a real concession to Canadian importers, who felt the general application of the government ban roti Some Vine: when self-righteous The devil is neéver in despair he comes across the individual, ! I had about as soon meet the smiling sinner as the scowling saint. To Redden the Blood Should Be Aim of Weak, Nervous, Dizzy, Pale People Redden Blood With Dr.A W.Chase's Nerve Food ich, red blood. Pua is 'what ople need. pe blood to form new cells and tis sues, to invigorate the nerves t. to strengthen the heart's action, to give energy and vigor to.the organs of the body. The pale, nervous, weak elements from which' nature formsgrich red blood are found in con- densed and easily assimilated form in Dr.-A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, and because of its wonderful blood-build- ing qualities this great restorative has become world-famous. There is. no. guesswork, no experi- menting with this treatment. Every dose is. bound to do you a certain amount of good. Miss Cynthia Hutchinson, Hance ville, B.C., writes: "I feel it my duty to tell what a great friend - Dr Chase's Nerve Food has béen to me. I would have written sooner, but wanted to be. sure I was thoroughly cured. Before using this: medicine my nervous system was so completely run down that my friends, as well as my self, thought I could never get better. All medicines failed to help me. 'A trial of = Dr; Chase's Nerve Food benefited me, "and . I used altogether seven boxes. At the end of a month scarcely knew me, I had im: proved so much. The blood was en- riched, calor improved, new flesh add- ed, I got strong and well. Several 'of my friends have. profited by my ex- perience ahd Yeceiveil great benefit from this treatment.' irre | Chase, "Don't avy follow the 'example of | author, you fonuine, - Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. The portrait and signature of A. W. M.D., the famous Receipt Book are on every box of the 50 cents at all dealers or 30:=--Dressed | Effie: "You've .won-! What's your wish?" Margaret: "For a 'Pandora' Range--no fuss. ing in the kitchen, no tedious baking hours, no burned pastry and roasts, no big coal bills," Effie: "Oh, if I had won I was going to wish for a happy home, but your wish includes that." VANCOUVER} ST. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON, 3 y CALGARY. LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, _ WINNIPEG, om GRAYS ond Syren or A safe; : sure 'and prompt cure for Coughs." Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Throat Affections. 25c. and 50c. a bottle. At all drug stores. FANCY FURNITURE FOR XMAS PRESENTS Library Table, Solid Qt. Oak, from 38.5 50 to $25. Morris Chairs, same as cut, from $6.50 Lo $25. . Sectional Bookcases, "rom $2.50 to $4.50 per section. Music Cabinet, Chiffioniers, Pedestals, Jardinier Mahogany & nd Oak. Parlor Swi from $20 to $150. Mission Dining Room Sees. only Eng- lish finish from $50 10 $12 ROBT. J. REID, 230 Princess St., 6 Doors: above Opera House. Telephone SL. Parlor Fables, Stands, in COPYRIGHT Car Loads of Orhges Mexican; Floridas, all sizes. Sas Grape Fruit and Bananas Toye's, 302 King Street. Phone, 141, a " apts Policies Issued by the Tipariol Guarantee | and Accident Insurance Company of Can- ada Pay Indemnity for Thirty Diseases, Including Smallpox and Quarantine. Ap- TELE R. Ticket Office, Ontario HR Full particulars at K. & hii iro Loum rt Arthur, ¢ BAY OF QUINTE RATLWAY. ne day Sma nn eg SCronite, 3 pudenl pro "all ts north. To secure patch aati, dh WR W. Pick pens 3 0% rca Chicago, Ill, Now, S8th to Dec. 10th, Return tickets will be issued at $24.25) ood going Nov. 20th to Dec, 4th. Re turning on or before Dec: 13th. ONTARIO PROVINLIAL FAIR, Guelph, Ont., Dec. 7th to 11th. Re- turn tickets will be issued at $6.35, ood going Saturday, December 5th, to Friday December 1 th, good returnipg on or before Monday, December 14ih, Local Branch Time Table. © Trains will leave and arrive at Ohy Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. City 12 3.38 am. du 12 Local . 7 Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 and 8 run daily, All other trains he except Sunday. For Pullman Accommodation' Tickets; and all other information. «uly to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson gnd Ontario . Sts, King- ston, Ont. INTERCOLONIAL RY NERS 0 For Copy Of Notes by the Way | Wi th Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between Montreal and the Atlantic Ports. Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. v STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND = 7.80-9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.mj 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.mq WED. 7.809. is a.m. 1.00-3.00 p.my aL ItS,, Breakey Bay 6. B00. 30 am. 1.30 p.m FRI. 7.30---9.15 a.m, +:00---3.00 p. mi SAT. 8.00--9.156 a.m/ 1.00---4.00 p.m SUN. 9.15 and 12.30 a.m. 8.00 p.m, LEAVES KINGSTON -- MON, 8.80--11.80 a.m. 2.00-4 39 >.my TUES. 8.30-11.30 a.m. 2.00-4.30 p.m WED. 8.80-11.30 a.m. 2.004.850 p.m THURS, 8.30--1.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 7 p.m: Breakey"s Bay, 8 p.m FRI 8.30~11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 pm 3011.80 a.m. 2.004, 30 p.m 45 a.m: 1.15-8.30 p.m Sat: ~Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's dock, at 3.00 p.m Time Table subject to change without notice: Boat calls at Garden Island going te n. Royal and from Kingsto ALLAN =%icii' LINE SAILINGS CHRISTMAS LIVERPOOL. From St. John to Halifax, | Tunisian, sails . ... Nov. 28th. Victorian, sails Grampian, sails v TO GLASGOW, Hesperian, from Halifax ........ Dec. 12th; lonian, from Por d we Dec. 16thy FIRST-CLASS $62. 50 upwards, SECOND-CLASS $42.50 upwards, THIRD-CLASS, $26. 50 upwards. Ape plication to J. P. HA ANL EY. or 0s ry MON. TUES, ply now for your Policy at the office, 18% Market St.. Kingston. J.O . Hutton, Agent, r--" PLUMBERS : Try our PURE LEAD in five pound "blocks. The. priee is interesting. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd Additional sailings and rates .on KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents, King. ston. NEW: MACHINE Stop A call is 'invited for all kinds of gene oral manufacturing and machioe repair. ing, sewing ines, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, ed tools, ; braze ing, model and pattern making. Best of {tention insted Setar all work, Repairs ian ore leaving Shop, iE P ex. pro Stondmtt to. sida, eit ar Wiis Sty Toronto war wv. HUNTER, : on rine Taken et nts

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