-- ' ¥ ¥ nF vd THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1908. How-To Reduce Fat The Simplest, and Surest Way to | 'Get Rid of Fat Without Drugs. | 3 ¥ | How To Prove It To Yourseli - Free. { { There has become known a, remedy for | fat, the use of which has already results etl in enormous benefit, and most prob ably in the saving of many lives. Tis remedy is comslonly called Rengo. The rate, at which this remedy will re- duee fut and do it harmlessly and sure- ly, is truly remarkable. A pound a day is ordifurily 'the loss recorded, being done by coinpelling perfect assimilation | of the food, and sending the nutriment | where it belongs. The nost remarkable feature of Rengo is that yow can take all you want of-it wahout running the slightest risk of arm. It can be chewed like candy and is pleasant to the taste. Many physicians, who before webe at a loss to know how to cure obesity; are now prescribing Rengo with remarkable | suecess, It is a great nerve-strength producer, affecting digestion primari ¥, antl inducing. a general exilaration of mind and body. Wrinkles which appear where 'injarigus drugs and starvation process is tried, do not occur where Kengo ds used. 'Phere is nothing 'just as good" as Rengo. For sale by all druggists at $1,00 pee full sized box, or by mail pre- aid, by The Rengo Co. 3: Rengo Hd, Detroit, Mich. The company will wlndly send you a trial package free by mail if you write them direct to Detroit: no free packages at drug stores, Rengo is for sale and recommended in Kingston by Henry Wade, Druggist. | | | Oflice Railings, Coal Dealers and | Builders' Screens, Sifters, Fencing | and® Wire Work of every Deserip- | y (Mop manufactured at Partridge & Sons, | Crescent Wire and Iron Works. | _'Phone, 380. KibNeY Disease . COMES ou QUIETLY. Perliaps no other organs work harder than | the kidneys to froneeve the general health of the hody and most people are troubled with some kind of Kidney Complaint, but | do not suspect it. It may have ps in the | system for some time. There may have been backache), swelling of the feet and | ankles, dissurbances of the urinar organs, | such as brick dust deposit in the urine, highly colortd: scanty or cloudy urine, bladder pains, frequent or supressed urina- tion, bupning sensation when urinating, ete. Do nok negloct any of these symptoms, | for, if noglected they will Tea Bad to Bright's Disease, Dropsy and Diabetes. On the first sign of anything wrong Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken. They go to the seat of trouble, strengthen the kidneys and help them to filter the blood properly end flush off ull the impurities which cause kidney trouble. . Miss Albertha B. Clarke, Stony Creek, Ont., writes : 'I was troubled with kidaey trouble for several years; my back was | ceding year showed an increase of 169. | of the two cases resulting differently. | (GC. PR ENED AT TINES A LIVELY ARGUMENT 2 Prof: 'Adam Shortt Took Excep- tion to Some of Statements. ' 'Made--Mrs. Warnock is to , Lodge An Appeal. Ottawa, Dec. 2--An interesting, And at times somewhat heated, argument occurred betwéen Prof. Adam Shortt, formerly of Queen's University and now civil service dbmmissioner, a few otlier Ottawans and a speaker at a meeting of the Ottawa local socialist party. 'Thed Canadian socialist party had gathered to hear an address by Benjamin Wil- son, the American socialist. The goé cialist speaker, a British labor man, and alittle Englander, made some strong statements fe the methods used in" ftir- thering the British empire and was taken ap shagply by Professor Shortt and * The discussion final 4 in nearly. every case of reduction of fat prhets, pe. ssion finally drifted 1 issues, becoming acfi- monious at times. . Mrs. Agnés Warnock will appeal against the 'decision of Justice Falcon- bridge, at Brockville, on November 15th, when he gave judgment admitting to probate the will of the late J. G. War- nock, made an hour before his death. T. W. McGarry leaves to-night fer Foronto where he will lodge the appeal. The mortality statistics of the city, for November, show a total of 103 deaths. Nine were due to typhoid, six to consumption, six to whooping cough and one to diphtheria. : The, annual. report of the department of Indian affairs, just issued, show that during the fiscal year, ending -ldst March, the population of Indians was 110,000, a decrease of forty. The pre- The falling off is attributed to tuber- culosis, The expenditure for destitution which ten years ago was $372,000, is now $146,000. In the supreme court, to-day, appli- cation for! appeal in the case of Lynn vs. Canada Foundry Co., was dismissed with costs fixed at $50. A man named Ede was killed on a bridge being built by the Foundry company and Lynn was PITH OF THE NEWS. The .Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Navigation on Lake Superior is at' a standstill owing to fierce storm. In a sngwstorm the steamer laver- . Gold in -Guwilight ness went ashore on the Morrison a wi ight Falls, up Grand River, P.E.I. x The people of Port Au Prince have CECT ISIN I SII II revoited against the government, and . oe -. fare in complete possession of the citys} Mre. T. D. R. Hemming, 'Martello At Pepperville, Mass:, burglars blew { Place, entertained at a ladies' bridge open the First National Bank, secur- yesterday afternoon. There were five ing $14,000 in cash. They escaped in |tables in play, Mrs. James Cappon an automobile. and Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, win- The Grand Trunk railway seefhs to [ming first and second prizes. These be having considerable trouble with [were very heavy and handsome brass the men taken to Battle Creek, from |candlesticks. T! othér players were: Port Huron, twe months ago. 4 Mrs. D. Do Young, rs. Frank Frederick Dumouchelle, Walkerville, Strange, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs, and : Fred. Paquette, Amherstburg, | Ramsay Duff, Mrs: Frederick Brown. pleaded guilty, at Detroit, to aiding field, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. Walter in a counterfeiting swindle. : Macnee, Mrs. Francis Hill "Macnee, Experiments in mary have prov-|Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. Alan Pal- er that it is almost impossible for | mer, Mrs. de Mowbray Bell, Mrs, Her- airships to escape the fire of rifles bert Saunders, Mrs. Percy Sicvenson, and cannon on the ground. Miss Lois Saunders, Miss Eleanor At-Chicago, a federal grand jury has | Macdoncll, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Lily begun an investigation of rebate |Norton-Taylor, 'and Miss Sydney charges made against the Chicago, |Smith, of St. John. Mrs. Norman Milwaukee and St. Paul railway. Stuart Leslie dropped in for tea, The = International - Marine gnal.{ which was dispensed by the hoftese' company, of Ottawa, has just s ipped [daughter, Miss Grace Hemming,' and "ix acciylene gas buoys to the Panama | Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Nora Gordon, canal and four to Chemulpa, Corea. |and Miss Phyllis Short. James Henderson, postal service in- Mn iT spector for the Toronto district, has{ Mrs. D. M. Gordon, Queen's College, been given six months' leave of ab- gave a girls' tea, on onday, in sence, which he will spend in Ber- | honor of her visitor, Miss (Bessie San- muda. . derson, of Toronto. Miss' Katie Gor- Roy Coulton, Beaver township, to |don and the guest of honor logked af- spend three years in penitentiary for ter the tea things 'and among . the criminal assault in Toronto; Allan guests were : Miss Bessie and Nora Blasdel," for same offence got one |Gordon, Miss: Grace Hemming, Miss year. . Elsie ® Pense, Miss Beatrice: Tandy, In San Salvador, a plot to over- | Miss Alice King, Misc Mabel and Miss throw the governtent of President Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Frances: Sul- Puguerea was discovered and frus- livan, Miss Lorraine Dalton, Miss trated. Martial law has been pro- | Phyllis . Short, Miss Kathleen Saun- claimed. ' ders, and a pumber of the girl stu- I'he Shah of Persia has commission- dents of Queen's S Ee a ER eT ) ed an agent to purchase a beautiful - o - estate in South Russia, whither he | The elub, which is made up of mem- has decided to flee if the anarchy in |jcps of the younger set, 'will hold the ersia spreads. : first meet 'at Mrs. Frederick Brown- At London, Ont., Simon Swartz, a field's, Wellington street, to-night. Jéwish merchant, drove in front of a Cae ee ee moving street car and received injuries Miss fr Hs : Mary Hora, King street, will rom which he died less than an hour ibe hostess at a bridge party to-mor- ' * | & injured. Both cases were at first de- | cided against the company and $3500, awarded Lynn. This was upheld by the | {divisional court but the cou:i of ap- | pealsofdered a new trial. The com-| pany appealed as to right in the Ede] and asked for leave in the. Lynn case' so that there would be no possibility | "STOCK QUOTATIONS. Leading Canadian] Cobalt and Stocks Listed. ! The » following quotations are sup: | plied: by the he Brokerage (J. 0O.| Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Ula | ence street, Telephone, 480 A: { "General Stocks. December 2nd. Sellers. Buyers, | eons sin : 176} 175 Detroit United ... ... ..... 56 55 Lake of Woods... soo 0. 97 96% Mackaya Com. rer ina 40 ¥e N. Sy Steel ws Db 51 Toronto Railway « 107% 1013 | "Cobalt Stocks. +8 11 Amalgamated... * Beyer si Tin wns 30 Chambors Ferland ... ... .85 \ | Crown Ré¥ebve ... 36} | Sandbank, on November 23rd. | | than any crowd had in Chicago. $1.40 wheat is look- later. AYE : ' = row night. 9901} AY "IX NJ JO UOMBWOI0D ay], n we ee yharold Raper hi Ubina, plock La Salle chapter of the Daughters of Plate a Tr Te eT ace, elk, [the Empire will entertain the members Today. Phe DoW Tule received the jof the other chapters at tea to-mor- ame o suen i (.W.C i Rs SB: | OW ernoon, in the Y.W.C.A. build- William Balsdon, section foreman at How alte +4 Burketon Junetion, was placed under | a ow arrest, chargad - with having through | Mrs. Walter Macnee, Union street 19 aworli cence \ 50 y Wrec! Loa . : i. val . ' his «negligence caused the wreck @ at (will give a ladies' bridge to-night. It is announced' that a syndicate of | Mr. H. Boak has come back*to town Montreal capitalists has purchased |; © Halifax : the Devlin silver claims, in the Mon-, '°% a treal River district, comprising an area of cighty acres, for the sum of S40,000, James A. Patten, the Chicago corn kitlg, with his parthérs, controls 20,- 000,000 bushels of wheat; more wheat of men ever before - oe - Mré. HaveloeR Price will receive for the first time in her new home, 76 Sydenham street, on Thursday, De- cember 3rd, and in future on the first and third Thursdays in each month. - - - The engagement is 'announced of : Mr. W. A. Johnson, MA, B8e, of . he Geological Survey, to Miss Elsie A mob of about 100 strike sympa- ee Pry only daughter of Mr. and are med with revolvers charged | yi: iW. i, Ashtohs of :Camphelliond the 'Perth Amboy plant of the Na. rs: A..1. Ashton, ol ny i tional Fire Prooh Ont. The marriage wili take place in. i oling works, to-day, | u miheliford, January 13th {mpg volley after volley at: the build- Min Cecil Shepherd "daughter of cy The fire wes. returned; no one Dr. Shephesd, of Montreal, to Mr. P. hs. text "oF "the diplomatic' notes k Nobbe, professor of architecture, signed and exchanged at Washington, | "will 'Fiizabeth Jackson Mackinnon on Monday, setting forth ghe articles (Bessie); "deighter of Ms Joh ML. hy the now -American-Japanese Agree: | Garland and the late Dr. Renald suo 19; the far dast, "are Mackinnon, of = Ottawa, to Mr. Paul piiblished. Arnoldi. The marriage will take place ed for. 'Government Pays It $350,080 For : Its' Stock. i Quebec, Ded 2--Stotkholders at the Quebec Bridge company have been notified that the government has re- solved to exercise its: power to take over the whole of the undertaking, as- sets, property and \franchises of the company, pursuant to the provisions of Sghapter 59 of the acts' oMthe parli- ament of Canada, 1908, anf under the agreement 'executed between the government and the Quebec Bridge and Railway company.' They are, 'therefore, notified to call at the com- pauy's Hee, for the feimbutgomdi t i cash of their respective , wit! interest and premium. There are 159 shareholders, who: in cash and ser- vices contribiited a ital nominally paid up of $263,700. allowed at the rate of five per cent. on the amount of the stock eredited as being paid and a premium of ten per cent., the total payment the Syvernmein will be about 1,000. The govesnment has already assumed liability for the company's bonds: It will; on the completion of the: present payment, be the owner of what re- mains of the company's works, ¢ LIGHT CHARGE CUT Almost in Two By Municipal . Plant. Orillia, Dec. 2.--At a spdcial meeting of the council to-night the charges of electric light under municipal owmnet- ship were roduced: For stores, from 28¢c. to 180. per lamp a month. For houses, from 20c. to 18¢. a month. This is for twenty-four-hour power every day, Last year there was a profit-of 810,- 000 after meeting ali charges, which was applied to the reduction of taxes. Even with the reduced cost of light to consumers this year, it is expected that therg will be the same surplus, as 1,000 new lights have heen installed in tho past three months. Under private ownership the cost of ighting was 'about 35%. per lamp. ITad it not been for unforeseen difhi- ailties in installing the plant at Ragged Rapids, Orillia would now be aying only 12e. to 13c. for light, ASKED TO APPROVE The Frontenac County Good Roads By-Law. A deputation from the county of Frontenac waited upon 'the Ontario government, in Toronto, Wednesday morning, and presented the plans 'and | specifications for the good roads in the county. It asked the governments to approve the plans, so that it might get the usual government grant to- wards 'the expenditure on the roads. On the deputation were: A, Rankin, 'hairman of the good roads' commit- teo of the council; J. 8. Gallagher, M.P.P., and W. F. Nickle, M.P.P. The government, through the public works department," will decide upon | the question at an early date. Minden Lodge' Officers. ; Minden Masonic lodge, No. 253, met Tuesday evening and. elected these of- ficers: Bro. G. W. Mahood, W.M.: Bro. John King, S.W.: Bro. H. B. R. Craig, J.W.; Bro. J. Macgillivray, chaplain; V. W. Bro. Baillie, treasur- er; V. W. Bro. #. D. Minnes, secre- tary; V. Ero. R. Bunt, tyler; W. Bro. Mundell, irustee; W. Bro. McEwan, W. | Bro. Gill, auditor --_, of QUEBEC BRIDGE COMPANY. | ith the interest | RUGS FOR Give a prese worth wl © a time for no ~~ than for knick-knacks and and ¥ $x * ther orthy ites you choose an Oriental Rug for : Christ : mas Present you are giving the most ac- ceptable, the most artistic, and the most . Oriental appropriate sort. ; ge Brassware make handsome | Articles of ental "In all lines of Oriental goods, we carry the larg- 5 est and finest assor and look through our showrooms. = Courian, Babayan & Co., # 40 KING EAST, TORONTO. OPP. KINGBDWARD HOTEL For over 70 years, the world's favorite telish for soups, fish, game, fowl, THE CANADIAN BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORCNTO B. E. WALKER, Presidert ALEX. LAIRD, General Xarazer OF COMMERCE CSTABLISHED 1867 | Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 | Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England woalk, I had such terrible headaches, and | C6halt Central was. 80 restless I could not sleep at night | Cobalt Lake ... adil tried everything without any benefit." | Foster... ... ... .. .. .. Meantime a friend advised me to try Doan's | (ircen Méchan... ... ... ... Kidney Pills; so I got four boxes and they | fi: Rose i." ... completely cured ms. I now feel as well Little Nipissing... as I ever did and would advise everyone | MoKin. Dar. Se suffaring from Kidney Disease to try them." ? ' Price 50 ots. per box, or 3 for $1.25, all While not in her right mind, Mrs : Re - ! pr F sn i BS Wie sori vos mn SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMEN | Sump JeNejee, wife 2 a farmer ai on De - --- Ry ® bert Morrison, Yo his Ly yE 3 aN ! « 1 Frome, Ont., escape rom the house % is y 3 or ry a 3 3 v | where she was i being guarded an [It is announced that a ball is to be | home in Grand Rapids, Mich., landed Deposits of §1 and upwards are received and intesest alfowed at current jumped into the cistern. Hee Tifolocs | 2iVen at the. White House Washington, | 4¢ the police station again last ; i : ahieof jumj astern, r Aicless | on December 28th. Miss Ethel Roose- night. He appears to be of un- rates. Accounts muy Fe opened in the names of two or more EES | body was recovered : . . : . ' : Lt ar : . velt, daughter of President and Mrs. | ;ound mind and an effort will be nersons idrawals to Le made by any one of the Savage...... 1.0 98 | The final game for the~thierme y 3 a : : : p z frees phe : ef / avagy | g T Jule diate Roosevelt, is making her debut this | made to find his relatives. \ Nipiseingr 2"... ... 0.0 9.62) 'rughy championship of Canada, will pr : yi Wis ni her or Hut : 3 40) ! he played at Jom pr Bs ground, Ham. | S080 { Try Pibby's $2 sweater coats. -- dealors or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, | Petapson ilton; Ont., next Saturday afte - | It's the duty and obligation of KIN( x STON BRANCH Toronto, Ont.' i Hh hg ih =a ay atiernoon, ild B d To Death wery father to develop the boy into iy When ordering specify ** Dosn's." Rochester... ... ol. Swi . | when the Grand Trunk team, of Mon- Chil urne: 0: jealy, { via } il bet oF hamaiity . # 8 spetly { Nova Scotia .. . . 593 58% | treal, will meet the Tigers. Frankford, Dec. 2.--Fire broke out |2 Ther Se otk ir he et a * dis CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS ATS. a---------- mt -------------------- Elvan mi p 1924 / La re i . 4 sont on , bear : shack t here 5s. nothing C 0 ? 8- : AL | Silver Leal i ii At Toronto, Mrs. Heathfield, who |yesterday afternoon in a sha Pt Mvrecable to meot than.a vain wor P, C. STEVENSON, Manager - - 4 rv SUPN Ver, Hi 4 | Silver Queen ... Gamble, res -------------- | ITTLE " IVER | Pi LLS. | CURE - 'k Hicadnohe and relievesll the tro hicd inok nt to a bilious stat: of the system, «ch a8 gzinesy, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after mating, Pain in the Bide, &o. While the! mos Semarkable success has been show. in clubg SICK headache, yot Carter's Little Liver Pie any ¥ually valuable in Constipation, curing snd pre« wuting thisannoying complaint, while they also erect all disorders of thestomach stimulate the «and regulate the bowels, Even if they tg #*he they would healmost priceless to ti. ose whe Buiter from tails distressing complaint; but fortm 8+ ely their poudnesa does notend here, ana thosg Waoonvetry them will find these little pills valu - in 8m many ways thas they will sot be wiz & todo without them. But after allsick head ACHE B® bane of so many lives that hers is mhore | We make wl 20 i. Qur pillscure it while | Shers do not, Oartor's Little Liver Pills are very smali und 3Ty easy to take, One ortwo Jie make a doy, 'y are strictly vegotablo and do not gripe e% but by their gentle action please all . In vialaat 25 cents ; five for $1. f druggists everywhere, or sent by pd fl. fad fd Bi A NEW DISCOVERY! A preparation found that will stop falling hair, in even the most severe cases, in from two to. four days. | tinaranteed or money refunded del applicaggon at KEYES', Barher £hop 336 . King street. You, will -want some Home-Made Mince > Meat 'and. here is the place to get the good old fashioned kind that mother Hrethewey.. Pemiskaming... Watts... ; 9 63 STUDENT COMMITS SUICIDE: | Jumps From: Rock to Ground 100 2 Feet Below. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 2.--John | Allan White, twenty years of age, of | Walton, N.Y., a student in the Hale | | Graduate 'School, committed suicide | by jumping from the top of West Rock | to - the ground below, a distance of | { 100 feet. The body was badly mang-| led from having come in contact with | the rocks, | That White contemplated taking his | life is borne out by a letter whicle was | found in his roam, addressed to his | | father, and which was taken to a re-| : ; 0 ion Wednesday morning of typhoid fev- lative living here, who opened it. The contents of the letter were not given out, but it is understood that in:1t he states that he contemplated commit: ting suicide. It = is thought that his mind was temporarily deranged from overwork: and worry over the illness of hig brother and sister from typhoid fever. Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ete., for sale at Whig ofhice, the cheapest and best place to buy print- | ing. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Com- stipation.: Regular price 25c. each; : gh 2 for He, a Wade's digg store. Eastern shareholders of the Western | Cannerwes' * company recommended that ( nA Flower; of Toronto, be appointed' manager. Sale of bays' sweaters, 50c.; toques, | ed for committal to an asylum. | ness, induced by the use of cocaine collected large amounts of money by |Glen Ross, occupied hy E. representing herself to be the official | working on the Trent canal. A child "| collector of a well known charity, was | was burned to death, and Mrs. Gam- found to be insane, and was remand- [ble was badly burned in trying to rescue her 'child. The wind was The statement of claim in the suit | blowing a gale and the fire spread to of Hon. George E. Foster, for damag- | other buildings. Cause of fire un- es of $50,000 for alleged libel, | known. against + J. A. Macdonald, 'editor of the Globe, has been filed. The action is based on remarks made by Mr. Macdonald, in a speech made at Orillia. : George Adamson, the ex-water rate collector for Toronto, was Tound guil- Edwards And Jenkin. up. "Phone 775. Prompt delivery. There is now practically nothing to ty of stealing $2,200 from the city. keep the Haytien insurgents from en- | 3s WE > drince Evidence was adduced to show that | tering Port au Prince. he was suffering from mental weak- and other drugs. Adamson was re- For * sweet oranges, 2 dozen 25¢. | man, unless it be a vain man. There's something else to do, if you would succeed, besides commanding prosperity to come to you. Forty million whitefish fry have been secured in Lake Ontario for the fish { hatchery at Sandwich, Ont. |. "The King of Cough Syrups," Gib- son's Red Cross Cough." Syrup, 25¢. bottie for 20¢ \ See. Bibby's 50c. fur-band eaps. Dr. Ballantyne, of Verona, has ] . : k moved to Ottawa, where he will prac- | tice, Provincidl bye-electign in Algoma { will occur before Christmas. manded for sentence. # Rev. B. P. Christiansen, editor of the German Post, of Pembroke, died formerly pastor of the Lutheran church at Waterloo, Ont.. Saginaw, Mich., and Arnprior, Ont. He edited the Post at Arnprior, - for three years, and has been editor at Pembroke for three years. An exprées from the west jumped the track at Prairie Siding, near Chat' ham, Ont., owing, it iv alleged, 10 sec- men having left the switch on the main line open. Engineer H. Crouch and Fireman J. Cummings both jump- ed, the former getting one of his legs hurt, while the latter sustained a broken arm. The passengers escaped injury. er. He was Rushing The Dome Ahead. The city property committee mém- bers are well pleased with the pro; gress made at the city buildings' dome. To-day the -dome proper was commenced. The -unusually fine 25¢. New York Dress Reform. It is learned that Sir Wilfrid will sit in Quebee East, thus involving a bye-election in Otfawa. used to make, Also, our Pork Sausage | Meat is just the dressing you nee "Whongt 570 H J. MYMRS. i Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, | ote,, for . sale at Whig office, the cheapest and best place to buy print. ing. See Bibby's. 50¢, fur-band caps. black plug chewing tobacco. weather has enabled the contractor {to make good headway. 1f this | weather continues the outer portion of dhe dome &hould be nearly com- ileted by the end, of the month. { |, - For Health, Use More Fruit. | J : £ Mexican navel oranges California na: vel oranges, ripe, juicy pears, black |grapés, green' grapes, bananas, pine | apples, etc., at Carnovsky's, i | Lennox. Iron Pills Regular price | each; 2 for 25¢., at Wade's | drug store. | The remains of the late Dr. Norval Smith, who died at Bridgeport, { Conn, atrived in the city this after- { moon. | The 'police to-day placarded" a house on Bagot street - for ¢ Scarlet is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream 'of Tartar. + It conveys fo food the most healthful of fruit properties. The cream of tar. tar produced from a pound of grapes is 'required to raise a dozen tea biscuits. fever, SION FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT ISIS r-- 5 for 25¢ 3 for 25¢ A.J.REES, 166 Princess St : * Y Phone 58, i E ASIII HA HE HOIIIICIIINICIISE AN % HOI A RY 4 for 25¢ 2 for 25¢ oh HN LIPPERS. et HS CASAS Men"s Slippers, $1.50 to, $2.75." : Ladies' Leather Slippers, 90c to $1.25. Men's Felt Slippers. at 50c. Ladies' Felt Slippers at 40c. Children's Felt Slippers at 85c¢. Viscolised Wet Weather Shoes, Foto $7. A. E. Herod, 286 Princess: St A USEFUL GIFT Sometbing that every housekeeper appreciates; no 'household complete without one of our™useful Kitchen Cabinets, We have a lar e line of Fancy Rockers a creens, Jardiniere Stands. i