( Sa THE DAILY iS BRITISH WHIC, WEDNESDAY, if .you come tn the right store. We sell only the best Furs of every sort, such as speak for themselves as long as you wear them, : Furs F of Christmas are always acceptable. Plenty to Choose From Here John McKay Fur House 107 Princess St. 149-1563 Brock St.. Ml Gt for Citas | oe = mE The Auto Stop Seely Razor Committee Also Appointed. THE. ONLY SAPTY RAZOR 'that At the regular meeting of L.O.L., elected for the year: W. M., W, #an be stropped without removing blade Dine; D.M., G. Clenahan; chaplain, G. Kelly; recording secretary, J. Berry; financial secretary, W. Neil; treasurer, I. Milo: director of ceremonies, R. Percival: lecturer, R. McKéell; F. of al (0, W. Derry. Committee--W. Meurry, J. Anderson, J. Purdy, L. Kelly. Hall trustee, F. Milo. The officers will be installed on December 28th. No. 316, the following officers were ftom frame. The only Salty Razor whose blade can be strcpped over and over again to hair edge. No. old blade to throw away; no new blades to continually buy, $5.00 «buys outfit for a lifetime. = Our City Merchants. Can have their printing promptly the cheapest and best place, Also Safty Razor, Kinds, W. A. Mitchell's, B85 Princess St. HARDWARE. ---- Grand Display OF. Handkerchiefs for "Xmas Splendid Display of from 15¢; up, all done Seo Ribby's fur-band caps, 50c. Plain and Fancy Handkerchiefs conceiyable design. .and values will be found much better than before, owing to the severe drop in all classes of linens. In every Qualities Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gentlemen, * $1.20, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3:00, 3.50, 4.00 dozen. Initialed Linen Handkefchiefs, Done up Half-Dozen to Box--For .Ladies at $1.00 per box. For Gentlemen at $1.50 per box. Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 3bc, 40c, 50c, 60c. Silk Handkerchiefs, 25¢ to $1.50 each. 2lc be, "YH Hemstitched Linen Centres, 1 1 20c, 25c¢. ' Hand-Made Lace Handkerchiefs, $1, 1.25, 1.50,.2.00, 2.50, 3.00. ay Our Great Sale Of Coats and Suits | Still Continues. All at Half Price. at the British Whig office, | WHO KILLED SCHOOLBO Y. { LOTTE ay ; Lord Newhorough's Servant--May Be Expelled" From" Gréat: Bri- tain When He Comes Out of Jail, London, Dee. 2.--~A sentences of iwelve months' imprisonment, with bard labor, was passed, at Guildford Susites, on Max Dallose, a chauffeur, for manslaughter in the death of a school boy, while driving a motor be longing to Lord Newhorough. The owner was not in the car at tho time, and was completely dissociated from 'the case. ! Dallose, in the witness box, denied any knowledge of the accident. udge Tarnes told the jury that they must not be influenced by any general prejudice against motor cars, but on passing sentence after a verdict of guilty had been returned, lie said the cake would be reported secretary, so that if he thought neces sary Dallose might be expelled from { from the cquntry after his term of im- | prisonment." APPOINTED AFTER ALL. Colcock to Be Ontario's tion Agent. Toronto, Des. 2.--<N, B. Coleock, it is announced, has been placed in charge of the Ontario emigration office in London. In accordance with a sug- gestion by Hon. Newson Monteith, no change will bo made in the stafi at present, As soon as Mr. Colcock as- sumes charge in London the Liverpool oflico will be closed and all emigration business will be done 'in the metro- | polis. There are two other men in | 'ngland besides the London stalf, An office has been taken in London in the Hamburg-American building viose to the other colonial offices ane {to the headquarters | Trunk and C. P. railways. | Emigra- Funeral Of The Late Mrs. 'R. Lee. The fuperal of the late Mrs. Ross Lee was held Sunuay afternoon to St. Mary's cathedral, and was largely at- tended. Tributes | many, including a cross from the em- ployees of the tender shop of the Can- adian Locomotive company; a spray of lilies from Mrs. A. snnett; ) quet of white carnations from Miss | M. Cooper; a spra-- of carnations and | lilies from Mrs. Belladeau; a bouquet | of pink roses from Miss P. Shawcross; a bouquet of roses and carnations from Mrs. J. T. White; lilies and carnations from Mrs. E. Dumphy; a bouquet of white carna- tions, 'Miss M, Callahan; a wreath of white carnations , and roses from Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Rescola; a bouquet of carnations and lilies, Miss L. Bow- man; a spray of carnations and lilies, Mrs. Bird. The deceased was beloved by all who knew her. She was the se- cond 'daughter of Mrs. J. Wilson. She leaves a husband and infant son, aged four months. Much sympathy is ex- tended to the bereaved husband, who only a few months ago lost his little daughter, Marion. : , Sciatic: Pains Quickly Cured. Slight attacks are severe enough-- but a.bad one is torture thai the human body can't stand. Rub Neryi- | line along the sciatica nerve. What a | glow it gives, what comfort it brings. | Kvery twinge and ache disappears un- {der the penetrating, pain-subduing {power of Nepviline. Cure is absolute {ly certain because Nerviline searches | through the tissues and finally applies Lita soothing properties in the sciatic | nerve itseli--in thie way the source of the pain is reached and cured. Abgut {five times stronger than ordinary oh ments, nothing equals a 25c. bottle pi | Nerviline for destroying aches and pains. Ary it yourself. Story Uf Old Kingston. Just published, "The Story of | Old Kingston," by Agnes Maule i Machar. A handsome illustrated edi- tion. A work that will be of great and lasting interest to every Kingston family. Fhe old Limestone {City in particular has at story of | which she may well be proud and which all Wer citizens should know. | Miss Machar has certainly made an- | other valuable contribution to Cana- dian historical literature. For sale by R. Uglow Company, at $1.50 copy. Added To The Club. There was = a meeting this morning of tho Ladies' Curling Club, and four new playing members were elected : Mrs. Vere Hooper, Mrs. Herbert Hor- sey, Mrs. de Mowbray Bell, and Miss Anna Fairlie, and two associate mem- hers, Miss Constance Cooke and Miss Minnig Crothers. Arrangements were madé for the bonspicl which will take place on January 19th and following days. Ron Fresh Saldonnet, River , Oysters. 'The solid meat kind, 6Qc. quart. Others at 40c. and 50c. quart. These oysters are shipped in sealed carriers and kept by us in clean enamelled tanks. Edwards & Jenkin. "Phone 775. Here For A Week. My, and Mrs. Philip Carnovsky, - of Detfoit, who came to Kingston on a sad mission, to bury a hcloved child, arc spending a week among friends here, after an absence of sixteen years. To The Ladies : At I cheapeift best, at Whig office. SENTENCE FOR MOTORIST * I her, went: to Watertown this to the home | of the Grand of sympathy were a bo- | a spray of | per me cards, visiting cards, ete., Morris Schwartz Must Go Grand Jury on Shooting the Two His Fiancee. ® 5 a Yeh. Due 3. Morea Schrausty wenty-two' ' , of 5 a street, aie pie Wag Ree Bibbs Eni saps, "The King o ough Syrups," Gib- son's Red Cross Cough Syrup, 26c. bottle for 20e, * ye R. 8. Ferguson, of Hamilton, ing a few days in the city, on busi ness, has returned. home piano tuner, from H. Cu aig Leave orders at Meo Auley's Store. § "Sco Bibby's wool-band caps; $1. _ John Theobald, the well-known: bar- morn- irate to await the .action of : , Yetta, in city on November 14th, then shooting himself. Schweirtz told the magis- trate that he was in a trance when he did the shooting, and a physician from Bellevue hospital testified that the prisoner aj red to be irrational when he was en to that institution after the shooting. Yetta Samowitch also appeared in Schwartz's behalf,' and {od the magistrate she-still lov: ed him and wanis to marry him, The, magistrate decided, -however, that Schwartz must answer to the grand jury for his act, and held bim in $5,000 bail. Ho was taken to jail. (mT ---- @ LICENSE REDUCTION } emai Will a Referendum Be Submitted to the-People ? Formal application has to be made to the @ity. council for a reductionof liquor. licenses before. March "1st. Two . vars ago a referendum was put" to | the people to this effect : "Are you 'in favor of 'a reduction of licenses.' The answer was strongly .in the affir- mative. Ate that time the temper- ance people wanted a reduction of eleven. This time they ask for { eight, There are only two more | regular meetings of the city council this. year, on the 7th and 21st, so that if another referendum is to be submitted to the people action will have to be taken next Monday. The council of 1906 refused to submit to { the people the question of reducing the licenses by any. specific number on the ground that the council itself should. decide that question after the people had expressed themselves on the general issue. A referendum at this time would be interesting. a visit to his brother. | Sale of corsets, dip-hip, with hose | supporters, 50c. New York Dress Re- m. : See Bibby's fur-hand caps, 50c. "Colgate's Bay Rum" is a high class bay rum. Sold only at Gibson's ! Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone-230. . A. Leo and sons have returned to Brownville," N.Y., after attending | the funeral of his niece, Mrs. R. Lee. See Bibby's 75¢c. fur-band caps. "Zam-Buk" Ointment" sold in King- | ston at Gibson's Red Cross - Drug Store. The merchants are all ready for the Christmas trade. All 'that is ncces- sary to make things hum is good isleighing. Bibby's fur-band caps, 50ec. Children's stockings that will wear; double kiiee, 20¢., 2bc.; over-stogkings, 25¢c. New York Dzess Reform. The many friends of William Making, Barrie street, will be pleased to know that he is able to be around again af- ter a severe illness. Bibby's golf caps, Ble., 5c. =a Where superior quality counts in rubber goods, is at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. to buy there. Who will be a candidate for may for 1909? This is a question as avery day now. The municipal pot has not yet commenced to boil. Bibby's for nobby winter caps. Two-quart hot water bottles, made { of pure rubber, from 35¢. to $2 each, vat Wade's Drug Store. | James A. Nelson, hoad boiler inspec- tor of the C.P.R., a guest of his sis- ter, Mrs. William Baxter, Rideau streot, loft to-day for the west. Bibby's new caps are ready. | | "Rubber Sponges," 'all sizes, at | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | Phone 230. The management | Board of Education was called to meet this afternoon, to appoint a | teacher in the place of Mr. Stoddart, | who resigned from the Collegiate staff. See Bibby's great $1 caps. Accidents do happen, sickness is { unavoidable. Those who protect | themselves and their families deserve |a place on the roll of honor. Apply {io W. J. Fair for the cheapest and | most attractive form of policy issued. Some citizens carry as much as $30,- 000 on single life. See Bibby's Ble. goli caps. | Full of good things is the December | (Christmas number) of "Rod and | Gun" published | at Woodstock, Ont.' A specially written and finely illus- tracted account. ¢f the trip taken in the woods by the premier and sur- | veyor-ggperal of New Brunswick, at | the invitation of the organized guides | of the provinee, opens an -exception- ally good number, the high standard | of 'which is maintained throughout. "ing on It pays or ed "The Riverman." This work, the most important piece of fiction that Mr. White has un- dertaken since the publication of: his greatest success "The Blazed frail," is the logical successor to t work. After the cutting and the sledding of the lumber in the great forests, comes the floating down the rivers of the { Jogs and their delivery at committee of the the riverman is a distinct type, rough est, with a splendid Physique, trained to quickness and alertness no less | than. to brute force, by the peculiar i The story which the author hag ton: structed out of such 'material and placed against the background of na- tural beauty and grandeur to which ple and yet most effective. "The Riv- erman,"' issued in beautiful illus' trated edition, only $1.25. Now on sale at R. Uglow & Co's., 141 Prin. cess street. Travelled About Nicely. An aged lady, about ninety-five { ! f . ; { : years of age, cawe from Tweed -yes- | Died At Brooklyn. : \ : 'terday, and left onthe Cape On its trip up to Kingston, yester-..¢ Fr to-day for pe day, the steamer Wanderer carried the | She travelled alone remains of the late Michael Graham, great' attention by her smartness who passed away on Monday, at the getting about. home of his daughter, Mrs. T. Trua- isch, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Deceased was | an ex-alderman of Belleville, and the Em ge remains were sent to the latter place Ab Home Sade, ising last night. He was known to a good | eapest and Lest, a many Kingstonians. He was one of | Thy in ; the oldest native-born Bellevillians, gartin Routh, of the having been born in that city nearly ory with re latioee in this | vighty-three years ago. He is survived 1: f ' [by two sons and five daughters. De- 9 A Bad Stomach | ceased was @ staunch liberal. The fun- eral will take place in Belleville, on Thursday morning. may come fromione of three A Puzzle To hn. causes -- faulty digestion, JJ. C. Swain, Glenvalo, a Kingston constipation or weak ratepayer, writes to the Whig about kidneys. a puzzling thing to him. It is that Whether it's one or all three the medical health officer ean handle | . . infectious pationts, have them remov- of these troubles, ABBEY'S ed and then quarantines the house. SALT will sweeten the stomach, make the digestion sound, and "regulate and strengthen the kidneys. What does he do himself ? Disinfects himself and moves about the city as 25¢. and 60c. a bottle. At all dealers. - N.Y. To The Ladies : cards, ete. «ice. Dominion from a caty. |usual. 1f he can do this, then, en- | quires Mr. Swain, Why as a matter of economy and to relieve the burden from the afflicted family, cannot he | disinfect those hé quarantines, fumi- {gate the house, and Jet the folks do | Just as he does ? | Coal Men Happy. The coal men are wearing the smile that will not come off. Jhe cold snap of last night made a rush "of hurry-up orders this morning, and, the coal dealers had no time to. talk to lany person, to-day, and their staffs rf | were Kept. on the jump all day long. | "Hurry up, there, don't let * your | § horses' feet touch the ground," one |} dealer was heard to remark to his | teamster. "The rush is on, get busy." It is certainly an ill. wind Lis blows no person good. CHRISTMAS Shopping days are with us, and the wise ones advise early buying. We have a generous display of 4! all lines this year at prices that mean 'economy. Sp ---------------- i Hockey At The Y.M.C.A. | A meeting will be held at the Y.M, | CLA., on Monday evening, for the pur- pose of organizing a hockey team, for the new league which has been propos- ed for thetwity. The association has | some fine material, and like all the | other sports the association goes in | for, is bound to make a fine showing, | is especially is the best Yime dur fine Jewellery good, and now to see .it. Watches of every variety. ---------- Portsmouth Council Choice Art Pottery. Get acquainted with Black' Watch: the big black plug" chewing tobacco. tremendous favorite - everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. The Portsmouth council holds final Articles of Brass and 'Bronze. meeting of the year on the 15th. It is | . 3 'eas Fine Leather Goods. | raid that the question of submitting | Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, a referendum to the people on 'the |' Silver Goods, Fine Cut Glass. | question of local option will be dis | cussed, although it is understood the | council is unfavorable to: the Willage | losing its drinking houses. SY Soro 55 A ANSI Spangenberg 3 JEWELLE : Issuer of Marriage. . Licenses, : : The Vital Statistics. During November, there were regis- tered with the city clerk, 20 births, 13 | marriages and 32 deaths. How | Kingston's . population going to in- { creaso, when the deaths in a month sc | outnumber the births ? It's time the [city buildirigs' bachelors were' getting married, isn't it? ' Vin- | held in 85,000 bail by a police magis-| i Paniog off putting on warm clothing is dangerous. Now while -the thermometer is likely to drop ' to zero any time. This is your opportunity to come and secure.a ~~ Warm Winter Coat Not only stylish, but well made and properly finished: The cloth is reli able anthyou are sure of hav- ing satisfaction. - : Er Ladies Winter Goats $7.75, 8.759.580, 10.75, 11.35; 12.50, 13.75 up. Children's Warm Coats $3.75, 4.25, 4,50, 4.75, 4.99 up t0.7.50 Warm Underwear Now ready, full sto. ks, both fo: new, wonen, children. ! ! ) { the mills | to their owners. Like the woodsman, | and rude, but simple, loyal, and hon- | requirements of his dangerous graft.' } { he. responds like a poet, is most sim-| | { and attracted | in | i : k. | Women's Natural Wool Vests and ' Drawers, all sizes, properly shaped and finished, 49¢, H9c, 85¢, 75¢, 26¢, 99¢, £1.20. These prices are just a hint as to the values we give, : Children's Comfortable Underwear All sizes, from babies right up to young girls of 18. 6 different qualities to choose frow, FOR KNITTERS All over the town 'people are busy knitting. Some are using the right wool, others not. You may profit by our experience of 25 years in the wool and yarn business, and we recom- mend for Fine Work, Sox, Mitts, Gloves, etc, the genuine BEEHIVE YARN, Made by Baldwin, of England, Black, White, and a large range of colors, or the Woolsey Unshrinkable Saxony Wool, in Blackand White only. For the Heavier Sox and Mitts, Bedroom Slip- pers, Golf Jackets, etc., we recommend Unbreakable Scotch Fingering Wool This yarn can only be had from us in King- ston. Each skein has the maker's label. Take none other. ts - Same. Special Bargains "in Boys' Boots 'Just When You Need Them And at the Right Prices: A Bargain Lot of Casco Call Blucher Boots, sizes 1 to 5. NOW $1.60. A Special Lot of Boys' Heavy cap solid leather. NOW ...... A Bargain Lot of extra good Boots, finer and yet good and strong. NOW ..........i. inadiaunny. sagarasinans : Sratnsann Svesattessnn $1.00. ue Boys' '" Heavy Grain Boots, pegged Boots, pegged soles, * toe and $2.50 and $3.00. NOW . Some Finer Shoes, for Christmas trade, Ghe Toockett Shoe Stose.