Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1908. You Su Can Test FROM SCIENCE HALL the Kidneys THe? lot Dr. A 'W. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills prove their power to cure: fa urine stand for hairs and if at the end firs ue: posits, ty f the water. becomes He, and cloudy "you may be sure! dneys are deranged. 3 Another very marked symptom of kidney feds' is pain in the small of the bae ie" hi quoted below tells how the symptoms were overcome and kidney disease cured by Dr. A. W, Chast's Kidney-Liver Pills, Becanse of thei, direet "and, combined action on both livet and bowels these pills cure the most complic ated cases. Capt. W. Smith, = veteran of the Crimeain. war, living at Revelstoke, B.C, writes: "I can testify that for Jha 1 WAS 8 sufferer from chronie Kisdg dinen Ri hich was the verdict atc he br examined me and wR my urine. As his medicine did me no good 1 bought a box of Er. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and was benefi so much that 1 kept on taking sthem until 1 can say that IT am perfectly cured, which the doctor certifies," One pill a dose, 26 cents a box. all dealers or Edmanson, Bates Ca., Toronto. twenty-four! of that time of a brick dust At & 4 peome, SCIENCE MEN RUB IT INTO ARTS STUDENTS. For Lack of Spirit--Getting Ready For Satunday's Elections-- Science Candidates For Presi- dency Out to Win. This week has been a very busy one from the Alma Society candidates' point of view. On Monday afternoon the science candidates al irossed a meeting of the year 12, seiency; . on Tuesday aftesgoon all thé candidntes spokey indore the Arts' Society in Con- vocation hall, "and on Wednesday af- ternoon thie same men appeared be- fore the Engineering Society, and be- ffore the Acsculapian Society on Thurs- aftergaon. The hest is yet to however, . when all the candi- dates attend the Levana tea on Friday of ternaon. It was not the intention of $ciene to nominate a candidate for the presi- 'deney as it was thought arts would nominate a man. Science were very fortunate to have a man capable' of fulfiling the position and should elect: their candidate. D. 8. Ellis, the weienee candidate, should get a large majority in the city vote, as he is well-known throughout thes city through his father, Principal' W. "S. Elis, of -- the: Collegiate Institute. "Pug," as he is popuarly knowi, ob~ tained . the Watkins scholarship inf 1904, when he graduated from the day Dr. A. W.Chase's Kidney~ Liver Pills - Your ' Understanding oF Our Great Values Boots and Shoes We are, confident that when.you. t1s earnestly sought. see our Shoes you will ap-, preciate them, The qualities are unde. niable, the prices extremely low, The Best Tht \ Is to come and examine the goods personally at JAS. JOHNSTON SHOE. STORE Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts. ne Tailoring "Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell 131 Princess 'street. THE DOCTORS AGREE. TwogPhysicidns Both Agree on the New Scientific Dandruff Treat- ment. : Dr. J. M. Powell, of Spokane, Wash, says "Herpi: ide has given good sa- tisfaction in my family for dandruff." De. G. Alban, of Walla Walla, Wash., says: "l..find Herpicide all that iz claimed for it ass dandruff cure. [ shall prescribe it." Dandruff is a germ disease and you can't cure it unless you. kill the danduff germ, and you ean't do that unless you use Newbro's merpicihf, the only prepara- tion in the workt that destroys the parasites. A delightful hair dressing; allays itching instantly; makes hair glossy and * soft as silk. It is a sure dandrufi- destroyer. Sold by leading Jdvudirists. , Segd 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Cg., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. 'Mahood, special agent. Come with the crowds to the anle at Roney & Co's Saturday. Bibby's for men's fine underwear. | Queen's with the class of "07. | uated a | mathematics | oi ence lof i { the { of the final year. Moran, Bruce, big | Kingston ' Collegiate and entered He gra- as bachelor of arts in 1907 ld as master of arts in 1908, at the same time winning the gold medal in Mr. Ellis then entered sefence to take a course in eivil engi- neering and during his short term in he has made no small number friends. €. U. Peeling, first vice- preside ney, candidate for is a member Mr. Peeling has ful- filled several offices' while in college, | being historian in hig freshman year, vice-president in his junior' year, and is at present vice-preside nt of the final year. It is largely due to Mr. Peeling's faithful work that this year's-seience dinner promises to be a and no doubt the arts ae will be given a cloge run. (Jur eflueated friends on fhe other side of the forsaken tennis court seem tg be very short of men to contest in the Alma Mater, elections. The . num- ber of candidatés nominated by them is decreasing every year and in a few years the arts faculty will be hardly | ever heard of, let alone represented. The . Engineering Society have sent a challenge for the Lavell cup and it should have no difficulty in winning it this sedRd Seignce have a fairly good. butth to pick from including Williams, Crawford, McKenzie, Leckie, ; . Brewster, Gibson, Gal- Elliott, McKay and science iv lagher, Lawson, George, RJ, McDowall . has charge of the: city vote this year. "Bob" has a will- ing band of workers,-who are busy preparing lists for Saturday. Banners, and signs are heing hung © out tri- ily by the year '10, Civil"Engitecrs uly, from the windews of 'the mech- | inc al laboratory. ONE" oF. VANDERBILT CLASS Formerly a man, New York, Dec. 4.--Mrs. merding, whose marriage to John C. Wilmerding, Jr., sixteen years ago, was a society event, appeared in thed Harleny police court as plain Mary Coates and - asked for a warrant for her husband, whom she called Jimmy ('oates, for using threatening lan- guage. She got the warrant, but it was no surprise to the court officer who arrested Coates, that "she did not appear. as complainant, because be- fore she, would let Coates be: taken away from their home she threw her arms around him and wanted to kiss him good-bye. It was Coates wha let be known that she was the former Mrs. Wil merding and the great-granddaughter of Commodore Vanderbilt. He is an Fanglishman, @ig. with the former Mrs. Wilmetding, has been living re cently in "a four-room flat, for which they pay $25 a month, at No. M2 Bradhurst avenue, At first he they were not married, and later that they were. "She done a few said Coates," who took good - naturedly. "She cauliflowér ear, but she gible, anyhow." Mrs. #Wilmerding passed from the gocial glage many years ago, and not much has been heard of her in recent After kissing Coates good-bye she locked the flat and went away, and, when Contes got' bail and went howe, he found it empty. The janitor sald 'that she had not Deo hack since, «'Gates, after. explaining the cand to Magistrate Kernochun., was Was it said said things to me," his arrest me a is not respon gave years, discharged, FOUND DEAD. Smith's Falls Agent Dies of Heart Disease. Smith's Falls, Dee. 4. George H. Jarvis, insurance agent, was found dead in his office, yesterday. The de- ceased had been around town as usual and when he did not return his sisters, with whom be lived, became anxious about him, and his brother: in-law, B. E. Sparham, found him in his office in the. Clark 'block, sitiing in his chait as his desk dead. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause of his death. The unfortunate man was about. forty-five vears of age and hae been in the fire urance business here for a number di years. He leaves to mourn his loss five side and one brother, Arthur 8S. Jar manager of the Union Bank of Canada; Man- trpal. / ing ph . Te Go To Penitentiary. Brantford, Dec. 4.--Joseph Gillies aped sivty years, who has a long ¢riminal record for house robbery, was sentenced to five years in penitentiary. Foyer years' penalty was also given Frolerick Douglas. Six Nation Indian, who stole several horses. "Billy" of on champion boxer first © defeat, a fast fiteen-ronnd Alberta, he lost to of Reattle. Lauder, Canada, 'met his I'hursday, when, in out, at Calgary, "Fddie" Herrinno, Society Wo-} 1 Jack Wil- oJ gas, sfp.m., WHAT TAPT Is LIKE. Good Nature and Stern, Serious Strength Predominate. The two most obvious 'phases of Taft's Sarsc ter--his good nature and "his stern, serious strength---are shown in two views of his face. The: nrofile shows the strong, serious, think- ling man at a glance--high forehead, pers tect, forceful nose and firm-set jaw, whose lites in profile are not hidden 1by superfluous flesti. The full facé view is of a man over- flowing with kimdness and humor, for one gets sight. of the crow's-feet tend- ing upward, the pleasant curve lips and of cyes that constantly inquire, perceive and as quickly Lopisciute, No matter how grave Mr, Taft may be, if me 'sits or stands facing him one never oses thought of the truth that sincere kindliness lies back of any decision that may find himself forced to make. The next president has a boyish, sin- of the | he THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN Emr: POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Every Easily Read and Re <Low, Thieves g t jewelry valued at Sov and $100 m cash from the home "of J." W. 'Hirts, 'Beverly street, Toronto. - Pannville ratepayers voted a bonus of £15,000 to the Dunnville & Beams- ville Eleetrie Failway. «W. H. Elliott, Stratford, was ap- pointed third inspector of the Toron: to public schools. An epidemic of diphtheria has broken out amoung the Menngpite set- tlers around Steimbach. Bishop Stringer, of the Yukon, has been confined for two weeks past at Kincardine with an attack of grippe. C. P. R. traffic earnings for the week ended . November 30th, 'were $2,- 141,000; same week last year, $2,054 - 4000, Bishop George Holmes, of the dio- cose of Moosonte, has resigned on, ac- count of illhealth. His medical ad- visers made 'the step imperative. The Elder Dempster steamship Bor- nu, driven ashore hy gales, at Gaspe, has been floated and in on way to Halifax, appavertly she suffered no damage. The elections are on in the Yukon, January 19th, being fixed for "elee- tion day. "There is a quadrangular fight between two libirals and two conservatives. I. U. Johnson, an employment agent, while on the steamer Edmon- ton, fell into the hold and sustpined a broken arm and his back was very seriously hurt. Fire broke cery store out in the wholesale gro- of George Watt & Uo. Brantiord, to-day. Firemen were "ere enthusiasm that makes fri . Hel has just 'as boyish and just as sincere Srviueiasm in swearing at things when | : believes they are going wrong. The Swearing is of the robust kind that seems | | to supply necessary - adjectives to properly express, feeling, never coarse, | aever vulgar, and never giving the im- | pression of sacrilege. Mr. Taft reads, when He eats but two meals a day--brenk fast and dinner--but hoth of them | hearty meal His tastes in food are of the simplest. He not care for "made" dishes of any kind. Ham and eggs in the morning and plenty of them, | he finds time. | does MRS. WTLIAN TOWARD TAFT a Kei and roast beef or something ds dimple in the evening, but plenty of it--thpse : are his ideas of something to eat. Mr. Taft does not smoke or drink He reads mostly books on political and | governmental subjects. Cromer's "Egypt" | on his table now. He enjoys and | rerreads Morley's "Life of Gladstone." Anthony Trollope and other authors of his_time are favorites, and "have been | read a number of times. Modern novels | have not interested lim, rather, he has not found time to interest himself in them. In his few leisure: moments he has turned to anthors in whom, from frequent experience, he could | trust 15 T knew he | RN DOG SAVED FAMILY. | | Almost Asphyxiated When Bark-| Around Father. Ottawa, Dee. 4.--Domindgue and' wife, his father-in-law, and young ladies, resident at 74 stieet, owe their to the barking of a pet belonging to the family, which aroused" them in: time to save them from being asphyxiated by eas. Mrs. Poirier was uncoamscious when found. A delective stove was responsible for filling house with ing Poirier | two | Friel | lives dog coal the Mineral On Yacht Club Ground. James H. Macnee; his possession a report made by a veologift, who examived the Yaght Club property several vears ago, and found indications of the pre- gence of 'gold, silver, zine and other precious metals not far under the sur- fave, Yachtsmen who have time on their hands might spend the winter in digging holes on the property. Had To Cease Work. The workmen on the ings' deme had to quit ternoon, on account : of the driving snow and strong wind." They have made great progress with the con- struction. The dome proper will be completly arched after another half day's work. barrister, has in strong city build- work this af- Come And See Us. A. of The Bijou, Ras invited visit night Burrowes, manager students of Queen's théealorium on tat -any time from on Saturday night. to Saturday 10 to 11:30 his of bottle Cross bottles, made and every at Gibson's Red Hot water gun. rubber, anteed; store, | The- street { commenced {fences at park. See pure guar- drug railway company have putting out their SNOW Macdonald park and the city Livingston's new Varsity -over- coats. | under | belief in his own responsibility, | the ending of his life. [ C.P.R. tracks where : Florent street, Hull, | gine is Parliament | derground and { Compared | there t occurred | males promptly on hand and soon had the fire extinguished. Gordon Wright, aged © twenty-two years, Ivanhoe, was caught under a falling {ree at Dover, Ont., working for the Cleveland:Sarnia Lumber Co. {and crushed to death. Harry Dillabaugh and William Law- son, Hamilton, are ¢harged with hav- ing tampered with the ballot boxes at the feaeral election. The story told is that the whole thing is a joke. Joseph Milroy shot four men in Wainwright township lumber near Dryden, one of whom will bably die. The shooting was parently unprovoked. Information is received from Camp- | bellford of the déath by drowning at | that place of Augustus Sawess, C.E. circumstances that compel a camp, pro- ap- a for The body of Honore Anctil, aged { thirty-one years, was found beside the they crossed St. Que. A night en-"| thought to have struck him. The head was severed and battered { badly. EARLY IN JANUARY. Will Take Place Next Month. Ottawa, Dec. 4.--It is probable that | parliament will be called to meet on January 13th. The exact date for {the opening of the session has not vet beext fixed, but it is the govern- ment's desire to make it as early as | possible in January, and if the audi- ftor-general's report and other ters of detail ean be got ready in time the opening of the house will | not be later; than the 13th, and may pussy be In the first week in Janu- ry The date will be announced de- Snttely in a few days. mat- British Mines. The number of persons employea at mines and at the quarries of the Un- ited Kingdom during 1907, was 1,- 060,034. Of the 972,220 persons em- | ployed at mines, 776,456 worked un- 195.764 above ground. the latter, 5,864 were females, with the preceding year was an increase of 49,003 males working underground and an increase of 10,374 males and of 177 females working above ground, making a to- tal increase of 59,644 persons, the lar- gest increase ever recorded in a single vear. Of this increase,:97 per cent. at coal mines At all other pines there was an inYense of 1,710 and a decrease of 11 fe 'males. Of Married At Collins Bay. Collins Jay, Dee. 3.--The schooner Granger brought in a cargo of wheat for A. Rankin, on Monday. A wed- ding occurred in our village on Wed- nesday when Miss Fdith Howard and William Tait were united $n mar- singe. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McDonald visited friends at Cataraqui on Sun- day. The -Lashfords are moving into their new honje which they purchased recently. Mr. Innis was a recent visi- 4or at' A. Rankin's. Canada Doing Well. Ottawa, Dec. 4.--A. W. Donly, re- porting from Mexico, tells the trade and ecommerce department that while there has been a falling off in the country 's trade Canada and Great Britain have not suliéred to any ex- tent. Imports from Canada increased from 3,000 to $408,000; United States ell' from seventy-three mil lions to {fifty-eight millions. Four Years For Mail Thief. Montreal, Dec. Lacavalier (alias mail £1,068 a few weeks ago, to four years in the penitentiary Judge Choquette. 4.--Louis Zephirin by Black Watch Chewing Tobacco Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. Try Bibby's great $l underwear. Hook who stale | office. bags containing the sum ui was sentenced 'the el Te Start Papers ers of His . en New York, Dec. g rar, that Arthur Brisbane, real giltarid} © executive ead 'of "the a string of Pater; sitio os Wil- liam Rosny pages . has broken with his lg Saat 1 is about to leave his position, has made a stir among newspaper men Brisbane, it is said, expects' - start a new daily paper in this city, 'with 'both morning and evening edi tions. Since the liar position held by. the Wenest' publications in political, labor and other respects is presumed to be the result of Mr. Bris- hane's planing, it is expected that his entrance into the field as a competitor will lead' to a red-hot newspaper war. Brisbane has generally been referred to as the brains of the Hearst news: papers in New York, San Franeisco, Chicago, Boston and Los, Angoles. He has been the highest - paid newspaper man in the world. His regular salary: was quoted as $50,000 a vear, besides the: carnings of a little bunch of | stoek in the Hearst . corporations which he owned, all of which made his pay considerable better than that received by the president of the Uni- sed, States, Resides his editorial 'work, it has generally been helieverd | that Brisbane had considerable to do with shaping Mr. Hearst! s own _career to a large ex- tent Before going over to Henrst in 1897, Brishane was chief editorial writer on thg New York' World. | STOCK QUOTATIONS, Cobalt and Leading Canadiar Stocks Listed. The following quotations are sup plied by the City Brokerage (J. O Hutton and J. Dobbs), 41 Clar ence Street. Bh 480 A: -- Cobalt Stocks. . December 5th Sellers. Buyers. Amalgamated... f 12 Beaver. : Chambers-Fer ha Crown Reserve... ... . Cobalt Central ... Cobalt Lake ... wu wn Foster... wi Green Meohan . La Rose Little Nip McKin. Dar. Nipissing ... sing ... Savage. Peterson Lake Rochester Nova Scotia Silver Leaf... ... oa Silver Queen ... Temiscaming... Trethewey... ... WALES..c0vs ceria 1.58% 1.43 50 McCune Won It. Port Arthur, Ont., Dec. -4.--Tom McCune defeated Jack Parres, of Du: luth, in the eighth round Qf a boxing contest here last night. For five rounds the fight was fast with Parres the favorite. McCune then commenc- ed to mix the fighting and landed some hard rights in the face ' which weakened Perres with the result that the fight was stopped in the ' eighth round and the award given to Me Cune by Referee Parsons. Fire Among Animals. Montreal, Dee. 4.--Fire in the pre- mises occupied by an animal show on St. Lawrence boulevard, this morning, caused Sousternationamang ithe em- ployees and loss of life among. the animale Six monkeys, a black bear and several performing cats were cre mated before the five was extinguish- ed. The Te started in a restaurant next door and spread to the animal show. The loss, financially, is com- paratively small. He Has Resigned. Montreal, Dee. 4.--Sir George Drum- mond has issued a statement in con- nection with his retirement from the presi®ney of the Mexican Light and Power company, at a result of the atlitude of the members of the hoard towards the proposed ledse to the Mexican = Tramway company. This he held, was, radigally, so ob- jectionable as to make it impossible for him to acquiesce in its acceptance. lease) For New Armory. Montreal, Dec. 4.--Rodolphe Forget, M.P., honorary colonel of the 65th French-Canadian regiment, has .sub- scribed $500 towards the erection of the armoury, which will cost $100,000, The dominion government has pro- mised $50,000, and the regiment has subscribed $5,000. ! Satisfied With Borden. Montreal, Dec. 4.--In an interview, Sir Hibbert Tupper declared there was no truth in the rumors regarding his desire 'for the leadership of the con- servalive party. He' stated that he was perfectly satisfied with the lead- ership of R. L. Borden. Trees For The United 'States. Waterloo, Que., Dee. of Christmas trees left here via the Central Vermont rdilway for Seran- ton, Pa., and Philadelphia. The twelve cars contained 11,800 trees, and cost on board of . cars, freight, duty, and entry paid $1,035, 1. Twelve cars To Advertisers. Cuts suitable to Christmas, as well | as "appropriate borders of various sizes, may be ordered threugh the Whig. "Samples may be seen at the Mrs. Chas, McDougall's Will. Sherbrooke, Que., Dec. Mrs. Charles McDougall, Lennoxville, has left an estate of about $40,000, | £5,000 of which goes the brooke. Protestant ost The re- mainder is bequeathed to relatives. Our City Merchants. Can have their: printin done promptly at the British Whig office, the cheapest and best place H. 7. agent of Japan. He Wilgress has been appointed the C.P.R. at Yokohoma, was formegly afent at Our hig sale is a haming . Havep you been to the bargain f ye - taken to protest Stops have been 4.--The late | Sher- | . Shares selli wader 100. selling at 10c. Shards selling at 50¢. a mde per Shares selling at $1 and under or 2, on Be, ete, ete. ia _. W. Hector H. Se Man -- 4 OF CO B. EB. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager telegraph or letter. FOREIGN" BUSINESS. Cheques KINGSTON ADNAN Ba) ESTABLISHED. 1807 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES 5,000,000 : DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by COLLECTIONS made in ll parts of Canada and in foreign countries. and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS. P. C.STEVENSON, Manager _------ 'HANDSOME GLEN." Third Time 'He Battled Against Mr. Burrows. Toronto News. Glenlyon Campbell, who defeated Theodore Burrows in Dauphin, Mani- toba, is a striking personality. He is the son of the late Robert Campbell, chief factor of the Hudson's Bay eom- who for' his explorations was Ene a Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphical Society. Mr. Campbell, senior, discovered the Yukon River, and but for his modesty might have riven it his name, as his fellow-coun« tryman, Mackenzie and Fraser, gave their names to the Mackenzie and the Fraser. Glen Campbell was born . at Fort Pelly, Saskatchewan, in 1863, and it is generally understooa gets his given name from the glen in which his parents were born in Perthshire, Scotland. He was educated at Glas- gow Academy and Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh. He has' always Yeen a "rancher in North-Western Mani- toba, and unites a striking face and figure with the free and easy manners of the plainsman which gained for him twenty years ago the nick-name of. "Handsome Glen." This is the third time he has battled against Mr. Burrows, the other two occasions be ing in 1892, and in 1896, in the pro- vincial riding of Dauphin. He was elected a member - of the Manitoba parliament in 1903 and 1907. : A Challenge. ' We challenge any store in Canada to show better values than we're giv. ing in ladies' fur-lined coats "and it's a well-known fact that our coats unsurpassable for quality, style and or workmanship. Carip hell Bros', the fur-lined coat specialists, Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ste, for sale at Whig office, the 'heapest and best place to buy print. ng. Olives, Sardines, Heinz Pickles. Delicatessen tomatoes, corn, tomatoes, Homestead brand, 3 25 Edwards & Jenkin. peas, for Se, A -- ii ® & Co's big sale is a record Come and see the bargains Roney breaker. saturday. The steamship war Gas : Suitable Christmas presents, Liv- ingston's. . I Bornu ran ashore will quickly purify the blood and drive all the impurities ouj of the system. Rt Mrs, J..J, kk Kinmount, Ont., writes: "Inthesprin, - 1906 I wer stiy @ Rash that broke ~ all over me. It y my Jay fas ad head, Jad a r when 1 we t ait Ee sa emo. very itchy. 1 tried the be dusiifly medicine but it did me no and before it was all used oly. gone." Mrs, Hasvef Bark- house, Gold River, N.8., writes: "I was greatly troubled with on to the doctor about it, but he could bp nothing to help me. . « thought about Burdock Blood Bitters and decided to try a battle. 1 cannot recommend 3B. B. B. as I had not taken all thé, bottle ¢ my face was cured." om For sale by all druggists and dealers. b- - > - - Toasted Corn Flakes, 3 For Cream of 'wheat, wheat shredded wheat, orange meal, oats, wheat berries, kinks, grape nuts. 25¢. flakes, (Quaker Swiss 'ood, korn M No prudent man ¢an afford to 'ha Seithout a policy that gives weekly indemnity for illness or accident for one or more. days' duratipn to the extent of four years dor nceident and ope year for Wlness, jo oF Fair, agent.' Mrs. Mabel Mcbonald, Tweed, has completed her course of study an training at the Thlfale General Hospi- tal and. has.graduated from: that in- stitution. She will remain with her father, at Tweed, for the 'winter, Hundreds of pleased customers can testify to the wonderful bargains at Roney & Co's big sale, Soe Bibby' s B0c, silk knots. AB Duzzie Said the pedagogue: ANSWER TO A-B PUZZLE. © A must represent five and Roney & Lo. ion of Hen. G: By Graham. Amin B equi and A divided Since A mis B qual 4, mA | also equals 4, who can te e the values of A and B2" :

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