© PACE SIX. bi St nd THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1908. et NEWS OF THE WORLD... =o en BC Miya: | 3d i | HE WOLD 2.. oe saa; Guniernino ae XMAS SA LE el Gi ; > r the ibllow ri ips © A Ne. 1 Miss Brownfield, See. rik Apbaeti lim, Miss Birch,' Mrs. Hooper, skip. . Matters That Interest Everybody| No. 2---Mrs. H. Horsey, Miss Sears, dO Per --Notes From All Over--Little| Miss B. Birch, Miss Dalton, skip. of Everything Easily Read No. 3--Mrs. V. Hooper, M : Macpherson, Miss L. and/ Remembered. > Dawson, skip . H: 8 : Rev. R. W. Dickie, B.A., pastor : Miss Fairlie, Miss E. Young, St. Paul's church, Brandon, has s- | Mi Lyman, Miss L. Tandy, skip« . . cepted the call to Crescent street| No. rs. R. Waldron, Jr., Mrs. ohurch, Montreal. Hugh Mgkle, Mrs. Macnee, 'Miss Wal- Piro destroyed the chair factory of | dron, skip: ; | y Koaus Bros., and Arnwine at Fa-| No. Mish Frances Hora, Miss MM. yetteville, N.Y, with a loss. of $60,- | Garrett, Miss W. Carruthers, Miss B. 000, with small insurance. : Tandy, skip. AT-- L The earnings of the Grand 'W'runk| No. 7--Mrs, Walton, Miss K. Craig, - : railway system for the week ended | Miss Macmorine, Miss L. Dalton, skip. November 30th, shows a decrease of | No. 8--Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss oe Don't you think a good, heav. $151,450. Richmond, Miss Smythe, . Miss Betts, TA ( <Q (YS 1% 3 : ie Te okED. MIA | shoe is just thething now 2 Vis ¢ - ine men, believed to he a gang of | skip. "L "TWO INCH ONLY, ~~ } ' ad : professional safe-crackers, wanted in| Ne. 9---Mrs: Roy, Miss Meyer, Miss § FOR 266 © 0" : waterproof u tan or black leath 8. several cities of the western states Carson, Miss Redden, skip. wil Tm a 3 ; 2 : wo . , skip. iN 18 hoo. eh er and Canada, have been arrested . 1 No. 10--Mrs. Bell, Miss M. Smythe, A ; 3 A 8hoy to 2 ithout rubbers. 'We have a Minneapolis. Miss Skinner, Miss F. Cuningham: Frpshlpnd og big range for both women and men. Acting for Peter Christie, the con- skip. ~ i 3 ; 2 Pric i gervative candidate, in South On-| , AND IMPORTERS Ol A | ig range in . = - . . lt 2 : 2 er tario, James Baird, K.C., filed a peti- Evening Wrap. Saturday Morning NF Shatin South, Ontario 2% msm | | Women's from $2.50 to $§ J. W. Webster, formerly of the On- | oh farje game and shotips depariman:. ol? 5 y 3 . : j« slated for Ottawa. ¢ has beén ap- J g Wi { » pointed: chigf clerks in the annuitics x y ES . Pail ES 1 {mw Men S, $3.00 to $6.00 "a . i branch ofthe federal government. ; ) NY 3 : } ; I'he greatest offering ever made in .| In Constantinople the Austrian boy-| : E> FoR dia Kingston : cott grows. Porters and lightermen | ' ' 1 7 HOW TO TELL. arg fgrced, 'to take ad oath not to work/ for Bustrians, even if they are ke o } | threatened with death for refusing. rey : D cold affect your back, and : 3 . 780 N Silk and > Prarcis G. Palmieri, an Italian, has . b ER ' cause] & feeling of chilliness, followed by ew heen arrested in New York, charged i A i disturbanoe of the kidney action. { ° ° 1. > with using the mails to sell stock in a i s Does the use of spirits ted. OF beer &x0ite D ig turbine eompany' that promjsed to t) 0 yt . D a on 4 ¥ send ships from New vr to Italy | Sheidnerst As In visily worried ai} THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE MAKING. ace Blouses Ie Al | mney pe ries? Are we fot and v In 1llinoiy duingiihe past year the il aud legs swell? Is there puffiness under ; ' divorces averaged one {ér cvery twelve i the eyes? Do you have rh i Poor Thite OT ' 0h. marriages. In Peoria county, the WH ! eyesight, headaches and backaches? ; In Black, White and lvor y- Regular va contre Be the whiskey interest, the WN t grave or any unnatural action of a ' lues $3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8 00, 9.00, aporion ka one. divorce to. four q | hers gravel Brass Beds and two-thirds arp: : LA \| 1 you have any of the above symptoms Le 10.00, for The Ontario 'Medical. Council secur- p your' kidneys are either weak or diseased, od la conviction 'against Herbert" M. ; LE . and these symptoms are warnings of more Iron Beds Kipp, a drnggist, of..168 McCaul | serious troubles to follow ; Bright's Disease, 3 street, Toronto, fur a breach of the ire] h / Diabetes or Dropsy. + . : . metlical act in prescribing. to two men : Whatever you do, whatever you think New line just arrived. o al ® sent by the council to collect evi- your disease 1s, look well to your kidneys Special all Brass Beds, $14.50 dence. i 50. : * In this coat sthe collar is notched | as the first sign of anything wrong Give Hfiokts to divert tha current of the |and so shaped that it can be turned | them just the aid they require in Doan's Others; $24.00 $65.00 and $75.00. S : Arkansas river from the gradually |p high about the throat, or it will | Kidney Pills, the Great ker Kidney | Iron Beds, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, Many of these Waists are exact repro- crumbling bases which border the | lig perfectly flat over the shoulders. Medicine, and see bow well and fit you feel . . Sika : business gcction of «Pine, Bluff, Arkan-! When desired the coat may be cut | after even a few doses. Mattresses, Marshall, Sanitary. ductions of high class Paris styles, being pr dynamiting the Levee on the | wick a centre hack seam, and the] Mus. 0. aren, Radisson, Sask, writes: Tost Mattress made. Ostergioor 'and i i over lg ' g 1 opposite shore; have been successiul, | seams under the arms eft open for a | "I was troubled with very severe pains in | Felt = Mattresses, $8.50, $12.50, $13.50, trimmed with all-over lace and embroil artis 5s now believed that danger of | considerable distance above the lower my back for yours. L tried-sqsrything I 15.00. : der il serious property loss, as was threat-| edge. The sleeves are bose at the | could think of ut they did me no goe Hezcwles Springs, $3.50 EY ery s k, 5 ened; has passed: | hand. This model is exceilent for. a friend told me about Dosa's Kidney Pills Best EL & an $2.5 2 oe] | fur-lined coat, on account of its sim- and after taking Wo boxes, 1 have nob . . opr . Better Digestion To/Morrow. |ple lines, and is equally adapted to buen tactic Sa ee 3hoten Tieading Undertaker, R.J..REID, Phone 577, ' No matter how faulty digestion may | the Scotch and English tweed cheviot Price 5 cents per box, or xes for S Making an Ideal bo if something is taken that will | worsted and coating materials. The $1,25, at all dealers or The T. Milburn 4 i YS : . . ¥ cleanse the stomach and bowels, in- | coat shown 'above was of elephant- Co Limited, Toronto. i (eXayex 00000000 000000 crease the flow of digestive fluids and | gray satin cloth trimmed with lynx. 1a ordering specify "Doan's, 'X Git give the stomach vigor and "tone, im- | . mediate ~ bencfit will follow. Day's : ; : " mas 1 tf. Dyspepsia Cure helps in these ways, | How An English M. P. Is Mulcted. THE FRONTENAC en our 1 e : promptly and every time, Each bottle | London Spectator. LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY 3 contains sixteen days treatment. For | Of course the corrupt practices act ete. A ! { Silk-lined gloves, Livingston's. | qual _slection, Expenses, then, are, peiousy Smasd on cit aad Yawn Pro A display of these Blouses will be made RS Chapman. B.A., Ponty. | we believe, effectually as well 'as no-} tures. | Morugages purchased.' Deposits i ; thd ia pool, received a unanimous invitation | minally controlled.: But if the "short, | received and interest allowed, nour corner window. See them. to return for the fourth year. but de- | sharp shock' of heavy disbursement lg @, McGill, Managing Director, ~ clined. He has accepted an invitation | at an election is a thing of the past, 5 to Ilderton; near 'London, Ont. Rev. | we understand that a new 'kind of dis- 17 3 § : rade' wiatolo has done much to prevent the spend- ESTABLISHED, 1863. oH Al sizes in. these Blouses. gale only at Yade's drug Bon: | "of ge a of money at the President--Sir Richard Cartwright, i S } 21 7 and the children cross, all because there's something wrong with the Bath, the R87 Clarence street. Be ~~ i. i ). BE. Millyard, tho presont pastor at he Js mute: Shy Soke \ - Furnace or the Cook Stove, so. that it or cepte 'tation its e. ¢ § : 3 . ! 4 : a s dlderton, has agcepted an invitation ket of every pliable member are un- X ' does not give reasonable service, then is R } h \ / Al DRON See Bibby's $1.50 silk-lined gloves. | comsing. His -annual subscriptions and J v the time to send for us to put things 3] AR * ill ae i five fonations amount to more, perhaps, . A William Box, aged ninety-five, and | 10 right, Our Telephone shor . aaa We oxfoot. aged eighty-five, vot. | than ever 'before. . 1t has becn said : « i od in South' Lanark for the Hon. C. that in' some cases it costs .as much ) H. Haggart. They are thought to be to bribe a constituency as to keep a » 3 the two oldest voters in the province. steamyacht or a pack of hounds. But 1 a 2 : 5, 86, 87 and $8 silk and net | even if this is an exaggeration, it 1s; McKelve Birch waists on' sale at Waldron's for $2.98) W¢ are assured, by no means uncom Yy & each. mon for constituencies: 'to. cost their Que Bibby's $6 smoking jacket | member between $10,000 and $15,000 a Genuine ¥ W E. Washburn and W. E Mills [ year. In other words it used to cost 9 { , 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET. - i i i i taith's. Falls A a ae od ta rich man $50,0000 down 'to get into t Coughs Coughing is the Colds are inflammations of Smith's. Falls, have lately launched oh thy Now it costs him $6,000 Carter Ss fg i ro . o out i rdware business in Wain- . § worst thing yen ~ themucous membranes out in the hardware at. the election and. $10,000 a year for | YOO QO 0000000000000000 500000000000000000000C can do to your throat. Itinflames usually of nose, throat, and Tangs. wright, Alta.. a growing town situa- ; . : x y five ars hich is e average womans the tonsils and aggravates the air fed about. sixty. mileg from Edmonton. the five years which is the a ko ---- Neglected colds cansé Pnetimonia Livingston & for, clothing duratign of a parliament. Naturally I : I . * passages. Gray's Syrup stops a . aud Consumption. Gray's Syrup The. Read's con sole shoes... for | it is not. easy to come at the details. ttle ver Pills. cough at lonice. It soothes the will break up the most severe cold ladies ang gentlemen, a boon for We can hardly expect Htmbers of se : irritated parts and strengthens the in a day or two. It takes away the tender feet, at Johnston's. house to tell us what they spend, bu Policies Issued by the Imperial Guarantee n feet, al JOAILOL 2 '< nossible that some past mem- Must Bear Signature of : i throat and lungs. At all dealers. inflammation and relieves the nose ) Bibbys 31 oh Rlkdined glo dl 3 iar ao orn Da pr and AccidentInsurance Company of Can asc and soc a bottle, and throat. v Noveibn = Gre a. sand 1 Walter Grocer, the public interest what amount they ¥ : : G ' S i Smith's Falls. occurred at the home of Were eompelfel 16-spend each year in Zool pda Poy Indempity for Thirty Diseases, her daughter, Mrs. Frederick Wilson, | © rder 10. secure # i al Q ' ray S yrup 0 Hull, on Taursday. sa To ' See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. nciu Ing m pox an uarantine. P-. See Jivhy's 87 héuse coats. Both Away From Temptation. . RY) Jam@s Traynor, Carleton Place, is London Tit-Bits. id i ¥ . Very small and as easy ly now for your Policy at 'the office, 18 ) in very low health. His son has ar- A story is told of a'west counlry to take 8s sugar. 3 : . no A Calgary and one of his bishop who rebuked the sporting par- i : arket St. Kingston. J. O. Hutton, Agent daughters from Kingston. son for his hunting proclivities.. *'l FOR HEADACHE. ut . ~ See Bibby's $2 fur-lined gloves. héar you go fox hunting a good deal" i ; There will be no lacal option vote lhe observed ome day. "You ought : Relieves Colds--Hoarseness--Cold in the Head--Coughs--Bronchitis--~ in Cohidh: at a nici elections ». to do this; there is plenty of \ 4 c HOCOI S Asthma--Pain in the Chiest--Dry Night op Re a in \TAnaary.: , work do be accomplished, ip the ) . 82 Extra salespeople to serve. you parish." But,' protested the" vicar, J J s X preptly at Ry & Co's hig sale| fox Jyniing is merely healthy i / : (i Ganong 8S G. B. Chocolates. I . Saturday. cize; besides, hear you were al a FOR THE COMP! on i Ne di . Livingston's for coat sweaters. ball the other night. "In a sense . IRN MUST LEXIO Finest variety. and largest assortment J. Murray, Kingston, has been add- | that is co, replied the bishop, but. | Paray vegetante Rn in the city just arrived. ! od to the office staff of the Frost & | truly speaking, I was three or four oe Wood company. Smith's Falls. { rooms away irom the Dallracm, MLL CURE SICK HEADACHE. 1 Xe .| ° See Bibby's 81 mocka gloves. | The vicar smiled" and then retorted. Something that every "I am always three or four. fields be- South Dakota's gold' output for the housekeeper appreciates; no ' . | hind the fox, so what's the differ-| y 4 year was $7,400,000. 1 household complete without A Doctor 5 Advice sree ¥ one of our useful Kitehen TT Notice. Cabinets, For Chronic Coughs and Colds| Leg] forms, custome ence Blanil ; a sale 2 y 14] 4 A Prominent Atlanta Physic-| cheapest and best place to buy priut- . . { ing. a ------------ Fancy Rockers and Screens 1an Says Nothing Equals Bi Experionse : thiore St: Vinol « Not In His Experience. Jardiniere Stands. . | The .Bohemian for December. o---- | The teacher of a geography Sigs "I want people to know that I bhe- | had just finished explaining how the Buy early and get the liave the _-- valuable 'cod liver oil | English sparrow came to be import: MWe have a large line of Le i 7 {known to medicine to-day is Vinol. all right; but mow we have the spar- / ; 1 C James Reid The ading Undertaker. Phone 147 RY avis Vinol in ny 'practice, and rows on Sux whan: Which would (rp AG . gifts we offer in ------ TTR i i 4 > er a oe p Fa i / ; : ! I don't kiow: 1 aint never 'had N jf od J +@ Slippers, Moccasins, FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT 3 1 "T have used Vinol in many cases Sparrows.' 1 A ¥ 5 ; ih . ! innit ® | were dnaemic and run-down, with) At Home cards, visiting 'eards, ete, x ; oy. Shoes, Rubber Boots, b 3 "1 believe Vinol to be well worthy | The Idea. ' ' . a 5 for 25¢ : 4 for 25¢ of any honest physician's endorse- | The Bohemian for December. : » g earn ato of iron and all of the medicinal, he says 'Dearly' Belowed' syou feel. as | curative elements takenw from fresh if you had received a proposal." | Those who try it and .repeive no , and. see. Phone 58. Ibenofit © may have their money repurn- Jf you want fine art in shoes ¢& -choice. preparation, the best bodybuilder, {ed into this® country, | find it 'has no equal for healing You ra thet have, x; the sparrow br | of indigestioh, mal-assimilation, 'and | go . 2 Hockey Boots, Snow | splendid results. have also found | cheapest and best, at Whig office. ment." Dr. J. E. Ennis, Atlanta, Ga. | Celestine-- 'And has Mr. Pryor's 3 for 25¢ : 3 for 25¢ & Vinol contains no injurious drugs, | church such a small congregafion ?'" | 4 | cods' livers, without a drop of oil to! {ed ot demand. Geo. ' W. Mahood, ito Johnston's. health-restorer and = strength-creator "Phe sparrows ate up the worms, ita REIS ISISISIISISIISISIICIIISIBIIIION | coughs, -colday bronchial troubles and | the worms ?" | sora lungs. For | for patients who have no appetite, | To The Ladies: Vino! to be a boon to the aged. { but it actually does contain pepton-| Hilda--"¥es, 5 indeed. Every time = Smach: and Fits Your JoNae does ; 4 4 work {Roney & Co's big sale. Come oe Uh 3 . g Druggist; Kingston, See Bibby's #2'coat sweaters,