PAGE EIGHT. Wg THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1908. | ItCosts To Get Style With Furs if you come to the right store. We sell only the best Furs of ,every sorf, such as speak for themsel them. ves as long as you wear Furs' For C hristmas are always acceptable. Plenty to Choose From Here A ---- John McKay Fur House 107 Princess St. kal GIT for Cts YOUTHFUL TENPLARS The Auto Stigp Safty Razor THE ONLY SAFETY RAZOR ean be stropped withput removing blade from frame. [ that | The only Safty Razor whose blade can § | he strcpped over and over again to a hair edge. No old blade to throw away; no new | blades to continually buy, $5.00 outfit for a lifetime. buys Also Safety kinds. W. A. Mitchell's,| B85 Princess St. HARDWARE. Razor, froth 15c. #p, all ------------------ ship cannot but be raised by the *les- "| sons and principles of the order. CHRISTMAS Shopping days are with us, and the wise ones advise carly buying. | We have a generous display of [° all lines this year at prices that mean economy. Our good, fine 'Jewellery is especially and now is the best time to sée it. Watches of every variety. Choice Art Pottery. Articles of Brass and Bronze. Fine Leather Goods, so Um! Silver las, Walking Fine Sticks, ods, Cut Glass. the rr san Spangenberg JEWELLER Gt 149-153 Brock St. ARE ACQUIRING VALUABLE TRAINING. | Rev. C. L. Bilkey Gives Address on fhe Possibilities of Evange- lizing the World in the Gener- ation. ~The Star of Hope Temple, Good Templars, met last evening from seven till eight o'clock, and promises to soon be a flourishing children's lodge, and a decided influence for good among the young. The temple is officered the same as an adult lodge, and under the gwd- ance of the adult members the children are trained in parliamentary and busi- ness-like méthods of procedure, and will make good and useful members of the adult lodge, while their ideals of citizen- The members are looking forward to some good times, though of course the first two meetings have been mostly taken up with business, but last evening's time was found for a recitation by Otis Hamilton, song by William Hughes, and a speech by Maurice Brown, the C. T. which would have done credit to a much older member. The report of the delegates to the Moral and Social Reform League was discussed at the adult lodge, and. the lodge will give all the support and -as- sistance in its power to the proposed reduction of liquor licenses in the city. Non-members were admitted at nine pm. and Rev. C. L. spoke on, "The Possibilities of Evangel izing the World in this Generation." He dealth first with the facilities, as the very much -improved methods of transportation, communication, and the number of languages, (over 300) in which the Bible was now printed, and resources of the church at the pre ent day, twenty-five millions of English speaking members, with wealth in the United States and. Canada alone to the amotmt of thirteen billions, and com pared the position of to-day, with that f the 120 men who first started out to Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 3 Sooo * BEEP 4444400 0t 4400004 Just In 350 Wall Paper See them at D. E. FRASER'S, "Phone 373. 78 William St. J At Home cards, visiting cards, ete, cheapest and best, at Whig office. Fzra Wiltse, 'one of Addison's most esteemed residents, aged seventy-gix years. spent the whole ful life in that village. VAAN Canis t } { | | 4] the pew ie) | To The Ladies : . | | | died Wednesday, | A . Deceased had | Joseph Gillis, five years for burglary of his long and use| and George Anh Ade evangelize the world in their generation He made the subject very interesting, and quite an animated little "discussion ook place when he concluded. A Merchant's View. A merchant asks: --"Since Alderman lliott suggests that Prof. 'Dupius build city tower clock, why not ask some tof the other professors of Queen's to | do the plumbing and tinsmithing at the | city buildings? It's just as logical | Queen's has been treated liberally by | the citizens in, the way of endowments, tand she should not enter iffto competition | with local merchants or artisans. Let the city property committee call "for ténders for building thé clock. That is the fair and just way." Came Fromr Brantford. Deputy Sheriff Kerr, of Brantford, 'arrived in the city this morning, with two prisoners for the penitentiary. Douglass, four years for { horse stealing. WAAAY A fine line of Sweaters here always, particularly good showing at this, the Sweater season of the year. Coat Sweaters, in Grey, Green, Blue, White, with different color trimmings. Just name. your. preference in Sweater Style and Color, and we'll Prices reasonable. meet it. Special for Christmas 60 dozen Four-In-Hand Ties. Regular value, 50c. and 75c.. While they last, 35e. p 4 and 50c. : LIVINGSTON'S. | 4 WAS A Bilkey, chaplain, |* THE5P.M. EDITION INTERESTING APPEL OF HOTEL DIEU AGAINST ASSESSMENT. Claim Made That Property As- sessed Belongs to Hotel Dieu Orphanage and Not to the Hpspital Part of the Institu- tion. A very interesting assessment appeal case came before judge Madden uns morning in the city council chamber, On behalf of the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu corporation, W. H. Sullivan, bar- rister appealed against assessment amounting to aboumt $16,000 on property owned by that corpogation, but the rentals of which, he claimed, be- longed to the orphanage asylum in con- nection with the institution, and not to the hospital portion. Last year, a change was made in the assessment act whereby property owned by hospitals, and bringing in revenue, was made taxable. Such property owned by orphanages, however, is stily exempt. 'The point that Mr. Sullivan endeavored to make was that the pro- perty which the city is assessing, belongs not to the Hotel Dieu corporation for uospital purposes, but as a support for the orphanage connected with that worthy institution, and hence was ex- empt. He had no evidence at hand to prove his -peints, however, relying on an old judgment given by the late Judge Wilkinson on the same question. The rentals of the whole property, Mr. Sul- livan said, amounted to $1,145. Judge Madden said he would require cvidence to show that there were two distinét corporations of sisters in the Hotel Dieu, If there was but ome cor- poration, controlling hospital and or- phanage, then the property would be assessable. He said he would like to have evidence to show beyond doubt that the property in dispute over assess- ment is vested in a iorporation con- trolling the I ad and that its rentals do notsgo into one common fund. City solicitor McIntyre held that there was but onie corporation 6f sisters con- trolling the Hotel Dien and all its branches, hospital, orphanage, etc. The act of incorporation, showed that, he said. He pointed out that the report to the Ontario government upon the orphanage showed its total revenue to be only $875, of which $350 was gov- ernment grant. The balance of $525, according to Mr. Sullivan, was from rental, but it was clear that the rentals amounted to more than that. Judge Madden adjourned the case in order to allow Mr. Sullivan to bring evidence to show that there were two | distinct corporations. If there is but one, the assessment will have to stand, | under the new act. Y M.C.A. Notes. The race for the shield, emblematic of the city championship will start from Y M.C.A. to-morrow afternoon at three p.m. (weather permitting). Judging from the entries the race should be a fast one as the roads are in good shape for fast work. These entries: Cadet C. M. Watt, RM.C. S. Skippen, A Battery. Wm. Baker, B. Battery. L. Marshand, Y.M.C.A. R.-Day, Y.M.CA. L. Marchand, Y.M.C.A. . L. LaRush, Y.M.CA. The Basketball committee have ar- ranged for a game in Watertown, Dec. 15th and every player desirous of trying for a place on thé team should turn out to practice at 6.30 o'clock eVeFTight next week. h. 93 There will be two good basketball games at the Y.M.C.A. to-night, when the first games in the Meadows cup series will be played. - Marriage At "The Oaks.' A quiet wedding took place on Fri day morning at "The Oaks," Barriefield, the charming home of Mr. and Mrs. George Crozier; when their second daughter, Miss Gertrude, was married to Everett Ernest Burnside. - The bride wore a lovely gown of cream wile, trimmed with white satiry and lace, and carried a beautiful bouquet. There were no attendants and only the im- mediate friends were present. The groom lived formerly in Minneapolis, but, has been for sonie time in Kings: ton. He, however, intends returning to the American city and making his home there with his bride when the honey- moon's over. The presents Mrs. Burn- side received were tangible tokens of the best of good will of many friends. Fhe ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. McTavish, of Kingston. ---------------- Went To See Santa Claus. A child's .endeavor to see what Santa Claus haa placed in the shop windows for her to look at, caused a mother much uneasiness this morn- ing. The little girl was allowed to go out for. a little while te play around her own door step. The time began to hang heavily on her hands, 50 she started off down Princess street to see the Christmas windows. She had wandered down to Welling- toh street, when she was noticed by some one who khew her, and taken home. The 'mothér was very anxious until her child was returned. Gstaad Appeals Against Assessment. There were only a few appeals against assessment heard by Judge Madden this morning. N. J. Dingman's income tax was reduced by $150. Felix Shaw's assessment on residences at the corner of Bagot and Gore street was con- fitmed at $6,600 and H. W. Richardson's income fax was also confirmed. The appeal: of the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu was adjourned. till the 15th. Recovering From Injuries. James Joyner, who was seriously in- jured by a fall at the Locomotive Works the General Hospital to his home ow ollingwood street,.on Thursday. Mr. Joyner still suffers much pain from his kiee and 'ankle, both of which were Brokén in the fall, but no ill effects will | likely remain with him from the acci- dent. Our City Merchants. Can haye <4heir™ printing done ptamptly at the British Whig oflice, the cheapest and best place, Try Bibby's 82 coat sweaters, a few weeks ago, was removed from: | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By 'Reporters On Their Rounds. Bibby's neckwear elegance, 50c. © "Sealshipt" 'oysters, Carnovsky"s. Attend Hofiey & Co's big sale Sa- turday. J. McDonald Mowat, Kingston, is ip Ottawa, for a few days. Wiliiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778 B. J. Brigpall, travelling passenger agent of the C. P. R., is-in the ay. ' Sale of corsets, dip hip, with hose supporters, 50c. New York Dress Ke- form. . Miss R. Hinckley, University ave- nue, returned from Paris, France, this morning. 3 H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's. Leave orders at Me- Auley's Book Store. The heavy snow fall to-day caused the street railway much trouble. It made the rails very slippery, and it The only drug store in Kingston where you can buy "Cadet Cigar- ettes"" 1s Gibson's Red Cross = arug store. The funeral of the late Albert Men- ary took place at 10.30 o'clock this morning, from his late residence, Prin- cess street, to Cataraqui cemetery. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Con- stipation. Regular price 25c. each; 2 -for 25c., at Wade's drug store. Edwin Stevens and company, pre- senting "I'he Devil," at the Grand, on Thursday evedling, left this morn- ing for London, where they play to- night, cee big window display of Trrkish cigarettes, made expressly for and sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The farmers are bringing hay to the city in large quantities now. Nine loads were on the market morning. Ten dollars a ton is the price asked. Two-quart hot water bottles, made of pure rubber, from 35c. to $2 each, at Wade's Drug Store. * There will be no cases for the high court sittings to open here on Mon- day next, before Sir John Boyd The county court and court of general ses- sions opens on Tuesday. Imported perfumes, toilet waters, ete., of the highest quality, for Christmas presents, at Gibson's Red (ross drug store. 3 Physical Instructor J, J. Thomp- con of the Y.M.C.A., measured the five-milé course that will be gone over on Saturday afternoon by the local runners who are competing for the shield emblematic of the city cham- pionship. . was hard for the cars to make time. Children's stockings that will wear; double knee, 20c., 25¢c.; over-stockings, 95¢c. New York Dress Reform. vA local gasoline yacht owner is be- wailing the loss of some cushions and brass work taken from his boat- house during the week. The things taken did not cost very much, but still they will put the owner to much inconvenience. Remember the only place in King- ston where you can buy Huyler's or McConkey's high-class candy is Gibson's Red Cross drug store. W. A. Wood, formerly of Brockville, | ji dead at Edmonton, aged filty years. He.was a native of Addison, and had been employed for yeags with the C.P.R. He was married to Miss Chadwick of Odessa, sister of Allan (Chadwick of Kingston. Accidents do happen, sickness is unavoidable. These who protect themselves and their families deserve a place on the roll of honor. Apply to 'W. J. Fair for the cheapest and most piiractive form of policy issued. Som" citizens carry as much as $30,- 009 on single fife. TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL. Injunction to Be Given British Agent Re Employment. The regular meeting of the Trades and Labor Council 'was held on Thurs- day night, with Wm. Driscoll, in the chairs ; A report of the delegates to the Moral and Social Reform League was read, and well received. A communication from the Trades and Labor Congress, of Canada, request- ing that a correspondent be appointed, to keep the British agent of the con- gress well informed as to the number of men working and the mumber of 'men unemployed. It 'was decided to comply with the request, Thos. I. Fleming, being appointed. Printed forms are furnished, so that the information will be complete in every respect. Each council is requested to gather the information and forward the same regularly, twice, or at least once a month, to the British representa- tive. New Dates From Persia. Three pounds for a quarter Carnovsky's, "On the corner." Bananas, pears, Carnovsky's. Buy your boy or girl a camera for Christmas. Only 23. They work like Kkodaks. one laid: aside for you at Best's. Call at Best's and see the stock of Brownie cameras at $1. $2 and $3. One for your boy or girl would = be most acceptable. Toilet sets in Best's. Manicure sets, silver mounted, 7c., at Best's. : Military brushes in cases, mounted; $1.50. at irownic $2 and Have cases for Thc. at silver 'The Great Fight." By the author of "The Habitant. This volume brings together the poems and sketches which had remained un- published at the time of Dr. Dium- mond's death. As to 'The Great Fight," it is full of the quaint French- Canadian humor and sentiment, and breathes the devotion to sport and love of life in the open, which togeth- er have drawn to Dr. Drummond's works a large ecirele of devoted and appreciative readers. "The Great Fight," cloth' $1.25; photogravure, il- lustrated, $2.50, at R. Uglow & Co. Goorge. Barr, Broekville, died on Thursday. In latter years he had not enjoyed good health, and daring the past few weeks -had failed rapidly. Born in. England, deceased was se- venty-eix years of age on June 5th | last. ae § Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- gular price 25c. each; 2 for 20c., at Wade's drug store. r The . Rideau river, near the cotton mill, irs covered over with ie. City Engineer €raig 1s around agam after a few 'days' illness, Tra \ this |] rr---- - same, All Day, Commencirg at 9 o'clok and | Special Sale The prices will be cut to 'cost and less, and you may depend oa getting a stylish, well made * Winter Coat at a Genuine Bargain. If not ready to buy, come just the You may select a Coat and have it placed aside. ? A A AAA AAA AA AP A AB A a a a A a Nat tt Continviag until 10 p.m, we will hold a ~ _OF ALL-- Ladies' and Children's ~ Winter Coats To-Morrow, 9 to 12 Only. 200 Pairs White and Grey Flannelette ' Blankets Just the thing for this weather, soft and warm, easily 'washed, a genuine bargain. . 75c¢ Pair. ' GOING TO THE WEST To Report Upon Matter For Gov- ernment. i Halifax, N.8., Pet: 4.-Col, 'G. T. Swane, governor of British 'Hon- dure, was a passenger on the steam- or Empress of Irtland; which arfived here, yesterday, from Liverpool. He is bound for Vaticouver, ' B.C. to investigate #nd report for the British government on the prospecte of send: ne all the Hindooe, in Canada, to British Honduras, the Canadian gov- ernment havibg practically passed an orderNfot their deportation. Cel Swane commanded the expedition which captured the Mag-Mullah in Somaliland. Hot House Tomatoes. Home grown golden celery and mammoth white celery, from Califor. nia, at Carnovsky's. 3 < To The Ladies: At Home cards, visiling cards, ote., cheapest and best, at Whis wice. . A. B. Smith, » manager of the tele- graph department of the Grand Trunk Pacific . railway, has been appointed superintendent of time service and watch inspection. Chamois vests end chest protectors] [a Gibson's Red Cross driig store, . 3 3 L Hd ] ] ) 3 \ H 3 | 4 " 8 tar goods and batter attention. 4 You wigl find it betfer. A large variety, bot- We have a. splendid stock of Winter Goods, Overgaiters, Leggings, Overshces, all kinds of Rubbérs, House Slippers, Mocegsing for all. In; ff fact a full Christmas and winter stock. A new : 4 t y> : stock of the latest Valises and Suit Cases for both J ladies and gentlemen. | : \ Be _Joockeis Shoe Stare. |