Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1908, p. 14

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on iE j : e g, who juve Jo, rea reason : : plain Farme 3 - sil mes po in the townshig of Twelve years SC ne Bere: Hepat compelled Ao hosgas 500 i tart ght HEADACHES be Farmers |b sorta ue we A VELY aonetl BY UNCLE JOSH At the o at time not y was . 4 oe Z ; a . . d the-debt discharged, but the late debtor | ~ x Suffered From Constant Headaches was able 16 "buy _216 acres and pay down knots that 'Baby Ss Own i is the best Soap for 'her own ; Cured oy "Fruit-a-tives" When pb Following are additional extracts from §$7i000 in' cash frem accumulations ga- / ; 2 i Dostors Fail the government's report which will [hered during the period of er. 3 #4 [ a fit 50a for her child--she should & " §be of interest: Ar mortgage for $7,500 was given for Lol 7 Mixed Grains--Correspondents" re- {the balance, and in' the four years. of port for the first time upon the growing puerdupy in saceordande; with agree- of mixed grains. The favorite grain jmeng, ah annual reduction of $1,000 has mixture is one of barley and oats; oats [been made in theymortgage ; besitles this and peas, and barley, oats and peasia nest. egg has been laud aside in the come next. Oats, barley and wheat are [bank in the same time. i also used by some: also oats and wheat, | ~ All this has not been "accomplished | and. wheat, peas and oats. Oats and | with the help of a grown family; the | spelt, oats and buckwheat, and oats and family in this case has been a burden, flax also have their advocates as grain |the oldest not yet being more than 14 mixtures. Some who have tried mixed | years old. What 'one man has done grains speak unfavorably of results; but | other men can do. the bulk of those reporting are more or % . > less strongly favorable to their use. It : Produce And Prices. 3 wasa sifterer from fearful ead- | 1s Slaimed That Sgse Fin, ixtres Kingston, « * Dee. 5--Pricés were aches for over two years, so times rovide we yalanced and nutritious feed : H ; fo they were sg bad that I was unable or all classes of live stock at less trouble Juoted o fhe. Whig, toga, 8s gio\ to work for days ata time.' I took ; al Hinds. of as me. Ted and expense than by any other method. | Flour jand' Fee@--Flour, baker's, $2,- "by physicians, and yet the headaches by sowing peas with the cereals thel90 to $3.18; farmers, $2.80 to $3.10; pt See Spme dealers persistently sell inferior stl persisted. 1 was warely free from combined crop, can be cut with the bind- | Hungarian patent, $3 to $3. oat- : mitate ". headache. A short time ago I was Jer. The values of these mixtures de- | meal and rolled oats, $4.40 re 50; . 3 which i the apg nce of the genuine' Baby's advised to try "Fralt-a-tives" and I |pend upon the various grains ripening cornmeal, $1.80 to $2.10; ran; $23 to Own as nearly as the law will permit. Such subs» Sn od tren Thin | how the same time. Duubefiéy cats, [#01 pet toh; Shorts, JHE 'SadRs por : titutes are partioularly harmful to the skin.' Toni tle faith, but after I hafl take hen fle dah Dit after X ak hen thers {ALT Chr res, and goune. whet | ons steak, S10; hig, loose, S12. to, easier and in. 4 week they left me. |#re the favorite varieties m these mix- | $15; "pressed, $14 to $15. { 3 After T had taken a box of the tabh- |tures. Bigs--New laid, 30c. per dozen. ; ALBERT SOAPS LiMiTED, MFRrs., MON lets my headaches were quite cured. Live stock--The unusually dry fall Graing--Oats, De. Jocal wheat, 85¢ : i gol My appetite Wah always Roar and my weather allowed but little growth of | to $1; buckwheat, 60c.; barley, 60c.; : splendia and my nen 6xcola oT a Wastes Wore caten hy rye, Se. tas peas, Ye, to 95¢.; : : -- lent. I had become thin and sed | closely: ive stock "are, consequently, {corn, 'bes e.; mixed, Tc 4 p i 5 i EM : from the. constant headaches, 'but | rather 'thin, 'hut are quite vigorous and Butter--Choice, Jereamery, 30c.; farm- LITTLE WILL. The sad 'look of pain had get from, bis ---- re, =e now not only Have ¥ heen cured of all fremarkably. free from disease. Most of ers butter, prints, 28e.; packed, 26¢ 3 2 vi| And the sweetest of smiles had taken its these awfu} + headaches, but, my [ic export cattle have been shipped, and rolls, 26e. A great erowd. of people had gathered lace : strength is growing up once more, aroun x ro i pa 'boauti 4 - Ld he and I feel lie @.mew man. 1 have |'°OF 5¢ MaNY animals for fattening are | Meat--Beef, cargase, $7 to 8 ewt.;'l A small, ragged urchin. stretched out on For Wa in. Bed Yat, San pegutitn ERVOU ; y 3 vken jn all three Baxes:of "Fruit-as.].on hand as is generally the case at this | choice cuts, 6c. to 13e. db.; pork, 4c. | the ground, Kind Jesus had. seen Hitle Wii's lied : reat . ve . . In the midst of the street; and some a - * X 1 : os I an exceedingly grateful to | time of the year. Sheep did well where | pet lb. veal, by the quarter, 8o. "to a ~~ hand ; i 3 tat ' "Fralteactives® far euring me, and T | kept, bit do not appear: to be incréasing | Hos ED cuts, ® 7¢. to 15e.; by car-| gna shied Br heh tell. us his fle smile on. his face Jesus" Kissing 15 yor oh NEW EL Sn 5 ai i a 1 tol. o had given, ' give this upkalicitad Jestimontal with in popularity. case; to 8c. per Ib.} cutlets, 12}c. name ? And he awoke in the morning Avie Jesus pimples, hes ' i the nerves become stron arn--This has been the most success--| tof spring lamb, 12 h | Por that pour little body, now bleeding PUVEn. nervousness, and 3 the igh, the fome other sufferer af headaches will Corn--Tlis has been the most succe 156 to pri g 2¢. 1b.; chops, and still, Tir he Rven, . * ® » ' face full and clear, . 4 ret e i . op . ful crop of the season, and the best( bf 18c. a Ib.; Ds 10c. = per | i ; vital waste he th ha induced to try "Fruit-a-tives" and |: ¢ ' g A it » Was all that was Jeit of once) bright i . ave 4 systems are invigorated; all all drains dease--no more wa 2 m the piiniuces in my "ivy it Wind for many years, taking hoth {Tha Jive hogs, 86.15 Ate "Win ; Beye friends who hae, voi thy, gins RARE py i ES So AE (8gd.) B. Corneil. yield and hens tito otideration. The | Fish--Salmon tront, 124c.- a Ib; (A grents he heavy cart had come fatthing [That trusiing in Jesus will save youl : % quacks and Juan feted you of your hard-earned dollars. Taylorville, Ont. warm, dry weather, which affected nearly skingied dighy herring, 20c. per h.; that way, 3 and me. lot | Where Willie Wid others were "huby di SUR" Sr "Fruit-a-tives" is now put up in the [all the other field crops 'more or loss { whitefish, 12ic. a Ib.; pike, 10c. a Ib; pla, Oh; that ali who of Jesus ETeatig wey fiew 25c trial size ag well as the reg- | adversely, seemed only to add 'to the chinook "salmon, 30c. a lb; kippered jas the poor little 'fellow, now streich- | would, like dear little Willie, take Mim ular 50c 'hoxes, Write Fruit-a-tives | growth of corn. The crop was good herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a ed on the stones, at His word. Limited, Ottawa, if your dealer will not supply you. a Fy al : i , | Seemed only a mass of bruised flesh both for husking and the silo, although [a Ib; pérch, 30c, a dor.; frogs' legs, and 'crushed buns. a little more rain at earing time was | 40¢. "doz: Atlantic . salmon, 30c. lb.; | But still there was life; and a = hind When One Of Us Walks Alone. vishe ( : . a alities i - | salt codfish, 7e. to 15c. Ib.: halibut, 20¢ doct®r said : San Francisco Call. wished for in some localities. Injury "We must take the child home, and pur | We have walked together, my love, my SEES EE from frost wae very small, only a few [a Ib; fresh haddock, 10c, a Ib.. hall | him to bed. ; love, RE very late fields being nipped. heads, 10e. a Ib.; red herring, 15¢. "a | He must have ull the care we can pos- | Through many a weary day. | | D, oe > box; mackerel, 15¢. a lb.; trout, 12jec. sibly give, . With only the ghost of a sun above Potatoes-- While some correspondents Jozi fickers » a prot. an i Bdy. be the poor, itu fetlew | lo light us upon hsm report a heavy crop of potatoes, the bulk .» a Ib.; ciscoes, luc. a lb.; bluelis will live.' Yet we have been happy, my dear, my of thé returns indicate a yield a little [15¢. a 1b; lake herring, We. a Ib.: | Hoar. \ ) less than the average, owing to the un- finnan haddie, 10c. to 12}c. a lb.; red | But, alas, for poor Willie, he had no! More happy than we have known; ' nice home ; Through a good, old world we A usually dry season. Reports, however, snappers, 15c.; flounders, 10c.; fresh | yr. jived in an 'alley, in one little room. journeyed here-- are practically unanimous as to the ex- |salt water herrings, 40c. to 60c. a doz; | And his poor mother, working = from | Hat what when one walks alone? cellent quality of this year's potatoes, fresh lobsters, 30c. a lb.; sea bass, earliest light, 4 : 9 | Had often no sw r to give him at night. | 1 owld m ur faith, ; ve, ; Ay A their freedom from rot being frequently 124c. a Ib.; smoked salmon, 30c. a lb.; | HEF ov on Nun gi ena 9 2 wo d_ miss your faith, my love my | CHORE THEATER ATER TATWENT commented upon. The ground was hard Poultr; --Chickens, 9c. to 10e. per { From the place hia all bleeding - und | In the day that may some time be, at Mt. Clemens T wis in +0-consult sms Spa for digging, but otherwise the crop was .: turkeys, 15¢. a Ib. shattered, He I Or haply you'd miss the comfort you've | all faith in doctors. e a drowning man commended the New Treatment PE : < it] 9 _ | was a very large Housé standing buck | known and it saved my life. Lhe improvement, was like magic--1 vigor going most satisfactorily secured . for the | Fruit Lemons, - 20c. per doz.; or- | fron The. Street. . In bringing your worries to me. Sheotigh tho noes. 1 was cured mentally and physically. ; 1 fave sent thom any winter. anges, 40c. to 60c. per doz.; bananas, With everything round it, so quiet and |Oh.<l am not strong, and I am not; patients and will tion to do so." Turnips--These roots have been more 20¢. to 30c. per doz. neat ; brave, CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY of less: a filare this: season, although Vegetables--Potatoes, 90c. to $1 | Which waiiy ood people had buill in His F oll of my life has shown ; ' We treat and cure ARI OCLC TRE NR DER DISEASES and BLOOD 3 § y @ . p | So sometimes sigh o'er * an unmade | AND BLADD! here and there a few good fields were | Per bag; cabbage, 75¢c. to $1 a doz; | who baled all the 'sick 'when from grave, Bugesstpecaliacy COMPLAINTS, reported. Not only did turnips, like celery, 30c. to B0c. a dozen; beets, heaven He came," When one of us walks alone. CONSULT TION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question other roots, suffer from drouth; but lice [20¢." per peck; onions, $1 per bush.; | And Who promises biessings that ever Plank for Ly Treatment, u . a . | So there in a room, large and cheerjul Then give me your hand, sweetheart turnips remained to be jgged as corres- | Wool, washed, 15c. to 16c. per Ib; and bright, sweetheart, " & Co ., and iswold St., Detroit, Mich. ; pondents wre sheep skins, fresh, 75c,; tallow, ren-| Little Willie was laid oh a pillow so In fealty we have known. T. Michigan Ave » a Gri ' it, I ent rote. dered, Se. per lb.; deakins, 50c.; veal white, Bit And "give me your love till at last w . i ---- - hide: \ | The walls "Ww ght! * pictures ~ were part-- Milch cows require different feed skins, Te. per, Ib.; hides, No. 1, 4c. per | covered all o'es; And- one of us walks alone. Milch cows require different feed than |}. hides, No. 2, Je. per lb.; horse {Will never had seen such a clean place : beef cattle. You should not feed much hides, $2.50 each. | before. - m-- ms 2; . { | « endure, { The day must come, my dear, my dear, | appeared upon the plants to a greater green onions, 40c. a 'doz.; carrots, 30¢. | 1, those who shall comfort the.sick and When one shall the shadows seek, | N extent than usual, and in some fields |a doz. bunches; turnips, 75¢. a bushel; the poor. While the other shall wander lonely here RS. they almost destroyed the crop. Some |tomatoes, 30c. a bushel. ; . oi /griet that he cannot speak fat-forming foods, as your cows would | Long rows of small beds, with small 7 e tables between p iy on fat instead of producing milk. Pure Rich Blood. he ecoverlids while, and ithe beds paint- "% 0 ER Y Feed more silage or roots in the winter. Ti hol To y ed green ; BOTTLED IN SPAIN Daily feed for a thousand-pound cow: |, Poo i0'e mathincey of health must And 30. ad children, all sick, but so OTTLED SPAIN ONLY. 40 pounds of silage, 7 pounds cloverghay 2 Rept in order or diseases of the Ei 3 ' lg p 2 ay 5 i 3 ' wil t ai t the THE WINE OF QUALITY exported | 8 pounds of gram. The cows that are Sone h, liver and kidneys will follow. | Will almost forgot his great pain at Wi by the "premier" sherry house of the | soon to freshen should be fed on suc- | 1957 OFEBNS Are SO related that when world, Messrs. GONZALEZ & BYASS, | culent feed, such as silage or roots, bran, one weakens all weaken. To keep | But the poor little boy sufiered terrible of Jerez, Spain, is thelr celebrated : " Keep them vigorous they must be supplied ain, : drand, IDOLO SECO SHERRY, bottled with pure, rich blood. Such blood i« When Le, good surgeon came "to examine end sealed exclusively at their own heavy on grain just before or after always the result of 'using Wade's | Those poor little limbs ; and be said, Bodegas. Tt is pleasing to the healthy, calving. € Iron Tonic Pills (laxative.) They arc B that Dy Text day, ath i . eneficial to the sick and a necessit ; : . arve stre . y : e must bring his sharp knife, and cu , y After calving, give bran mashes and a great nerve stre ngthener and blood both legs away. ®n all dinner tables. Ls maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug | on, h oH y- vO u For sale at all leading Hotels, Cafes, | Warnr dririking water for a few days. ' r ! ¢ | Oh, how could he bear it Oh, what 8 ; Ki isfactory > 2 Restaurants and Wine Merchants the Allow the calf to sack for about two store. Money back if not salislactory. oa ao. he couid never get World over. days afd then feed the mother's milk . "through, Lawrence A. Wilson Co. Ltd, from a'ail-for about two weeks, about Peculiar Is Its Name. And then he khew well, that he never Canadian Agents, ~ Montreal. 13 | three quarts twice a day; after that re-} "There is a -post hamlet in Cass | ana Shui To the boys, as hefore he ; duce it with skim milk or warm water, { County, Missouri, 'on the 'Frisco rail had done. i '156 that at the end of the fourth week [road, with nothing peculiar about it | Poor Willig.;_he fell that. in all that the calf will be getting all skim milk or | but its name, and that is Peculiar." said | TE uy one to help him and no half whole. milk and half warm water, | 2 man in an uptown hotel. "Its origin, one to pity with some reliable stock tonic to aid | according te local tradition, was as fol- . * 4 an i digestion. Keep a supply of good clover lows: When the settlement was so big It was. ight, inthe hospital ward all or alfalfa hay within reach and also | thought it needed a post-office a citi- | Save the low moans of anguish from some ground oats, with a little linseed | zen sent a petition to Washington to poor, little Wii, meal mixed with it. have one-established. The request was When a fear; little. girl- in (typ, very After the calf eats the ground feed, granted, and the citizen was asked to |Purned round on: ner jillow and loving- gradually get him used to eating whole | Suggest a name. He* replied: "The ly said ; 4 oats. as this is the best feed for him [people are not particular so long as the 'Litlp boy. whats the mattep ;. are TO 11S MAJESTY THE KING ; up to six months old name is peculiar." Thereupon the post- OR yes. id poor Willie ; '"'and what . The heifers should not he bred until | office was named Peculiar; and the is worse still, SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. fifteen or hteen months olgZ--Dr. [naiic has never been changed." The guctoy " going Lo hurt or leg 2 ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. i David Rober Wisconsin State Veter nn Pro OY Sever an : « ¢{inarian The Amatéur Gunner | "5 yoSus will help you said dear, . a J Catholic Standard and Times. "Ite suffered and died ; you know, Willie, About 50 per cent of the failures in "Ma," asked the little rabbit, "is for you. © : s PI dairy farming are due to underfeeding |it true that pa was shot by that | Th child was astonished, and thus INO 3 Tiny Tan ) made reply SOO RE ara of succulent food. The dairy with a |amateur gunner ?"' "Why, Susie, "who's Jesus, and what C0 4 : : a . , 3 (5 CY - silo never fails: but the dryv-hay dairies |» **Not at all, snorted the mother made Fim die » : f Med linseed meal with a little oats. the: bowels open and do not feed very - - . arc alwavs in trouble over the smallness | rabbit, scornfully. '"I'he gunner was #0 Willie, how sadiz 1 thought, everyofie Famous for over a of the milk checks. The dairy cow that | shooting at something else while your | you don't go to- Sabbath-school, isn't century for its delicacy is condemned because she has to pro- | poor father sat behind him and Jhat true 2" 3 1 of flavor. duce milk when not fed any more than | laughed. Unfortunately the gun kick- NO ok over have been," the boy mate 4 t requires to support her is often the |ed and the man sat down on your | «g 1 [ Je I what de f y . . Y vy 3 ut tell me of Jesus, and wha ma of highest standard o cow that would pay a generous profit on | father and killed him. Him die." urity. beral fe y y hi er | feeding. . ! is '"'Well, Jesus," said Susie, "came down I'he Chicago ordinance requiring all Sk 3 o lo a It is especially cows furnishing milk to that city to be WORK THAT WEAKENS. : oe a suffered so, Hocause he was sorry we all recommended by the tuberculin tested, and that all reacting We Se-- And would be so naughty, and He was \dedical Profession ord cows be cut ont from the herds-will go | Booth's Kidney Pills Have Done W child, wise decided? 1f the milk is pasteurized Work in Kingston. And when Ile grew up, He went all is tested or not. The outlook then is to day, in come strained uhnatural poyi- of His| hand on jolting waggons or cars, | O, Wilh ie, 1 wish it Had heen "you and Just as little as we, but. so gentle and account of its peculiar through the land, turn shippers into dumpers. It will be | tion, And: He took little children right up on? izing statiomthan to deal with the city |hending over heavy ork: B Not ; g or heavy house work, lift: oO hicao : s : PA cruel , caught Jesus "one i Chicago. ing, reaching, pulling, all these strains ut some cruel men, caugh sus S04 ae . =A tend to wpar; weaken, and injure the | And beat Him and mocked Him = and Ribbing land in the fall®with a double into ef January 1st, unless other- Great Service For People Who wild, "" "n 1 vad . the s her is DRYNESS it will be admitted, whether the herd Maiiy Kingston people work every | And, healed all the "sick with the touch bending ecanstantly over a. desk bes ¢asier to accept the price at the pasteur-T fin, F . : His-knee kidneys until they fall behind in their took "tim away, 1¢ 2 ' y ry en oh ph A xed i i ails c a great th ild:hoard or gril plough, Js a a work of filtering 'the poisons from the Ang hee. Hin with nails lo a . ha es ha & WH x ! SE -- A ve Po blood. Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick | Oh, wasn't it. hard when Ted donej ) the better farmed dwstricts 6 e I'ro- | Kidneys, put nev: strength' in bad | * them such good ? \ " ahat | the ame. of the vince of Ontario. Tt is claimed for this | backs. RE th ures prove it ad | How He must have loved us to die on | BECAUSE -- LT) in of soa t ma Sys + na > ula Ae > ald the tree, Sake ols ars a - system that it prevents the soluble plant Mrs. Thomas Moore, of .226 Division | "But," said ible, * "if "He's 'dead,. how It's a iform bak d k colors are fast and brilliant. ! foad from leaching away with rains and street, Kingston, Ont.. says: "Very! can He Melp me 2' 2 3 ul} er and cooker. ; < Pandora' Ta shade. Ne ra melting snows during the winter. The | often 1 would' be unable to stoop" or | "Why; Ti 1 hn. tell you, : said Susie: Is the only Range with a burnished top surface. 5 e COSSIVE i a wart % . i "thoug NOW, e's in heaven | OY # 5 x Pt ypole 3 a Tat with excessive moisture, will' run off in the lift anything with the! dull, bearing- | {in the Book, He has left us. a protoise f TN Has a reliable Helmomeler. We furrows without interfering with the | down pains that were almost' constant | is given : \ Durable, - suré=workin grates. humus in the soil, as the®oser portions | in the small of my back. 1 had ried | That, whene'er re want Him Hell come I Emery rod for knif A i 1 d ras " will be found in the centre of the ribs. | many -emedies but could find little tm 30 Sur ald. eves mie' iI. Hever 1H i ind, ni eS arpening or towel drying. T tL. These' ibs 'should be abofit twenty in- Ino relief for this. The kidneys were | Beech : s solid, sirong, handsome and. easily regulated. ches wide, and if well made the pene- Jdisordered and inactive and' I was |! know that He comes to this hospital trating power of the frost is consider- {languid and weak. I would awake | Ahd ou h folks can't see Him, they HS * ably increased and the breaking up and | moro tired and unrefreshed than on go- | feel He is near. 1 loosening of the sub-soil is materially ling to bed. I tried Booth's Kidney |! nye, for I've tried it again and h enhanced. In the spring the ribs are {Pills on recommendation of a 'friend nia, : : : " He nel} Ss us bear cknesss and sorrow, . may harrowed and cultivated down with a |preeuringi: stame at Mahood's Phar- A pain. a MARVEL Whirling, vay spring tooth cultivator ,and again har- |[macy. 1 soon found them to benefit | "How good,™ said the boy, with a long, ; The new ry 0:2 rowed before fhe grain drill is used. | me, going directly to the cause of tho thank " ght 'pass Rosy + ont conven: It is quite an advantage to have the land | 4rouble.. My back strengthened and Put I. go so small that He' might po: nstantly. ribbed in the fall, as # can be worked |the pains left it. The languiduess | So rn put up my hand, just so He can pat ; much earlier in the spring, thus making [had soon gone. 1 have not had the | : he cannot supply the @ : A . : Th "He n k t Him, and o by Boke "iz | Possible early seeding: least, trouble since and can conscien- on right to me." Hunt 3 : LOXDON, TORONTO, MUNTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANGOUSER, ST. JOLRNEN.B., HAMILTON, CALGALY pais nid dt t gives o en : tigusly recommend Booth's Kidney . ¥ » : iar FR on While the average returns from farm | Pills. Sold by dealers. Puics 50c. When the hright in peeped in on _ that 1 a white Tl . py . . " ng i ORS Per Y CO., Windsor, Onts operations in Ontario are not all that | The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, | 7he hand was . still ised. but dear Gener al Agents for Canada, they should be there are many farmers, Ont., sole Canadian agents, Willie was dead't FOR SALE BY LEMMON & SONS.

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