the Saturday |" ght Shopper. Ni I-------- Cas a Do some of your Chistmas shopping Ta-night, be" fore the mad rush begins, takegyour time befo fied, your friends are more . Nothing like being able to- re deciding, You are more satis- satisfied, and we are also more satisfied. Read over this list and see if there isn't something that will meet your requirements. A 'New Hat- 33 1-87. off all Millinery, A New wd Belt - Mink, Fox, Sable, Squirrel, ete., Collars;.etc. * i Mute Throws ao edd Haridsome Coat All Bis and the very nicest present possible, A Pair of Gloves Fowne's, of course, all 'gizes, from $1 to 2.50, Dainty lengths, colors and, Muslin Underwear, Corset Covers, Skirts, ete. Pretty Veils Plain, Spotted and with | pretty borders, 25¢, 35c, 50¢, 75¢, $1.2 20. - "ype "Why is it," I said to the Lampman, "that. the arts students of Queen's lack the Hilarious spirit of those who learn physic and jengineering ?" "I'll tell you exactly why it is," replied my old com- on, "Woman is the cause of it all. iver since woman got a foothold at Gor s, she has changed things over there... The arts students exist day in and day out in the same building as the female pedagogue, and her influence 'doibéns him. He can't yell like those 'divils' of medicine or play villainous pragks of the sciefice men. The soft influence of those dear gowned girls has hampered the poor arts men, whe in the, days of old, before the women folk got their feet planted in the class- rooms, used to be as hold a set as ever tended 4 school of learning. Look at ts at the military college Pst Ee water. They're a wild lot of scamps when they get going, and (because. there are no soldier women studying in the school. If there were, the cadets would be quieter lads. When a student has to associate constantly witli women, he gets tamed, and. if he associates long enough he'll become ef- feminate, as_so many school lads are becoming because they are taught all their livgs by school" mistresses." The Lamgepair" said he could go .and give many instances of a like nature. He lames women for making the Queen's arts man a gentler being than he used te be The Lampman. went to "The Devil" on, Thursday evening. He went there, he said, because one of the town clergy- mén had. quoted an opinion that the play was worthless, The Lampman wanted to decide the question for him- self,. and so he oceupied a prominent pew in Manager Branigan's play house: Ihe first thing he noticed was tha scarcity of women at the play. .He was glad of this at first, but afterwards thought that the play 'was just as much a warning to women as to men. He 5 30 PEOPLE 2--Bands 25 Ponies, Dogs A MONSTER or Concerts in tront, Matinee, Children Evening, 15c¢., dates Seats mow on sale. en haAL, Noon 2 and bg, an. 25¢. ALL NEXT ] i MAY A. BELL MARKS Supported by Marks x Fide No. 1) Dranatic, Co: in Vaude- ville, Moving Pictures Says; ude Songs. Change of Play, a, Specialties Nightly. Monday Night--""A ROUGH DIAMOND." Foocial 10-16-25 Rn Na x 4 tickets For Monday 1 cepts, aE Foects "now on g 3 * i x #1 Wo LAND bc THEATRE be SPECIAL 6 ATTRACTION ALL NEXT WEEK, . Afternoons: and Evenings: "Art" Richardson's Co. Produce THe Novelty ot Talking Pictures A Company of real actors back of the Screen talk the talking 'parts of {the actors in the Moving Pictures. Some- thing never seen in Kingston 'before. ONE WEEK ONLY. There is bound to be a big rush, Don't wait until the last show. Come to the first amd 'eome early: © ou CONDENSED ADVERTISING rons EP A GOOD GEN who cdn 4 King # a SE ONE ly 178 Aa shor LT | Fin. pen experience need SKIRT AND . LAS NA wy AN on STEADY "apply. DALY ase & a apt YF Al MEN EE TO TERRY a ER nates I Pekin. will Few Lp poy or ito. AN EXPERIENCED Mak, : Tha po So 8.1 FIRE avRANCE i Eno § Hicphone, ddd THE Bates on sire TO URNISH of work" F. A Birch, - Hlectrician, 206 Wel tngton Street, A JoR OB CLEANING ASHES oUT OF aries." piieed eas Hight. AE ase GREAT DANE DOGS--A YOUNG MAT! and Female, must be: perfect - spec mena potid. | blue. color, ae o Tigi ble. Dean Knickerbocker, che Elmtree Farm, Charlotte, N: v. GENTLEMEN TO GET HE" WINE | er , overcoats made Bo Re iso - years' turned and m new. Your "own cl made *tnto' up-to date. suits. Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Galjo- way, The Tailor, 18] Brock St, next to Bibby's Livery. LOST. LADY'S HUNTING CASE "SILVER watch, on Wednesday. Finder please return to Whig office and receive re- ward. PAIR OF GOLD-RIMMED BREC. ANISH MISCELLANEOUS. {QU rn INSURANCE, ng weekly. pe Fay ne ay, for quarantine. Get * particulars, O = JBRICATE The Wheels of Business Our' Classified Want Ads: furnish a fubricant that is good for any kind of business machinery, Dao you, want an employer or an em ployse. Have you something to sell or is there something you wish té buy * No matter' how large or how 'small Bl your business is Condensed Ads. will ym "prove it--On up. Sr fa TN LW Cy ACCI- dent and Health, 4 ulicios ESaantee or a, a alan Boon, Agent, 159 Salt! gions Su. PERSONAL. IA 3 TL IAN FORTY CHAIRS, APgLY, 1 x THROUGH +l § HAT VIP FOR "House: ry = Al a NI IN ANY ply at "ois = W LE RUG--6x9 FT. BE GREEN Se versible. As on a 4 for $10.50. St., Toron! 820 ACRES Anew ok Mooselaw; BE ean's, TORN er Do oy ha Shuter yor. AND We ha that's all Died or KIND 'ao WORK Puroses, a first-class About - 100 Ibs. Hay, 126 and 128 BROWN MARE, single or double, fiver. o Be ht Price, Ba a, treet. TWO-STORY OW Fh for eater, a go NOW. IS she ME ro ORDER ¥FEUTT Vines and ribs celebrated. Nw Tees, i Pienting, from the gg th's Helderloight "V0 Lawson, Agent. 68 entre te Sen will call. ia RRICK J "me a card and I ROOM OVER WADIFS, +t hii and - Brock streets, including hot water heating. Apply McCann, B51 Brock street. "ROSELAWN! ;.. ; HANDSOME HAT e on "On ion normal rental for the J. B disputes the assertion that the play is worthless. There is g deep underlying lesson in it, he says, if people will only see, it, but if people go to the theatre only amused they will not see it. [he play is a 'warning to many men and women, for it shows how 'they are so easily led by the Devil. The Lampman cantor see; why the wiles. of the Devil should not be shown from the stage just as weM-as from the pulpit --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. street, o winter. Apply + R. McCann, 51 Brock street. {acles in case, Tuesday, at noon, on Princess St. Finder will be reward- ed by returning to Whig office. MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc., removed permanently, ears' at without scar, Twent ence. Dr. Elmer J. Tals Eye, Nose, Throat and Skin 'Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. Men's Shirts Ties, Fancy Sox, Suspenders, etc.. all strictly up-to-date. Ribbons, Wools, Embroidery Cottons and Silks, Silk Tassels, Knitting Needles, etc. CENTRALLY LOCATED front and rear rooms, at street, over J. Furnishing Store. ¥orrest. OFFICES, Hah King Forrest's Gent's Apply to Mr. SMALL BLACK PURSE, sum of money, on Island Market, Saturday morning. Finder © will Te- rewarded by leaving at Whig' office. AGENTS WANTED ¢: ' BOYS AND G "GIRLS CAN M CAN MAKE FIVE dollars per week selling our "Multi- Colored Tingelled Post Cards." Everybody buys them. Write now for particulars, enclosi ten cents for samples. Bloxham I , Queen dnd Saekville Sts., Tordnto. CONTAINING BOARD CF TRADE Monday Eveningat 8 O'clock (instead 4 Tuesday) to considez the hotel LADIES--INSIST ON HAVING: DR. MAR: tel's Pills. The standard remedy because of superiority «in quality . and reliambity. Trials 'have proved its incomparable worth to thousands of suffering women. Buy of your druggist, - Refuse. all substitutes, BRICK RESIDENCES; IN central locality, eight and nine rooms ed dwellings, respectively. All mod- ern conveniences, to 184 Queen street, TWO Apply MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. _8. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, 42 telephone, 568 ; A large EE ae propasition.' i PLENTY OF MONEY. prop } FROM. OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE 151 Division sureet, twelve rooms, including Shtension kitchen, hot water attendance is requested. J. 8. TUR ISSUER OF Clarence St., residence, ¥ Prospectors Making Big Returns La a el 3 pig § Crumley Bros An-- A It Bears the Palm A Every wéman who - bakes her own bread or makes Pastry knows the trouble che often: has on the Flour question. Some of her brands won't rise, others are stale and musty in smell, and pro- duce sour-tasting@bread. Ours is a per fect brand of I%our, milled from the choicest wheat, and. possessing all the nutritive yualities. It assures to the housewife the best Bread, Biscuit, ' and Rolls. Thapriee is ne higher. than the inferior brands, Kirk & Lee, 'Phone, 417. "87.281 Princess St. 10" LURE ANY DISEASE. d Takes the Crown The Cause! Must Be Removed, Same. Way With Dandruff. ' Kill. 'the gefm that causes dandruff, falling . hair: and baldness, you must grow laxuviattly. Newbro's Herpicide aot only contains the dand- ruff germ destroyer, but it is also a most delightful hair dressing for regu- lar toilet use. No other hair prepara- tion is on thia scientific basis of de stroying the dandruff germs. It stops all irritation, keeps the scalp sweet, pute and wholesome. Remember that something claimed to be "just as good" will not do the work of genuine T Herpiotde Sekt by tending dro Send 3 10e: in stamps for The Herpicide Co., Detroit, sizes, 50c. * and sl. G. special agent. and oot PILES: = very for Hes. en RR 0 and at ite 3 Srotryal bl. 8 hors! wo not satisfied. 80c, at all FE) rs or KDMANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto. PDR. CHASE'S OINTMENT, sample Mich. Ww. és Two Mahood, Pr, Chidse'a Oint- ment is a cortal will have no more dandruff, and your hair on "Finds." Business '1s humming in the Montreal River district, says the Toronto World. Ambiig other deals, James Hylands is negotiating with some New York people for the sale of his Willett properties Lhe claims are located near the Lucky Godfrey group and close to the Lloyd. It is understood that $150,000 is the price offered, and it is said that if the deal goes through the possessors of the claims will commence operations im- mediately. Not long ago the Armstrong property sold for $100,000. A company has been formed to exploit these claims, and let- ters of capitalization were taken out a few 'days' ago. The stock was a favorite in the im- mediate community, and only one day's time was required to dispose of it, I. Another transaction js rumored, though nothing definite can be learned. Mor- gan Milne and Shirley Cragg were 'in Elec Lake last Sunday, and Mr, Milne is reported as having reecived an offer of $30,000 for his claims in the Gow- ganda Lake district. The price offered was too low to suit Mr. Milne, who is waiting for bigger money. Only a month "ago a is 7 '| Montreal, staked a claim in Gowganda and at thi¥ early date, before there is proof of wealth, greater or lesser, he has sold a half interest for $35,000 The confirmation of the sale of the rights of Silver Lake is made by the vendor; Ju: Lorne McDougall, of Hailey- bury. Two others besides himself re- ceived each $20000 for thdir-interest. Tite payments were made in cash. Col. Hay bought the property for a syndicate. Gift For Y.M.C.A. The members and friends of the Kingston Y.M.C.A., will be glad to hear of the latest gift to the building, a large Weather Strip Keeps out the cold and saves your coal bill. Large assortment at A. STRACHANS Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK OITY. v 3 PW ARDS Y * Ba e to apd rom sta- Fraoh free. 2-cenut | GRAND UNION electrical association emblem. A tri- angle in a circle is to be placed on the tower, facing Princess and Barrie streets. It will be of large size, and will be seen for a long distance. The sign will be of "the latest electric setting, and is a handsome gift. The donors are Frank HOTEL] for New Fork Oity ae and Map. Birch and Harvey Milne, both active ler, } IR Milne and John McEwen. How to:Adjust Collar on "MUTO" Coat in 10 Seconds s+ TO RAISE. The Collar? for stormy 'weather un- clasp the dome fasteners on either side, RAISE the collar and press the fasten- ers together, Fasten the small collar strap to the two domes, one on either side and button lapel across. "IT'S DONE! Let ius' show Jou! TO LOWER. The Collar for fair ' wealher, BOTH domed fn' coffar strap, turn strap | down, lower cdllar to original position | and turn back lapels. IT'S DONE 1 indW it's 'done. uaclasp | EP. JENKINS CLOTHING CO. 114 Priess St. N above zero. members 'of the Y.M.C.A. The gift will | bé "acknowledged by the management at the regular meeting of the board of } directors"on Monday night. : I1.0.F. Election Of Officers. { The following officers were elected at | the meeting of Court Frontenac, No | 59, LO.F, for the eisuing term: --C.R., IR S. Grahanr: M.CR, J. M. Sharman; "Silner of | | By: Acting Sec etary. BOARD OF TRADE Annual Dinner Will be 'held TUESDAY, Dec. 8th, at 8 pam. AT British-American Hotel PROF. ADAM SHORTT will deliver an address on 3 Ounadipm, sand - American Banking Systems.' Members, can, ba Agito Secratary. ia THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. BANQUET Under the Auspices of Brock St. Mdthadiat 'Chtireh, on + TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 8 --gupper served ctw Church, from 6.3046 8 0 Menn, See Window Cards. fix ce Programme, at 8.30 o'clock. Admission to both ; Adults, 25¢. Children, 105c. Menu : Chicken A. the 'clock. Yor Excellent Shredded Ltd.) (1) Creamed in Wheat Baskets. (2) Pickles (B Cold Ham. (3) TPriseuit' and Butter. (4) Jelhed Fruit Sandwich, Whipped Cream. (5) Thiscuit @it MacLaren's Cheese. prs Shredded * Wheat Ice Creani. (7) 'Muyler's Chocolate Triscuil. 3) Chase &: Sanborn's "Cofigo, $10 REWARD Will - be. promptly paid for im- formation leading: to conviction of any person throwing sneeze powd- er 'or pepper in the . Princess Theatre. e guilty party will be prosecuted to full: extent of the law. Robert Lipman, Prop. AUCTION. SALE There will be sold bag Public Auction, the Goods and Ch 9 Bf J. Rosen, Ladies' Tailor, on TUESDAY, DEC. 8th, at' 10 aan, at' the Store" ef John Me- Kay, Furrier, Drotk street: * WM. MURRAY, Lytle ; Co., with Salada Auctioneer. WOMAN'S NATIONAL COUNCIL | rece ording- secretary, J. S. R. McCann; | inancial-gecretary, T. Lambert; treasur- James Craig: physician," A: R. B Williamson, M.D.; Ct. Dep., dosed Hip- | son; SSW. Amos Smith; J. W., William | Ash; LN R. } | Snook; 1B, J. { Allen and W. H. Godwin; trustees] A } Taxes Still Out $4,500 | t Collector Bartels reports that. the | jamount of this Year's taxes now-.out- | | standing is $4,500. He will make a big | | | effort to get amount m by the I'he delinquents will be. pressed | this { 31st. f for payment. o Nine Degrees Above Zero. Prof... Knight's = observatory feport { showed. the lowest . temperature on Saturday morning to be nine degrees | It was much colder out- ae the city, the tary Brie to [ #ero in some places Yivingston' s for boys® } | overcoats. One "BROMO QUININE," that Is | ECan OB wine 2 Day: | Qs i on every Annual | and other business. | lost | company | ca, i 5 New Orleans £297 og, gobox. We IN General Meeting of The Kingston Wo- man's: Council, 'Tok Rolvitig PREYS of the Meeting of the "National Council MONDAY, DEC. 7TH, AT 3 P.M, In the Gouncil. Ghawpber. All "invited. | WAR LONG'S LAUNDRY RE- MOVED From 73 Clarence St. 40 158 Welling- ton St. Best laundry 'in the city. A Steambr Sold {Receutly. Mont al, ee. 5i--The off \Wewfoundland, sold by the Indiana Transportation to Pelix Jackson, of Veles- Fexas, and was being taken to wie 7 been plan- ned'to put her in service befween that city an} Texan ports. At Ogdens- burg Capt. © Dillondgooks command. About twenty lives were Jost. The . Soa City was 43% tons weg built at West Bay City, Mich., | Tey She was valued at $35,000 & a hail from Chicago. From the first she was AS ane. ursion steamer | ore Laks Hoon apd, Jd SE i "You never gan tell," as the ntarked reflectively. to the. gent was walking the pla Soo City, was recently and rental pirate mar who . The youngdit daughter of Wr. and fe Mrs. Ezra Smith, Napanee, died on | November 26th. I | PROTESTANT, pet Hall of the | TEACHER WANTED. TEACHER, FOR high, Ahirrger salary and commences Secretary, 85 8. and NO. 2, DEN- Ashby. State axperience, Services fo Jan. 1st, 1009, 8, Ball; Vennachar, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER School Section No. 2, Redford." Sérvicss to commerce, Jan. 4th, 1909. Apply, stating salary, to James McNeil, Burridge, Ont. Fine Tailorin Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. wanted for 'Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. wi John Tweddell 131 Princess street. MARINE NEWS. What is Found Ab out the i evening, 88 Frontenag, street. - Highest cash price paid South African Veteran's sale on a commission basis. 3 Our Chocolates always flavors. good ; all prices, Ice Cream Constantly on hand. PRICE'S, Wharves. Steamer Aletha, down and steamer Carleton up; Fri Swift's : up, to-day; day night. The steamyacht Navajo arrived at Oswego, "after being held up a couple of days at Sacket's Harbor, owing to the storm. The Navajo loaded coal for Collins "Bay. Capt. Malone of the steamer Prince Rupert, now at Richardson's eleva- tor, says that' on. the trip down, some of the roughest weather of the season was experienced on Lake Hur- on. The waves went clear over the vessel at times. Farmers Are Wealthy, Wachington, * Dec. 5.--When the pre- sident gets the report of his conserva- tion Com. « he may: icel inclined to change his attitude of solitude for the welfare of the farmer, and {ransfer him to the category of the malefac- tors of that 'wealth. The session of the commission to- [day brought the fact that the average size of the American farm is. increas ling; that the feriility of the seil * of the countfy. as a - whole. is not % creasing, and that there has been a steady increfise in every crop year. Have You Seen The big values Campbell Brow' offering in fine! fars ? * The Newburgh Board of Education appointed ¥. N. Ireland, B.A. of To- tonto, as science master in the high school to succeed Miss GG. E. Beaman, who has resigned. At Richmond, Va., Alexander P. Gilbert, assistant general freight agent of the Chesapeaksa & ORio rail way, was acquitted of a charge of unlawfully Dating. Alfred. Shrubb, the Endlich sham- pion, is in Toronto interviewing "Tom' Flahnigan Tgarding a meet. ing with Longboat. | Bibby's 50c. neckwear is beautiful. Lennox Iron Pills. Re gular rprice ec. each; 2 for We., at Wade's dig store. 88. Grampian has rcached Halifax, rom Liverpool Love is swect it is taffy. In fact a good bit of a each | are ! apples from his trees on Phone 8485. MADE IN CANADA It is to the advantage of every housekeeper in Canada to use them Magic Baking Powder. Gitlett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Baking Powdes. Gillett's Cream Tartar. Royal Yeast Cakes. Qfitett's Mammoth Bilge. Magic Baking Soda. Gittett's Washing Crystal. MADE FOR OVER 50 YEARS (Established #52) VETERAN'S SCRIP BOUGHT for Land Serip. If desired I will arrange a 'Write to "3! BH McDiarmid, Sat: turday Night Building, Toronto. ing, ote. quire at 1 Bietsion: $s MONEY AND BUSIN ESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GL.OUE Fire Iusurande® Com pan. A 7atishle' assets $61,187,215. 2 addition os which the policyholders have possi Thi. a or 'giving security the u nited, ar eh the Ey ya rates. 0! of, rl new busines a Strange. T IT UP Te Are made daily ; always fresh ; and 288 Pritigess st. EW. GILLETT C0., LTD, Toreato, Ont, You canmot : a better EP A-acmious drisk and a sustaining ssibly have than S'S Fragrant, nutritious ing og, Hs This excellent Cocoa maintains the health, and ennbles It to resist COCOA stem in robust SE rsd Lb Tier Ira Sills, Richmond, pulled sweet lst, Our deliveries are made.promptly.. _If you want. your Coal or Wood at once, go ta: SWIFT'S. « ak 'ow Ar 8 d + Synopsis of an Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE heud of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter. | section (160 acres, more or Jess) of | available Dominion land in Manitoba, | Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. lntry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon' and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hid ee, by his father, mother, son, daugh er, brether or sister. ln certain districts a Bomestender in gobd standing Indy pre-empl a quarter section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six onths in each of six years from date ol mestead enuy (including the time required to earn omestead patent) and cultivate fift- acres' extra. A homesteader who Ras exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in . certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Purchased homesteads may be acquired oh any available lands on either odd or even numbered Séctions South of township 43, East of the Cal gary and Edmonton Railwa est line 'of range 26, ahd third Meridian and the = Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must .resida €ix months in, each of three years, cultivate fifty acres | and erect » house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual. rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,660 'acres can be leased to one appli capt. Royalty, five cents per ton. QUARTZ. --A person eighteen ears of | age and over having made a discovery | may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 ° feet. Fee, $5.00. At least 3100 must he | expended on the claim each doer. or | paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 | nas been expended or pa'd © and other | requirements complied with "the claim | may be purchased at $1.00 an acre | PLACER MINING 100 feet square. Entry fee $5 no DREDGING . <Two leases of fi miles each of a river may be: issued ne applicant for a term of 20 years. Rent $10 a mile per annum. Royaity, 24 per cent . after the output exceeds $10 000 WwW. Ww. Cony, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--~Unauthorized publication ef this | ndvertisemént will not be paid for 3 CLAIMS generally Wm, Murray Acti ioneer 27 BROC New Carriages, Cutters, Harness! ste., for sals, Sals o* Hares every Saturday. Bere is a time in ever on wp" 45 Ife Whine ther ra Shy fool of. fms or gets some girl to do it for yin Bibby's $1.50 mocks. glo