Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1908, p. 8

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W | The Promoters' Requests Sqme- aye what Modified--The Matter Shopping days are with us, 'and Will Be Discussed By the the Wise: Ones. advise ctly buying. Whole Board of Tirade on Mon- i We have a generous display of 3 day BE . all dines this year at. prices that y Evening. . wean economy. | ,4&| The council of the Board of Tr ae oH "on Friday afternoon, and consid-Jg Our tne Jewéllery is especially fT | ered the concessions asked by the Chi- M. good, and now is the best time Jp | cago. and St, Louis promoters for the hold their to see it. 4 srastin of } Beau Rideau in Mac |pm. on. Monday. : , | dona , Ww concessions were Bil wr '$1 underwear. ee 1B! Gublished in Friday's Whig. The docu- Le ay i wiih, hing every vs ment submitted was carefull ne |eupporters, Sc. New York Dress Re- ulinitha % one Satisfaction to our cu Choice Art Pottery. aver, Al council made certain form. Ce 7 AY py ha fl Brass. std Preise.' AR revisions which will be considered by | Miss Peasl! Car ¢ spen all others ve cons! a i rar. Gdad 13k | the whole bard. at » spain). menting Lgvetal mouths in] ' und selling the hundred: ine Leather Goods. 2 § on Monday evening. ' 0 ngston, ! Fhe 3 iv oe : Urabrell Walki Stick The counéil seemed favorable to a| Clearing sale of lamps at Medley Pg! bel ve the surest way to Si Metin. a al king a Sticks, "bonus 'of $100,000, but eos that'| 'Going out of the lamp' : si have once d 1t with us,is Silver oods, ine ut ass. 4 it he paid a8 follows : 000 when all lamps at cost, a rs 1 f : been. perfect] 4 rg te ? the chatean is ready for the roof, and | Try Bi 3 ei. 1 a tis i The treated courteo £50,000 when it is n A _Op- r a carlond: . infon was that the city could well af- Vincent, yesterday, 1 and our frie: 1 ak Z| ford te bonus the hotel, as it would | the New YR hh 5 ars pe Spangenberg ie ware to reap great benefit from it | "Military brushes," from $1.50 a appreciate oun efforts. > for years. pair to ¥5, a From thé Trappér to ithe Wearer is i » JEWELLER The clause" regarding a conveyance | H. Cunningham, of the land in % : oc to A m p : : : acdonald Park, re | Chickering" ve orders at Mo oo 8 aE aur_ Story -of Fur Beonomy. We buy Issuer of. Marriage quired for the hotel cannot be grant- | Auley's Book Store, g gd' . a ) enly the choicest Skins direct from the || . NT $ al AH the tity ean give or secure to We are positively goi ont of the -w . y fp Hunter and make them int6 Fashionable Licenses. : the hotel company is a long lease of lamp business. Any lam p in our i os g -. oe] Eh $ % Garments, with' every hit of extravag- ground, which belongs to the Cana- [store at' cost. Medley's. ance taken out of prices. 1 % fa sR ; RR ; ; ae 444 2 | dian' government. In any event, the! 'Rugs cleaned or . My Valet. A T 32 i TE We mention that now to emphasize the : 'ey remainder of the ground is to he Hon. George P. Jjrabam, minister O~ ight Special Sale Importance of Furst for Christmas Glits. y ' : : ¥ maintained as a pubiic park as at of railways, will Be"one of the speak- Come and see. what we call style and Phosphodine, present. ers at Queon's science dinper on the . 9 Dh y q $5 ol X oe 1 yilue before you buy, he Great Ing ah Remedy. Exemption from school ration] The fire and light committee enn! ! ad X d { hildy NY W 6 Coa ; gras ryvin, wakes ew cannot be given. The hotel company |called to meet yesterday afternoon, 1€s an : ren s inter rN ts : Nr will have to pay that tax, but the but a guorum of members did not gy rg JOHN McKAY, ou Pend e ee ad Br on iawiond Spe | Board of Trade council is favorable to attend. Ab prices less than cost AR Cases. These Ee N - 5 x * man; 107 Princess St, TO-NIGHT. hea, and ects of #8 ' axemption from general taxation. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Con: eR : : 0 7 Princess St, TONIGHT Bian on Pos on EO ee ae a olontil: | et Repl a h Coats are all new. They are stylish anc thorough . kg. of Ne city -at cost the council was opposed (2 for 25¢., at Wade's dru store. ly reliable. * a [deal Gift for Christmas poder Medicine Ga | (0 he concession. + |" Try Bibby's 78. farband eaps. i : ; 0 k & \ Monday evening the hole mat-| "Shaving sets," ney and handsome If not réa y to buy, coma and choose Vv | tor will be thoroughly discussed. taesigns, at Best's. ; on 3 x i :: y The first _sloigh Fide of the season your Coat and have it placed aside un- :l Chaucer's Rugby Pick. {was enjoyed last night, although the § til required. Tl The Auto Strop Safety Razor | "Chaucer" Filiott's selection for an | 'elipping" was not first-clase. A few | i Al-Canadian rughy team is: cutters were out, ¢ ! 3 FA Tr ADR ; Full, Stinson, Montreal left half, | New velvet collars, My Valet. { THE ONLY SAFETY RAZOR that ELLIOTT & SON, LIMITED.~ Simpson ton: conta Wil Lamps ! Lamps | Lamps 1 clearing Ld ean be stropped without removing Diade A : ' 1 X » " RL a Ra " ta liams, Uttawa: right, Moore, Hamil- sale at Medley's. 3 . from frame. 79 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, or quarter, 8 allard, Hamilton; | The only drug 'store in Kingston Mead : airs The only Safety Razor whose hlade can t! ' sworimmage, McCarthy, Hamilton; where you can buy i Cadet Cigar- i Be stropped over and over again to a Just In 1 8 New srimmage, Sheriff, Ottawa; inside ettes" is Gibson's Red Cross = drug 5 : haif edge. sty les of wings, Kelly, Montreal = and Barron, store. 3 "3 Ti : Fl nn lette Bl nkets 2 No old blade to (i Rk i WwW P Hamilton; middle wings, Tebister, | Toilet and manicure sets, biggest E ; a e hE a a . id lade 0 throw away ie iw all aper | Hamilton. and *Wigle, Hamilton; out- | stosk in town, at, Hout 8, i . ) 2 Hades o continually buy, O. ys 1 ra vo, ' The slippery walks caused ma a ' . utht for a lifetime. See them at ido. wings, Savage, Montreal, and, he CIPREE, FAC he A ont a Both White and Grey, soft and warm, - : | St ch, Ott . . 5 s ; 3 Also Safety Hazot, from tse. wp, at| De Be. FRASER'S,| oa, aa pavements 'were like shoete of lass, Bal easily washed, and a remarkable bargain at kinds. ols. ist. where they not been shovelled, ; india - "Phone 373. 78 William St. I hi Clever Young Artist House Try Bibby's $1 knit-band caps. xz 75¢ Pair. To-Night Only. Ww A Mit ell's A arold Angrove, "on o el. Hlonsy Seo big window - display of Turkish : § . . ch ' Dissatisfied lauhdiy irl whould': ngrove, is rewiving much praise for {io rottes, made expressly for 'and a ekbi hs thon he his pen and ink, crayon and. water | : ) . 85 . Princess St. HARDWARE. | «trike while the iron is hot. color drawings. Mr. Angrove has {420 only a Gibson's Red = Cross > never taken a lesson in the work, his | "Ladies' Hand bags," big assOt- efiorts being far more appreciated for | : y OF | ment, at Best's. % i . | this reason, Mr. Angrove's hest point | 1h, farmers report the roads to be & n c e I is that he is origininal, nearly all his 3 fairly good condition; This cold | . drawings being his own ideas. Many | weather -will make them very hard, eC 1a a e people have scen his work and were! oq fue snow falls will make good | \ : of : greatly taken with it. Mx, Angrove sleighing. \ bh Of ( { t me is at present' at work on some pen and Repairin ressing. Mv Valet. ink sketches for a wcll.known journal. inion Tes I or bottles, made T LJ by . . of 'pure rubber, from 35. to $2 each, | O- nl ght | i AHaite Badly Hyena. Pri at ad's Drug Sa fot for M | et A farmer's team ran away on in- uch sympathy or Miss Ry 4 4 cons street, early Saturday morning, | Lena Dunham, Earl street, who was Warm and serviceable, for men, A ¥ and one horse was seriously injured. |taken to the general ho ital, on Wed- . women and children. Come here for 7.30 O clock | The team was going down at a good [nesday, having in 3? victim to the exact kind needed. : 3 ! pace when one horse slipped and fell typhoid. x | heavily to the road. The other at| See Bibby's $2 fur-line loves. Borih once tried to gallop away, dragging| No reserve, every lamp must be Men's Undervests-- Natural All Wool and Union Wool, lits 'mate quite a distance. along the |sold. Medley s. we » . ground before it was stopped. The | Imported perfumes, - "toilet waters, | 20¢, 3b¢, 40d, 75¢, H9e, 99¢, $1.25, Drawers to. mateh. : ain an Ancy | horse that fell received serigus injur- |ete., of the highest quality, for} ties from the hard road. The harness | Christmas presents, at Gibson's Red] Women's Fine White Wool Vests and" Drawers. ; | was also: badly damaged . by the Cross drug store, A i . sl } ' : fall. ; | W. Hillyard Stewart, Montreal, sonif Women's Fine Winter Weight in (Cotton Vests and Ee lof Postmaster Stewart, Kingston, was Drawe B. W. Folger's Latest married this afternoon in the Ameri: rs, ' i Ta 1 can Presbyterian church to Miss "Just to show you how widely the Madge Harold. Ohildren's Undervests and Drawers, every. size, and | itself, having heard of the Whig ad-| Dean Farthing preached at the re years, a resident of Toronto, died at | which was progress. and Colors, regular values, 50c, i : Whig is circulated in this district, I'll} ges Bibby's $1 silk scarf. b ¥ i give you: an instance," said B. W. He lamps OE on ip, oom halt a dozen makes to chogge from. | . 0 ger on pe he. Jnarket, Saturaay lete, Med '8. , . i morning, "The St. Lawrence Ice com- P oe edley = ings that will wear; Boys' Unshrinkable Wocl Shirts and Drawers. pany lost a cow which strayed away double lige, 200., 25¢.; over-stookings, Boys Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers. | vertisement." opening sorvices in St. Paul's church, Men's Warm Unshrinkable Wool Underwear, different | Marmora, on Thursday. The Marmora weights and all sizes, 75¢, 99¢, $1.25, 1.49 each. | his residence on Friday night, al- Feathers cleaned. My Valet. ' ¢ - 60c {ter an illness of four days. He built| See Bibby's 25c. hook-on ties. Men's Braces, good value, ab 25c¢, 35¢, 50e. or a week. It advertised the loss, (ox, vd » p . | and the day after, the cow came back Be NE Reon, oh. Boy 8 Merino Shirts and Drawers. Japanese Wash Silks, An Old Kingstonian. [ Herald says he delivored a forceful ; gd Go, ar vo fs | | boty, i Er FA Men's Sox, Black Cashmere, 25¢, 35c¢, 30¢ up. 0 the Kingston street railway. A| R. W. Harris will, this séason, con- Men's Ties, a Jarge lot of new ties 'to choose from. Morrison was an Anglican. Several daughters survive. | Wade's drug store. in all colors, worth 50c, 60c. Fancy Waist Silks, in Checks and Stripes. | Scotchman by birth he was a mem- 'duct. the o air! Zion rink. . f 5 En lish Blouse Silks : "her of most of the Scottish societies | Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- . Very special lots at 25¢ and 49c. g ' 39 lin 'Toronto. Mr: gular price 25¢. each; 2 for 250., at or Tey Bibby's great $1 underwear. An Important Correction. No bills have yet been sent out by], An important word was inadvertent- the city treasury department to per- ly omitted from. the last. paragraph of sons treated in the isolation hospi- : Dr. W. T. Connell's letier in Friday's tal at the fort, and none will be till " | Whig, rogarding vaccine. The letter, | next month, as the rate of charge : ' as printed, read that it was impos- has not yot, hash fixed. ac an te "gible '"'to directly inoculate successful- Try, bi by's for fine underwear. : Hy wi M ricus," I 1c Christmas sale, dinner and concert, ly with small-pox virus t should | 'Ng { : B 8 | have been "to directly inoculate-catile Zion, Tuesday and Wednesday. : a ela l S, : | cucassstully with small-pox virus." Remember Ahe only Bh in Xing; s where you can bu u worth @5c. > Queen Laura McConkey's ~ high-class candy is Or, a post graduate course adr the on in Gross drug ar. ------ puzzled doctor and civic wabblers in A : + oe - y 718 only : | Fairyland, a Ton Jaugha le musical Pani 8 horse lipped Sn, the joy INDIANS IN TROUBLE. i comedy, avrran yO. PF... Telg- : TN 5 Gis mage a . SK. * 1 ® | mann, will be put on the boards on and King tne i The = Father and Son Before Court For Ready-to-wear SKirts | mom mri jung oud elie 5 Mel yoo ro ow Ber Che hl noNY amimal bear, it could regain its feet. | Magistrate Farell had yo real . 3 xv 3 -3 } Try Bibby's great $1 underwear. ians wp on "Barpet, tJ amorn- in Tw ceds, Cheviots and Cloths, worth Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Ly plete for 17. Medley'd. ing, for runkeaness, a $3.50, 4.00, 4.50, for : Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to! In all probability, two young King-|stock and his son, Tomas Comstock. cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- | ctoiitans = will open, a roller rink in}As ¥ could not tell the magistrate ing or protruding piles in 6 to 14 Gananoque very shortly. A large hall where they had secured the or | | eacC : J days or mopey refunded. 50c. | has been séured for the purpose. The | they were remanded for a week. : . ¥ . CT Gananojue pe have never had a |father volunteered to point out . Lennox Tooth Paste. Regular price roller rink io doh it would {hotel where he was given the. liquor 2 Bane | failed. An Ari min . 980. each; two for 25c., at Wade's (raw well. : bit when givens the i : 1 drug store. |* Expert dbvrs. My' Valet. amusing - part of his glory 'wie' Wht | Ballooning is the Iighest fashion of { See Bibby's Sle. silk knots. * He was not so drunk that did not 85 only | this day. That may be. why people! Chamois vests and chest protectors{know what he was doing but still he hate to drop out of fashion. tat "Gibson's Red Cress drug store. could not tell where he had gone for . - , | Counti your blessings discounts | _-- ite his Bh ¥ sings scounts | Although the weather was quite/his liquor, [he son also hag a bad Ready-to-wear Skirts]. he weer var Ge mera Jokb | resumed -- work on the city huildings' Phost J fom the fact that he was with Cures All Pleuritic Pains. |dome this morning. The arch work is father whens served with: liquor. : F ; * Just now they are 'very common, lis mow in position ready for rool- : Lie A large variety, bet~ Broadeloths, Venetians, Panamas, ete, mR 5 ry Of 2 vr , 3 worth $5.00, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, for { and Many people seem subject to a ing. The dome will likely be _com- A "lot 'of men are only sympathetic tar goods and batter 8 | mild inflammation of 'the lining of pleted by the end of February. with talk. a Ty ; $2 98 each tho lung which, if neglected, cay |" So Bibby's great $1 underwear. } " *, We have a splendid stock of Winter 1 Goods, : 8 : B to the lung itself. Accidents do bappen, Sickness is} Is Your Scalp Itchy 2? . of : | "Prompt fren ment with Norviline is unavoidable. Those = who protect!' Don't let scalp discase i Why Overgaiters, Leggings, Overshoes, all kinds needed." Rub it in deeply--pain van- | themselves and their families deserveinot do as others have done, rub io . Rubbers, House Slippers, Moccasins for all. In ishes, relief is instani--pleurisy is a place on the roll of hohor. Apply! Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. This kills , Christm i * NB . A new : oured, Quicker than a magtard a te W. J. Fair for the nd ' fact a full i as and winter tock. heapest and ithe dandrufi germ, cleans the. . : . . i ter, more soothing and healing, Nore most attractive fernt of policy issued. | destroys geales, Sleaps. the aalp, stock of the latest Valises and Suit Cases for both Store. lino 8 sure to cure any ache, pain or Some citizens carry as much as $30, { growth. You'll have spléndid success | ladies and gentlemen. : Gbhe Tooekett Shoe congestion "because it: contains a com- 000 on single life. ; with Dr. Hamilton's Ointment, ' fof i bination of remedies that destroy in] 3 dandruff, falling bair, scales, itchiness ' 8 {ternal and external pain of every | No man has yet discovered Wehnd scalp disease there is nothing bet- : {kind; trv a 20c. bottle--that Will con- 'means of giving successfully friendly {ter. Get Dr. Hamilton's Ointment, ! J. vince you, advice to women, . ! to-day, 50c. per box: ° 4 tte Fd FEE 4ATL SELENE

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