Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1908, p. 3

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ama MN. INSURANCE | AT GANANOQUE WON BY Littl Things SH 8 Arf ay : © +} & Minor Must Pay Note He Gave / , =A Farmer and His Son In- , OF { A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, 0 | ured By Dynamite Explosion MAY A RELL MAG Ql soca dou yess: | ho can ag pleln cooking. Aly © I! ages: ating Club. : ME ne - 4 & aptabl 0 resents SE SMA ow N a Hm w [TE] =r ge fT ~ 'employment, ! Jing chub has been toca here with ay A recommend with experience Deed apply, = ~ W. T. Sampson as president. A cup 'Thomas Bi "i Amerionn 80 | Steacy. , : will be put up for ah a , News-Stand. séries of weekly races held throughout the winter. Already several new ice MEN WA HT TO boaté are in course of construction, eighteen dollars and ths good old-time sport will be positions. revived in - earnest. Present indica Ll ns give promise that the session 0 cup 'will keegly a. ebnetson, Berryton, had" ta thrilling experience during the "past "Fiow days. While he and his son oa 4 cgpgaged in blasting some "rock the farm, while «tamping 'the' ge; 2ib ayploded, hurling both 'men some distance, a piece of rock going Hi the peak of Mr. McPherson's THe "eyes of both were' filled - purticles oft sahd and stone. Me- dical aid was summoned, but arian ately no bones were broken. Mr. Pherson, 'who was in town on Satur. day" on business, considers their es- cape as miraculous. Te the police court on Saturday af- ternoon the adjourned case against W. Gray, for being intoxicated while onthe. prescribed list, came up before | Magistrate Carroll and was dis- missed as the order by which he was placed on the list could not "be en- forced as that section of the law had been repealed some months ago, and a more strenuous section substituted. He was, however, placed again on the list. William Dempster, charged with drunkenness, having . left the town in search of work, his father pleaded guilty for him and settled his fine of $2 and costs. William Griffin, charged with drunk, failed to answer to name and the case was tried in ab- sentia. The evidence of the local police showing that he was much ad- || Pictures That Actually » git" A - 0 Sian THE Special 10:15. iy nogon D VGitiin 55 a er YOUNG GIRL FOR An 'References requi ing Be. . 13 ~Jenhert 3p ca pt MISCELLANEOUS. QUARANTINE INSURANCE. ACCH ; Sent antl inden a Rae ANTED. ng weekly indemhit; ov, geek] pS ary tha and expenses. i Taal : for vargntine. Gov partion culars,: T.|: oi Pani - iy» en prey, Agent, 159 Wellington St. introduce our guaranteed Purple Stock and $i 8) No rk for cine 3 Our Wo z Position W. A. London, Oi weeks. do free. Write : oe, Tor ay LIPMAN, Prop. ME 2 SM The BS (NNE oe SEA-| SON, bi by ig Pu NE DEA 1 ing: Cities of Canada, Wherdver, oa be the, best Act of the Kind ever: seen bry an Price, i ; e. have for your Spee ihe "Hirst |! Three Days of This 'Week; Dee.'7th, 8th, || Oth.. The Great Ivish: Comed "THE TAD AND, "THE. G duced by MITCHELL the exponents of Prue ith € Mirth. This is really tha' have season, Funny. 3 : GEO HAMMOND Sings 'The XN Indian Sérenade, 'MY RAYNHOW." Our Pictures. for TODAY are follows. : Sabet No. 1.--"THE TECTIV Hunjéet No. 2. Subject No. Colored Picture. ' The Only House in Kingston Changing Pictures' Every Day. Theatre Open Daily from 2 p.m, till 5 p.m. from' 7. p.m. til 11 p.m. Princdss dlvays FIVE CENTS, no matter. how big, the show. WONDERLAND. THEATRE ALL TRIS WERK. "Ar" Richardson & Co. Famous Talking Pictures No Phonograph. No Mechanism. Voices. J Healy, 124 "Shuter ,St., Toronto. Write a 2 ntarto. Manyagiuring Cou po You WANT PORK SA he La drposes, at Andr; Fancy Hosiery We are showing some dainty designs in Fancy Hosieryy in Silk, Eislé and Light Weight Cash- mere, Pale Blue, Pink, Green and Mauve Clock- ing 'and . Flower Sprays ; alsa' plain colors in "Mauve, Grey, Pink, Blue, ete, at 75¢, $1 and WANTED-GENERAL.. A CHEF, OR FIRST-@ ASS COOK, AT once. gee Iroquois Hotel, had this 1 KIND TO WORK tand a first-class "aBout "1,100 © Ibs, flay. 5126 and. 128 BROWN MARE. single er oa driver. Wei; Price, . $50. 0 J Clarence stivet' ort, BACT (ENONIONY Sele ® restate Tighe cooking: a Poly Godwt i ran Agen: Market dvinlt Bsurihon eds ass e, LITTLE --WATER SPIRITS." 8. ~"FRICKSY tA FARM TO BUY OF 100 OR 156 ACRES, near the city. Apply " McCann}. 5% Brock street, ' ' DE- Fine FIRE INSURANCE 'RISES, GOOD fair settle- bor ag 1 Ro Dobbs: & Gos 109 0%. i St. Teléplious, 480. = gto R Birel, * Money well Enpoyed 'There; are f nities to 'put your surplus funds to profit. sbie use without indulging in ' dengerous 'speculations. r An sd. in cur Classified Want | Columns will put ydu into com- ~unication with bérrowers who have good. security, and who. are willing to pay good interest "for accommodation. i 'THE OPPORTUNITY * TO ot estimates on electric works N ol work promptly dove. F. J Electrician, 206 Wellington 'street - 'a 3g yao ASHES opt. oF yards or cellars, or othér bagg « Prices right, ar 08 Yn" ar I Lytle, General Carter, oF ANY 0 a os i ' Haan reliable informa- STORE, 00 Canddian Bmplay- 10 x Lk x Ton. McK b " ment Yar ulford Block, Broce Kay, 1b dicted to over indulgence of this ap- Talk and Act. Bo tor a speclaity.r V. * a ille; Ont. Positively the Gireatest Attiaction ever |! y 43 QUEBEC ST. 6 ROOM DWELLING,' petite ang that his family were in| q red, in This 'Theatre. 4 ry : ' Apply to McCann, 51 Be k, treet | need of the money thus spent. A fine {7 Ne New i Pletures Every Day. Come the GENTLEMEN T0 GET THEIR WINT- : pr 9 1 Brock, street} of $2 and costs was imposed, pay- ROO. OVER, van 8 F Ni ht. er overcoats bide now, also last | rst 8 years' tu mate like new. able forthwith, and in default fifteen Admission Sc. Brod § St days in the county jail. ' per reef) * : os + Bs Your own 9 nd Mace 'into up-to- ¥ The many friends of Archibald | oar] 2 5, BOARD oF TRAD FROSELAWN"; THAT HANDSOME, 7, : $ i A > 4 Lm AN | date ; suits. Price, ux and hy orkmasship Dyers, of Montreal, son of the late residence * on Union street, at a The Board of Trade will meet on guaranteed to Thomas Gallo~ William Byers, Gananoque, first ma- 1 tal 1 hu i pl normal rental for the winter. Apply Monday Evening at 8 O'clock x «1 adorn 181 Brock t. ot to. Bibby: s Livery i Pt yor, learn with pleasure of his recent 0 marriage to Miss Marian Taber, of LOST. PT J. 8. R. McCamn, 51 Drork.astteet, East Farnham, Que. HENRY AD Buhals ng Maer Square. An important decision has lately "Phone, 345; ' i (instead of Tuesday) to éonsider the hotel ' proposition." attendance is requested. "J. S. TURNER, heen given out by Judge Reynolds, ah a Adting 'Sedretary. of Brockville, before whom, at the THE SHREDDED WHEAT C0, last sitting of the divisional court Will give a here, J. 0. Hutton, a well-known Kingstonian, district inspector of the Canada Life Insurance Co., brought, BANQUET Under ' the Aupiiceh a1 "1 Brock Methodist Church,"en action against a young cheese maker 'TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 8 of this section for the amount of a Supper servi in ' Lecture i Hall - of the promissory note given as first. pre- mium. endant 'was eighteen years' Church, from/6.830 to 8 o'clock. For Menu, See /Window Cards." Excellent | of 'age at "the time of wing note, Programme, 'at 8.30 o'¢lock! "Admission A NOW IS us fo and ba for iio o dump Frum Shrubs dors and « celebrated Nurseries. Hh ss 5 68 Centre Bt. Send 'me will call % being || his {ANY ONE NEEDING kind may tion by X ' ¥ on Human HELP corres vor 0 8 9 Hicety - . . 'JE ge { 'Christmas Handkerehiefs Excellent quality Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched, Initialed, Lace. [Trimmed and Embroidered, 10¢, 15¢, 18¢c, 20¢, 2bc, 30c to 75¢ each. Sing. Dance, . Y inghed KING ARCHITECTS, hot ' ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, office. and residence, 181 University Fancy Table Linen Some. beautiful pieces in + Mgaican Drawn Work, Five O'clock Tray Cloths, Centres and Doilies, any of which would make a dosirabjo gift for a housekeeper, from 25¢ #6 $7.50 CASH COUPONS. OENTRALLY ATED OF front and Tear ms, at 54 street, over J, P. Forrest's Furnishing Store. Apply Forrest. 4TWO " BRICK * RESIDENCES, central locality; eight a ed dwellings, respectively. All mod- ern conveniences... Apply to 184 Queen street. (Eatrance on: Bagot | ; eto id FHOM or! uae ios sireet, li a i A Kit hot, Jalen ne n bath, ate. quire at fA PAIR OF GOLD-RIMMED GLASSES, Sunday evening somewhere on_street. Findel returs to mg office, ahd '.re- ceive. reward. : POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER: |, 's Bank ot! A PAIR" OF 'GOLD-RIMMED 'SPEC- chants Bank Builling, Sqpper reek [ tacles in case, Tuesday, at' noon, on Princesa St. Pinder will be reward- ed by returning to Whig office, 1018, King Gent's Mr. to IN nine room- A large NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, -- over. Mahood's BROOCH, and' white or .vPrintess, Ave: 'mand Finder return. to, - this LADY'S OLD-FASHIONED Dor setting, with black' dtone, saturday night, Bt... between . Up versity! Frontenac St. office. ' "Phone, J 8 aa ih LIVERPOOL, « LONDON AND' GLODE iré Insurance Company, Available assets. $61,187, 215. n addition to || whith ' the policy yolders have for | security the unlimited liability of all | the stockholders. Farm 'and city property insured .at lowest possible | rates, fore renewing old or er b get rates from Strange | and repudiated the claim = on the grounds that the Rar agent had agreed that if his financial position did not warrant its payment no ac- tion would be taken. He also pleaa- ed, infancy, he beg under twenty-one years of age, and that by a loss of $120 through a cut on cheese which he made he was unable to pay the note, His honor found against defendant on the facts, but reserved judgment on Crumley Bios E-- Fastestasnasasaianns To Bo Dyspeptic PERSONAL. MOLES, warts, etc, without scar. ence. Dr. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ¥ 8S. KIRKPATRITK, Marriage Licenses,- 42 Clarence St, telephone, 668; ~ evédlhg, residence, 38 Frontenac street. HAIR, BIRTHMARKS, removed permanen ly, Twent; rs' i Eimer J. re e, ry Nose, ' Throat and Skin ,. Blemish Specfalist, 258 Bagot street. St. C. ISEPER OF S00 SALARIES Our High-Grade Courses never fail to bring success to our u~ ates. Day and Rvening Classes, | Is To 'Be Miserable. ---- Not Carried Away. 2 After due and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS 'COLLEGE Olergy street, Kingston. Phone 680. STOCKDALE, Pringipal: T. KN 1 -> Ingrease Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Hedd of Queen Street. Oanada's Leading Business School 8h Bot nha, Pipebritin Book io Lo Spec al ine tv Pat Pray deficient in English Rates moderate. time. 'Phond, OALFE, Priaetpar. for pupils X branches. Enter, id A 8 'Ligok ! Would 'ng of These-Suit You? 1e<New Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, B: C. and furnace, drive-houde, large lot, & also good aeiablp and 2----First#lass Nedrly New me Dwel- ling, 4 bedrooms, B..& C. $1,650 8-New Frame Dwelling, 4 bedrooms B. &C, Jarge lot, $1,550. able, bat Depair, rn riotics of fruit, $1,650. cho of -good garden -land, T. J) Lockhart, 159 Wellington Street. American Oils Stone Dwelling in excellent | garden and orchard of the '5--Stone Dwelling, oy and one W/CTe | 4 to no effect, I commenced taking | medicine; Dyspepsia fis the' prevailing malady of vivilized life. It is largely due to gross grrors in diet, ovéf-eating, 100 free indul- gence in stimulants and over-taxing the stomach with indigestible food, eating too rapidly without chewing the food suffici- ently, indulging in hot biscuits, pastry, pickles, copfoctionses [0 Constipatioh) headlache, heartburn, sour stomach, distress after eating, belching of wind, fainthets] and fullness and disten- | tion of the stomach are a few of thé many distressing symptoms of the poor, weary dyspeptic. Burdock Blood Bitters regu- lates (he stomach, stimulates the secretion of the salivd ddd gastric juice to facilitate digestion, removes acidity, purifies the blood, and tones up the system to full health and vigor, and thereby cures dys- pepsia and all its tributary diseases. Mr. Amos Sawler, Gold River, N.8., | writeas--'41 was greatly . troubled with Bithr téying several doctors Burdock Blood Bitters and I, think it is the best i» for that complaint." . For Sale st olf Druggists and Dealers. | Ayspepsih, te Gra: Central XMAS. GIFTS the question of law. con- sideration 'hé has handed ont his de- cision 'in favor of the plaintiff, with costs. The decision' is an 'important one as there are thousands of similar notes given by minérs for insurance throughout the province. Miss Norma Hughes, Kingston, who is 'the guest of Miss Bessie O'Neill, Main, ' strébt, sang very sweetly in Grace church yesterday. At the morn- ing' service, "Fm But a Stranger Here," and in the evening "Rock of Ages." This was Miss Hughes' first appearance before a congregation here and she was well received. D.D.GiM. Langmuis paid an. official vigit to Gananoque lodge, . No. 247, A.O.U.W., on Thursday evening. Fol- lowing the session an oyster supper was served in honer of their visitor. Mr. and Mrs. W. PT. Sampson, Arthur street, are- spending a short time in Montreal. A Dangerous Place. Youth's Companion. Old 'Aunt Hepsy Garside never had seen a moving picture show before. She gazed in speechless wonder af the magic contrivance -by which messenger. boys were made to "move with breakneck speed, barbers -to shave their' customers int less 'than a minute and heavy police- men to dash along the street at a rate néver attained by a 'living specimen, eithér on or off duty. At was all real to her. "She could not doubt the evidence of her sensés. All those things were 'taking place exactly age depicted, Preétently an automobile came in sight il the far background, moving directly toward the audience at the rate of at least -a mile a. minute. Just as a catas- trophe seemed inevitable it swerved aside, passed on and disappeared. Aunt Hepsy could stand it no longer. { Hastily grasping the hand of her little | niece she rose and started swiftly for the: door: ! 1 i "Come along, Minervy !" she said. "It {ain't safe to stay here-any longer! That { thing "didn't "miss me more thin two feet!" m---- To The Ladiest: At Home cards, visiting cards, ete., cheapest and best, at Whig office. "The dogmatic are always strong oy ito both ; Adults, 25¢. Children, 15c. Menu : Wheat Baskets. Chicken (2) Pickles (T. A, Lytle Cold. Ham. (3). Triscuit and Butibr. (4) Jellied Fruit Sandwich, Whivped Cream. (5) Triscuit and 'MacLaren's. Cheese, (6) Shredded, Wheat 1ce Cream. (7) Huyler's Chocolate "Triscuit. ! (8) Chase &,Sanhornis Coflee, Tea. (1) Creamed in Shredded Co., Ltd.) with Salada AUCTION SALE There will be sold by. Public Auction, the Goods" and Chattels . of J. Rosen, Ladies' Tailor, .on TUESDAY, DEC, 8th, at 10) a.m., at the Store of John Me Kay, Furrier, Brock street: WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. i WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY RE- MOVED 73 Clarence St., to '155 Welling- Hest latindry th the city. From ton St. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TPab- fets. Druggists fails ta cure. E. W. Groves' signa- ture is on each box. 20g, "Tabard Ine library books' can ba exchanged all over #he tworld. You keep ine touch with all the up-to-date readhig. + Take the : advantage: ~. special offex for Chrys bo) lidays. Gibson's A life Te wie for Red Cross dyig "Ladves' bay Foi Wo £10, at Dest' Ss. The Miss Haugistee ol:N - ing, Miron, Jo John: A.: We ns day Class lamps 17¢.} uy plete. ® Mies: Jo fi R The remains 5 the late Walter B. Addison, a. former Belleville boy, who left some twenty' years mgo' 'and who gomy: 'died in Revelstoke] :B:C., afew: days ago, have been Yeturned to Belleville, for burial. "A. Thermos 'bold fori Christmas gift," r one ,. of.1 thé_most.u ful. gifts you' could, select for Ch Clatstmes giving. Sefund money if it | rae Te WE marriage will take lore on Christmas By M. A. P. There are two characteristics stories of the great Duke of Wellington's cold of Mr. Lionel Tollemache, newly tome from the press. When ote of the duke's ment he was naturally affected at, the parting with his father because.lve might never see li. again. tan parent, nouncement, the duke, who; had been reading, damped the son's emotion by saying shortly, 'Good-bye, Charlie, good- bye'; and taking a last look beforerdean- ing the pom, the son was mortified to see, that the: father appedred to he as intent upon his reading as ever.t The ij | LL St MH nature to be fourid in the recollections i sons was ordered abroad with his regi- | Not so the Spar- [| "On his making that an- | TRIPLETS Pu q once, go second cer, a near. connection of the duke. ship was Tost and he" was was. brodght to. him was, second ship he has lost." ot it sn & ZUE which heads: Assuming thatdany of ANSWER TO TRIPLETS S.PUZHE In the picture of the whirling tr of which 'might be taken in conjunctic of pairs of feet. in the picture, pairs of feet, how many different bays « Therefore, it 'was possi In is mixture of whirling triplets we can see three heads and the full | complement of legs, but itis quite a puzzle to tell which legs belong to belong 'to any of the the heads may an you find in the of picture? ipiets. we' cottld see' three heads, each in with fifteen different combinations ble fo find forty-five d fiffer rent figures -- "GE1 IT UP QUICKLY Our deliveries are made promptly. «If you want your Coal or Wood at to SWIFT'S. ancedote concerns a naval. offi- His | drowned ; but all Wellington said when the news "That's the Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 TEE SOLE head of a family, or any mal, over 18 years old, may houlestead a quarter- | section (160 acres, more or less of | available Dominion land in Manitoba, | Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicadt . | must appear in person at the Dominion [ Lands Agency or Sub-Agensy for the | district. NMotry By proxy may be made | at any agency, on certain conditions, by | father, wother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, | DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon sah of ive and cultivation of the;land in three years. A homestesder ima; | within nine miles of. his homestead on a . | arm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or siste: ; | iy certain districts a homesteader in + | gook standing may prefempt a quarter | section along-side hi hot tead. Price | $3.00 per acre. Dut just reside six months in each of six Years from - date of homestead entry (including the time Fuguired to earn homestead patent) and | tivate fift- acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his HR right and cannot | pre-emption may take a | bomestead in certain districts. | $8.c So Ht acre, Purchased homes! be acquired on aay aveflale lands. f on Yetther "GAt-or even bersd- Sections South of township yi t of the Cal- | gary and Fdmonton Railway and the est. line of range 26, and West of the | third Meridian and the ~Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must. reside six months in | pach of three years, cultivate ny acres | apd erect = house worth $300 | 3¥NOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL.--Coal mining rights may -be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than | 2,560 acres can be k to one 'appli t. Royalty, five cents per ton. QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of {age and over having made a discovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1.500 » { toot. Fee, $5.00, A Toast $100 must be expended on' the el each Coal Oi, Lubricaing Oi, Gasoline. We make a specialty of handling Lubri 'cating?0ilg of All kinds; Prices on application: W.F.KELLY & co South Oor: Ontario and Olarence Sta Phone. 486. TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash- burp, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are ready to contpact for immediate delivery. Hrick that will stand inspec tion at reasonable rates. Capacity of plant, 60,000 daily. Two sizes, at, Gibson' s Red Cross drug st. Phone "234 i fe Ph Stare Juke. fofmer]y rée- tor of South Mountain, but more * re- cent tly of Greenfield, Mass., is prepar- a ing to remove to Cuba, where he will week you would be prostrated. 1i | take' charge of an important parish. more thai one day goes by you - be- | Waterman in ; ben for ladies' come languid; blood gets bad, breath |or gépts; "Tages +8 is. | horribly offensive, you feel sick all{ Friends. in emer ave received | over. To remedy this take Dr. | announcement of the marriage on Sa- | Hamilgon's' Pills, which regulate ~ the | turday. I it, of Avehibald s, of {bowels and cure constipation. Taken Montreal, | to Miss Marion Raber, of {at night you are well by morning. East Farnham, Que. iE | They purify and cleanse the system,| "From December 7th to Decomber { prevent headache, biliousness and sick | 31st inclusive," a life membership in stomach. None :3o prompt or cer: | the Tabard Inn library at Gibson's tain 'as De. Hamilton's. Pills of Man-|Red Cross drug Store for $1. New | drake and Butternut, 25c¢. per box; or | books received on Monday. | five for $1, at all dealers, or Polson | No reserve, evéry lamp must '& Co., Kingston, Ont. sold. Medlév's. paid to the Mining "Recorder. { bas been expended or paid and } Foquirements complied with Br NI io 5. ™8 rall PLACER MINING A gener Ye. ig Yor ! { 100 feet square, fee, $5.00. v RI T AS RE EMBRANCES | DREDGING.--Two leases of five miles's | each of a river may be Joned to to ons Christmas is near at 'hand now, have you decided' what: applicant for J a tefm: af 30 ak, Hore: : presents you are going to give ? If not, you will do well to WB | 'ont 'after the odtput "eked b. : pay a visit teour store and look over our. beh utiful display of' { Fn 5 w. w. So y, Jewellery! We have 'a showing that cannot help but please ol IE ty, of the 3 in pinifeation | barking, | Keep the Bowels Regular. If your bowels don't move for A special, bargain is "a Fine Toilet 'Het, with' Sterling" Silver Mounts, in neat box .... Be: A bigs sefifry Sterling Silver Manicure of 3-pieces, Packed in a neat box a A ir, of 8 abi Roky Military Brushes, erfidg Ft or? Rosewood in neat i Our. ther handsome Toilet. and Manicifre Sets are just as reason- able in price, ranging from these Pricey, to, gs high as $20: Our Stock is bigger and 'better thar ever and prices lower. THE BEST DRUG-STORE 124 Princess St.; Kingston. for. you and you can select presehts here without the least trouble. Neriisafient will mot he paid Our stock is very complete now and we would" advise custom- ers to do early buying. Do hot wait, dome in to-day, and we will be glad to show jou every article you mention. Also a full line of Leather Goods and High Grade Umbrellas, at mod- erate prices. i KINNEAR & &'ESTERRE, 2b0 ime SE OPEN EVENINGS. | Wm. Murray Auctionver 27 BROCK ST. . Carringes, Cutters, E he L hs i

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