GENERAL HOSPITAL. RECEIVES THE GRATEFUL THANKS Of W. A. Carson, Napanee, For Tender Care Given His Deceas- ed Daugfter--Report of the , Superintetident. The beard of governors of the King: "ton General Hospital met on Monday afternoon. Present: Di.' Duff (chair- man), Rev, Dr. Mackie, GG. Y. Chown, James A. Minnee, F. Welch, Lieuf).- Col. Massie, W. B. Skinner, Abraham Shaw, Rev. "DD. Laing, F. G. Lockett, PF. Harrison, Dr. R. E. Sparks; The meeting was one of much inter 'edt, ak very animated discussions took place on matters affecting = the general welfare of fhe hospital. The superintendent presented his usual re- port, showing 104 patients admitted during the month and 120 dischprged; also-170 outdoor patients were Wreat- wil. Very interesting and touching letters were received both by the superintens dent, Dr. H. A. Boyce, and by the chairman of the board from W. A. Carson, of Napanee, whose daughter, "Miss Arlie Carson, a prohationer in the training school, died from typhoid fever during the past month. In these lepters Mr. Carson expressod his thanks and gratitude ' to the superintendent, the nurses and 'he hospital. staff. for the great kindness to his daughter during her illness, stating that he felt much comfort in the fact that every- thing possible was dorie for her com- .# THE CLEMSON LOST. The Steamer Dundee Saw the Floating Wreckage. Fort William, ont,' Dec. 8.--All doubt of the fate of the steamer Ulehson, of 'Duluth, which has not been ois since she passed the Soo, a wedk ago, has béen set at rest by the arrival hére of the steam- er Dundee." Captain Zealand reports that himself" and crew saw parts of the Clemson dating near Point. Captain Zealand said he had oftén seen the Clemson and there was not the slightest doubt that the wreckage passed by the Dundee was part of the overdue boat. B. Wolvin, president of the Wol- vin :Oo., has sent a search party all glong the Werth 'shore in hopes that any of the orew of twenty-five that may have survived will be rescued: He says the boat is probably at the hot- tom of Lake Superior with her crew. Think He Was Lost. Somhra, "Ont., Dec. 8.--Beft Simp- son, a young man of this place, was watchman on the steamef Clemson, believed to be lost on Lake Superior. His parents reside a mile from here. Simpson went out on the boat at the opening of navigation. -------------- HIRAI TO GO. SOUTH. London, 'Dec. 8.--King Edwayd has returned to London from Sandringham "House ére he was at- tacked by rheumatism. His fart and to restore her to health, but | "God im His great mercy thought dif- | ferently, for He took her." He fur- ther sent a very nice donation of fif- ieen cases of canned goods as a slight | redognition of the kindness bestowed | on his daughter, { The visiting the | month of December will be Y Chown and 'T. IF. Harrison. for Gi. rovernors 4 i STQCK QUOTATIONS. Colalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. i 'Iie following quotations are sup- plied by the City Brokerage (J. O. HHA ERR ENE | mittee condition is better but, by his doctior's advices, he has cancelled his immediate social engagements, The king will go to the south coast to recuperate, * # * : HAHAHAHA AAAI HOW TO GO ABOUT IT. HEH #* ¥ ¥ The Women Should First Go to Legislature, Dec. 8.--The central com- of the Ottawa branch of the W.C.T.U. asked the members for Ot- tawa their views on the question of Ottawa, Whitefish | \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1908. IN APPEAL FOR HELP : : f | -- WORMWITH PIANO COM | | PANY ASK THE CITY | { For Assistance in Re-Establishing | Its Business--It Holds That the City is Responsible For Its | Great Loss, By the Firemen's Bad Work, The city council has been asked by the Wormwith Piano company for aid in re-establishing its business, which was so urforwmately wiped out by fire on Sunday morning. At last evening's session a lettér © was® received from Smythe, King & Smythe, on behalf of Wormwith & Co, "The loss is not that of the firm only, the city suffers indirectly, and 80 or 9 skilled workmen are thrown out of em- ployment at the worst time of the year. [he firm's pay-roll last week was $1,260, and it has averaged, we are informed, over $1,000, "We are instructed to call these facts to_the attention of the council, and to ask that assistance be givel Messrs, Wormwith & Co., in the re-establishing their busitiess, Due consideration would be given the claims of an outside in- (dustry of this importance, looking for an opening here. We respectfully solicit for our clients the proportionately greater and more substantial assistaiice they deserve" Mr. King addressed the council at some length upon the matter. He pointed out that the Wogmwith Company was not bound to Kingston. It had (never received any concessions, Just | now, it was looking about for a favor- able situation, and was even considering locating in Gananoque. Other towns would be glad to receive an industry that paid a weekly average of wages amounting to $1,000 or $1,200. The loss of the industry would mean a great deal to Kingston, for it employed over 80 hands. As to a proposal of what the city should do, Mr. King said it was not un- reasonable that the company should be Igiven a site and building in which to commence their "business again. It might be suggested that the city should give the company a building, and take | | t GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Marks Company Opens Before Big . Audience. The popular Marks Bros, No 1 Dra mafic company opened a week's engage- ment at the Gand Opera House last evening before an immense audience. The company = of twenty-five people, many of them old favorites, and all artists of ability in their different roles gave an entertainment of unusual merit. The piece presented, entitled "A Rough Diamond," was a characteristic picture of life in Colorado in the old days. The charming and fascinating May A. Bell Marks took the leading role of "Rosey," the girl from the ridge, and handled her part in a manner to win all hearts and gain her the repeated plaudits of the audience and she was ably assisted by Kate Marsden as "Betsy Berry," and Mollie Starr, as the "Mute Fawn," in the character 'of a squaw. Harry M. Trusdell, an old favorite, as "Luke Shortt, the Sheriff of the Ridge," was clever in his difficult part, and seems to have lost none of his old-time fire, "Jack' Delmare, the Road Agent," Harry A. Starr, was realistic in his declaration of love and affection for "Rosey." George Marks, as "Wah Ohin," made a capital' Chinaman George Ormsbee, W. Byer and William Rossiter tqok their parts well. The Specities and, vaudeville selec- tions were new and riginal, May Bell Marks sang a deferiptife song, giving the walks of girls of different nation- alities and was loudly applauded. Little Mazie Marks sang sweetly "Dolly's Mamma," and "What are Little Girls Made out of," and won an encore, W. Byer sang in fine voice "Some Day When Dreams Come True" and being recalled gave "The Village Blacksmith." George. Marks. was warmly applauded for his singing and dancing. A fine quartette by four members of the com- pany was well received. Some fine illu: strated pictures were also presented. To-night the company will = present "The Duke's Duke's Daughter," in five acts, with May A. Bell Marks, a: Marguerite Laurant," and new, special: ties. WOULD WELCOME ENQUIRY. Into the Workings of the Fire Department. WIE OE The Value i i rl the The practice, ih nce began your income, iio m als Mav Forward Test Bill and Go ta Country on the Issue in a Few Months, London, Dec. 8--The conservative politicians and press are raising a cho- 1us.of joy over the defeat of the govern- ments education bill, and are prophesy- ing the early termination of the liberal administration. ' The collapse of the government's two most pretentious and most carefully pre- pated measures within a few days of cach other, together with the. liberal defeat in the Middlese parliamentary :lection, following several successive re- buffs at the polls, give support' to the 1ssertion that the liberals have lost the country's confidence. = On this ground the government's op- ponents are urging it to invite a vote of confidence by going before the country mn a general election, and are taynting | it with being afraid to do so. | It is well within the range of possi- bility that the next six months may see a general election. A few prophets say that a general election will come early | in the new year." < | Some of the liberals suggest that the | government should. frame a press bill, | curbing the power of the lords, and | that when that body throws it out the | goyernmient should appeal to the country on that issue. - The most important legislation this | session having failed, the only noter | worthy project left to consider is the | Irish land purchase bill, but the chances | of it passing are poor. i The liberals object to the he committee of the house Wi lords, | lirected towards reform in the\house, recause their party under the pr { lan would be assured of only a 'raction of the members of the louse. ouse of lords finds general favor, anc The result in a few certainly gratify you.' Established 1673 KINGSTON LA { 'ry LAD $25.00. TN Pretty Coa Ladies' /Brown, Navy up to $25.00. Many. people fail to save, because importance of small ccononiies, > atter how sma will soon beconié a fixed habit. : years will probably surprise, and Start a Savings Account fr-dey with THE STANDARD | OF CANADA Costumes; coe EE) of Economy they do not realize , of laying aside # portion of ll, every week or month BRANCH J. §. Tarser, Mi HOR. PRINCESS AND Chor aT. DIES' COATS GHILOREN'S COATS IES' COSTUMES Ladies' Semi-fitting, tight fitting and loose Coats, in Green, Navy, Beaver, Kersey and Fan Brown and Black cy Tweeds, $5.00 to ts for Children, in Fancy Tweeds Kersey and White Beaver Skin Effects, $1.50 . latest styles, Black, and Fancy Tweeds, $10, $13.50 uggestions are heard ghat if the col- | mes' are given seatsMndia should rot | e left out. L i | _ | #David M. Spence, MAKES CHILDREN GROW FAST : The Leading Mantle and Millinery Stor | (the female . suffrage. The reply of ,over the insurance on the present des- Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the subject has |troyed buildng. This, however, was a been ' received. The premier is, of matter that would require due considera- | course, non-committal in tion A fireman told a Whig representative to-day that he, and others of the bri gade would welcome a full enquiry int Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street. Telephone, 480 A : Physician Supply Deficiency oi CO000000060000000000660000000000000000000000 Pancreatic Juice. Cobalt Stocks. December Sth. | Sellers. Buyers ow op 4 $.12 33% Amalzamated... BogirAl ol Chambers Ferland ... : Crown Reserve ... .. ... : Cobalt Central Cobalt Lake... Foster... vial wer Green Mecham ... La Rose Little Nipissing . MeKin.. Dar. Savage. ng... o | uy 3 .36} | 29 Rochéster.,. oe 63 Nova Scotia... Silyer Leaf... Silver Queen... Temiskaming Trethewey ... , Watts ... 1.02 ol . 1.59} . 1.48% 65 Horget The Itching. Salt rheum and many other affections cause more annoyance suffering than maiy more ments. Wade's Ointment es al- most immediate relief and will thor! oughly eradicate these affections. In- valuable as a general healing appli- eation. Cures eczema, salt rheum, | scald head, cold sores, chapped hands, | erysipelas, piles, ete. Tun big boxes, 5¢., at Wade's drug store, | skin and ous ail- Instantly Killed. Dunnville, Ont., Dec. 8.--Mrs. George Miller and infant daughter, of Burton | Depot, who live on the Canboro road, were struck by the Michigan Central express. crossing cast of At{®relifier| about 9:45 a.m., and both were in-| stantly killed. 'This is a very danger- | ous crossing, | | mond endowment 26¢c. 1b, Farmer's Butter, 26c. dwards and 1b. Jenkin. "Phone 775. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Con- stipation. Regular-price 25c. each; | 2 for 25c., at Wade's drug store. i Six American crooks, in Toronto were given twenty-four hours to get out of the country. Spanish onions, kin. Henry way conductor, pleaded guilty bing his fare box, Try Bibby's %2 coat Edwards and Jen- | Plant, a Tovonto street rail- | to rob- | sweaters. Tuberculosis Congress. You'll never develop consumption if | vou inhale Catarrhozone. Why it kills the germ instantly, cures catarrh and | throat trouble like magic. For coughs | and colds there is nothing equal Catoufimzone. Used in hospitals, pre- | scribed by doctors, endorsed by thou-{ sands. Catarrhozone never fails. "1 sufiered from nasal catarrh badly | that 1 couldnt breathe through my nostrils," writes G. K. Wilmot, of Meriden. "I used Catarrhozoune fpr al fey minutes' and was velieved, It cured ina short. time." No other remedy jast like Catarrhozone--it's | the best. The complete $1 outdit guaranteed to eure and costs satple size, 25¢.; sold everywhere. to | S0 is | si; | { A CLEANLY AGE. | Twentieth Century Ideas Incline Toward Sanitation and Pre- ventatives. Nowudays scientists believe that in cleanliness. lies the secret of pre vention of discases y To prevent a disease, remove cause, Just as unclean habits breed many so careless habits will breed dandruff. Improper use of another's brushes, combs, ete., will surely cause dandruff, and, in time, will just as surely cauge baldness.' the diseases, It's microbic infection, nothing more nor less. Newbro's Herpicide kills the ruff germ and causes hair to luxuriantly. ~Herpicide is absolutely free from grease or other injurious substances. 'Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in stamps for sample to The Her Detroit, Mich. Two si dand grow picide Co, | lifieen expressing his personal views, as to the suf frage, but he tenders some practical advice as to the way it should be dbtained, stating that the applica- tion should * be made to the provin- cial government before the matter was broached 'in the federal house: TWO MEN KILLED In a Collision in Fort William C. wr avin Be. R) Yards. Fort William, Ont. Dec. 8. --Engi neer Noble and Fireman Osler, of this dity, were killed in the C.P.R. yards last night, as the result of the col- hsion of a, switch engine, © of. which they had charge, with a freight tramn. The freight was crossing the main line at what is known as the 'Puzzle | switch," when the switch engine ran into it. The cab of the engine was * | completely wrtcked while a car on the) freight train 'was, thrown from, the rails overturned. The two men, whose bodies were fearfully mangled, were married and each leaves child. and one PITH OF THE NEWS. » ---- The Very Latest Culled Frem All Qver The World. Lord Kitehener will be made field marshal néxt year. The four New Brunswitk eléction protests will proceed no further. Horatio Wigle, one of the most pro- minent farmers" of Ruthven, is dead. Effie Long, a clever female thief, was captured in a 'l'oronto' house, where she had engaged as a domestic. = Charles A. Ecketromer, = Swedish vice-consul in St. Louis, committed snicide by drinking prussic acid. Subscriptions the H. C. Ham- fund for the Toron- to Free Hospital for Consumptives now total $41,740. 2. of Kiernan, former president oi the Fidelity Funding company, New York, insolvent through his opera- tions, is in Washington The members of the Ottawa W.C.T U. Union are protesting against the sale of cider at stores, claim- ing it is often fermented. . SX. R. Rowland, cashier of the Bank of Healdsburg, Cal., has con- wl 10 grocery | fessed that he had invested $120,000 of the bank's funds in worthless mining | stock President George E. Gibbard, ad- | dressing the Ontario College of Phar- macy council, aid the dewg habit was spreading among members of the pro- lession. § Chief © Justice "Meredith has Qeeided that the council of Bramptom must submit, a local option by-law to the people at the next municipal elec: tion. Chief Engineer Kelly, of the G.T.R., gave it as his opinion thatthe cost the Toronto wviaduet. plan would be ten million, and not two million, as submitted to the city. Jaseph- Milroy. at. Kenora' court, sive he shot Rithgrd Denna ina dis orderly north of Dryden, in self«defence. Four men were shot in the melee. Milroy is held for trial. Patrick Crowe, kidnapper of "Eddi Cudahy, by his own confession, and a notorious polies character for the last years" has been converted. to religion and is to be an evangelist. Francis Firschberger Louis, member of the Merchants' Exchange, many chibs, a leading charity worker, and a well-known citizen, was found dead witha bullet hole in his head at his home on Tuesday. Gustave Lavelle and Brypeau, Sorel, arrested charged with the theft af horse and rig, in the police pleaded guilty The" magistrate leased them on suspended sentency! house, 8 J at fa Oshawa, Our City Merchants. have their - printing ° done at the British Whig, office, nd best place. Can promptly the cheapeg Special Prices On Groceries. In quantities; Edwards and Jenkin. See Bibby's swell 350c. neckwear Your for and matter small or laree, order coal wood, how 1¢ Bc. and 8h. G. W. Mahood, special agent. careful attention, Swift's. Jasgues | Toronto | court | receives | He would ask, however, that im- mediate action be taken, as the company had to do something .at once to get their busipess in operation again. The miyor referred the matter to the { Industries and Finance committees, | stating that he was sure these commit- tees would take action without delay | MEXICO'S BURNING WELL. 'Town Miles Away Affected By the | i Fumes. { Washington, Dec. 8.--Fumes so strong | that all metals in a town sixty-five miles away are turning black, buzzards, par- | rots, and other birds are dying in great | numbers, and the eye-sight of many peo- ple far away is affected, are announced as among the remarkable results of the great flow of the Mexican oil well at Doshocas, Mex. Since the recent fierce conflagration there, which, as published at the time, consumed several million barrels of "oil. during its almost «wo months' continuance, the best engineer- ing skill on both sides of the Mexican- United States boundary line has been engaged in the effort to control the flow and consezve the oil. Immense earthern reservoirs and dikes have been built, but the oil passed owg these with ease and spread over the Laguna for several miles. Men and animals, reports Consul Griffith at Tampico, are dying from the effects of the noxious gases: constantly thrown off in great quantities by the wells. Ozuluama, a town in Vera Cruz, seven leagues distant, and Tampico, 63 miles distant, are experiencing the black ening of metal from this cause, and all ships entering Tampico from Vera Cruz and passing near the well show the ef- fects of the poisonous gases. Consul Griffiths says it has been authoritatively | reported that two laborers with ten' mules encountered a current of the dead ly fumes at a distance from the well jand were instantly killed. The Diaz | Government has sent to the well three hundred sappers to assist the company and protect the lives and property of the people living and working in "that { vicinity. ° WILL LOSE AN EYE. Andrew Wilson's Sad Mishap, at Galabogie. Andrew Wilson, a Swede, employed | as a foreman of a shanty gang, Calabogie, was the victim of a | accident there, this morning [While prying some.boards in an old house, one of the boards flew up and struck him in the left eye, inflicting an ugly wound, and at the general hospital here this afternoon it was stated that he would the eye The injured man was brought to the city the early afternoon .train over: the Kingston & Pembroke rail- | | way, and James Reid's ambulance | was called to remove him to the gene- ral hospital. © Dr. Gibson attendtd | him. | | | | | al seri- ous lose { | | on over President's Last Message. | Washington, Dee. 8=The senate and {house of representatives assembled | { with the "expeciation of listening to | | the last %ecular message of President | | "| Roosevelt. Fhe president had nothing | to say about tariff revision; he made | no suggestions relating to measures | {to meet the deficit; he repeated his | in the regulation | ions and urged the preservation of | the forests and improvement of inland | | Waterways. He took his labor op- | | ponents to task in the scetion of The | | | Views message devoted to the wourts | i? TT Thieves Stole Lumber. have "been very busy | when D. WJ. Millan, the well-Bnown buichar, went to get some lumber he had stored in his it barn she found thit it was missing. Sneak thieves lof late. To-day, To The Ladies | At Home ecards, vi cards, ete. ! cheapest and best, at Whier «ice, {i Sir Montague Allan will not {fim the report that led- the post of high commissioner. The lost steamer Clemson has found wrecked on the north shore of con- been » | Lake Superior. Heinzls Kin Vv / pidiles. - Edwards and Jen- of worpora- [1 | | | he has been' offer- | the work and needs of the department In fact, he thought it about time that ithe city council held such an enquiry There have been so many criticism made> of the department since the city building's dome fire last July that the city council owed it both to the citizen and the brigade to hold an investiga tion. Then it would be found if any blame should be attached to a brigad: that was not half equipped. For in stance, a fire like that of Sunday morn |ing required more engines, aerial towe: and more men. It is suggested that an independen committeé of three influential citizens be appointed by the city council to repor upon. a plan of re-organizing the fire department. In many quarters the charge 'is meade that there is not a proper system in regard to the handling of fires. The chief may be handicappec by lack of apparatus and men. It migh also be ascertained if the chemical en gine: which is trotted out to every firc is ever used. It is understood that i 1s not used once a year. If that is th case, it should be replaced. As to hose' equipment, the firema: above referred to declared that the bri gade hadn't enough. At the Sunda) morning fire every foot of hose, in the stations, about 3,000 feety, was in usc If another big fire had occurred, wha' would the brigade have done, he asked CANADIAN MURDERED, Flood, Delta, Shot at St. Louis, Srockville, Ont,, Dec. 8 --Edgar Flood a_young telegraph operator, aged twenty seven years of age, and son of Anthony Flood of D&ta, was murdered in St Louis. A message was received hb relatives stating that 'he had been sho and instantly killed. He was for thre years in Montreal about eight years ago, and went from there to Toronto. Ihe remains were taken in charge o the St. Jouis "Council, Knights o Columbus and so soon as the coronor' inquest concluded its inquiry, they will be sent home. by that order for interment He was employed by the Postal Union Ielegraph company and was very highly thought of by 'both his superiors and fellow employees. At the time of the reunion two ye ago, he visited his home, receiving a kindly welcome from his many friends and school mates. Besides his parents, he léaves to mour: his loss three sisters and two brothers They are: Mrs. J. J. Venney, of Brock ville; Mrs. F. B. McNamee, Lansdowne : Miss Darlig Flood, Delta; and Messrs 'ercy Flood, Delta, and A. J. #lood who has heen teaching school in the Northwest, and who is expected home. Humane Inspector's Work, \ contplaifit was made that several cows were being pastured in a field on the Bath road. Inspector Arniel, in vestighted, and found that the cows were being killed for the market. Several had already been slaughtered when he Edgar by tarrived on the scene, and he found that the animals were being cated for in the proper way. During the Thonth just closed, the inspector attended to several |cases which required looking after. i With The R.C.H.A. \t Tete de Pont barracks, old frame building is being converted info recreation rooms for the artillervmen There will be a separate department for the use of those who wish light drink ing refreshments, and do not wish to {use tive canteen. The rooms are expect- ed to be 'ready by the 20th. The R.CHA. is now up to lower, | establishment, Viz. about 3co | - 7 Cleaning Their Clothes. \lembers of the police' force figured in Saturday night's disturbance {and ,who were struck with eggs, had a busy time cleaning their clothes. © Some of the garments had to be 'taken to a {tailor, to receive .a thorough cleaning. | | A! Left For New York. t° Mrs before leaving was resented by the | staff, with a handsome silver tray, She | carries. with her the: best wishes. of a host of friends x | ! See Bihbyv's $11 black overcoats. who Lonergan, of Rockwood Hospi- | tal, left vesterday, for New York, and London, Dec, 8 --Interesting cases howing the importance of the part | layed by the pancreas, a gland of the tbdomen connecting the liver'and spleen, n the normal development of the body 8 ire recorded by Dr. Eric Pritchard. -«ecturing before the Child Study So- | iety, he referred to cases of arrested evelopment which were entirely due to ack of function of this organ. When 1owever, a glycerine extract of pancreas ecretion was given the patients, these ittle Peter Pans began growing again 2 one cas¢, where there had been no owth or development between the ages f nine and eighteen years the patients, said Dr. Pritchard, grew almost two uches in height during nine months af er beginning to take the pancreatic ex- ract. : : The method of discovering that the apcreas gland is not working and ouring out its normal secretion is high- ingenious. Sevekal Httle 'glutenized apsules containing iodoform are given he patient. The covering of these cap- jules is such that neither the gastric uices of the stomach nor of the intes ines can digest them, whereas the nor- mal pancreatic juices will dissolve them, it once setting free the iodoform. The thsorption of the iodoform into - the system is demonstrated by its presence n the saliva It has not yet been proved, according Dr. Pritchard, whether artificially wpplied .pancreatie juice simply aids in ugesting foods or whether it contains | some substance which has stimulating | fects 'on the general tissue growth. Ls -------------- 'Phone, 147. y > 5 for 25¢ J for 25¢ A.J.REES, 1 0 THE LIST COMPLETE. | | i | MIAH HK | Constitute Board Directors. 3 For several weeks past district meet- ings have been held for the election of representatives to the board of directors | i the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's As- | sociation for 1009, says the Brockville | limes. The last one took place in| Kingston on Saturday. The complete | list.1s as follows with districts the mem- | bers represent : John H. Singleton--Renfrew. Neil Fraser--Prescott. Edward Kidd--Carleton. Napoleon Longtin--Russell. John McGregor--Glengarry. P. McDermid--Stormont. C.. F. Whittaker--Dundas. James A. Sanderson--~Grenville, John R. Dargavel--Leeds. D. Derbyshire, Hon. Sen.--Hon. Pres. for Life. 1 Thompson--Lanark. Joseph McGrath--Frontenac. W. J. Paul, M.P.P.--Lennox and Ad- Who Will of purchase a device in the shape of to their instruments, on the ass: authorized by this Company. | { | | the clause in their leases prohibit The Bell Telephone SHSISISIIICK FLORIDA GRAPE FRUI WN We would respectfully call the attentiom of our GIFTS stovk bigger, help you out SELECTING From our large Holiday This Christmas finds our greater than ever. Let us by a few ggastions., Fancy China, Music, Parlor Cabinets. Fancy ers, Medicine and Cobble Seat and Rattan Rock- Jardinere Stands, Screens, Easels and Foot Stools, SPECIALS Door Matts, in Wilton. while they last at JAMES REID'S, oS 75¢.; Sale price, The Leading Undertaker. Store Open Nights. T : 4 for 25¢ 2 for 25¢ 66 Princess St Phone 58, HY K HHH WARNINC Subscribers of the Bell Telephone Company are being asked to a head telephone for irance that the same attachment hag been No Such Authorization Has Been Given by Us to ing all attachments of this nature. subscribers As this prohibition is ENTIRELY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE SERVICE, we trust subscribers will be governed accordingly. Company of Ganada | dington. James Whitton--Hastings. Alexander Hume--Northumberland. G. A. Gillespie--Ontario, Durham, Victoria, Haliburton. S. White--Hasti F. STRACHAN COX. MEMBER OF THE STANDARD STOCK . AND MINING FNCHANGE, ngs dnd Prince | | | | | Send for Pamphlet on "COBALT DISTRICT {Long Distance Telephone Main 2,446. 3 43 Scott St |'Sir Menry Mill Pellatt. Norman McCrae. Reginald Pellatt. PELLATT & PELLA | (Memibers of Toronto Stock Exchange). | STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN. CIAL AGENTS. COBALT Publow--Kingston, Ontario, (East). ' + At Pleasant Valley. | Pleasant Valley, Dee. 7.--Mise Mag- gie Watson was at home to a fow of | her young Iriends on Saturday," from | {ll am. unti] 4 p.m. They enjoyed | | themselves immensely. The fishers are | {returning from the lakis; they report | f not very luck. Visitos=: Miss | Mabel and FEthel Sears. of Mount | Chesney; ' at George Barr' Miss (ol- ling, of Sydenham, at E. "Joyner's; jand T. Bradford's; Mrs, Frederick and | | Mrs. J." Ellerbick at George Hughes' | [one day last week; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ham Ashley and Miss Violet at Edgar | Hughes'; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr, Cam- | Orders may be wired at our expense. den East, at E. and G. Hughes'; Mrs. |, 401 Traders Bank Building. | J. Watt, of Yarker, and Mrs. Brvan, | Toronto "Phone Main 8963. of Camden East, at Thomas H. Wat- WANTED son's; . Mr, and Mrg: 0. Kerr, 'Pet-| | wordh, at E. Hughes; also C. Ashley, {of Yarker. { | Agents, to sell the unsubscribed - stock of an established Canadian aE 9 Life. Insurance Co. Apply R. L. See Bibby's special "$f capes 47+ | D. Taylor, 218 Continental "A life membership" in the Tabard | Bldg., Toronto. i | Inn Tibrary for $1. 'This is a Special | " | The : Cherbourg \dock laborers em- ! i Toronto. good | commission. Correspondence 2 Dozen Sweet Oranges, 25c. Edwards and Jenkin. "Phone 775 Christmas holiday inducement te.rcad- ers. Only-at Gibson's Red Tross drag {ployod by: the American Line Steam- store. L. » ship compeny, have struck for higher See Bibby's great of wages Bananas. Edward« anfh Jenkin. See "Bibhy's $12 black averconts. And other stoeks bought and sold onl invited. | Lide | Fi T il . g Melton and Beaver Overcoatings, Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings, John Twedde 131 Princess street. Look! 'Would Any of These Suit You? {| 1=New Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, B. & { C. and furnace, also good stable and | drive-house, large lot, $2:600. | 2--First-class Nearly New & ams Dwgle . Li h ling, 4 bedrooms, B. 8-New Frame Dwelling, B. & C., large lot, $1,500 4--Good 8S Dwellis, repair, oS ne and 8 char) | choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650. 5--Stoge Dwelling, stable aud one acre ol good garden Jand, $3,850. 159 Wellington 4 2 4 bedroom EF