Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1908, p. 8

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\ PAGE EIGHT. SIR - « - ---- - } - . = 5P.M. EDITION REGRET EXPRESSED To Er av hb SIDENTS- we TT E. |p THE STUDENTS OF Recovers Heavy Damages Against. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Montreal Man. Montreal, Dee. 8.-The case of Miss ' Flor the Action. of Some of Their E: 0. Sims ve. R. C. Bach, of Mon- | Number on Saturday Night-- trol, came up for hearing before Jus- | »M Criticized For Not tig Curran and an English-speaking ayor ss Criticiz or No jury. This is a 'claim for $10,000 Bailing se Arrested. damages for breach .of promise of | : t marriage, plaintiff alleging that after he. following, Sueoiutions dee: being engagwh to her the defendant "po whom it may concern :-- married anothx woman in New York. | «pp, students of Queen's desive to Mr. Baw) waswompelled by the' jury |, oes Gineare egret for whatever to pay Miss Emma Sims £0 dor I of Abe TE rte SOUP. ON having led her to believe 26 WOUIL Saturday, December 5th can justly he marry her. charged against any of their number. "They would take this moans of as suring the citizens of Kingston, the city eouncil, the magistrate and'po- lice force, the manager of the opara been won: HAD CLOSE CALL. Belleville's Municipal ~ Building, Got a Scorching. house and all others who directly or Belleville, Ont., Dec. 8--The city |indircetly sustained any damage or building, fast evening, narrowly es- injury, that "it has never been their caped being destroyed by fire. At | wish or intention that such things 6:15 a fire broke out above onc of the should ever oecur. furnaces and the flames ate their way | "Further, they hereby express entire from the collar to the sax collector's | disapproval and city engineer's offices, but here ment of - property, real or personal, their progress was stopped. The loss and of any interforence with the rights sustained is covered by insurance in |of citizens or with the performance of several companies. An over-hcdted duty by the eity's officials. 3 furnace was the cause attributed. "The" students maintain that ge {attitude of the -authorities tended | rather to inerease than to lessen the difficulty and that had they exercised the tact and judgment that is reason- ably to be expeeted of them, much of the trouble might have been averted. "The citizens may rest assured that the ungentlemanly éonduct of a few on this occasion mects with the deecid- 'ad disapproval of the student body and that every effort will be made to ! discover and punich the offenders and From the Trapper to the Wearer is of Fur Xeonomy. We - buy the choicest Skins direct from the Hunter and make them into Fashionable Garments, with every bit of taken out of prices. our Story only Just How It Happened. Roronto Mail and Empire. The Kingston students seem to re- { semble their = Toronto contemporaries in that they like to bs demonstrative. But they have a betghe excuse for and | their exhibitibn of fofce than the To- ronto boys have ever had. The great | drama, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," | had come to town. We all know how C sairving this" world-renowned play is, 107 Princohs 8. POENTGHT ' | Whether wresented with but one Uncle | thug to prevent its recurrence. omenihi i NIGHT. { Tom and one Topsy; or with two| "Simied on behalf of the students, Uncle Toms and two Topsys, and' a J. E. GALBRAITH bunch of Evas thrown in, it is 'most pT Acting Chairman. appealing, and all lovers of the le o E. KIDD gitimate are, bound to see it. The Hu Aas "wh students coud not continue at their _ Acting Secretary. studies while this classic was being performed, and it was in the rush for seats that the unfortunate uproar oc- curred, ' | > HHAHHIIR SHIACIISIGIIICICIAOR body of Queen's University, in mass KILLED IN MUTINY. ta: meeting here assombietl, do. | our disapproval of the conduct of the mayor of the city of Kingston, on the night of Saturday, December 5th, in refusing to. aceept bail for the stu- dents placed in the cells. J. E. GALBRAITH, Acting Chairman. E. KIDD, Acting Secretary. "Kingston, Dee. Tth, 190K," extravag- ance We. mention that ndw to emphasize the ITraportonce of Furs fox Christmas Gifts. Conm-and see what we call value hefore yan buy. style Beebo robbed bebo i CHRISTMAS : i Shopping days are with us, and | the wise ones advise carly buying. We have a generous display of all lines this year at prices that "16 the Kingsto dents of Queen's UniveSity make public through the medium your paper the following resolution "Resolved, that we the student The stu- ish to ot wean economy. | especially best Our fine good, and to see it. Jewellery is the Constantinople, Dec. 8.-- A mutiny of reservists oc- curred at Kossovo. From some unknown cause the regular troops represented the mutineers after a sharp fight, in which seven men were killed and eleven men were wounded. HARI ICISISIOIIGIICIICION The Woman's Council. An executive meeting of {phe local branch of the 'national council of | the police station cells, lies with women was held on Monday, present | police magistrate, and not with Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Mrs. William | mayor. . This statement comes Cochrane, .urs. D. Jordan, Mrs. Sim: | Police Magistrate Farrell. on Oberndorfier, Mrs. Joseph Swift, | Miss Machar and Miss Ida Ronan. I'hese represented the Orphans' home, Poor Reliel, Jewish society, general hospital and Hotel Dieu. Several mat- Against Rioters. ters of vital importance were {ings re. 7.--(T he Edit- cussed, among "them the garbage aE: fon Te you tint we removal scheme, which received hearty i Jo séached the Timit I the abu endorsement. Nominations for. the 1ave Tes Wow Q 3 : election of oflicers at the annual meet- dents demonstration" of - Saturday ing in January or February « were | ght * Is it fit that culture should, made. There was a very small at | EO hand in hand with rioting ? What t 8 I y $ at- Dt at . s . . : 3 rincip (ror ay 1 ex- acs as th gonial meting whi 14s riage Conlon fo or 10% fallowed and little business was trans. nuatl n 5 i acted tudents ? : ? Ts the city council doing its duty re- | speeting the protecting of the citi- © Phi : _yzens? I think not. Had I been per- This evening the board of trade will} Sonaily affected, the council would hold a banquet in the BrivisieAmars have been sued for damages on ac can hotel, The jpuest of the voning count of inadequate protection and FT LA 3 aout, Fo iA | criminal pegglifence. Our 2 reente: . rsily, now {tives rese yaving bees civil service commission. Prof. Shortt ai past hich or Roop on. many occasions gave valuable aid ie order ns x rowdy }o- NY ard of trade and to tho | Public order against the rowdy ele 0 'yhe: hoary a tho {nent of Queen's, our forlorn hope lies city council as well. In recognition .. ihe pross.--TAXPAYER. of "these services and also in recogni- | . t tio of his standing as a man in the i : ded public eye, the board of trade wil] | Better Fire Equipment Is Needed. | present him with some silver plate. | Kingston, Dec. 8.--~(To the Edi- now is time Watches of every variety. Choice Art Pottery. { Gi. Articles of Brass and Bronze. 2 1 Goods, i Fine Leather ERR FEREER KF Umbrellas, Silver Goods, Walking Fine Cut Sticks, Glass. | Lies With The Magistrate. | to say that the ultimate power of re- lease of persons arrested and placed in the from Spangenberg JEWELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. A Taxpayer Demands Protection dis- | 1 @ : deal Git for Chis | The Auto Strop Safety Razor THE ean be from fran is To Honor Prof. Shortt. ONLY stro; SAFETY ped without RAZOR that removing blade onl blade can over again to. a The Razor whose be stropped over and hair -edge. foty found No old blade to throw blades outfit no new buys away ; buy, $5.00 to for continually a lifetime. Also Safety Raac kinds. we, from. 15¢ up, all | Prof. Shortt will address the board , tor) : I would like to give a lew 4 ' W. A. Mitchell S, the banking svstems of Canada words of timely advice in regard to | 2 Ivy 3 » 1 > rin land the United States. he fire on Sunday. : I quite B85 Pripcets St, HARDWARE. | ------ pi -- with Mr. Wormwith in regard to, the Elginburgh Echoes. fite apparatus. I is old and out-of- Dec. 8.--Farmers date. What we want is an up-to-date er RE fire apparatus for our" firemen who busy - getting firewood while the good | fi al a sleighing The Elginburg boys | ch handle a fire equal to any ire are il izing a . go A hockey team brigade in the dominion. We do not xi Pladsie Bi hos sone to visit | vant any more second hand machin- } > a at Sunbarv Chazles ®%Y such as in the 'electric and gas er °C Br : . ale o 3 : ' " Sn ith has built large shed at. the plants. Some of the fire appliances Brh oa 3 ne oink {were used in Toronto twenty years rear of his store for the convenience !. ? Bs f the publie. * 1 ago, but were good enough for King- ol the pon gton, as some people thought. Had i we had proper appliances the city Notice. | hall dome would have been saved. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ' Would™t not be better eto, for sale at Whig ofhce, theli, pend theapest and best place to buy print- | ection, for ing. on Elginburg, are | lasts. GOLD SIGNET RINGS WE HAVE many new for the city money for fire pro- the citizens have to pay £100,000 for some the expenses, than give de- i 1,000 lbs. 'Xmas Chocolates.' |¢on has no more need for a hotel i i i i th : , ; Sgn5 in Signet Rings, bo Number one quality. Edwards and like that thn a dog has for another for Ladies and Gentlemen. | Jenkin. "Phone 775. il What we want is industrial es- We ~<artistically engrave | -------- tablishments. Fourists are sckigh, monograms without See Bibby's smart 81 shirts, right for three months in the : One of Wormwith company's em- hut what about /the-other further Sharges i he si . ployees, while searching in the runs months. --CITIZEN. A goo weig] ignet | this morning, came across a | Ring costs from $3.00 up. ------E-- A cauple of his tools, which Imad not i ln ------- KINNEAR & dESTERRE | » been damaged by the fire Handsome real briar pipes, JEWELLERS, 100 Princess Street, and gold mounted, at Best's. OPEN EVENINGS Year nine Cameras Or Koddks For 'Xmas. sifver] Wisk could be nicer or more. appre- ciated by vour.boy or girl than T ' . 1koddk or Brownie caiera ? They are I'he members of branch No. 9, C.| ty . ' M.B.A., next. Sunday morning will ah instructive and educating pas march to Mary's cathedral to time. They are not so expensive to partake of "holy communioh. © 'at the Operate as people imagine. The time 7:30 mass, > |is past when boys or girls, take a Oysters | snap at anything. 1hey take pic- | tures of just" what they want and so keep down A boy can nicely mounted for 5c. with a Brownie camera. The second picture would cost him about le. Think of it! And yet some seem to think it is expensive, the Brownie ~cam- eras and kodaks at Best's A eata- logue for the asking. hal! Edwards and Jenkin. Rasketball is as popular; asgever at the Y.M.C.A. this season Some of the 'beginners' are showing up re- markably well ' "Wild Cherry" cough price 25c. each: 2 Wade's: drug' store. A 'large number of have sechived "snap the ruins of the piano factory, troyed by the fire. : Lennox Kidney, and Liver Pills. gular price 25c. each; 2 for 25e., at Wade's drug store. ood's ' cure. Regular BR The Great i Remed; for: Mo. %! "Tones aud invigoratesthe whole 200. ,, £1 \ nervous system, Wakes hew RE Blood in old Veins, Cures Nerv ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper oy on lg and Kjecta of Adbuseaor Ereesses Price 81 per. box, six for 8, One will please, six will cure. Bold by all druggists or mailed in, plain pkg. on rece! tL of Juice. New pamphlet BR ec, Fre W Medicine Co. irovmeriy Windsor; Toronto, On Kinpstonians Bee goon ig des! ' | 2 _ . Re} Will Be Last Mail. A * The lant, mail for parcels which, are intended # for Christmas in England wiil close on Depember 10th, at 5 p.m. PLUMBERS: | Try our PURE LE pound blocks. interesting, Canada Metal Co.,Ltd 31 William St,, Toronto. 1,000 lbs, Xmas Chocolates. . Highest grade manufactured. AD in five wards and Jenkin. "Phpne 775. " : » | s The price 18] The general hospiml-> anthorities {stated to-day ' that Vernon Knowles { was slightly, improved to-day. He js {now out of danger unless { untoraseen,. occurs, | Grapes, for wine at Carnoveky's. Ed- of destruction or deface: | | { | An interesting wages express | It is only in justice to Mayor Ross | the | agree | a white clephant of a hotel. King- | all | the necessary expense. | take 'a complete picture ! something | 'INCIDENTS OF THE DAE, | Newsy Paragraphs Reporters On Their flean Farthing is in Montreal. Holly for sale at Carnovsky's. See Bibby's swell $15 overcoats. Seeded raisins, Edwards kin. . | The best mines sapply us with cos Swift's. | "Lades' hand bags," $1.50 to $10, 'at Best's. ing gowns, $7, 38, 810 and $12. Livingston's. Edward Aiken, Hamilton, his parents, Earl street. | See Bibby's special $10 overcoats. Coal and wood, best quality, every {load guaranteed. Swift's. - Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone T78 Lieut: Jamieson, Kingston, 1s 'mn Toronto and staying at Stanley Bar- racks. : - See Bibby's nobby $15 overcoats. Norman Wormwith, M.A. Ottawa, is at his home on Eagl street for a [few days. . See Bibby's swell 50e" neckwear. Lennox Iron Pills. Regular price {95¢c. each; 2 for 25¢., at "Wade's drug store. See Bibby"s smart $15 suits. Mrs. W. D. Carleton is dead at ,wego, N.Y. A husband and | children survive, ; | Peel. Edwards and Jenkin lL See Livingston's window for play of dressing gowns and coats. See Up By Rounds . is visiting Os- five dis- howe Bibby's $15 black suits. "Cigar cases," in all leather, Best's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from. Chickering's. Leave orders at Me- Auley"s Book Store. Currants. Edwards and Jenkin. The festival of the Immaculate Con- iception, was observed in St. Mary's cathearal, to-day. See Bibby's braces in boxes. | Codnty court opened at two o'clock this afternoon, before Judge Price, at the court house. See Bibby's $12 black overcoats. P. J. O'Brien was unanimously {eléeted president of "the Kingston® | Hibernians, | See Bibby's at $2 coat sweaters. case, a vant against a mistress, may aired in the police court soon. See Bibby's great' $b caps. Rev. Frederic Gill, of Arlington, Mass., is visiting his sister, Mrs. W fl. Wormwith, Earl street, and Miss Gill. | Sardines. Edwards and Jenkin. | Special prices on house coats gowns. Livingston's, | "Copies of the St. {may be had from Rev. C. L. Bilkey, 132 Inion _ stréet west; an excellent | Christmas gift; 26¢. each. | Waterman fountain pen for ladies lor gents, latest siyles; at Bestls. | Report received here says there is gix inches of ice around Fort William and that the tugs have to be sent out to break the. ice for the vessels. See Bibby's 75c. furband caps. | All the sidewalks were in a very | dangerous condition early this morn- ling. The men with the sand did | good service. See Bibby's $1 neck searfs. | 'Phe funeral of the late David Rohb ser- be and James' calendar topk. place on Tuesday afternoon from hi late residence, Patrick street, The services were conducted by hev. o. DD. Boyd. iS. Villiams,, advance agent for Ro- bert Ganthony" and company, at the Grand on Monday, is in the city, | making arrangemen}s for the produe- | tion. | See Bibby's 80c. furband caps. | In the recent five of the piano fac- | tory, T. M. Connor - suffers as heavy | a loss as his partaer, W. H. Worm- | with. Both had equal shares in the { building and stock. See Bibby's new | Bananas. | | 1 | | I i $1 shirts. Edwards 'and Jenkin. Thermos bottle for Christmas of the mest useful gifts ou could select for Christmas giving. 'wo sizes, at Gibson's Red Cross drug "Phone 230. See Bibby's swell _50ec. " Military brushes, in cases, $5 a pair, at Best's. Arthur Sparham, chief steward of the | Thousand Island Steamboat company, { has completed his work for this sea- son and will leave for his home in i Brockville in a few days. Yo be free from sick headache, bil | iousness, . constipation, ete., use Car- ter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vege- | table. They gently stimulate the | liver and free the stomach irom bile. | See Bibby's $15 blue suits. | Jellied hock. Edwards and Jenkin, | Shaving sets, complete, in - hand- some case, 31.50 to $10, at Best's. This morning some of the firemen {were engaged in pulling down some of the walls at the. scene of Sun- day's big fire ana guite a crowd | rathered to watch the work. Two-quart hot water bottles, made {of pure rubber, from 35c. to $2 each, 'at Wade's Drug Store. Two-hundred Line Imperial Crown | ungerwear would be a suitable Christ- | nas present. Sold by all dry goods { and gents' furnishing stores, who pat- ronize home industry and are loyal to | Kingston. ; Head cheese, Edwards and Jenkin. "Tabard Inn library books" can be exchanged all - over the world. You keep in touch with all the up-to-date j reusing, Take advantages of the special offer for Christmas holidays. |A life membership for $1. Gibson's { Red Cross drug store. The police station last night gave | shelter to five tramps, who came in { during the night and "had no place [to go. They came from the west 'end said that they were on their way Montreal in sedreh of work Foilet sets, silver-mounted ebony, in pretty casug, Toe. to $20, at Best Thetoeal - members of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, have se- cured - the services of wu talented turer, Rev. Arthur R. Vosburgh, | (.S.B., of Rochester, N.Y., who -will {lecture in the city hall qn Friday {evening on the subject off Christian | Science. The admission Will be free. Turkeys. Edwards and Jenkin. See Bibby's $6 smoking jackets To-night at Wonderland tho Art. | Richardson company presents Thomas | E. Shea's version of "The Bells." {This is a 'very thrilling talking pic ture and the management advises all {ladies subject {to nervousness and {fainting spells not to attend, as the picture contains deep tragedy and very | excitifg dramatic scencs. The othr { picture, "The Bargeman's Child," is intensely intercetime. Have vou heard the talking pictures ? 1 fot, go to- night. p "A gift," y one store. neckwear. $1.50 to 10 loe- and Jen- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, T UESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1008. Redommended By the tries Committee--The People Will Be Asked to Vote on the Que:tisn in Januaty. The civic industries' committee met this morning, with Alderman Elliott (chairman), Craig, and Chown in at: tendance, W. H. Wormwith, "De. Nor- man Wormwith and Frands King were also present. The matter of the Wormwith fite was carefully consider od for upwards of two hours, when the members of the firm retired and the committee were -left to consider the matter alone. A After a careful deliberation the com- mittee decided to recommend 'to the city council the giving of a $10,000, bonus to the company to re-establis | its piano factory. if "time. permits and no legal objections stand in they way, the matter will go to the people at the January elections. 'As soon as the papers are ready the committee will ask the mayor to call 'a special meeting of council. : The committee felt that they should make an exceptional case of this, as the Wormwith company has bien do- ing business in the city for upwards of twenty years, without any assis. tance from council, and the closing of their works would mean a serious loss to the city: The members of the coms mittee were met on all sides hy eiti- zens who claimed that the Wormwith company should receive some aid from the people, in view of the great loss | it had suffered by 'the fire of Sunday. JERSE THE BOARD OF TRADE. » Recomniends a Civic Loan For Wormwith & Co. There was a meeting of the Board of Trade on Moaday evening to con- sider the Chateau proposition. The board's hotel committee, however, was not ready to report, and the matter was held over until next Mon- day evening when another special meeting wall be held. The conces- sions asked by the promoters were informally discussed. The stumbling block to some was the $100,000 bonus. This matter, however, will be dully dissected next Monday evening. The following resolution was adopt- od with reference to the . Wormgwith Piano company, which sustained such a loss by fire an Sunday morning : "That the Board of Trade extends its sympathy to Mr. Wormwith and respectfully recommends fo the eity council that a loan sufficient to re- build the building of the Wormwith Co. se advanced to the company for a period "of ten years, without inter est, this loan to be repaid at the expiration of ten years. A Perfume Contest. There is on display at Best's drug store the biggest lot of perfume in fancy boxes ranging in price from 25¢. to $8. In every' box, large and small, is a numbered coupon. You buy the perfumes at the regular price and preserve the coupon. On these coupons you write your name and return to Best's not later than Christmas eve, the 24th. An enve- lope. containing a number will be opened and thé person holding the duplicate number to the one in the evelope will receive a handsome gold jewel casket and bottle of perfume val- ued at $10. Everyone has an equal chance and youccan select your per: fume from the biggest and best as- sortment of perfumes in Kingston. The Bail Question. The mayor and police magistrate agreed upon the matter of bail for the incarcerated students. They declare that they acted. for the protection of the citizens in this sense. Last year a theatre was wrecked and no arrest or recompense followed. © This year's riot was worse, the danger and annoyance to the public inereased, the damage greater, and the pole attacked. Maintenance of order was in the test. The chief magistrates, therefore, held the prisoners until a guarantee . was received that the damages would - be paid for and - an 'assurance given from university authorities and stu- dent that unrestrained ~~ out breaks should not occur again. bodies ---------- Mr. Pense Honored. At the annual meeting of Canadian, council © of, the Laymen's Missionary Movement, N. W. Rowell, K..., Poronto, was made chairman of the aouncil and Edw. J. B. Pense, of Kingston, was made chairman for Ontario. the Piles, Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure'any case of itching, blind, bleed: ing or protruding piles in 6 to days or money refunded. B0c. : Plans On Exhibition. The plans and specifications for the enlarged pier to be built at the Rboy- al 'Military College are on exhibition in the postmaster's office. Xmas Choeolates, -10¢.. To. $18. In cut glass:and fancy boxes. Ed- wards and Jenkin. Phone 775, Alfred Page, I carpenter for Robert McFarlane, employéd on the new dome was injured while at his work 'on Tuesday morning. He, was standing on the; platform at the side of the dome, when a heavy stick of timber fell hitting him across the head and shoulders. He was standing rathe: near the edge. of the seafiold, but some of his fellow employees grabhed him before there "was any danger of him falling down. -- % : "Beautiful folding miriprs, for Christmas gifts. Gibson's Cross drug store. Phone 230. Rev. James Wallace, M.A., Lindsay. is in the city as Tepresentative of the Toronto-Kingston synod is | address the Kingston presbytery on | thé question of home missions. Lennox Tooth Paste. Regular price 5c. each; two for 25e., at Wade's drug store. | Miss Maud VanOrder, Syracuse, N. | Y., 18 spending the Christmas holi- days. with her sister, Mrs. Rk: .F.] i " suitable Red Grabam, 19 Alwington avebue. Manicure sets, sterling silver, mount- ed, from THe.'to $20, at Best's. See Iibby's $3.50 knitted jackets. Turkeys. Edwards and Jenkin. Ww Set \\ Pat) ENGLISH PAJAMA FLANNELETTES For Ladies' Pajama Suits. Colors are Blue and White Stripes, Grey and Whité and other combinations, and the price Ibc and 12}¢c yard. These are becoming very popular,and justly so, as it is now possible to get the right materials at moderate cost. : To-Morrow We will have ready for the early Christmas shoppers a large lot of NEW VALANCIENNES LACES With insertions to match many of the patterns. These are suitable for trimmjng TMghy of the Christmas articles now under' way. Prices 3c, 4e, be, 8c, 10¢, 121ec, 15¢ yar ff Handkerchiefs For Gifts Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs Lace Trimmed, Initial Handkerchiefs, Plain Hemstiched Handkerchiefs, Both Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handker- chiefs, in great variety. 10c, 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20c, 25c, 35¢, 50c. Goods for the Littl Ones Children's Overshoes, Water- ¥ proof Cloth, 2 Buckles. The ¥ best Rubber. Sizes 6 to 10%, 4 $1.50. 3 Gigs' Overshoes, Waterproof Clo 2 Buckles. The best Rubber. Sizes 11 to 2, $1.75. Ladies' Overshoes, Water proof Cloth, 2 Buckles. The .best Rubber. Sizes, 2} to 7, $2.00. . Children's Rubber Boots, nice warm lining. Sizes 7 to 103}, $1.75. ? , Girls' Bubber Boots, nice warm lining. Sizes, 11 to 2, $2.00. Ladies' Rubber Boots, nice warm lining. Sizes 2} to 7, $2.50. Boys' Pure Guan Heavy Boots, $3.00 and $3.50. : : Lined Rubbers, Storm Rubbers, Moccasins and all kinds of Leggings: . Bhe Toockelt' Shoe Store. nt 3 Winter Eiht di esi i al

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