Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1908, p. 6

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HT ¥ hemi ¥ di : PAGE a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1908, THE HAL OF QUEENS Ee DOWN IN GANANOQUE. | The Factories Running ¥obr Days |' po! a W - | Gananoque, Dee. 9~The local Sal | {vntion Army corps; 'which bas heen {without & meeting plage for some | time past, have at last made arrange. ' phents to hold their Saturday night Principal Patrick, D.D., of Mani- and Sunday meetings for the winter toba Oollege, * Winnipeg, to|in JNsKenpies pers gt Ensign z & : . ang rs. cron are in char ye anc Pregch ju Convocation Hall | they purpose holging the other week | . Next Sunday Afternoon. {might services at the hofhes of the By An Arts Correspondent. » : . | members. The regular. fortnightly meeting six Tie Fat. Women | Look Sloppy. DEBATE. ON COMPULSORY Beauty and Grace Disappear With Fat, VOTING. « , woman's form is esseptially one of grace; G. | the lines of beduty vanish as fat accumulates and instead of beauty we see bulk, and what was ounce falr becomes a fright, a i Plumbing . Hurry Up Jobs demand mighty quick ! We try hard to meet all, such calls, of | A dad hter of Mi. and Mrs. Paul 'the Arts Soclety was held yesterday | Bishop, River street, was removed to afternoon. Thete was a very small| Hotel Dieu, Kingston, to be operated 'meeting andi no very serious questionsion for afendicitis: were discuséed, +A. Laing, B.A., was, A number of the local factories, appointed critic of the society to fill| since the water supply has permitted the vacancy caused by resignation of|them power for six days a week, D. C. Caverley. M. J. Patton acted as| have been compelled to reduce their critic. The question of arts dinners| time to four days & week on account will, it is hoped, be the subject for (of, slackness of orders, hag x renewed discussion. scorge Williams, 'for' several years The meeting of QUMA. next Sat-{past cheese maker at Gananoque urday ;morning will be held in thel theese factory, who took a course at suad ) /i he assed by | Kingst ry v : int ' FP En vi i sib by ogous Suit ebro Tutt nen). 3 Good Werk -for the Turk." week, where he will take a course in The' last Sunday : afternoon service; the "Kingston Business College. : in Convocation Hall for this year, W. I oDullgch, propeietor of Glen- will be held next Sunday. Principal| holme Poultry and Pet' stock yards Patrick, D.I\, of Wilhipeg, will be left this oraing for Guelph, yr, preacher. These services have been ex- he will spend a few days. ' Antoine ceedingly interesting to students and | Sherby, North street, his gone 'to their friends, a fact proved by the un-|Cleveland, Ohio, where he purposes lo- usually large attendance. A similar cating. Mr. and Mrs. S. Latimer, series of services will be held in the a one street, north, are 'spending a spring. ; ew days in Kingston, the guests of At the last regular weekly meeting their daughter; Mrs. ¥. N, Hurd, Di- : Sia b ol Bias to 4 of | the political science and debating] vision 'street. + wa: a --obtains its delicate clinging aroma by the perfect blending of the ; oils club, the subject of debate was, '"'Re- on 1: tes 3 3 ali 'adit : atural Bower oe essen ces solved, that compulsory voting should WOULD NOT DO IT ; which Aare used in its manufacture, with the slight addition.of i « 3 be insisted on in Canada by law on} in imported from one of the most reliable houses in Grasse, France, - pain of disfranchisement."" The affirm- To End Boycott Would Be Anti- : ? * ative was taken by Messrs. R. N. Patriotic action We but infallible, or synthetic: perfumes i decided- Iy in our favor, R In Yay Fat People Like This Have Been Quickly gs bs ey, oF! Reduced to Normal By Rengo. Ni. ~ Reng Palmer and R. MacKinnon, while the; ! 3 4 kL ' i ol negative was upheld BY Mnsets. fe 3 Imitators of 6 BABY'S OWN " aiming to produce their fessor Morison in eriticizing the de-| T ge p soaps as cheaply as possible, naturally--d 0 ot buy bate, said the . affirmative used to} Ct expensive flower perfumes and vegetable Oils. [7 good advantage the material at their hand, while the negative took a de-| cidedly practical view of the subject. | ro (4. C. Gibbons, K.C., chairman inter-| | national waterway commission, will} 2 1 ; ALBERT Soars LIMITED, MrFrsS., MONTREAL. an' emergency - : Test Us! ' o will reduces you. It is perfectly gnfe. You eat it like fruit or candy and 'D " i J 24 easily and safely reduce your fat a pound = & day avi a | } For sale by all druggists at $1.00 per aed fut sired ; by nail -- prepaid, --by The Reng 3332 Rengo Bldg. 66 Brock St. i Detroit, The Company will gladly Ph send you trial package free by mail, ii you will write them direct to Detroit; one 335 {no free packages at drug stores. a | Rengo is for sale and recommended in ARLE CT, | Cn by Henry Wade, Druggist. } Absolutely Pure and entirely free from | Mifieral Acids. Recon ded for Salads, | | : : agfl general use, in large bottles, 25c. | | MacFarlane and OC. fermented Wines, Grape and Black! Clgerry, 80c. per 'Fresh Oysters 80¢ bottle. think that ap- could not anything ild be more ed hy friend than Bracelet, your a D. Couper, | [19] © DELIVERY. and pleasing designs | wiser piemectem---- i i | | Our Chocolates | i es Pri | Said $500,000 Worth Has Been | Are made daily ; always fresh ; always all | address the club, it is expected next| Friday morning. { { "Phone, We have many new fe pi PROMPY es from $8 | To Suffer From Headaches Makes Life Miserable. It takes a person that had had or is subs ject to headaches to describe the suffering which attends them. The majority of cases are caused by cons stipation and dyspepsia. The dull throb- bings, the intense pain, sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, and then over the whole head, varying: in its severity by the cause which brings it on, purely indi- cates that there is something the matter with the stomach or bowels. To the fact that Burdock Blood Bitters reaches every part of the system is due its success in re. lieving and permanently curing headache. . It has proven a specific for the malady-in all its forms. : Disclosed. i Spokane, Wash.; Dec. 9.--Five hun- dred thousand dollars worth of gold] | behring ®re, averaging more than $20 a ton, was discovered by J. L. Har-| per and his associates near Republic, | Wash., north of Spokane, unaergrounid | " in the stopes of the old Republic : , Nat mine, operated by Patrick Clark, | RECHID PACHA. 2 : Spokane, and Canadian interests. Tt] Constantinople, Dec. 9.--Kiamil was given out soon after the cyanide} Pacha,.the grand vizier, apd Marquis mill failed to save the ore that the | Pallavineini, the Austro-Hungarian reserves at that time developed on | ambassador, with Rechid Pacha, the the property had been depleted, but | Jurkish ambassador to Austria, had a . the find shows that the ore didjlong conference. Ne results, however, Ress LuMBAGo Cu not "peter" out. Experts say that wese reached, for Marquis Pallayicini | An RE The coppér and other bage metals caused is sonvinced that, in spité of his de- Non Remedy, \ an oxidation of the cyanide solution sire to act, Kiamil Pacha at present | ' and that this neutralized and nullified pis completely powerless to pul an ond - | J its effect on the crushed ore. Assayshto the Ottoman boyogtis" Ht : and smelter * returns show the ore isl 'Fhe grand vizier: solicited the inter- better "then indica- | vention' of the Young Turk committee, tions are there is several million dol- which, however, categorically declared lars" worth of it on the property. | that it would. be an aot of anii-pa- : | triotism to put an end to the baycott | { ] SE Married In New York which is now becoming , so disastrous 3 #e | to Austrian interests. | | | and your selection. KINNEAR & GPESTERRE JEWELLERS, good ; prices, and] flavors. p {lee Or | ce Lream : Constantly on' hand. | PRICE'S, "Phone 845. 288 Princess St. _ Princess and Wellington Sty OPEN EVENINGS | Better, How About Your Feet ? Don't you think a good, heayy walking shoe is just the thing now ? Viscolized soles, ; waterproof uppers, tan or black leathers. A shoe to go without rubbers. We have a big range for both women and men. Prices range. in nt ¢ 00D SALARIES ¢7:Go Only to the Well Trained or Our High-Grade Courses never t fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Fvening Olasses, or and Moderate Rates. i Lo FRONTENAC ¢% BUSINESS COLLEGE #44 Clergy $20 a ton, and ¢ ¢ 0 0 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Ottawa, Dec. 9.--To-day, in New York, Fredérick Drummond Hogg, ald-! 29 son of William Drummond Hogg, { .C., Ottawa, married Miss Elizabeth} i i i Breaze Viandusen, eldest daughter of [3 Tragedy Reported »in Home. In Mr. and" Mrs. Clifton. Vandusen, who | New York. are prominent 'in New York cociety | Dec, 9.=Strict economy street, Kingstan, IN HUMBLE LIEE, 'Phone 680, BTOCKDALE, Mra. Allison E. Brown, Sum- merfieid, N.B., writes: -- 'I have been olaadl TR TORN Principal. | RB Aan am. 0 SPSSstssseaasssssasti8t. Regis Lumbago Gue XT. "N. New York, BE sircles. HOR HOHOHK HOMOWOKOKORKO | Godfrey, Noy. 8rd, 1908, Q ¥ Increase Your Efficiency The W. A. Singleton Co., Crosby, Ont; ak! Ger Kingston Business. College, Limited, 5 | Head of Queen Street. Oanada's Leading Day and E Shorthand, keeping, f dividual tlemen : 1st" summer 1 took Rheumatism in 0 that I could scarcely walk 1 taking St. Regis Lumbago helped me, and I am wel) Business School 7 walk all It 1 wa all right. ning Classes. | ypewriting, Books | l'alegraphy, Special in instruction © for: pupils deficient in English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at time. 'Phone, 440 H: F. CALFE, Principal. "My wile also 'had Q bad pain in het | back and she took St. Regis Lumbage Cure and it has helped her, 1 cannot pr your Medicine. too highly for t datismm and Lumbago. Yours Truly, JOUN WALKER." Druggists in Kingston. mallows all most d iat Drinks, tT, Peters & Co., Apples Just Arrived One Car. Baldwins ys," ete., 1so lce Cream 90% Perfect | and Spysy | A-CLOVER. Cor, Bagot Ea | For Christmas 2 | SHH lv SHA DISCOVERY! m found that will " BROWNIE in. even the most severe | & to four 'days refunded few ajuable. cents, What would be nicer than a A. NE A preparat falling. hair, in from. two Wiuaranteed or. mouey, Get application at KEYES', 336 stop Pi KODAKS, $10 to $100, the logue, display and at get a Cat ¥ & ¥ Barber Shop King street, BEST'S B.. LADIES We fully correct style, -- guarantes superior wn wi Take Notice . Ouellette, (Tight 288 Princess St. irniture, perfec fit. de B prices' paid for House Will buy all your te 4 rer effects, or aipart of them, If you OUR ROOSTER : BRAND) tend moving away, see me about " . selliy your goods OF TOBACCO ng 3 A price paid for Antique Smoking and Chewing, "at forty-five| Furniture. ' cents a pound,'is a good tobacco. Why | pay eighty-five cents, Andrew Maclean, | Ontario streetd | L } Le: a Re rar we 2 Aud M.P. KEYS 07 Princess St.; Antiseptic Barber Shop Ste Shaving Parlor. Sp i special You will want some Hoime-Made Mince Mest and here is the place to gét "the good old fashioned = kind that. mother Flair Dressing and Three Chair. Quick .Servicg Yodr pat- ronage solicited = 6 1 3 > used to ke. Als P : 3306 King Street | Mat yyy Also Sms ia aes . . Nest door to Wade's Drug Store. /Bhene, 870 BJ SR: The wedding took place at the home of the, bride's parentsy 132. East lhirty-fiith street," and the ceremony Richards. Miss sister, Miss Helen Vandusgen's- younger II. Vandusen, was her maid of honor and only atten- dant; Mr >XJshester as Mr. Hogg's best man and the ushers were : Rob- art White and Mr. Greene, Ottawa, and Capt. A. C. Hill, of the Gover nor-general's * Foot sarde. Mr. and Mrs. Hogg will resi m- Ottawa. -- Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ste., for sale at Whig office," the sheapest and best place to buy print ing. ---- ------ Do not cook eranberry sauce too long, and do not add too much water. The finest sauce can be made from: one quart of cranberries with one cupfiul of water. Boil for ten minutes, then add two cupfuls of sugar. Stir well and set away to cool. See Livingston's window coats and dressing gowns, Wise is the philosopher who is not led into the grievous error of taking his philosophy seriously. See Bibby's swell 815 overcoats. A jealous man appears to almost as goad advantage as a jealous woman. for house AN OPEN LETTER. Seem: Marvelous Are Commion to Mi-o-na the One Depend- able Stomach Remedy. Mrs. J. A. Gananoque, Ont., says: "Mi-o-na is worth its, weight in gold for quickly and permamently curing dyspepsia. | becamé so bad that 1 was unable to leave my bed. here was a burning 'in: my 'stomach, I would belch ap 'gas every few minutes and could sat but yey little, as the food would yuickly ferment and: make gas that caused a serious depression of the heart. + Perspiration would break out all over my body, 1 would become so weak that T could not stir and Would often fall on "the floor in a helples state. ~The pains in my stomach wd terrible. I could find no position which to" sit without sufi and 1 was so' nervous that the noise affected me. Headaches constant. 1. would become." and spots would appear before ye I had no ambition 'to | around and everything | me or lie were dizzy my mat 1 MJ.L-n2 g3VE ME mo ything 1 had prs | viously ¢ The second box | Mi-o-na- cused me. 1 am well | strong and have not had an, | suffering since. TI will always and how's feel Cor. Chatham |gratefal t8 Mi-o-ma fer the cure given | 8 {me and glad to recommend.' In the face of such evidence is |easy to understand why GW. Ma- { hood €eels assured in saying to you, | : . . { money back ii \Mi-o-na fails to relieve | either twivial or serious stomach trou- it was performed-by Rev. Dr. William R. | Results So Surprising That They | Pillow, of North street, | constant | gh which two young' Jewigh girls had im- | posed upon thamselves to enable them to educate themselves antl their young- er sister, and, at the same! time, save | enough money to bring their mother | to this country, eost them their lives, | to-day. They were found dead from | inhaling illuminating gas 'in a little [room which they occipiéd together in an East Side tenement. The. girls were Molly and Ida Kapplan, respec- tively nineteen and scventeen years of age. They had been. in the eduntry three years, and during that time had saved every cent they could from their scant earni in a "sweatshop." Every evening they - attended: night school. Each week they washed their own clothing 'for the sake of economy. Last night it was raining, and so the wet clothing the little room "on a line stretched from. a gas jot to the farther wall, In some manner during the night the weicht on the line caused it. to slip, turning thi gas cock and flooding the room with the deadly vapor. gs A DRY SCIENCE DINNER. Torontd Wl Have One of Kind To-Night. Toronto, Dec. 9.--There will be seve- ral unusual features "in connection with the annual dinner of the stience faculty of Toronto University, which is to be held this evening. :In the first place it will be tho first 'dry' science dinner .on 'record. There will be no wine or intoxicating liquor of any sort, either for {he studénts or guests and those wha feel) hg nced 'of some-4 thing better thar water to drink "the toasts, in, will be forced to_fall back on ginger pop. pen, too, the waiters will, many of them, be amateurs as ihe students of the medical faculty | have contracted to, act as waitars for | the sciefice faculty. This they qre do- {ing on consideration, that; the {men wait on them when the r {hold their dinner. This | system of waiting on table had for |its primary object the savibg of ex- { pense. It. is thought it-will lead also | to a good deal.of amusement. | nities An Imteresting Engagement. Halifax, N.8., Dec. %--An_ engage {ment of more than usial interest in Nova Scotia is-that of Dr. Walter Wo t{ Chipman, son of William A. Chipman, | Royal Miss B. An of Woliville, and now of the | Viaboria 'hospital; Montrealy to i Mahde Angus, daughter. of R. | #u%, Montreal. The marriage he arranged to tako place m Fe } { Can done Our City Merchants have ! their °, printing {promptly at the British Whig office, | the cheapest and best place. | ad 3 ee Pibby's smart $15 suits, was hung out to dry in| troubled with Constipation and Headaches for a long time, After trying different doctors to no effect, a friend asked me to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I find 1 am completely cured after taking three bottles. I can safely recommend it to all." Fine Tailor g Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest = Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell ABSOLUTE * SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. JH Frat + See Fac-Stmlle Wrapper Below. Very small and as peasy Women's from $2.50to $ £ . Men's, $3.00 to $6.00 NECIISISEISIISIIICIIGIIIIICICK oA IAC 0 Brass Beds Iron Beds New line just arrived. Special all Brass Beds, $14.50. Others, $24.00 $65.00 and $75.00. Iron Beds, $275,' $3.00, $3.50, Marshall, ete: Mattresses, Sanitary. Ostermoor 'and $13.50, made, $8.50, $12.50, Test Mattress Felt Mattresses, $15.00. , Hercules Best made. Leading Undertaker, $3.50 end $2.50. Springs, R.J.R |oPvnany. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE MAKING, EID, Phone 577 The House. of Quality, 20 take As sugbts FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR RILIOUSHESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. ' FOR COMSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FORTHE COMPLEXION It's. no usc paying+for plash in the | pews if you've 'got putty in the pul pit. See Bibby's nobby $13 overcoats. No man is master of himself { cannot control the guests in hie heert. Sep Bibbya aRcial $10-ovexcoats; | { who | CURE SICK HEADACHE. | You cannot improvo-the breed bj ishing tha' Aras on. A Large A ---------- EE ---- Men's Slippers, $1.50 to $2.75. Ladies' Leather Slippers, 90c to §1.25. Men's Felt Slippers at 50c. Ladies' Felt Slippers at 40c. Children's Felt Slippers at 35¢c, Viscolised Wet Weather Shoes, $6 to $7. A. E. Herod, .y oak" S. Assortment "of Fresh Tafhes Try them and test their quality: 'Bananas, Grape Fruit, Malaga Grapes Dates and Figs Toye' s, 302 King St % i reet.

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