Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1908. ROKE LR { RNY IN CONNECTION WIT} 'Canadian Pacific Railw TRAINS. LEAVE KINGSTON 12.01 pm. Express--For Ottawa, Mon <treal, Quebec, St, John, N.B., Halifax Boston, Teronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren frew, it Ste. Marie, luth, St. Paul Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Franpsciseo. 5.00 p.m.--Local for Lake counedting with' C.P.R. East and West Ab am. Mixed--For Renfrew and in termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12.00 p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter horo, 4.88 p.m.; Toronto, 6.556 p.m. Montreal, 7.06 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 e.m. Ht: John, 12.00 moon. KINGSTON---OTTAWA. leave Kingston, 12.01 p.m. arrivi Ottawa 4.50 p.m. ° 1 leave Ottawa, 1 ston 845 p.m. Direct connections at Renfrew with C PR. No. 1, leave Wlenlrew 4.24 p.m., for Pembroke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg anc Pacific Coast points, 3 Full particulars at XK, & P, and C. P R. Ticket Office, Ontario St.. 'Phone, 50 F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario stree f pm, daily (Sundays excepted) for Tweed Sy am, Napanee, Deseronto, Bannocl barn and all points north. To secure quic despateh to Bannockburn, Maynooth, an points on Central Ontario, route ycur shi ments via Bay of Cuinte Raflvay, - Fe further particulars, anply to R. W. DICKSON Agent, "Phone, No. 8. SITRET Chrisnas & New Year Hoda 1908-1909 Itound trip tickets will "he issued Single First-Class Fare (toad going Thursday and Friday, Dec 24th and returning. on or before Manday, Dec. 28th and on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 31st, 1908, and Jan. = 1st F908, returning on or before Monday Jan. 4th, at : First-Class Fare and One-Thir¢ Dec. © 21st, 22nd, 28rd 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st Jar 1st, 1909, returning Tuesday, Jan. bth, 1009 Ontario Provincial Fair Guelph, Ont., Dec. 7th to 11th. turn tickets will. be i<cued at $6.35 (iood going osturday Dec. 5th 1 , Dec. 11th, returning on or helore Dec, 14th. further particulars Sharbot 0.45 a.m., arrive King at also Good going 241n, 26th, 1008 and or wfore or Re apply J.P, HANLEY. Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts, INTERCOLONIAL 7 NAAT ROR For Copy Of Notes by the Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express Canada's Train, noted fo excellence of Sleeping anc Dining Car Service betwee Montreal and the Atlantic Ports, Apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James Street or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER 7.30 ye ip i p.m 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m 7 1.003.000 p.w LVRS . 7.30915 a. wits Breakey's Bay 6.309.350 a.m 7.309.156 a.m, 1.00---3.00 p.m | B.00---9.15 a.m. 1.00-4.00 p.m UN. 9.15 and 12.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m . LEAVES KINGSTON : 8.80---11.80 a.m. 8S. R.80---11.80 a.m. WED., B5.30--1130 aan. 2.00 30 p.m THURS. 8.30--1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 7 pe Breakey's Bay, 8 p.m. FRI. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8 8:80--11.80 a.m 9.45 a.m. 1,153.30 p.m. Sat.--~8pecial trip to Simcoe and Spoor's dock, at 3.00 p.m. | Time Table subject to change withouw notice, Hoat calls at Garden Island going t and from Kingston. ALLAN "vias LINE WINTER SAILINGS TO LIVER- POOL. From St 1.30 p.m. 2.00-4 30 2.002 om MON, TUES 30 pm | 2.00--4.30 pau | 2.00--4.30 p.m Islanc John, Halifax. | ... Dec. 12tk 18th, Ded. 19th . Ist, Jan. 2nd Gran ils pian an, sails Tunisian, sails Hesperian lonia©, from Firs ifs . Dec. 12th Portis «Dec, 16th $62.50 upwards, Second ss $42.50 upwards Third-Class, 6,50 upwards. ' Additional sailings plication te J. P FIDKPATRICK, ston. { 2 $2 and rates on ap HANLEY, or C, '8S Local Agents, King THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ESTABLISHED, 1863. | President--Sir Richard Cartwright. | Money issued on ity and Farm Pro perties. Municipal anc County tures. Morigages purchased. received and interest allowed. C. McGill, Managing Director R7 "Clarence street. Weather Strip 1 Keeps out the your coal bill. Large assortment Deben Deposits -. cold and saves at A. STRACHAN'S i trating " TRAIN FOR BUSINESS Most men train thelr brains and al- most 'entirely neglect their bodies. They do not seem to realize that keefi~ ness of. judgment and clearness of thought depend as much an the body as on the' brain itself. Any man can prove. this to his own satisfaction by attempting to decide a weighty busi- uess problem while suffering with an acute attack of indigestion or a vio- lent spell of billousness. The amount of work that the brain an do depends much on the health- 'ulness of liver, bowels, kidneys and kin. "Fruit-a-tives" are fruit juices in tablet form. They act directly of Mver, bowels, kidneys and skin---and enable these vital organs to rid the system of all impurities. Thus the blood will be kept pure and rich, the brain active, digestion sound, and life made gleasant. "Pruit-a-tives" are now pul up in two sizes--the new 25c box as well as the regular 50c size. does not carry them, write Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa. Heys ful] 23 fye ealth Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair 10 its Natural Color and Beauty, No matter how long ithas been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops ite falling out, and positively removes Dane druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re. fuse all substitutes, 2% times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Not a Dye. $1 and 59¢. bottles, at druggists Send 2c for free book ** The Care of the Hair, Philo Hay Spec, Co, Newark, N. J, Hay's llarfina Soap cures Pimples, ted, rough and chapped hands, and-all skin dis- eases. Kéeps skin fine and soft. 25. druggists, Bend 2c for free book *"The Care of the Skin.* JAS. B. McLEOD. NO WOMAN CAN BE STRONG AND HEALTHY UNLESS THE KIDNEYS ARE WELL. When the kidneys are ill, the whole body is ill, for the poisons which the kidneys ought to filter out of the blood are left in the system. Then how important it must be to see to it that this system of sewerage be not clogged up. Those who have never been trou fod with kiuney trouble know not the misery and suffering which those afflicted undergo. Doan's Kidney Pills are a specific for all kidney trdubles, They begin by healing the delicate membranes of the kidneys and thus make their action regular and natural. They help the kidneys to flush off the acrid and poisonons impurities which -have collected, thus clearing out the kidneys, bladder and all the urinary passages. Doan's Kidney Pills are entirely vege- table, and may be safely taken by young and old. Let Doan's Kidney Pills do for you what they have done for thousands of others, that Is, gure you. 8 Valley, P.ET Mrs. M. Bryanton, i alley, P.E.L,, writes : "1 nh troubled with my kidneys for two years, They were so bad at times 1 could not cross the floor for the pain. I tried a doctor but he did me no good at all, [ sent to. my nearest druggias and got four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, and Tam g to say that after taking them I have had no more trouble for nearly three years now." Price 50 ots. per box, oi*$-for $1.25, all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. In ordering specify * Doan's." Maypole | 4 cake of soap that dyesand washes gt the same time. A household world in England. No mess, no trouble, no uncertain results, no streaks. The tired women's triend--am Economical Home Dye. MAYPOLE SOAP 68 roc. for Colovs--rsc. for Black. Frank L. Benedict & Co., Montreal, Maypole | Soap soe PLE 000000000000 00000000 | . : PREVENTION OF THE WHITE PLAGUE The prevention of Consumption and its cure in the early stages is a matter of fresh air and nourishment, but to secure nourishment you must have ap- petite, and nothing is better known to medical science to stimulate aid invig- orate the system than the active prin- ciples of COD LIVER OIL--the only drawback has been that it has hitherto been impossible to separate the really valuable elements of cods' livers from the nauseous oil or grease, which fact has largely offset the good derived from the alkaloids or active principles ¢on- tained in the OIL. " BRICK'S TASTELESS" is a pre- paration of the valuable alkaloids or active principles separated from the greaso and combined with. Phosphorous in the form of the Compound Syrup o Hypophosphites, the nutritious Liquid Extract .of Malt, and the Bronchial Tonic and Sedative Fluid Extract o Wild Cherry Bark. In all cases of wasting diseases or an enervated condition of the system im- mediate improvement and eventual cure follow its use. Read Brick's guarantee with bottle. "BRICK'S TASTELESS" \ is put up in eight (8) ounce bottles, retail pricé fifty (50) cents; and in twenty (20) ounce bottles, retail price one (1) dollar. is interested and should knw about the wonderte MARVEL Whiriing Spray The new Vaginal Syringe. AN Last-eM ost convene eT it. cleanses NE nstantly, Ask your druggist for If he cannot supply MARYEL tl scaléd, gives rs and directions ine hii » Indies, STR OR SUPPLY €0,, Windsor, Ont. "Ceneril Agents for Canada. tarred rope for strings 'o by. Tar has a very odor : ibliy's braces- in boxes. use Never. hinge meat pene- See B If your dealer THE SPORT EVEN Y.M.C.A. Basketball Team Plays in Watertown, N.Y., Next Tuesday--Notes on Varibus Sports. The senidr hockey players' of the 14th Regiment met on Tuesday even- ing at the armouries. The old team of last year were all present, and the future prospects wers considered. No formal business was done as there is not much to do. The men are nearly all attending the gymffasiom classes every Tuesday and Thyrsday evening, and they can also atfend the senior clasces at the Y.M.C.A. To Play In Watertown. On Tuesday next the Y.M.C.A. bas- ketball team leave for Watertown, to play the Yankee boys a friendly game. This is-a yearly event between the two institutions, and always draws large crowds at both games, The locals have secured a special re- turn rate and a great many 'are going to accompany the boys across the line. I'he local team are in good eon- dition, and should be able to put it . Kingston Represented. It is some time since Kingston has hat a representaiive on the O.H.A. exeoulive, but this old town, where modern hockey originated, is again re. presented. President Dwioht J. ner has named Noble Steacy, of the 14th Regiment, team, as one of wo members he has the right to appdint. Kingston eertainly me#hbor, since 1 senior team. Tur: should have a it has the champion The League Meeting. A meeting of the 'City Hockey League, has been called at the Fron- tenac 'Business Colleye for Thursday evening. Therewis much business to be transacted before the "séhedule is drawn up for the reason. The 0.H.A. Executive. The O.H.A. exeeitive consists of the following : Presiden, 0D. .J. Turney, F'oronto; life member, J. Ross Robert. on, Toronto: past president, D. 1,. Darroch, Caleary: representative on (, AAU, F. Nelson, Toronto; first viee- president, L. B. Dufi, Welland: second vice-president, H., BE. Wettlaufier, lin; secretary, W. A. Hewitt, Toronto: treasurer, R. E. A. Moody, Toronto: exocutive, (0, Farquharson, Stratford; N. Rule, Col- Dyment, Barrie; A.W. Peterboro; N. Steaey, Jer- W. P. Irwing, London: linewood; J McPherson, Kingston. Sporting Notes. Montreal Wanders hhve a magnilfi- cent. forward line in Johnston, Gardner and Blachford. Ihe semi-annual meeting of the In- terprovincial Rugby Union will Glass, he The London Field regrets that ath- letics in the United States are in the hands of such officials as Sullivan and Kirby. "Jim" Macdonnell, point player, who is counted on by both Osgoode and Toronto Vistorias, will likely stick with the law students. Toronto Telegram : Hamilton is now the proud possessor of 'two foot- ball championships, a mountain and a jail. And what village in Ontario can maken better showing ? Toronto Globe : MeGill University students won the debate with Toron- to. They thus have the satisfaction of knowing that if they can't win a football match from "Varsity they can at least out-talk the best' men" the loronto institution can send forth, the Queen's accepted the suggestion of the Roches- ter Yacht Club, and agreed to submit the rjuestion of the eligibility of «the Scneca as a Canada's cup boat tothe council of the Yacht" Racing Unioh of the Great Lakes. The council meets in Detroit on Saturday of next week; Belleville Intelligencer : Trenton touted to win the junior championship of this group. But they have "to reckon with. Picton first, and there is bunch of youngsters in this city who will see the bells ringing a few before tho championship is loaded up | and taken away. 'Keep your eve op | the Belleville kids. Pall Mall Gazette : Dorando has come to his own by winning the Ame- vican "Marathon," and his triumph over Hayes in Madison Square makes all amends for his memorable disap- pointmént at Shepherd's Bush, As events have turned out, those officious friends who heiped the Italian to break the tape and disqualify himself last summer, were building better than | they knew. Had Dorando gained a | common-place victory here he might have been "to dull forgetfulness al prey' long before now. As it is, he became the hero of a dramatic hard- | ship and the idol of public sympathy. | and to crown ail he has finally proved | himself the better man. New York 'World : President James | E. Sullivan, of the Amateur Athletic Union, ie having a fine dream of "an. elaborate stadium of marble which he believes should be erected in New York City for athletic purposes: Wat:+ many other dreams have been real ized ! Why wouldn't the present site of Madison Square Garden be a good, acees«ible «pot for the aforesaid dream- ed-about stadium ? Just now athletic sport is Maving the hoom of its life in LGSthamy? and therw ie every reasons in the: world why thd boom should hx kept up. The time \ may come when ' New York will be selected as the place {for holding a set of Olympic games, {and there isn't a man in New York | who can understand why we should be befind London when it comes to ath letics or anything else, in fact, Toronto Globe © "Tom" Longboat | shouldn't race if he isn't fit, and h# {wouldn't if he had his way. The { Onond®ra was pélpably not in the | conflition to make his best effort against the Welshman on Saturday night, and he did not want to start, but. the only 'choiee he had was bw hether he would race or be sued for of contract. Manager Flana- i the promoter of the Phila: { dfIphia race out to Clifton, where "Tom" Fek was looking after the In- dian. The Philadelphia man admitted that Longhoat was hardly in first- class order, after.a second outbreak of but he naturally saw his interest first. "I bavé gone to is | breach gan took boils, own con- " over their Yankee cousins, ' | ly 1 held in Montreal next Friday evening. * The Royal Canadian Yacht Cub las | + the soul. siderably expense abont this," said, "and the only way 1 can get my money back is to have the race run,' The altornative was a suit for breach of contract, and perhaps con- siderable trouble when' Lon, t goes to run Dorando in New ork, The result was that the Indian ran and was beaten, but" the time does not show that Smallwood is more than a moderately good runuer, that is, if any dependence can be placed on the time and distaste announced. a------------ THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of 'Things in Short Metre. Livingston's for gloves. : See Bibby's swell 50c. neckwear. Agitation is the antidote for stag- nation. : You may guess what a but that's your limit. He isn't much of a bake™who eats all the bread he kneads. SeeBibby's smart $1 shirts. And it sometimes happens thai man is married to his boss. Ebony and rosewood toilet manicure sets, Tbe., at Best's. Many a man with wheels thinks he is the whole political machine. A man who attends strictly to his own business has a good steady job. Try Bibby's $2 coat sweaters. The more money a man has, more he is abused--and the less cares. Livingston's for coat "sweaters. Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- gular price 2c. each; 2 for 25c., at Wade's drug store. See Bibby's great $15 ulsters. It's easier to lead a balky horse to water than to drive him to a wag- gon. See Bibby's A woman that he can't why ? See Bibby's elegant $15 ulsters. The man with an excess of patience is quite likely to become the victim of imposition. See Bibby's he woman is, Sone a and 8156 black overcoats. likes to have a man say understand her. Wonder $2 coat sweaters. To-morrow is a mighty convenient refuge for the man conspicuous for promise breaking. See 'Bibby's $1 necksearis. \ lot of people call it a dilemma when self-interest stands between them and the right. See Bibhy's $12 black overcoats. Yon will be well, keep well 'and feel comfortable wearing No. 200 Impes- ial Crown Brand underwear. See Bibliy's 312 hlack ovdrcoats. You do not secure a clean hill for yvoursell by indi6ting the rest of hu- manity. Livingston's for neck scarfs, Whether earth shall be like heaven depends' on whether hoaven is in our hearts, See Bibby's swell $12 overcoats. The man with a lot of secrets usual- becomes conspicuous only when he commences to tell them. See Bibby's $1.50 silk-lined gloves, A lot of people are engaged in put- ting off until the morrow those things that they never intend doing. See Bibby's $1 kid gloves. "Instant" pain relief = for all ain, either internally or externally. Regular price. 25c." each; 2 for 25c., at Wade's drug store. See Bibby's « $3.50 knitted jackets. . The'man who starts out to be a purveyor of rumor soon finds himself a dealer 'in gossip and scandal. See Bibby's new. $1 shirts. I rather like and admire the man who goes through life hugging the theory that happiness is contagious. See Bibby's $6 smoking jackets. Wear. warm underwear. Get 200 line Imperial Crown Brand, made only by (hi Kingston Hosiery company, limited. 7 ~ B. A, Hotel Arrivals. J. B. Booth, Boston; C. J. Clark, New York; H. W. Stewart, H. Howell, George Oastle, J. W. Hunt, W. A. Me Killop, M. M. Cohen, L. Gilber, A. Bradshaw, A. E. Juhler, B. H. Price, Toronto; Ralph Smith, Chicago; W. J. Agnew, L™Belcourt, W. A. Dick- son, H. Diplock, George W. Ewan, R. L. Rice, J. Kennedy, P. McDermott, Arthur Lawrence, Montreal; T. R. Lawrence; .-E. L. Day, Ottawa; John Rose, Napanee; P. J. Smith, Belle ville; A. Morgan, Sarnia; George Hope, Trenton; William Clarke, . Pic- ton; C. Hogle and wife, Miss Hogle, Janet Hogle, Willie Hogle, Cleveland. As-Qthers See Us. A bright British Columbia girl town finds the lakeside windiness of Kingston ruffling to temper well as hair. The other day she wrote a friend in the far west, who at made an-amusing pen and ink sketch of a man erouching under a tipsy- looking umbrella in a storm, that her caricature was quite like the normal attitude on the street of her new friends here. m as once Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ete, for sale at Whig office, the cheapest and best place to buy print- ing. i ' y The worst failures 'are those sne- cesses that have come -at the cost off. Fo } To Regulate the Bowels Keep the bowels regular. | I'his is the first and most impor tant rule of health. You can- depend on Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills i carry out this rule, | 4 They effect prompt -and thorough | movement of the bowels and as they do not lose . their effect does not have t6 be increased. i By their enlivening action on the liver they positively cure biliousness and constipation. { have used Dr. Chase's Kidney- | Liver Pills for constipation with most satisfactory results. hey have | also cured a. young man here of back: ache, from which he suffered a great deal." --Mr. Petér McIntosh, postmas- ter, Pleasant. Bay, N.S. There is no question as efficiency of this well-known family medicine. One pill a dose, 25c. a box. At all dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Co!, Toronto. Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney- Dr. to A WI help | to the drufi germ, and restores the hair of peoplé--all satisfied that most the dose | 3 ¢ - Manufactu Every Minato Full of Bisiness In This Great Big = A Al Sei ery ona ¢. rer's Outlet Sale r 9 at THE MONTREAL STOCK CO. Every day brings ivs new crowds of eager shoppers--every morn- ing turns up it's new long list of price surprises--every minute is a money-saving time--and every article a half-price bargain. Every- body welcome every day--for it's an everybody's benefit. These for Thursday CHILDREN'S BEARSKIN COATS 25 only, size 18. Warm Winter Cream Imitation Polar Bear, has deep round collar self, and double row of brass or plain buttons. Regular $2.00 SPECIAL PRICE FOR THURSDAY from 20 to 26. All going THURSDAY, at greatly Coats, made of of price, Sizes prices. MEN'S AND LADIES' "WAYS" ' WOOL MUFFLERS. Best for warmth and comfort. Oolors, Plain Red, Blue and Black, also some striped with White. Regular prices, 50c. and 25 ® 75c. ON SALE THURS- MEN'S FLEECED TOPSHIRTS, Soft heavy quality, just right for this cold weather, collars at- tached. Oolors, Navy Blue and Black. Regular price, $1. QN SALE THURSDAY b | DAY, each \ ounce all over, 1.29 skein, reduced SALE THURSDAY ONLY, 500 SKEINS SHETLAND FLOSS, Very fine fascinators, etc., guaranteed an in Cream, Black and White. for- making shawls, every skein. Colors, Sold 05 at 8c. skein. ON It's on rare occasions we can off- er such savings on such wanted goods, so aome early. 40 LINEN TABLE COVERS. Size 60x80, with _colored borders and fringe all around, three- quarter bleached. Reg- glar price. $1.25. ON 69 SALE THURSDAY ... * MEN'S WOOL AND SILK SCARF, MUFFLERS. Extra large size, all shades plain, aldo checked, striped and dotted patterns. Regular price, 50c. and 60ec. 25 . ON SALE THURS- meat pattemns, 55 ONLY WHITE UNDERSKIRTS Made of fine White Cotton, with wide Flounces, trimmings of Em- broidery, Insertion, Lace, Beading Tucks, etc. Many different de- signs. Regular prices, $1.35 and $1.50. ON SALE 69 THURSDAY . g 5 * CHILDREN'S LACE COLLARS. Fine White Lace Circular Collars, wil§ give the finishing touch to a akild's 'dress or coat. Regular price, 35c. each. SPECIAL 12! 2 PRICE FOR THURSDAY Make No Mistake, The Place to Go to Is The Montreal Stock Go. 180 Princess St. 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. Look for The Big Green Signs. NIP IT IN THE BUD. First Appearance of Dandruff Forerunneér of Future Baldness. That such is the case has been con- clusively proven by scientific re search. Prof. Unna, the noted. Euro- | pean skin speciplist, declares that! dandruff is the burrowed-up cuticle | of the scalp, caused by parasites des- troying the vitality in the hair bulb. Che hair becomes lifeless, and, in| time, falls out. This can be prevent- a ed. Newbro's Herpicide kills this dan- | to its natural softness and abundancy. Herpicide is now used by thousands it the preparation on | is wonderful hair the market to-day. Sold by leading druggists. 10c. in stgmps for sample to derpicide Detroit, Mich. sizes, . 50c. 81. Send The Two G. W. Mahood, | Co., and special agent. A good, stiff interest is usually figured when you make the instalment plan take the place of ready money. | SOC Q0 00 | RESP E® Bissell's Carpet Sweepers Grand Rapids, $3.00 Supérior, $3.50. Two of the best Sweeper made in the world to-day. Theré is no longer any ques- tion of the superiority of the Sweeper as compared with the old corn broom. Neither is there any longer a ques- tion as to which is the best Sweeper made. We sell it. THE '"BISSELL." ¢ McKelvey & Birch - 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET. P0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ s8000. 3 Suit Cases and . Travelling Bags Make real good gifts. We have special values in Suit Casesat $5, 7.50 and 10.00, in real leather. Special Suit Cases, imi- , tation leather, $2 and 3.00. Special Fitted Suit Cases, | 513.50. : 'Special values .in Real Leather Travelling Bags, leather lined, at §5, 6.50, 7.50, 8.00 and 10.00. - Fitted Bags at $14. You can choose a Case or a Bag, an until wanted. . BERNET = Liver Pills ®egneeseseesesesesesccses d we will store same away for you } HY'S

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