Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1908, p. 9

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a - (4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908. | TRAVELLING, : KiNGsToNS PEMBROKE . RAILWAY -IN GONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Christmas & New Year Excursions Round trip vickéts will be sold at One-Wdy First-Class Fare * Good going December 24th and 25th, re- turn limit, December 28th, ~ 1908 ; also going December 81st, 1908, and January 1st, 1909 retiivn limit, January 4th, 1909, ¥ First-Class Fare and One-Third Good going Decefber 21st, 22nd, 28rd, 1908 limit, 81st Return 24th, 188. 1909 Full partiears at K, & P i. Ticket Office, Ontario St. Phone, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. 20th, 30th "v 241k 25th, 9.908. and, Japuacy Jannary Sth, and C.P 50° BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union station, Ontario street, $ pm. daily (Sundays excepted) for Tweed Sydenham, Napanee, Deseronto, Bannock burn and all 'points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your ship ments via Bay' of Luinte Railway, For further particulars, apply to R. W, DICKSON, Vo. 8. Agent, "Phone, No. RAILWAY, REGIE LSS 5 Christmas & New Year Holidays 1908-1909 Round trips tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare Good going Thursday and Friday, Dec 24th and 25%H, returning on' or before Monday, Dec, 28th and on Thursday and Friday, Dec. #1st, 1908, and Jan 1st, 1909, returning on or before Monday, Jan. 4th, aldo at First-Class Fare and One-Third t 22nd, 23rd, Dec 21st, 28th, 29th, 80th, and 31st Jan. 1st, 1909, returning Tuesday, Oth, 1909 Ontario Provincial Fair Guelph, Ont., Dee. 7th to 11th. furn ticketd will he issued at $6.38 Good going Ssturday, Dec, ih, to Friday, De 11th, returning on or hefore Monday, 14tH For further particulars, apply to .J. P. HANLEY, Agent, rner. Johnson and Ghtario Sts Good going 24th, 25th, 1908 and before or Jan, Re- TRERTTTIER wa. Mitchelrs for Copy Of Maritime Express | Canada's Train, noted for| excellenge of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between | Montreal and the] Atlantic Ports, Apply to Montreal Ticket | Office, 1141 St. James Street, or - General Passenger | Department - MONCTON, N.B. SATB TLTTTRSe A STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER WOLFE 1SLA~w | 1.00--3.00 p. 1.00~3.00 p. 1.003.000 p EEE ). 7 RS, Bre day WEL LHL --9.15 a.m. akey's 6.30--9.80 a.m. FRI. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p. BAT. 8.00---9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p SUN. 9.15 and 12.30 a.m. 8.00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON : 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4 30 ,. TUES, 8.30---11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 WED. 8.30--11.80 a.m, 2.004. THURS. 8.30-1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.x Breakey's Bay, 8 p.m. | FRI. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m. | 8.40-11.80 a.m. 2.00-4.30 p.m.| { 1.80 p.m. EE MON. Jaa. | SAT, SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.15-3.30 p.m. Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe and Spoor's dock, at 3.00 p.m. Time Table subject to change without | notice. . Boat calls at Garden Island going and froin Kingston, ALLAN Island | OWONKO HS to LINE t Royal Mail | | WINTER SAILINGS TO LIVER-|¢ POOL. From St wx . Dec, 12th. | Dec. 39th Jan. 2nd Grampian Corsican Tunisian "Dec. 18th Jan, 1st TO GLASGOW. - from Halifax ..... Dec. 12th. ! Portland Dec. 16tH $62.50 upwards, Second- 42.50 upwards Third-Class, $26.50 upwards Additional sailings and rates on plication do J. P. HANLEY, or © KRIRKPATRICK Local Agents, ston \ John, Halifax. | 4 sails i Hesperian, lonian, from ap- S. King- Just In Wall Paper See them at D. E. i "Phone 373. 78 William St. THolfnders Rejoice Dic, | } he the new| Hag nt 'ol March I loo at 0 accouche nw Wilhe i I Qu Holland forward t he event wit sl arp King § tere on | TARA TTVLLLVAOTTROTTVORS #03 styles of] FRASER'S, Eh WITH ECZEMA Are counted cured from the start, as jt is 80 active upon any diseased skin or sores. Dr. Spark's Vegetable Ointment When once 'applied to a case of Fezema will take away ull redness and kill all diseased "skin tissue and put. the skin into _a healthy smooth condition. Sold by G. W, MAHOOD, and all First-Class Druggists 'in large 235c. hoxes, Accept no substitute. This Vegetable Compound is green im eolor. Skates, Skates. ph 3 rb -- Starr, Double Ender Hockey, $1.25. Wellington, Double $1.50. Ender Hockey Varsity, Hackey Puck Stop, { With [| $1.70. Bob's Double 50c. Complete stock of Hockey { Mitts, Sticks, 10e to 75¢. Stow Shoes, Toboggans. Runners, HARDWARE. MADE iN CANADA POWDER There are many baking powders but There is Only One ~ MAGICBAKINC POWDER tis Pure, Wholesome and Economical. SOLD IN ALL SIZES. : E. W. GILLETT CO., LTD. Toronto, Oat. TTL VOLTVTLTVES 00D SALARIES | Go Only to the Well Trained Our "High-Grade Couarses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Olasses, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, y 'Phone 680. N. STOOKDALE, Principal. $ Kingston. TVTVVVTT TVR AN T. HONKOKOKONKO? Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Oenada's Jeading Business Schoo! Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, keeping, Fokokoxkos Typewriting, Books Telegraphy. Special ine dividual fnstruction for pupils deficient tn English branches. Rates moderate. iter at am time. 'Phone, 440. H, F. MET- CALFE, Principal. HONKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKONKO¥O 3 roca s Phosphodine, AIR 28 1c Great English Femed Tones and invigoratest! Whole Dervous system, makes new Blood in old Véins., Cures Nerv | ous Debility, Mental in Worry, Bes ponder p ! Smissions, Sper matorriea, and s of Abuse or Excesses, | Price $1 per box, sixfor $5. One will please, six wil cure. Sold Ly all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on raceipt-of price. New pamphlet mailed free. The Wi Medicine Co. ltormerly Windsor} Toronto, Ond MEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritatious or ulcerations of muc membranes, | Painles d not astrine t or poisonous. | by Draggiats, | { or sent in plain wrapper, { wn 3 Gearsateed Bot to strictore. by express, prepaid, for $1.00, or$ bottles $2.75. ' Circular sent on request, | | Parquet 0" Flooring ~DESIGNS ND HUCKES expected | ELLIOTT & SON, LIMITED. "Importers. 79 King Streét W. Toronto, | t Storrington road $1,400; that with ance { Henry considered? cult questions to face make a bold front and tell the electors increased taxation,--and to the electors, | | Shall th 10. ROGERS WA IIE3 ABOUT FRONTENAC COUN. TY MATTERS. | He Thinks That the Affairs of the County Have Not Been Well Administered--Too Much Good Money Badly Spent. e Kingston, Dec. 9.--(To the Editor) : As the season is approaching that we are called upon to select men to represent us in the various municipal councils a few words through your columns may act as an incentive to the electorate to také more interest in such, matters. That we 'have been indifferent in the Past is evident by the conditions of our hnances--in the county particularly. About thirty years ago the county in~ debtedness was $300,000 caused mainly, 1 understand, by our separation from the county of Lennox and Addington, on as- suming 'the cost of building the jail and court house, etc. Our concil at that time in their wisdom bonded our indebt- edness payable in thirty years, ending it December, 1909. The rate struck at that time for.that purpose on the county assessment was sufficient to pay the an- nual payments, and if our affairs had been honestly and judiciously managed, we would have had a surplus now in- stead of an indebtedness of over $80,000. For years past they have been bor- rowing from the bank, paying thousands of dollars of interest on notes and over- drafts, amounting to over $60,000 dol- lars which was contrary to law. The bank refused further accomodation un- der such conditions, and the "present council was obliged fo issue new de- bentures, The law demands that such a pro- cedure must be submitted to the vote of the people--but no doubt. in the in- terest of economy they applied to the legislature for a special act permitting them to issue new debentures amounting to $60,000 payable in ten years. I claim it would have been better to spend a few hundred dollars to get the vote of the electorate on the matter, It would have aroused them from their lethargy to demand from their representatives some 'explanation why such a condition of affairs exists and what are the pros- pects for the future. It would have been only just to a few of our present repre- sentatives and made it easier sailing for the men who come after them. I would not like to be classed as a pessimist but there is nothing like speak- ing out and putting things in their proper light. While many of us are in favor of legislation along the lines of advanced education, a better system of | road and bridge building, we feel it has been forced upon us rather fast and in too arbitrary a manner. Our county has reason to feel it particularly so, with the greater portion of our county. | might say non-revenue producing, ré- quiring heavy expenditure in road making and bridge building. And the front girded as it were with toll roads which have been, and are ex- pected to he bought up by the county for it is evident the days of toll roads are numbered and may be considered a thing of the past. We are attempting to adopt a county road system with about half the toll roads bought up. The present system calls for an expenditure of $120,000, the government paying one-third. <The Bath and Portland roads are for sale, the and the Cataraqui bridge surely won't be left out in the cold. Now, with our past bungling of road buying and bridge building, what are we to hope for in the future? The Loborough bridge alone cost over $32,- 000. One member of the council as- sured me it should have been built for less than $12,000., At the June session after issuing de- bentures for $60,000, the last sitting of the council had to borrow $20,000 to | meet current expenses. In the face of all that, what semblance of economy do we exercised. Go the right 'way about you can get a grant for any- sec it thing. | Distillers to His Majesty the King. Years agoAwo dollars was the allow- ancedper day, then "$2.50, now three | (with the understanding that the length | of the session would be shortened.) When twenty-four members com- prised the council, the cost of indemnity | was from $1,000. to $1,200. It was in creased in 1907 to over $3,800, three | members of the council drawing over | their township allow- over $5 each a new clerk was to be ap-| In the June session of 1006, | Drew foved that the council amalgamate the two offices of clerk and | treasurer, into 'one and that David | Purdy be appointed at $1,200. H.| Hughston has had a standing offer for | vears, as clerk, to do the work for $300. Why were neither of those propositions | : Ask your representatives for an explanation. { Surely the incoming. council has diffi- | ¢ I advise it to | is Again pointed what they are to expect in the way of | see to it, that you choose men able and worthy of your confidence. i "1 have merely touched on the various | matters requiring ventilation, as I don't | like to trespass on your space at too | great a length. Hpoing others may take the matter up-in-their own cousity's in- terest. Yours, D. D. ROGERS. Castle Free From Care. National Magazine. In the happy land of childhood, travels worn from pattering feet, In the valley 'of contentment, brook 'and 'river meet, Where the yellow haze of spring always fills the misty air, And where jn its golden glory stands the Castle Free From Care. wiere the time There the' flowers are always blooming; there the birds sing every day, For children never fret or worry, soon chase their teirs away, With joyeus shouts and bursts of laugh- ter, they are skipping everywhere. Only merry veices echo, im the Free From Care smiles Castle All these happy little dwellers, in this wondrous land of youth, Teach a lesson to their elders filled with love and truth v can't look beyond the portals, even should they stand and stare, Yet we hear no groans of - anguish their Castle Free From Care. Why ould we on life's great journey, fret so grany hours away, 3 ghost of ough our castle halls to-day ? huildoa glorious future, filled with and rqgse tints fair, like"the happy children have our le Free From Cara. To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting--cards, ete., cheapest and best, at Whig office. that is The in dead vears wander ------ rr -- TO SETTLE TROUBLES. The Purposes of President Castro © Laid Bare. : Santander, Spain, Dec. 10.--The | French steamer Guadeloepe, with Pre- i i | sident Castro, of Venezuela on rd, | is here. It is learned that Pres: t | Castro will continue on boakd: the | steamer to Bordeaux and that from Bordeaux he will travel overland to Berlin. President Castro has come to Europe with the intention of settling all Venezuela's international quar- reis. ' Dutch Commander's Orders. The Hague, Dee. 10.--The Ditch commander of the fleet now off the shores = of Venezuela has full discre- tionary powers in the 'matter of op- ening fire, aceording to a statement issued by the Dutch court officials. The officials deny any information, concerning - the intention of the fleet commander, but it was 'admitted he would hombard the coast should Vene- zuela make good her threat' to fire upon the fleet from the fortress San Carlos. + ---------- Expel The Poisons. Rheumatism and a variety of other painful affections cannot come 'as long as your #s pure and abun- dant. These . affections are due to poisons in the blood which must be expelled. Keek your vitality high and your blood r#h and red by the use of Wade's Iron Tenic Pills (Laxative). They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory, ! Canada Is Represented. Vancouver, B.0., Dec. 10.--Canada is well represented at the national ap- ple show which is now being held in Spokane, Wash. The best fruit from orchards in British Columbia, On- tario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, has been sent to the exhibition and there are some splendid displays from the dominion, Many Canadians are visit- ing the show, according to dispatches received from Spokane, and a number of prominent Canadian fruit growers are among those who are to speak at the meetings to be held in connection with the exhibition. It is estimated that there are over eight million ap- ples in the various exhibits. AN INDIGNANT PARENT Writes About Injuries Received By Her Son. Kingston, Dee. R {he * Edit- or) : There has been much said about the disgraceful way in which the stu- dents acted on Saturday 'night 'and about their making amends to ' pro- perty owners, but what about the young man named J. Pound, who was knocked - insensible and brutally cpt in the face with a flying stone. Re seems to me that they ought to he thankful that murder was not leit at their door, as might have happened in this case. Had he got hit a. couple. of inches one way or the other from wheré the stone hit « him, it would surely Mave cost the young man - his life. As it is he will be disfigured for a long time. The young man is in- offensive and the support of his home and an invalid father. Much indigna- tion is expressed. What is Kingston coming to when parents eannot he sure of sceing their children alive again af- ter being attacked on the streets, The rowdyism = and . cowardly conduct is not by the lower olasses, but by the so called educated clase. Save us from the edueation that will make a bully and a coward.--AN INDIGNANT PARENT. Want A Change In Office. Kingston Township, Dec. 9.--(To the Editor) : Can any reader tell me why the Williamsville post office is retain- ed where it is ? It is supposed to be for the convenience of the people re- siding between Cataraqui on the York Rbad, and Collins Bay on the Bath Road, also those who live on the concessions. We have to travel nearly a mile into the city to secure our mail. We have made cpmplaints and sent petitions to have it removed to the city limits, near the county school house. but no notice has been taken of our complaints. The mail is delivered within city limits, so ghe office is not required, as it was formerly, when the mail was not de- livered at Williamsville. Now as a class we are large taxpayers and I do not see! why we should have 4g put up with so much inconvenience. If it was situated just inside the city lim- its, our children could call and get the mail coming from school, whereas now they have to walk nearly a mile, which is too much in these short cold Open To Suspicion. Hamilton Herald. Doubtless the election eases which were sawed off were the cases which the party leaders feared most. to have | | investigated in court. Thus the effect of the arrangement id that the most corrupt and fraudulent -work done in the federal elections in this province | will be 'smothered up and the worst | of the election crooks and corruption- ists will go unpunished and encour- aged to engage in fraud and corrup- tion on a still larger scale and with greater: boldness at the next elec- tions. Rubber Security. When hot water bottles, syringes, invalids' cushions, atomizers, etc., ave needed remember that we have every- thing you want, and: that vou get the best possible" goods fon 'the price. Two ' quart hot water bottles, made of pure' rubber (red), B50c. up, at Wade's drug store. ! Robert Ganthony Coming. Robert Ganthony, author of 'A Brace of Partridges,"" and company, including Miss Hazel Stanmore, of the Court theatre, London; England, in his own comedies, "The Meetings" and "All Brown's Fault," comes to the Grand Opera house on Monday, | Dec. 14th. During the evening {Mr. Ganthony will also present his | famous specialties. | '"Iihree Swallows."' Sir John Power and Son's | "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey. | Famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, etc., for sale at Whig office, the cheapest and best place to buy print- ing. Answer To Hidden Town Puzzle. In the words "traveler, 1 entered," we find the name Erie as the town from which he, was working his way. Unhealthy Women. Lose Color, Constantly Weary, Look Wrinkled, Hollow. They All Get Health--Vitality-- Vim Strength From Fernozone. Once you use the celebrated nerve vitalizer and tonic, Ferrozone--once you feel its magic powers working through. your weakened system--then you'll know for sure that health ' at last awaits you. : 5 So much quicker and surer is Ferro- zone to rebuild and restoré that thou- | sands use no other medicine. "Because I am now well,"" writes Miss I. P. Sinclaire; from Sault Ste. (Marie, "IT feel it my duty to tell | every young woman what -henefit 1 i | | and papers | theseMong evenings. Perhaps Postmas- | ter Stewart would speak a kind word | put up with days. We are deprived of our letters which we wouid enjoy for us to the right party, if he knew how grateful we would be, We have the inconvenience long, and every just person would think so. --A GRATEFUL READER. ---------------- FASHIONABLE JACKET FOR YOUNG GIRLS. Short coats for young popular this winter. These wraps in heavy cloth Persian Lamb and Sealskin worn with light plaid skirts will be very stylish. GANANOQUE'S VENTURE. Iceboating--A Successful Winter Assured. Gamanoque, Dec. 9.--Gananoque's winter sportsmen met Tuesday after- noon, and organized the Gananogue Ice Yacht Club. The meeting was well attended and the move is a popular one as evidenced by the display wof enthusiasm. Gananoque possesses sev- eral good ice-boats, -including three or four built on the latest speed models, As well as two now under construe- tion. Several requests from members of others clubs in this vicinity brought about this meeting, which de- veloped into what is looked forward to be a promising association. As is well known among the yachting fra- ternity and those who have attended this resort during the summer racing events, the harbor \is an excellent one for ice yacht racing. Courses can be laid out on almost any line or angle girls will be Enters got from Kerrozone.' Ll 'grew very {thin and at twenty-five years old my | face was hollow and wrinkled--my col- | or was bad and I looked ten years | | beyond my age. | hysterical, couldn't sleep, had no appetite, burst. into tears at + the | least provocation. Then I worried, | feared 1 woula',go into decline, and |was so depressed every morning that {life was no longer happy. "I was astonished at the quick and | thorough action .of . Ferrozone. It | gave me permanent strength and vi- | tality, nervous fears disappeared, in- | digestion and -stomach were cured. Sound sleep returned. 1 {looked better and younger, had clear | color. I gained in weight, felt happy vigorous, st¥ong. It is a year since I first took Ferrozone. It has restor- ed me to health 1 never knew be- {fore and 1 will {mend it jas the grandest tonic strengthener on earth." Very few girls and women are so abundant in health as .to not require | medicine. Nothing ~ excels Ferrozone |in supplying . strength, blood and nerve power. nourishing tonic is Ferrozome. 50c per box or six hoxes for $2.50, at all dealers. Try Ferrozome, Do it to- day. and I was nervous and | 4 weakened | continue to recom- | Not a stimulant; but a | to suit any-wind, and directly front: ing the town is a straightaway course of seven miles or more, all within sight of the main wharf. The signatures and fees loft with the secretary at . this meeting was t most encouraging and the hst of snbseriptifons was surprisingly favor- able: Ieeboating in Gananoque is not a new pastifie as during other sea- sons races have been indulged in and | competition - has been keen, bit a scarcity of entries was the cause of | lack of interest. But this season a series of local races will be held for a cup to be donated by the club, and one or two .gpen events for trophies | are 'anticipated before the. season closes and several outside yachts will pe invited to compete, An enjoyable season is! assured, for the men elected to fill the offices . of the new chib are all those of the go» ahead spirit as the following list will | testify : = Commodore, W. T. Samp- | son; vice-commodore, W. W,. Bennett; { secretary, Clarke Allen; treasurer, | Philip Conlin; measurer, G, Cecil Bateman, Our City Merchants. { Can have their. printing done promptly at the British Whig office, the cheapest and best place. { | the city limits and | OUR OVERCOA for Men and Young | Are as stylish and perfect in fit and work- manship as 'the best merchant tailor can "turn out. We don't hesitate to put qur res putation back of the claim that material, fit and workmanship of our Overcoats is better, and the prices we sell them for are lower than your experience can recall. We've got some good Overcoats as low as $5 and $6, but we can show you three good lines of durable Coats, well made, latest styles; at $9.50, 8.50 and 7.50 . 5 5 Our lines of Fine, High Grade Overcoats: at $11.50, 18.50, 15.00, 16.50 and 18.00 are from tQgee to five dollars better valne than 'you will see elsewhere. Wa {xe Before you purchase an Overcoat see ours. We leave it to your better judgment. - Roney & Co's 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. J.Collis Browne's = Dr THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ........, specie n GHOLERA oe DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the oaly palliative is' NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady. It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind; creates a calm refreshing sleep ; allays _irritalon of the nervous system when all other yemedies . leaves no bad effects; and can bg takew when no other medicine can be rated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists. Prices in England: Ul, 2/9, 4/6. Sole Manufacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT, LONDON, S.E. The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to maay imitations. N.B.--Every bottle. of Genuine Chlorodync bears oa the stamp the name of the inventor, D:. J. Collis Browne. Wholesale Agents. Lvman Br os. & Co.. Limited. Toronto. Fibreware! J --and you'll find,it the Lightest, Tightest, Most Attractive and Most Durable on the Market. 91 Every Pail and Tub made of Eddy's Fibre=" "ware is a Solid, Hardened, Lasting Mass, : without a Hoop or Seam. it : 4 Persist in getting EDDY'S. Always; here in Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches "STOVES," TOVES., We carry in stock one of the largest as- sortments of Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in the city, and invite you toex- examine before purchasing. See the "Art arland" and "Art Treasure" "Heaters. ' The "HAPPY HOME" Range has a large \ ventilated oven, handsomein design, econ- omical.in fael and a perfect baker. 71 PRINCESS ST. ROS., am ina

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