H 3 PAGE TEN Lggings and vergaiters Ladies' Overgaiters, in black, 35¢ to il. dies' Overgaiters, other shades, 75¢ to $1. Misses' Corduroy Cloth Leggings, 75¢ 85c. Men's Spats In black and other shades, 85¢c, $1 and 1.25. in and and H. JENNINGS, King St American Oils Coal Oil" Lubricating Of, Gasoline. cating Oils of all kinds; Prices on application. W.F.KELLY & CO South Cor; Ontario and Clarence Bta Phone, 486. PURE CONCORD GRAPE VINEGAR Absolutely Pure: and entirely free from Mineral Acids. Recommended for Salads, and general use, in large bottles, 25c. Unfermented Wines, Grape and Black Cherry, 380c. per bottle. Fresh Oysters D. Couper, "Phone, 76. 841-8 Princess St PROMPT DELIVIRY. Look !- Would Any of These Suit You? ts=New Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, B. & C. and furnace, also good stable and drive-house, large lot, $2,600. 2--First-class Nearly New Frame Dwel- ling, 4 bedrooms, B. & C. $1,650. 8--New Frame Dwelling, 4 bedrooms B. & C., large lot; $1,550. 4---Good Stone Dwelling in excellent repair, stable, garden and orchard of the choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650. 5--Stone Dwelling, stable and one acre of good garden land, $1,850. T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington Street. NEW MACHINE SHOP A call is invited for all kinds of gen- #1 manufacturing and machine repair. iru, sewing machines, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, edged ° tools, dies; braz- ing, model and pattern making. Best of attention given all work. Repairs may ° before leaving shop. Work guaranteed. Work outside citv promptly attended to. Charges moderate. J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, $v Mon- treal St, (near Princess) kingston. Orders takes at Simmons Bros. and A. MONUMENT Inspect our stock and work your order, 7 INSCRIPTION WORK SOLICITED, The Kingston Granite and Marble Works WELCH'S OLD STAND. Cor Princess and Clergy Sts. fore placing - THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pro- reies, Municipal ° an County Deben ures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8S. C. McGill, Managing Director, © R87 Olarence street. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor. Three Chair, Quick Service. Your pat- ronage solicited. 336 King Street - Next door to Wade's Prug Store: Apples Just Arrived One Car. 90% Perfect Baldwins "and Spys. A. GLOVER, Cr Bagot & Earl 'OUR ROOSTER. BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and Chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, is a good tobacco: Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario 'street. DIES AND. CENTS TALORIG We fully gu ntes superior quality, correct style, artistic workmanship and perfect fit. 3 J. B. Ouellette, R38 Princess Bt; "] can testify to the great merits of your Emul- sion, especially in all . diseases of a pulmonary nature. It has saved many lives that otherwise would . have yielded to consump- tion . .'. we keep Scott's' Emulsion in the house all |. the time and all the family | - use it."--MR. C. J. BUD- LONG, Box 158, Wash- ington, R. E ' does ALL it_does by creating , flesh and strength so rapidly that - the progress of the disease is retarded and often stopped. It is a wonderful esh builder and so easy to digest that the youngest child and most delicate adult can takeit. If you are losing flesh from consumptign or any other cause take Scort's Eumursion. It will stop the wasting and strengthen the whole system. { Be sure to get SCOTT'S ALL DRUGGISTS Let us send you cony of Mr. Pudlong's lott Lis caso fe really wonderful---and cresting literature regarding our Juct send us a card men- tioning this paper. Toronto com preporction, SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington St., W. Fine Tailoring Mélton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell 131 Princess street. Mother Cave Her Child Away. Had Given up all Hope of Living. Heart Trouble was Cured by Hilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. Savoy, Grattan's, N.B,, writes:--"In the year 1905 I was taken sick and did not think I could live any length of time, My trouble was with m Tot ord poapio tol ora St be done for a case like mine. I consulted the very best Juctets but the d do me no g For seven weeks I could hardly cross the . I had no pain, but was so oak Dobody the world. can believe how alt. given up all hopes of living ne given my little girl to my sister. in-law, "One day =a friend came to #0) me, and calling me by name, said, Lizzie, if were you I would a dose of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills as trouble.' My hus! for two da: but on the fourth day-my good.' believe those Fills ate doing was able to say, 'Yes, 1 pone better this ing." He said, 'W I will get you dnother box right away.' I took two boxes) and three doses out of the third one, I was perfectly well and have not been sick since then. "I will never be without them in my home for God knows if it had not been for Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I would not have been alive now." Price 50 cents per box, 8 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of fries by The T. Milburn Co., Lim ted loronto, Ont. CONSPICUOUS IN A BALLROOM. Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and Shoulders of a Gentleman in Full Dress. This is the thing you quite fre- quently see im the ball-room--a man's black dress coat literally covered with dandruff: . It must be annoying to the wearer and certainly not a pleasant thing to observe, But dandruff ean be eradicated. Tt is a germ disease that will some day cause baldness, Newbro's Herpicide kills the destroying germ and stimulates hair to a rich, abuidast. growth; J does mere--keeps the hair" soft nd pliant, ? Furthermore, Herpicide is a most pleasant toilet accessory; of pleasing odor and cooling to the scalp. . Sold by leading druggists. Sénd We. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, H0c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. hair- the | attended a concert in Innisville 1 McNeil, of DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS {The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. At Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's Falls, Dec. 7.--Charles Hollinger shipped a carload of cattle to Montreal last Saturday. A large) number of - Ferguson's Falls ' people last week, F. Nagle and wife have return- ed to their home in Ottawa, after visiting their friends here. A large number of the people in this vicinity attended the poultry fair in Lanark last week, Farmers are hauling wood. nlm Echo Lake Echoes. Echo lake, Dec. 7.--Mr. Hicks had a stone bee on the first day of Decem- ber, and ploughing could be done until that time, which is an uncommon thing, Mrs, William Hicks who has been very sick, is around again. Miss Goldie Sanborn was in the city last Saturday. Allen Wagar took a trip to Napanee, last Web esdey, Visitors : William Wagar and Richard Smith at A. Wagar's; William Drew at 1. Mac- Leod's; Mr. and Mrs, Allen Wagar at Mr, Leslie's. Bickmell's Corners News. Bicknell's Corners, Dec. 8.--John Simmons has been driving hay up to Yarker. Mr. Sewell sold several tons of hay to "Rub" Curl. Two strange men, tramping around the neighbor- hood, gave some of the people a bad fright and eaucily ordered up some- thing to eat. James Wilson had a paralytic stroke on Saturday night. Several of the childrens go to Camden East ' to practice for the Christmas entertainment to be hold on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Emberley spent one day in Napance at the sale. . oF Rockport Tidings. Rockport, Dec, 7.--Mrs, William Dix- on ig in Toronto attending the fune- ral of Mrs. Crummy. Miss Cecil Plan- kett, of Alexandria Bav, is spending the wétk with her brother, E. Pln- kett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houghton, of Boston, N.X,, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. A. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Meggs, 'Gananoque, were the guests of the Misses Kahnt, Saturday last. Mps. John Wickey spending a week at Caintown. The marty friends of Miss May Moran, teacher, . will be pleased to.know she will spend another year here. J. F. Fitzsimmons made a business trip to Gananoque one day last wee Miss Escott, was the guest of E. Stevens, Saturday last. 18 Ida Hill Notes. Tda-#ill, Dec. 8.--~A number of dairy- men will supply milk to Cold Springs cheese factory, which still receives a fair amount. A quantity of poultry will be shipped to Athens this week, to be disposed of at the fair to be held Thursday. F. Campbell, city, was in the village last week prospecting. Rumor has it that the present teacher will resign at the close of the term, to accept a higher calling. Farmers here shipped hogs on Friday and Sat- urday for Kingston, buyers. R.gHolder lis cutting wood in~Joseph Gordon's bush. R. Smith has purchased a new horse. 3. Makins has been' drawing tile 'from - Seeley's Bay. The much- talked of rural mail delivery is anxi- ously awaited by all. Tidings From Sydenham. Sydenham, Dec, 8.--The members of the Methodist: Sunday school are pre- paring for the annual Christmas en- tertainment, Frank Martin hag ° sold the Sydenham and Harrowsmith stage to his brother, Edward Martin. Miss Pearl Switzer, Wilton, spending the last two weeks with Miss Effie M. Clow, has returned home, accompan- ied 'by Annie Sills, Roy Wartman has gone to Toronto. Mrs. Coleman Lake left for Frankford on Saturdaw| afternoon to visit her son-in-law, H. Dowsley, and brother, C. Godfrey, who avere hurt badly in the explosion on_ No, 6 dam, Trent canal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Guess were at Moscow over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. G. G. Asselstine. A Bear At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Dee. Roads are in bad condition owing to the-recent snow fall. A: number from here at- tended a concert at McLeah on Friday evening last. There has been a num- ber of shooting matchge.at Mountain Grove, which were all well attended. A. McDonald has started operations in his bush cutting wood gnd logs. A hear was reported to have been scen in W. Johnston's bush on Friday. The hunters were unable to track him to his den owing to the snowfall that night. Miss Gertie McDonald is = im- proving nifely from "an attack of typhoid fever. William Summer® is at home spending his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dawson have gone on a trip to the Front. Visitors: ,G. Gates and Mr. Shane visiting at Daniel McDonald's, tiave gone home; George Butler at S. Fraser's; Miss Wilmot at G. Butler's, Oso. 8 Sad Death At Grow Lake. Crow Lake, Dec. 8.--Death has again visited this vicinity, taking away Jos- eph Bain's only son, Harold, 'who one week ago wat out with, his father drawing wood. He "fell'off the wag- gon, the hind wheel passing over the child's head. The remains are placed in Bedford cemetery. Miss' R. Gend- ron is having practice in the school- house for a concert on the 18th inst. John Beadle has been here again af- ter an absence of sixteen years, look- ing hale and hearty. He has gone to Westport to renew old acquaintances Wm. Murray 'Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale ¢f Harses every Saturday. TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Periect Brick Rl Tie Se age PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are ready to contract for immediate delivery: Brick that will stand tion at reasonable rates, plant, 60,000 daily: Capacity spec- | : Inspec: | costs $1, and is guaranteed; sample | Mr." Sheldon's Statement. Leamington, Ont., Dec. 8.--Here is most manifest , proof .that only 'one remedy exists for, catarrh, 'Fortwo years 1 sought a remedy. to cure my son of Catarrh, but permanent re- sults were not. obtained till he used Catarrhozone, which cured like ma- gic. He has been quite free from catarrh since using Catarrhozone." No wonder (atarrhozone has such ap |enormoué sale; no other remedy can | prove sg many successful cures--that | stayed 'cured. Moral--Use Catarrho- {zone yourself, two months' treatment bAlrs. W. thers amony his many friends. Miss Pearl McGinnis bag returned home for a few- weeks from Kingston, where she has been engaged for some {ime past. The bay has frozen over so that the young people can cross an foot. Mrs. Frederick Gendron and son, Frank, have returned to their home at Arden after visiting her daughter, Miss R. Gendron, teacher here, Miss Eva Knapp spent a few days recently with friends at Sharbot Lake. W. L. Bar- ker spent Sunday at his home. Mrs, Arthur Harris, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mahon, has returned home. Mrs. George: Bradshaw and Mrs. J, M. Morrison and son and . Parker, Mrs. F. Gendron and son at J. W. Knapp's; Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer at 8. McGinnis'; Messrs, James Hawley, S, Middleton, S. Jones, L. Bain, James Mahon, W. Tharrett, have all had bees getting wood cut for the buzz saw. J. W, Knapp lost a good horse on Friday night by inflammation. Episodes At Vennachar. Vennachar, Dec. 8.~Rev. Charles Yoodrich and Samuel Babcock, Odes- sa, have returned home after visiting frienas here. During their stay here Rev. Dr. Goodrich preached twice in the Free Methodist church. Mrs, Sweetnam has returned to her home in Alta after visiting friends and re- lations here, Stanley Gregg has mov- ed. into 8. Ball's house on ~ Justin Sweetnam's farm. B..D. Lloyd and son, nara, Plevna, registered at the busy corner on the 5th, A. IL. Be- hee narrowly eseaped having his leg broken while working in the lumber woods for D. J, Flake. W. Ball is working in the lumber woods for Brisco Bros., Matawatchan. Adam McLellan is putting in the winter months with his sister, Mrs. Solomon Bebee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dex- ter, Oswego, N.Y., are visiting the Intter's old home at R. Conner's. Mrs. John Gilmour is on the sick list. J. Conner, who has been laid up for some time, caused by his team run- ning away and throwing him from the waggon, is able to be around again. R. W. Conner is in King- ston this week, , Injured In A Runaway. Bethel, Dec. 8.--Some thieves visited the schoolhouse one night last week and made away with some of the children's books, besides doing some other damage. Visitors: Miss Bella Jackson, Napapee, at W. Curl's; Wal- ter Higge at A Me. and Mrs. James Manion and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Salsbury at William Uen's; Mr, and Mrs. Levi Salsbury, Mr. and Mrs, Ira Salshury at their brother's, . A. Salsbury; Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Connolly, Yarker, and children, Myrtle and Wilfrid, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hawley, Hay Bay, and Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Black, Napanee, visited recently at J. M. Jayne's; George Scott at Mr. Robinson's; Adam Hamiltom, Newburgh, at J. 8. Gal braith's. * Some of the Bethel boys and girls, attending Newburgh High School, and who have found it very convenient drivifig the distance, were suddenly stopped by having a runaway caused by a number of boys in Newburgh, snow-hballing their horse which be- camo frighiened and overturned their rig without a moment's warning. One of the crowd, Charics Riley, has been confined to the house ever since, with a very bad 'knee. The rest cscaped with a great shaking up, and a wag- gon broken in pieces. Quite a number enjoyed a good skate on Varty Lake last Thursday. in Budget From Lombardy. Lombardy, Dec. 9.--Mervyn Covell and Walter Taylor have returned from Manitoba, where they spent the past few months. Mrs. Hiram Blancher and Miss Hattie Newman are on the sick list. lev, of Maberly, were guests, last week, of their sister,. Mrs. Albert Wood, Miss Louise Klyne returned last week from a visit to Smith's Falls friends, . Two '6f;the Sisters of the Smith's Falls hdspital called on a number of people in this vicin- ity last week and were very gener. ously received. Rev, Mr. Meek is Ladies' Aid 'of the Methodist church held their last meeting for this year at the parsonage last Thursday and were entertained at tea by Mrs. Styan, Miss Mary O'Grady returned last week to her home in Westport af- ter an extended visit with her Mrs. M. Dooher. M, Dapher, Thomas Millar and T. Twohey were in Brock- ville last Thursday. Mrs. Albert Wood held, last Tues- day, an auction sale of stock, fs implements and household goods. The proceeds of the sale were considerably over $2000. Mrs. Wood has rented her farm and, with her children, will spend the winter with her parents in Maberly. The patrons of Lombardy cheese factory held their annual business meeting last Saturday night, in the town hall. Directors were ap- pointed for the season of _ 1909 Joseph McNamee, Miss McNamee and Miss Ella McGuire, of Toledo, were visitors here on Sunday last. PERTH ROAD BUDGET. Buck Lake to Hold a Bible De- £ bate. Perth Road, Dec. 8.--Perth Roaders are now 'taking advantage of the sleighing to get their wood home. A wood-cutting "bee" is a coming event. A number of Perth Roaders went down, to Maple Leaf on Sunday for service. The introduction of the Tor- rey-Alexander hymn-book has been very successful, and many are now learning the new bymns. Frederick Or- ser 'has bought a horse from Alexan- der McFadden. m Thompson and Bruce Guthrie are Home again. Maple Leaf people are now making prepara- tions for their annual Christmas en- tertainment. On Sunday evening a large number attended services in the Free Methodist church, A young man from Westport took the service. The Free Methodists a oping to have a permanent pastor this winter. A quarrel occurred 'at corner on men over a chicken. A number of the young people wert sover to. the north shore on Friday evéning. J. Lindsay, Opinicon, was- 7 badly kicked by a horse last week. William Ritchie has bought a farm out near Missouri. The ger." Skating was quite popular last week on Franklin Lake. The trustees of Harker school, held a meeting on + size, - 25¢., at all dealers in medicine, Monday evening. Visitors : Annie and Mabel Ennis at * - Mrs. Parsons and J. Laid- | spending a few days in Toronto." The | niece, | | | Saturday evening, bétween two local | Sunday school is becoming much lar- | Perth Road; Mr. Wagar at J; bert's; Mr. and 'Mrs. Buck, of Spai- forton, at Perth Road: J. Raymond, in the city; Miss McCaul, BE. Simp- kins, and Alexander McFadden at Buck Lake; Mrs, Peters and Mre Hunt, at H. Babcoek's; William Brooks at William Ritebfie's; Emma Roberts at Buek Lake; J. Anglin of Battersea, at J. S. Roberts'. . A very interesting debate is to take place at Buck Lake on Tuesday even- ing at the .J. P.- 3. meeting on the topic "Resolved that St. Peter was a better man than St. John! The lopders of the debate are Misses E. cKenzie and Pearl Guthrie, for th negative and Misses M. Ennis and Guthrie, for the affirmative. Rev: Mr. Flatt is at Richard Harris', On - sick list : Miss Stoness, D. Flatt, R. Buck. Mrs. H. Guthrie left on Monday for Ottawa, and her husband Toft next day for the capital city, intending to drive there. : LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid. at the Various Centres. . Montreal, Dec. '7.~About 1,200 head of cattle, 57 calves, 223 sheep and | lambs and 831 fat hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stockyards this forenoon. The butch- ers were out strong and trade was rood with advancing prices all round. | he price of pretty - good cattle are from one-quarter to half a cent. per Ib. higher than they were ten days ago, and even the common stock have been bringing considerably higher prices. There is. a scarcity of small stuff and both calvés and lambs brought higher rates. Prime beeves sold at from 44c. to Se. per lb., and they were not extra; pretty good cat- tle sold at 3c. to. nearly 4}e.; and the common ' stock from 2}c. to 3c. per lb. Grassfed calves sold at 3jc. to 41g. per lb. Sheep sold at dic. to! 3c. and the lambs at 5c. to 5}e. per | Ib. Good lots of fat hogs sold at about 64c. per 1b., old sows at about be. do. East Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 7.--Cattle-- Receipts, 1,250 head; active and high- er; prime steers, $6.25 to $6.50; ship- ping, $5.50 to $6.25; butchers, $5 to $6.50; heifers, $4.50 to $5.25; cows, $3.50 to $4.75; bulls, $3 to $1.25: stockers and feeders, stock heifers, and fresh cows, and springers, none here. eal receipts 150 head, active, $7 to Hogs--Receipts 10,200 head; active and 15c. to 206. lower; heavy, $5.90 to $8.25; mixed, $5.90 to 86; yorkers, $5.50 to $5.90; pigs, $4.50 to $5.40; roughs, $5.25 to $5.40; stags, $4 to $4.50; dairies, $5.50 to $5.90. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 6,000 head; active; lambs, $5 to $7.75: vear- lings, $5.75 to $6.25; wethers, £5 to $5.25; ewes, . $4 ta 75; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to 85; Canada Mwnbs, $7 to $7.15. Chicago, Dec. 7.--Cattle--Receipts, 25,000; 10e. to 15c. lower; beeves, $3.- 40 to $7.75; Texans, $3.50 to $4.30 : western, $3.50 to $5.70; stockers and feeders, $2.60 to $4.65; cows and heif- ers, $1.50 to $5; calves, $5.50 to $7.75. Hogs--Receipts 78,000; 10¢. and 15c. lower; - light, $5.05 to $5.70; mixed, $5.25 to $5.90; heavy, $56.25 to $5.90; rough, 85.25 ta $5.50; good to choice, heavy, $5.50 to $5.90; pigs, $3.60 to $4.75; bulk of sales, £5.50 to $5.75. Sheep--Receipts 45,000; 10c, to 25c. lower; native, $2.40 to $1.75: western $2.60 to $4.70: yearlings, $4.15 to $5; lambs, $4.25 to $6.75; western, $4.25 to $6.70. Ballot Peddling At Hamilton, Toronto News. : The Hamilton ballot case is the first under Mr. Foy's controverted = elce- tions, act, and it places two conserva- tives behind prison bars. The gov- | ernment 'did not hesitate to prosecute | the action, even though it meant tho | incarceration of two of ity own active | politicians. It is hard to determine | what was the real purpose of the effen- {ders. Even the libera® ward chairman to whom the ballots: were offered ad- mits that he thought they were play- {ing a joke on him. But peddling bal- | lots, even for amusement, is bad busi ness and calls for severe punishment. To Regulate | the Bowels 2 Z | | { | | 1 | | Most Important Rule of Health-- Carry It Out--Reason of Popularity of 'Dr.A.W.Chase's | dney= /. Liver Pills Keep the bowels regular. { This is the first and most impor- { tant rule of health. You can depend on Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidne§-Liver Pills to helpsyou carry out this rule. They effect prompt. and thorough movement of the bowels and as they do not lose their effect the dose does not have to be increased. | By their enlivening action on the [vee they positively cure biliousness and constipation. | Mrs. R. Morrow, Bracebridge, Ont., | writes 3 "For a good many years 1 | was troubled almost, constantly with | constipation of the bowels, and ner- jer got anything to do me the last- {ing good that has been obtained | from Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. | They not only relieved that trouble, | but have entirely cured the head-| aches from which 1 .used to suffer, and have improved my health "in a { general way. Many people have been | cured 'of constipation and headache | through my recommendation of Dr. { Chase's K'dney-Liver Pills." | "There is no question as to the ef- { ficiency of this well-known family me- | dicine. | "1-baveused Dr. Chase's Kidney- | Liver Pills for constipation with | most satisfactory results," writes Mr. { Peter Molntosh, postmaster, Pleasant {Bay, N.S, They have also cured | young man here of backache, from which 'he suffered a great deal." An occasional dose of Dr. Chase's | Kidney-Liver Pills 'will save doctor | bills,, The portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., are on every. box. clearness and aromatic fi ce-~a cup "of Chase & Sanborn's Cc holds . out a promise of deliciousness that is more than fulfilled in the . drinking. : is " For unqualified perfectionp/in - coffee, be sure to order Chase & Sanborn's, om wie Anty Drudge Helps the Drama. Theatrical Manager-- 'Your costume bill is appalling § Three $400 gowns in two weeks !"' . ' Star--*'Well, they got grease paint on them, and you, can't expect Juliet to appear in a white tunic that's spotted. | Anty Drudge--"Just buy a cake of Fels-Naptha, Mr.' Manager, and you can make every one of them tunics as white as ever. Fels-Naptha will take out grease paint, grease and svety other 'kind of stain, and it Syon't harm the most delicate fabric." Moral stains are the only kind Fels-Naptha won't take out. 'Coffee stains, fruit stains, ink stains, blood stains and'grease spots are easy for it. While the soaped clothes are soaking in cold or luke- warm water, Fels-Naptha dissolves the matter that makes the stains into tiny par- ticles. A light rub in rinsing sends them flying, leaving the clothes white and pure. All this without boiling or hard rubbing. Follow directions on the red and. green 'wrapper. : \ 'No Approbation cided to continue the present Cash system. It whs further out that Kingston Shoe Merchants, because of ness in Credit Cities are able to do, Kingstonians send goods on approbation cr to charge same. Abernethy Shoe Store A, E, Herod Jas, Johnston Shoe Store H. Jennings | 'The Lockett Shoe Store Reid & Charles W. A. Sawyer J. H. Sutherland & Bro, A Large Assortment of Fresh Jafhes Try them and test their quality. Bananas, Grape Fruit, Malaga Grapes Dates and Figs 25¢. at all -dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, i ed L BERRA +?Phone, 141. The Retail Shoe Merchants of Kingston--Having proven to the satisfaction of the most critical that The Cash System is the only modern method of doing business, desire to announce that at a re« cent meeting of the Retail Shoe Association, it was unanimously de< pointed the: Cash System, were selling shoes at much lower prices than Merchants doing busi therefore derive ing the benefit of close Cash prices, because 'of the dealer being in & position to buy his"merchandise for Cash and to save his discountsy Tt was resolved that a eopy of the '"The Merchants determinas tion to continue the Cash System' be properly advertised so thaf they would not be put to the unpleasant necessity of declining . to 'Toye's, 302King Street.