Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1908, p. 2

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_¥AGE TWO, ctl . THE DAILY FRnsH wile, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908. - 3 A IFT! posed by M. 8. Williams, 09, ond re- ! TW HOCKEY LEAGUES lied to in Rl addresses an Christmas Money THE SCIENCE BANG [Bop ae BE TTR Is Often Misspent ter the faculty song the last Soast, ; § ' Tr Wyre RRS ver Lp | ge Ye Fed MAY BE OPEN FOR CHAL some gifts will avoid that, | Was THE BEST | E " Ioan Adami, McGill, Dean Galbraith, LENGES THIS SEASON. AT QUEEN'S. ENG S.P.8:, Toronto, and Messrs. Byrne, | 2 McGill, Chestnut, S.P.S: Marshall, i | Hon. George P. Grabam Was Un- | Ottawa, and Cadet MeAvity, RAM.C. What Club Will Sec Secure the Harty able to Be "Present--Several| It was two o'clock when 'Auld Trophy ?--What is Heard in! Prominent Men of - Science Land Syne' brought the happy ai Sperting Circles. did Land , Were in Attendance. fui 10.3 slows. From the present outlook there will! , be two hockey leagues in the city this For the home, a" . 4 a y Its always fair weather, th style, large / or | iscason. The first meeting of the City 3 Gy larxe When good "fellows get together. ou GOK Fi 0K FOR POOR Hockey hs ague will e held this ! writing _compari-| This quotation rings true all the » Amateu pent 3%. hers world over, but never truer than when evening and the Kingston r 5. 5 | Hockey( League will smeet thu early each. Queen' s students get together for "an THE DEMAND \D UPON RELIEF pos ot Sent I iL ee a Tr evening especially if they be, science ! men. The TE ual dinner of the | SOCIETIES ove Jour {eames in the RA at Enginowing Socicty was held in Sue the Mie: he yas, ie Grant Hall, Wednesday evening, | win Be Large, But Not Un Ay an > Lr and was a * ood success. Jt surpassed : ua i certainly put uf ---- any previous one of the Engineering So--Kingston Needy a Little hibition of hockey. The Mic-] sy Society. Grant Hall never held since More Thrifty--How Things champions of last year's league, wilt its erection a cleverer or jollier crowd Look. likely organize again and defend the! than on this oceasion. W : silverware won last season. At seven o'clock the wide doors of | Will there be extraordinary demands | The Frontenac Business College team, the hall were opened and the three | upon the poor relief organizations this | winners of last year's city league (hina (Cabinets 7d Ph hundred guests were soon seated. The winter, is asked ? games, will ed cee meet shortly. H. + The likeli 3 re Wi be guest table was laid from side to side The likelihood is that 'there will be {] vy N ore oe Gi A fine range, glass } { / of the hall directly below thé plat- | as Jerge donintide 3 thers, were a your Sporting N Notes. Sn fronts. and ends, ; form, and from this five tables were | 880, ut it is. not STE ee rent Harry Pulliam was re-clected presi- 5 Ri dirtin poms 7 laid the length of the hall. The table | Wans o the poor will be any greater | ,... of the National Baseball League. . . _ healtiful designs, ! . : : or arrangement was most artistic, and | than, i Thete Jus boat 5 Gln An age limit "of twenty-one years i reflected great credit on the commit [amount of work lor the 'aboming CIass- |. nosed for juniors in the Ontario Aig gros An ant menu was | ©8 since last spring, and if the snow- Tr Soda J Union. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ; v C i p oiiihs of January f : furnished by Caterer Belson, and was fall during the moh Lr) James J. Corbett will be referee o § ; nim ample justice. The service was a and February is like it was last win-| (5 C04 3 60caen Papke and Kelly in Big Audiences Continue to Greet feature of the banquet, the inedical | ter, the laborers will receive quite aly Angeles next Tuesday. Marks Company. students acting as waiters for their bout. soverts. during Ths. Past. +4 oF Ty Cobb has closed with Detroit for 4he Marks Bros' No. : 1 a brethren in science. three oi nters has been chiefly among next "season, There will be no squab- company had another bumper audi- | At' the guest table, E. L. Bruce, ie By jnters ep mY Shon bling over his salary in the spring! .. o¢ the Grand Opera house Jast u Bissels Carpet | president of - the Engineering Socjet¥, Sg These have now become either. evening. 'The Witch of Wall Street : wae seated in the toastmaster's chair, | hare . $ Father Stanton promises 'to put a i Ce py the v aceus k : Seasons, was the piece presented and was | : 1 with Principal Gordon on his left, and accustomed to the Canadian SCASODE, | championship hockey team in the city | jag play produced by the company When buying for Xmas, shop Adam Shortt, as guest of honor on his | and are a trifle more thrifty than they 3 I s ) s 0 College col- aS) >: M t fost made, $2.50 | right. The members of the faculty and | were beforo they landed on these | (08 efgue under the Ottawa Co 0 que ing its rest ingagement. Muy early and get the very best pick $3. the other guests including, W. F. Nic- | shores. "The records of the various | A. a of our very large assortment of i | | dramatic s Foroits Telegram : Longboat and Jane Ingleside," who loved, / and kle, M.P.P., Prof. H. E. T. Haultain, pose relief srgacigtions In Be ob | one Job: of ancient memory seem to thes Dubois" who hates, held the Xmas Goods, such as ole fu p 'or hr. Mi srsev. Mant- , show thal these have bee ¢ people . . Tus iio : ad \ se ; : rs and Gualities, Toronto, aya, phe ey. Nant. ne yomired dorstant aid. Outside | Hoe twe men whe just about cornered Plosest nip sudiches Jy HOUSE COATS, ' : al : Py Nek TR ; ie rv 8 2 >t. wer clever in p J : J CURTAINS--8ik, Lapestry, Swiss | Kygene Coste, T + D. Melo \l of them there was a very small eG 3 ; > eo PA > = . We have an especially good ett, -ete : Ee ao il = i Nagount of help needed to keep the de Cig Tor the Nontren] War She NE ly et ae, Hore DRESSING GOWNS, assortment of these, from the FP Se Bes ri gon A ' a FOore, 4 : : op * | den olhe arr, p 8 ag dons air FE~-Wilton, 'Axmisigtets, Nr { Galbraith, S:P.G., Foronto, were re- welt fram tie ations are pre- Goal, Hern; point, Ross; cover, Harry Starr and George Marks. . BATH ROBES, : : est An Caio ood New line of Parlor Cabinets just in. |cognized at this table. : ini for their winter's work. They | Stan]; rover, Johnston, | centre;| 1, 'the specialties W. Dyer sang in © - I, | After the wants of the inner man | paring for their : | Glass; right wing, Blachiord; left |g,o we "Good-Bye Sweetheart, NECKWEAR, Gents' Styles. (had been looked after, the toast list | will have lots to do, but it is not ' ' ' ine voice x ye, : y 5 wing, Gardner. Good-Bye,"" and 'I'he Memory of ' PHONE 90. Yours, | w hs sommsnced. » Brace read ty likely that tho calls will overtax them. Henry Labouchere doesn 4 induce You." "George Marks, in connectaon FANCY BRACES, jjeleyram rom: he ir. eQIge oy SIGH | Yoras in London Truth. Just tells] jth 'thé illustrated pictures, sang : § i F. Harrison Co. | Graham, minister of railways and SRR AOR | Yankee James E. Sullivan and bis |" 0P Brien Has No Place to Go and FANCY VEST, . 1 canals, stating that owing to 1im- 1 M1 athletic aide-qe-camp who tried to| «he Girl Who Threw Me Down." NECK SCARFS, Optici TO THE BUSINESS MEN. * defame the management of the Olym- Little Mazie Marks also sang two Jewellers, Op leans, | pie games that they are out-and-out pretty songs. The singing and danc- SWEATER COATS, Issuers B50 A singe lars, ing of the Vernon sisters was much Licenses ik 4 5% Ottawa Free Press : It looks anoth- |, mired. : FANCY HOSIERY. + . edition--in fact, you will 3k | er race between Wanderers and Otta-| Tonight the company presents "The wonder when you pick it * | wa, the outcome of which is still .in | Midnight Express," with May Bell P HI INT up 3 Jou De eT » the Dackground till' Tom Phillips | Marks in the role of "Bessie ' Bran- - . fe neWwsboy hasn en you 3 i Aid i makes up his mind, definitely. If he " . in mistake the Sunday Goods stored until needed. | | portant business, he would be unable 3 to accept the kind invitation of the |3 | | | The Whig, on Saturday The first toast, was "The 3 will be an extra" large = * and thé national anthem was CER EREE proposing the toast to "Our | Country," W. F. Nickle said that a nation only 100 years old, would be consiaered an infant, but if we mea- | sured Canada by the evénts of the past 300 years years, we had no rea- son to be ashamed of her. He spoke EXE x don. ~~ ; , plays again Ottawa looks the one Furnisher to Men Who Know. edition of some New York 3¥'|.dt Let. SAME SIZED CLOCK DIAL ppper. With the regular #|| Eggar Dey, an Ottawa boy, who rs is! will 'be included a | played in Pittsburg, has signed a | wi)] Be Used in New City Dome of the sublime courage of the men of handsome Christmas num- t! contract with the Ottawa hockey As in 01d. L | 1860, who brought about a re 1} ber, finished in colors. The 3¥ | team and will play on 8 1m 4 X the forward | tion, making 'the people to the south | % circulation - of this large # line. Manager Kee, of the Winnipeg| T he city property committee had a |; 'Remo V ali ( hamois {of us realize that we were a nation | ¥ issue will reach from 800 to :¥ Maple Leafs, had offered him a big | meeting yesterday afternoon to dis | to be taken notice of. He also spoke | 3 1,000 ¢opies in excess of | alary and a good position. cuss the question of size of clock {of the different conditions then and | % regular sales. Many merch- 3 Ottawa. Free Press: It is not im-|dial to be put im the new dome. Ar- |: S ] EX 'now. At that time 100,000 people | 3 ants are taking advantage probable "Jack" Williams, the cele- chitect J. Ww. Power was present and |. acke S went sucth "and some sven Toit that 'i of the opportunity, and 3 | brated rugby hali-back, will be seen said that it was necessary to know : ! {Canada would become part of that | % increasing the size of their :|at cover-point for Clifisides in the In- [at once what diameter of dial was |: . country; but to-day people were leav- # advertisements. * 4 terprovineial was first giv- to be used, as the contractor wished / of A I All sizes, ing the United States and settling in | # | en out "Jack' W gllny with Ot- [to get the roof. of the dame Shested . * ; Canada. Before closing Mr. Nickle- HICSS tawa II's, but . rd has him in | and" to get it covered in meant that spoke in glowing terms of the late I'his toast drew an eloquent reply di hnai Ala a Cliffside uniform. the dial circle had to be constructed. IR Al Principal Grant, who did so much for Died At Fort William. Not McGill; but Laval University | It was necassary to know , shortly'; a 1€S Al80-- Queen's and, for Kingston. Karl F. M. Gardiner, second son of | hockeyists have been invited to visit the size of the clock, its workings, : 5 ' ! fr Pr sor: Shor pr ! J. J. Gardiner, Nelson street, passed | Boston and play a challenge match prey (20, tml provision could be wade} Electric Alaska Down | Sr gis The Dealer peacefully away on Wednesday even. vith Wo Hasvard Univesity an. or committer decided upon a seven- $ | tractive to us but to "others one of ing, at Fort William, death being due oF ie, pas No, Siusons bie si : po 3 % a : ov {oat «ial, the same size as the one in oats >: ; . € t sumonia. The telegram bearing | team made the tip, but last year The" urahitde i ( : . Cushions | the notable features being the eon- eo svi to his parents was -- some little unpleasantness arose over the old dome. . The aegpiiact Hh ly x > : nso i stant world-wide reference i 4 , 2 : ryt . a . 3 « | structed to secure catalogues of clocks a . . Me hI TR sy nt ceived on Wednaiday Hight, Rig death tie fact hi the a To es h ves at once so that the commuttee might In ofr store for exactly to pi otect the feet from | 2 RY es v. ME | was a shock to his relatives, who al-{8€ S10 as no 2 sironges . wy . - Yoaci cles i 'S| White Cambric Covered,\in f|# nation. Lord Milner, visited Cana- though they knew he was ill, did not | the red and white could send, meet again uext Monday and decid the cold. y | da, and was strong in recognizing us expect the disease to prove fatal. The Le Ne what kind of clock -to call tenders { a a gation. eof Shorty shen Xipoke late Mr.-Gardiner left here about one Begin On Your Cold. upon. 3 3 0) F1tishe y S 3 > . ys ny 3 TEA COSIES, in all sizes. LO ae a er ang r ; n : Ta Fak, year ago to enter the serviec<of the If a. cold staiti to-dev have it: uns 3 ii one hac Lhe choice he | Nortliern Navigation company, at. | je i A : 3 a STOCK NOW OFFERED | M L d' D v ike . ; ) + subjection by to-morrow. This [orquid like ly want to be a Britisher. | garmin. and later received an excellent ed a bo done won hi usd ji Lo -- : C €0 S rug R. McFaul, | A Britisher is a man who knows no | ogtion in the C. P. R. service at {Wade's Cold Cure i i In the Ophir Cobalt Mines Com- | all sizes. superior .on earth," said Prof. Shortt. remedy that we 1 sblets, 2 luagagice pany Limited. { THis statameny NW Frosted With deaf everyone with whom he came in con- | neadae he and constipation. In ey Details in conpection with the | Store Io I me : thay "anag XY Wi tact. Deceased was born in Kingston |95. at Wade's drug store. Money | Ophi# Cobalt Mines, limited, have 3 | . | de: able to make the loreign element | 4)yt twenty-one years ago, remain- {hack if not satisfactory. y now been completed, and the first of- in Canada true Britishers. We recog- ing in the city until he had passed . fering of the stock is now being | nize that the old ery that Canada through the Collegiate Institute, and re made by Messrs. Ussher Strathy * & 4 | lacks the means to develop her na- | a tered college. Besides his sorrowing Oysters ! Oysters.! Oysters ! Co.. Toronto, at 50c. a share. Seve-| day, goods. Every garment | | tral Tasouredy, is fast floating away. parents, one sister, Miss Kate Gar-| 4le., Sle., 60c. per quart. Edwards ral wood-sized = blocks of the - stock ' : { We see from the experience of the diner, and two brothers, Leonard and & Jenkin, 274 Princess street. Phone wore taken vesterday by Toronto bro- new this season, the pro- X ~Silver Plate that Wears" | people 0. he south ot us that one | frederick at home, are left to mourn. | 775 for prompt delivery. kers. The directorate of the com | : A The Fame of | yas to ove op gu Ratural dition Te -------------- . = pany, composed largely of responsible | duction of expert Tailors i o go out and destroy them right Wedding At Portsmouth. Cobalt © has given _considerable | : : spoons, forks, knives, efc., and deft, to take out the best ele- : ova A ar | and built on latest lines. bearing the trade mark meh oF throw the rest to the winds. A very prefty house wedding took] confidence to buyers in the camp and | 4 » 5 | Already over the | oie - place on Wednesday afternoon at the at outside points. Energe tic work is : . . ead 3 er there they are awpken-| ince of "Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' promised at the property, which is | Piles of articles : suitable 1 . ing to the fa¢t that they are coming " 2p oh : z : } : Baker, Portsmouth, when his eldest considered to have an excellent loca- ™~n to an end of many of their natural } rim tan : iE : : Titel soem tatrie for. 'Xmas Gifts for exquisite designs, style, ' resources, and the destruetion of many daughter, Mise Mary, was united In tion int the Temiskaming district. finish and long wear § ! more < | marriage to Irrancis Damyau, son ol -- ; po i : i C se: Jar Colding- ok Ce res ; i . Is World Wide. 5 | Ours is a new: country." continued Captain hauncey Daryau, Colling ) B.' A. Hotel Arrivals : fy : : wood street. The ceremony was per- Re sugaidnn i 'illiams, E. S ates an 1H If you want something f The standard for 60 years, § | Hh speaker, Ye have heard a lot |g, mag by Rev. J. O. Crisp, in the | Eo ge yon, egy il B Tates, Hau iy vs g tor J soLd BY LEADING DEALERS | abbut aur timber resources, hut the} oonen ofthe immediate relatives of ae Ramsay. Mr PC 'Wilson. Mrs. R |4 & Man, Woman, Girl, or J In buying trays, lureens, coffee ore resources are also great, as 'are wamsay, Mrs. 'ie ison, Mrs. R. sels, efc., ask for goods made by - also the coal resources in MERIDEN BRITA CO. Fort William. He was popular with | Carpet Warehouse. We need the room for Holi- * ---------- the contracting. parties. Miss Irene > Ar g 4 ils 3a : nd t: We } \ he enst | popyau, sister af the groom. . was | Ae ei W. ison, Ga- | & Boy, we have it, and at a ana wes e¢ have also certain pow- 3 5 4 at] . : i Wridesmaid, and John { build sup- Just to show you Kbw much} | Howell, H. Hon W. E. Sharpe portec the groom. After the cere-| ~ . . . FP A Kirkpatrick W. A. Damen, mony the guests sat down to wij fa. Christmas sture this ie fi FA uRDauig, Cony of all 'Kinds. Quality, fit 'and style 'the ters of interest before concluding dainty wedding breakfast when Mr. here' s a list of very appropriate Galbraith, J. C. Murray; "C. 1. , best. The nort torst "The - Py toons ., | and Mrs. Daryau received the con- ift : I'. i2 Wright, E. A. James, W. G. Miler. 'wa propo ed Wg Prof Harlt eons gratulations of their friends. The {#462 we se > shopping George T vlor, Wm. H. Davy, W. H, | as se 4 aultain, pro- : ter] , - HD » W. H. | oor , Bay ol. auLnin I o couple left on an extensive wedding dys left. Pickles, E. W. Dawson, W. H. Selby, Practical. Sciense. Toro ¢ "tour to lorouto, Hamilton and other | 4. A Vandervoort. J. OC, Towers, 7T. { | sponded to oy 'ih : Tilton Tree, western cities. The best wishes of a | For Ladies Moore. R. R. Davis, Torento: Henry Henss Holwate UE ag Bs host of friends follow 'them through ¥ Holgste, H. Newtimer Lamb, F. A. olgate, . 5. and Eugene | jie urs, , ah, 1. Coste, Mell eplving 4 As . 1 3 Jacobs, Montreal: James Shargrace, Dr. Her i ib ne fotthe toa : . | Fur-Lined Mitts and Gloves, Ww, A, Me Killop, E. i . | s 8; 8° 4 : : pecially the vounger ones who had gain At Scene. \ Pur Sho and Mocassins, York: K. G. Seabrooke Lomdon; R. | | not yet decided what course to fol- About one o'clock, this morning, fire | Snow Shes, D. Brodie, Sherville; A. Davis, (i. The Always Busy Store. i 'r resources, so we may have an in- | destructible power in our water falls." { The speaker touched on other mat- popular price. For 'Xmas we have a good assortuwent S. Lawrence, New , low. He spoke of \ rk of . | broke out in the ruins at the piano' s : { Clovis, Picton; F. W. Brénton, Belle- | 4 When you own the house ai Boke ot Pt the works. and the firemen from the low- Indians Curios, ville; John Rose, Napanee: N. R..Tur- : ; 44% you live im, you are not wide field it had. Mr. Holgate spoke |r station were called to the seene and | Sweet Grass Baskets, ner, Prescott; T. J. Gibbons, Pitts- - troubled with the constant {oh the work of the civil engineer and | re mained for about Two hours. The Umbrellas, burg, Pa. i Gobo 4 4 fear that your rent will be | Mr. .Coste that of the mining engi- | ire brokelout on the Princess street - 3 raised. + 2.5 i i ildi { neer. side of the building: | For Men Don't Endure Pain. Lookin Into Many landlords take ad- { The science quartette rendered two " Furs Little aches and pains have been | ng vantage of their. tenants. | | fine solos, after this toast Notice. { ) : . the ones often hardest to endure but "They know, if the house { D. M. Meclntyre, K.C., proposed the Office and warerooms of the Worm- | Fur-Lined Mitts and Gloves, you need endure, them no longer. | the Eyes # suits them, they do not | toast of "The University," and Prin- | with Fano company at present - are Fur Shoes and Mocassins, | ¥mith's White Liniment never fails | % * want to move, so up goes $ cipal Gordon and Dr. Clarke, replied. | 232 Princess street, next -door'te 'R. Snow Shoes, {to cure any ache or pain in the the rent. The tenant must { The principal made an cloguent ad- J. Reid's furniture store. Phone 378. Indians Curios, | shortest possible time. - For og for you if your seyes need either stand the raise or get 3 dress concerning Queen's. He said ---- ' { swellings, wilammation, neuralgia, help. We use no machines in Sit. ® that on: this occasion one thought iy SRL Notice. Hats and Caps, sheumatism, etc. Costs but 25¢., a8 testing and no drops to Buy or build a home of mest of the students ®f the science Legal forms, customs entry blanks Umbrellas and Canes. | Wade's drug store. : ! blind the eye. The new : faculty, but that there was no malice | ete., fi 1 hi : | reese LL ® i rour own. We will sell you 4 ny Fn; ete or sale at ig office; the . { : 4 Science System of looking ; 3 house or a lot on' which to @ hetween them and their friends actoss cheapest and best place to buy print-| For Children A Brief Dialogue. » into the eye does away build ; in either event you io}{ Hho eahpus, I'he study body ot each | ing, Furs, { Q--How many days remain for with, all the disagreeable : - . Yo. '¢|Side was always ready to render a ---------------- 2 ( Irejotimag shopping pr ur terms son- : .1s : : pp: features of d f will fd Ro in hi 3 service or learn something from its The Whig will have thirty pages for Mitts and Gloves, g the old way of + t h a Fou teen herefore do it" now. icht-testi: De tH a @ | friends on the: other side. "We need its readers, of which twelve will he| Indian Novelties, h is the' best time of day Bigst ot > y 3 clear thinking men, who will remem- | full of Christmas sweets, on fine toned | Indian Mocassins * 3 ev al, 2 ber that the nation is like the indivi- paper. Let a copy. | v : : be # | duals who compose it The purpose You hardly - We can accomplish much | | | | | WAT IL or . COAL will he a good KE enjoy | PRE NT, and "SANTY"" will carrying the load. WALSH'S, Barrack St. : The plan is worthy of serious 2 Between 9 and 12 advance in the science of thought. X.--Between 9 a.m. and 12 m. 3 Rit it] i Snow Shoes, 1 reahze that it 1s med-} We want to show you the J.|of Queen's is to try and send out icine, when taking Carter's Little Liv- | Teddy Bears. advantage of seeing us early . {into the world, men who would be an |er Pills: they -are very small; no bad <q : and make life' a littie easier for the either as to buying or build- hot Yo the country we love better | effects: all twsoubles from torpid liver Cut this i1 tout and keep 1t] | salesman. 'or -saleswoman. LE than we love our usdversity." are velieved by their use f a ) re relieved by th by : or re.e en The toast to the faculty was pro I'he Whig on Segurdav will be full . iy Q.--Why ? Optics. | i A --Because vou get Detter service We ihake all optical ex- The kind you pre looking for is aminations free. the kind we sell SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- antee prompt delivery. "Phone, To. The Ladies : Chown" 5 of Christmas thémes. The advertise- At Home cards, visiting cards; ete C ¢ Oaly One "BROMO QUININE," that is | ments will set forth the places to get | » 'cheapest and best, at Whig office. 2 Drug Store ( c 1 ! | ] 1 1 axative Bromo uinine gaod goods and good service. Seoige) : | 3 ' Whig, the Christmas! | 1338. rd -- Saturday's . | The biggest and best assortment of 51 Brock St. : | Cures a Coldin One Day, 2 Days | number, will be a hummer. Get a] v perfumes in fancy boxes from Pruggist and Optisian. Booth & Co... ; | copy. 1 x : | Of Fine Furs ~ J] 3c to $8, at Best's. Each 'hox|@ 'Phone, 343, 185 Princess St. os Phone, 326 or 621. ; é 7 J on every Ebony and rosewood v vill Makers .0f Fine Furs ' i : S toilet an 1 126-128 Princess St. contains a coupon which may get vou FOOT WEST STREET. wi FEE SEE RO A dl v Drs box. Ac manicure sets, Toc... at Best's the S10 prize. 000000000000080060000 Tessssscsssssse sss RE EN ~~ { vs ' sssssaees Teast essen ATT VRVBTTRTTBISS "\ : } Co 5 : :

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