7 ( for Christmas. See our Natural Mink Muffs at $25, $30, $35, $40. We have the largest and best assortment of Muffs ever shown in King- ston. Exclusively our own make. We invite your inspec- tion. No obligation to buy. Stores 107 Princess street, 149- 155 Brock. | THE 5 P.M. EDITION IS THERE ONLY ONE PLACE? ----- What Can Be Learned From Past. 10.--(To the For 'Xmas is certain to be | the very much appreciated, Kingston, Dee. Edit- { ney-general should help in all kinds THE i BRITISH we, THURSDAY, vECEMSER 10, 1908. ------------ hey Are Saying And Doing. 100 MANY NY REQUEST le ATTORNEY- NEY GEN ars Alia, is visiting in the city. DEP. ARTMENT FOR AID. Frederic Gill : left to-day tad after visiting relatives here. Messrs. J. H. Cannon and H Premier Whitney Said Something Mallett, of Sharbot Lake, to a Deputation This Morning | €ity. | Wah Kee, Johnston street, has left --Rev. T. E. Shore is Now ni ior Vancouver, His brother succeeds China. | hi i m. Isaac Allen has returned home Mississippi, after spending a few days in the city. « Madame Georges Roy, Phlrcess street, will not again receive until the end of January. | Messrs, son, Belleville, attended the funeral of the late Robert Bajus, to-day. Miss Norma fa hes, returned from Gananoque, Wedresiay, after a pleasant visit with Miss Dessie O'Neil, Andrew Wilson, the Swede, who was injured at Calabdgie, is doing as well as can be expected, He will lose the sight of his ws. Rev. W. T. G. Brown has been ask- ed to a in the East End' Me- of matters. thodist church, Montreal, for. a fourth The Methodist missions rooms have | Year. He has consented. received a cable from Rev. T. E. E. W. T. Burrows, advance agent for Shore, who is in the far east, "a "The Bonnie Brier Bush," is in the special tour of the Methodist mis- city arranging for tbe. production cof "ions. The cable is dated from Yun- his show, here on Dec. 19th. nau, China, Dee. 10th, and reads: A young lad named ORielly, "Have reached here in safety; will on Queen street, was removed to start immediately for the interior, | Hotel Dieu, on Wednesday The outlook presents no special diffi- suffering Irom typhoid fever. The date fixea for the wedding of culty." Mr. Shore is making an over-land | lady Violet. Elliot and Lord Charles Fitzmaurice is January 12th, the irip to Chen'tu, the headquarters C a X Methodist missions in West China. He | Vent taking place in Calcutta. Bennett, who tended goal is now about to enter onthe most : ) |Queen's, last season, is playing difficult * part of a jouga€y in the far rip 4 he"hedard from same position with cast and will not for 3 two months. team in Montreal, A Chinaman amused and astonished good. . the police court officials and erowds, Mrs. M. Lavell has returned this morning, by his glib of Strathcona, and is now He was one of a number of Falls, to spend the holidays with her all Chinamen, concerned in an Toronto, Dee. 10.--Ald. Thomas Ald. Graham and Commis- sioner of Industries Thomson waited upon Premicr Whitney, this morning in respect to the efiorts to obtain | better suburban train accommodation | and service. They pointed out that | they were TRE to make strong tépresentations to the Dominion Raijl- way Lommission, on behalf of the city and neighboring towns, and] they asked: the attorney-general's de-| partment be instructed to give alll the assistance possible. The premier, though he promised consideration of the request, remarked that every- body seemed to think that the attor- Church, living the evening, for and is from or) : Tho citizens have had the oppor- i tunity given them of discussing the | . subject of a new hotel. Than an hotel | 1% lis needed is acknowledged by all, but |! to say that there is but one spot up- | on which it can be built, that being the choicest spot within the city | limits, is altogether another matter. The point of land upon which stands the picturesque Martello tower has | been loaned by government fo- the citi- that residents present and futur | might have the benefit of a spot which for of position and healthiul- ness of air is almost unequalled in |' the country. Situated where it gets the benefit of the prevailing westerly | breezes, sweeping Laka Ontario, the citizens generally and children fre quent it in great numbers, while, to the invalids and elderly people who sit by the hour, drinking in health and vitality, it is an untold blessing which has the right to de- prive them of. To say that those who most the quiet and rest would | frequent the spot if there were a large | hotel upon it, is, +, out of the question. Moreover, the city authorities not the right to.give it. up; they merely trustees for the time being manage city property while they hold office, and have not the power, oven if they wished, to alienate the rights of future citizens. It is not very } long since experts from a distance were asked to look at the harbor and give an opinion as to what spot they would recommend upon which to build an elevator. We were informed that | the only spot on which an elevator {could be built was the occupied i |by the Tete de Pont Barracks; that | 27 ft. 10 in; R. | if the city failed to secure that spot | tied, 26 ft. 10 in, f then it musi be content to go without | Gibson and Mr, city @o with- : ? Did the event will be 50 | out an olevator No, instead of one well located and next Wednesday fe aro three, cach The contest | the Tete de Pont Barracks remain in- ard hotel intermediate and | tact. 8c be ithin 1 senior members, | and the site suggested for it. A CIT1- J. Hewetson was awarded 100 points, as he went the total length of Li N the bath, 35 ft. 10 in. To Enter A Team. last St wa junior Watches for men, Watches for Watches for boys. ladies, zens, Our $25 heavy watch solid gold for ladies is un- beauty equalled in value. over Every Watch Fully Warranted > a ---- «| there Spangenberg JEWELLER of Marriage no one need Issuer Licenses. of course Bod P PI bbbI oo +O 0 have ale to! Y.M.C.A. SWIMMING RACES. First Event Contested Wednesday Night. The first event in the Wednesday night swimming contest, for the hand- some swimming trophy presented Ly Charles Moxley and William Bearance, was contefted last night. The result follows : Long Plunge--J. 10 in.; J. Crawford tied, -30 ft, 10 in; K. ft. 10 in.; H. Carroll, Ward and J. Stagg, The jud were Dr. Thompson. he next yard swin iy style, evening," ine will be open to The on 80 Hewetson, 35 ft. and S. Lailey, McCullough, 28 site {an elevator o'clock. all to the Satisfied With The Ferry. Wolfe Island, Dec. 9.--~(To the Edi- tor) : I as 4 ratepayer and a frequent Club it decided to enter passenger our ferry boat wouid in the O.H.A. series. F sto the sentiments ol the members. of last year's team, will not whole people of the foot of Wolfe Is- be available, Stewart, the that perfectly « satishi 4 point, isin the Royal Military Ce with the service rendered us this past eason, and would that lege; Macdonnell, is Queen indebted CE kin, another defence for 3 and Anglin is atten will the team ped, they hope cure players Last the St. strong team, winning At the meeting of George's on endorse we are Suny we are in | greatly council, trustworthy ferry boat. wave done to ane and ol our réeve man, 1 able the officers and We. feel assured that they all in their power to make the ferry a success, and handled the boat in an economical way. We 'can safely say that we have not paid any unnecessary expenses, and are satis fied with the financial position this vear. 1 sincerely hope aNd trust that whoever .may look after our munici pal affairs next year, will do all in their' power to elect the same officers and crew for the coming year.--A RATEPAYER. lecting ling Queer slightly handicap new to be able to se- to fill the gaps. George 8 wore © ¢ out this district leave but good season May Be Larger Inquiry. It is said. that the present gation at the penitentiary spector Dawson may lead to quiry into the affairs the institution. Evidence was taken, the finding tor's room. investi- In by an of whole of a young Toronto to-day, of opium woman in connection in the with instrue- s To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, ete., | cheapest and best, at Whi «ice. Pure beeswax Mullin's: candles at AAT ite Sa AA WAAAY New Lounging Robes And House Coats. § Special for Christmas A A hristiuas Gift ths WH vad Yor and his pl 1 § he Le aj Robes and light weigh terns and colorings, will Lounging Robes, $7.30 to $15. House Coats, $3.50 to $12. mreeiated, and Fi House Coats, in soft, warm, materials and pleasing pat- S do both. Wii his AA AN I~ AA A LIVINGSTON'S. NRT" Aad At adh diy tiny ayy, ease out | mjasions !the Minnehaha Justice slang men, son, Rev. A. E. Lavell. She will be in Hv Kingston in Jan 4 assault case, -the upshot of the hear- & vanpuary, : 3 + pv, Ar R shar; XS ng being that Magrstrate Denison ex- | po Artur R. i oshargh, $ ad ssed his inability of making head | (7 02 C0 Wh Jectures on Xr. tail of the matter and threw the | S-0F M8 it, on the subject. of Chris : ' a tian Science] was educated for ) of court. The Chinaman, in | Da VE a duc ated for the question, assured the court that he Ra : TRUHSLEY "with the bunch" when the de- tives and police arrived. When | The funeral of the asked if he knew that the officers wer Buck took place on Thursday after- noon from his residence, Jcohn- coming, he replied, 'Sure thing; 1 was to them." A lawyer representing ston street, to Cataraqui cemetéry. The services were conducted by the : { Rev, Mr. Stillwell. : the other tried to get some the witnesses and butting in, you'll pre or hema was late I'homas son's on side ad-1 J G. McGannon is dead at was | Mo., aged sixty-two years. He was get | formerly of Brockville. His literary ; : {course was had in Regiopolis College A deputation of the sharcholders of | at Kingston, from which he went gold mine, in the Wa-| 875. waited upon Provin-| The ciay Secretary 'Hanna, this morning, | Miss and asked that the dirctors of the | Mr. company be made to comply 'with the company's acts. They said the books | of the company were kept at Buflajo | and that had not filed with provincial sec department. They also hail been ; Senero, from ged to "Quit ith 's later. in bigoon district, engagement is Gwendolyn Ethel, daughter of and Mrs. Richard Bishop, Otta- to Hoy Cranston of the militia department, son of the late Major Cranston, Galt, Ont. The marriag ge will take place early in January: Samuel Stevenson, the keeper at the asylum, who wag struck by an inmate fully i#sued The provincial | on Tuesday, is resting easier to-day. secretary, in his reply, urged that the| Dr. Young informed the Whig this directors should g ot | morning, that if nothing unforeseen rogether and trv to settle {ho matter | the man's life would be to the issuing of the He | although he is still in a very also urged th at an effort be made to | condition. wet the direttors to comply with the law without taking drastic action, but added that if this was not his deparument would take action. The PR. entered an yainst the decision, given Py announced of wa, prospectuses been the retary s | wrony| sharcholders and Syn saved shares. BOARD OF EDUCATION done S------ Committee Reports to Come Up at To-Night"s Meeting. | The finals meeting of the board Mulock, in favor of {education for the "year, will be Orangeville, He the to-night, when reports will be «ubmit- company. Stew sued for £25,000 | {eq from the management and pro- fof injuries received in the | opty committee, : Caledon wreck and obtained $11,500. The management -- mends, among other SELL FORESTERS' ISLAND. "No action on ! : ter Light, "'B" Battery, whose resi- in the county, that he be i allowed school privileges of a resident; : . that Miss Dawn Scammell be appoint- Foresters' 1s-laq permanent. public teacher, land, the of the late Dr. {under rules and regulations of the | Oronhyatelcha, supreme chief ranger |, 0.4 and that takeeeharve of { of the Independent Order of Foresters, Part I. i : i il 1 1 i Junior fm 8 ass eo ls ( : : : | ay soon pa into 1 ar "after Christmas holidays; wall-known x | some capitalists of the] Yona taken Lion Uniten States, who looking out | 4 0 Cooke hr for a a Ah gon Bl ig Blan: on: Colliciate Institute Ee exclusive ¢ 16 © a3 CRY 250,000 has been placed on the lop tailion of his son last Yoas; and the negotiations now | at the 'request of Bean Lavell, with the council the | tiinger be' authorized I'oronto, the legal ements to who after the music to pedag terests the intending purchasers, | 118 understood Foresters' Island, was the site|ments shall not Foresters' Orphanage, the in- of which are now distributed over different parts of the That the order intends to again up an. orphanage is licated deal which is now going for property on the Kingston road, to fake Ontario, and sonvenjent Toronto, and which has the the street car service have been ins fpectod by the the order, and may be expected shortly the final disposition of Island, and the AO nt of a new orphanage just outside the city ol appeal f ( his of | | Stewart, damages commitice things : of Bandmas- recom- request Orphanage to Be Established on]dence' is Kingston Road. Dec. 10. home Peseronto, school once she that commuuic ation no aw- be of are . of paid that, Mr. to make . ar bate very of | pro* are of perty, on executive rang give coursa of les rogy students, it be- that said interfere | school work; that fot | Jean Lavell, {hat » for giving open | science to the by a|of education after the some |fdays, bo granted; that the close | B. I, Greer nlees, J. G. Et Io Women principals all of the public increases of 1 sons order 1 ana gen » ; i in tlemen are looking in- arrange with his res the. request of SO yof the mates | 8 & in household students of the faculty province. | lessons on tinger, and assistant school staff, ferred of next | | | | | tage ol salary, be ¢ to Other committee - consideration." sites nanagement : heads of some |i nouncement li | | to Fores Liquor License Reduction. executive will meet this Toronto. reduction. It has not yet been ided whether to approach the count at its next meeting and One Man Killed and Another Will [for a veferendum at the Pie. elections or take the method of 10.--J oseph tion to council alone before Sellers Ist next. FELL 150 FEET. peti- Montreal, Dee. {was killed and Fred. thack and leg broken--in--=a {aud filty foot fall from the gas |! + East End vesterday. Both {rank ut the | ast i yest es J] oh Graburn, clerk of the executive cow | building when the scafiolding broke. {cil L-of Manitoba since 1899, and { An accident to the ambulance neces prominent. member the |sitated the transfer of the injured | stand lodge, died Wednesda men and the delay proved fatal to | morning, alter a brief illness. Bennett, who died as he was being]? native of Ontario. put in bed. Rellers avill 'probably die. ---- ' { The Funeral Services. 7 The funeral of the late Robert. jus tc ok place on Jue wday | from bis late residence, Rideau to Cataraqui cemetery. The service was conducted: at Rev. Dr. Mackie, assisted by Re Jackson, ot Barre, Vermont. Bennett | had his hundred new Death Of Captain Graburn. Winnipeg Dee. 10. ol on Unique Barometer. London Globe, A Frenchman is the possessor of a unique barometer: lt consists of the of a general made of ginger- which the Frenchman hangs by attached nail. Ginger sree | bread, a string Here To Investigate. | ector. Dawson is here sather, contrary," itl ea he charge against a pe hard tough. When po | structor in regard to is flabby the owner takes | found in a poriion of his office, 1 him when he { eral of the prizoners using . is hard and | opium instructor's evidence Yanan taken to in an eniten and a Ben res wer wi sallies todays the { with no his new | ho of board an extr ys decided upon for the nd Miss P. Hickey, Mor free of chatg: e, Was appointed as junior teacher. At a meeting te Institute ishur {Jeb 16 put i a box, PERSONAL MENTION, " Movenieiity Of The People--What for | are in the to | Robert and Samuel Steven- | the ! the Outremont | making at Niagara | serious held | Cataraqui school, | arrangements be Christmas holi- requests of the teach- for the | year The Moral and Social Reform league | evening to consider the question of liquor license des | city ask IW. JT. January March Hront 'aptain LC. Masonic He was a- | frei uhters afternoom funera the house by opium, oi the a. teach- suing THE Ss Li IES /LocAL NOTES. TES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Fray Occurrences In The City Ana Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Intsrest Easily Read And Re- membered. Fresh eggs, 26c., a dozen. Mullins. The 'Christmas trade in tho stores is becoming quite brisk. All articles bought at Keeley, Jr's. are engraved free. Therét was no session of the police court, this morning. Keeley, Jr., sells a bracelet watch, guaranteed, for $2.50. wear and be satisfied. Only twenty-one days more in which to get ready to 'swear off.' "The home of good perfumes,' son's Red Cross Drug Store. At the last minute you will wish | you had bought them earlier. Wiliiamr Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone. 778 Save time and breath by letting the weather alone. You can't changd it. William Reid, Union street, has fifty | entries at the Guelph poultry show. | Souvenir spoons make a nice Christ- mas gift. Keeley, Jr., keeps a fine as- sortment. Beef, Iron and Wine, "our own" 'make; pint bottles, 50c., at Wade's | drug store. . Perth poultry show opened, to-day. The C.P.R. gaye cheap rates for that district. i Solid from 60c. like to go. Lennox Iron Pills. each; 2 for 25e., { drug store. i A stranger, who asked 'for protection was the only occupant of the police cells last night. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from | Chickering's. Leave orders at Mec- Auley's Book Store. The thermometer at Observer Knight's last night registered four de- below zero. If you want satisfaction with your glasses go to Keeley, Jr. He guaran- toes satisfaction or money refunded. Well, there are others who hate to put their feet on the cold floor these : December mornings. Take that long Keeley, Jr. chains, ete. "English plate glass mirrors." Fold- ing and hand mirrors Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. When the Christmas spirit really gots hold of the average man he for- wets all he told his wife about the ne- of economy. hot water. bottles, made from 35¢, to $2 each, Wade's Drug Store. Keeley, Jr., . can that old watch of yours look and act like new. If he fails, he refunds the money. Four trar came to the city, terday morning, from the we loitered around the K. & P. station and had to Ladies' watches, year gold-filled | cases with ey or Elgin works, for $10. Other i vat all prices, at Keeley, Jr's. | William Trousds Brockville, char goods stolen. fending the prisoner. "Christmas Perfumes' seledt odors from the best makers in fancy packag- es for Christmas. Gibson's Red Cross | Drug Store. A good citizen may | look in" national hero, but he can become immensely popular with his neighbors by keeping the snow off his sidewalk. Keeley, Jr., has a lot of gents' and | boys' gold-filled, open- faced, fifteen jewelled watches, very thin and small don't take up much room in the poc- ket, for $10. "That is the best book ofier I ever saw," said a lady who ioined the Ta- bard Inn Library; at, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, on Tuesday? KX life membership for $1. The Toronto T {tions are on foot Sir Richard Cartwright as a member the Ottawa government, with prob- ably pensioning of the veteran. Why do't you take that old chain, ring or any old-fashioned jewellery you have Keeley, Jr. ? He can make it into anything you Ww ould Tie, 3 A" six-year-old fall thie of Clarence . streets, to-day, deavoring to' climb up The practice of jumping on a very dangerous ene "Such * Gib- | gold rings up, at Keeley, Jr's. as high as you would Regular price at Wade's grees chain you have to He will make it into neck cessity Two-quart of pure rubber, at make Ps ves They railway be ordered away. ih on trial in with receiving Rigney is de never "get a as a ram savs negotia- for the retirement of \ of brooch, to bad and on received a girl corner Ontario while on a sleigh. sleighs is near Lewis Rand, Sir the Lone- of others, any store. books as," Escombe, Trail of «ome Pine, and dozens would cost you $1.50 in | You can read these from the Tabard | Inn Library at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Life membership costs $1. dichard Please shop in the morning! You will have time and comfort for se. lection and extra attention. Wear Imperial Crown Brand under- Mf Housemaids Aprons--over 600 to choose from. The plain full size apron with wide hem on. The fancy embroidery trimmed aproh. in price from 25¢, 39¢, 49¢, 5 full, the lawn good and We Have articles which will be appropriate, These , 65¢, 75¢. the proper ange The sizes are lengths. suitable, and, And for lack Many satisfactory as gifts for your family or friends, of space can only mention a few, Beautiful Holiday. Handkerchiefs Handkérchiefs have first place a8 a rule holi- shopper list. : LADIES Fine 2Y4¢, 15¢, 20c, 25¢, LADIES Fine chiefs, 20c, 25¢, 15c. LADIES FANCY EMBROIDERED, 25¢, 33c, 39¢, up. * LADIES Fancy I 33c, 35¢, 49c, 69c. up. MEN'S Pure Linen Hemstitched 15¢, 18c, 20c, 25¢, 35¢, 39¢, 45c. MEN'S MEN'S special. on every 1- gay Handkerchiefs, | Linen Hemstitched 10c. Linen Hemstitched Initial Handker- 15¢,. 12%4¢q, 20c, - ace Trimmed from 20e¢, 12%¢, 25c, Handkerchiefs, 12%4c, Hemstitched, Initial Pure Linen Pure special 3 for 50c: Linen Handkerchiefs, 25¢ each, 4 Warm Gifts Sweater Coats, wearing around the house on cool are Grey, Navy, Cardinal, White and FANCY KNITTED SCARFS. KNITTED GLOVES--ior Men, WHITE CLOUDS. LIDERDOWN HOUSE JACKETS SILK LINED KIMONAS. TED SLIPPERS. All sizes for just the thing: for skating or mornings. The colors Black. [adic 3 Women, Chi KNIT SNIT1 gs Ladies br rill , Speedily Subdued. | On Thursday afternoon the firemen receivedia call to the 1ailgr shop of Saunders, Wellington street, plumbers werd fixing the when fire broke out near of the store... The firemen | quickly on the 'scene and the blaze | was put Huy before much damage was of (lie wuitings inthe window slightly - damaged by i- {water and smoke al : -- A Record Shipment. y Port Arthur, Dee, 10.-One pijlisen and ninety two thousand bus hels - The pipes gas the were done. Some were the record shipment of grain rd Ww vastorday, through the spouts Arthur elevator into thet taking on their last. of Half million busl + | oats in one cargo is record that 1! Boland made season Fighters Disappeared. thie afternoon, a call the police station, two men rot i y fistic battle in th corms. of Priv was 1 y the scene 21} d found ibat the woul ¥* 'nugilists had disappeared. «Brewster's Millions." {| Ii vou { spend wi As | had one million dollars to n a year, what would vou {do ? That the question which Fd- war 1 "Ak "Monty" Brewster, olve the at ob Woduialay, December 16th. as audiences the Gund FELT SLIPPER | Dr. Jaeger, Sanitary Pure Wool Slippers are made in Eng- land, where all the Best Woolled Goods come {roni. They are the most comfortable and durable shoes made. They cost no more than any other kind, but the mame "Jaeger," which is on each pair guarantées it and you Mnow, you have. the best ; Felt Slipper Men's High : Men's High Cuts, in the world. Cuts; in Plain Dark Grey. Sizes 6 to 11 $2.00. in Scotch Plaids. Sizes 6 to 11 Plaids. Sizes, Saqotch Sizes 6 to High Cut in Scoteh Plaids table Low or 's Ordimary Slipper, Colors; AMdjus 11 to 2 Bhe Toockett Shoe Store, Girls' Sizes, in Scotch Plaids. Sizes