YEAR 76--NO. 291. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, '1908. WAROUTLOOK "The "Situation is Not Com- habitants of the town of Ski fortable, PRINGE VON BUELOW SAYS GERMANY STANDS BY AUSTRIA, Preparing For War in the Silesian District--In Vienna a Hopeful Tone is Noticed--Compensa- tion Settlement May Result. Berlin, Dec. 11.--Speaking in the reichstag yesterday ou the peace out- look, Prince Von Buelow said : "The situation is not a comfortable one. Tt may become worse in a moment and our peace would Le seriously threat- ened if our armaments were below the standard demanded by the situation." ter pointing out that geographical causes must necessarily put limits on the expansions of the German navy, the chancellor alluding to criticism of Austria that had been made ecarlie in the debate, said : "It is not 'right to increase by fruitless criticisms the difficulties in which our loyal ally finds itself. We stand by Austria-Hun gary, and believe we render the service to the interest of peace Ly not | allowing a doubt to arise regarding the stability of the alliance and the seriousness with which we regard ous duties as an ally." (I8ud cheers). Preparing Regiments. Berlin, Dec, 11.--Newspapers in the | upper Silesian industrial districts state that Austrians and Hungarians residing there have received telegra phic instructions such as are only is sued when war imminent. Men have been transferred from the to the reserve during years have heen ordered to report themselves at Agram and Cracow Officers are ordered to join their regi ments immediately. who army the past two Hopeful Tone Observable. Vienna, Dec, 11.--A' more hopeful tone is observable here, and there are persistent reports that the negotia- tions with Turkey will be opened shortly. Despatches fram Constantinople are to the effect that the Porte has re- ceived despatches from the. Turkish ambassador at Berlin announcing that Chancellor Von Buelow has" ur- gently "dounselled Baron Von Achren- thal, Austrian' foreign minister, to come ta an immediate understanding with Turkey regarding the annexa tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina. settlement. on" a compensation basi now is looked for shortly. Cannot Be Confirmed. Berlin, Dec. 11.--The from Constantinople that Chancellor Von Buelow had counselled the Austrian foreign minister to come to an im mediate settlement with Turkey, can not be confiemed, but it is stated in well informed quarters that-it is not true,; except far as the chancellor informally advised both countries to vise moderation, report BO DAILY MEMORANDA. Furs Of Quality; That's the kind you When you buy at Ca City Council,, special, Bargain pam. Marks Co., p.m. Meeting of Marine Men at p.m Marks 8.15 p.m. Basketball at \ this evening The Big and on Saturday Christian Friday evening Matinee, to-morrow, at Grand Opera House, Labor Hall 8 Company, Grand Opera House M.C.A., Gymasium Elegant Christmas Whig, Science Lecture Hall Big night Show and The TOW at to=m¢ 0. bUrand ateur Contes Rhymes ( St. Geurge's evening, p.m Kingston Merchants fering splendid Christmas shobping ments. It wild p nt read ads, 'in the Whig "Tis For That Are some induce their du very important people to Know the very best Fn from George Mills & Co Dec. 11th, In Canadian L1867--The House "of preliminary resolutien acquisition of Rupert's North-West 'Territories. 18003-~Tha Ontario asude 8,700 square miles, to to the Temagami forest reservation LM3=Biagara Fats was Ticorpor ated as a city, 1905- formed man 1906--The shareholders of Bank elected a new board With Mr. H. ©, Hammond ------ ---- 1 History. Commons in regard Land adopted to the and dhe "Hnend be added A new by Sir British Henry ministry was Campbell-Banner Ontario of ajrecLors as president Fine Freeh China Dinner Sets dt Shien am Speeial Cut Sale For One Week Only : set for $68 set for 53 set for 35 set for 35- La Robertson Bros, 43 smn ol horsehide mijts. best | A | ALARMED BY EARTHQUAKE.) Town of Skidegate; Queen Char- | lotte Islands, Shaken. ! Vancouver, lenrthquake, from north 11.--An| apparently threw the in- sgate, Queen Charlotte Islands, into A state Dec, travelling to south, A Conservative Paper Ob- lof nervous apprehension on tie after- jects to Protest. {noon of November 30th, accérding to - {news brought south by the | fishing « Ireached here this morning from the ted: halibut banks. Tt was ce- nated that the shock lasted fully [ seven seconds, 7% (felt, greatly to the relief of the peo- . iple of the town, who hecame some- SAYS ITS NOT A FAIR DEAL | what alarmed on observing that two TO PURSUE SIR WILFRID. | the ground. The buildings knocked {down were old, half-tumbled-down af- Did Much For Oapital--Premier fairs. : Pe! Showed His Interest in Park Improvements--An TUnpopular {steamer Celestial Empire, which » 0 other tremors were : {Indian shacks had been thrown to Petition, | MANITOBA BYE-ELECTIONS. i it inn : - | Both the Oppositionists Lose Ottawa, Dée. 11.--In an editorial on Their Deposits. the election protest against Sir Wil | Winnipeg, Dec. 11.--Returns. frond] frid_Laurier in Otlawa the Ottawa {the bye-elections in Saltcoats and | Citizen (conservative) says : { Humboldt, in Saskatchewan, "It is wot in the interest 'of this {that the Scott government has 'scored city, now that the political battle is | two dog ive victories, thé mii t over that the troubles of a protest being returned with large majorities. should be thrust upon it, especially {In Saltcos the vote, with one poll\ when nobody wants it, and simply be- {to hear from, stands: - Calder, 1, {cause it may be useful to saw-off the 108; Green, 228, Mr. Green will lose protest against somé obscure member {ni deposit. Returns from Humboldt { who never did anything. for Ottawe {also indicate that Mr. Sinclair or Ottawa for him. Sw Wilfrid Lau i lost his deposit, Motherwell rier has done a great deal for the | easily. city of Ottawa during his residence | ere, by his personal influence in for Mother Shoots Baby And Self. warding federal improvement works Mo., 11.--Mrs. Min- [at the capital, ana hy other ways has aged twenty-five years, {made himself personally popular Dearborn, , Mo., engincer, |{*/nly last year he took a leading her two-year-old son | part in endeavoring to secure-for Ot an hotel here and fired [tawa a fine hotel and station, So far into her own head. his efforts have not been successful, lis under police guard at a hospital, | but that was not his fault. In spite {She may recover of that, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier be- | When Mrs. Maget ca came the liberal candidate for Ot Isl eroatly distr tawa in the last election the con separated from her "husband servative party here fought his can [ weeks azo and had begun divorce pro- didature with a loyal determination loft to ddeat him if possible because it bov was a fight on national lines, in re gard to which local affairs shoul temporarily not count. They gave him Ey square, hard battle. troubles. "But the campaign of October i over now; the ndtional issues are de cided beyond question of a = doubt and not only is it not to the inter est of this city to pursue the premier with an unpopular protest at the in stance of interested outsiders, but when all is said and done, it is not a fair deal." Dr. J, L. Chabot, the French-Cana dian conservative candidate in Ot tawa. against Sir Wilfrid Laurier states in a published interview that hé. was in nowise eomeerniod in the protest against the prime minister. show nas winning 1 St. Joseph, Dee. nie. Mages, wife of a vshot and killed in a room at | three bullets Ql She me to tha hotel she app: sed. She several Ql "he the supposed | ceedings. would take S) a note saying she "with » been she shot er.' ei made insane | mestic { Convention In June, l Owen Sound, Ont., Dee. 11. i vineial libéral convention in Inext June. That G. Mackay, | loyal A pro- Toronto Hon. A. majesty' tars : is how leader oi his opposition the { "1 shall insist on a convention be {ing called of representatives from i the whole province, and you can put the date down as next June," said | Mr. Mackay. '"There was no chance ito hold one after last June owing to {the dominion. elections. We want representatives from the far north: feast and west, a thoroughly represen tative gathering, and the surhmer : the best and onl me 0 10 ie 3 est and only tim t hold Jacques. Bureau Has -~ tioned: Miss Pinkney Dead At 99 Dee. 11.--<Although nothing New York, Dee. 11 Miss Mar, been given out as to the Goodwin Pinkney died of pneumonia | intentions of the premier in the mat {at the Hotel Buckingham, at the ter of the portfolio vacated by the de of ninety-nine vea feat of Mr. Templeman in Victoria, it lited with being one of the very |is generally regarded settled 1 wealthy women of the world, tha |Fronch-Capadian cireles at leasttha of her holdings in Manhattan {Hon. Jadgues Bureau, now solicitor real estate alone being estimated at general, wll be appgeinted minister o inland revelue, and that there will be 10 GE Wo CONG oe der Nova Scotia and Outario as to get the position i FLORIST IS SEEKING DAM AGES FROM HACKMAN. , reads FOR CABINET SEATS. Been Men Ottawa, N official has Miss Pinkney was oy as value shall general, with the right « to the next portfolio. M. MacDonald, selected. Hugh if he will take it. stood, refused the 1 he Pictou, Guthrie has He has, it position of a chance is undn deput the solic promised early spoaker, but rake tor-generalship if he i promotion. Lawsuit For Lost may Trouble Between People to Be Aired. N.Y., Dee. 1L.--~In the MceName ainst Wil s for alleged alienation | Affection-- Watertown FOUND LAWLER'S SUIT CASE wh Watertc Hugh trial ol lium A. Powe once of the most interesting case thd present term of supreme court, will to trial. ; Both {well known about town, } id Urchard i fit wealthy, family a g Horseman Has Been Missing Since of | Syracuse Races. Syracuse, N.Y., Dee. 11.--Chief Police Heims of Baldwins¥ille, a vil lage tvelyve miles forth of this city has in his possession suit case found in a swamp containing a man's apparel and a letter James IE. Lawler Lawler, No. 353 Amsterdam ave nue, New York, informing "-him + of their mother's death. James E. Law ler was a western horseman. He at One of the feature f the case will | {ded "the grand circuit races at Sy- the i of alleged | racuse 1907, and disappeared. Chiel {ence on the part of the plaintiff tell- | Heimg Gelieves Lawler's body will ix iow he first became suspicious of | found in the swamp, and that the hie wife. { case i8 one of murder or suicide. Efforts to reconcile husband and wilo | ee have been made and failed. The wife | ; is residing somewhere in Coffeen si veot, | DEATH OF JOSEPH FORSTER. while the husband and two little chil dren are in the Orchard streot home. | Lhe defence will be a general denial. | of come partes are McNamee, { who 1 in treet, being the wis for a hilo a were, a hackm 1 McNamee claims of Pow fellow, his Powers, addressed tc dred signed by T. E. known to | that on act t of ors, a rath home hs aompense the wile looking broken 0 of r good in re- 00, s been up, and he asks the sum of § he troduction evi Assisted General Booth His Early Days. eT oiy + Warsaw, Out. Dec. 11.--The deatl. [Where Firemen Are Appréciated. [of Joseph Bell Forster removes a not N.J., Dee. 11. Preliminary | able figure from Warsaw. He was siid were taken hy the Orange |to have been the first man 'to assist hoard. of fire commissioners last night | General Booth, when the latter began the pay the ficeinen'| his evangelistic carear in Mile End from the new men up, including the | Square, London, * Bogland. The late chiefs, The now schedule, will be as! Mr. Forster has: been prominently as First year of service, 8800; | sociated with Methodism in this lo { second. vear, S000: third vear, R960; | cality. He ortupied pulpits in : the fourth year, $1,020. fifth vear, 31,080; | churches of = different denominations, making the maximum salary 390 aland it was while assisting in a | month, insted of 295: as at present. ! vice at Bethel, near lere, that he was Phe captains. who now receive only | taken with the illness that restlte the maximum salary allowed the re- | fatally. - Although bon in England, gular men, the case also with| Mr. Forster spent nearly. all «of his the assistant chief, will receive $1,200, | life in Canada. Ce | : : EL aan wl the assistant chief, §1.500, while | = | Head Twisted, Off will be raiced fr Harb Mich., Ds ht, emplc in Orange, elep to ancreise ot OWS! i ser- as is m | 1 an & In ly, at 8 working about %he night. It is thought that d was caught in one of of a gencrator. cirion remgrkable. earnings are wheels ad was m to twisted from °° his bits by {he re- in unaware until he eet wi One dther man was se, but he wa Ani¢ n he < ou 3 B00 { ir t < ea » marriacd "parcats reside in Souih Bend, ous Sty LI003 REASHANED ma- | * THE OTHER SIDE. Anti-Saloon League Menace Good Government. Washington, = Dee. 11.--That wave of opposition throughout the country to the liquor trade seems to be receding was. keynote of the reports from various state or ganizations made at the closing ses- sion of the National Liquor League. The concensus of opinion was that the best. interests of the liguor trade would be conserved by having the number of. saloons limited according to population. i Resolutions were adopted declaring that "The industfy has been over-le- gislated, over-abused, and over-taxcd in . the furtherande of a creed or cult that is basically WnAmerican and at absolute variance with every pringiplo of Wberty, civic Fighttousness, econo- mics, common sense, and common jus- tice." It Anti-Saloon League is a menace to good government, the quietude of communities, oi 3 vested property rights and exists Br no other purpose than to provide '®eeupation and re- venue for the members of a close cor- poration by the processes of perpetual agitation; "and that local option is but another nama for prohibition, and is equally confiscatory in its assaults upon property rights. to the WORK FOR RADCLIFFE. Men to Be Hanged at New West- \ minster. Winnipeg, Dee. 11. Official Hang- man Radcliffe is op his way west to New Westminster to officiate at * a triple hanging = en December 18th. I'he doomed -- men are John Pertella, William Jenkins and Lee Chugg. The first two are negroes and the last a Chinaman. Radgliffie has not as yet officiated at a triple hanging, hut ten years ago he hang two men to- gether at St. Thomas, Ont. This time he will essay the task of sending all three men to etery y. at' once, and, as he has always beh successful in his tasks, he will likely succeed in mak- ing a new record,on the calendar of anadian- criminal history. TO STUDY FARMING. £ nN Gov. Deneen to Attend to Agr cultural School. Urbana, 111. Bee: 11.--Gov. Charles D. Dencen is to hedome a student of the agricultural school at tha Univer- sity of IHlinois, He will attend the state school during he short course vhich begins in January and will seck pecial instruction, it is said, in cattle ind. worn. judging. The decision of the chief executive ofr of the state "to become a scientific' farmer is the ro- sult of his attendance at the recent Hlinois corn show in Springfield. ACCIDENTALLY SH ACCIDENT TO FORMER GANANGQUE- BOY At Carthage, N.Y .--Bible Class to Hold a Banquet--Other Inter- esting News of the Town. Gananoque, Dec. 11.--Report was re- eived by local relatives of the . acei lental, shooting of Charles Monaghan war Carthage, N.Y,; while out hunt- ng with several companions. Your Vonaghan was a Gananoque boy, who vith his mother loft for Northern New York, a couple of years ago. Rumor injuries, but this ie not confirmed, The local Willing Cirelé of King's Daughters . held. their annual fancy vork sale in the basement of shurch, yesterday aiternoon. and eves: At the afternoon sale réiresh- nents were served and in the evening v musical antl literary programmo vas rendered. Quite a nice sum was calized, all of which is used for chari- purposes. Gananoque 'lodge, No. 247, A.0.U.W. it their. last regular meeting elected the fdllowing officers: P.MW.. R. G. Richard Grindley; Belnois; guard, F. Lohn L. rdeeiver, OVersecr, MceGivers; s" ; Heaslip; O.W., William NWrse: financier Georg Toner; James Donevan; recorder, A. P. Rus- representative, R. sell; grand lodge i. Graham; alternate, Goorge Toner Two fémale teachers of second class wrmal standing have so far been ured to fill vacancies in the public school staff at the esting oF the vear, Miss McBride, of Columbus, Ont. and Miss West, of Athens. - One more femaje teacher will be required, and a science master for the high school. Gordon FE. Hurd was one of the Star attractions, thie week, drawings goodly erowd at each performance. His rendition of the "Holy City" was wall received. The new movement adult Bible class f Grace ohireli, in charge of the pas tor, Rev. J. Tallman Pitcher, will hold La banquet on Monday evening next in the lecture yroom of the church . to complete their organization. The Woman's Missionary Society of Grace church met, yesterday afternoon, at the home of Mrs, J. M. Thomsqn, (larden street. A niee programme was furnished and an coxcellent addres long misstonary lines given. by Miss N. Starrett, 'of Cincinnati, Ohia.. who is visiting withyrelatives in town The unier second form of the Rinne eche dA vesterdas Sant, of the tcacher Optimus Mini 86 street on assemblies in on Wednesday evening, Rees' or- chestra furnishing the music, John' Murchi¢, Jehn street, who lost his léft arm a few months ago in the Gananoque Hinge and Hoop works. has so recovered as 40 be abla to resume his werk as machinist that establishment. far in Imperial Crown Brand underwear ia comforts _ was further. resolved that "The | h) Carpenters Young | Jas it that he has since succumbed to | Grace | m; M.W., O. J. Shaneman: fore- | rer's assembly | GRAND OPEEA HOUSE. ATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST P0S- The Marks Dramatic company was The piece presen was the comedy Midhieht Express," with appreciated. Little Mazie is Mine" and "I Love You." The also sang two songs in fine style. SIBLE FORM. The Marks Company Still Well Patronized. =e greeted by another audience at the Grand Opéra House last night. drama, "T May A. Bell Marks in the leading role of "'Bessie Brandon." : The specialties "@® new and all Srentls rks sang two songs sweetly. W. Dyer sang, "Love Me and the World Vernon sisters in their dancing and singing won . applause. George rks To-night the company present "The Banker's Wife," and at the matinee Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and: Remembered, Robert Reford has given $50,000 to McGill University, Montreal. The late James A. Blair, London, | 'Ont., left $100,000 to charitable | schemes. Justice Latchford delivered judgment dismissing a motion for a local op- [tion by-law in Picton. 3 | At Winnipeg the plebiscite on the] | question of '@ two-year term for city | controllers was defeated. Jumes Sharp, leader of the fanatics who fought the Kansas City police, a few days ago, has been arrested. A French Canadian sailor has in- vented a steel brake for steamers which will prevent collisions at sea. Evidence of a world-wide. gunpow- der combination was brought out at a federal hearing at Cleveland, on Thursday. The Methodist dismissed the Workman and ence. The next world's fair seheme afoot is one at Panama in MI§ to cele brate the opéning of the Panama canal, which is promised for then. of the Sword." The will be an ama- teur concert at the close of the per- formance to-night, for a mouey prize. Coal--Swift's--Wood.S IT has always been our aim to give to customers the very best quality in coal and wood. . * We buy only the highest grade 'of coal. It comes in fresh mined every year and is stored under cover. Be- fore delivery is made it is thoroughly ser *, # x 2 en bn ao A r cartage system, is the best there is, insuring promptness, which is an important feature, We buy our wood, standing timber, and so get it sound and clean. All kinds are kept tonstantly on hand Kindling, hardwood, etc. We wish to impress upon our tomers that we stand behind every order, be it small or large, guar- anteeing it to he first-class in every | way, appreciating the fact that a i satisfied, loyal customer is our best Dr | 2fivertisement JAM ES SWIFT & confer- cus- court of appeal has appeal of Rev. the Montreal B. A. Hotel Arrivals. F, S. Wartman, Colebrook; Dr. Me Quade, Yarker; T. S, 3aker, W. 6. Stevens, A, 8. Grocott, Charles 11. Though it is not yet settled de- | Weisner, V. Boyd, Charles Head, W. finitely, it is likely the Methodist | A. Damen, W. = A. Shea, 1. George gemeral conference of 1918 will be held | "mith, William Oliver, Toronto: C. in the Metropolitan church, Toronto, H. Kitchen, W. J. Elliott, New York: The government has relaxed the | I. Jeffery, Preston; A. J. Powers, provisions of the food inspection law | Humbold, Sask.; F. Campbell Brown, to allow of shipments of poultry and | A. G. Boswell, C. H. Earle, George meat from one province into another | Bredin, A. Williams, Montreal; J, | without inspection. W. Hopkins, J. E. Ball, Bufialo; I engaged in the erection Blon#e, Chatham; Rev. W. Cox and {of an amusement hall at the Brockville | Wife, Wolfe Island; D. D. Earingy, { as lum have gone on strike owing to Morristown; W. A. Wood, Ottawadd the fact that the Mbor of patients | E. Cole, Prescott; George C. Gi. ! Berlin, | ------------ ---- { | | | has been utilized. | bons, London; J. #, Hacher, There is the prospect of an enop- -- mous wheat crop in the Punjab where At Wonderland, there is a great scarcity of labor. The | [he "Art, Richardson Co., in actual government is importing labor-saving talking pictures at Wonderland all reaping machines from England. | this week are pleasing immonse erowds At Hinvolw, Nob, Madame. .Nazi-i sach evening. The company is claver mova, an actress, was sevetely JUL in this unique' line of work and their ell by falling while entering the stage | off ris are greatly appreciated by It is feared her arm was fractured Kingston theatregoers. They present but by farsyng 2% tL a sling she | new pictures every day and their work was able hi pedora ier part. should be seen and. heard to be ap- At br Cy le jury in | preciated. On Wednesday evening the case o haries , I, company presented" Thomas FE. Shea's x vi, 3 § 8 FE. Shea's with, the murder of Dr. Frederick cl version of "The Bells " and FiEls Rustin, returned a verdict o not | 4 load nt Arild o me guilty, after thirteen hours' delibera- | themselves decidedly popular, The grit, a ; "company have a special programme 10m. : {for this evening and owing to the y The Austrian budget for 1909 was| , °° yd owing s tha low i : 3 ™e , | admission charged the theatre should introduced in parliament "Thursday. be 'unable 'to accommodate tk For military armaments it asks the = ; Hi wt "13: . crowds. sum of sixty million dollars, which | : SET {sum expended in 1908. At Logansport, Ind., after having IS LIKELY TO BE HELD IN MONTREAL. been ~ asleep exactly one week, Péter | A week | = ---- : | Alread 10,000 Has B Sub- THE ERB MURDER. | ye 8 a 18 the Davig, charged | Snyder, a farmer, is dead. ago he | Since worked all' day husking corn. he retired rather = early that night all efforts of his physicians to | | arouse him failed. { { scribed--The Event Will Nikely Charged With | Take Place From Feb. 1 2 to Killing Philadelphian. | the 20th. Media, Pai, Dec. 11.--The murdér| Montreal, Dec. 11 ~The matter of a of J. Clayton eb, the well-known | winter carnival that has just been | Philadelphia politician, will come be- | raised in the city, has met with not fore the county grand jury here to-|only the sapport, but also with a» (day when the district attorney will | cerain amount of opposition. Up tc jpresent indictments against Mr§. Flor | the present $10,000 has been promised rence Erb, the wife, and her sister, for the carrying out of the project | Mrs. Catherine Beisel, charging them ' and in sporting circles the proposi lwith the crime. The 'witnesses will tion is undoubtedly popular. A num | be principally servants. - Mre."Etb is ber of the merchants of the city have {out on bail, having obtdined hér re- | also given the proposal most cordial {lease on a writ of habeas corpus after | support and there is but little doubt [a long 'hearing in which the eommon- | but that from February 10th to 20th { wealth failed to establish that she did | there will be winter sports carried out {the killing. Mrs. Beisel is still in the | as well as the erection of an ice pal | county jail: {ace. The chief opposition appears to Erb was shot and killed, so it is! come from the railways, though, se charged, by Mrs. Beisel after a violent far, there has been no notification of | three-cornered family quarrel. on the | any official aesire to put any obstacle night of October 6th, in the Erb in the way of thé suggestion. The county home, near here. | promoters of the scheme state that | the railways are antagonistic on the | ground that it will cause much work ito organize excursions from the vari- Gave Waiter a Five ous parts, but they also say that if Cent Tip, | the Sanadan railways He pot pre | Feiiis twink [ a | pare or the traflic the American peace Nols. dn Lond a ani th Sh" i «--Rovke etl ame here, yesterday | 4),0 special trains and provide all the noon, for luncheon at the Mansion | facilities of tre fie that ; al ay { house with. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of 1 is al Be ig fe. necuseaty. | Now York, who stop regularly at the | 14 also argued hy the committe Fa vo, i Ni | i i of the carnival that the-idea that a j ansion house, ey ad ordered | yi tor festival would accentuate the {their luncheon in advan o and just ran | opinion that Canada is a 1 nd of {up from Lakewood aril - back again, it ; ; snow and ice is absurd and this view Ihe luncheon of which Xr. Rockefeller | i supported hy many of "those wh late uw gencrous por consisted [ @ of | have come from the United Kingdom {vegetable soup, lobster, scallops a la | who 'state that they would be only Mansion house, planked chicken and! too pleased to see the proposition baked potatoes. Jean Brivoul, pro- | carried out to its fullest extent, Op iprictor of the Mansion house, says 'he | the part of the latter it is said that story about Mr. Rockefeller subsisting | with 'the filler knowledge of the - do- on crackers and milk is untrue. Mr. | minion, which has come to the Old | Rockefeller. gave the waiter who served | Country. in recent years, no such idea {him five cents for a Alp and advised | exists, and the belief is- that given a thin to put it in the saviggé-bank: {Winter carnival. and alto, if possible | "That's what 1: did with my spare |3 cummer carnival, that a consider- cach when 1 vour ad." eaid Mr. [able-amBunt of good advertising Rock carted mone for | might aterue, not only fo Montreal ' money { bat. aled: $e: thik. whole of the coun. try. The committee which has the ar days rangements is pushing on with the Wife and Sister HE WAS GENEROUS. | Rockefeller John war icher, 'and 1t Aiter an illness lasting five { Mrs. Alan "Connar, Calgary, ; t pass d away, from perforation of the ready been promised gives one every bowels. The maiden nathe of ground : for believing that the event ceased wag Ada' Sargent, her home will he a popular one. So far .no being near Row's Cdrners. strong opposition has made itself felt, Try Bibby' . calfskin mitts. and as the'sporting clabs are entering The death occurred at Chicago, Ill, into the scheme there is every prob- of Nora Moore, daughter of Mr. and{ ability of the event heing a success: Mrs. O. Moore, former residents aii - | Brocitvitie ! Try Bibby's $1 hoxsehida mitts «.. 1 ae ngilon's advty on Saturday afternoon, 'At the Point' Altat, details, and the support which has al- Sale of shirts, Saturday, See Liv: 110 a.m. --~Fresh south east to south - west winds, light snow falls, turning eed to sleet or rain in many places, Saturday, mostly fair and mild. Watch this space from now . until Christmas. It will he especially interesting to gift- \ givers. i TO-DAY we tell you about a few desirable items in the Ready-to- . Section. 4 BABY CARRIAGE RI'GC, CHILDREN'S BEARSKIN COATS, MISSES' CLOTH COATS, - RELIABLE FURS, WOOL CLOUDS. FASINATORS, WOOL SHAWLS, KNITTED JACKETS, SILK WAISTS, NET WAISTS. : WOOL WAISTS, KIMONOS, DRESSING GOWNS, SILK DRESSES. | SILK PETTICOATS. HEATHERBLOOM SKIRTS. i MOREEN SKIRTS, ETC. A Petticoat Special Beautiful Petticoats. $7.50. Sale Price, $5 | COME TO-MORROW AND SEE THEM. ~AT... 2 a 5 Fe ood Colored Regular Silk price, Yet d PP Probe O ede dt bd DIED. At Brockviile, aged seventy-six On Thursday the Ge AMITH Sinith, MORI EY 1908 al, daughter' of the y p.m from reet ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. Phone, 577. ° 227 Princédss street A Welcome Demonstration Lipton's demonstrator w=) us till Saturday, 12 i i will dispense, irée of } 3, their brated Tea, Coffee and Jelly This will he a Loon the 1 busy shoppers at this season. | Ss cordially wrvited, Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries remain with ember aduid. Clee, to ed and erybody TO CLEAR OUT Not me, but all my Stoves. I wiil it a good reduction for the ecesh. TURK'S Second-Hand Store, 'Phone a Quoth The Raven. a midnight dreary, as 1 pone weak ard weary many - a CHristmas ¢ encounteted in the store addenly there came a tapping' Eomecns gently rappigg "Early shopping's best--and sure Onte uper ered Over ramble as The death oeeirred, on Saturday last, of Isase €. Hawkins, son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles . Hawkins, Athens, aged six months. The little ome had been afflicted with smell:pox but was convalescing in a very satisfadeor: Jnanner, when he was attacked , wilh tonvulsions and died in a few hours. . The lecturer on Christian Keience, at city hall to-night, tells of the healing of disease and sing :