wrAGE TWO, : ' . -- - ---- i Christmas Is Happier It fou spend your money wisely, and i _ our lines have wisdom and happiness all over them. : ¢ » . 1 witness that these words "Never man THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1908. so spake," are true. Fram TH HALLS OF QUEENS cipal Pat cupied the pulpit of Chalmers ws} PRINGIPAL PATRICK MANITOBA cupid ihe pulpit of Chalmers chucch, OF COLLEGF, gregation. He gave a comprehensive ALMA o MATER ABOLISHES Perior Cabinets Our new 'line, $8.00, £10.00 $15 and up to is. un- usual in value. - Vice-president Galbraith occupied - the chair and called on the secretary, D. A. Carmichael to give his annual report. This was very full, concise review of the past year's work of the society. W. : M. Campbell then prescnied is Snacial " v TRIBUTE END | statement which showed a nce of| ¥ OF A FRI boar, Ty The next {Suestion dealt Mem {with was the revision of the constitu- To, the ory 5: the Late John! On motion i D. A. McArthur, Robb. i _ {seconded by M. Y. Williams, the yor On December 5th, 1908, at his resi- commonly known to. all students as the dence, Patrick street, Kingston, died|city vote was dome away with. Another John Robb, ju the seventy thifd your change Biovides he he meetings aftet of hie age, Born in the country, se ristias v 0 he had ~ misfortune when but jon Leah after classes close in years old to contract a disease whic! April. The arranging of programmes ndered him ® Jom dort hin uived for various meetings is now left in the f th ative. by labor, he courageously set to work: hands of the executive ? ; A motion by A. H. Gibson to the to qualify himself for teaching. Not-| fect that oe president of the society withstanding many discouragements, 5 : 5 Xe Bn shal . a graduate or a student in the he succeeded in gainin, a high stand- shall be aE Ng his attendance provoked ing in his profession. He\game to Ca-4 ch discussion, which was thoughtful nada with his parents in 1855, and 200,10 The POIAL. BE orion was Jost began to teach in 1854. For. severallp p RO anicd s Motion which years he taught on Amherst Island.) 'iia for a supreme court, the head and for nineteen years in Pittsburgh, of 'which shall: be the president of the and both places thefe are plants of A.M.S, the presidents of arts, engincer- men and women who remember with |: ulapian: and theological so- affection their old teacher. For John ie, Acs A a jury. tT will be Robb was a model teacher, a 'man, the duty of this court to arraign any who 'besides being a good scholar, student who brings dishonor on his Al- ' WINNIPEG. ion of Chriat's weeping over bs en tals i" Rape aTY VOTE. & a Preached in Convocation Hall and ij the city and wept over it." Prin- ren Wool Chalmers Church--He is the |cipal Patrick emphasized the fact that : Held--Preparations For the Children's Drawers at 15, 20c, 25c, to reveal Him. Men might study] ~~ Convefsazione on Friday. Infants' Booties and Iufantees at 10c, 15¢, 20c, Rev. Principal Patrick ox Manitoba |the nature of God thromgh philoso- SHE College, Winnipeg, was the preacher | pe : = Ci + f the most interesting mn some years. » 4 : saan d oy would they know Goa as He really |3 Boys' Shirts and Drawers at 2 38c and u visit of the celebrated university lead- (is. The test showed the sympathetic ys' ob rs al Se, 30c, 35¢, : Up. er of Western Canada to Kingston, » is 'ather so the heart of God was nee ence. Hd was here in June, 1905, at |wise revealed. : the Presbyterian General Assembly, : of the ! We can give you Children's Coats at cipal Grant. Dr. Patrick is recogniz- as : $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.0 4 Jed » Jerusalem, as" told in Luke xix,-4l: Establishes a Supreme Court For . Leading University Figure of {God could be known only through His phy and science 'and history; but ouly -The'annusll meeting of the Alma Mater Ladies' Vests at 25¢, 35¢, 50c and up. at the Sunday afternoon service in| nature of Jesus, as he wept over the --- » 4 aff i but" the frst time that ho has preach: A Few More Pairs of Wool Blankets at at which he has been the foremost ed as onc of the greatest men in the west. Though of Scottish birth and of the old kirk, he is one of the strong- est advocates of church union, and took a leading part in preparing the proposed basis of union. : A large audience gathered 'in 'Con: vocation Hall to hear Principal Pat rick who spoke from the text, John vii, 46: «Never a man spake like this man," or as the revised version has it, "Never man so spake." The rude' and untutored men com- posing the mob forcing Jesus to His death, were susceptible to the impres- sion made by the Master, said the preacher. They had no qualification except the open, candid] earnest, thoughtful mind, and just because of this one quality they were constrain. ed to ey "Never man so spake." | And this is the only confession, the only testimony of Christian experi: ence. All Christendom bears witness to i % aE MUSIC CABINETS. Some beauties, at $4.50, $5.50, $8 up. '"And when He was come near He be 's W ' 8 "hrist, - t Western Canada. Son, Jesus Christ, whom- He had sen DY oush & study of tha' Life of Chest | Society on Saturday evening. was one Ladies' Drawers at 25¢, 35¢, 50c and u Convocation Hall: This is the second oly city, and as Jesus revealed ed before a Queen's University audi : " figure since the days of the late Prin- ? ' Oak and Mi- hogany, usetul; convenient, 10.00, $12.00, $17.00 up 550 this .season's work. Many students will attend the conversat, and leave on the early train Saturday morning for their vacation. This week will be a busy week around college halls. As college closes on Fri- day next, a number of examinations which were to have been held next week are being held this week. The medical dinner will be held on Thursday night of this week and then the conversat Friday night. ! A few articles such as umbrellas, caps, gloves, etc., have been taken from the to When buying for 'Xmas, shop early and get the very best pick ! of our very large assortment of Our Different Lines of Rocking Chairs . Fg \ Chairs, all Kinds. MORRIS CHAIRS. Arm Chairs, Children's $4.00, 85.50, $7.00, 89.00 up, select from Hags, Carpets, Curtains, Table Drapes, Door Mots, Pillows, _ Comfortenss, Blankets. over 25 fhone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. Alaska 'Down Cushions White Cambric Covered, in all sizes. TEA COSIES, in' all sizes. R. McFaul, Carpet Warchouse. POTATOES Ready for the winter trade. Two more cars of fine Potatoes to be added to our present stock. Try them. J A. GLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Earl Remedy, ates the wholo makes new Tones and invi nervous system, < Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper matorrhea, and Effects of Abuse or FExcesses, Price $1 per box, six for $5, One will please, six . will cure. Hold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on.receipt of price, New pamphlet mailed free. The Wood Medicine Co. Irormerly Windsor) - Toro fo Mind Worth Anything ? This question of insurance J. isn't entirely a 'matter dollars and: cents, Wien you buy an insurance policy, you rélieve.your mind of worry. E You have 'tion for of bought protec- yourself or your family and you feel the solid rock beneath your feet. . And see how little it costs. For 5} cents a day I can insure' a person of 30 $1,000. From half 'to ! one Shree for - cent a { day is all it costs to insure a : house for the same amount. The companies I represent are the oldest and best in the business. McCann |) 51 Brock St. Fire, Wife, Accident Plate Glass Insurance. x y Sd 4 and F| him. 'Never this fact. We see "originality" standing oul very prominently as ome of the char- acteristics of Christ. He spoke as a man. He spoke as God and He spoke of the relationship existing Létween God and man. The most profound and most original answer to the question, What is God, is revealed in the words which Jesus Christ might well have spoken, God is Love. God has reveal ed himself to us through Jesus as de sirous that cveryone without distinc tion whatsoever, should be His song and His daughter--actual children, spirit, temper and disposition. All of us who cherish the loftiest concep: tions of the Divine, are foreed to bend low in presence of Jesus. ' In the second place we must see the great certitude with which He spoke. We are arrested at the outset by the serene sureness with which he speaks, regarding the highest subjects wif¢h learned men refrained from attemp; --~deliberation, examination' have no place in the experience of Jesus. Jes- us has no doubt or conviction, but His certitude is a note of all He says. He has seen God and 'He came to ex- plain God. There was no strain or effort in the words of Jesus; no hesi- tation whatever, but perfect self- epmplacency. He lives in the spiritual world and is ever Tu the presence of God. Another characteristic of Christ was His accent of authority, "Come. unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." We ure not startled at these words on ac count of their. familiarity. ' This is most extraordigary language. No- where do you find such authority as that. It climes to us and demands absolute surrender and allegiance of the human race. Christ represents our future--weal or woe--which is insepar- able from our personal loyalty to man so spake." Jesus spoke truth and referred*men to the truth asking men to believe what He said, because it was truth. Do. not ask what truth is but see 'it reflectec in Jesus, in whom the truth is em- bodied. He speaks of the truth as in- dependent of Himself, in Himself and in God. These three seem divergent, but they are perfectly consistent, Jesus is truth, and interpreter of truth. He hath seen God and in see- ing Jesus we see God. God made man by one authority and infallible inter- preter, Jesus Christ. ' Attain self-knowledge in and through the revelation of-self in Jesus. This explains our origin amd destiny in Him. These words of Jesus are the most original, simplest, rarest, highest and the most Catholic] liberation in gospel. . Christ is not knowledge but love. The end of all knowledge is practice, obedience, holi- ness, righteousness and goodness. Genuine liberty is found in that per- fect freedom born of Christ above. We fulfil the end of our existence in- sofar as we are possessed' by . spirit of Christ. The standard of perfect manhood or, of parteot womanhood can no more be real or independent of the spirit of Christ than flowers can bloom in June or July without rain or sunshine. The conscious per- sonal experience of every one bears IMMEDIATE RELIEF. From Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats and Hoarseness Hyomei. L When you catch cold vou want to get rid of it as quickly as you can. You.don't want to lic around the house for a week "swallowing nausea- ting drugs. y Why not avoid all this ? Why hot relieve your cold in five minutes ? Why not cure it over night ¥ You ean do it by using Hyomei, the sure and guaranteed cure for colds, coughs, sore throat, catarrh, bronchitis and asthma. . > William Guess; of "Ayr, Ont., says: "Booth Hyomei has proven to be a most satisfactory treatment for nasal catarrh and bronchial trouble. 1 have doctored considgsmbly for these troub- es. and conséientiously say that no- thing ever used has given me such quick and lasting benefit as this re- medy. 1 have fouhd it especially good for cold in "the head and cough. I am very glad to endorse Hyomei, as an article of uncommon merit." Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me) is medicated and antiseptic. air. You breathe it into the lungs through a small pocket inhaler and its soothing influonce as it passes over the inflamed membrane of the respiratory tract, stops the mucous discharge, allays the inflammation and By Using! { American hotel .p and well posted in all the subjects he taught, had besides the faculty of im- parting to his pupils what he knew, so as to impress it = on their minds. Mr. Robb was a great reader, with a fine memory, and those who argued with him had to be careful. Some- imes, perhaps, inclined to be a little too strong in his opinions, he was yet a real good fellow, and beloved by his many friends, bys few more so than by the writer, after an actjuain- tance of nearly forty years.--J.W.H. fr SATURDAY NIGHT FIRE. Crowd on Princess Street Lively Entertainment. On Saturday evening about eight o'clock the throngs of people on Prin- cess street were startled by the lowd ringing: of thie gongs onthe fire "rigs. The - sleigh from the lower station; dashed up the * streét," to" Sydenham street, the horses going at their best speed, the heavy' sleigh drawing easily over the snow. Then from the other direction came the clash and clang' of the gongs, and the apparatus. from the upper station came -tearifig down tq: Princess and Sydenham streets. By the time the fire apparatus was on hand there wis an immense crowd 'of people there crowding all over in éveryhody's way---as a Kingston crowd generally manages to do. The cause of all the excitement was a slight blaze in a barn back of the liquor store of E. Beaupre. "A line of hose: was run: from "Sydenham = street, and one: from Clergy, and in" a few minutes the blaze was: put out. Had it not been discovered at once, serious Ye- sults might have followed, as many buildings are close at hand. Traffic Ss blocked on Princess street. for about half an hour. Had ¥ THE BOARD OF TRADE Evening, {| A large meeting of the Board of Trade is expected this evening when the re- port of its council on the Macdonald park scheme will be submitted. Practi- cally the only point af issue is the $100,- 000 bonus asked for. Some members of the board claim that this is only an issue--that the chief point after all is the securing of the park site, which they claim cannot be got. The granting of the site lies with the dominion govern- ment. After the Board of Trade discusses the project the matter will be ready ford submission to the city council. 1f the Board of Trade recommends favorably, there is no doubt the council will sub- mit the concessions to the people for | their approval. It is. understood that the Boston promoters' scheme has fallen through. There is still another hotel proposition .before/ the city council's special committee, (that of the British- oprietor, who offers to erect a $150,000 building on the present British site if the city will guar- antee bonds to the extent of $100,000. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Close of Forty Hours Devotions-- Men at Mass. The various services in connection with the forty hours devotion to the holy sacrament were brought to a con- clusion last evening in St. Mary's cathe- dral. Archbishop Gauthier officiated at grand vespers and carried the host in the procession, usual on such 'occagions. He also imparted the benediction $f the holy sacrament. The grand altar was handsomely decorated with flowers ahd brilliantly illuminated with waxen tapers and colored lights. ©ver the altar' the motto "Ecce Panis Angelorum" was placed. The choir was present in full strength and rendered the vesper psalms in splendid voice. sion they sang the Pange Lingua, the Processional, the Te Deum and the Hymn to the Pope. At early mass the men of the various cathedrat societies partook of trfty com- maunion. The archbishop addressed them, urging them to avoid intemper- ance and to live virtuous and God-fear- ing lives, To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggiste refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa- ture is on each box. 25c. Date Of Nomination. Civic nominations for mayor, alder- men and school trustees will be held on Monday, Dec. 28th. Elections .will be on Monday, Jan. 4th. The schools and colleges close next Friday for the Christmas vacation. To Consider the Hotel Scheme This During the proces- | ma Mater in any way and deal with the offender ds it may deem fit. The retiring vice-president then called on J. H. Stead, M.A. president-elect fo conte forward and assume his duties, who in turn installed the other officers. The annual meeting then adjourned and the regular 'meeting was then held. Several notices of motion were- made which will be dealt with at the next | regular meeting on Saturday night. The programme "rendered was en: joyed by every one. Probably one of the best inter-year debates in some years took. place between years 'II and ha, The subject of debate was "The Nation- alization of our Railways." The affirma- mistake. three ordinary faculty courts, there is now -a supreme court in counection with the Alma Mater Society. the world, either personally or through tive Was taken by the freshmen who wer¢ represented by Messrs. Wilson, while Messrs. W. The debate was keenly contested and | the debaters showed considerable ability | in pliblic -speaking. The judges were | Prof. MacDonald, D.-A. McArthur and J. A.' Jackson. While judges were ar- riving at .their decision the men's glee | club under the able: direction. 'of Miss Singleton; "favoredt the * audience with three selections Which 'were very much] appreciated. Prof. Mag¢Donald in sum- | ting up gave sae' good hints by way | of criticising the debaters which were | very much: to the point: "I consider the debate to-night to be a better debate than the one with Ottawa College be- cage all four 'men '@ebated,'" said the professor. The decision was given in favor _ of * the . sophoinores. ~The next inter-year debate will be held on Satur- day evening, Decémber 19th. ; The apnual conversazione promises to be a great success. The: various com- mittees in charge are all composed. of men who are determined to make it a success, This greatest of all college functions will be a very fitting close to Crow and A. J. books and songs. He was originally a Scott and J. member of Sir Henry Irving's company, Dawsof for year '11, upheld the negative; | appearing with the greatest sucess in lin the title character of Brewster which plays wi attachéd ported by her original New York com- | ies had § GEORGE MILLS & CO. GOOD FURS MAKE GOOD GIFTS CANADIAN FURS I Canadian Furs, such as Hud- son Bay Sable, Otter, Beaver. Miok, Lynx, Fisher, Bear, etc., are 'amongst the [inest in the world, and 'this, store makes a distinct specialty of [ine furs. Furs, like jewels, are some- | whole «ystem, while continued indiges- | | | | Eganville N has given $5,000 to Bishop Lorrain Mem- are striking testimonials to his liberal- ity and further evidence that "big and when near the church fell on the | icy walk very seriously injuring his hip and shoulder. cab and is now resting easily. times deceptive. Inferior skins and qualities can be so manipu- lated as to imitate rare and costly kinds. The. orly safe way is to buy them from a house of experience and reputa« tion, and whose judgment is known to be correct. It's worth while coming, in to see our Furs if only to see, and you'll find cousteous sales- peop'e ready to show you the goods that help to make this concern Kingston's Famous Store. od your cough you would be anxious have. it removed. Irritations and in- flammations in the a tendency Diamond them. Wade's drug store. closed a successful week's engagement at the Grand Opera Houmse on Saturday night. was the piece presented, with May A. company left for Belleville to-daye a Cory and safe and sure. Try "Putnam's." Xmas Goods, such as HOUSE COATS, " DRESSING GOWNS, BATH ROBES, NECKWEAR, . FANCY BRACES, FANCY VEST, NECK SCARFS, SWEATER COATS, FANCY HOSIERY. P. J. HUNT. Furnisher to Men Who Know. * physics building this fall and not by Warning is given to those who are liable to make these purposeful mistakes that courts will be held during spring term and that in addition to the AT THE GRAND. To-Night, the British Comedian is Here, Robert (anthony, as an actor, enter- tainer and humorist is known all over} the medium of his numerous plays, Paris, Hamburgh, Copenhagen York, Montreal, Cape Town, etc. 8 Robert Ganthony. company, including Miss Hazel Stanmore, of the Court : +> Theatre, Londdh, "Eng., will present the ; Come--- All Who latest , English¢ farce comedy, "All ; . Brown's Fault," and Mr. Ganthauy's Long for Christ- mas Cheer, famous specialties atthe or Santa's Treas- ure House 18 Here. New The yes "Brewster's Millions."' "Brewster's "Millions," a dramatization of George Barr McCutcheon's entertain- ing story which 'scored a pronounced success" here last season will be the at- traction at the Grand on Wednesday, Dec. 16th. EdwardeAbeles will be seen' he originated) Yi We are headquarters for / sensible gifts. Every member of the y © of Louise | Vale, this season, in her latest play "The | Girl of the Emerald Isle." She is sup- | family can be ace- comodated. pany and a splendid performance of an | extremely interesting play can be confi- { dently expected, at the Grand on Thurs- | day, Dec. 17th. Collars, Belts, Waists, Skirts, Dress Lengths, Waist Lengths Why Have Indigestion ? You cannot have indigestion for » Fancy Frillings, etc. single day without injury to } a your | tion undermines the cntire foundation'| of health. | Sweaters, Decide to cure you stomach trouble. | Do it to-day. Day's Dyspepsia Cure | & Mitts does curo all forms of dyspepsia and | indigestion. Each bottle conlains six- | teen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. FOR ME Ber Vadetuoth Cardigans, id and Gloves, Scarfs, Fancy Socks, etc. FOR GIRLS--Red Toques, * Sashes, Mitts and Stockings, 'Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, etc. M. J. O'Brien's Munificence. Leader. J. O'Brien, the millionaire rail- way contractor and mine owner of Renfrew, distributes his wealth with a generous hand. As is already known he FOR BOYS--Toques, Sweat- orial hospital wing, Pembroke; $1,000 ers, Underwear, Mitts, Fancy to the Y.M.C.A., Ottawa; has'a standing offer of $5,000 to 'a new hospital at Renfrew, and quite recently has donated $5,000 to the Catholic Extension Society of the United States and Canada. These : Hosiery, ete. South Renfrew has produced one of Canada's men. - N cwinarkx & Shaw The Always Busy Stores. \ Was Seriously Hurt. John Johnston, aged seventy-nine, a very active citizen, was going to Queen street Methodist church, on Sunday | morning, from his home on Brock street, | "4 He was removed in a | FOR LADIE S--Fancy ! Neck T° Were naexer more copiplete than now. The com- | plete they are, the easier will be the choosing for you of a Watch, Chain, Bracelet, Ring, Locket or Necklace. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Wea, ARI pnt ew Aad "4 W. b Alaska Sable Sets, Natural Mink Sets, Persian Lamb Setd. Our Own Manufac- W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Farrier Perfumes A beautiful assortment in cut glass bottles. "4 All the popular odors in bulk and packages. The Hidden Cause Of Coughs. rr : If oh re whit ar ? Looking Into 0 4 the Eyes We can accomplish much for you if your eyes need help. We use no nes in testing and no drops to blind the eye. new Science System of looking ) into the eye does away with all the disagreeable air passages have to become chronic. The Cough Remody removes In bottles, 25c. and H0c., ati - i Closed Its Engagement. The Marks Bros: dramatic company "Hulda, the Girl From the West," sight-testing. b This new way is a, great . advance in the science of Optics. We make all aminations free. Chown's Drug Store, Bell Marks in the role of "Hula." The Of Special Interest To Ladies. Unsightly watts can he removed in few hours by Putnam's . Painless Wart Extractor. Reliable, optical ex- Sprained His Wrist. W. J. Fair, sufferea a severe accident features of the old way of Also . complete as- sortment of Sachet Powders McLeod's Drug | oun COAL will be a. good warm PRESENT, and "SANTY" will enjoy carrying the load. . WALSH'S, Barrack St. COAL! The kind you are looking for "SCR a TON ou at Sh is on Friday evening while bowling at' the Frontenac Club. Mr. Fair slipped and fell, spraining his left wrist very badly. It will be dome 'days before he has the use of his hand again. a the cold is cur- : Druggist and Optician. "Phone, 343, 185 Makers Of Fine Furs. 126-128 Princess St. { Booth & Co.. od. A complete Hyomei outfit costs $1 and G. W. Mahood will refund your JPoney if it fails to cure. Phone, 326 or 621, BF To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting cards, eto. cheapest and best, at Whig office. EEE ETFS