Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1908, p. 3

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ut Supply Your Rds " = THE DRY GO Thi 8 Christinas + 8 LINE . 3 A i We show only New, Fresh Up-todaté Gdeds, and you will find our prices right and you will' also find . a wad of jcodrteous, salespeople. Just come and see. fF AB Le FOR formal --and all other' occasions --the glove that is correct in style chosen. Fowl, GLOVES are ALWAYS ol and are well made besides. There is no substitute for Fownes Gloves, any more than there is a substitute for good: ménners or good taste, Never sold under any other name than Fownes, £1 FUR-LINED COATS What could; be more ¢omfortable, or look Vetter than a Fur- Lined willing Coat and what would make a more acceptijle Christuras Gift? Come and sée'pur Pyr-Lined Coats before buying Plsewhere. pared Hipase Sveryons a s to qe ality, style and BR peice, ' We 'are pre- 'Shot' Days Nocessiinie Lode Oil Cans. We have I, 1,2, 8 and 5 'galloff 'cans. light comes from good oil. We have Coal Oil; than which there is none better made. Good Price in gallon lots 15¢, 18c and 20c per gallon. Delivered to an y part of the city. McKelvey & Birch 69 ANY 71 BROCK STREET. [560QU0OC00O00OCT IOC BENE Eee eee Bynopsis of Canadian Now Land Regulations. ANY PERSON "WHO 18 THE head of a family, or any male years old, may homestead a section (160 acres, more or J available Dominion Saskatchewan or Alberta. ai ey cor Sub-Agen district, Ay ¥ iA by proxy may at any agency on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister ot gutending homestoader. DUTI1ES, Pathe land and sultiyg Er in three yearn, and mother, son, sister, , daughter, good standing may pre-empt a seetion along-side his homestead. $8.00 per acre. months in each of six years "frc of homestead entry Riva fift: acres extra. A bhomesteader who has exhausted his obtain homestead right amd cannot Preemption may take _ homestead in certain $3.00 per acre, a p districts. land in Manitoba, The applicant appear in person at the Dominion Tasidence upon may within' nihe ies of his homestead on .a farm of at least BO acres solely owned occupied by him or by his father, brother In certain districts a homesteader Dutjes.--~Must reside six (including tHs time required 'to earns homestead patent) and Purchased homesteads cent 'after the output exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the lotertbr. N. B. --Unauthorized publication of thie advertisement will siot be paid for. thwest SOLE over 18 quarter ess) © for the be made each of live or in quarter- Price But Rn nyt om date oe mediately so as to avoid a giflicing from kidney trou urchased Price les. ----y as'they have cured may be acquired on any available lands | 'on "either odd or even numbered Sections | South of township 45, gary and Edmonton East of Railway West line of range 268, and West third Meridian and the line. Sault and erect » house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN Duties. --Must reside six months in| each of three years, cultivate fifty acres | the Cal- and. the ol the | Railway | WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--Coal mining rights may bs leased for twenty-one years at an annues rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thar to one appli five cents per tom 2,660 acres can be leased cant. R al . QUART person eighteen age and or having made a | NORTH- Price 50 cents per box all dedlers or mailed direst years of iscove may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1.5 feot. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 expended. on the claim each paid to the Mining Recorder. bas been expended or , paid requirements compli with t may be purchased at $1.00 an PLACER MINING 100 feet square. Entry fee, DREUVDGING.~Two . leases o each of a river may be applicant for a term of 2 $10 a mile per annum. fi issued and CLAIMS generally, 5.00. years. Royalty, 24 per| must be "A WOMAN'S BACK WAS NOT MADE TO AGHE. Thodsndé of Women Suffer Un- 's Kidney Pills will cure SH > thousands wondered thas they get out Ho or f order. a warnin| kidneys hn 3 = 3 of OF hen $500 other he claim acre. Wé fully guarafites." superior Sarrec yin } perfec ve miles to one Rental, 838 Princess Bt; artistic workmaunsh CADIES® "¥ND" DENTS' TAILORING uatity and 3 Bs Ouellette, |: TA THRLLHG YORE THE DAILY oi Vii Aon, SEEN "0 1008; [SAILORS SPENT FQ ENT FOUR DAYS Narration By the Gi Céptain of the Schooner i Gina Was Not "to Believe That They Were Alive, "How the schooner Mystery took hee efaw of 8ix 4s near fo death for four days and nights as any man could be and live was narrated by her capisin Tecebily, on an lis: rescus and landing aftéy Rg a of the sea 1 have slag felt 80 near death," said brador, and sailed on Sept. 14 ig osdor hough the Mystaty was built over thirty years ago, was & good sailer, and had BH many storms. "We were only, a few hours out whén @ tremendous gale set in, and Satis ed with increasing violence an . The sea was moun- taitffolls, and 'tossed the schooner about' like a cork, now high on the crest, now plunged in the trough. The* 'decks were continually a-wash; great seas broke over her, and we all hdd many narrow escapes of bein swept into the sea as we craw} about on our duties. "For _four days we. battled against the' gales; our eraft ereaked and strained, but we hoped she would re- tain' tight till the gale abated. On the fourth day, however, the schoon- er strained fo that she sprang a bad leak, and the next thing we learned was that there was three feet of water in the hold, rising steadily. "All 'hands manned the pumps and toiled 'at' them despérately, without ceasing, day and night, for the best {part of 4 week. Had we rested we should have gone under, and even with the efforts that utterly exhaust ed us the water gained. "No help was in sight en the tumbl- ing ocean, and at last we began to de spair. In a last attempt to save the ship we threw the cargo overboard, yet with the decks only two inches above the water we were forced to look death in the face. "We had abandoned hope, when at the last moment, we sighted 8 steamer, We made frantic efforts to attract her attention, but she held on her course without seein "8uch a sight compelled despair, but life is dear, and \we toiled anew at the pumps of the pokr old stagger- ing wreck. Our two ts and most of the rigging were gone. "For 'twenty-four hours longer we worked like. slaves-with the grip of death upon us. And then, just as physical exhaustion was conquering ug at lash, we saw a large vessel rap- idly bearing down. She turned out to be the German Lloyd liner Main, commanded by Captain Jansen, from New York for Bremer. Our decks were then flush with the sea, and we had dearcely strength' to keep our sglves from being washed overboard. The heavy gale was still raging, but a lifeboat 'was launched from the liner, and they rescued us, with much difficulty and danger, ft was not easy to beliéve, 'is we stood safe on alive." prt -- "Truscott's Folly." {The 'election of Sir George Wyatt Truscott as Lord Mayor of London for next year calls to mind the fact that his father, Sir Francis Trus- cott, 'who Was 'Lord Mayor in 1879; was responsible for the Griffin that marks the site of Temple Bar. The heraldic beast, which, when set up, was the object of much derision, was popularly know. as "Trascott's Folly""--an appellation Jone. forgot: ten. The new Lord Mayor, like gen tal Sir 'William Treloar, has a soft place in his heart for the young. In August of this year a lad of 18 ears, who had absconded with near { $1,000 belonging to his employers, was brought before him at the Man. sion House. In the course of the evidente it transpired that, although only receiving-a weekly wage of $5, large sums in. cash passed through his hands daily. Sir George, 'after inquiries about hig character, sen: tenced the young fellow to only six weeks' in the second division. Sir George is no lover of the man who cannot hold his tongue, and on one oecasion imposed an extra fine upon a, cabman for hjs garrulity. The man was accused of having turn ,ed to 'the right, instead of the left, when driving out of Liverpool Strépt station, Londen--a regulation with whieh al! drivers are expected to comply: The defendant urged that he did not understand this regula. tion, and did not know what he was supposed to do. But he" pleaded his cause too lengthily and too frequent "Five shillings and costs," said & George, in giving judgment, "for talking so much. If you -had net talked so: much, I would not have fined you so much." Monte Carlo "Maxims." The recent roulette contest between Lord Rosslyn and Sir Hiram Maxim aroused such widespread interest in this country that dispensers of rou lette grheels and boards and counters found themselves quite unable tc meet the rush of orders for these ar- ticles. Sir Hiram, as is well known, is no believer in. "the man with a system," and is constantly amazed at what he calls" the lack of intelli gence in most of these gamblers." On one occasion he had taken great trou- ble to show the exact matheniatical chances of the game to an ardent "rouletter." The player listened in- tantly. At the conclusion, however he came out with 'a triumphant re- | futation of the scientist' s arguments. "Why, Sir Hiram," he exelaimed, "you have allowed nothing for good luck I" Ny A "A Plucky Little Beggar." When Admiral Sir John Fisher first entered the navy there were few more p ular youngsters in the serviee. ere never was such a plucky lit- tle beggar," remarked an old ship- mate, referrifig to 'those early days. "He was as quick as a monkey, keen as a needle, hard as nails; would do anything or go.afiywhere; didn't know what fear was, or that there was such a word in the language as 'can't'; and yet with it al} he was one of the Juictget most modest fellows I have the big ships eg that we were still , . Mh, OLRW, mT Stok Plects Witties Et : PRICES, 25¢., $1.50 O : 2: 25€,, $1, Seats now oh 0 5 ' THURSDAY, DEC, ITH. The Charmiog Young 'Actress, LOUISE VALE In a Magnificent . Production of The Romantic Play, Ia Sar Aer gy, Fonopher, The Girl Of The A Great Pa A Splenda | ie Unique Seenic i 18:28/38:60 Nyuune Seats on sale Tuesday. Sat., Dec. HR BONNIE BRIER Jr PRINCESS THEATRE LIPM Music Hain Charges bi Sond +8 Toss Extra, Extra a, Attraction, Extra, Bxtra. Janous HUGHES BROS, introduc: Their Grgnd "Musi ial' CLASSIC PAGEANT COMEDY; REFINED, Play- tng all the Latest Classical' as well as Comic and Rgpulas Music of the day, on Instruments New and Novel, too mufuer- bus to gnention, a Fin "gan 10 a en Hr They Prap. Savage from, Storie Beautiful ae for "this occasion. fetures for "TO-DAY. Attraction No. 1.-- MAGISTRATES CONSCIENCE," Drain, Attraction No. 2. --~ 'BRAHMIN S MIRACLES." "A Fine Colored Film Attraction 'No. 3.<THE Npw AP- PRENTICE," Comedy Attraction No. 4 RIVAL S18T- ERS," Comedy Yictyres Cha ed Dilily: Twice a ondays and New Acts oo y New Faces. ONDERLAAD THEATRE The "Art'* Wahavdson Ce. Pictures s That ! Talk "The Blue Jon te.) One af the'grand- sat subjec ever iil ghown in Kingston. his yg is 1.400. feet and is worth the price of adm alone. 'A TRIP THRO? LD Ae" FUNY FAG (OOM FIT NEW ILLUSTRAWRD ONG; ' Not. saven peopl seven people's. worl Admission the Satne, Sc. BLJIOU ane Fore 'YAL In' dat the Pictures Ale given MATIC BE 3 withoyt thé talking: hh ise: TEND KS FOR TOLLS Cataraqal Bridge Bompany SEALED TENDERS ADL ESSED TO the undersigned! and ed 'Tender For Talls," will" ber Teckived Aintfl MON- DAY, the 21st day of De 1908, mber, 1p to 8 2 'clock. p.m., for le of the 'falls of said? ag dor; che yefir from the first day of Jamuafy D., 1008. Those Ten- tering it: name tien The Jowest or any tender not nepyvarily accepted, By Order, # & PHOMAS MILLS, ec.~Freas. Dec. 10th, 90h) CHILDREN'S AID 'SOCIETY. ANNUAL MEETING " HELD in Council Chamber, SDAY, 16th Dec., at 4.80 p.m. LA hterested in work of child vine dor "invited 10. at- tend, 50. HAMMOND MARRY YOu, '!, especialy Our -¥ Vhudeville hursdays, pe : ~Qenuine Carter' :. Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of merald lsle| but, two people do-* a Pa%" Sst x hr BT m---- AFRICAN "a EEE Te; i ae RT HE, oi work prot dy] THE a A JOB CUBANING . ASHES OUT oF i eh Fords, or, cella a fehl: A Lytle, General © GENTLEMEN 10 G om, pov overcoats I way, T, Brock St. next' to. Bibby's Livory, ; TEACHERS WANTED, QUALIFIED TEACHER, For 8.8, No. 19, Township' Pittsburg. Apply = to Wm. McMaster, Baftantyne Station, Ont. 4 Jats Aili BROTION Apply Missis~ TEACHER, FOR Sooo), N#. 1, Palmerston, for Yoo! Allen, Sec reas. ' Ont. to Isaac sippi Station, hip | WAL. A og pT Sor, BE, A POWER & BONS, Ro Shins 'Welling® | NEWLANDS, > Sop Huh hy _offich second floor corner Sutrante on Pay EL STORE, 109 BROCK ST. APPLY JOHN McKay, 151 Brock street. ROOM_ OVER WADE'S, COR. KING and Brock streets, {including hot water heating. Apply MeOann, 51 Brock street. "ROSELAWN" ; THAT | HANDSOME tréot, TEACHER HOLDING © £ CERTIFI: cate of qualification, for, School Section ~ No, 6, Wolle Island, ung. S. Charles Sec Treas, + TEACHER, FOR 8. 8, NO. 9, *K N- nebec,: for year 1909, holding secon or third-class -- certificate. ; stating qualification dnd pected, to Newton, Sec. Dedd Creek, Ont, wx Tah. , SITUATIONS WANTED. dd : MAN AND WIFE as handy man al. Passage pay. 71 Drummond 8d phone Uptown, 2, WANT ' SITUATION nd geod: cook, gener- ply The Guild, ontreal, le- 1. SEASON, TICKET BATES. Lady's. Single . PAR Gentlemen's Single Children under 15 years . Family of 2 . Eamily of 8 .. Family of 4 or. 5 Family of 6 or 10 .. .A Season Ticket will be the hest 'Xmas present that you can buy your Boy or Girl. py The rink will be open to the public on | Tuesday Evening, Dec. 15th weather and ice permitting. Rink Office will gpen for sala of Tickets and Lockers, on MONDAY, Di. 14th. and in attendance. 'TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF KINGSTCN :& I respectfully ask for your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor lof the City, for 1909, D. 'A. GIVENS. Kingston, 12th December, 1908. MOVED From 73. Clarence 8t., to 155 Welling- ton St. Best laundry in thei city: Lobk! . pe Any of These Suit You? Ju-New Brick Dwelling, 9, vous. B. A C. asd' furnace, drive-house;" a lot,' Braco Iie 2--Fi ass Nearly New ling, 4 rooms, 8B. & C. $3, Boi: sd Frame 1H bedrooms B. & A inde lot, a oh. * 4--Good Stone Dwelling in excellent repair, stable, garden d orchard of the choicest varietids of fruit, $1,650. Dwel- of! good garden land, $1,850, T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington Stréet. i8 invited for all kinds gen- ol maniiactuing and machine of ow ing, sewing inés, guns, i les, razors, edged tools, dies ; os. and pattern mak ven all work. eos «a : or promptly ing, model sitention leavin, raised. Work ouside io ci to. Charges moderate, NTER, J. Way a Mien gn Machinist, (bear Pritcess) at Simmons 30 Mon. Tifton on. wndTA Charles 4. Bona- Attorney-General be a member of President Taft's cabi- after March next, net, Apply. | KINGSTON SKATING RINK 1% WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY RE- 5--Stone Dwelling, stable and. one acre normal A for the winter. on Union # Kbps J. 8. R./ McCann, 51 Brock street. TRALLY LOCATED OFFIORS ront apd réar rooms, at S45 Kin street, over J. P. Forrest's ' Gent's Furnjshing Store. Apply 'to Mr Forrest. FROM 1.--~ BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 hitsn a, wit! extension, k ivchen: on 86 CE quire at 179 Di FoR Eg i a han a Ph £ » a yh nd 3 20 and 138 Clarence ag. RAW WHEA wa RFR vir Now 18 a I gt dnd Send 'me 68 Cen: will cal . AO warts, withoht Ea Hh Boeciatiot, 68 "gt, Sha, Skin Bl HAIR, IRTHMARKS, nently, 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Lisasison, 42 Clarence St, Lele hone, evening, residence, ronteac PR ireat. We MRS. SECELIAL I HERROD. (PORMER- ly Miss hibuspler): Dand-Swedish Dr ar Massage, by the paadin ston. spiciaity" Ad Recommended Physicians of King- massage a adhe' ous. W.0. yor "Phone, -, HUNDREDS OF TONS . We have 4 big stock of all sizes Coal Quality the best. guarantee every load. SWIFT'S. South African Scrip Bought Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St THE ONLY PLA CE FE yo get Nut Taffies fresh every day. --i8 AT-- McLAUGHLIN'S Headquarters for Cowan's. Milk Jhocolates, Maple Buds, 204 Princess Street Take Notice Highest priced paid for House Furni- ture. We have on hand a good line of | Antique Furniture Suitable for Xmas Presents At 'very reasonable prices. LL. Lesses, 507 Princess St. Chatham' St. Wm. Murray Auctionéer 27 BROCK ST. ws Eos: Cutters, Harness Sale of HMarses every Saturday. o | T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS ThapgPurfect Brick & Tile C6., 'Wash PAISLEY. 2 CHISHOLM, Lessee Ate read contract for immediate delivery. that will inspec- tion at redsonable rates. apacity of plant, 60.000 daily. : Cor. The. custom bi intevelit dh computing parte, has indicated that he will :not } accounts by the chartered" banks fouri times a year w December 31st. ill be abandoned on SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED a the undersigned, aud endorsed "'Tende for Shasonry, Concrete Pile Work, rol at ston Military College,"" will be oY at this office until 4.00 P.M. on Thursday, January 7, 1909, for the | construction of Block and Mass Concrete Dry Mason. Wills, Renewal of old | foundation hers of Pile Pier and wid- ening of Pile Pier, in front of Royal Military College at Kingston, County of Froutenae, Ontario, according to a plan and specication to he seen at the offices of J. G. Bing Fad Resident Krgineer, Confederation Lite ullding, Toronto, on application to the Postmaster at King. - ston, Ontario, and at the Department ot Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered made on the printed form supplied, signed with the actual signatures tenderers, 3 An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, for twelve hundred "dollars ($1,200.00), must accomp pany each tender. The cheque will 'We forfeited if the person tendering decline the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be re ined in case of non-acceptance of Len or The Department does not bind ftself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, NAPOLEON TESSIER, Sesre ary. Department of ullic Wi y Ottawa, Dérem Newspapers will not be paid for this 'advertisement ti mert- it without '| authority from the Departajent. : unless and of & SEALED TENDERS AD, the undersigned, and orsed ' 'Tender for Quarters for Stable Es tablishment, Kingston, Ontario," will be received at this office until 4.00 P.M. on Monday, December 28, 1908, for the construction of Quarters for Stable Establishment IR. M. C., Kingston, Ont. Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtaihed at this Depart- ment and on application to H. PF. Smith, Jsq., Architect, Kingston, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not: ge considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Hon ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to tén per tent (10 p.c.) of the amount of the feader, which will be for- feited if the péfson tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or il he fail to complete the work contracted for. f the tender he not accepted the cheque will he returned. The Department does' not bind itsel! to accept the lowest or any tender, By order, : NAPOLEON TESSIER, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, December 12, 1008. Newspapers will not Be paid for this advertisement if they insert it. without authority frem the Department. RESSED TO While preparing a 354 b- for b fast, . Dr. George Iie, Brist { Va, found. a $300 nme in shia ibird's craw.

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