a ' THE DAILY BRITISH x wig. wa pwzaDAT, prcrusER 16, Me hopping Done Here Is Always Satisfactory. Fill your hands, arms, shopping bags and our de- livery with parcels of every des ition for every member of the family and every fri je. ceptable Clrristmas gifts to be fount Lots of ac- / --. How About the Ti People complain about it Being hard to select gifts for the men of the family, but the following list should help any in doubt as to what to give : Men's Shirts, goods, 50c., 75¢., $1.00, $1.25, Men's Ties, ¢., 50ec.,:75¢. | Men's Silk.and Wool Scarfs, 50c., 75¢c., Men's Collars and Cuffs, Gloves, Lined and Unlined. in all the very latest New York Colors Suspenders, White and Color ed, nicely' laundered and all new and: Styles, 90c., $1.00, Socks, Underwear and ieee $e prt) Crumley Bros "Cash Coupons 1908 CHRISTMAS 1908 Just opened a large assortment of Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings at be, 10c, 20¢, 35¢, H0¢, 76ec, $1 to $2 each. nicer for any boy or girl. ~~ Nothing - A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58, HAHAHA HHH THE ONLY PLACE In the city where Fudges are made. "Where you get Nut fresh every day. --18 AT-- McLAUGHLIN'S Headquarters for Mak Chocolates, etc. 204 Princess Street 'Cream Taflies Cowan's Maple Buds, PURE CONCORD GRAPE VINEGAR Absolutely Pure and entirely free Tiimg Mineral Acids. Recommended for Salads and general use, in large bottles, Unfermented Wines, Grape and Cherry, 30c. per bottle, Fresh Oysters D. Couper, "Phone, ne. "Black 76. 41-3 Ei St. PROMPT DEL, IVERY Everything She Ate SEEMED A BURDEN TO GARRY. FOUR YEARY. When yotr yobe 03} = wh been digested, y recei' benefit it oe The exertions Seat as -- il Sheteby o ® of the tissmes tig Saket" Bo TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS FhagPerfoct Brick & Tile. Co., Wash- PAISLEY & CHISHOLM; Lessee for stand Capacity Are ready to contract delivery. HRrick that will tion at reasonable rates. plant, 60,000 daily. A NEW DISCOVERY! A preparation found that will stop falling hair, in even the niost sevére cases, in from two -to four 'days. Guaranteed or money refunded, Get application at KEYES, Barber Shop 386 King street. The Great , Remedy, , Tones and intigorsies the wh ® eu), Wakes new lood in old Veins. Cures Nero sonal SF enk and rin Jory, es enkness, Fanissions, Sper locts of of A eon Ixrcesses. ag wil) oako, ely as or Phalied in immediate inspee- of ous ma an and Efe Price §1 per ¥ Xi sll re | pid et ina fo Fis, New ee to, | Chocolates That Have Won Gold. wr Wedals above galore, and stood the test all other makers exhibited Toronto exhibition in 1908, - Sold Edwards and Jenkin. at at Some people drive out temptation with prayer and then invite it jn when it. comes to the matter of cash and barter, Bibby's for ladies' Every lady i to see the beauthfal tsplay of high Hass candy, McConkey's and Huyler's, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. See Bibby's 75c. cuff' links, How paltry the $15 he paid for toilet case "looks fo the voung man Who recdives a pen wiper mado by the hand of the only gir] he Toves, If the worst coines to worst you can tell your wife the doctor érdered you not to smoke imported cigars. See Bibby's $1.50 silk-lined gioves, coat. sweaters. | company, { dock by 'the Se, FUTURE OF DRYDOCK A MODERN 'REPAIR PLANT IS NEEDED. . 3 2 * The Government Might Bonus a Vessels Here, <The 'question of the advisability of leasirig the government dry dock to a company that will establish a first class repair shop in vonnection with it, is .agaih discussed in marine circles, Some time ago, the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.; which operates a dock at Colling- wood and Keceives a fat. government bonus for so doing, made advances to secure the lease of the Kingston dock, to operate it in conjunction with a local It is well known that big vessels needing repairs, very often pass Kingston by, because of the lack of a fully equipped repair plant in connection | with the! #lock.. Vessels nowadays must have repairs rushed with great rapidity, fant it. takes a good plant to do this. Ordinary jobs can he handled all right, but the big.ones ean not. Whether the government would lease the dock is not known. Strong objec- tions would be made to that procedure | by various marine ¢ompanies and small vessel owners who can at present lease the do¢k and do their own repairs. Marine men claim that the proper thing t6 do is for the government to establish a plant itself and lease it, or bonus a company to establish a proper plant. The latter wotld be the: better method, There are several local parties wh would like to have the privilege of estgblishing a plant of the dry dock Operty, if a bonus' wag given. At present the steamer Bickerdike is in the dock receiving extensive repairs, which dre being rushed .ahead pretty well, so as to get the steamer out of the first of the year. An ex- eeltent job is being done on the vessel by local firms, the captain says. THE CATHEDRAL GIRLS Held a Tea and Sale Macaulay's. .The tea and sale given by the Cathe- dral Girls' Auxiliary at Miss Macaulay's, on Thesday, was a pronounced success eyery table being cleared of its wares. Miss E. Badley took the fees at the door, and within the drawing-room Miss Aileen Rogers, the-superintendent and Miss Macaulay, welcomed all comers, Miss J. Stafford and Miss L. Tandy were at the work table. Miss Zellie Burns, Miss May Rogers and Miss Gladys Burton sold- sweets. The tea table was lovely with a handsome | centre of embroidered linen, scarlet rib- hons sttetching to its.corners, and carn- ations and stevia in its centre. Here several people took turns at pouring out the delicious tea and .coffee, among them, Miss Belle Laturney, Miss Lettice Tandy and Miss nie Creeggan. Among those who sted in 'many ways were Miss | yn Loucks, Miss "1sic Pense, and Miss Eva Rogers. The amount cleared was $6s. at Miss TO PLAY SUNDAY HOCKEY. Point Road and Barriefield Meet. s Point Road, Dec. 15th--The council held its last meeting of the year to-day to square up the accounts, and again éiter the ring for municipal honors. A very prety wedding was solemnized t "The Oaks" when the second daughter of the house, Miss Gertrude Crozier, was united in matrimony to E. Burn- sifle, of 'Taledo. The happy couple left for a few weeks' honeymoon in the west, Miss .E. Patterson, nurse, left for Gananoque on a sick call. Mr. and Mrs. Switzer are visiting at E. Draper's. H. Curran, while out hunting, captured a very rare fox, half red and half black. I'he. youmg: men intend organizing a hockey team > the near future. They will meet the Barriefield Thistles in a friendly BAG on Sunday afternoon, if the ice lasts. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson, Joveeville, spefit Sunday at W. Woods. The tax collector, A. J. R. Medley, has nearly all the taxes collgcted. The per- centage goes on thé middle of the month, to HAD A HEAVY CARGO. Steamer Xinmount Last to Go Through Welland Canal. The steamer Kinmount arrived in the city this morning from Fort William, on the way to Prescott, pith 79,000 bushels of grain. The Kinmount was the last boat to come through the Welland canal, the canal now being closed for the season. There is ho 'ice in the canal, and mar- inemen say that if it were necessary, i could very easily~be kept open for an- other month, Altogether about three million bushels of wheat have gone through the Welland canal since the wheat was cut, said to be year in Canada's history. Appointed A Committee. A meeting of Queen's University sen- ate was held yesterday afternoon. A committee was appointed to join depu- tations from Toronto, McGill, Laval and Ottawa universities in Ottawa next month to discuss with the civil service commissioners the question of increasing the standard of civil service examina- | tions, . Kicked By A Horse: lingston is invited | | battery. fox 250. While working around the stables yes- | terday, Gupw#ér Cabrie, of "A" battery, | was kicked by a horse, and suffered a severe injury to his hip. He was re moved to the station hospital, on Queen | | street, and is doing nicely. lable to be around again in a week. Sleeping Beauty Disappeared. At ten o'clock this morning, the police were notified that a man was lying | sound asleep, at the corner of King and | Queen streets. { Timmerman hastened to the scene, hut { when they arrived, the sleeper had dis- Constables McAdoo and appeared Inspecting The Stores. Master Gunner Stroud, of Kingston, was in Ottawa, yesterday, jinspecting the gun" equipments and seal stores of the 23rd field battery, ahd also the 2nd field The inspections + satisfactory. were most Casrara Laxatives regular price, 25¢, at Wade's drug store. Lennox stipation, rT con- each, Company to Establish One--A | Proper Plant Would Draw More | He will be | i the biggest |° | be a ini -- . Amusements. Ca GPERAYSE) FREDERIO To Presents Edward Abeles And the Original New. York Cast, in "BREWSTER'S bli 8 gh Sta SMITH and B G Shi and Storm Effects Ever Wi on the PRICES: 25¢., B50¢., 75¢., $1, $1.50. teats mow on sale, THURSDAY, DEC. 17TH. The Charming Young Actress. LOUISE VALE Romantm yo In Tou tn of Act Ss, The Girl Sterne Emerald Isle A Great Play, Splendid Company, Unique Scenic fier sn 15-26-98.8 , Seats now en sale. SATURDAY; DEC. 19TH, in Matinee, 'at 2.30. Evening, 8.15 G. COLVIN Presents The Beautiful Scottish' ¥dyl, "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" Original KIRK LA SHELLE = Pro- duction, Male Quartette, Bag Pipers, Carload of Scenery, etc. . Bargain Matinee, 135¢. and 25c. Evening 35 Nothing Prices 15-25-35- Higher, Seats om sale Thursday. BlJOU Wednesday and Thiireday. TALKING PICTURES 6" "" LOVE AND VILLAINY SYNOPSIS : The Lovers Plot--Kidnapping the Hero --Adrift at Sea--Séizing the Girl-- 'Write or Die"--In the Black = Well--TFhe FloodgateS Opened--"I Drown, I Drown' ~The End, "SCOTLAND FOR EVER" A jourmey thrdugh paris of Seotiand. CTION 3. "Waterproof Willie." ATTRACTION 4. "O'Brien Has by Will West, TALKING PICTURES The 'Noth Higher Bar, Ww. Lhe most beautiful A Lively Comedy Comic Song, Nowhere To Go,V sung EVENING ONLY. FOTIND A BUNCH OF fred St. KEYS. "Phone, APPLY 184 AL- 657. WONDERLAND THEATRE BIG PHOGRAMME TO-DAY. The Art' Richardson Co. --PRESENTS-- The King's Messenger Nick 'of In the SOON. New Illustrated Songs Nickel's Worth Time. NOT "YET, BUT I'he Biggest in Canada. KINGSTON SKATING RINK SEASON TICKET RATES * Lady's Single .....cowi. Gentlemen's Single Chijdren under 15 Family of 2 Family of 8 . Family g Family of 6 or 10 , A Season Ticket will be the best 'Xmas present that you can buy your or Girl. 2 9 = Rink Offige now. ep re. of tickets lockersy + TENDERS: FOR T0LLS Catar raqut Bridge -Sompan any SEALED EENDBAR ABDUESSED TO the undersf, Fer Tolls," will be received until, MON- DAY, the 21st day of December, / 1908, up to § o'clock for je; a oft; of said] Bridge for "ong day of January, A.IV, dering to name sureties. any tender not necessarily Boy and THOMAS MILLS, 4 Areas. 10th, 1908. eA I UNION to A sta } union 55 a Dee. MEN WA WAN TWO YQUNG EN. LACT clerks a igmeliery ni 'duri next week, mM the evehi C. Ww. Lane, Wel ngton street. TO LEARN BANE he twelve pone reed Sika AS the to it tions. Few. wicks Write Molter Barber "oor lege, Toronto, 5 WANTED--GENERAL, FABM TO BUY OF 100 oR 150 ' AORES, the JSiLy- Apply McCann, 51 Brock street ROLL TOP DESK. GIVE DIMENSIONS 'and . lowest price. Apply Box 23, Whig office. A NUMBER OF SOUTH AFRICAN Land" Warrants. Will pay highest Griffith, GIRL, TO housework, A GENERAL SERVA oot Fon - ences and. 9 p.m. at fo1, brid FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENE INSURAX ) Pod St As Sabie ix in Wiling: sented. - ARTHUR "ARCHITECT, "oie and 181 Gein HENRY Kilis CHIT ete., ding, Ae To B48; Wich Jone sbEReT ABCHITECTS, Se: Be fFhone, 313: ya, oper Mahood's Dee Nwecond floor A streets. or Princes on Bagot street. 'Phone, 608. STORE, 109 RROCK ST. SrTLY.JouR McKay, 151 Brock street. : ~ WM. spot cash price. Win, Brock- CUSTOMERS. FOR ville, Ont. Tenderloins, Spare Ribs, at Maélean's, On- TO- MORROW, Fresh Pork and Kidneys, taria street. ROOM. OVER WADE'S, COR. KING and Brock streets, including hot water heating. Apply McCann, 51 Brock street. FIRE JNSVRANCE RISKS, GOOD owest rates, fair settle- set bs' & Oo, 109 Broce' st. Bape €80¢ 1SERORTUNITY TO = FURNISH 8 nates on Sloctele Works a Bun of w romptly done. F, . Electrician, 208 Wellington Yio A JOB QLEANING SHES OF yards or cellars Asmp hor Datage Sarten. Prices 3 right. A rio to Lytle, General Carter, GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WENT er overcoats ma OW, last years' turned an ade J new. Your 'own cloth mmde into we date suits. Price and hw orkmanship guaranteed to please. The Tailor, © 181 way, Brock St, ' next to Bivby.s_ Livery, LO SITUATIONS WANTED. l x 1 MAN AND WIFE WANT SITUATION as handy man and good cook, gener- al. Passagé paid. © Apply The Guild, 71 Drummond St., Montreal, Tele- phone Uptown, 2,361 MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES, YOUR OWN CAKES DECOR- ated 'and iced in a beautiful style~at very moderate prices. Leave cake a see specimen, at 279 Bagot street. TO THE ELECTORS : Having been presented with a largely signed re- quisition, asking me to be a candidate for the Mayor- alty for 1909, I have decid.' ed to accede to the request, I therefore solicit your vote and influence. "Respectfully yours, D. COUPER. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF KINGSTCN :--- I respectfully ask for your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor 'of the City, for 1909. D. A. GIVENS. Kingston, 12th December, 1908. Left For His Home. Andrew Wilson, tho Swede, who had his left eye terribly injured in an ac cident near: Calabogie, a few daws ago, and who was treated at the general hospital, was able to return home, yesterday. The member had to be removed, and an artificial eve put in its place. : 4 WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY RE- MOVED . : From 73 Clarente Bt, To. 155° WaliE: ton St. Best laundry in the city. PORTSMOUTH CQUNCID. The Village Has' a Surplus $700. ) The Portsmbuth 'council held fits last session for the' year last evening. The treasurer's feport Showéd a surplus of $700, after a year:of many improvements in the village, yas decided to lay a petition beforé Hon. William Harty, asking the dominion government 'to make a grant for improvements to the long pier at Portsmouth. Priar- to the Couf€if meeting, the Board of Health met to consider a couple of cases regarding which com- plaint had "been made. Dr. W. W, Gibson, health officer; explained why two places had beer guagaftified. : Dr. Campbell (k Candidate. Dr. J. Wi Campbell bas cortsenfed to a candidate in Erpnfenac ward for aldermanic honors. He réprésented this ward some years ago. A large num- of ber -of ratepayers requested him to run. - a that with £9 In Buying Chocolates At Edwards and Jenkin. limited to only two makers to choose from. We carry the largest assort- ment in' Kingston of Canada's highest class manufactured. You are not Bibby's for men's coat sweaters. "ROSELAWN" ; <' THAT HANDSOME residence on Union street, at a normal rental for the winter. Apply J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. CENTRALLY LOCATED front and redr rooms, street, over J. P. Forrest's Firniching Stora... Apply orrest OFFICERS, at 545 to FROM OQT. %1.= BRICK RESIDENOE, 181 Diviston twelve ot aver ts ote, autre' at 178° Divielon. SY 9 HAIR, warts, witho PERSONAL. MOLES, ste. 'Twent, ence. Dr. Eiraer Wf. ose, Throat and Skin Bpecialist, 268 Bagot street. BIRTHMARKS, removed permanently, jlemish MRS. CECELIA ly Miss Schrampfer). (certificated) Massage, by the joading ston. Head, face HERROD, (FORMER- Dano-Swedish Recommended Phsiclany of and neck King- | - UPRIGHT PIANO. APPLY THROUGH : ArpLy TO or | Rg MRA A ia PT had PEARaALY, 7 {Toney gama 5, geen, = Bouse ; : ad wr Ain FURNACE, condition. Apply * BENCHES, NINE FRET ber up to gh iateen, priv at Whig o CHRIS A HRS HAS JRE or oF ALL son and Undversity ee, 3 A cHoCR Ee MILO COW Any F poks, ol x THREE TAYLOR'S SINGER SEWING machines," in good order, very cheap, for cash digers, at: Turk's, ' Phone, 705. NG. ANY 1 each, Ap szms, n= AND Front " o a BAY HORS "AR. OLD, EN ¥ ; ny 5 or dou gonen 'horse. We iho. J. y 3 "120 and 128 Plarence S SIX ROOMED FRAME House, lot and shed Alar Tres Will all of leaving oity. Ane »* 320 ACRES Moose; io hundred Healy, X'4 me LAND, et, Twelve: R. J. ht. Gir LARGH household furnis as owner is 64 John street. -- SOLID BRICK TwO- STORY PW EL ling house, 9 Sr Joma, ba and W th Oy ghia a on wpe, Begted. igcird 00 Godw oh Insurance . Avr Market Sguar®. NOW. 18 STB 30.0 ORDER FEUIT Rhea ir Emig, Trou Th Tr oF re Nn; antin, rom the celebr| gi a's" Helderleigh ad dd in Agent, 58. Cgitre St. Sénd me a card and I wi ca MONEY AND BUSINESS, specialty. Address, Y.W.C.A Phos 130. MARRIAGE LICENSES. S. KIRKPATRICKR, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St., telephone, 568; evening, residence, 88 Frontenac street. LIVERPOOL, LONHON AND ire Insurance Co npany. assots $61,187 295. In addition to which the poligyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city + eT insured at. lowest possible " rates fore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 508. GLOBE Avaliable ECONOMY The wage eatner must practice it these days. For best' vue ia Coal and Wood go to SWIFT'S. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED T( the undersigned, and for Quarters for Stable Kingston, Ontario," this office until 4.00 P.M. on Mohday, December 28, 1908, for the construgtion of Quarters for Stable istablishment R. Kingston, Ont. Bie 1s gnd specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Depart- ment and on application to H. P. Smith, kEsq., Architect, Kingston, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signatures. Fach tender must.be accompanied by an aeceptéd cheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Werks, équal to ten per ent (10 pc.) of the amofint of the tender, which will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to eénter-into a contract when called mpon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, | The Pepartment does not bind itself to ALeeps the lowest or any tender, By order, N APOLEON Establishment, will be receiv at TESSIER, Secretary, Departmebt of Public Works, tawa, December 12, 1908. Nora: will n6t be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority [rom the Pepartment, NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ie be Tp Go. of Canad Is about to issue. 'Unly in stock ten days, compare s--that- have been on exhibition three and four weeks. You can absolutely depend on each pick- age of McConkey's and Huyler's high- class "candy being fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Imperial Crown - Brand underwear, made only by the Kingstdn Hosiery company, limited. Every garment guarantogd. . Ask your dealer to show them to you. ' The man. who would lay out your routa to heaven and happiness will be absent when it comes to final tle- ment time. Real briar mounted, in Best's. Counsel when your tell you the matter, Fancy al Best's The patience and forbearance in the family scems, in many cases, to have heen. absorbed by the wife and mother. You know "that about twelve months ago you said you would write some sel pipes, silver and plush-lined eases, gold- at with your neighbors to the only own good sense fails right and wrong of shaving mirrors, new styles, A New Telephone Directory Jar Ge District of Eastern Ontario, in- 5 cluding, Orders for new connections, firm \ names, changes of street addresses or for duplicate entries should be hand- | cent once to H. W. SNELLING, Local Manager. ed in at | endorsed '""Ténder | cultivate fifty | pre-emption | homestead changes of | { advertisement will not be paid db Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section (160 acres, more or less) available Domijnioti land in Manit a, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands 'Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, DUTIES. --Six months' pers upon and cult'vation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine 'miles of his homestead on & farm "of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. ln certain districts a homesteader {in good standing wey preempt a quarters section along-side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties --Must reside six months in each wf six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and acres exi A homesteader who fas exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a may take a purchased in cei districts. . Price $3.00 per acre. rchased homes may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of the Cal- Qa and monten | Rai ay and the West line of range 2 andl est of the third Meridian and A ault Railway line. Duties.--Must reside six months in {each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect » house worth $300. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, C L.~Copl ndining rights may be an for t feoiy-ono- dears at at annues rental of $1.00 Not more thas 2,560 acrés 'can A leased to one appli x Royalty, five cents per' ton: QUAL ~A_ person eighteen ags over having made a discovery locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 feet. Fee, $5.00, At least $100 must be bre on the claim each . paid to the: Maing Recorder. has pended or pad and other En £0] plied 1 Bin the claim ay be nw 00 an acre. PLACER MINING. 3 AIMS generally, 100 feet square. ¥Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING .--Two leases of five miles each of a river may be issued to one | applicant for a term -of 20 years. Rental, | $10 mile per annum. Royalty, 2% ter the output. exc s $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this for. ear, or 'hen $500 While in England, Hon. C. R. Dev- lin sucéeeded in iiteresting a rumber of British capitalists and mining men in the mineral resdurces of Canada. In Belgium and France, Mr. Devlin, made atrangements, it is understood, for the bringing out of a number of immigrants of a splendid class for the colonization of some of the vast un- eupied agricultural province. $ See Bibby's $2 sweater coat. | When a man grows bald it is safe io thing every day in this year's diary. 'Cigars in boxes for Christmas Best's. x Try Bibby's new at 50c. néckwear. say that his wife '§ inflaence is gone 1 She has lost her pull Emblem pins at Keeléy's. terfitories of the | 0x Memerne Ca. ToRow2, | equalled by i tune. fumed in So v botes, at Best's, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Toute, Vitro 4 Hen dily BALE dormers of Torture is only faithfulness of 'misfor- The fickléncss the The Sire: ssortment of 25e. per- > »