THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE : DNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1908, HOW TO CURE A HEADACHE | To altempt to cure a headache by | taking a "headache powder," is like trying to stop a leak in the roof by puiting a pan under the dripping water. Chronic headaches are caused by poisoned blood. goned by tissue waste, undigested food and other impurities remaining too long in the system. not promptl® eliminated because of | sick liver, bowels, skin or kidneys. If the bowels do not move regulafly ~If there is pain in the back showing kidney trouble--If the skin is sallow | or disfigured with pimples--it shows | clearly what Is causing the headacher. ! "Fruit-a-tlves" cure headaches be- | cause they cure the cause of head- | aches. "Fruit-a-tives" ithe three great eliminating organs-- owels, kidne and skin. "Fruit-a- keep the system free of poisons, Frult-a-tives" comé in two slzes-- 25¢ and 50c If your dealer does not have them write to Fruit-a-tives Limiied, Ottawa. vy en THE OVEN DOOR It's insulated in a SOU- VENIR Range--built like a refrigerator door. The oven door has double walls, with 134 space between, is wasted, inches air No oven heat tesults--Iless fuel, 'even 'tem- peratupe; That's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GURNEY, TILDEN Co., LIMITED. HAMILTON, ONT. BRANCHES AT MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER. For Sale By S. J. Horsey, Kingston. INDIGESTION AND NERVOUS | TROUBLES positively Kola . hye the Pepsin en- | World's | I. be cured of Hygiene dorsed best Can by Celery and by iclans as the tonic. Write for free sample HYGIENE KOLA LIMMTED, 84 Sold by i Watt Church St., Toronto all Druggists and Stares 3 Take Notice for a goo House Furni- d line Highest prices ture. We have a on hand of Antique Fugniture i Suitable for Xmas Presents: AL very i nable prices L.- Lesses, I" Chatham St. ne or South African Scrip Bought Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St 1 FRESH FRUIT ' Jost freed, N 3 lananas Jeve per men Northern Spie Apples. TT Peters & Co, 184 rincess P hone, 649. POTATO the more cars of fine yr a») inter trade. Two Potatoes sent stock Ready for w be Try to added to our pre them. A. GLOVER, €or. Bagot & Earl act directly on | | Cot alt { plied by | Hut and J. R. C. { Claumbers Cobalt use | p ! Silver | best | the { bound S | TN LAT TT uk BBS 4 TREY RR A ener a The blood is poi- i These poisons are i JACKASS ARTILLERY SENT HIN RECEIPT {FOR PAYMENT OF THE IV. MIGRATION TAX, haiges Made urt Against Enq Sensational Charges Montreal Co ls--Anothel in. Offici Yici hh ury is Rte DOCK FROM WHIC NORD ALEX(S - EMBARKED Probable. Montreal, I officials, at PALACE I Cioneral Montreal department i fie into in the pn RESULT OF VOTING. How Local Option Voting Went in Manitoba Die 16.-- Later re terday's loeal ed it resulted i Loeal option gai Re OH miyration likely { nal eharges mad morniag, hy Le Wah, fined £500 op ent fon Vian lav I imposed, Le of in cout, thi come on CIs Ch Pols Winnipeg, tnirns show ' mn boa fui be n option poting before sentende wa that the esovernmon Montrea!, had Wah oli & said I'ma Win 123 jority, Nor Emerson" 1 3 ningority; jority -H Minninconas, n ent-4o/ | ority; bin, the poll tax in veter, imiota, 30 me North ard, 50 mn on lor ority; STOCK QUOTA TIONS, [ oeal m sustained 6 majority; Edw optic folk, oridy; Odanaha, | P18 majority Local majority River Pipestone, and Leading Canadian majority; Stocks Listed. following quotations are tho City Brokerage Dobbs), 450 A: an option rep Kildonan, 6% The : Morris, sustained ence street, Telephone, o.lise Westhourne, 28 majority. the vote tied to be he municipality, 40 Cobalt Stocks. 28 ms Doce Sellers. jority mber 16th : : > ithe Norfolk is myers ~ are yet ard New Material Found. Dee. 16. --That discovered hy produced, pulp wood, qualified report that In alloway, of the bureau plant Ti of the départment ture, made to the house werienlture, yesterday, hefore it for the of the appropriation 'partment f Ferland | Crown I v ) E.4} Al \ ¢ mgton, ma whic} a erial has heen in the pur wint paper can be petition with he? a Nec] com is tle Nipissing i Kin Dar. 8S Nis pissing Otis Peterson Taio chester Nova of agricul commitiee on when he ap eared to ask dis yosition ¢otin . L giver Loaf ) . to the Queen Frethewey ow experunents Silver ng this ost Five Dcllars A Word , Dee. Iu. -Five dollar xpensive talk. 14 cost V , an baschall ---- - ere Berlin, Ont Princess Last Night. twelve hundred in Kingston last 'theatre It co performance headed hy the held' his act ther woman good At Giver The peop! SOW Him, wht addressed a Sir, ted jarirl in t street last night as "tlello, high-cls : rived town, sterious west, vears. He Magistrate and costs \ 1 show hay Princess 8 variety aftis ts, Clair, ol terday, rom of my 3 audien wonder. 1 Ol the performer is ala The Hughe in a refine Fheiggvielin ole were vider Q great taste. (ie Hato) Be pretty The pic | | 5 | wad, above the aver L show as a whole No doubt hi imposed admitted Weir Sen ten but of ten who I'he tell wh ee | 1s a mistake, annot fine man ------------ sreen Grapes For Christmas od « (ter test ! 00 were very luster Malaga grapes, 15c. bunches at 20c. 4 pound) tinted stock 25¢ 10c., at orge } ony. 'okav grapes at tur u Carnovsky Waterman's "Ides eal" | $2.50, at Keeley, Jr's. Princes night the fountain pens, big crowd to Food is more tasteful, healthful and nutri- yo pu when raised with POWDER The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Made From bY! TE {doing Monday, lary, GUARDS ww SHFIIIIIIIIIITIISIIIRT | Gold in Guwilight CER PROVE ESE EV EE Mrs, was street yes Ramsay Dufi, Princess at a bridge party, afternoon, when there were tables' in play: "The prizes] second and third, were won by . D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Richard and Mrs. W, St. Pierr The other players were Bell Carruthers, Mrs, IF. Mrs. J. C. Strange, Mrs, Young, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, James Hamilton, Mrs. Perey Stevenson, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. | Francis Me acnee, Mrs. James Cap- pon, Mrs. F. Brownfield, Mrs. Ver Hooper, Mrs. James Higgins, DD. Phelan, Mrs. Herbert Mre. Alan Palmer, Mrs. Bell, Miss LL. Saunders, ton-Taylor, Miss H. Fraser, Miss B. Gordon, Miss Mabel Dalton, Mrs. EK Mrs: Fdw. J. B. Leslie and Mrs. for tea, which hostess terday seven first, Mrs. Hooper Hughes, Mrs, John Strange, Douglas Mrs. Saunders, deMowbray Miss LL. Nor- Miss ( Hooper Mise B Smythe, 1. Taylor, Mrs. Norman Roy 'came in pensed by Mrs. Pense, Strange and Mrs. Joremy Miss Jean Puff, and three very cient little girls, Miss Helen Miss Mary Strange and Miss Phelan assisting them. - we Mona * Knight, a pleasant little tea, on for Miss Bessie Sanderson, Foronto. Miss Phyllis® Knight Miss Mabel Richardson helped hostéss. Among the guests Miss Katie Gordon, Miss Bessie Mics: May Smythe, Miss Jean Miss - Katie Craig, Miss €arrie Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Mabel Miss Lorraine Dalton, Miss wd Miss Daisy Ferguson, Miss and: Miss Kate Smellie, "Miss ind Miss Muriel King, Miss and Miss Gina Fairlie, Miss Macdonnell, Miss hate Murray, Kathleen Richardson, Mis Richardson, Miss Kathleen Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Mildred Macmorine, Miss Kathloen Saunders, Miss Beatrice Tandy and Miss Helen Urummond, Pense, dis Mrs, Is was effi Duff, Eleanor -- Miss Alice gave street Mon of and the were and and and and Edith Lucia Alice Anna Ele anor day, «we Brownfield s,> Welling- street, was the of nm little Monday, in honor . of Miss Kérr, Miss Mabel Brownfield the honors. The guests were Mrs. Norman Leslie, Mv. William Harty, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Frances Hora, Miss Emma Pense. Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Francet Sullivan, Miss Kathléen McParland, i Marie Carruthers, Miss Madelon and Miss Phyllis Short. a wWpe® a pretty luncheon, at "Annandale," when were gniests of Mrs. Joha Carruthers. | They included Mrs, Wil- lam Harty,! Miss Nadine Kerr, the unest of ~hopor, Miss Mabel and Miss | Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Grace Hem- ming, Miss! rrances Sullivan, Miss Katie Gordon, 'Miss Bessie Sander- on, Miss Phyllis Short and the Weis | tess' daughter, Miss Marie. cheysanthémuros decorated ind crackers formed part of "> we. editor of this eolumn nv Ay, reached Ly telephone hodse address bei She would he ing friends tide woul by note oe ad Mrs. Frederick ton scene tea on Nadine wrter There terday, airls yes- twelve Bell | the the table fun. Se The future= he NG in No. 232 King glad for » hie TY wr very it coming let her know of or telephone. vee Stree oa | Christm: thiz, either en was Mrs her hit 'harming Utlawa honor Cartwn given on Satur- Arthur Mahe mother, Mrs of Vancouver, a, hy of EE Panet harracks ¢ will give afte r Edouard r party at the + 'this evening - a the an for the College - dance on Invitations are the Royal Military December 21st. - oe ow There was to-day a meeting Badminton Club to elect a new in place of the late very out atl of secre- effi- Mrs. | George wlor, | «| Mollie Mauve | ¢ the | the i VO Ny | cient Edouard Panet, | who C aptain igned. - ee A number of girls and men surpris- ed Miss Jean Duff, last night, and i had a jolly few hours of it. The sur- prises included Miss Mildred Jones, Migs Kate Smellie; Miss Kate-Craig, Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss Lenore { Hamilton, Miss Christine Cochrane, {| Mr. H. Cooper, Mr. George Thomp | son, Mr. Frank Strachan, Mr. Stuart Polson, Mr. Neish, Mr. Edward Bir- | kett and Mr. Keith 'Johnson. - - - Sketch Club met Mrs. seph Power's, Sydenhaimn * street, night. Miss Gretchen Power was { model for the sketchers. - Ed - Mrs. Herbert Horsey ill not receive at her new King street home tiil the first Friday after the new year opens, January - Sth, a - Mrs Robert igidireon Miss Corbett), hay visit with Mrs. Warren derson, Morrisburg. are one, ha 9 | i | | | The Jo- last the at (formerly returned from a Lyman Hen Mr. and Mrs at 182 Badr at Henderson street, Miss Fre of | been visiting Dr. residing | rie : London, * who has and Mrs, 0. J. Ste- Albert street, has returned Mrs. Stevenson accompahicd her sister and will not return until af- { ter the New Year. Mr. W.'P. Harty, of the of railways and canals, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Place." ASOT, | venson, home, department is the guest of Behan, Sydenham - Muriel shortly York. and Mrs. Weston Brock are Mrs. Broek's sister, Mrs. Jeremy | lar, Bar] street, on their way home Toronto. Mies Marion from Winnipeg Miss Sidney in St. John, Mrs. John been the gu ford, Barrie leit to-Hay we King, Alice street, will to spend a fortnight in I Miss leave New Mr. with Tay to Redden will be home a 'week from to-day. Smith left for her home N.B., on Monday. Hickey, Cobourg, has of Mrs. Robert Craw- street, for a week. She for Morrisburg ET Mr. C. Constantine has returned town after six weeks' furlough. | Mr. and Walter Boyd returned {to Ottawa on Monday and are in heir new home, 366 Daly avenue. Cadet W. Mackie is going down spend Cheistmas in Oltawa with brother-incarms, Cadet Grave "(Colonel and Mrs. Graves', | "Miss Mildred Maepherson and Cartwright were out for the Minto Skating Club, Monday Ilenwick est to his Mrs. to hi at Miss the meet - of Ot- tawa, Mrs. Kenneth Fovntz French, who are Reifienstein, in Ottawa, until after Christmas. we Mrs. W. D. Hart, of Montreal, will spend Christmas in Ottawa, with her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. D. Cartwright. Mrs. Page Wadsworth, who has been with Mrs. Cartwright, has returned to Toronto. Mrs. Fulford Brockville; and her daughters, Mrs, McLean and Mrs. Hardy, were guests at a tea given in Ottawa, by Lady Laurier in honor of Mrs. Langford Brooke, Miss Brookes Merrick staying with Mrs, Gore street, > Lucia Smellie, left, yesterday, for New York, after a visit which both she land the friends made, found pleasant. Miss Kathleen O'Hara { Christmas in Ottawa. Dr. and Mrs. John Webster and their children down from Ham- ilton to spend their Christmas at "Hazeldell."" Miss Etta Kirkpatrick left, on Mon- | day, for Toronto, where she will pay | a visit to Mrs. Grant. Macdonald Ge- | fofte going on to Orillia. "> > we Jal Poudre takes place at the Edward, Toronto, ow Junuary and 'the Argonauts' ball at the hotel on January "13th. > ee engagement ig announced Lownie Playfair Gemmill, only linghtor of Mrs. Gemmill, of "Cliff Mtawa, and granddanghter of I the ate Hon. A W. Ogilvie, of Mon- | treal, to M Hueh Phillips; barrister, of Winnipeg, voung son of the late J Mr. A M. Phillips, London, Eng land. on and Mrs. J. visiting Miss will remain of of Peterboro, John Cochrane, . Miss she will spend | The King Sth | same The of side, of Bo Defeated At Watertown. The ¥.M.C.A. backetball team defeated at Watertown, by the Y.M 'CA. téam there, on Tuesday night, hy a re of twenty-one to thirteen. All through the first bali, the King- ston had the best of the play. the at theend of the first half being twelve to five in their favor. In the second hali," however, Water- town team strengthened, and the lo- cals were defeated, although they put up a plucky fight. : was team score At Martinsburg, W.Va., four persons were killed by the collapse of a pier and span of the new bridge aerossShe Potomac river. Biggest display of perfumes in holj hoxds at Best's. Coupon in each day "Hox. ' HEAD OFFICE, Touokre B. E. WALKER , President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager 'Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England : 'SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. | KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS 8TS. P. C. STEVENSON, Manager "STOVES." - We carry in sith one of the largest as- sortments of Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in the city, and invite you to ex- examine before purchasing. See the "Art Garland"and "Art Treasure" Heaters. The "HA PPY HOME" Range has a' large ventilated oven, handsomein design, econ- omical in fuel and, a perfect baker. 77 PRINCESS JIELLIOTT BROS., " "in ® 1 A SUPPORT FOR PARALYSIS All aMisted with ed by a crutch or us we have made a useless, cane by many others. can be made to walk paralyzed leg i support. We'can make wring our unaid- you walk Our supports are specially our illustrated booklet des giving AUTHORS & COX, 135 Church St, Toronto. Manufacturers of artificial Limbs ports of all kinds. to suit ull par each individual case tars Write for Trusses, Deformity - Appliances. Sup- Established: 50 years. To All Poorly Paid en What does 'pay day mean to you? Perhaps you get just enough 'to carry you through the month without a dollar to spare. Perhaps you don't get even' this much. If such is the case 'the IN- TERNATIONAL CORR E- SPONDENT SCHOOLS, of SCRANTON, PA., would like to get in touch with you. They have raised the salaries of hundreds of discouraged men and are at this very moment helping hundreds of others to 'better themselves. Salary raising is the special- ty of the I. C..' 8S. If you would like to ' have your salary raiced, drop a postal to . E. C. BRADY, 14 Market St., Kingston. He will show you how easily] the I. C. 8S. can help you secure promotion. If you are interested, write the postal NOW. Don't put it off, you'll' forget' it. NOW is the time. TERRI RE SR SD AR Cu GOING. Last years stock of Wall Paper, at Half Price. 1D. E. FRASER'S, "Phone 373. 78 William St. CARVING SETS mt set------ NURSERY RHYMES CONCERT Given in St. George's Hall, Tues- day Evening. .The third presentation of St. choir Nursery Rhymes concert, off in St. George's hall, \on 1 uesday evening, and was given by request. Miss VC Griflich, pretty and charm- ing gave several readings, and was called back again and again. Mrs. J. Evans was soloist, soprano in the Miss Isabel W. Dalby. wade James' came and was quartette composed of Bureau, R. Marshall, and Another quartette was up of Misses Mathews and Bu- reau, Rev, C. Bilkey and A. W. Mar- shall, Miss B. Jamieson, also isted in a quartette nugiber. Miss M. Mac- morine and Mr. Hughes sang a fine duet, Miss Muriel king was accom- panist, and" IP. G. Mafshall, conduc- Lor. It Was A Success. The Christmas sale of work held in Princess Street Methodist church on Tuesday Was a success. A large num- ber of ladies turned out and the fancy work table, where dainty and useful articles were offered for sale, and the home-made table, where many tempt- ing articles were displayed, were well patronized. In the "evening'a conceri was held and an exceptionally large number people attended. A dialogue, given by ten young ladies, a burlesque on a ladies' aid meetir was laughable. Mrs. Ross' gave an interesting road- ing, Douglas Hicks sang and Messrs Mack 'and Armstrong rendered a dpt. The mixed quartette, Misses Laidley and Sherbino, and Messrs, Mack and Hicks, rendercd iwo fine numbers. Miss Wilder presided at the fine gap just installed. P of new or Students ! Oi high class Edwards and Jenkins, before your Christmas purchases, You Who Are Judges. Call making confections. at For The Holidays. Twenty-five for Carnovsky's corner oranges "on the The Guest Of Honor. Hon. W. J. Hanna, will be the Medical ball provincial ruest Collece banque 1 to-morrow ecre at mn tary, of honor (ueen's Grant evening. ere -- National Bank of Somers: has been closed and W A de- impaired the The First worth, N.H., S. Dean appointed a received, faleation is said to have capital. It's Your Liver That Makes You Conslipated The bowels move only when the liver gives up enough bile, To correct Constipation, you must correct the torpid, sluggish liver. Abbey's Salt regulates the bowels by res lating the liver, It niakes the liver active and healthy --~ cure Counstipation-- X and is a tonic for the whole Cases. system, z Pees | NER & CETERE, Hr. Salt JEWELLERS. 2Sc. and 60c. = bottle. At all dealers. ---- Make a Three-piece Fork the acceptable gilt. Carving Set, Knife, and Steel, The Steel is of finest Sheffield manufacture, and is hand forged and warranted by the miaker, beautiful Stirling Silver Mountings, Handles of Stag. Buckhorn and Ivory, fitted in attractive Léather or Oak PRICES $3.00 up, very Princess and Wellington' Sts. OPEN EVENINGS