Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1908, p. 7

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v \ Our Christmas Sobvete Display wins.great admiration from every looker, and well it may Boots, with the new Cuban 'Heels and narrow tiful Slippers, Toes> Beau- Sandals and 'Oxfords in Dainty styles. We've everything to make a Woman's foot look hand- some, + FOR MEN--We've splendid Shoes in all the new shapes made from the best of leather. Full Dress Shoes, Slippers, Jusiness Shoes, Dancing Pumps, ete. FOR BOYS AND MISSES--\Ve've the best of Shoe for School and Dress occasions. Leggins and Rubber Boots for the Girls and Little Fellows, ete. ys Cle. Can't tell you the half here-----Come, sce. IH SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoe Making. HACIA ISIISICIGIICISIICK ICICI HCHHIIASIHOINICION ; . | } a " FOR WOMEN---There are Handsome Street and Ih RIVER ENA The United" States Members. of the International Body Not Named--Trouble Has Long Standing--The Suit. St. John, Barnhill, N.E., Dec. a leading St. and John Keefe, a promineny John business man, have been | ap- pointed by the Canadian government | 10 represent tional Commission to investiga report upon the condition and uses the St. John river and to make commendations for the regulation the use thereof. 16... P. re iw the years cations at Van Buren, rosult of troubles which a few Maine, erests in the upper part of the river, where the stream forms the tional boundary. A .case brought the New Brunswick courts hy torney-general of the province as courts some years, wenight would likely pending the resilts of sfon's work. The siopers will have as counsel Hon. A. Mecneown, of St. John, and W. P. Jones, both owhom have cupied ° the ral of "this province. There word here of the American commis- sioners having been appointed, no arrangements 'have as yet for -any meetings either of Canadian commissioners joint hoard. Parliamént at its propriated $20,000 for beey made or of last the Smokers' Outfit $1.00 POSTPAID. TO ANY ADDRESS Fine French Briar Pipe, Ball Dog Shape, or Drop Shape if preferred $0 59 Best Rubber Tobacco Pouch 8 1-1b. Clubb's $ Mixture OUR REPUTATION YOUR GUARANTEE A. CLUBB & SONS 5 King Street West Toronto 1314 this commission, government has given its assent {the arrangements between the | governments, and the tc SLIPPERS. Men's Slippers, $1.50 to $2.75. Ladies' Leather Slippers, 90c 'Men's Felt Slippers at 50c. Ladies' Felt Slippers at 40c. Children's FeltiSlippers at 3c. Viscolised Wet. Weather Shoes, $6 to $7. A E. : Heed, TheHouse of Quality. - : 286 Princess St. 0:81.25. NAME AND DESIGN REGISTERED. A deliciously Gainty chocolate confection indescribably inviting and tGothsome. Like all of Cowan's specialties, of superlative exccllence. The name "Cowan" stamped on every bud. The Cowan Co. Limited, Toronto. DALLY Sable PARIS HINT. z Trimamed Cloth Costume. DEFENDS U. S. NAVY. { Latest Battleship Vastly Superior | to Britain's Dreadnought. New York, Dec. 16--That the battleships built by this country | vastly superior to England's | is emphatically stated Admiral Robley® D. Evans in an artic de jn the latest number of Hamp | ton s Broadway Magazine, strongly defends the Amgrican navy and . replies to criticisms of it made time ago by. Henry Rewderdahl and others, latest are thread | nought, hn | Rear Some "1 do not for a moment «aim that | the Indiana 'and her hips {equal to Dreadnought of the Eng lish navy, ' says Admiral Evans, "ond, | that she is the equal of the English ships "designed at the same time. {I do claim that our latést ships vastly superior to the Admiral Evans urges the superiority | of the thirteenrinch gun over the | twelve-ineh, and asserts that the change to the lesser calibre to conform to England's type was a most serious blunder, He "after | many weeks of close observation I am sure that the balt is too low." It sister the ar Dreadnought.' also declares, had been strenuously J. 0. HUTTON, ESQ., Agent Imperial Guarantee & Accident Assurance Co., Dear Sir :-- I desire to acknowledge receipt of cleque for $78.55, amount of my claim for, accident under policy No. 6,317. I om the 10th inst.,' and I received settlgment to-day. Onc Yours very sincerel EDW, T. ST PLUMBERS : mT ry our PURE LEAD i in five any other The price is |k pound blocks. interesting. Canada Metal rs 31 William 8t,, Toronto. CANADA Automobile Automohi i \ Made! 25 Mode For Sale at : A ininum $4 25. 1.95 =| hy City. being | thank | you for your expedition in settling this claim, which was only filed | e more thanking you for your promptness in the matter, I am | ACY. CYCLE & MOTOR co's SKATES STRACHAN'S HARD WARE I critics that the low {the belt was a vilal point of NESS, weak- "As the upper edge is always even with, or above the level of, the pro- { tective belt," continiies Admiral Evans "tho danger toe apprehéRidea from a {projectile pengirgting the belt, | beyond 'the' wreeking eoffect of such | I projectile, i5 that 'due to the amount of water that may ater the hole. If s the damage that may be dono by suc 1 projeetidés --entorino betow "that } above may cause the destruction of the ship one projectile so placed may the ship to sink by 'exploding maga | zines, or boilers even, but this is im- | probable.- 1t will, require many twelve- inch on the water line place to disable or if the and bu want caqise shots in sink men or ta ship now their fight.' Admiral Ev ans continues ¢ "Of all the and mislead- statements in this .wonderful Reu- hl criticism, the most incorrect | is ow the batt leships of the United | States are in exactly the same con- dition as were the Russian hips after the Russo-Japanese t in the | of Japam, ¢ temporarily, bur. | manent ly assert the | fleet of the S never and never will be--never | the condition of that Russian flect hen it. went into action for, the last me, officers ness 'and vO inaccurate TT, | terde Sea | per- baile was that United State can bhe-=ip . Yet Been of Pending Jonn bérrister, | St. | Canada on the Interna- ww and | of | of | The appointment of this commission ago grew Ro serious conpli- between Canadian dnd American lumbering in- interna- in, the at- a result of these troubles has been in tha and it was said eemain untried this commis- Canadian commis- H, Hon. oe- position of solicitor-gene- is no and the the session ap- expenses of imperial two wherein he | are | But | | lower edge of the oon high rather than \tco Woo. contended | location of | upset THZ SPORT REVIEW. ---- Interesting News From the Var-| ious Sporting Fields. | The Pittsburg hockey season closed 1 CANADIAN: GOVERNMENT | Febiuary 5th. APPOINTS COM MISSION ERS: It is likely that , Alf. Sith will | play right wing for the Mowtreal Wan- | derers ! Horace Gaul, of Ottawa, may be on | the forward line of the Mantreal | Shamrocks this winter. . i Pittsburg bookmakers are said to | {be responsible for the attempt to | {bribe the . National Baseball League | umpires. | Lethbridge has organized a hockey | club and a Pegi league will | formed, with Macleod, | and Coleman. The Edmonton Stanley: cup team is {now complete, Lester Patrick having been signed. The line-up is now be- I lieved to be the strongest that ever {took the ice in Canada. Phillips has | joined the team, and Patrick will join them at Winnipeg. Vair has been re leased. There. is be Pincher Creek a decided iack of enthu- siasm in Montreal over professional hockey this season and it ¥s a cer- tainty that the players will have "to take smaller salarics than in other yoars. Neither of the Montreal teams is likely to be strong, and Quchec is sure to be weak. - ; The ! Canada's cup situation, that Rochester has finally refused allow the deed of gift of the cup to be taken into consideration in connec- tion with, the challenge; will be die cussed at a joint meeting oi the exccu- tive and sailing commitiecs of the 'Royal Canadian Yacht Club to-night. The racing interests in California are in a precarious condition. With the new year there will be a determine od effort by the reform element to , | have a law passed in boih, houses of the legislature which will have for its object the elimination of betting on the race tracks. This law will be in- troduced in January, just as soon as the legislators go into session. If it is passed it will mean the death of racing in this state. now y Why Have Indigestion ? You cannot have indigestion for a ingle day without injury to your whole system, while continued indiges- tion undermines the entire foundation of health. Decide to eure you stomach trouble. LT) Do it to-day. Day's Dyspepsia Cure docs cure all forms of dyspepsia and indigestion. Each bottle contains six- teen days' treatment. For sale at Wade's drug store. A Square Deal. Saturday Evening Post. J. Barton King, cricketer, described customs of the English lodging-house. In lodgings, it seems, the landlady | gouges one frightfully. A friend told how he once rebuked his landlady. She | came to him with his spirit case. "Whiskey all gone, sir," she said. "Shall "I get you another bottle *" 'Yes, 1 wish you would," said he. | "It's your turn." lf pt ininn Sce Bibby's. $1.50 Mocka gloves. | No gentleman living in Kingston would ever think of sending any oth- | r &weets at- Christmas after he looks | over the display at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. McConkey's and Huyler's are sold there. | See Bibby's $2.50 fur-lined gloves. | Bettar setile the difioulty with your | neighbor even if you 'have to meet him two-thirds of Lhe distance on the | road to reconciliation Bibby's initia\ their untbrellas free When buying Wnderwear ask to see | Imperial Crown "Brand. It is kind for all kinds of weather. vour dealer for them. See Bibby's swell %2 umbrellas The sloop Magpie L. went into win- ter quarters at the Grove Inn, vester- day, * after discharging a cargo barley at Fisher's brewery. Bibby's initial their umbrellas free "Wild Cherry" cough cure, regular | price, 2he. each, 2 for 25¢., at Wade's | drug- store, See Bibby's nobby $2 umbrellas. And the fan who can let it alone secms to have it on the the Philadelphia the manner and water-waggon passage, 3ibby's initial umbrellas free | | Fountain pens) with solid gold pens, | Y0e. up, at Keeley, Jr's. Where powder only covers up freck les, - dynamite would probably remove them. See Bibby's $1 kid gloyes. If often happens that with the the Christmas one has not the price. time {to do carly shopping Bronchitis Victim, | Little Daughter of of Mrs. Hast-| ings, of Fitchburg, Suffered for Years. Could Not Attend School Winters. LE Cured by Vinol. | daughter Every win. she was out of school more ther | she was in, until at last I had to take | {her out of school entirely. We had fone of the best doctors in the city, | and while he would bring her out | the acute attacks all right, For many years my little | suffered from bronchitis. { ter oceurring. At last she got lungs T decided to try it for daughter. 1-did so and could {ereat difference. She took four tles in all and it has completely ed 'her. That was a year ago she has not had an attack of chitis- since and seems well."" Mrs. J. E. burg, Mass. | The reason Vinol is so successful in | such cases is because it contains ton- | ic iron together with all of the heal- | ing, medicinal and body-building ele: ments of cod liver oil. actually taken | from fresh cods@Mivers--but no oil to the stomach and retard its work. Tt does not taste of oil and children 'love it. If Vinol fails to benefit for which it, is recommended refund évery cent paid us That's vour guarantée: will do vou good. hoodl, draggist, my Tee a bot- ut and | bron- strong and | Hastings, Fitch- any we for we o> George W fiingston, case will eit. Vo | only | N° mote: of that guilty hang- dog feeling with your hand to your chin, knowing that you -are not shaved --but should be. Five minutes every morning with the Gillette Safety Razor becomes an easy habit--no stropping, no honing--the one safety razor that is safe--cannot cut your face. The only razor that can be adjusted for a light or a close shave. . More th®n two million Gillette users. The the work. . Gillette Safety ACT LLL] LEVIS marvellous Gillette Blade does Stop at a store and buy a Gillette to-day Standard Gillette Razor with 12 blades (24 cutting edg vos $5.00. GILLETTF SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL. 46 The nics | Hockey Shoe / . ; The Fipest Shoe made, used and recommended b 3 hockey players playing hockey to-day. J he 5 WE INVITE INSPECTION. Men's Mule Hide Quick Hitch, $1. 75, $2.00, Boys $1.50, $1.75 , $2.00, $2.50. i THE SAWYER SHOE STORE * 4 FERRERS FEET EA EARS SA 1x Mure Vine Hockey Boot Geo AdLATER MAKER + 3 $2 50, $3. 50. T + + "> + Tr fl ] mn Xmas Is Coming Is quite evident by the number of presents that are! bought alteady for our Big Christmas Delixery. What nicer than a present selec ted from our well selected stock. It makes friend fore ver Screens, Easels, Tardin eo Stands, Rugs and Mats; Medicine, Parlor and Music C 'abinets, at JAMES REID'S, "Phone, 147. The Leading Undertaker. AUSTRIAN SATINETTES Something new, very fine. Try them. 50c PER LB. A: J. Rees, "Phone 38 166 Priacass St. For Christmas ? What would be" wicer than a Kodak, or Brownie ? Pictitres cost but a fow cents, and are they not invaluable. BROWNIES, $1 to $9. KODAKS, $10 to $100. See the 'display and get Catalogue, at BEST'S Fine Tailori g Melton and Beaver Overcoatings, \ Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell 131 Princess street. TEAL VILE IANA > 'GOOD SALARIES Go.Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses never fail to bring success to our gradu. ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE DOlergy street, Kingston: Phone' 880; BTOOCKDALE, Principal; i : : : ¢ ; T™ N3 ? ssa ssh esses eses hi! : HOKOKOMOKOKOKOWHD Indreaie Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, we) Head of Queen Street, Oanada' Jade gL Line Pa vr § a Typowriting, keeping, dividual % dei nt tes School Books Telegraphy. Special ine instruction for pupils 3 in English branches, moderate. Enter at am y 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET- Principal. yo i OHH AO HKOHKO Hic ---------------------- ---------------------- ER Oils Col 0, Labricatng 01, Casi cating Oils of all application. W.F.KELLY & CO South Cor: kinds: Prices on Ontario and 'Phone, 486, Clarence Stay ii OO0000C0 30 BIS YOOOOE) SONY ANA SOOO ARRAN 5 x0 x) EP 5 Office Railings; Coal Dealers and Builders' Screens, Sifters, Fencing and Wire Work of every Descrip- tion manufactured at Partridge & Sons, Crescent Wire and Iron Works. "Phone, 380. a r a 5 | ! 4 § the 'y ke ty | | oceurring. SO very | bad that it did not seem as thou 2h she could stand any more « 3pells. | Knowing. that Vino! had cured my little nephew of congestion of the . ; { 30000000sesssreresesessrserersresesessrereres Sui See our Special Leather Suit Cases and Leath> Bags at $5. ABERNET TERII0TE019904599%49 0 400d Ae: * 'Moccasins, Fancy 000000060000006600006¢ Our store will .be open until 10 o'clock to allow yon, to choose your gifts in ; Slippers, Overshoes, Rubbers, lit Cases, Travelling Bags, Snow Shoes. Slippers for Women and Children, from 25¢ to $2. ar Lined H Travelling YS

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