) ~&GE EIGHT. - 3 . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1908, THEPILEDTONTHE WANE ERR. =~ TE OFS EPRIOES ---------- "Musical HAGE, BRR. 1471709 4S hm JOHN . Remember only Seven ARRANGING ROUTES. | News, Louddn, BY. COMMANDER ER SPAIN FAM |= Sriticising the 'piano exhibit at 'LoEAL NOTES AND THINGS | LAIDLAW shoppingdays tosecure itish exhibition, the] ! | Airship Lines to Be Established in| 1 JAR WITH MR. POLSON. |above-named musical authority, in its | IN GENERAL. & SON alt you require for Germany. issue of July 25th, makes the fol- ---- cid ny: ee : 5. Come in the Herilig sd dshop' Jerlin, Dec. 16.--The German © Aero . lowing comparison < Occurrences In The City Ana Cliristmas. Stations | company, founded three He Got $500 From Him jn 1904, "Really partial as the French sec- icinity--Other Brief Items months ago by the three groups of "Which He Had Paid Back--Ac- > ig comfortably. tion 'of music is, it far surpasses the Sw financiers and sportsmen of Berlin, counts Which No Light . Could British section. But if a faint blush] I= Easily 4 Be Frankfort and Cassel, respectively, Be Thrown On. i of shame mantles the Briton's cheek | membered. has now ordered seven of the Zeppelin | as he leaves the French department, | Bibby's for men's fine gloves. gir ships. "Three. routes are sched-| Ottawa, Dec. 16.--The marine de-}it is dee ned when he enters Can-| Ald. Henderdon is in Montreal on a uled, all beginning at: Friedrichshafen partment enquiry was resumed here, | ada. That a large country . like | business trip. ' and taking among other places = Nu-| this morning, before Judge Cassels, | France shoud heat us may be toler-| 90 per cent. off all dressing gowns. remburg, Leipsig, Berlin, Drestjen, and quite an array of counsel. Com- ated, but here is one of our own col- | Livingston's. , Strausburg and Hamburg. It ani Spain was the first witness. onies which surp, us. In the | Separate school' trustee AOMIRALIONS | templated extending one route He said he looked over the specifica- number of exhibits, and the way in {ake place on the 30th. Copenhagen. It is proposed to pro- tions for government ships- built : by which wy are displayed, Canada | E. "H. Welch, auditor; K & P. rail- vide every calling pownt with a pe- the Polson works, Toronto, and ac- leaves the Mother Country far in the !way je in Pembroke, on business. cial station, at which the air ships] knowledged receiving 3500 in the sum- | Fear Pianos are shown by Nord-| Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Ord will be able to land in any weather. mer of 1904. He had paid' it back to | beimer, of Toronto, Williams, of Os-| received at MoAuley's. Phone 778 Specidl anchoring appliances have Mr. Polson. While in British Colum- | hava, Martin Orme, of Ottawa, Bell,| 1, the police court, this morning, a been already patented. Each air ship hia he had drawn on Mr. Polson 'at } of Guelph, Leach, of Montreal, Gor drunk wae fined $10 and. costs or onc will he designed to carry ten pasithe Bank of Montreal for that hard Heintzman, of Toronto, and sengers besides the crew. ~The fares |amount. He had got the money for Newcombe, of Toronto. Those that |) A r tooth pastes 'regular ice, will be on a high scale. . The com-| My, Polson's purposes to buy property we trigd were excellent in tone and los. each, 2 for 25 Wade' Phi pany {ronoss : to offer the ,govern-| at Fort Simpson which was to bo \ touch, though. one or we needed es - are's grug {ment the use of its stations for war G1.p gl 0 tuning after the voyage ge' Nord-1 "Bos ive is office purposes, hoping thereby to 15 T.P. 'termite Vien. Ne admitted heimer pianos, in TO ivular, © need Gia, can be They. -- Aistmay » ichts par dozen. The treasurer oi the Polson iron ights go, .with any competitor, and| G ingham 3 * ? . a . : « Lennox Iron Pills, regular price, 25¢. | vs W. B. Tindall, was examined it is a matter for congratulation | hiked Lea den ns, Ne Great Varie in Dain New. . ; each, 2 for 25c., at Wade's drug store. | "10" | iiding of the Vigilant. The that such, excellent instruments ar€ | Auley's Book Store. - Zh IT COSTS NO MQ E A SR | price was $124,400, and ho could not manufactured in Canada. The chief : ; > » Another chicken fancier was vobbed . wi oint in which Canadian, like Ameri-| To get Style with your Furs, ydu wavave Yeo #99% say if tenders were asked. The figure {on Tuesday night. Ten fine fowl were come , 7h the right store. We fort only | & | g 'an, pianos are lacking is in the case; . was for a boat built on a different removed from the hen house. the best Furs of ever sort, such as 3.1, yossibly they suit the trans- Atlantic | Tra oak for themselves Y is long "as you |§ A WA ! CH {line to the original specifications. Mr. | acto but refined beauty A pair of silver mounted military x store. ; being on very intimate terms with cure a subvention. : Mr. Polson. fear no comparison, as far as up- C0 of design ; . wear them. Watson, K.C., showed a letter from {ig 5 81 'hair brushes in case at $1.50 would ¥urs for Christmas are always accept- is conspicuous by its absence. Reed a Bertrs r ks. tating please him. See displ 4 : ars dor CE om hove: Wie Bertram give works, tating rgans, some with two manuals, and J ry Libby's display AL Dest 8, IT'S been a race for several days : : I > Vos Kind { vith pedals, are shown by the Karn | D Zz Warde , ek 3 past between the Ribbon, Handkerchief For 'Xmas is certain to be : j could be built for $86,000, but Mr. } nd Thomas Organ companies." | epuly arden O'Leary is in Ot- JOHN MoKAY FUR HO 4 h N eciatel 4 | Tindall did not know anything abou: | Kingston's show rooms at Kirkpa- {fawa gn a holiday visit, He will and Collar-Lace Counters to see which is our JIN ; very much appreciated. that. }irick's art store. | pend christmas in. that city. (Jusiest centre. At latest reports the stand- 107 Princess St., 149-153 Brock St. : There were two cheques, amounting Premonfilm pack and plate cameras, 1 I - J $ | to $14,000, charged up to cash on Pol Marine Notes. | now models just, received, at Best's ing of each seems to be about equal--a three- THE FRONTENAC ' 2 [son books in October, 1904, wpon{ (unt Chamberlain Irwin, ill in the | PTICES, 82 to $26.50... cornered tie if you like. We have a splendid LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ¢ {which witness could not throw any fine hospital, at Fort William is Matty Walsh leit log: Ottaws, showing of all the novelties i te ® + y $ ' am, 8 | vester 7, ri y nee ractice x Ee ESTABLISHED, 1863 ; i jag ye Saal he it tn pe reported to be some better. 2 a ill comme Pragtice P i ag' range from 49¢ to «1 75 nd a : {where the y went. s paid | (apt. Telfe i stoaifien Fair | : ley team. ices' re Oc t . a 3 Watches for men, 3 "to Mr. Polson himseli, J. E. Jefirey, |, Sept: Telfer, of the leamer Fair Have you selected that box of choco- Tie 5 g Fria , 8 President--Sir Richard Cartwright, | eirey, I mount, arrived in the city, from Col- utes vot? See Best's di ; each Collar 75¢ or over in an attrac- Money Lud 95 Cit and Farm Pro Watches for ladies, | Reeetaty of the RPA did not | lingwood, to wind up his business for Ee ot Tan ; ge aplay? and | 8 ti ift 1} perties unicipal an ounty _ Deben now any more. J. B. Miller, presi- } iho' season jhave y oice put away lor you. ive gi JOX. tures. Mortgages purchased. ~ Deposits Watches for boys | dent said he looked after the busi-} Cant. A : | There are at present cight patients received and interest allowed. ys. y HE : 4 Capt. A. D. Muir, of the steamer |; . sia: Si S. CO. McGill, Managing Directo > | pos IE & gonetal way, bus had athe Rosemount, has settled up his work I the an ital, on Huey x bn ' ging r. Our $25 heavy solid gold iJ interests and could not assist the § ior the season, and will leave, to- | , bul lapprly there ale Ro Seri 87 Olarence street. } : '! commission of enquiry with any facts. § ight, for his home in: the old coun- ous cases, - 5 - watch or ladies is un- ¥| try. manicure set is just what she , » ' . { PITH OF THE NEWS, The steambtr Kinmount, which ar- wants: lop Christmas. . Some bealties a Perrin S Kid : ; - . : 3, a from 75e. to $15, at Best' - g M. P. KEYS \ equalled in value. -- ived to-day, grain-laden from Fort o DB esl's. { of Antiseptic Barber Shop | The Very Latest Culled From Al §{ William, on the way to Prescott, was Tho mambots of te, ticaurignl Som- | bh 4 j Many Wath N '$1 Over The World. Irawing seventeen feet of water, and |. *' owe. S . Igns, ° came lo § We nt Gl ne Cr oe our ha : Ey ery Watch F ully 9! The members of St. James' churc here was some talk of having the Mg om Sutaws: ring. ¢ ; oves ronage solicited. 'arr: > at Guelph have formed a "no-treat essel lighter 'here, it 'being feared 7% i 2: Lea take ! ) 33 ; Ki S arrantec I See Bibby's 75e¢. cuff links. { \ 5 "1 St 4 1 of ti Worl 9": . od is g hve. i: te : A\ A : 0 ; py E: 336 mq Street Surette gates Satu Mrs. Maria Doty, an aged Londo own. TIVer. The vessel cleared, how: Why f alanis 5 favier. - mothie a) s / pn aa. BA sh 0 4 eg ol ! fi oor to . Pe Nv 5 1adv sod fr he effects of ¢ i er, with pilot, Capt. James Murray. Lo Ny Te, Bel LUD oo En AL a A Next 'door to Wade's Brug Store 3 lady. died from the effects of a fa h pilot, Capt. J Mugray, | [oie of glass : hueley iri Seis 1 We fy fine French Kid Gloves. Just a hint : y 2 : Er alaly was the intention to make Clay- latest styles. Call and "ask to seo | '3 Per Kid Glov > , pangenberg ! down stairs. | in I Dn hy. them 8. RY why errin's Kic oves are so pop- > r+ Anderso assignee, o ¢ Dll, re rer gut, and i a . iy 4 A Moat ah acme Home Made Sos ; I 3 Wi, in Na i inn w en make the remainder of the trip, Rev. Father McDonald is still con i r and suitable for Christmas good old fashioned kind that mother ! JEWELLER 4 |e went to take possession. 1 daylight. fined to the Water street hospital, Ot- ¥ XK} Gifts : used to make. Also, our Pork Sausage Issuer of Marriage Licenses. FE Ns. Anis Bother. widow of th --re---- tawa, but report says that he is im- | iy Ment 8 any You 0 Lorre ttt tosses ssady Into Dolio magistrate of Cornwal Died On Wednesday. proving. 1st. Pan srrin's Gloves are standard the world over died at Williamstown on Sunday. At seven o'clock on Wednesday Uwing to a Seng tions in_Whig build- : 5M i BERT r= " A deputation from C ampbeliford i. | norning, William Oscar Day passed ing. seserve stock of newspapers is for for fit, finish and we aring quahty. 1 2aacef! ; ; ah edn ; le in-guantitics, for wrapping pur- . o asking for alterations in the Tren wacefully away at the residence of - hy § 9 7 " SREB 4 a ' " Valley canal through their town. ie father, H: H. Day, Bagot sirect, POI 9nd. A woman never has as many pairs of ) ing club.' hi hat she might meet with trouble ¢ \ A 'big . packing company is béing | ter a long and painful illness. The Re Hithy tne. 5 gloves. itl glove 5 as she would like. na i BRE Fmerls tuk 3 we Parte Stock © ny, w organized to operate at Winnipeg i jeceased, formerly a \élerk in the Ni arte o> och sampa ny an A 3rd. T hese gloves may be changed within rea- "gonnection with the new stockyards. rown Bank, was freed 1o leave |", ° nReCy an venty 1) "Gordon Budd, of West Oxford, wa. | bout a year ago owing to ill-health, others, open a two works' éngagement sonable time after Christmas if "the size sent is seriously wounded by a companio nd from that time! the net every ad- at the Grand, commencing Monday, ' wrong : while shooting 'rabbits near Ingersol cance of the diseadt bravely, bearing December 2}sic 3 95 . At Toronto, Edward Shattue, Clove | iis sufferings without complaint. Hi Cheap rates are in force .on the | All sizes and shades now $1 and 1.25 pair. ; 1 p Tn, ar rested onto oliarge o § vas horn iu Trwnton, sighteen years Tuilways from ihe North-West for the Each pair in a dainty gift box. ea u e committing an aggravated assault o1 , but had lived here nearly ail his Christmas holidays, and a goodly hs Nope 4 young woman. « ife. While in the 'bank, 'and - when number of visitors are expected down ! | As the result of an-oxplasion...oud.vitending school, the deceased made in this district. fire 'damp in the Doman coal mine } nany friends and: all are filled A pipe, cigar case or smoking set v with 2 near Reisz, Hungary, thirteén miner orrow "over his 'demise. Besides hi for him. Re Best s display efore . O a W (a ou N=~ are known to be dead. sorrowing parents, one sister, Anita yon it ie will not be sorry if Fifty-one réfidents of rural Quebec | nd three brothers, are left to) mourn. a i 1 ore. ; an e 1 > have applied for farming locations it | harles Vanluven, of the Railroad the neighborhood of Driftwood, . on At The Bijou. Watertown, N.Y, is in the : . ' ; the T. & N. 0. railway. y Rinse las city. i, camo over to attend the Men's Fine Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, | Frederick J." Howse, St. Catharines A thrilling melodrama Love and |fyneral of his nephew, the late Karl . ey . . te J. Howse, Di. aaarnty | villainy' with lines spoken by the | Gardiner full size and handworked Initial, of very dain- for some year 0 sessional writer in ; ardiner. ? Theatre Royal Dramatic company, is| Tp s 5 ) : : no legis re. has bee Wows : any, Fountain pens (Waterm for la- y (esign. the Ontario legislature, has been ap | ipo chief attedetion at- the Bijou, to- »untain pe ( an's) for la ty lesign Jointed sanitary inspector at a salary hiaf : NR dies or gents, many styles, from §2 . pe $500 per ve ys 3 he chief attraction at the Bijou, to- |, $10, at Best's. Special Each 25c. lay and Thursday. The rincipal 2 ~ representi joo K [George Mamklett, employed in the} cone is in "The Black Well » p hefpal | E.R. Moore, representing Alice Ken- n 3 " . i Imbrella S registered letter department of the he: he LOIRO 3s dst by hor shemit | nedy and Parisllo Stock company, at Or put up 4 to a fancy box, id 4 - } r ene, AS. » Grand for sok. o RE or . , Ottawa post office, was sentenced tc | phe floodgates are opened and a most the Gti] for two Week, commencing Or put up 6 to a fancy box, three years in pe nitentiary for theft Tor next Monday, is in the city, making s T -calistic scene f 8. 'Sg \ p. For ladies and Gentlemen, $1 to 85 rach. from a decoy letter. Ha io _seene follow s Scotland arrangements for the company. At $1 and 1, 50 a box. s a splendid seriés of motion- e yictur 'Waterproof Willie" is a rat- | The 14th: Regiment, hockey team will po hotel licenses in Brockville from eleven | (jing come: ody. Will West sings a first have its fist practice ai the . King- . Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, an ercnieils to of will bo submitted to the | rete sone. %0'Brien Has No Place |"ton skating rink this evening. A in qualities, which on comparison we are sure A | A by-law to reduce the number of ratepayfrs in January; .also to in- | o Go." number of players from hoth senior you will find the best ralue i in the cit Rach m Q ta " > A | crease Alicenses from $450 1or $660. i, {and junior teams will likely be out. ye. The large st display, the best values. | Ten "persons wera kifled and fifteen 0.H.A. Grouping. | See: Jibby's great $1 gloves. ; 10c, 12lc, 15¢, 20c, 25 JC, 39¢, 45c, H0c. ai amstite C ine injured in a collision, an' Wednesday, hor ba Rise te thi. A fierce fight took place on King ; y : : } lain Hemstit hed Linen, between: a -passenger train and a Tha ! 0 il oe ht dubs in ge {street about ¢leven o clock, Tuesday Ladies' Fine Hemstitched Linen Handker- YW 4 ) 5 'ouc ne ye 3 oR Series $ RY ee : oung & 'ho has figure . ¢ nm & - Fk ancy Embroidered, \ | freig +ht train in the Pouch tunn 1, be tion B is composed of Toronto 4.4.4 nie rht. A y un man whe a gure i chiefs. Each 10c, 1 2le, 15¢, 20c, 2c. $44 tween Brivo and Limoges, France: quite frequently in the polive court, Hand Initialled and )sgoode Hall and ™ 14th Regiment, : : 3 t e amount of | 2 } . : |became a little abusive and another The: latest estimate of the a < Kingston. Dr». W. G. Wood is con- | . Lace Trimmed Bo go So 1 Hy "oni by the venor for arrangement of schedule. [Voce Ther HIVE i mig REMEMBER our sale of FANC y BOXES, Prices 5c. to $4 each. . tween $1,110,000 * and $1,200,000, Up] Mnssion Ith and St. Georges form | oo watched the mill. . suitable for enclosed gifts. "OF No. 1 of the O.H.A. junior scr- | . . x to date nearly one million dollars has J gre 0 : Ah A toilet set complete is something | } J os. we dates fo 3 qr ge 8, bese : 1 1 3 i been: received. ; will The gales bv the Junior games she has wished for many times. Make Sale ~ Week at 4c Each. | The Ontario Power company, which J vour selection at Best's, where . you | | has - the contract i sgpplying power . have the biggest stock to choose under the Hydro- Here On A Visit. | from. 4 : | for municipalitie 3 : : . 1 OV | electric agreement, contémplates the Richard . Simpson, of Htormville, During January and February the construction of another pipe line at N.Y., connected .with the Now era G .P.R. will discontinue the train, y | Nigar Falls. wand Connecticut ~ railroad company, } Whie h has been leaving Montreal daily Our broad guarantee goes wi h every glove, Three men smashed the window. oi | and nephew of the late Bernard Sinip- | g4 10:15 a.m. and as a result, passen- : bar Cohen & Co.'s jewellery store at] son, who was visiting his sisters the | gurs wishing "to make. connections for i" Dent' 8 Kid Gl oves, for ladies and Te. Montyeal and snatched a pair oi | Misses Simpson, Barrack street, "dur- | western points through to Winnipeg, : men, $1, 1.25, 1.50, i 75, 2 .00. | dianivond ear-rings, valued at 3900. ing the past week, returned to his | will have to leave ® Téronto at 10:15 { The 1 tured one man, but the | home this afternoon. lo'elock in the ovening. French Kid Gloves, the superior qualities, Jin Doli ht away with the jewels -- oe : $1, 1.25 pair. The monument to the Irish 'dead, Died At Oswego, N.Y. | ed y the immigrants buried at Grossel Mrs William Hindhaugh, sister of | Long Kid Gloves, special values, at $1.75 Lisle, will be crecttd these about the|yes R. J. Craig, Kong street, died | uita e per pair, worth 2.25 Lend of July or early in August next. Oswego, on Tuesday. Her | : . Children's Kid Gloves, 50e, 60¢, 75c pair. {It will take the form of a Celtic interment wil sake place at Auburn, | { cross, suitably inscribed to the in th nily plot. She was a | | : i ¥ : . ; : ; . Ee nameless dead. ; IY gh er of the late H. B. Rathbun, h l ; ] TH XMA S PRESENTS EMBROIDERED IRISH LIN EN TABLE | A. B. Dade, who acted as starter at of Bo. ; : 11 as 3 Go00D INGS FOR 3 the Windsor track during the race 2 meeting last symmer, declares that the Soldi CLOTHS with Napkins to match. bangtails Bt a rich field in Canada The soldi ol nd. pio sd with} i. 143 . o dominion has a bril- soldiers are. Ng ae | r S Splendid qualities at very low pric aud that! vhs 4 beil- | 1 new order. permitting them to at- | e enc I q y I €8. liant future as a racing country. tend ii Ine NW While the i lighthogen keepers ol a epidemic lasted they had rather a dull BRASS found the body of a large man in the | time ard now that all danger is over ANDIRONS, $7.50 to $10.00. and the embargo lifted, they are en- | surf. From a lie preseryer marked joying the theatres to the full. We Are Making i "Sicamen DD. He Clemeon,'" which was |° ; i | « h hody, it is know ALL COATS B coniomems voor ists Mom mae a took at Them OS Sapls. SHOYELIOR. ial ri y he erew of the ill-fated W I The largest and sweetest 15c. a . Spec Prices on { Ber Soar, of Ate dite oivin Lfozen oranges in the city. Carnov-| ER, TONGS, $6.50 to $13.00. AT EX A ri ' sky 'has a. windpw, full of them, where sits ' A I LY 1 We Will Hive ol Goods. you are at liberty to pick for Jour- | BRASS . 1 DRESS GOODS | Fresh for Christmas week, parsley, a | TEA KETTLES WITH loftucs, cucumbers, 'tomatoes, celery, ; : = 1 ) ; : ne=- al cranberries, holly, ete. at Car- lusive Designs Of Fancy Box. | STANDS, $5.00 to $7.50. i novsky's, Gh¥colates for belect people at Ed-| L X Q Gi * ' -------- 8 wards and Jenkin's. All prices, wp to | \ P A Brownie camera at or $3 |818, . x or mas ifs | rice. would make a most 'sensible gift for > your hoy of girl. See them at Best's. a It is nmderstood that Reeve Baidem, A Gatineau Point constable, Alexis . r or E ther of Portamouth, will again be a candi- | Gravelle, had © 'been arrested and | CHAFING DISHES, CUSPIL. for Daughter, Sister or Mother Biothe AIC : ] : gals for i ar Ho. he lua - fo | Shed. a Hull, Que., with Newie : We can suit and ff old as well as young | @ again he 2 t vl * R W A DRON git by aiumation. Spits Sai AiFhows Nenieh| DORS. [BRASS COAL B. people in either of these shoes. . AA ° § or | BRASS . HOT WATER KETTLES, os $1.25. A pair of Dorothy Dodd 18hoes A phir of Regals for Son i ? Gillet and Auto-Strop safety razors) at Best's. { The new No. 3 Brownie camera, 3} x EH SL, Jom de at Best's. . ag Test a boges, Many Yes, W. A. 'Mitchell' S THE 1 CAETT SHOE STORE. | $2.50 sweater coats. Kceley's. } { Holly for sale at Carmovsky's. HARDWARE. Nid dis or ae